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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  February 15, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PST

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to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. now at six. chaos in kansas city. gunfire rings out at the chiefs super bowl victory parade. what we're learning about the person who was killed on what should have been a celebratory day, surveillance cameras in the community, the strategy one bay area police department is deploying to help solve crimes. a dental delight the tooth fairy leaving more generous gifts to kids to mark the many milestones in their
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life. what some are getting these days, and it's more than just cash. >> and we do have a traffic alert to tell you about this morning. we're following a deadly crash on the eastern span of the bay bridge. a busy morning as you wake up with us on this thursday. thanks for being here. yeah it is february 15th. >> we're going to go right to gloria with a look at this crash. and how it's affecting your morning commute. yeah >> and you know, we've just gotten word that it's going to be at least an hour and a half before they clear this. so this is really impacting traffic, especially those people who are leaving the city. and they're going towards the east bay. if you are driving in that area, just keep in mind you're going to have a very long commute this morning. this is a live look outside right now from our roof camera, and you could still see those flashing lights. police have been out there since we started the show about 5:00 this morning. just very busy out there and this is going on on the eastern side. this is the eastbound side of 80. they're going towards uh, you know, kind of the oakland area. this is before treasure island. and the speeds right now are down to
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four miles per hour. so they have closed down the three right lanes. there are two lanes that are currently open, but traffic really is crawling here in that area. drew. hey gloria, in the accu with the forecast, we're drying out from yesterday's rain. >> just a couple of light pockets of drizzle. parts of sonoma and marin county for all of us. we're seeing mostly cloudy skies out there. but as we head into the afternoon, we'll find brighter conditions moving in. so here's how the day looks. pretty cloudy early on, and then we'll find brighter skies by the afternoon. highs very pleasant near if not a little bit above average. look at your sunrise here. coming at exactly 7 a.m. today. now enjoy two dry days today and tomorrow. good idea. get those storm preps in because saturday rain and wind is back and that sets the stage for a pretty wet pattern. for the middle part of next week, we'll preview this next storm coming up in about six minutes. >> julian okay, thank you. drew in the south bay, the san jose police department thinks more security cameras could help them solve crimes. sapd is now asking
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local businesses to join a network of security cameras. abc seven news reporter elena howland is live for us at the san jose police headquarters this morning. and, lena, they're actually offering up these cameras for free. >> yeah, that's right, julian, the capture crime pilot program is something police believe will make everyone safer. and they're doing it by handing out these free security cameras as part of this two year pilot program, some 50 small businesses across the city of san jose will be getting two cameras, a monitor and a hard drive with a two year memory. in exchange, police are able to use these cameras for their investigations. shrines cafe is one of the first businesses to take part in this program, after serving the area for more than 50 years. because even after a half century in business, they say sometimes the bottom line isn't always their biggest challenge. instead, that's crime. >> somebody came in with a knife once. thank god there was a customer that helped me. crime
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uh- it has lowered a little bit. it was worse before, but with these cameras installed, it's going to be uh- help us a lot. >> studies have shown that surveillance cameras can reduce the overall crime rate by 25. they can deter potential thieves and they can help our officers solve crimes and hold thieves accountable. >> although experts worry about the surveillance society that this could create, this strategy is something that the city is embracing. also recently, adding license plate readers and speed cameras, as police added that this is an effective way to compensate for a short staffed department. live in san jose lena howland, abc seven news. >> today marks one year since former oakland police chief laurent armstrong was fired. that means it's also been one year. the city of oakland since the city of oakland has been without a police chief, mayor shengtao fired armstrong after a
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federal monitor questioned his response to another officer's misconduct. eight months later, an independent audit cleared armstrong of any wrongdoing, and now he's suing the city and mayor tao, saying his firing was illegal. >> city agencies and police departments from fremont to richmond are creating a task force to address crime in the east bay. the task force will focus on the area around interstate 80 and 80. police say thieves are using the interstates to get away quickly after committing crimes. now, police want to install license plate readers and share data across police departments. many crimes are committed using stolen vehicles, stolen license plates. >> the ability to bring those cameras to continue to improve the tools that law enforcement have, that's paramount. >> i need the national guard to be here. that's what i got to do, is solve them on our streets. >> oakland councilman noel gallo, who you heard from at the end there, called on the task force to go further, reiterating
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his calls to bring in the national guard to patrol high crime areas in the east bay, a hometown celebration for the kansas city chiefs turned to chaos in a matter of seconds. >> police are now investigating yesterday's deadly shooting during the team's super bowl victory parade. gloria is live at the live desk this morning with the latest information. gloria. >> good morning. amanda, an estimated 1 million people were at the victory parade in kansas city for the chiefs and their super bowl win when gunshots rang out and one person is dead. that victim has been identified as lisa lopez galvan, a dj at a kansas city radio station. station khfi confirmed the news on their facebook page. lopez galvan was the host of a latin music show. police say the 22 people were shot, seven of them have life threatening injuries. there were 11 children among those victims. investigators have detained three people and say they have recovered one gun. video right here shows parade
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goers tackling a suspect. paul contreras saturday with his daughter to describe what happened that day. >> it was probably 30s, but that 30s the whole time he's fighting, he's fighting to, you know, get up. and i didn't know if he had another weapon, you know, get up and run away, you know? so that 30s felt like a couple of minutes, but it wasn't scary moments. >> describe right there. president biden has released a lengthy statement about the shooting. it reads in part, quote, for this joy to be turned into tragedy today in kansas city cuts deep in the american soul. these events should move us, shock us, shame us into acting. san francisco mayor london breed also weighing in, saying quote on sunday, kansas city and san francisco shared a thrilling and joyous moment over an incredible football game. what should have been a celebration is now heartbreaking. i've reached out to mayor lucas to offer our support and love during this difficult and tragic time.
