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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  February 16, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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>> i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. thanks for joining us. we have team coverage of the approaching storm, starting with abc seven news meteorologist sandyha patel. she has details on what we can expect when this storm arrives. sandy. yeah. >> and dan and ama, it's going to turn wet and windy when this storm arrives. and we're going to see some rough surf. so let's look at live doppler seven. there are two storms in the pacific for the weekend. tomorrow's storm is right here. and then one developing right behind it. so tomorrow's system has a moisture plume that extends all the way back towards the hawaiian islands. it is a level two with a weak atmospheric river, and we will see some heavy rain at times. so as we time this out tomorrow at 7 a.m, rain begins to move in. it is going to be moderate at times at 11 a.m. and then heavier by 3 p.m. so if you do have plans, keep this in mind with that second storm coming sunday morning to wednesday morning, a flood watch goes up and that is because flooding is possible on small streams, creeks and roads. high surf advisory for the weekend. tomorrow morning until sunday
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afternoon. large breakers 18 to 22ft, up to 28ft for favored locations. dangerous swimming and surfing conditions expected tomorrow will be a level two, a moderate strength storm. rain with downpours at times. gusts 20 to 40 plus miles an hour. watch out for rough and dangerous surf as we look at our rain chances. it stretches all the way out towards at least wednesday when you count all of that rain on top of ground that will become saturated. it's already near saturated. the storm will. the storms will bring concern us, and that is a high likelihood of road and stream flooding trees down. power outages is in that high category. shallow landslides going into that medium category and river flooding. the river forecast center is saying the russian river at guerneville and also the san lorenzo river at big trees has a 20% chance of reaching flood stage early to middle of next week, so worth keeping an eye on. full look at the holiday weekend timeline is coming up. dan ama all right, thank you sandhya waves more
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than 25ft high are expected at some locations this weekend. >> that has led to a high surf advisory along the coast in the north bay. an advisory will be in effect from 10 a.m. tomorrow until 4 p.m. sunday, and in the north bay, all eyes are on the skies. >> of course, ahead of storms that are set to drench the bay area. >> yeah, firstrillionesponders are ready for some overtime, and p-g-and-e's says it is prepared to respond quickly to power outages. >> abc seven news reporter cornell bernard is live in san rafael with all the preparations being done there. cornell yeah, dan and i'm some folks are still cleaning up from the last storm. and here we go. more rain is on the way. pg and e telling us here tonight that it is working to avoid the same outages that many experienced just weeks ago. >> p-g-and-e's says it's ready for the next series of storms to hit the bay area. >> we pre-stage a lot of the materials and equipment that might be damaged during a storm. that's stuff like poles, conductor wires, transformers, megan mcfarland says 1.4 million
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p-g-and-e's customers lost power during powerful storms earlier this month. >> but this round, the utility doesn't expect a direct hit. >> this storm, you know, rain, winds, low elevation, snow in some areas, but not those heavy sustained winds that can really damage our equipment. >> we've got the candles and the batteries out, but, um, that's kind of the key concern is all the power going down dusty road lives inside the novato mobile home park, which lost power two weeks ago. >> on top of that, nearby armstrong avenue flooded, trapping some folks in their homes. dusty expects that flooding will happen again. >> i like this, that it reminds me, go get the food i need, whatever it is that i'm going to need, because we may not be able to get out in santa rosa, we found tree crews getting a jump on the weather, trimming limbs and branches. >> firstrillionesponders say more than a dozen homes were damaged by fallen trees during the last storm. the grounds are saturated and we are concerned with the already weakened trees that even though the winds
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aren't necessarily going to be as strong, they could likely bring additional trees down. paul lowenthal says the santa rosa fire department will be up staffing its swift water rescue team. sonoma county fire district will be patrolling the russian river ready to perform rescues if needed. officials urge everyone to be safe and be ready again. >> it really highlights the importance of making sure that people are ready and prepared, not only for the potential for additional trees to come down, but for more power outages as well. yeah and speaking of outages, p-g-and-e's are asking everyone to charge your cell phones and keep flashlights handy. >> sonoma county closing some roads in the russian river valley ahead of the storms. these are roads which have flooded before. we're live in san rafael tonight, colonel bernard, abc seven news. >> okay, cornell, thanks so much. you can track exactly when the rain will arrive. hour by hour with our live doppler seven radar. just search abc seven bay area in your device's app store to download that now. >> california's governor is unlocking a new effort to tackle
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homelessness in the bay area. today, he announced funding for the latest project home key initiative. abc seven news reporter anser hassan has more on the transformation of an oakland hotel into transitional housing. >> the program you see behind me, this will be up in operation within 12 months, california governor gavin newsom announcing the latest hotel to be converted to housing for the homeless, this time in oakland, near the coliseum. it's not just a capital investment. we need to seed some of the operation supports, so we provide a sense of community and place and continuity and confidence for neighbors that this is an added value. this is not a burden for the community. >> governor newsom says over the past three years, the state has spent more than three and a half dollars billion to purchase 15,000 motel and hotel rooms. he says homekey projects are being fast tracked. this hotel will be ready in 12 months this is a moment to celebrate. >> homekey saves lives here in oakland.
