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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  February 16, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PST

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now at six, a handful of high school students hospitalized. the mysterious illness hitting a north bay school. the measures officials are taking before classes resume this morning. >> and here at six, we're taking a live look outside down the embarcadero, and we are expecting a wet weekend. drew is timing out this next storm and how it might impact your holiday weekend plans. plus. oh my lord
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>> george, i'll forget. >> and she is just a girl, so don't let the words out of her sight. there's no doubt gwen stefani is getting ready for the group's coachella set, but there's one thing she admits she has to do as they rehearse for their return to the stage. i wonder what that is. >> oh, it's a good one. >> do you know it? >> oh, yes. okay, you'll have to wait. oh no. >> good to see you. >> it is a really good team. >> she is a hilarious too. thanks so much for joining us on this friday at 6:00. as you wake up with us and we're excited about the weekend, but we got to talk about the rain too. >> we do. so we have a pair of storms coming our way for the holiday today, though, we're totally dry, so get one more dry day in before the rain returns here. starting on saturday. right now, not too chilly out there. we're in the 40s and low 50s. the exploratorium camera showing you we have fairly overcast skies and get used to that sky condition because we'll keep the cloud cover pretty much all day long. but it's a dry
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afternoon. we have no rain in the forecast today, and a mild south wind actually gets temperatures into the 60s. despite the limited sunshine now. tomorrow rain is back. it's a level two moderate storm for saturday. rain heavy at times, some gusty winds and a high surf advisory in effect. look at the timeline and the totals coming up in six minutes. let's check in with gloria and see the commutes going. >> yeah, you know i know you're getting us ready for the weekend and the rain, but the good thing is that this morning, if you're driving, you will not have to deal with rain. it is looking nice out there. dry. no major issues this morning. this is a live look outside at our one on one camera in san jose at the 8-80 overcrossing. and you can see the traffic is flowing nicely. and if you will be writing mass transit on presidents day on monday, we do want to get you ready for that. all of the mass transit pretty much is running on modified schedules, so bart has saturday service schedule, while caltrain has a modified service schedule. then ace has a holiday service schedule, so you can definitely keep updated on their websites for the very latest on that. julian >> okay. thank you. gloria. now
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to that developing news in the north bay this morning. investigators will be conducting additional tests at vintage high school in napa after dozens of students became sick on campus. those investigators are still trying to figure out what caused this illness that sent six students to the hospital. all abc seven news reporter lena howland is live in napa with what, one student is saying about what happened. good morning. lena >> good morning julian, because officials are still trying to figure out exactly what made these students sick in the first place. the district said that it is likely we should expect to see more testing happening on site this morning, before students actually show up. we have been out here since about 5:00 this morning and haven't seen any of that testing happening just yet, but we do know that six students had to be taken to the hospital. out of around two dozen that got sick yesterday, the district tells abc seven. many of the affected students were in first period choir class when they began feeling sick. one student who evacuated the school tells us she walked through a theater to
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avoid the choir room. she also spoke with one of the students, who was taken to the hospital. she's now weighing the risks of returning this morning. >> it was just really alarming because, you know, we would think that there wasn't anything going on and we haven't seen anything like suspicious or, you know, smelled or heard anything. >> we didn't find anything. no readings on our monitors. p-g-and-e's found nothing either . so we're still at a loss as to what caused this. >> school and school employees and firefighters say p-g-and-e's confirmed there was no gas or carbon monoxide leak, so the cause of the sudden and widespread illness is still unknown. at this hour. we are told the students that were hospitalized because of this are recovering. back at home this morning, live in napa. lena howland abc seven news. >> thanks so much, lena. and this morning we're seeing new video of the exact moment gunfire broke out at the kansas city super bowl victory parade. as you can see, the crowd immediately disperses from
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there, investigators say they have new details about the shooting. gloria is at the live desk with that update. good morning gloria, good morning amanda. >> investigators believe the shooting was a result of a person dispute, not a targeted or terrorist attack. and we have that new video for you this morning. and right here, you can see how quickly people ran for safety as soon as those first gunshots went off, one person was killed and 21 others were injured. nearly half of the injured were children and one father who was shot in the ankle , tells abc news. his bullet wound was the least of his worries in that moment, after seeing that both his girlfriend and his child were also shot. >> i couldn't help get our kids in that killed me. >> i had to sit there and just wonder what was going to happen next. >> now, two people under the age of 18 are in custody, believed to be connected to that shooting. a third person who was detained has since been released. the estimated crowd
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size before that shooting was around a million people, and the shooting happened despite the presence of more than 800 police officers in the area. but now some security experts are raising the question of whether that was enough security and officers for that event. >> julian, thank you, gloria. 605 right now, and as drew mentioned earlier, back to back storms are heading our way. and that's sending off some warning signals for people across the bay area. while we won't see those fierce winds like we did a couple of weeks ago, there will be enough rain to flood low lying areas. people living in rv parks were, of course thinking of guerneville residents in the north bay already getting those sandbags ready and yesterday sonoma county fire district officials also helped to hand out special waterproof bags. >> these go bags, dry bags will keep their items dry, right if they have to evacuate or if it's super stormy. >> i'm going to put a flashlight in here, so i've got that. a spare set of batteries.