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kansas city's police chief says there were more than 800 officers working the event, many helped people to safety help the injured, and now an investigation into what sparked the shooting is underway. say police are asking anybody who has any video to really turn that in to help shed light on what happened. just tragic. amanda yeah. >> no kidding. thank you so much, gloria. >> recent wayne rainwater helping reservoirs across the state a look at how some of them are doing this winter. >> waymo recall why the autonomous driving company is issuing a voluntary recall of some of its cars. >> time now approaching. 6:08 a.m. we get a break from the rain today and tomorrow, but then storms are back here on saturday. saturday is a level two moderate storm for heavy rain at times and some gusty winds. we'll take a closer look at the rainfall amounts and the snow coming to the sierra
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reservoirs. it turns out that's a good thing. almost all of the state's reservoirs are above their historical average average for this date. folsom is at 129, and oroville is at 131. locally the sonoma reservoir is at 109% of average. this is a trend. state officials reported during the last snowpack measurement, all the rain was filling up the reservoirs. however, the snowpack was lagging because of all the wet storms we've seen. thatrillionemains, the case with the state reporting the snowpack at 73% of normal, julian, over the next seven days, we will add on to that snowpack as our active pattern returns starting over the weekend. >> now, this morning, there's just a lot of cloud cover out there. a few pockets of drizzle in parts of sonoma and marin county, but for most of us,
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we'll start to see the sun peek out here closer to 10 a.m, temperatures approaching 60 degrees by lunchtime, breaking down the forecast region by region. we'll find increasing sunshine throughout the afternoon. it's very pleasant. upper 50s to the lower 60s for daytime highs today and tomorrow. both dry, but rain returns here on saturday and we'll get a little bit of snow out of this system. it's tapping into some warm air so you can see just a couple of inches from truckee to kirkwood over the weekend. but the rain will add up into the north bay starting saturday. more than an inch is possible, but we do have more rain on the way. just look at the active pattern starting saturday and basically through the middle part of next week. we have rain in the forecast every day. we'll take a look at the rain totals for all of next seven days coming up in a few minutes. julian all right. >> thank you. drew renovated and reopened the upgrades. just finished at a san francisco park and california's crackdown on e-bikes. the bold new step to try to lower, slow their roll and as we head to break here at a 612, right now, we have a live look from our roof camera
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showing you the eastern span of the bay bridge. as we've been telling you, we're following a deadly crash there and it is impacting that morning commute for folks leaving san francisco and heading into oakland. gloria will be back with an updated look at the traffic conditions after when your child has moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay for them to show off. show off their clearer skin and noticeably less itch with dupixent. because children 6 months and older with eczema have plenty of reasons to show off their skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, they can stay ahead of their eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection.
