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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  February 22, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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confirms a massive outage, including thousands here in the bay area. president biden not holding back when it comes to russian president vladimir putin. >> what he said at a fundraising event here in the bay area, and how the kremlin is now responding. >> then china confirms it will send pandas this summer to the u.s, to san diego instead of san francisco. for now, what we know
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this morning. >> i'm not happy about this. good morning. on this thursday, february 22nd, i know a lot of people are happy that you're back. >> oh, thank you. welcome back. you know what? >> it's nice to be back. i forgot that i worked. i forgot that i lived here, i forgot all things. >> it's nice to just, like, have that moment, though. yeah get all those things very tranquil, very rested. forget. >> yes. to start renewed. i knew you will last 24 hours. >> you're like, oh, this is what it feels like to be rested, right? here's a live look outside. we get to enjoy dry weather. finally, the accuweather forecast really highlighting that we are just seeing partly cloudy conditions out there currently. however the north bay is seeing dense fog. we have a dense fog advisory in effect until 10 a.m. for the valleys of the north bay. live doppler seven across the entire state. we're getting a break from the storms. enjoy the dry pattern. it will last until early next week, so taking a look at the day today, we have that fog in the north bay early on, giving way to just bright
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sunshine. partly cloudy this afternoon. we are dry. those temperatures very pleasant. upper 50s along the coast, low and mid 60s away from the coast. but even warmer weather moves in for the weekend. reggie. we'll show you that coming up in about six minutes. thank you. >> drew breaking overnight. if you're an at&t customer, you may have noticed problems with your cell service. a major outage impacted people across the country. gloria is tracking the situation at the live desk and the bay area was one of the hardest hit places. >> yeah, reggie, i was impacted this phone this morning just had a big s.o.s. on it. >> i know a lot of people also experienced this many people here in the bay area, la, dallas , chicago and atlanta, along with several other cities, were experiencing this. now people saw no service overnight or limited connection with phones displaying an s.o.s. as a for a m. nearly 38,000 at&t customers were reporting no service, and that was according to down detector, which tracks outages based on customers self-reporting those issues. local law enforcement agencies sent out notices about the
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outage affecting emergency service calls. san francisco fire sent out a message at 3 a.m. saying that the city's 9-1-1 center is still operational. officials said that if you are an at&t customer and you cannot get through to 9-1-1, then just try calling from a landline and at&t sent us a statement in just the last hour saying we are working urgently to restore service to them. we encourage the use of wi-fi, calling until service is restored and other networks like cricket, xfinity and boost mobile are also seeing some outages. verizon customer also reported problems, but verizon says that their service was not impacted, so the good news this morning it is getting better amanda. all right. thanks so much gloria. >> president biden making headlines in the bay area during his campaign events yesterday. he took aim at vladimir putin calling him a, quote, crazy sob and criticizing donald trump. today we could hear more from him. abc seven news reporter
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lena howland is live in los altos, where another fundraiser is set to take place today. lena >> amanda. the kremlin has already responded to president biden's comments overnight, saying his comment was a, quote, huge shame for america and going on to say clearly mr. biden behaves in the hollywood cowboy style to serve internal political interests. the president's visit is part of a three day california swing to raise money for his 2024 reelection campaign, first stopping in los angeles on tuesday before heading to san francisco yesterday. that's where he attended at least two campaign fundraisers, one held at the getty museum at the getty mansion in pacific heights, where he was spotted with former speaker nancy pelosi. president biden. counting on bay area supporters to boost his campaign chest. >> we are the atm for the political world and there's a lot of folks here with a lot of money who are interested in politics. >> smart of him to come to come here. where his where people are
