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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  February 17, 2024 8:00am-9:01am PST

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♪ ♪ ♪ visit your volvo car retailer for special offers during our presidents' day sales event. ♪ ♪ >> gio: "good morning america," it is our second hour. deadly house explosion. a massive blast leveling this home. firefighters rushing inside just before it blew up. >> there are people trapped in the basement. large debris pile everywhere. working on trying to get the firefighters out of the basement. >> gio: one firefighter losing his life, ten others hurt.
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the investigation this morning. >> whit: the ned medication that can reduce the risk of severe allergic reactions, how it can be used and who it is for. dr. darien sutton is live to break it down. >> janai: real moms know best? >> you know what? this isn't me. like this isn't my lifestyle. so why am i trying to hide? >> janai: the new trend taking over social media, showing you don't have to be perfect. why parenting experts say being authentic can be empowering, and can even help your kids. ♪ ♪ >> gio: delicious dishes any time thanks to pantry staples. the four essential items to always have on hand for tasty home cooked meals. >> whit: we're on the road to the oscars, talking to the oscar contender, leading actor colman domingo on his history-making nomination, and what is next for the "rustin" star as we say good morning, america.
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♪ ♪ it is saturday morning. this is "gma." >> janai: good morning, america. it is presidents' day weekend and our tory johnson is here with all of the deals to make it the most comfortable one yet. we love that. >> gio: uh-huh. >> janai: and we are hitting the ice as metlife stadium is transformed for a hockey takeover. the nhl stadium series getting underway. >> whit: maybe we will see the knuckle puck. remember the knuckle puck, "mighty ducks." >> gio: "the mighty ducks." >> whit: there you go. a few references there. a busy morning here. former president trump promising to appeal the $355 million court ruling against him in a civil fraud case. the details on the decision and what is coming next. >> gio: first we begin with breaking news overnight, of course, a home in virginia exploding with firefighters inside. let's go back to abc's em nguyen at the scene in sterling, virginia. good morning again, em. >> reporter: good morning to you
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again, gio. the devastated home is about 100 yards down. you can still see scattered debris across the foundation, even stuck up in the trees this morning. you know, i was talking to some of the neighbors. they tell me it felt and sounded like their house was struck by lightning. this morning rubble is all that's left after a massive blast leveled this home, killing a firefighter, injuring at least 12 others in virginia. >> total devastation. >> yeah. >> there's a debris field well into the street and into the neighboring homes. >> reporter: firefighters arriving at the home after a call about the smell of gas, finding a 500-gallon underground propane tank with a leak on the side. shortly after, the house in sterling exploded. >> we have a structural explosion. >> significant damage. the house is pretty much leveled. >> reporter: the explosion trapping firefighters inside, desperately calling for help. >> there are people trapped in the basement. large debris pile everywhere. working on trying to get the firefighters out of the basement. >> reporter: the impact killing
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one firefighter, injuring ten more, some seriously. >> we had been hit by lightning i think was my immediate thought. incredible boom, whole house shook. kind of felt like we were thrown into the air a little bit. >> it was a huge explosion. some people said their whole wall actually caved in. it was horrific. looking looked something out of a war zone. >> reporter: this neighbor saying he smelled gas along the street earlier in the evening walking his dogs. now firefighters grieving the loss of one of their own. >> it is the worst call we can respond to and it is a time we need to support each other and hold each other up. >> reporter: and we're also learning this morning that two other people outside of the ten firefighters were sent to the hospital. they are expected to be okay. the or jiigin of this catastrop explosion is still under investigation, janai. >> janai: terrifying thinking about that. thank you, em. now to the ruling against former president donald trump in his civil fraud case that looks like it will cost him quite a
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bit. abc senior investigative reporter aaron katersky is here with the details. we are talking tens of millions of dollars. >> it is a stinging defeat, janai. in addition to ordering him to pay $355 million plus entrust the judge barred him from running a business in new york. the judge finding him guilty of using blatantly false financial data that exaggerated the value of his real estate. new york attorney general letitia james said the fraud will ensure it does not continue. trump called it a complete sham and will continue the fight on appeal. he still must come up with the money, putting all $355 million in escrow with the court or posting a portion with a bond. trump said he runs a beautiful corporate empire but his testimony at trial did not help his case. the judge faulted his testimony for long, irrelevant speeches and he said trump's refusal to