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>> the 104 rooms of this quality inn will be remodeled to include a kitchen. it will house 77 people, an additional 26 units are being set aside for minors. east bay state senator nancy skinner says the location being oakland is also significant. >> this project is going to mostly house oakland people. so it's, you know, anywhere where they can be close to their roots, close to if they still have some family connections, all the better. >> oakland city council member trevor reed, who represents district seven, where the hotel is located, says this site also makes sense because it's close to county services. >> we're right next to alameda county's social services building, and so this is a corridor that has supportive services, and we need a lot more services. we need to make sure that there's traffic safety. we need to make sure that there's housing stability, that there are jobs. >> critics argue that project homekey is becoming financially unsustainable and that many sites struggle with limited state oversight and drug problems, meaning many of those they're trying to help end up
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back on the streets. but supporters point out that lives are being saved and that progress is being made. >> let us remember that every brick laid, every unit created is a testament to the positive change we can achieve when we work together. in oakland, anser hassan abc seven news. >> we have an update on the missing teenager who is the subject of the first ebony alert in the bay area. the ebony alert is a new statewide system to help locate missing black children and young women between the ages of 12 and 25, san francisco police just announced that 16 year old named mazen oman was seen at the san francisco chinatown library last night at about 8 p.m. before that, the last sighting of mazen was on wednesday at 430 in the afternoon in the westbound highlands neighborhood. she's five three, weighs 170 pounds. she was wearing a black hoodie and maroon sweatpants when she disappeared on wednesday, and police are very concerned about
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mazen. they say she suffers from a central auditory processing disorder and has the logic and reasoning of a 10 to 12 year old child, so she needs our help. if you see her, please call 911. >> hopefully someone will find her. well, a report evaluates those controversial center bike lanes in san francisco has been released. >> yeah, the lanes are on valencia street ie mission. many cyclists say they're danger a business owners just hate what they've done to customer access. >> abc seven news reporter luz pena has been following this story since the summer. luce >> that's right. well, the project officially started in august of 2023, so by the time sfmta presents their three month evaluation on tuesday, it will be half a year of this controversial pilot. it's been over six months since the valencia street center bike lane opened. and this week, sfmta released their first evaluation of the controversial bike lane biking on valencia has become a little bit more comfortable. >> prior to the project, we saw that there was a number of
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blockages in our bike lanes, sfmta's 42 page report says. >> the bike lane has met its objective in improving traffic safety. but yesterday, during a meeting with merchants and sfmta, the sentiment was a bit different. according to several business owners, the overwhelming feeling is that, you know, folks feel that the bike lane is not working. >> as a cyclist, i don't feel safer making a left turn or a right turn from the center of the lane. >> luis rodriguez is the owner of los amigos restaurant. he's blaming the center bike lane for contributing to the decline in business. his neighbor closed recently. if you see over there how many bicycles they were right now, like i pretty much none. >> the first thing people say we don't have a parking spot in the construction of the bike lane. >> sfmta removed at least 70 parking spots, turning them into loading zones after complaints from merchants. they turned 58 of those spaces into regular parking in the evenings. but even with that change, luis says many like him are struggling so financially, how are you doing?