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don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪ show off to the world. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent. this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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working. some new data shows 66 people died of accidental overdoses last month, but that's down 21% from last january. officials say the key is treatment. we want to ensure that all of us, all of our dpa contracted providers and dth services, as well as other city services are working together either to raise awareness about treatment that's available to
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raise awareness about the effects of treatment and work together to double down on our efforts to get people into needed and life saving care. experts say it starts with methadone, which can drastically reduce the risk of death, especially when there's fentanyl involved. the city is working to make it more accessible through primary care providers. new federal rules expected to roll out in the next six months, would allow patients to take methadone home while they wait to get into opioid treatment programs, new data finds san francisco is making some progress when it comes to changing people's attitudes about where the city is headed. the annual city beat poll from the chamber of commerce shows 72% of respondents feel the city is still on the wrong track. well, that's actually an improvement. the same poll last year found 77% of voters felt san francisco was not on the right track. >> the signs are showing that residents are feeling that our economic condition of the city is actually better than it was a
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year ago, so there's a great sense of optimism going forward. but i think voters realize that we have to do some things that create that optimism. uh- perception of san francisco and the reality of san francisco. >> the same poll also found only 61% of voters feel safe going downtown during the day. at night, that number is just 34. jutland a's are expected to meet with local leaders today to talk about a lease extension at the coliseum. >> the chronicle reports. team officials will sit down with oakland city and alameda county officials. the teams current lease runs out after the 2024 season. the a's are looking for a place to play beyond this season while they wait for a new stadium to be built in las vegas . that would presumably happen by the 2028 season. mountain view based waymo is recalling some of its older self-driving software after two crashes in phenix back in december. >> two waymo cars hit the same truck that was towing another vehicle. waymo says its software
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incorrectly predicted where the truck was going. thankfully, no one was hurt, it says it has since updated the technology to hopefully address this issue. moving forward. waymo vehicles are not for sale, so the software update was just done to its own fleet of cars. >> san francisco's lake merced, south has officially reopened. city leaders gathered for a special ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the newly renovated park. the renovations to the lake's southwest corner of the 100 or 614 acre park was the first phase of the $4.6 million lake merced trail improvement project. that upgrades included a brand new fitness court, new picnic tables and benches. assembly member phil ting, who helped secure funding for the project, says it was money well spent. >> i couldn't imagine a better use of state resources and local resources because it's what people want. it's this is where pienta, where people convene. this is where people meet, and it's such a great, great place.
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>> the entire renovation project is expected to wrap up later this year. >> the tooth fairy appears to be leaving more generous gifts under kid's pillows these days, and we're talking aboutrillioneally generous. everything from benjamin to video games, even an iphone phone for a tooth. according to the wall street journal, some kids are now getting a lot of cash from the tooth fairy or other gifts. a poll by delta dental last year showed the average payout for each tooth loss was a little over $6. that's up a dollar from the year before. >> i have a bone to pick with the tooth fairy. ha ha ha ha. get it? don't pick an iphone. john benjamins for a tooth. i feel like it used to be like a dollar or something, right? yeah back in the day, a dollar. yeah >> i was so happy to wake up and find a dollar. >> yeah, yeah, i guess we got to step up our games, right? yeah wow. okay. remember one time my parents forgot that night? >> hmm? >> you mean the tooth fairy?
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>> mhm. exactly. to tell me that the tooth fairy had arrived. okay and i was like, where's my dollar? and they're like, oh, she might have put it in the kitchen like aha. >> she flew through the kitchen last night. >> okay. >> the way it works. >> and she was like wait a minute. >> yeah yeah yeah. it's like okay that's funny. she put it in my wallet right there. you got it. now you could probably venmo it over right? oh my gosh no kidding. >> cash at my mom. cash app. yeah. tap that app. >> there you go. >> uh, let's go outside. here is a live look at live doppler seven. we still have a little bit of leftover showers in the north bay, parts of marin county, and sonoma county. not going to last all that long. and it's not a huge issue. most of us just dealing with cloudy skies. snow is still falling in the sierra chain. controls on 80 and 50. this morning. snow levels at about 5000ft. right now back here at home we'll find increasing sunshine as we head throughout the afternoon temperatures quite pleasant. we'll get you into the 60s so we have a dry day today, a dry day tomorrow. good idea. get any