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>> let's hope they won't need that. those bags also contained a disaster preparedness checklist and during the last major bay area storm two weeks ago, trees came down all along the san mateo county coast. >> one man was even trapped, unable to leave his home until his neighbors stepped in. two huge trees came down outside richard newsom's house in montara, smashing his car and blocking his way out. fortunately, neighbors came to his rescue, chainsaws in hand. >> at about 2:00, i heard a snap and then heard this huge thump for about four hours. it was like an army of people out here with chainsaws and for, for the most part, i knew who they were. but some of them people came that i didn't even know with chainsaws and as you heard right there, it took neighbors working together for several hours. >> but they eventually cleared those trees from the yard. one neighbor tells us he jumped in because he knew others in the community would do the same for him, and you can track exactly when the rain will arrive hour
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by hour, with our live doppler seven radar. just search abc seven bay area in your devices app store to download it now. >> sfo is getting a financial boost from the faa, san francisco international airport is being awarded $31 million under president biden's infrastructure bill. the funding will be used for upgrades to the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system inside of the international terminal. the money is a part of a $970 million fund going to more than 100 airports across the country in a few weeks. >> the board that oversees the golden gate bridge will consider raising vehicle tolls starting in july. now, assemblyman phil ting is introducing a bill to ban tolls on pedestrians or cyclists on all of california bridges. advocates say only cars and trucks should pay tolls because of the wear and tear they cause to roads and bridges. but walking and biking, on the other hand, cause almost nowhere to the infrastructure and keep our air clean. >> this bill should be a model of how we share the real costs
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of the modes that we choose to get around, and the golden gate bridge has charged pedestrian tolls in the past. >> from its opening in 1937 to 1970, pedestrians paid at a turnstile to walk the bridge. >> if you're traveling by bart this presidents day weekend, you might want to budget some extra time because of some upcoming service delays, bart will not be running trains between the richmond and el cerrito stations due to maintenance work on those tracks. bart's red line, which runs all the way between richmond and millbrae, will also be closed for the holiday weekend, and bart will be offering a shuttle to and from sfo to the millbrae station. officials also say riders should be prepared for up to 20 minutes in delays. >> first year free. the program san francisco is expanding to help new business owners who are just starting out preparing for the crowds. >> how tahoe resorts are getting ready for all the snow and a lot of people this holiday weekend. >> 609. we have a dry day today, but tomorrow rain is back in the
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forecast. so looking at saturday they will have light showers in the morning with the steadiest heaviestrillionain coming in the afternoon. rainfall totals tomorrow. highest in the north bay, 1 to 2in. there in the city, the east bay, the peninsula up to an inch is possible in the south bay, a lot less anywhere from just some light drizzle up to a quarter of an inch. but we have more rain coming for the holiday itself. on monday. we'll talk
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stay weekend crews were out on the roadways clearing out any excess snow and laying out some extra sand and salt to prevent slide outs. other businesses have loaded up on staffing for the weekend, brought in more food, and even laid out some new attractions for tourists. a winter weather advisory will be
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in effect starting tomorrow through sunday. drew. hey there amanda, we're taking a look right now. >> we're just getting those rain chances into you currently again tomorrow. the rain is best in the afternoon along with some gusty winds and those rainfall totals will be highest in the north bay. that's where we expect some of the heavier showers. lower totals as you head into the south bay. but today it's a totally dry day out there. lots of cloud cover were mild in the 60s. let's show you that timeline again. some lightrillionain tomorrow morning, getting heavier and steadier as we head into the afternoon, along with some of those gusty winds. a high surf advisory kicks in tomorrow as well. could see breakers up to 28ft in spots, and we will get some snow. a winter weather advisory for tomorrow 4 to 8, but a winter storm. watch for the holiday on monday. we're talking feet of snow there. we'll show you those numbers coming up in a few minutes. amanda, thank x jrou. >> coming up. san francisco's apology. the resolution. the board of supervisors is consider doing and uniform change the new
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patch. the giants are set to ...thanks to dupixent. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. and can help improve lung function for better breathing in as little as two weeks. dupixent helps prevent asthma attacks... and can even reduce or eliminate oral steroids. imagine that. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. who knows what you can do when you du more with less asthma. ask your doctor about dupixent. the most prescribed biologic for asthma.