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answer questions directly or in some cases at all severely compromised his credibility. the ruling here is the latest legal setback for trump. earlier this week a judge refused to delay his criminal trial here in new york where he is accused of falsifying business records related to a hush payment to porn actress stormy daniels. whit, that trial will start next month. if he is convicted trump could be running for president as a felon. >> whit: aaron katersky for us. thank you it feels like winter this morning here in the northeast, perfect for an outdoor hockey game. abc's morgan norwood is here with a preview of the nhl's 2024 stadium series this weekend just across the river in new jersey. morgan, good morning. >> hey, good morning to you, whit. it is always nice when the weather cooperates for sporting event like this. yes, we are talking two games over two days. by the way, there is a concert as well. in just hours the nhl stadium series is taking over metlife stadium and turning the football turf into ice, hosting outdoor hongie for the first time. guys, you have to see this
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massive 11-day transformation. look at this. crews taking metlife stadium from a football field to an outdoor ice rink. met life will be the meeting place for the philadelphia flyers and new jersey devils tonight. then an all-out battle between the two new york teams. the rangers and islanders will face off tomorrow, and the stakes are high for all four teams as we are in the thick of the eastern conference playoffs. the rangers, they've got the top spot in the division. the devils and isles within striking distance. music and sports go hand in hand, proved by usher with the super bowl performance. tonight it is the jonas brother's turn. they will perform before the puck drop and then again during the second intermission. you can watch it all tonight at 8:00 eastern and tomorrow at 3:00 right here on abc. gio. >> gio: exciting series ahead. morgan, thank you. we have a major update on the lunar landers trip to the moon. we have been telling you about odysseus from intuitive machines.
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you see it gracefully deploying in space. it turns out it just made history this morning, successfully firing all of its engines. it is the first time liquid methane and liquid oxygen have been used in space. the team at intuitive machines celebrating their milestone. two other lunar landers failed missions to the moon but if odysseus land on the moon it will be the first commercial to do it and first american moon landing in more than 50 years. how about that? >> gio: that is really cool. those images and how excited you get about space. >> gio: makes you a kid again. >> janai: yeah. still coming up on "gma," a health alert. the fda has approved a medication that can reduce the risk of severe allergic reactions. dr. sutton is here live with what to know. >> whit: also ahead, on the road to the oscars with colman domingo talking one-on-one about his first-ever nomination and why he almost quit acting. >> gio: can't wait for that. plus, how to make easy and delicious meals with must-have
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pantry staples. chandra ram is here to show us how it is done. stick around. you you're watching "gma" on a saturday morning. in the background.] [minimalist piano enters, plays throughout.] (dad) we got our subaru forester wilderness [heavy sound of water coming from waterfall.] [heavy sound of water stops abruptly.] to discover all of the places that make us feel something more. [heavy sound of water from waterfall re-enters.] (vo) subaru is the national park foundation's largest corporate donor, helping expand access for all.
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it's the hangout house, that's why i'm moving. and get an offer on your house. selling your home to opendoor is so easy you can do it during halftime. sign up for a halftime showing at
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♪ ♪ >> whit: welcome back to "gma," and our cover story, a new medication has been approved by the fda that can reduce the risk of severe allergic reactions to food triggers in children and adults. it is the first of its kind. abc medical correspondent dr. darien sutton is joining us with what we need to know. >> good morning. >> whit: dr. darien, good morning to us. tell us about this medication and how it can be used. >> the subject is anaphylaxis. whit, we talked about this before. in the emergency room some of my scariest cases revolve around anaphylaxis. it is an injectable medication given in the same way an epipen is, and it has been shown in
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studies when patients are given it every few weeks depending on age and weight, it substantially reduces the risk of anaphylaxis. we are talking about allergies to peanut, milk, egg and other common nuts. you can imagine what it means for the person that lives with that threat, who has to get on a plane and has to fear that. this is a medication that can reduce that substantially. >> whit: help explain the difference between just an allergic reaction and the more severe anaphylaxis. >> it is a good question. allergic reaction typically involves one organ system, for example skin or a rash or hives, whereas, anaphylaxis typically involves more than two systems. it is a rash as well as throat swelling or digestive symptoms like nausea or vomiting or a high heart rate or drop in blood pressure leading to fainting. that's how you define the difference. >> whit: what about an emergency? if it is not this medication, what should people do? >> so this medication, although it is given in a similar way to an epipen, it is not meant to be used in an acute emergency.