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storm preps you need in because rain returns here on saturday and we have rain in the forecast through early next week. light showers saturday morning, turning heavier in the afternoon . also, winds will be gusty saturday afternoon, about 20 to 40mph as this next front moves through here. that's just one of several storms we're tracking on the seven day. here's saturday storm, then another one sunday into monday will bring us rain and wind. and this one is going to linger at least through wednesday. and then on the heels of that storm, probably another one coming here on thursday of next week. so you get the idea. we're back into a wet pattern. rainfall starting saturday through tuesday, a lot of us seeing 1 to 2in of rain higher in the north bay, some areas closer to five inches parts of sonoma county could pick up more than five inches of rain. so we're watching our water issues closely, especially as we get into monday and tuesday. once that ground is saturated, we could see concerns for flooding, snowfall over the next seven days will measure it between one and three feet. i think the heaviest snow is likely going to
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fall on monday, the holiday itself, with snow showers here and there through early next week. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. the next seven days for you. sun and clouds today. dry but cloudier tomorrow. then that rain returns here with winds on saturday. then we're in and out of those showers through the middle part of next week. gloria. >> yeah, you know, we're continuing to follow this deadly crash on the bay bridge, and we've just gotten new information. they are expecting the bridge to be cleared within about a half hour. but if you look at our live video right now from our roof camera, there is still plenty of flashing lights out there, plenty of activity out there. and this is really impacting those people who are leaving the city going towards the east bay right now. the backup is to 101. so we're going to get a closer look at where this is happening. this is over on eastbound 80 before treasure island. and right now traffic is really crawling because they have blocked three right lanes. so traffic is really getting by with just two lanes open right now, down to six miles per hour. the backup there is to the 101
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right now. and if you look here, we have another sigalert. in effect we have three sig alerts that we're following this morning. so it's very busy out there on the roads. this one is over at eastbound 580 at sir francis drake. speed here are down to eight miles per hour. and this is impacting those drivers from marin county to the east bay. and so we're going to keep following this for you throughout the morning. but just very sad. the one over at the bay bridge, two people have died just tragic amanda. all right. gloria we'll keep an eye on that. >> now, let's turn to ginger zee. she is live with a look at what's coming up on gma. >> hey good morning ginger. >> hi. julie and amanda. it's nice to be with both of you. so coming up here we are of course starting with the deadly shooting at the chiefs super bowl parade this morning. we're going to hear from people who jumped into action and tackled a suspected gunman. we're on the scene in kansas city with the latest on that investigation and the reaction from washington after a top lawmaker sounded the alarm on a, quote, serious national security threat. what our sources are telling us and the new fbi warning on qr code
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fraud. how you can spot a fake. also we want you to meet the mediterranean diets. cousin how the atlantic diet is stacking up when it comes to your health. doctor darian sutton is going to break that down for us on gma. >> ginger we also want to get your take on this tooth fairy story this morning that the tooth fairy is leaving. >> oh i'm glad you found benjamin benjamin's under pillows. >> and are you my kiddos. >> this is crazy. >> we have two kids losing teeth and so it is a big topic in our home. and we had started with adrian a couple of years ago, and the first tooth or so we thought was 20. and then subsequent teeth were $1. yep. okay um, apparently he tells us when miles, his little brother, loses his first tooth, that the tooth fairy uh- never gave him $20 for the first, that the tooth fairy gave him five. we blamed inflation and said the tooth fairy knew that miles was going to need more to is like. it's like it all evens out.
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>> oh my goodness, we have to have a talk with this tooth fairy. okay i have no idea what's going on. >> mine is not losing teeth yet, but my goodness. all right. well, thank you so much, ginger. >> and then this is the best way. one more. the little one, though. he now bites a blanket because he thinks he's going to pull out more because he wants a dollar. i'm like, that's not it. that's not how this works. we don't take our teeth out just to get a buck. >> he's like, i need a payday. >> yeah, yeah. all right, ginger, we appreciate it. >> we'll see
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millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. seeks to prohibit anyone under the age of 12 from operating an e-bike. the law would also require e-bike riders without a
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driver's license to take an online safety course. it follows a similar effort by a marin county assembly member. the recent bills stem from concerns regarding the number of severity and severity of accidents, though the state currently does not track data on e-bike crashes, drive hours are getting a chance to weigh in on proposed toll increases for the golden gate bridge. there are four proposals being considered. the most expensive would raise costs by $0.50 a year through 2028. this includes tolls for fast track pay as you go and invoice commuters. the cheapest proposal increases tolls by $0.35 annually, though through 2028. the other two proposals fall in between. if approved, the new tolls could start on july 1st. officials say the four options will raise almost half of the projected $220 million deficit over the next five years. the next public hearing on the toll hikes will be next thursday. that's february 22nd at 9 a.m.