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>> it's a good question. um, we are we are so behind right now in everything. i cut my servers. um, we have only two. they work only 3 or 4 hours a day. >> we took these concerns to mayor breed today. local merchants are saying it's not working for them. yeah. have you talked to sfmta? what's the plan here? well, sfmta nothing is final because, you know, i hear mixed messages from cyclists to as well as a lot of the businesses is and we need to do something. >> and i think that's what this first process is. >> kimberly leon was the project manager of the valencia street center bike lane from 2017 to 2023, and now is the sfmta livable streets director. i didn'trillioneally see anything in the reportrillionegarding merchants. so what is sfmta message to merchants who are saying they're struggling because of the bike lane? >> so we are working on doing that economic analysis right now. >> as the mta confirms that they are considering a change to the center bike lane.
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>> we are also taking the steps to further explore what a side running bikeway could look like. >> now, since august, sfmta has made changes around the center bike lane. one of those changes will come next week, when they will begin to adjust all the parking meters on valencia street, but what merchants and some cyclists say is that they want change to the actual center bike lane. sfmta board of directors is meeting next week, and they have the power to do that. luz pena, abc seven news. >> thank you luis. they're getting ready for a big celebration in san francisco's chinatown. and that means bath time for a beloved dragon. the cleanup underway for the lunar new year parade, and the event that has some of the best competitive gamers flocking to the south bay this weekend
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millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs.
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in san francisco, where you could see driftwood, wood, plastics and other trash on the sand. it's not just the litter water treatment plants sometimes release treated sewage during big storms, and trash on the streets gets pushed into the gutters, of course, and sewer systems, and end up as trash on the beach. and of course, with
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more rain coming, more of this is to be expected. >> yeah, let's find out exactly when that rain is getting to the area. let's get to meteorologist sandhya patel. sandhya. >> yeah. and that is coming in this uh- tomorrow morning. and dan. but tonight there could be an isolated shower or two, especially in the north bay. so let's show you what you can expect statewide in case you are traveling. maybe driving somewhere since it's a long holiday weekend, you will notice heaviest rain is expected across northern and central california, where upwards. of 5in to 6in is expected, and some of our coastal hills looking at 6 to 8in of rain. the pair of level two storms coming in tomorrow, and then the second one sunday afternoon into monday. expect downpours, gusty winds, rough surf, flooding on the roadways, streams and creeks. possibility of trees down and outages. and there is a chance of shallow landslides here is our first storm and it does have a weak atmospheric river with it. it is going to bring the heaviest rain to the santa cruz mountains and
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to the north bay. the second storm that is developing in the pacific is due in sunday afternoon into monday, and that one looks stronger than what's coming through tomorrow. so right now on live doppler seven, you're seeing a lot of cloud cover. this is all moisture. that's evaporating before it hits the ground. it is known as virga, so no rain yet. if you do have plans this evening, i think you're okay. 50s and 60s on those temperatures. right now. look at this beautiful view from santa cruz. camera. all is quiet in terms of the surf that will be changing tomorrow as the surf comes up. so wet and windy tomorrow. here are the headlines sunday afternoon into monday. the next level two storm arrives. there is potential between sunday night and monday for thunderstorms, and that unsettled pattern sticks around through the middle of next week. it is a two on our storm impact scale, moderate strength storm rain, downpours at times gusts 20 to 40 plus miles, an hour, and we are looking at rough and dangerous surf. tomorrow morning at 7:00, rain moves in. it becomes more moderate in intensity at 11 a.m. and then you see some downpours at 3:00 in the afternoon through 5 p.m.