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that's what an epipen is for. if you think someone is suffering from anaphylaxis or having difficulty breathing after eating something, first off, call 911. if an epipen is available, use it. remember to take a moment and read the instructions. make sure that their clothing is loose and continue to monitor them. the way that i monitor patients that i'm concerned about, whit, is i talk to them. is a patient having difficulty speaking? is their voice changing? are they taking breaks between sentences? that helps me to understand because even if it gets better it might occur, which is why even if it is better outside the hospital you still should bring them to the e.r. >> whit: it seems like a game changer. people who live with these allergies live in a constant state of fear because you can't control everything. you go out to restaurants, you never know what might be in the food. >> it is true, and it is estimated up to 5% of people live with that threat. that equates to more than 16 million people. so you can only imagine what this means for those who have that fear, and also parents who send their kids off to school who might have that fear. so this can substantially reduce that risk. i think it is phenomenal we have
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opportunities like this in science. >> whit: dr. darien, always appreciate you coming in. thank you so much. >> of course. >> whit: janai, over to you. >> janai: good stuff, guys, giving relief to those people. we are turning to the latest social media trend where moms are getting real online. the nonaesthetic moms hashtag is growing in popularity as women present more relatable versions of their home lives. it is a story we first saw in the "wall street journal." let's check it out. >> i as a mom want to see people doing realistic mom things. >> reporter: the popularity of hashtags like nonaesthetic mom, relatable moms and real moms is skyrocketing on social media. >> my husband and i are normal people who make just about enough money to get by every month. >> reporter: a relatable glimpse at their reality from parenting to finances to their home, doubling down on the idea that you don't need to have it all together to share your story online. >> grab a piece of paper and a measuring tape. have them work as a team, make
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it a game. >> we coined this term because we wanted to be known or recognize those moms who don't fall into the perfect aesthetic mom category. >> janai: moms like alicia leaning into the so-called nonaesthetic, creating go of the quest for perfection. >> when i first started posting i was very intimidated. i went out of my way to make my apartment look better and then i'm like, you know what? this isn't me. this isn't my lifestyle, so why am i trying to hide? >> janai: parenting experts say showing authenticity is important. >> when we show things in a real life we are saying they matter, they exist, we are not denying them. we are also saying that they have a right to be seen. >> reporter: at the end of the day everyone is doing their best. >> it is very empowering to be your natural self on social media without hiding everything or feeling like you need to hide parts of your life. >> whit: i feel like you're a real mom. >> janai: oh, i am. you know what? honestly with three kids now i
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told myself i can't take anything too seriously. >> whit: yeah. >> janai: you can't control anything with kids. >> gio: yeah. >> janai: you just chalk it up to the game. >> whit: exactly. >> janai: now to brittany bell for a check in on the weather. hey, brittany. >> brittany: can't control the weather but we have a lot of spot like coney island waking up to a fresh layer of snow. here is a look from earth cam showing snow on the grounds. roads in decent shape so far. 9.9 inches reported so far. here is a look at other snowfalls. center valley, pennsylvania, over 13.8 inches. 13 inches in holland township. jtk, 6.1. 2 in central park. snow will continue to taper off this morning, especially this afternoon, but we will hold on to a few isolated snow showers. then tomorrow it turns really cold. we will have real-feel temperatures down into the teens thanks to a strong breeze. it is going to feel like 15 in new york city. also albany, 13 degrees. down to 12 in boston.
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temperatures gradually warming up or turning into the upper 30 >> gio: all rig >> gio: all right. let's get comfy. tory johnson joins us now with deals and steals. everything to make sure you are comfortable at home. >> you got it. >> gio: good morning, tory. >> how are you? you want to take a spin in first one? >> gio: what is this? >> sit down there. it is ready rocker.