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and next at 630. special dedication on the refurbished cable car to honor singer tony bennett and suing social media. why some bay area based companies are being targeted in the courtroom
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now at 630, before you head out of the door, we have to tell you about this deadly crash on the bay bridge. two people killed there this morning. glory is standing by with more on what happened and how this will affect that morning commute and cutting down on crime. >> san jose police equipping business owners with surveillance cameras in hopes of deterring criminals. a school district's multimillion dollar deficit. >> the cuts. oakland unified is considering to overcome the huge hole it's facing. plus, so key
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girl cause i'm a be a right tonight on the small screen, the superstar set to develop a drama series based on his 30 year music catalog. >> that'll be fun. good morning everyone. it is thursday, february 15th. thanks so much for joining us. >> we have a lot to get to on this thursday morning. we start with gloria with an update on that deadly crash on the bay bridge we've been following throughout the morning. good morning gloria. >> yeah. you know, this is just so tragic. two people have died in this crash on the bay bridge. and we're getting word that the bridge should be cleared within about the next half hour. but right now, as you can see, live from our roof cameras, still, a lot of police activity out there. you could still see the flashing lights and traffic is really crawling. this is on eastbound 80. and this is impacting people who are leaving the city going towards the east bay. so right now the three right lanes are blocked, two lanes are open, but because it's only those two lanes, traffic is moving very slowly right now. and we do want to get to your
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drive times for this morning. we have our usual slow spot from tracy to castro valley. it is going to take you 61 minutes right now. and now let's go to drew with a check of your forecast. drew. hey, good morning gloria. >> a live look at our abc seven oakland airport camera. it's cloudy out there. the roads are still damp, the taxiways damp from last night's showers. but we're drying out today. temperatures right now. we're in the 40s and low 50s. we'll find increasing sunshine as we head throughout the afternoon. live. look at san jose showing you those clouds upstairs a bit brighter throughout the afternoon. highs near average. we get a dry day today, a dry day tomorrow, but rain is back saturday. it's a stronger storm. level two. we'll go into the details of the weekend. rain coming up in a few minutes. julian okay thank you. >> drew. the oakland unified school district is facing a $23 million budget deficit for the next school year. during a board meeting last night, we learned some of the options being considered to close that gap. some of the ideas include moving and eventually getting rid of some school staff positions. reorganize and consolidating certain departments within the district, and reducing
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discretionary spending. many of the proposals are not sitting well with the local teachers union. >> we're well aware that this is a constant sort of theme from the district. they always claim doom and gloom, but for the past few years they have also ended the year with very healthy reserves. >> a vote on a solution is not expected until the end of this month. this morning, police in kansas city are looking for the motive in a mass shooting during the chiefs super bowl celebration yesterday, one person died and at least 21 others were hurt, including eight children. >> the person killed has been identified as lisa lopez galvan, a mother of two and local radio dj. this shooting happened at the end of the parade and celebration outside kansas city's union station, where fans were gathering to see the players. video shows the chaotic moment as the gunfire erupted. >> everybody started jumping the rails and pushing everybody over. we got inside and we
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thought that, okay, it's calm now and about that time, people started running again, just frightening. >> three people were taken into custody, but police have not released any additional details. according to the gun violence archive, there have been at least 49 mass shootings in america. this year alone in the north bay, a 14 year old student was taken into custody at school, accused of making guns with a 3d printer. >> santa rosa police released a photo of the printer, a gun and ammunition. officers found the materials and what they're calling gang paraphernalia at the teen's home. he was not home during the search yesterday, so detectives went to montgomery high school and had a teacher escort the student out of class. officers say they found more gang paraphernalia inside of his locker, but no guns there. he's facing four charges and is now at juvenile hall to help take on these issues of gun violence. we have a list of vetted resources, both here locally and nationwide. just visit abc seven action now to the south bay.
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>> the san jose police department thinks more security cameras could help them solve crimes. sj pd is now asking local business owners to join a network of security cameras. abc seven news reporter lena howland is live at san jose police headquarters. and lena, they're offering up these cameras for free. >> amanda, that's right. and the city is hoping that these free security cameras are something that will prevent and deter crime. it's all part of this program called the capture crime pilot program. and as part of this two year program, 50 small businesses across the city of san jose will be getting two cameras, a monitor and a hard drive with a two year memory free of charge. in exchange, police are able to use the cameras for investigations. although experts worry about the surveillance society that this could create. police say it's an effective way to compensate for a short staffed department. it is a proven fact when we have digital evidence images of the crimes per se. >> those are prioritized within
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the investigation. when we have little to nothing to go on, it becomes a little more troublesome. i don't want to be in that society where i feel like i'm being watched all the time, and that other parts of my life may be impacted by relatively minor or trivial things that happen. >> that, and we're not doing that currently with the cameras to be fair. but it certainly makes it a lot easier to go down that path. >> according to mayor matt mahan's office, this program also aims to enhance security measures in select shopping centers or retail hubs. experience seeing elevated crime rates. the city says this program will be targeting 1 or 2 key areas known for high crime only, with the cooperation of local businesses that have opted in to this program. live in san jose, lena howland, abc seven news. all right. >> thank you, lena. now to the developing news here. members of congress expected to be briefed today on a potential new threat