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wanting to see him. >> according to the reception invite today's fundraiser in los altos hills will be hosted by real estate developer bob kline, daniel gutman klein and former state controller steve westly. but if you want a picture with president biden at this fundraiser, that's going to cost you at least $25,000. live in los altos, lena howland, abc seven news. >> lena, thank you. president biden is considering what's being described as a major new action at the border. it comes as more voters in this election year say the migrant crisis is among their top concerns. a white house official confirms a potential executive action from the president would place new restrictions on asylum seekers. they could be required to prove they need to remain in the us for reasons like a medical emergency or fear of torture in their home country. the new action could put president biden at odds with his own party. some democrats compared a crackdown to trump era politics policies. the white house says there will not be any true reform until
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there's action from congress. house republicans recently killed a bipartisan border security deal with the abc seven news. >> i-team has learned. an east oakland private school is closing at the end of the school year, due in part to rising crime in the neighborhood. parents at saint anthony catholic school received notice two weeks ago, according to an email sent from the oakland diocese. aside from crime, the notice says the closure is tied to homelessness, lack of affordable housing and human trafficking operations near the campus. enrollment at the k through eighth grade school has declined to 65 students. the i-team first broke the story about human trafficking one year ago, where video showed young girls and alleged pimps. this was near the school, the diocese says saint anthony's is facing overwhelming financial challenges despite large investments. a former school parent, rosa vargas, says families are worried about finding a safe alternative for their kids. >> it's really hard to get into
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good schools. it's really hard and for us parents that were that we were paying to get our kids in a safe school, it's hard because we take our, our children to another school and then we were told that they're not a grade level. >> the oakland diocese is assuring families it will help them find alternate catholic schools for their children to attend. >> california regulators are pumping the brakes on waymo's bid to expand its operations. the state's public utilities commission is putting waymo's plans to expand into san mateo county and los angeles on hold until at least june, the puc says it needs to further review the request. one san mateo county supervisor had this critique of waymo's expansion attempts. >> they need to do a better job running, communicating, and i think one of the issues that we had as a county was their issue on communicating with our fire department, communicating with
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our sheriff. >> waymo responded to the suspension in a statement to abc seven news. it says it is standard for regulators to automatically issue a suspension for further review on any advice letter, and that in 2022, its effort to provide service to san francisco was similarly suspended before eventually being approved. the pacific appears expected to partially reopen today. it's been closed since earlier this week because of high waves. city officials said last week. more closures are possible after the pier was damaged in a december storm. a structural assessment will be completed next month to determine what work needs to be done to fully repair it. >> still to come, the bay area community that will be having a drone show instead of a traditional 4th of july fireworks show, and the hard working construction crews that helped rescue a dog from a raging river, the. >> 608 this morning, dry weather has returned. future weather showing you it's just partly cloudy skies throughout the day. later on this afternoon we'll get those temperatures upper 50s along the coast. low and mid 50s
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around the bay shoreline and inland. but it gets even warmer around here. to kick off the we
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i'm from phoenix, arizona. i'm a flight nurse on a helicopter that specializes in trauma. i've been doing flight nursing for 24 years. as you get older, your brain slows down and i had a fear that i wouldn't be able to keep up. i heard about prevagen from a friend. i read the clinical study on it and it had good reviews. i've been taking prevagen now for five years and it's really helped me stay sharp and present.
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it's really worked for me. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. western bolivia. a group of construction workers rescued the dog by having one of the workers hang from a crane on to grab the dog. heavy rain triggered several landslides in the area, leaving multiple people who died and dozens unhoused. but the good news, i guess the only shining light is that they were able to save this pup. >> wow, that is some stunning video will take you outside. here's a live look at our abc seven oakland airport camera. it is quiet out there this morning, looking at the last 22 days of the month. we are in a surplus across the board thanks to several storms already from the