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it will turn any chair or hard surface into a rocker. >> gio: that is so cool. >> it is cool, right? it helps improve circulation, release endorphins, reduce stress. makes you feel good, right? >> gio: it feels really good. >> it feels really good. it is a fabulous product and today works with any chair. no matter what you have at home this will work, or in the office. >> gio: pop it on and you are done? >> pop it on and you are done. ready to go. $99 plus free shipping. >> gio: can i do the whole thing from here? >> you want to stay there? >> gio: i was so comfortable, mics are flying all over the place. >> these are air pure fires. what is great is this pulls in the dirty air. think dust, pollen. if you have it in a room you are concerned about this will help to filter that air. what i like is that there's so many smart sensors that will measure the air quality. there's different fan speeds so you can customize it. it is quiet so if you use it at night it is not going to interrupt your sleep. three different options based on
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the size of the space you are looking to purify. depending on the size of the room from 700 to 1,400 square feet, that will determine the one that you purchase. they're r50 % off today. >> gio: wow, a good deal. and feels good too. you can just hear, it is so quiet. >> whisper quiet. >> gio: both are on. all right. >> arnicare. >> gio: oh, arnica is good. >> a lot of people swear about it for soothing pain relief. we have two options, a gel as well as a cream. what i love about this, it is fragrance free and non-"grease"ie. you can use it discreetly any time you want. you don't have to worry about walking around with a medicinal smell that makes you feel uncomfortable. these are really great. good for sore muscles, joints. eansor, tired feet a lot of people use it for. i can't tell you how many people swear by this. 50% off your choice, $10 today. >> gio: a great deal. socks, we have to get cozy. >> this is high-performance socks. what is fab list, it is a marino
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yarn that is longer laster, better moisture wicking than cotton. >> gio: nice. >> they have a good feel. those are compression socks. >> gio: oh, yes. >> you see they're anatomically correct for left and right, they have "l" and "r." >> gio: in case you are confused. >> just in case you are confused. but what is important is there's targeted compression targeted to each foot. those are really smart. we have boot socks that are warm as well as cushioned, the everyday crew that are great for long days on your feet. great company, great product. great price starting at $8. >> gio: performance. wow, cool. >> this is a el rooie great company, a brand-new product. this is glory house. this is called the big hug pray irblanket. i want to show you this. >> gio: okay. >> it is a great comfy blanket with all of these little tags. i hope we can see them close up. take a look at the tags. they arrive blank like this, and you use your own markers and stuff. >> gio: what a fun project. >> to make messages for somebody going through a difficult time.
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>> gio: wow. >> it is your way to let them know, you've got this, we're with you. it is like a virtual hug but they get to have it in person with all of your messages on it. >> gio: what a beautiful idea. >> it is a really beautiful project to do. it is a beautiful gift to give. it is a great to do as a family gift, as a group gift, an office gift for somebody going through a challenging time. this is fabulous. 50% off today from glory house. >> gio: and so cozy. >> really cozy. finally speaking of cozy, i think the ultimate comfort is a really fabulous denim jacket. this is from franne gold. every time i wanted to feature it they said, sorry, tory, we are sold out. we got the restock. it has two-way stretch. >> gio: you can feel it. >> it stretches anyway you move, which is super comfortable, but it is a very chic one. this is what i va elevated piece that you will get plenty of wear out of. >> gio: it is amazing.
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such good deals. you always bring it. >> thank you. >> gio: partnered with all of the companies. find each deal on our website, or use that code right there. coming up, our road to the oscars and whit's one-on-one with "rustin" star colman domingo to talk about his nomination. stick around. to talk about his nomination. stick around.
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♪ ♪ ...thanks to dupixent. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. and can help improve lung function for better breathing in as little as two weeks. dupixent helps prevent asthma attacks... and can even reduce or eliminate oral steroids. imagine that. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs.