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that involves a russia putting a nuclear weapon in space. gloria is standing by at the live desk with more on this and this information is coming from a top secret report revealed by a member of congress. gloria. >> a good morning. julian yesterday, congressman mike turner sent a cryptic message demanding the white house declassify information about what he called a serious national security threat. later, he had no comment about that message. but sources tell abc news thatrillionussia is working on plans to put a nuclear weapon in space. now, the target is not earth, but critical satellites orbiting the planet, satellites that are vital for communication and military operations. the white house was caught off guard by this revelation yesterday, though they have known about it for quite some time. congressman seth moulton says he and turner were briefed on the plan two years ago, so he decided to take highly sensitive compartmented intelligence. >> that means that even if you have a very you know, like a top secret clearance or something, you only have access to the
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intelligence if you have a need to know. and he shared it with every member of congress, and indeed, it only took a few hours for the details of this weapon system to come out. >> putting a nuclear weapon into space, it would violate multiple international agreements. russia has responded to this intelligence saying, this is just a ploy to get more aid to ukraine. so of course we'll keep you updated on this. julian. >> thank you. gloria a new legal battle over the effect of social media on kids. new york city is suing tiktok, instagram, facebook, snapchat and youtube, claiming they're designed to get young people addicted. the city demands those companies restructure their apps and help cover the cost of mental health treatments. >> no one is talking about taking snatching away devices or snatching away platforms. we're talking about a fundamental set of rules and regulation. >> meta released a statement saying, quote, we want teens to have safe, age appropriate experiences online. we have over 30 tools and features to support
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them and their parents. similar lawsuits have been filed around the country, but companies are often protected under federal law. section 230 shields tech companies from liability for content. people post on their platforms happening today. >> you can learn more about the upcoming election in the south bay, the santa clara county registrar of voters office is holding an event to tell you everything you need to know before casting your ballot. that includes how to vote at a voting center, no party preference options, and what measures are in place to ensure a secure election. the event is ppeng this morning from 9 a.m. to noon in the atrium of the registrar of voters office in san jose. >> on the move in san francisco, where a popular public arts project will be on display until the end of the month. >> and we want to get you a live look at the big board at the new york stock exchange. we are up. it looks about 900 or 99 points. i should say. we'll get another update on how the markets are doing next. pricey product billed as magical. >> some apple vision pro users
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are signing several symptoms and sending it back to stores. less than two weeks after its launch and of course, stay with us on the abc seven bay area streaming app at seven for abc seven at seven. >> we're live weekdays from 7 to 8 a.m. and today we are talking to a comedian about her upcoming show in san francisco. be sure to download the app now wherever you stream. >> 640 we'll take you to walnut creek this morning. a live look showing you it's cloudy out there. this is 680 for your reference for the morning commute. we do have some damp roadways after last night's rain, but the rain is out of here. it's just pretty cloudy this morning, giving way some peeks of sunshine closer to 10 a.m, those temperatures gradually climbing through the 50 san jose this morning, showing you those mostly cloudy conditions. we will find brighter skies as we head into the afternoon. by 4 p.m. we'll call it a mix of sun and clouds and those highs getting to near average. a lot of us going into the 60s. so quite pleasant this afternoon. we'll get two dry days here today and tomorrow. really good idea. get those storm preps in because rain
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returns here on saturday with wind as well. it is a level two here to start out. the holiday weekend. rain heavy at times. we'll find some gusty winds 20 to 40mph and rough surf along our coastline. looking at the rain and snowfall forecast this is one of the warmer storms, meaning minimal snowfall coming on saturday to the sierra could see more than an inch of rain in the north bay to kick off the weekend, but we have several storms on the seven day forecast. we'll talk about those coming up in nine min
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i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are. this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable.
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and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. apple has a 14 day return policy for any product and social media is seeing more mentions of people making it under that two week time frame. all of this to get their $3,500 investments back. now comfort was cited as the most as the biggest reason really to return it. they say it
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caused headaches and triggered motion sickness. people who lined up to buy it on february 2nd have until tomorrow to make that return, and allstate is back with its direct sale of new auto insurance policies and prices are a lot higher. california customers can expect an average rate hike of about 30. some customers could see increases of 10, others can see increases of up to 55. that's according to the chronicle. allstate says the move is partly due to the jump in customers recovering from accidents and disasters over these last few years, a refurb at san francisco cable car is out on the streets again, sporting a new look in honor of singer tony bennett. >> cable car 53 is now decorated with bennett's photo and a red heart with the words halfway to the stars. that's part of the famous phrase about cable cars sung by bennett in his signature song, i left my heart in san francisco. bennett's widow says san francisco never stopped being special to tony. >> that charm of his may have
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captured hearts in every city. there was just one city that stole his and san francisco. you have tony's heart. >> cable car 53 will regularly make that trip halfway to the stars. it will run on the california street line past the fairmont hotel where bennett first performed. i left my heart in san francisco in 1961, and this week marks 20 years since san francisco started issuing marriage licenses to same sex couples. >> it's a time that became known as the winter of love. and on valentine's day, mayor london breed commemorated this milestone with many of the key players in that battle. john lewis and stuart gaffney were sitting up front. they were one of the first couples to marry in san francisco, and yesterday they renewed their vows. >> we're celebrating the advocacy of so many of those same sex couples who showed up to san francisco year after year after year, asking for the right