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city to oakland to san jose to santa rosa. we are above normal up to this point in the month. santa rosa closing in on four inches of above average rainfall. so it has been a wet month. we're getting a break today and that break will last through the weekend. here's how it looks over the next 12 hours. we have a little bit of fog in the north bay early on this morning. we'll have a lot of sunshine, some clouds from time to time. we'll call it partly cloudy this afternoon, but we will enjoy a fair amount of sunshine, temperatures today pretty close to average, upper 50 to the mid 60 by about 3:04 p.m. today. now as we head closer to the weekend tomorrow we'll find cloudier skies moving in here, but also warmer weather . we lose the cloud cover on saturday and we turn up the temperatures. look at saturday to start the weekend. get those outdoor plans ready. 60s and 70s headed our way. reggie drew thank you. >> still to come high school students fighting to change health care laws. why they want to require insurance companies to include wigs. then the future of the capital wharf up in the air. two businesses forced to be
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demolished after the capital, i should say demolished after the severe storms ravaged the region. and as we head to break a live look outside, it is now 612 and we'll be right back unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms better than an antidepressant alone. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, as these may be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain, and high cholesterol may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. stomach and sleep issues, dizziness,
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in the demolition of two decades old businesses. last night, residents held a town hall asking city leaders to reconsider their decision to tear down those buildings. monster waves damaged capitola boat and bait and the wharf house restaurant during last year's storms. officials have decided to demolish both structures after deeming them unsafe due to extensive damage to the building's foundations and walls. relatives of bay and boat owners say their building
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holds sentimental value. >> not only is it our business, it is a life for us out there. i met my husband out there on that wharf. >> there's no final decision on if the businesses will remain but the wharf is set to reopen this fall. a new california bill could provide health insurance coverage for people living with alopecia. now alopecia is when people's hair they suffer hair loss. so if passed, the bill would provide coverage of $750 for one wig a year. assembly member mark berman said the measure is inspired by mountainview student miranda huang and another senior who reached out to him about their journey with alopecia and how it's impacted their lives. >> the biggest way that it impacted me was because my hair would obviously be lost in these coin shaped patches, and it would be really obvious to people who i was meeting for the first time right now, seven states in the nation cover wig costs for people with alopecia or those with cancer.
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>> a 4th of july fireworks show in the north bay is going to look a lot different this year than napa city council has officially approved, replacing traditional fireworks with a drone show. that's a growing trend we're seeing across the bay area and across the country. the traditional pyrotechnic show is being replaced because of concerns about noise pollution and increase in fire danger. the new show would consist of 400 drones, as well as a 3d light show for napa is going to be amazing. >> big patriotic themes, just wonderful. you get to see statue of liberty, see the american flag spread out 400ft wide. it's going to be fantastic. we're looking forward to working with them to even bring more and different images into that show. >> just last year, the city of napa canceled its fireworks display because of fire safety concerns. >> does your pet have what it takes to be the next cadbury bunny? the chocolate company is hosting its annual cadbury bunny tryouts. it's the winning pet will get a role in cadbury's next commercial, and the owner
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will get up to $7,000 in cash prizes to apply, you have to submit a picture or video of your pet dressed as the bunny, and reasons why they should be picked. the deadline to apply is monday. >> i'm seeing rooster and bunny ears right now. >> isn't there an infamous commercial where they did have that? where it wasn't a bunny, but some other pet that have the ears on? >> i think that's their shtick. maybe. yeah, i'm not sure. >> yeah, i just can't get into the eggs. >> do you like them? yeah, i do eggs. >> yeah, i like the caramel version. >> they're very hard. they're very hard to find. okay. the cream ones everywhere. the caramel version. >> yeah. >> not as prominent. mhm >> i'm more of a see's candy kind of girl. >> yes you are. >> yes. and that makes sense. >> yeah we get it. yeah. they have great candies. yeah. you can't go wrong. all right. this morning we cannot go wrong with this forecast. it is going to be a gorgeous day. finally live doppler seven. it is quiet. we're entering a dry pattern. the snow has wrapped up in the sierra. we have seen some very