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so this is probably the best time to stay inside. if you can. and then it goes over to scattered showers between eight and 11 p.m. this system is what you would expect in the winter time. not a lot of rain. we're expecting anywhere from about 1500 in san jose, 10th and mountain view. rain shadow effect to over an inch in the santa cruz mountains. it's the second storm that will bring heavier rain. now the winds will pick up tomorrow morning and then get even stronger by the afternoon. over 30 miles an hour, reaching 40 miles an hour or higher in the early afternoon. still gusty in the evening. if you do have plans, keep that in mind. winter weather advisory in the sierra tomorrow morning to sunday morning 4 to 10in of snow above 6000. carry the chains. plan on some delays. it becomes a warning sunday afternoon to wednesday. morning as several feet of snow is expected. with those gusty winds, it's going to be very difficult to impossible to travel 40s and 50 on your temperatures tomorrow. rain moving in, it becomes more intense in the afternoon. 50s and 60s. here's a look at the
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accuweather seven day forecast. it's a two tomorrow, a two sunday afternoon into monday. that's when we have our opportunity for thunder. it's a level one for tuesday and wednesday as we are expecting periods of rain and showers and then thursday, friday we dry out. really important to keep in mind is the saturation. we're nearing saturation. you add extra rain on top of it and by sunday, monday we're talking about potential issues. and one of the things to keep in mind is 20% chance that the san lorenzo river at big trees, and also the russian river at guerneville, dan and oma, could reach flood stage by early next week. 20% chance or so water logged over. yeah, already. >> thanks. >> and take a look at this. that is the iconic dragon statue at the chinatown gate. getting a power wash. the entire gate. got a cleaning by san francisco public works crews. they are also doing paint touch ups. it's part of an annual beautification project in chinatown for the lunar new year parade and celebration, a unique chance to interview with college and get on the spot.
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>> admission is coming to oakland this weekend. it's called the black college expo. representatives from more than 30 historically black colleges and universities will be there to meet with students and offer scholarships, and in some cases, get a college admissions officer offer right there. workshops on financial aid and internships are also available. >> we are here to give every student an opportunity. you don't have to be the cream of the crop. you can be that student that just needs to find a place so that they can excel in the future. >> cal state universities and uc schools will also be represented at the black college expo starts at 10 a.m. at the oakland marriott city center. students can register online. the registrar fee is $10. opportunity >> well, there's a big competitive gaming event taking over san jose this weekend. >> yeah. what's at stake for the participants and the city when we come back i am accomplishing. so i'm doing all i can to help lower my risk of breaking a bone.
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter.
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porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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super smash bros. tournament in the world. welcome to genesis x. >> it was the best feeling to, like, listen to the crowd, hear them hear the cheers, the wow, the boos. if they the other people win that they don't want to like. it's a real like it's a
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sporting event. you know what i'm saying? it's for video games, but it's a sporting event. >> the super bowl is over, but the big games are just beginning in the south bay. thousands will watch as participants compete for a spot in the top eight, with $23,000 in prize money on the line. you got it. what stands in their way? a game many have known and loved for years? it's just that game that everyone's played. you know, everyone knows what smash is. >> you can have basically 40 year olds play against someone like me, and it's even evenly matched at this point. >> the growing industry of esports has only leveled up this tournament. once a small grassroots tourney in a barn at the alameda county fairgrounds. now we're buying out the whole city of san jose. >> people are here from 36 different countries. we have captured every single state except wyoming. so that's a goal for next year. >> and these gamers rack up serious points for the local economy as well. a $3 million estimated impact. >> not only is the convention center busy, but restaurants are busy, hotels are busy, parking lots are busy. so the total
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economic impact of a group like this is wonderful for the economy. >> a boost for the community from an event built on community. their fingers will hurt after. but these gamers say this event is all about fun. i get to see so many people that i know online that i can finally meet for the first time. >> everyone thinks about like, gaming and gamers and they have a certain thought of how we operate and what we do, and how we enjoy what we enjoy. and seeing this live for everybody changes perspective, and you can see it live for yourself. >> running all weekend in downtown san jose. dustin dawsey, abc seven news well, there are new details on the mass shooting that marred a super bowl celebration in kansas city. >> also, former president trump's defiant response to a ruling that could cost him millions of dollars
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for 89 years... believes in continuous improvement... like rounded corners that resist peeling, with an array of active ingredients... and sizes to relieve your pain. salonpas. it's good medicine.