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tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. who knows what you can do when you du more with less asthma. ask your doctor about dupixent. the most prescribed biologic for asthma. (qb) this is it. one play. this is when we find out... (luke) hey, quick question. student body math proficiency, would we say it's good? fair? satisfactory? (player 1) what? (luke) like a percentage, if you had to guess. (players) hey, get out of here man. get off the field. (luke) understood. (players) security! grab him! (marci) great student-teacher ratio... (luke) marci! we've got to go! marci! we have got to go! we bring you the real, in-depth school info. (marci) what were you thinking? (luke) i don't know. i. don't know. (vo) ding dong!
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i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message
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because this is who we are. good morning. i'm stephanie sierra. a level two storm is making its way across the bay area right now. francis is tracking it all for us this morning. i see those raindrops, francis. >> yeah, they're definitely showing up in san francisco. here is today's storm. and here is tomorrow's storm into monday. so we're getting some lightrillionain falling over many parts of the bay area. it's been falling in the north bay since earlier this morning. and now, along with san mateo county coastline and even here live at the exploratorium, we see some raindrops on the camera lens. so the rainfall will start to move in over the next few hours into the east bay. and then the heaviestrillionain will definitely be in the north bay, especially this afternoon. and this evening. then get ready for an even stronger system that arrives tomorrow afternoon. but we will get a break tomorrow morning. briefly stephanie francis, thank you and thank you
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all for joining us. >> the news continues right now with conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate.
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i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. >> i got it. >> it's kind of this cool social immediate ra trend w it is kind of the cool social media trend where you get it before the oscars. >> hey, ryann. >> actually, i think the trend is to have n & out after the oscars, actually after you won the oscars. >> oh, well, that's not going to
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happen. >> janai: welcome back to "gma." with that new oscars promo, host jimmy kimmel heading to hollywood's biggest night with the help of the "barbie" gang. they aren't the only ones. "gma" is on the road to the oscars as well. this morning we're hearing from "rustin" nominee colman domingo and helping you with your watch list in "binge this." you had an awesome interview. >> whit: exactly. it is coming up. >> janai: looking forward to that. >> whit: he is one of the best stories in hollywood right now. truly inspirational story and we will chat with him coming up. >> janai: all right. first, a look at other headlines we're following. ukraine's military announced it has retreated from the key city of aditka creeding it to russia. this comes after ferocious fighting that cost tens of thousands of russian casualties. it is the first notable ukrainian city to fall to russia since balk mud nearly a year
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ago. >> translator: jimmy garoppolo is suspended for two games performan performance-enhancing drugs. this means he will miss the first two games of the next season. >> whit: and sir paul mccartney has been reunited with his beloved bass guitar 51 years after it was stolen in west london. mccartney played it on several beatle's classics including "love me do" and "she loves you." the lost project search was launched in 2018 and a family says they found it in the original case. >> gio: wow, sitting there? >> whit: yeah, pretty cool. now to the road to the oscars and one of the nominees for best actor, colman domingo, the first african latino and first gay latino to be nominated in the category. i sat down with the "rustin" star to talk about the journey and what the history-making nomination means to him. >> what's your name, soldier?
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>> private hal green, sir. >> whit: from critically acclaimed films like and "selma." >> we built the path as we can rock by rock. >> whit: to his hbo series "euphoria." >> the hardest part of having the addiction aside from having the disease of addiction is no onesies it as a disease. >> whit: now he is nominated for an oscar in what was his first major leading role in the netflix film "rustin." >> they either believe in freedom and justice for all or they do not. >> whit: you have been on this journey three decades. >> yeah. >> whit: doing off-broadway gigs, bar tending in between. what does it mean to you to be an oscar nominee? >> you know, i actually hope that this is inspirational to my fellow journeymen, the people out there who are doing the work