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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guest. in a statement, the center cited a decline in the use of services over the past several years. this will leave two trauma centers in the san jose area the santa clara valley medical center and stanford health care. >> um, that's disappointing because it's i mean, it's supposed to be for the people, but they're closing it down because of the business we don't ever want to see. >> like off saving medical services cut particularly in our lower income neighborhoods. the fact that east side san jose will have to travel farther to get to a trauma center is concerning regional medical center will continue to provide emergency care services and plans to expand its numbers of
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emergency room beds. >> the city of san francisco is on the verge of apologizing to its black residents. for decades of discrimination. a resolution went before the board of supervisors yesterday and covers several significant issues. it includes apologizing for the systemic removal of black people through redlining and eminent domain, the lack of investment in critical public services in black neighborhoods, and the overpolicing of black residents. however, the measure does not address larger reparations proposals. the task force that suggested that apology also recommends more than 100 other measures to improve the lives of black san franciscans. one of them being a cash payout for the extraction of black wealth. but mayor london breed has said she is not in favor of those cash payments. >> san francisco is expanding its popular first year free program. it automatically waives some of the fees. new business owners face when opening the first year free program was set to expire in june of this year, but has since been extended. >> the more we have a vibrant,
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robust, small business community, no vacant businesses, everyone benefits from it. >> the program began back in 2021, when the pandemic left many storefronts shuttered. since then, more than 6000 small businesses throughout the city have benefited from the program, with an additional 200 new businesses opening each week. >> now, let's turn to ginger zee. she's live with a look at what's coming up on gma. >> yeah good morning ginger. >> hey amanda julian. nice to be with both of you this morning. so coming up here on gma the story that we're all following the high stakes testimony for the georgia d.a. in the election. interference case. as she fights to stay on the case. also, the latest on the super bowl parade shooting. what police are saying this morning and we have an abc news exclusive with prince harry talking about his father's health, his relationship with the royal family now, and his work with wounded warriors as he prepares for the first invictus winter games. also, it's a really feel good friday. michael
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has the story of a high school football team that overcame all kinds of obstacles to become champions, and this morning, wait till you see the litany of surprises he's got for them on gma. >> we love this. and the fact that they get to meet michael strahan, nfl legend. >> that's right. isn't isn't that prize enough. >> we can't wait to see it. thank you ginger. >> all right. we'll be right back. oh, you kn we before we go, there we go. it's her life. >> don't let you forget, okay? >> but actually, she did forget. >> she did forget. no doubt. getting back together at coachella this year. and the lead singer, gwen stefani, she's opening up about having to relearn some of the words to some of their older hits, like she didn't have forever. this hilarious. in an interview with jimmy kimmel last night, gwen
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stefani says she does not remember the words to 8 or 9 of their songs. she also joked that she is called festival organizers to see if they have a trellis she can climb, like she's done in past performances, but she says they don't have any and no doubt last performed together in 2015. i thought it was going to be like 2005 or something. either way, of course you can watch jimmy kimmel live! weeknights at 1135 right here on abc seven news uh- this is hilarious that is no doubt was my first tour really my first concert i saw? yeah, that's a really good one. >> i love tragic kingdom in the 90s, but i was a little too young. yeah, yeah yeah yeah. and then in 2002, they had the rock steady tour and i was like, i'm going, this is my time, right? i went, are you going to see him at coachella? >> uh, i don't think so. >> yeah. you know, the time and the money just. okay. not there. >> well, gloria is an avid coachella attendee. >> yeah, yeah, i'm from palm springs area, so i went there many years in a row and try to
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go back to first stagecoach year. but yeah, it's so much fun. yeah yes. i hope i'm not going to coachella this year. but she should also practice with the heat because it gets hot. does sometimes it gets hot. >> it stays hot. >> yeah. >> the desert i try and like stream it online somewhere, check it on the youtube. yeah i love that they do it for free though. i know everyone. i saw beyonce right? oh very true. >> yeah. >> let's talk about today's weather. uh, we are totally dry out there. it is cloudy. it's a mild afternoon today. temperatures above average into the 60s. before we track thatrillionain coming our way tomorrow. thatrillionain arrives after midnight tonight so we will get a dry evening. but later on, after midnight, we'll have light showers and temperatures in the 50s. a level two here tomorrow on the abc seven storm impact scale. rain heavy at times, some gusty winds and some rough surf. let's time it out for you. future weather showing you into the morning. we have some lightrillionain turning steadier and heavier as we head into the afternoon with those downpours. it's also the afternoon will feature some of the stronger wind gusts along the coast. we could have winds