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... and sizes to relieve your pain. we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women.
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and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are. new york state has gone. >> a defiant donald trump reacting after being hit with a huge civil penalty in the civic
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civil financial fraud trial in new york over the trump organization. the judge fined him $354 million and banned him from doing business in new york for three years. >> here's abc news reporter reena roy with more. >> after a contentious 11 week trial, judge arthur engoron announcing his ruling in the civil financial fraud trial against donald trump, the judge finding the former president $354 million. his eldest sons $4 million apiece. also banning them from the new york real estate business for three years. >> today. we are holding donald trump accountable. we are holding him accountable for lying, cheating and a lack of contrition and for flouting the rules that all of us must play by. >> new york attorney general letitia james brought the case, accusing the former president, his eldest sons, eric and donald trump jr, plus top trump
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organization officials of conducting a decades worth of business based on numerous acts of fraud and misreporting. station. the judge had already ruled, in a partial summary judgment, that trump had submitted fraudulent valuations for his assets. james had asked the court for a $370 million fine for the new york ag also requested that trump and his two former deputies at the company, allen weisselberg and jeffrey mcconney, be barred for life from the new york real estate industry. throughout the trial, interactions between the judge, the former president and his lawyers were heated. trump's social media messages and comments outside the court even led to a partial gag order and fines. >> it's a disgrace and they should pay me damages. >> the former president has always denied any wrongdoing. his lawyer saying the accusations are part of a political agenda. trump calling the case a witch hunt and has said his financial statements were perfect. it's all having to do with election interference. >> there were no victims because
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the banks made a lot of money. they made $100 million was. >> trump has already appealed judge enguerrand's earlier ruling that he committed fraud, and it's likely he'll appeal this latest ruling by the judge, reena roy. abc news, new york. president biden is coming to california next week. >> he'll spend three days crisscrossing the state from tuesday through thursday. the president will make stops in san francisco and los altos hills in the bay area and los angeles. he'll take part in several political engagements. the white house says there will be more details to come. >> the opposition leader, who made a rare and bold move challenging russian president vladimir putin, is dead. alexei navalny died at the penal colony where he was serving a 30 year sentence. leaders around the world, including president biden, are blaming putin for his death. navalny gained prominence by challenging corruption in the kremlin in 2020. he survived being poison by a nerve agent. he was arrested and imprisoned the following year. hours after the news of his death, several
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people were arrested at vigils honoring him. >> charges have been filed against two juvenile males for the shooting at the kansas city chiefs super bowl celebration. the two juveniles face gun and resisting arrest charges. additional charges are expected to be filed later. police say the youth were involved in a dispute that then ended with guns being fired. 22 people were injured, half of them children. a vigil was held for the one woman who was killed, 43 year old lisa lopez galvan was a popular radio host and mother of two. >> she was a good person, an. this was senseless, senseless and it's just so hard to understand. >> a third person was initially detained after the shooting. they were released after it was determined they were not involved. >> some of the coolest cars to hit the road this year are on display this weekend in the south bay. we're going to give you a sneak peek under the hood at the 2024 silicon valley auto
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show. >> also, why some of the apps are being suedular datin conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight.
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in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®.