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to do what anyone else deserves the right to do, and that is marry the person they love. >> the state supreme court ultimately voided the marriage licenses issued during the winter of love, leading to many legal challenges. the u.s. supreme court eventually legalized marriage for same sex couples in california in june 2013. >> it is now time for your morning money report here at 646. some new research is digging into the habits of online shoppers who use buy now, pay later plans, according to new york fed data, shoppers with lower credit scores use this option more often at checkout. they also tend to finance purchases that are less than $250. this is compared to financially stable users who use them less often, but tend to finance more expensive items. in the $2,000 range, the research also shows that both financially stable and financially fragile shoppers rarely use the buy now, pay later, just one time. new details about cisco's latest round of layoffs. this morning,
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the san jose based tech company announced wednesday it will cut 4000 jobs, or more than 5% of its workforce. we first learned cisco would cut thousands of jobs on friday, but it was not exactly known how many jobs would be cut, ceo of the company chuck robbins, said on wednesday. cisco will focus on growth opportunities like i, artificial intelligence layoffs would begin this year and continue into next, and we're taking a live look at the new york stock exchange now as trading gets underway this morning, we are shooting up about 170 points currently. >> new at six. usher plans to launch a tv drama series about his music and black love in atlanta. variety reports. the show will explore music style, romance and secrets that threaten to tear relationships apart. usher is partnering with ucp. that's a branch of universal studio group. the announcement comes after his super bowl performance, the release of his new album coming home, and before the start of his next tour. he also just got
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married, so we know usher is staying busy and he's staying fashionable. look at him. >> okay. oh my gosh. so much. we're getting like right. >> and usher cinematic universe at this point right? >> it's like giving us the experience every way. the vegas residency, the tour, super bowl, a tv show, new album. >> yeah. and he'll be here in oakland, which is exciting. i'm very excited. yeah it's not a weekend. we thank you. yes, exactly. >> on a saturday. >> so we got to see if we can get tickets, right? yes. totally yes. >> okay. so we do have some important news to talk about right now. a big traffic situation on the bay bridge. >> yeah. you know we've been monitoring this all morning long. unfortunately, two people did die in this crash on the bay bridge. we do have an update for you right now. we've been monitoring the cameras all morning long. and if you look live outside right now, it looks like they have cleared that. however traffic is still moving pretty slowly in that area. and two people died in this crash. it's very sad. this was on the lower deck of the bay bridge, and at one point they had blocked the three right lanes. and, you know, it's really been
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impacting those drivers who are leaving the city, going to the east bay. so we're going to get more information on and just confirm that they have cleared it. but if you look at the video, looks like traffic is moving again. and we have three sig alerts that we're following this morning. the other one is in hayward. this is a three car crash and this is on southbound 880 before 92 speeds here are down to nine miles per hour. now let's get a check of your forecast with drew. hi, drew. hey, gloria. >> we have a couple of leftover sprinkles and parts of the north bay, marin county parts of sonoma county have some drizzle this morning, but these are wrapping up over the next 90 minutes. we're just dealing with a lot of cloud cover this morning. chain controls are in effect on 8-80 and 50 this morning as snow continues to fall. winter storm warning in effect until early this afternoon. back here at home increasing sunshine. we'll find brighter conditions this afternoon. quite pleasant. look at those temperatures. 60s on the board later on today. now today is dry. tomorrow is dry too. but then saturday the rain is back. saturday morning we have light to moderate showers
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with some downpours continuing into the afternoon and into the evening. and this is just the start of a pretty active pattern lasting into next week. so here's future weather. that saturday storm moving in another one sunday night into monday. and this one just lingers off our coast through wednesday. and then likely another storm moving in on thursday. so good idea today and tomorrow. get those storm preps underway as we have some dry days. 1 to 2in for many cities, but the north bay, the coastline, the santa cruz mountains, we could see areas exceeding five inches of rain underneath this wet pattern. when it comes to snow, i think the snowiest day with this pattern is probably monday, the holiday itself. we'll see 1 to 3ft of new snow over the next seven days. here is the accuweather seven day forecast. the next seven days for you. get those storm preps today and tomorrow. we have dry weather. then thatrillionain returns over the weekend and continues into next week. >> gloria. yeah, well you know, a lot of people go to tahoe this time of year. i think this weekend is going to be even busier with a holiday weekend and the snow they're expecting
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out there. so let's get to your toyota tahoe report. you will need chains if you're going to the resos over in tahoe to palisades tahoe from the city, it will take you three hours, 21 minutes to north star, california. three hours, 16 minutes to heavenly, three hours, 23 minutes. and then if you're going to some of the other resorts, sugar bowl resort , th will take you two hours, 58 minutes and sierra at tahoe three hours and two minutes. and thenirkwood three hours and 24 minutes. and it sounds like it's going to be a beautiful weekend there with a lot of snow guys. all right. >> thanks. so much, gloria. we're now on to baseball season. yesterday was the first day of spring training for the san francisco giants. this is video provided by the team showing players working out in scottsdale, arizona. the a's also opened spring training in mesa for the giants. they're welcoming a new manager, bob melvin, along with several new players. the a's are looking to bounce back after winning just 50 games last season. both will open cactus league play on february 24th. >> a new mission to the moon. this rocket is carrying what
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could be the first american spacecraft to land on the moon since the apollo 17. in 1972, odysseus lifted off from the kennedy space center overnight. but if everything goes as planned, odysseus will touch down near the moon's south pole later this month and help carry out some experiments that nasa has planned. the company that built the rocket is called into active machines, and it hopes to provide delivery for manned missions, food supplies, instrumentation, power nodes for the artemis crew so that their time is spent doing important crew, science and crew activities. nasa is also trying to figure out if the moon's south pole is a good spot for future manned missions to the moon. >> oh, the advancements in technology. many couples today credit dating apps or social media for finding their significant other. now, one company wants to make the process even more modern by adding artificial intelligence. volar dating uses ai to help you filter your dating pool and break the ice between two users.