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for a long time and may not get a lot of shine, all of those regional theater actors, off-broadway actors, background performers, to know that, you know, i'm one of them. >> whit: domingo is up for best actor for his powerful performance portraying civil rights activist bayard rustin who was pivotal in organizing the march on washington. >> whit: what did you know about him before you read the script? >> i know more than most people because i learned about him when i was about 19 years old when i was a student at temple university, when i joined what is called the african american student union. i thought, who is this? and the fact that he organized the march on washington and he was openly gay, my mind was blown as a 19 year old. probably a 19 year old who was still sort of like trying to navigate his way as an openly gay man as well. i found, oh, here is somebody who is really owning his power. i wonder and i question if maybe the fact that i stumbled upon him when i was about 19 years old, how it affected me and how i navigate my way through my industry in many ways, how i
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believe that i should be regarded by the way i see myself. i feel like that's limitless. >> boy! >> whit: domingo played mister in the recent adaptation of "the color purple", oprah winfrey one of the producers. >> whit: true or false. your mother used to write letters to oprah in hopes one day she would see you and recognize your talents? >> true. >> whit: you got to tell me about this. >> i will tell you this. yeah, i'm a mama's boy and every so often my mother would say, you know, i wrote oprah today. i was like, why? because oprah helps people. it would happen over and over again, but i didn't believe in nose dreams. i remember very clear, she said, you got to play the game to win. she said you have to have faith. >> whit: oprah later saying she never received the letters but she got the message. for domingo it is another reminder of his remarkable journey and perseverance through hard times. >> whit: at one point you almost walked away from acting
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all together. >> yeah. >> whit: what kept you going? >> listen, no one gets here alone. i curated and cultivated such good people that we really invest in each other and believe in each other and we're honest with each other. so i owe it to them, but i also owe it not only to my husband and i think it is always important to have a good group of people around you who remind you actually are reflections of who you are, and i have that in spades. i think the work that i was seeking was always seeking me, and here we are. >> janai: wow. >> gio: wow, what an amazing guy. >> whit: i loved talking to him, i really do. his whole story, how he never gave up, he always believed in himself and he always thanked the people and him, who helped carry him through. now he is having this moment right now and he could potentially win the oscar. his performance is incredible. many consider him a favorite to win. i also have to talk about this because you know i'm our resident fashion expert when it comes to the red carpet. >> janai: we don't know that. >> whit: so colman domingo, we
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have pictures here. he has been leading the way as best dressed on the red carpet. >> gio: oh, yeah. >> whit: for years. this is from a years ago, a versace tuxedo he wore. he was trying to lift people out of the pandemic at the time. he says his fashion is about telling a story. he did give me a hint for the oscars this year. >> janai: okay. >> whit: he did say he's wearing louis vuitton. it was breaking news from us hire on "gma." watch for it on the red carpet. he promises we will be there for the preshow, that he felt bad for me since we will be there for five-and-a-half hours. he's like, i'm going to bring you coffee. i said, i'm holding you to that. if you show up empty handed on the red carpet. >> janai: we will be watching for that moment. >> gio: that moment. >> whit: it was great talking to him. >> janai: it was a great conversation. >> whit: thank you. the oscars aired sunday, march 10th here on abc starting at 7:00 p.m. again, we have the whole pre-oscars show on abc and on "abc news live" and we will be live on the red carpet for "good
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morning america: saturday" and sunday. >> gio: all of the things. >> whit: boom. we have it all coming up herecoming up here on "good morning america," stay in the valentine's day spirit all weekend long with the new j-lo film. it is one of the picks for your weekend "binge this." ion. following you along, everywhere you go. making every moment special. even more surprising than your last. and bringing you extra time in any of the 4 theme parks, every day. plus, stay longer and save more... with up to 30% on rooms at select disney resort hotels! why would you stay anywhere else? ( ♪ ) we're still going for that nice catch. we're still going for that sweet shot. and with higher stroke risk from afib not caused by a heart valve problem, we're going for a better treatment than warfarin. eliquis.
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politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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♪ ♪ >> janai: we are back now with our "gma" -- "gma" buzz pick. >> we'll start it over. >> janai: whew, whew, whew. "gma" buzz pick. this saturday it is a love stock for ricki wilde by tia williams. "the new york times" best-selling author behind "seven days in june" is back with a love story that's a perfect match of romance, art and magic. here she is to tell us about it. >> i'm tia williams, author of "a love song for ricki wilde." this book is an enchanted, modern fairy tale about a free-spirited florist and an enigmatic musician who are drawn to the magic and history of harlem and drawn to each other, and they find out that their lives are uniquely linked in ways that they could not have imagined. there is voodoo magic, there's leap year magic, and there's a lot of steam. hope you enjoy it. >> janai: and a lot of steam.
