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tv   America This Morning  ABC  February 13, 2024 4:30am-5:01am PST

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♪♪ captioned by los angeles distribution and broadcasting, inc. right now in america this morning, the biggest snowstorm in years. slamming the northeast just in time for the morning commute. the impact on travel nationwide and the demise of the good old fashioned snow day school may be closed, but not all kids are off the hook. >> new details on the woman
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police say opened fire with an ar 15 at celebrity pastor joel osteen's megachurch. what we're now learning about her troubled background. and the question this morning how was she able to get that weapon? >> new video of a plane crashing onto a busy florida highway, hitting two vehicles before bursting into flames. firefighters first on the scene, now describing what they saw. >> day of action y flight attendants across the country are vowing to hit the picket lines today. it's about more than just higher wages. >> scam alert the new way fraudsters are taking advantage of people using qr codes. >> taylor swift's rare and personal new behind the scenes video. what she's revealing about her postgame party lasting into the wee hours and the stunning new record she helped the nfl achieve during sunday night's game and valentine's day is tomorrow. >> so why is chocolate so expensive? it's not just inflation in.
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>> from abc news in new york. this is america this morning. >> good tuesday morning everyone i'm andrew dymburt. i'm andrea fujii in for rhiannon. >> we begin with the biggest snowstorm in years bearing down on the northeast right now many schools are closed and flight cancellations and delays could have ripple effects across the entire country. >> today, some of the busiest travel corridors are bracing for up to a foot of snow this morning. the biggest snowstorm in two years is hitting the i-95 corridor of the northeast with 2 to 3in of snow per hour expected during the morning commute, eight inches of snow possible around new york city and boston, 12in inland new york city could see more snow in one hour than we've seen the entire winter >> 7 to 9 a.m. we're getting that heavy snow along i-90. five hartford back through the hudson valley, northwestern new jersey, getting some of the heaviest snow all the way through late morning public schools canceled in boston. >> but in new york city, no snow
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day. it's a work from home day for students. >> long gone are the days of just a snow day and everybody just has off. we expect for them to be fully engaged. >> what do you think about not going to school tomorrow and learning from home, but because i want to learn at school. >> i don't really want to go to school tomorrow. it's like a tuesday and i'm not really a fan of tuesday's coastal flooding. >> another concern south of boston is bracing for the highest tide in six years. >> sometimes we have the tide and the wind, sometimes we have the snow. this one, we're getting all of them. so i think people need to take a little more seriously this season. >> it's been a bizarre winter of weather extremes from coast to coast. you ready? in pennsylvania's pocono mountains, the annual ice harvest had to be canceled recently. it was too warm in minneapolis. there's currently no snow on the ground. warm temperatures last week smashed a record. wisconsin even saw a february tornado for the first time on record. and in michigan yesterday it was so windy. one gust sent this small plane cartwheeling into the
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trees. the pilot not injured. meanwhile on the west coast, this is the aftermath of the recent historic rainfall that triggered landslides. homes are now in danger of toppling off this cliff in orange county. back in the northeast, the snow overnight began as rain in many areas. we'll take a closer look at your forecast in just a few minutes. >> we're learning more about the woman police say opened fire at celebrity pastor joel osteen's megachurch in texas, causing chaos. her young son was also shot. now we're learning about her troubled past at. this was the moment gunshots rang out inside joel osteen's megachurch in houston. police say 36 year old janice moreno walked in with her seven year old son and opened fire with an ar 15, an off duty officers fired back. moreno was killed, her son critically wounded. investigators say moreno was also carrying a 22 caliber rifle , along with anti-semitic writings. >> there was a sticker on the
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buttstock of the rifle that stated palestine. a sticker simply stated palestine. >> authorities say the weapon was bought legally in december. moreno obtaining the gun. despite her history of mental illness and arrest dating back to 2005, on charges including assault, court records show she also had a turbulent marriage, ending in a bitter custody battle. moreno's ex-husband accusing her of violence and putting their son in danger multiple times. >> we do believe that she does have a mental health history that is documented through us and through interviews with family members, police are also investigating a youtube video from 2020. >> originally posted by moreno using a different name in a facebook post, her ex mother in law says moreno suffered from schizophrenia, insisting despite the anti-semitic statements found the shooting had nothing to do with judaism or islam. authorities are now working to determine a motive and how moreno was able to get a gun, despite her troubled past. >> we want to know the motive,
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how she got the weapon, why she did this. we're not there yet. moreno's neighbors say they've been warning authorities about her erratic behavior for years. >> as for her seven year old son, who was shot, he was listed in critical condition. >> we have new video of a deadly plane crash near naples, florida. this dash cam video shows the twin engine jet from ohio crashing. then bursting into flames friday, hitting two vehicles on interstate 75. first responders are now describing what they saw at the scene. >> it looked like a war scene or a movie scene, and then it just just did what we were trying to do. >> my body compared to the size of the jet, is itrillioneminds. you how big the world is and how small you truly are. it is incredible. honestly it gives me a little bit of chills. the fact that people were able to survive that both pilots died, but three passengers survived the crash. >> the cause is under investigation. meanwhile, near buffalo, new york, airport officials say a single engine plane lost one of its doors mid-flight yesterday. crews were