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it brands itself as the app that goes on blind dates, so you don't have to. ceo ben chang explains how the process works. >> what we try to do is make it very, very clear that the initial ten exchanges or so are i to i. and then there's like a line that says everything above this is eye to eye. everything after that needs to be you know, trying to build a real connection with another real human. >> jeong says he met his current fiance on hinge, but thought an app like volar would make the process less painful. >> today, one of the most widely recognized public arts projects in the world is moving to san francisco's ferry building. the 2024 hearts in sf collection is celebrating its 20th year in the city. this year's batch has been at once handsome, but they are moving to the ferry building and will be on display there until the end of the month. the hearts are available for bidding through midnight. minimum bids start at $40,000. the program has raised more than $38 million for the san francisco general
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hospital foundation, though all for good cause. well, the first black character in the peanuts comic strip is at the center of a new animated special. >> it's called snoopy presents welcome home. franklin the character franklin armstrong was first featured in a 1968 comic strip, returning a beach ball to charlie brown. craig schultz, who is the son of peanuts creator charles m schultz, is one of the writers. he lives in santa rosa and tells the chronicle that the character at the time received the strongest criticism he can remember for all. right, well, up next, the seven things you need to know today and as we head to break here at 655, we take a live look outside on this thursday morning. >> wait for it. wait for it. are worth it. beautiful. we'll
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read in outer space. russia reportedly wants to put nuclear weapons in space to possibly target satellites. >> number two, investigators are still trying to figure out the motive for a mass shooting during the kansas city chiefs super bowl celebration. one person was killed. at least 21 people were injured in that shooting. >> number three, a new program is putting more security cameras in san. jose. police are giving some business owners the cameras in exchange for access to the video. they hope the program will help investigators solve crimes. >> number four, oakland's new baseball team has found a home for its first season. the oakland ballers will play at vermont field in west oakland, the team has not announced ticket prices yet, but the season is set to start later this year. a lot of folks are excited about the oakland bees. >> all right, number five, it is a cloudy view this morning from the exploratorium camera. a little bit of drizzle in the north bay. just some leftover moisture from yesterday's system . we'll find increasing sunshine as the day goes on. we get a dry
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day today. a dry day tomorrow, but then rain and wind back in the forecast to kick off the holiday weekend. it is a level two here on saturday. rain will be heavy at times. the winds gusty as well. 20 to 40mph and the surf along the coastline. it will be rough so looking at the rain and snow forecast in the sierra, not a lot of snow with this next system. a few inches from truckee to kirkwood you can see some areas in the north bay on saturday likely exceeding an inch of rain with saturday storm and number six, all lanes are now back open on the bay bridge after two people died in a crash on the lower deck. >> although all lanes are back open, there's still a backup to 101 at number seven. >> jennifer lopez is bringing her. this is me now tour to the bay area. she'll perform at chase center july 16th. tickets go on sale to the general public next friday that's february 23rd. >> wow. >> i never thought i would say this, but there are so many tours.
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>> yeah, everyone's coming so many tours. >> yeah, i think after the pandemic years, right where no one was touring, there were no concerts. everyone's like, let's get these projects out together. literally. >> choosy, i know. >> yeah. the great thing is a lot of them are coming here. we've got madonna coming july, i'm sure. my goodness. yeah my coins, my wallet hurting. >> hit up the tooth fairy. you got to hit up the tooth. pay later. that's right. seriously, not on the concert tickets. these are expensive. >> good morning america. a super bowl celebration turning tragic. chaos in kansas city. gun fire erupting as the parade for the chiefs was winding down. fans running for their lives, jumping barriers. at least one person killed, 21


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