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the 2024 silicon valley auto show is giving the public a glimpse of the newest features in the auto world. abc7 news reporter zach fuentes has a closer look. >> it's day one of the silicon valley auto show at the santa clara convention center. >> bring your kids, push the buttons, feel the seat, all that kind of stuff. many brands under one roof. >> and it's not just any brands from kia and honda to porsche and aston martin, each brand here to showcase their latest and greatest. i've gotten to talk to many of the locals who came out here to see the show
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today, and they tell me that one of the best things that they can get inside of these cars get hands on, look around, and not have any salespeople hovering over them. >> here, it's easier to just look at cars and get an idea without the harassment. that's what i like about these events. >> brian moody, executive editor at autotrader, says they've conducted a survey showing a good majority of consumers are interested in hybrid vehicles. >> hybrids kind of come into the picture by saying, hey, this hybrid generates its own electricity. we don't have to plug it in, and you're going to get amazing fuel economy. but that's not to say electric vehicles aren't stealing this show. >> many people arrived just after the show started to head straight to the tesla cybertruck. anybody who says something like, well, you know, the cybertruck, it's just so ugly it doesn't matter. >> they want it because they want it. tesla has done this thing where they have created such a buzz around their cars that anybody who disagrees are like, well, you just don't get it. >> still, tesla's we're far from the only cars getting plenty of attention. volkswagen id buzz seen by millions in a super bowl ad brings back an updated version of a classic. >> this is awesome. i saw this just at like, downtown or
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something. i would totally stop and take a photo. >> it's electric and has a vegan interior in the american version. >> you can purchase this platform as an accessory that reaches the same level as that second row. so it's kind of a flush level. you could turn it into a camper, you could stick a mattress back there and then check this out. you have this extra cargo space as well. >> volkswagen says the id buzz will be available this fall. look, so we have only scratched the surface. there are nearly a dozen manufacturers here with so many different cars that you can see for yourself. the silicon valley auto show it's happening from friday to sunday right now in santa clara. zach fuentes, abc seven news. >> pretty good stuff. a new lawsuit is accusing some dating apps of prioritizing profit over promises made to users. the proposed class action lawsuit was filed this week. the plaintiffs say apps by match group are addictive. match owns and operates eight of the top online dating brands, including tinder and hinge. according to our media partners at the sf standard, the lawsuit claims their apps are filled with
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features that encourage compulsive use and turns users into addicts. match group called the lawsuit ridiculous, saying it has zero merit. the reporter, who loves putting unknowing bystanders on the spot, is back with another season of what would you do? we're going to talk with 20-24 john quinones about some of the new and always uncomfortable dilemmas in store in the new politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other.
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while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. my late father-in-law lit up a room, but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga. like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry, or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces like this one, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early. talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at
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back for a 16th season sunday. abc seven's gloria rodriguez talks to john quinones about the new season, a 16 very successful seasons of what would you do? and i understand you're featuring some new scenarios this season. can you tell us about them? >> well, yeah, this sunday night you're going to see what happens when you see a schoolteacher who runs into her student and the father, turns out, has been seeing her on an adult website. what would you do if you find out that your son's teacher has a side job doing this? would you say anything? what what would happen if you're in a restaurant and you see some latino men who are applying for work, and there's a guy there in the audience saying, don't hire them
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, they're probably illegal. we're building a wall to keep these people out. and he doesn't know whether they're these men are here legally or not. would you say something? would you speak up? we have sarah haines on the show talking about breastfeeding in public. what if you're at a restaurant and some woman is just feeding her child? you know, and somebody starts complaining about the breastfeeding in public? uh- sara haines, one of the viewers, did a brilliant job with that. we have kamau bell uh, the comedian who will be also a contributing correspondent. he'll be doing stories out of alabama and then a jim creeper. what if you're at the gym and some guy is taking videos of young women who are simply trying to work out, and then he tells them he's an agent and he can get a modeling jobs, would you get involved? >> what do you think it is about this show that really resonates with so many people? well you know, at its heart, this show has always been on a reflection of where we are as a society at