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good snowfall totals over the last 72 hours. here's the latest numbers in kirkwood. received three feet of snow. sugar bowl 33in sierra snow lab, sierra tahoe, palisades, tahoe. all saw 30in of snow thanks to our wet pattern and soda springs coming in at 28in of snow. back here at home, we have a little bit of fog in the north bay this morning. we'll have sunshine this afternoon. it's a partly cloudy day. you can leave the rain gear in the closet. in fact, you won't need it until early next week. with those temperatures upper 50s to mid 60s for daytime highs. now overnight tonight, partly cloudy conditions once again and mainly those overnight lows staying in the 40s. now future tracker temperatures tomorrow we'll have additional cloud cover in our sky but also some warmer weather starts to move in here. we'll go into the 60s across the board, but that sunshine is back in full force on saturday and it gets even warmer. i mean, get those outdoor plans ready. it feels like it's been quite some time since we've had a dry weekend to get out and enjoy the region. we'll have sunshine on saturday. these temperatures and
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spots getting into the 70s for daytime highs. next chance of rain just quickly showing you will be early on monday with our next light system. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. we have dry weather starting today. cloudier but warmer tomorrow and then that sunshine is back on saturday with those nice warm temperatures. there's that light rain possible on monday. >> gloria sounds like a beautiful next few days. thank you drew. well, we do have an update for you on that sig alert that we've been tracking over in fremont. it has since cleared this is on southbound 680 at auto mall park way. however, speeds are still down to ten miles per hour. this is a crash that happened earlier, so still a little bit of traffic there. because of that. even though it has cleared. and then we take a look at your mass transit for today. if you take bart, there's still a ten minute delay in the berryessa and sfo directions. and this is because of police activity earlier in oakland, reggie aqui thanks so much, gloria. >> now we're going to bring in ginger zee with a look at what's happening on gma. >> good morning ginger. >> good morning. great to hear your voice too reggie. and great
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to be with you amanda. wonderful to be with everyone. so we've got a lot to talk about here. coming up the story that everyone's been following, the new fallout from the decision about frozen embryos from alabama's supreme court. a lot to discuss. also, an exclusive first look at the documentary asking where is wendy williams? the talk show queen's family breaking its silence and the young teen that's helping kids in foster care feel seen and supported. lena ford here to tell us why this mission means so much to her. and then we're going to hear from two of the hottest young actors in hollywood, timothee chalamet and florence pugh. you'll see it all on gma. >> it's good to see you again too. i was i'm actually surprised to see you ginger, because i thought that your whole family was sick. are they doing better now? >> everybody's getting better. ben was the holdout. he still hasn't gotten it. and so he's just living in an anxious worord awaiting a stomach bug if it comes through. but so far, so good. he he did stay, like, isolated. so who knows? maybe it worked okay. >> i believe in ben. i think he
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possibly has that superpower. >> yes. and i really got, like, the truest form of parenthood, which was wonderful. you know, it's good stuff. >> that's when you reevaluate what does love mean as you're cleaning up everything you can possibly imagine. i get it, i get it. you're a good mom yourself. i bet you're happy to be back, though. okay, ginger, i sure am. we'll see you at seven and we'll be right back. >>
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is quiet, so here's how the day shapes up. we have that fog mainly in the north bay. this morning, but it's a partly cloudy and dry day. keep the umbrella at home, but take the winter coat this morning. temperatures later on today in the upper 50s to the mid 60s. amanda >> all right. thanks so much drew panda diplomacy is now officially renewed between china and the us. but san francisco may be missing out. san diego zoo officials told the associated press that they are expecting two pandas as early as the end of this summer, all that's pending is some permits and paperwork. while visiting san francisco in november, china's president hinted california could see pandas return. san francisco zoo officials told us they were on the short list. it's unclear if that's still the case or if san diego is the only zoo selected. we're counting down to a busy weekend, which includes san francisco's lunar new year parade, billed as the largest outside of asia. the city held a community celebration last night in the rotunda at city hall.