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in excess of 40mph away from the coast. those winds likely gusting 20 to 30mph. then we have another storm coming our way sunday night into monday. this one does have the potential to be a bit stronger. we'll have to get some new data in over the next 24 hours, but it could create more storm damage because the ground is so saturated from the storm. tomorrow that any more rain could just add to problems. look at some of the rainfall totals, or coastal areas may exceed five inches of rain through early next week. not only rain, snow in the sierra winter storm watch will kick in late sunday, but it's really monday. we'll track the heaviest snow watch as that snow really piles up as we head throughout the holiday weekend. we're tracking that snow in feet by tuesday will likely see 2 to 4ft of fresh powder. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. cloudy and mild today. then that stormy pattern hits us. our first storm tomorrow. our next storm sunday night into monday. but showers do continue through wednesday. gloria. >> yeah, you know, the good news is, though, that we are not dealing with any showers. this morning for your morning commute. so if you are going to
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be driving, no major issues out there. you could see mostly green on. so you know, traffic is flowing nicely this morning. of course it is a friday two and it's a holiday weekend. so it's a little bit lighter is what we're noticing this morning. however, we do have one incident. we want to zoom in and tell you about. this is over on westbound 80 after treasure island. there's a two car crash there. and right now the second lane from the left is affected. so you should expect delays in this area. the speeds right now are down to 46mph. and stay with us. we will be
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seven along with satellite. this will approach us today, but the rain will fall to morrow. so looking at the three day forecast, you get one more dry day in here today. it's cloudy and mild, but then it's wet and windy. tomorrow the heaviest rain in the afternoon and then our next storm system arrives sunday night, lasting into monday. guys >> all right thank you drew. new here at six when the giants return to the field next month their uniforms will look just a little bit different. the team is reportedly removing the patches on their jerseys for robotaxi company crews, according to the san francisco business times. the giants will now don a chevrolet patch general motors owns both chevy and cruze. the giants announced a partnership with cruze in august and said it would remain exclusive until 2025, but. but the av company ceased operations in san francisco last october after the dmv pulled its permits following a crash with a pedestrian. well, dating apps are the most recent online platforms to come under fire. six dating apps users filed a lawsuit wednesday against tinder and hinge, claiming the apps
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made them addicted, according to our media partners at the sf standard. the lawsuit claims the matchmaking apps have addictive features that encourages compulsive use. it states the apps make users pay for the most expensive memberships for a promise of better matches and getting true love. last september, tinder launched its now $500 vip membership that offers exclusive perks for its users. $500 wow. okay natives india will be a co-chair of this year's met gala gala. she'll serve with jennifer lopez, chris hemsworth, bad bunny, and anna wintour. this year's theme is the garden of time. the met gala is happening on may the 6th in new york city. coming up next here at 630. penalties for protesting. some leaders across california considering stiffer fines for people who block lanes on bridges and freeways, and making college basketball history. caitlin clark sets a new scoring record. how steph curry is reacting to this huge accomplishment. and we're taking
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a live look outside here at 627. we're looking at our santa cruz beach camera. the calm before the storm. enjoy this dry day before the rain returns this weekend. we'll check back in with you
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dozen students sickened, but the cause is still under investigation. what the school is doing today before classes are back in session and challenges in the oakland chinatown community, one state assembly member visiting the area ahead of this weekend's lunar new year parade. >> how she's vowing to support businesses in the wake of an increase in crime. plus. so remember when we were driving, driving in your car speeds are
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farcical. >> like i was drunk driving a surge in sales. >> tracy chapman's hit song fast car, seeing a massive spike in digital sales since her surprise grammy performance. and it comes more than three decades after that song was released. such a good performance, and she deserves all of it. >> and i know gloria is still looking for yes. >> yeah, you gotta find it. yeah. good morning everyone. >> it is friday, february 16th. >> it is. we're here with drew talking about the forecast. >> yes. so quiet today. you get your cloudy day but dry weather in for the final day of the week. and then tomorrow the rain is back. temperatures right now not too chilly. we're in the upper 40s to the lower 50s. live look from the tam cam. you can clearly see the clouds are in place ahead of our storm. it's a cloudy day today. it's a dry day though. also, look at this. our sunrise now before 7 a.m. coming up here at 659. this morning. temperatures are mild. we'll get into the 60s despite the limited sunshine thanks to a mild
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breeze. tomorrow though, rain is back. it's a level two to kick off the holiday weekend. rain heavy at times, particularly in the afternoon, some gusty winds and also some rough surf with the high surf advisory along our coast. this is one of two storms we're tracking. we'll show you the entire weekend timeline coming up in nine minutes. let's check in with gloria and see how the commute is going. >> yeah, you know, drew, you're getting us ready for the weekend with the rain. the good thing is, this morning we are not dealing with any rain. it is nice and dry out there. if you're going to be driving this morning and we're not seeing any major issues out there on the roads, which is the other thing that we like to see. it's also lighter traffic today. i think a lot of people maybe are working from home on fridays, as many people do, or maybe just staying in for the long weekend, because if you look at our drive times right here, usually we have a lot more in the red, especially from tracy to dublin, right now, though, just 37 minutes. not too bad compared to what it usually is this time of the morning. and then from san rafael to san francisco, 16 minutes. and then you look here, a live look at our bay bridge camera. and i