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any given time. >> yeah. yes, indeed. there are divisive times today. uh- much of it do. we went through some tough times during covid. you know, covid had a massive impact on the way the beliefs of people and the behavior of people. but the show also reminds us that we have many commonality among each other. and i think that's the beauty of the show, that it showcases what we have in common. it sort of restores your faith in humanity at a time when we need it the most. >> and what would you do? returns this sunday at 10 p.m. it will also be available on hulu starting on monday. >> and what would you do if you wanted to know what the storms were going to bring us? >> hmm. i would turn to abc7 news meteorologist sandhya patel. >> what a great idea. hey, guys. all right, let's talk about tahoe. okay? in case you want to go up for this holiday weekend, mix precipitation tomorrow. windy. 44 degrees. sunday, a few
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showers, gusty in the morning. 45. presidents day is when we're expecting heavy rain and snow, so that's probably the worst day to try to travel up there. snow continues on tuesday. these are warmer storms and they will bring snow. but as you take a look at the snowfall estimates through next wednesday night, 41in at kirkwood, 48in at donner. looking at live doppler seven, we are seeing some moisture up in the clouds. this isn't hitting the ground yet. it's a level two storm coming in tomorrow. it does have a weak atmospheric river and here's a look at what you can expect. so isolated showers. not out of the question late tonight, but it's tomorrow morning that the rain moves in 11 a.m. you're seeing some pockets of moderate rain. it continues to remain moderate to heavy at times in the afternoon and evening. and then it really switches over to just scattered showers late at night. it is a two as i mentioned rain downpour hours at times tomorrow gusts 20 to 40 plus miles an hour. watch out for rough and dangerous surf as far as your highs go, there will be in the 50s and 60s with the wet windy
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weather tomorrow we're going to fast forward to sunday morning. you're okay until about 12:00 when the rain starts to move in and it does intensify at 3 p.m. with that second storm continues through the night, and then this system is going to linger. park itself off the coast. so monday you get more rain. tuesday you get the potential for some more rain. and this continues into wednesday with those scattered showers winding down by wednesday night. in terms of rainfall from sunday through wednesday. look at ben lomond. almost eight inches of rain. the rest of you in that one to 4.5in category. coastal hills 6 to 8in in the bay area two two for the next three days. chance of thunder monday and then it's a wan tuesday and wednesday before we dry out. ama and dan okay, busy few days. >> thanks, sandy. >> all right, casey pratt's here. some fun stuff going on tonight, right? yeah. >> can you believe it's already the nba all star break? it seems kind of wild. we were distracted by the 40 niners. yes, yes. uh- nba all-star festivities began tonight. some warriors get a much deserved break, but not all of them. see how steph curry is gearing up for his showdown with
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look like other money managers, but we're different. (other money manager) how so? (fisher investments) we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client'' best interest. (fisher investments) so we don't sell any commission-based products. (other money manager) then how do you make money? (fisher investments) we have a simple management fee, structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) your clients really come first then, huh? (fisher investments) yes. we make them a top priority, by getting to know their finances, family, health, lifestyle and more. (other money manager) wow, maybe we are different. (fisher investments) at fisher investments, we're clearly different. the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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good evening. the nba all star break is finally upon us and the warriors deserve a few days off. but last night in utah, steve kerr may have actually unlocked something. klay thompson came off the bench for the first time since his rookie season. he went off. klay dropped a season high 35 points as coach. kerr won his 500th career game. it was the first time in 11 years, 4358 days to be exact, that klay wasn't in the starting lineup when healthy. and instead of seeing this as an insult, you guys, he actually just rose to the occasion. >> i just want to take it upon myself to prove to coach that i was going to respond like the champ i am, and i thought i did that well tonight, and i learned some things tonight that i'm going to carry with myself throughout the whole season. for
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your teammates, play for the fun of the game. play for the dubs. not the name on the back of the jersey. and that's what i'm at my best was when i'm winning is the only thing that concerns me. i can't, you know, get hung up on a few bad performances here or there rather than just being grateful to be out here and do what i love. it's really a blessing. >> now, stephen curry is going to need to rise to a different kind of challenge. he takes on walnut creek native sabrina unesco in the first ever nba versus wnba three point challenge on saturday. i personally can't wait for this. sabrina will shoot from the nba's three point line and she has the range. she broke curry's record with 37 out of a possible 40 points last season. and of course, curry is the best shooter of all time, so it will be a fun battle. let's get to some golf. tiger woods was back this week and then he wasn't. woods was playing and hosting at the genesis invitational in la. sadly for woods, he apparently wasn't feeling well after his tee shot on number seven. he couldn't go on. he had to withdraw a cart, picked him up,