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>> gio: voodoo? wow. >> janai: are you excited, too? >> whit: of course. >> janai: "a love song for ricki wi wilde" is available now. now to brittany bell for the weather. >> brittany: we have been talking about snow and rain all morning. i want to show you sunshine. this is earth cam view of sunshine in los angeles yesterday, but they've had so much rain. to put things in perspective, they only need three more inches of rain for it to become the wettest february on record and they have more on the way late today to early >> gio: all right. and >> whit: all right. it is time for the latest edition of -- there you go.
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binge this. we are looking at what to watch for this long weekend. will ganss is here with great picks to check out while you are all curled up on the couch. hi, will. >> hey, gio. >> gio: j-lo, let's talk j-lo because it is valentine's day. she has a new movie people are calling a romantic spectacle. >> also calling it insane, sexy and bizarre, but those are the critics' words, not mine. if you want to keep the vibes going critics are calling jennifer lopez's new movie a romantic spectacle. it is only 65 minutes but it packs a lot in. she is singing, she is dancing, she is acting, and it is called "this is me now." the movie is self-financed. she paid $20 million of her own dollars to get this made. >> gio: painful until they saw it. >> exactly. >> janai: hey. >> it is a really, really fun watch. i watched it all yesterday. she does everything in it. she also announced a documentary that's coming out based on the making of this film, and she
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announced she is going on tour later this summer. >> whit: all right. so the oscars just two days away. we've been talking about it. what are some of the must-sees we have to watch? >> i have one in particular i've been dying to recommend. this is my recommendation for anyone counting down to the academy awards, check out "anatomy of the fall." about a family living in a chalet in france. in the opening, the husband is found dead under a window at the top of the house. question, did he jump or was he pushed. a legal thriller with amazing performances including a child, and the dog is so well. >> whit: i loved the dog>> it is available on amazon and apple tv. >> whit: nothing against the other actors, but the dog was incredible. >> janai: whit loves his pooches. >> whit: his name is snoop. >> janai: it is what? >> whit: snoop. >> janai: adorable. what about something quickly to
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binge? >> this is something you can truly handle in one afternoon. it is called "the vince staples show" starring the actor you might recognize from "abbott elementary." i spoke with vince about the project. >> it is a day in the life. we have ridiculous things we deal with on a day in, day out basis. >> writer, musician, comedian, actor. what is next? >> i don't know, man. next-level chef, iron chef. i don't know. ventriloquist. so many things you can do in life. >> lion tamer? >> lion tamer, yeah. botanist. who knows? you know, sky is the limit. >> a bot nist? i believe he can do all of those things. first season is only five episodes. totally bingable in one day. "the vince staple show." and a good cry? >> this is a series based on a book that came out in 2009 and a movie that came out in 2011 starring leo woodall who you might recognize from "the white
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lotus" except he is not trying to kill jennifer coolidge. this time bring your clean ex if you decide to watch it. >> whit: so much fun. >> janai: goodrecommendations. >> a variety pack. >> whit: we will be right back with more here on "gma." >> a varie i have the power to educate people >> gio: and we will be right back with more on "gma." variety pack. accide, >> gio: and we will be right back with more on "gma." a varie >> gio: and we will be right back with more on "gma." other family has to go through what we did. tiktok has the power to change society, and i think that's where the power of tiktok lies. if you save one person, that's one more person that can change the world too. right? ♪ nature's bounty hair growth. help grow thicker, fuller hair with just one capsule a day of advanced hair complex. conquer hair thinning... ...and fall in love with your hair all over again. only from nature's bounty.