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just love this shot because you can see the beautiful bridge and all the lights out there. and right now traffic is moving nicely, so no delays there as well amanda. all right. thanks, gloria. >> developing news in the north bay this morning. investigators say they will be back out at vintage high school in napa looking into a medical emergency on campus yesterday. they're still trying to figure out what caused more than two dozen students to get sick. some of those students had to go to the hospital. abc seven news reporter lena howland joins us live from vintage high school this morning with the latest lena. >> amanda, good morning to you. the students that were taken to the hospital for this yesterday are now back home recovering. but officials are still working to find out exactly what made them all sick in the first place. the district tells abc seven. many of the affected students were in first period choir class when they when they began feeling sick. one student who evacuated the school tells us she walked through a theater to avoid the choir room. she also spoke with one of the students, who was taken to the
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hospital. >> she said that a couple of students had passed out and one was throwing up. our teacher was telling us about how the air isn't toxic or dangerous. >> school employees and firefighters say p-g-and-e's confirmed there was no gas or carbon monoxide leak, so the cause of the sudden and widespread illness is still unknown. the district says additional tests will be done before school this morning. we have been in touch with district represented who say that they will have additional staff on campus throughout the day, live in napa. lena howland, abc seven news thank you lena. >> it's a big weekend for businesses in oakland's chinatown. they hope to have the good fortune of more customers during this weekend's lunar new year parade. abc seven news reporter anser hassan tells us. business owners got a chance to voice their concerns about crime and public safety directly to top law enforcement officials and state lawmakers, as. >> a dragon procession guided california state assembly member
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mia bonta through chinatown on her visit ahead of sunday's lunar new year parade. >> it's important for everybody to know that the state is pulling for them, pulling for oakland and for the aapi community to know that we're standing with them. >> bonta represents oakland and knows the challenges chinatown has faced. thursday's visit was a chance to meet directly with those who work and live in the community. >> that way, we feel that they care about the community, you know, they uh uh, you know, they have to come in to, uh, see what's going on and find solutions to help solve the problems. >> my business is down almost 20% for this year, so i notice it's very serious. i want to survive my business. >> oakland has seen a spike in crime, but gigi mas says the perception that oakland is violent is also hurting business . she believes bonta's visit can help change that, especially ahead of sunday's parade. >> a lot of people, when they heard about oakland, they kind
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of scared to come by. so that's why we need the police support and the mayor's support and all the, uh, representatives support . >> happy lunar new year gong hei, fat choy bonta was joined by oakland police, including chinatown liaison officer wesley heun and representatives from the alameda county district attorney and sheriff's office. >> community leaders hope the interaction with small businesses will highlight first hand the needs on the ground and hopefully direct more resources towards solutions, business reimbursement for crime stricken business owners who got their business broken into, uh, glasses, shattered reimbursement for costs that they lost from all this, uh, crime that happened around them, and encourage people to come celebrate at sunday's parade in oakland on anser hassan. abc seven news. >> the parade starts at wilma chan park. that's near the lake merritt bart station at madison and ninth street. the parade runs from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m.
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on sunday. >> city leaders across the state are looking to increase the penalties for blocking vital bridges and freeways during a protest. this could include expensive fines and even jail time. orange county assembly member kate sanchez introduced a bill thursday that would double penalties for protest owners purposefully obstructing the flow of traffic and preventing emergency vehicles from passing. this follows a protest just wednesday morning that shut down the golden gate bridge. the san francisco district attorney has filed charges that could result in jail time for some of the protesters who shut down the bay bridge during another demonstration last november. it happened during the apec summit around 80 demonstrators were involved in that protest that lasted several hours. sanchez believes these types of demonstrations have an underlying motive. >> protesters are trying to score a cheap political point or advance an agenda, and quite honestly, that can have real world devastating consequences.
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>> sanchez's bill is now waiting to be heard in committee. developing this morning, russian opposition leader alexei navalny has died in prison. that's according to russian media. they claim navalny felt unwell after a walk and then collapsed in prison. he'd been in prison since 2021 on extremism charges. he's a fierce critic of vladimir putin and has organized massive protests against the russian government. he was 47 years old. >> happening today, fulton county district attorney fani willis will take the stand once again. this comes after an explosive hearing yesterday where willis agreed to testify about her romantic relationship with the special prosecutor on trump's georgia election fraud case. gloria is live at the live desk with more details. good morning gloria. >> good morning, julian da willis answered some very personal questions during yesterday's hearing, and she's leading the case against the former president. so she shared details ranging from her vacation with the prosecutor to the cash that she keeps at home.