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searching for the door last night. no one was hurt over seas. >> many u.s. allies are on edge after comments from former president trump. if reelected, he's threatening to invite russia to attack nato allies who don't pay their fair share of defense spending. and now, a top u.s. military officer is reacting to trump's threat. abc's anne nguyen is here with more m. good morning andrea. good morning. yeah former president trump is doubling down on his remarks saying if he's reelected he won't protect nato allies who failed to uphold their end of the bargain when it comes to defense spending. this morning, growing fallout after former president trump said he would encourage russia to attack nato allies who failed to meet agreed upon defense spending goals. >> you didn't pay your delinquent debt. no, i would not protect you. in fact, i would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. you got to pay for. you. got to pay your bills. trump saying nato has to equalize and now they will do that. >> if properly asked. if not
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america first, nato countries do not pay set dues to the alliance and do not owe the u.s. money. but they do commit to spending a certain amount on national defense, and most of them have not reached that goal. when asked about trump's comments, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, the highest ranking u.s. military officer, said trump's threat puts u.s. credibility at stake. >> well, we have an alliance and we have a strong alliance. i think we have a responsibility to uphold those alliances. >> european leaders also reacting the nato, germany's chancellor calls trump's comments dangerous and solely in russia's interests. poland's foreign minister responded by noting that poland supported the u.s. in afghanistan after 911, saying, we didn't send the bills for that to washington. alliances also strengthened the united states, but many republicans are supporting trump's comments. >> if you're not going to defend your own country, why should our taxpayers defend it for them?
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>> yeah, they need to get over it. they need to stand up and be tough. >> republican senator lindsey graham is going one step further than trump's comments. he's now suggesting u.s. funding for ukraine and israel should be considered alone. senators could greenlight more aid for those countries as soon as this morning. andrea m. thank you. there could be a new setback in new talks for a ceasefire in gaza. israel has not yet committed to attending the talks . president biden hosted jordan's king abdullah yesterday and said the u.s. is working on a deal that would pause the fighting for six weeks. he's trying to convince israel not to launch a ground offensive in the crowded city of rafah. >> time now for your tuesday forecast >> good morning. as we go through today, we're talking about a storm system moving offshore, and it's bringing snow just in time for the morning commute, a big mess for places like philadelphia, new york city into boston lunchtime. we're still dealing with it from new
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york into boston before it departs. as we go through the evening hours and brings in some strong winds on the backside, snowfall totals topping six plus inches of snow just north of new york city and around places like boston. from accuweather, i'm meteorologist melissa dancer >> coming up, a surprise for valentine's day shoppers record prices. >> but first, they're calling it a day of action. why? flight attendants are protesting today. and it's not just for higher wages. >> and later, taylor swift's chicken tenders at 5 a.m. all th
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morning america. >> welcome back. a massive drug bust in colombia. more than five tons of cocaine headed to the u.s. were seized from a home.
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police found a gate in the floor which led to the drugs. the bust is worth $150. >> million flight attendants are joining forces today in what's being called a day of action. a global picket in cities across the u.s. and the u.k. among their demands, higher wages and an end to sexism. abc's lionel moise reports. >> this morning, flight attendants around the world will be on the picket line in what's expected to be their largest ever collective action. unions representing more than 100,000 flight attendants from airlines, including american alaska, frontier, southwest and united are demanding better pay retirement benefits and more flexible schedules. two thirds of flight attendants are currently in contract negotiations in a joint statement, they're vowing to fight corporate greed, saying our time on the job must be compensated. we need flexible and control of our lives. legacy sexism that traditional devalued our jobs must be stamped out and
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replaced with the true value of our work. the unions want flight attendants to be paid for all their time working. most are not compensated for time spent waiting between flights in the airport, or even time boarding the plane. another concern for flight attendants. the danger of unruly passengers with incidents on the rise since the pandemic. >> then he spat in my face and sucker punched me in the eye. i was knocked back three feet before falling to the ground. >> i was hit in the head, knocked to the ground, and i sustained very serious injuries as a result of that, flight schedules are not expected to be affected today. >> flight attendants scheduled to work have been encouraged to picket virtually. now, if there were to be a strike that would have to be authorized by federal mediators, they're expected to meet with the unions again next month. andrew. andrea. lionel >> thank you. drivers for uber, lyft and doordash are also protest for better pay. they're planning to hit the picket lines tomorrow on valentine's day.