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> janai: we are back now with pap pantry pointers, looking at four of the must-have items you should have on hand to make a simple, delicious meal at home. chandra ram joins us with her tips. good morning. thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me. >> janai: why is it important to have the pantry stocked with essentials? >> because you all know the feeling. you get home from work, you've got 25, 30 minutes before dinner is either going to be a meal or it is cheese and crackers. >> whit: yeah. >> so when you have a well-stocked pantry that means you are set to prepare a wonderful meal. >> whit: all right. let's jump into the first
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must-have item, rice. >> rice is possibly the most popular ingredient around the world. it is used in every cuisine, but i feel look too often we say -- yes, dig in. have some dessert. >> whit: oh, yes, we like to eat around here. >> too often people use it as a side dish, but you can do it as a grain bowl for breakfast. this is a rice pudding we did with jasmine rice. we have it topped with mango and passion fruit. >> gio: oh, this is so good. like my abuela. she made this for me. it was called " [ speaking in a global language ] . >> this is cooked with canned coconut milk. it shows rice can be used for every meal. >> gio: so good. now you have the beans. got to get the fiber. >> dried beans. love having dried beans. my thing is i often -- i think that they're just so inexpensive to buy when you buy them dried. they're very easy to store. people get nervous about cooking beans, you shouldn't. you don't have to -- you can just throw them in a pot of water, boil them, they're fine. this is a black-eyed pea salad,
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wonderful. >> gio: delicious. >> bet your black-eyed peas cooking and chop up onions, peppers, herbs, pour a little glass of wine. by the time you have all of that done your beans are ready and you are ready to go. >> janai: okay. we have canned tomatoes. why are those good to have on hand? >> we all know canned tomatoes for tomato sauce and soup and things like that. i love this trick. take whole canned tomatoes and cut them in half and roast them. so they cook down and they become more flavorful in that, because the thing is we haven't had a fresh tomato in months and we're not going to have one for another few months, right? >> janai: yeah. >> it is snowing outside. canned so mat canned tomatoes are canned at the peak point of fresh 9ness a have so much flavor. when you cook them down like this, this is a tart from the south of france. >> whit: i'm getting in there. >> we use frozen puff pastry,
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super easy to do. >> whit: wow. >> gio: wow. >> we top it with a ton of ingredients with so much flavor. anchovies where they make everything more full flavored, they add we have olives, cheese st. >> whit: speaking of flavors, what are the ways to guest the most out of the pantry items. >> what i love about tamari, miso, add a spoonful to your soup or stew. you know when you make something at home and have it at a restaurant and you're like, why is it so much more flavorful, it is because they use the pantry ingredients. >> whit: fantastic. >> simple things go a long way. >> janai: they do. we will be right back.
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>> whit: ♪ ♪ >> whit: once again gio is finishing all of our desserts. >> janai: clink, clink, clink. >> whit: you can get more "gma" in your day with "gma" livestreaming on abc live this morning 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. eastern. >> gio: thank you for starting your saturday with us. have a great day. >> whit: yeah, yeah. finish. day. >> janai: we'll see you tomorrow.
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stephanie sierra. another storm is set to pour into the bay area . firstrillionesponders say they're ready to quickly respond to any power outages. if that happens, tree and p-g-and-e's crews were seen trimming branches and reinforcing equipment in santa rosa. the storm earlier this month knocked down power for 1.4 million customers. utility officials say this time they anticipate winds won't be strong enough to hit their equipment directly. heavy rain here means potentially 3 to 4ft of snow in the sierra. officials anticipate ski resorts to be 100% open in the lake tahoe area. kevin cooper from california mountain resort company tells us. snow levels could teeter, which is great for resorts snow base, he also recommends layering up on clothing if you're going to hit the slopes. if you're driving up to tahoe, the best time to go is before this evening or midday tomorrow. frances. how's it
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looking? oh, yeah, it's definitely looking wet out there. >> and you definitely don't want to travel to and from the sierra on monday, when they'll get the heaviest snow. here's a look at live doppler seven satellite radar image. so this storm is going to affect us today. and here's another storm coming in tomorrow that's going to bring us even more rain and stronger winds. so we have some lightrillionain falling over the north bay and along the peninsula right now. in fact, our live camera shot shows you some raindrops on our richmond-san rafael camera. for those folks heading to the bridge now this morning we'll start to see some more widespread rain. by the afternoon we'll get some heavier rain. the areas of yellow there. in fact, it will be heavier, especially in the north bay where we see the oranges and the yellows through this evening we will finally get a little bit of a break late tonight through early tomorrow morning, so that's a great time to clear out the rain drains and gutters. and then we have another storm and five days of wet weather. stephanie. >> all right, francis, thank you. good tip. the news continues with the gma
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