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a judge is considering whether willis romantic relationship with prosecutor nathan wade created a conflict of interest and whether she benefited financially from him being hired based on the trips that they took together. willis says she and wade ended their romantic relationship last august, and she spoke about being a self-made woman and how she paid back wade for the trips. however there is no paper trail for those transactions because willis says she paid him with cash. and during the hearing, willis became very uncomfortable with the defense attorneys line of questioning. >> it's highly offensive when they try to implicate that you slept with somebody the first day you met with them, and i take exception to it. >> if a judge removes willis from the case, it could delay or possibly derail the proceedings against president trump and his coconspirators accused of trying to overturn the 2020 election results in georgia. today's hearing comes as the president could learn his fate in a new york fraud trial that could force him to pay hundreds of
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millions of dollars in fines. and, of course, we will keep you updated on this, julian. >> thank you. gloria a landmark victory for human rights in greece, the greek parliament has just legalized marriage between same sex couples the first major pretty orthodox christian country to establish marriage equality. 176 of the 300 lawmakers in parliament voted in favor of the bill yesterday, following months of polarizing debate. >> i have never thought of it because i never had the opportunity. it was a right for other people, not me. >> today's like the first time where i feel seen like my rights, like i'm an actual human being. i'm not just someone hiding from people i can parental and children's rights are at the center of this legislation. >> it will now allow same sex couples to adopt and receive full legal parental recognition. coming up here at six, raging
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waters returns the deal that's bringing the water park back to the south bay this summer, and you are looking live at the big board at the new york stock exchange. >> we are down 166. it looks like we'll get another check on how the markets are doing next. >> steph and sabrina strategy. the two sharpshooters talking about their three point challenge set for tomorrow. >> and stay with us on the abc seven bay area streaming app at seven for abc seven at seven. we're live weekdays from 7 to 8 a.m. just download the app now wherever you stream. >> 640 on our friday, it is a cloudy day today, but we're dry throughout the evening. temperatures on the mild side thanks to a south wind getting us into the 60s. here's our next storm system on live doppler seven, along with satellite clear. you can see that cold front that is approaching us and will bring us rain tomorrow. looking at rain chances for saturday, we have some light rain in the morning, but the steadiestrillionain likely in the early afternoon around 2 p.m, along with some gusty winds. rainfall totals with this next storm on saturday. highs in the north bay with 1 to 2in for
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the city. oakland even parts of the peninsula lower between half of an inch to an inch, and then the south bay will get that rain shadow effect up to about a quarter of an inch. there high surf advisory along our entire coastline tomorrow for active ocean breakers. up to 28ft are possible. a winter weather advisory in effect tomorrow for tahoe. 4 to 8in of snow likely, but an even stronger storm moves in here sunday night into monday , where we'll track that snow in feet. and it will also bring more rain and more wind to us locallywe'll me out the entire weekend, coming up
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millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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water park. raging waters will be reopening again after the city struck a short terme deal with california dreamin entertainment, the owners of the park, announced its closure at the end of last season. shocking a lot of long terme residents who grew up with raging waters. but now the city of san jose hopes to bring the water park
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back from the brink, investing nearly $6 million to make the place operational again and this time with food trucks and even a wine garden. >> this is a commitment from the city to make sure that we are doing everything we can for the community. and i'm excited to be able to enjoy the wave pool this summer. so this is an exciting opportunity for, for not just residents of district eight, but the entire the entire valley, the city of san jose hopes to find a long time partner to keep the park open permanently. >> here comes clark. >> how will she go for history? that is. set the ncaa women's career scoring record in style last night, draining that deep three pointer. >> she only needed eight points to hit the mark, but she finished the night with 49. yeah a sellout crowd watched her make history, and she has built up quite the following in the process. one famous bay area fan that you might recognize, i gave her a special shout out on
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espn's sportscenter. everybody loves her scoring ability, her range. >> but if you watch her like the overall, you know game that she has, being able to distribute uh- rebound play like a, you know, a good brand of basketball on top of being able to score like that. it's uh. it's unbelievable to watch. >> clark now needs 99 points to set the all time career ncaa scoring record for men and women . just incredible. and happening tomorrow a first in the basketball world at the nba all star festivities, we will see the first ever nba versus when a three point challenge we got steph curry taking on walnut creek native sabrina ionescu and the two talked about the strategy of going first or second. i'm down for whatever. >> if steph wants to go second, i can go first. that's that's no problem. but i haven't done this too many times. i only did it once last year, so i don't really have enough experience to know what works best for me. there's a different rush when