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uber says only a small number of drivers plan to participate just in time for valentine's day. >> cocoa prices have soared to an all time high, breaking a record from 1977. the rise in prices over the past several years is blamed on extreme weather in west africa. home to most of the world's cocoa beans. one chocolate shop in new york says its prices are up 13% from last year. >> they do look delicious coming up, video of a historic u.s. shipwreck 80 years later. >> also ahead, the new alert >> also ahead, the new alert about scams involving qr codes if your moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks... choose stelara® from the start... and move toward relief after the first dose... with injections every two months. stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths,
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thera works and get back at it. >> back now with the recovery of a wreckage more than eight decades old, research centers have announced the discovery of the arlington when it went down during a storm in lake superior in 1940. days after leaving canada. loaded with wheat. the crew, without orders from the captain, abandoned ship and boarded a nearby freighter. the captain, however, went down with the arlington, a dire warning from the un, a new report warns. >> nearly half of the world's migrating animal populations are now in decline. many species, including songbirds, sea turtles and whales, are facing a range of threats, from climate change to pollution and illegal hunting, the report found. more than one fifth of migrating species are now under threat of extinction. >> we turn now to new warnings about fake qr codes. more people are falling victim to scams. look comes right off, erica pender of atlanta noticed
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something was unusual in her local parking garage when she went to pay using a qr code on the parking meter. >> it was like extra shiny, um, like it had been, like recently laminated. i could see like it wasn't really a part of, like, the fancy signs they have out there. and then i was able to just peel it right off. >> turns out the fake qr code was actually a sticker placed on top of the real one. the owner of the garage says, we updated the qr codes with our branding and any evidence of fake qr codes is reported to our local police immediately. more scammers across the country are trying to trick parking garage customers into transferring them money. >> unfortunately, they're relatively widespread. >> they are happening in the parking lots. they're happening in areas where you may anticipate that this is a legitimate qr code, and i'll scan it, but somebody has altered it. >> the fbi says thieves will also use qr codes to steal other important personal information. it can give the criminal access to your phone, which then allows them access to any apps that you
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normally use. >> it can also drop some sort of computer intrusion type of software, where that can alter your phone and steal credentials and that sort of thing to protect yourself. >> take a moment and confirm the website that the qr code links to make sure it's legit. also touch the qr code before scanning it to make sure it's not a sticker covering the real code. >> coming up, the unusual sound facebook is making these days, we'll explain. plus the rare and personal new video posted by taylor swift talking about taylor swift talking about partying with her parents sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts.
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audience since the moon landing in 1969. the ratings were up 7% from last year's super bowl. >> taylor swift could be a reason she posted a video from the post game party at a las vegas nightclub, of course, with boyfriend travis kelce. watch your lady. >> hey. good girl. universe, third verse, third. >> swift and kelce reportedly ended their celebration by eating chicken tenders at 5 a.m. there's now some question over whether swift will attend the chiefs visit to the white house later this year, source tells the new york times. if swift wants to be there, the biden administration would, quote, make it work next. jon stewart's big return. >> he hosted the daily show last night after a nine year absence. he was critical of both president biden and former president trump, highlighting recent moments when they both misspoke that biden was referring to sisi, the president
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of egypt, not mexico, unless it was even worse than that. >> and he thinks the president of mexico is named sisi. so what was his opponent saying this weekend? >> we have to win in november or we're not going to have pennsylvania. they'll change the name. >> i can't believe i've lived in new jersey this long and have been mispronouncing pennsylvania . >> stewart will be hosting the show on mondays through the election. next, some facebook users are hearing something new when they scroll. >> it's a chirping sound and. it's all part of the latest iphone update to make scrolling more engaging and interesting. if you find it annoying, you can always go into your settings and turn it off. next, a mini delight for seinfeld fans, it's a replica of the cast beloved hangout, an artist in la has created this miniature model of
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monk's cafe. >> it's 1/12 the size of the original, includes the cafe's logos, even all the condiments. >> one seinfeld fan described it as a miniature diorama about nothing. and finally, just stay out of the way. >> that's good advice when you're in the colorado rockies and a herd of elk needs to get across the road, the driver staying at a safe distance until the coast was clear. steer clear . >> oh, top headlines coming up >> oh, top headlines coming up next ♪ stay ahead of your child's moderate—to—severe eczema, and they can show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent. the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent.
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and i sustained very serious injuries as a result. >> unruly passengers are at the top of the list when it comes to what flight attendants want to see change. now at five, the major strike happening today, and if it could affect your flight plus. >> waymo is giving us a better idea of what led to this chaotic scene in san francisco's chinatown. >> and we're just weeks away from the march fifth primary with some big races this


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