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drove him back to the locker room where he was given an iv. no clue when we will see woods next. your leader is patrick cantlay, who actually had tiger's old caddie on the bag. cantlay rolled this birdie in at 17. he has a five shot lead heading into the weekend, but the shot of the day came from wills zalatoris on the par three 14th. my shots never do this and it's a hole in one. and get this the ace earned zalatoris and his caddie each a new genesis car. that is a nice tip for the caddy. the nfl has suspended jimmy garoppolo for two games for violating the league's performance enhancing substances policy. according to espn. he was using a prescribed medication without an actual prescription. the 32 year old quarterback was expected to be released due to raiders salary cap issues. anyways and what good is a circus without clowns and an elephant? the a's stadium saga continue to take new and interesting turns today, just a day after meeting with the city and county, the oakland stadium
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authority abruptly canceled a meeting that was meant to iron out the final details of the oakland roots playing at the coliseum in 2025. no explanations were provided. the a's say they would be fine sharing the coliseum with the soccer club. then a report surfaced in the athletic that san bento is the front runner to be the a's temporary home. so did the coliseum authority blow up the roots plans in oakland for no apparent reason? man what a mess this has become. this abc seven sports report is sponsored by your northern california honda dealers. and my sources tell me you can't tell me. yeah, my sources tell me that the city and the mlb commissioner's office are still talking. okay. and the city still wants either expansion, the a's name and colors, or or the team to be sold. they're driving a hard bargain. which is now why you're hearing about sacramento and on and on and on going. >> it's a drama. thanks very much. every time. >> all right. tonight on abc seven at 8:00, it's shark tank,
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followed by 2020. then do stay with us for abc seven news at 11. remember that abc seven news is streaming 24 seven. get the abc seven bay area app. so you can join us whenever you want, wherever you are. >> finally, this friday, a few thoughts about what really matters when i was a kid, most of the guys i knew brought something with them to school. every day. that would probably be a serious problem for students. today. we carried pocket knives. they came in handy all the time. it was no big deal and no one gave it any thought at all. in fact, i carry one with me. most of the time to this day. sure there were fights, but no one ever got stabbed at school when i was a kid and certainly not shot. what happened in kansas city this week as chiefs fans celebrated the super bowl victory was just outrageous. and another example of the rampant gun violence that continues to plague this country . two juveniles have been charged. we need to find a way to stop the carnage from guns. of course, while still protecting a constitutional right. but it goes beyond guns.
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something has fundamentally changed in our psychology. our society. see what was once very rare children settling an argument or a grievance with a weapon is more commonplace. what really matters is to understand the change in thinking that makes a kid grab a knife or a gun to deal with a conflict. i always love to hear from you. let me know what you think. follow me on social media at dan ashley abc seven. >> all right. that is going to do it for us for this edition of abc seven news, we thank you for joining us. >> i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley for sandhya patel, casey pratt, all of us here. we appreciate your time on this friday. hope you have a nice evening and you stay dry this weekend. we'll see you again at 11.
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p. this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. yeah. you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. >> where we are, we are we are, we are, we are, we are where you are never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. >> download our abc seven b
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from the alex trebek stage at sony pictures studios, kids' special ticket offer. this is... introducing today's semifinalists-- a podcast host from portland, oregon... a risk manager from montreal, quebec, canada... and a consultant from falls church, virginia...
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and now here is the host of "jeopardy!"--ken jennings. [cheers and applause] thank you, johnny gilbert. and welcome to our first of three semifinal games in our last "jeopardy!" champions wildcard competition of the season. next up is the tournament of champions, and we are holding back one final spot for the winner of this competition. welcome back today sriram, vince, and mira. time to start finding out which of you three will be advancing to the finals. here are your categories in the jeopardy! round. first we have... you need to name the president who is the focus of each of these tv movies or miniseries. then we have... hey... then... and fun fact about me... i'm actually not, but these people are. sriram, you select first. transportation, $600.


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