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you're going last, knowing what number you have to get to and you're chasing it. >> yeah, she also broke a record last year. unesco won the 2023 wnba all star three point shootout, scoring 37 points, the most in wnba or nba history. curry previously held the record at 31, but as we know, steph is always up for a challenge. >> now to baseball. the a's have a big decision to make when it comes to working with the city of oakland over the next few years in the best case scenario for the team, their new ballpark being built in las vegas would be ready to go by 2028. but in the meantime, they need a stadium to call home and their lease at the coliseum ends after this season. that means the team will have to find a place to play in 2025, 26 and 27. leaving the bay area for those years would mean walking away from $70 million in tv revenue, the abc seven sports team has learned that in exchange for staying in the bay through 2028, the city is asking first for the team's
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name and colors to stay in oakland. second, a promise from the league for an expansion team. if the a's leave third, the city wants half of the coliseum land owned by john fisher, which at the moment is holding up redevelopment of the whole 100 plus acre site. and lastly, they're asking for an undisclosed amount of money. in a statement to our sports department, a team spokesperson said the meeting was positive and brief. they added, quote, we look forward to further discussions regarding a lease extension at the coliseum for the interim period before the vegas ballpark opens. it is 648 right now. >> time for your morning money report. target is making it easier for people shopping on a tighter budget. the store will be launching a new and expensive brand of products for its customers. it's going to be called deal worthy and target says it's the cheapest in-store brand ever. deal worthy rolls out this month. more than 400 items will be included, ranging from paper towels, phone chargers, disposable plates to
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even underwear. cost for the items will not exceed $10, with the cheapest item costing only $1. and we are taking a live look at the new york stock exchange now as trading gets underway. bit of a rough start on this friday morning. uh. we're trading about 111 points down right now. >> nearly two weeks after her rare appearance on stage at the grammys, bay area resident tracy chapman's hit fast car is seeing a surge in streams. you gotta fast car. >> i want to take her to anywhere. >> maybe we make a deal. >> the song, which was released 36 years ago, is back on the billboard hot 100 at spot number 42 this week. >> fast car last its last appearance was in october of 1988. i should mention the song also became number one on digital song sales for the first time, with an 8,000% increase the week after chapman's performance.
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>> and i think so many people want to see her perform again and more regularly. she just is amazing, she said. >> you can go to youtube and play the performance there, she said, right content, right place . >> it's like, i'll see you in another 30 years or so. yeah. oh my gosh. and good for her. like living her life privately. yeah. and making, you know, money. come on. the money. >> those royalties from the luke combs song. yeah that song is doing really well. yeah >> pretty. yeah. for sure. that's very cool. take a look at this. this picture outside. here's the tam cam this morning i mean, you know, you got that. >> hey, drew i think it's my turn. hey hey, take it over. go. fridge drew, what's happening on the roads? so it looks like, uh, traffic on the right. >> right. not as fast. not as fast. >> i like it, i like it. yeah. you know what? um, actually, today is looking pretty good out
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there on the roads. i know, drew, you were talking about rain this weekend, but, you know, this morning, so far, it's been dry out there. and that's always good for the morning commute because we're not seeing any major issues. this is near san mateo-hayward bridge camera. and normally it's even more crowded. and i think a lot of people are, of course, working from home on this friday or taking the long weekend off. and if you are going to be in town and you're taking mass transit on president's day, they do have a special schedules for the holiday. so bart is going to be on a saturday service schedule. caltrain will be on a modified service schedule, and then ace will be on a holiday service schedule. so just check their websites. if you're taking mass transit on this president's day. and drew, i think it's your turn now. all right, here we go. this is what i wanted to show you. >> it is beautiful out there. we do have cloudy skies from our tam. can as that sun gets up here, it's a cloudy day today, but we are totally dry. there's no wet weather in the forecast. it's also mild out there. we'll get those temperatures in the 60s. now. tonight after midnight rain is back in the forecast. we'll keep those temperatures
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elevated. so saturday is a level two for rain. heavy at times. some gusty winds and some rough surf. so future weather showing you light rain in the morning turns heavier in the afternoon. and that's also the time when the winds will be gusty as well. so saturday right around 1 p.m. you can see those winds strongest along the coast. still finding winds gusting about 20 to 30mph away from the coast. and then we track another storm sunday night into monday. and this has the potential to be stronger than the one we're seeing tomorrow. rainfall totals as we get into early next week. widespread 1 to 3in, but the coastline in santa cruz mountains, sonoma county could have areas in excess of five inches of rain. a winter storm watch will be in effect sunday. the heaviest snow is going to fall on monday. that's when we'll measure in feet. so future tracker snowfall showing you as we get into early next week with this, 2 to 4ft of new snow. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. cloudy and mild today. stormy pattern over the weekend. and those light showers will
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continue through the middle part of next week. gloria. >> yeah, a lot of peop are getting ready to go to tahoe for the weekend, and i know businesses there have set their gearing up because it's a holiday weekend. they get even more traffic out there this weekend. so let's get your toyota tahoe reportrillionight now if you are driving in a tahoe for the weekend, you will only need chai right now on 50. if you're going to palisades tahoe from the city, it will take you three hours, 13 minutes to north star, california, three hours, ten minutes to heavenly, three hours and 16 minutes. a then if you're heading over to sugar bowlesort, that will take you two hours, 52 minutes. sierra tahoe. and this is the one where you do need the chains . that wiltake you two hours, 55 minutes and then a kirkwood three hours and 20 minutes. so it's goingo be a nice long weekend. and i know that a lot of people who love the snow are excited about that. so have a great weekend in tahoe if you're going. all right. >> thanks so much gloria. and this morning an abc news exclusive interview with prince harry. harry sat down for the interview while in canada, where
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he and wife meghan markle have been touring the invictus games training camp. >> the prince spoke with correspondent will reeve about what the games mean to him and what's in store for when the games come to canada in 2025. the games are designed for injured service members and veterans. harry started them a decade ago after his own deployment to afghanistan. you can watch the full interview with the duke of sussex this morning on good morning america that's starting at 7 a.m, right after abc seven mornings. >> if you're looking for something to do this weekend, how about checking out the magnolias in peak bloom in san francisco? the botanical garden says the pink and white blossoms are at their most bountiful through monday. the garden is home to one of the most significant conservation collections of magnolias in the entire country. there are more than 200 trees and 63 different species of the plant in the garden. admission is free for san francisco residents. do bring that id and get your stretchy pants out. >> a famed san francisco pizzeria has just launched a
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pizza tasting menu. >> tony's pizza napoletana in north beach is offering a pizza around the world, tasting experience for $500 and for six people, you'll get seven pizzas made in different styles, along with appetizers, prosecco, salad and veggie dishes. >> reservations are open for the experience, which is only offered wednesdays through sunday. hmm'hmm stretchy pants right? that's perfect for that. up next, the seven things you need to know today. >> and as we head to break here at 655, we're taking a live look outside from our sutro tower camera. we see a bit of fog right here, but the sun rising in the distance. we'll take a short break. we'll be right back .
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i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. number one developing this
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morning, russian opposition leader alexei navalny has died in prison. that's according to russian media. they claim he felt unwell after a walk. the fierce critic of vladimir putin organized massive protests against the russian government. >> number two, a verdict is expected today in donald trump's new york fraud trial. he's potentially facing a fine of millions of dollars in other sanctions for inflating his wealth on financial statements that were given to banks, insurers and others to make deals and secure loans. >> number three, classes will continue this morning at vintage high school in napa. this comes after several students were sent to the hospital yesterday with a mysterious illness in. doctors are set to do more tests to determine the cause of their illness. this morning. >> number four people in the north bay are preparing for more rain and the possibility of flooding along the russian river. people living in guerneville already setting out those sandbags and moving their belongings to higher ground. >> and number five, we do have a cloudy but dry day today. a live
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look from our east bay hills camera that sun just about up here and we'll keep that cloud cover all day today. temperatures mild in the 60s. now looking at the weekend, tomorrow and on sunday, rain is in the forecast. it is a level two to kick off the holiday weekend tomorrow. so saturday we'll have rain heavy at times, particularly in the afternoon. that's when we'll find the heaviestrillionain. falling winds will be gusty up to 40mph. strongest along the coast and along the coast. we do have a high surf advisory for some rough surf tomorrow. we could see breakers up to 28ft throughout the day and number six it is really light out there on the roads this morning. >> not much traffic at all. the bay bridge toll plaza here. the metering lights flipped on at 617 and just past those metering lights. there may be a little bit of a delay because there was a crash that was reported on 80 westbound a little bit ago, but they have since cleared it. >> and number seven local superstars nda stunning fans at the premiere of dune two in europe, she wore a cyborg suit with armor, plexiglass inserts,
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gloves and matching boots. dune two comes out next month. >> she looks great right? >> given like c-3po meets met gala meets zendaya today. >> all right. and of course she's local, right? >> yeah. >> oakland natives. >> yeah. we're so proud of her. >> yeah. can we see shows at the met gala? that's going to be very cool that she does for a movie premiere and a winter. you already know. >> okay, exactly. amazing >> thanks for joining us for abc seven mornings. we'll see you at seven for abc, seven at >> good morning america. fiery testimony from the da in the georgia election interference case against donald trump. on the stand. >> these people belong on trial for trying to steal an election in 2020. i'm not on trial. no matter how hard you try to put me on trial. >> fani willis testifies as she fights to stay on the case.


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