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there was plenty of dancing featuring a dragon, of course, honoring the year of the dragon mayor. london breed served as the host of the event, and as she addressed the crowd, she touched on the city's immigrant population that is the foundation of a diverse asian community. >> we have so much incredible history with so many different communities that celebrate lunar new year, and it what it is, what makes san francisco unique. >> the parade is on saturday night and starts at 515 at market and second streets and ends at kearny street and columbus avenue. also this weekend we're celebrating community, black history and culture. you can join abc seven news anchors julian glover and ama daetz, along with reporter zach fuentes, as they bring you the black joy parade. it's streaming live from oakland on sunday at 1230. the parade gs through downtown oakland along franklin street from 14th to 19th streets. watch it wherever
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you stream abc seven news. and for details, go to abc seven slash black joy parade . next at 6.30. outrage after a non-binary school student dies days after a fight at school. their autopsy results now presenting more questions about what happened and the scam targeting your wallet. why you need to ignore texts about paying your fast track accounts as we head to break a live look outside, it is 627. the sun is coming up. we'l
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fund raisers. what we can expect today and the overnight response from the kremlin after the
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president's comments about vladimir putin. >> and today is their last chance or latest chance, i should say, to make your voice heard about a proposal toll hike for the golden gate bridge. how much rates could rise in just a few months. >> then the man hiking up mount kilimanjaro, backward. why? he says it's all for a good cause. >> okay. oh, no. go backwards. okay all right. >> why make things harder for yourself? >> just a constant looking over this is a guinness book of world records thing. >> i'm hoping it's for charity. i'm hoping. >> good morning everyone. it is thursday, february 22nd. i know you heard his voice. i know you see him here. and i know you're happy he's back. >> he is. rest had a wonderful time off. i did. >> we went to south africa. don't worry. kumasi is also coming back. >> she's also coming back. no shade. we got your call. >> no shade. >> we got your. no >> i take no offense to it. we got your calls. we got your texts. you got your tweets? yeah, we got your messages. yeah mom. stop it.
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>> i love your mom. >> good morning. i mean, it's beautiful. look at this camera behind us. the tam cam will show you the picture full. we just have a beautiful sunrise right now. you can see, though, we are dealing with some fog in the north bay with a dense fog advisory in effect until 10 a.m. but what a beautiful sight to see live doppler seven. quiet it was last week that we had dry weather. we've been such a wet pattern the past couple of days that we finally start to dry out some chilly numbers. saint helena right now. good morning at 3949. in oakland at 44, in palo alto. so the umbrella keep it in the closet. in fact, until early next week, we have that north bay fog. so you might want that jacket with temperatures in the 40s. it's nice and bright today. partly cloudy temperatures in the 50s and 60s. let's see how the commute is going with gloria. good morning. >> good morning drew. good morning everybody. if you are driving this morning it is a little bit foggy out there in some areas. this is a live look outside right now from our golden gate bridge camera. and you can see a little bit of fog there also on the bay bridge this morning, chp has issued a
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fog advisory there, and we're also following a sigalert. this is in petaluma. this is causing some delays in this area. an overturned cement truck. this is on northbound 101 past petaluma boulevard. and right now the speeds there are down to seven miles per hour. so we will keep monitoring this for you throughout the morning. reggie thanks, gloria. >> this morning the kremlin is responding after president biden called vladimir putin a, quote, crazy s.o.b. the comment coming during a campaign event in san francisco yesterday, abc seven news reporter lena howland is live in los altos. hopefully the president is seeing this beautiful sunrise this morning, but i know, lena, you have some details about his schedule later today. yeah, that's right, reggie. >> and that response from the kremlin coming overnight saying that comment was a, quote, huge shame for america and going on to say clearly, mr. biden behaves in the hollywood cowboy style to serve internal political interests. but in president biden's remarks in front of wealthy donors in san francisco yesterday, he says the
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united states must always be worried about a nuclear conflict because of putin. the president also not missing the chance to take a jab at former president donald trump for comparing himself and his legal woes to the prosecutor of alexei navalny . navalny, who died in a russian prison. president biden saying, quote, you got to prevent this other guy from being president. the president speaking publicly only once in the day. and that came before his arrival to the bay area and in southern california. there he talked about the $1.2 billion in student loan debt relief that he is canceling. >> folks, i'm happy to have been able to forgive these loans because when we realize and relieve american of their student debt, they're free to chase their dreams. >> according to the reception invite, today's campaign fundraiser in los altos hills will be hosted by real estate developer bob klein. daniel gutman, klein and former state controller steve westly. tickets right now are going for as much
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as $100,000. if you want a photo with president biden, that's going to cost you at minimum, $25,000. and we've just learned that president biden is expected to leave san francisco around 330 to head this way, live in los altos. lena howland abc seven news thank you, lena protesters demanding a cease fire in gaza gathered last night near a fundraiser in san francisco for president biden. >> it took place near alta plaza park. >> he flew in today and is charging people $100,000 per ticket while he attends a cocktail party hosted by donors. the community of san francisco is demanding that he listens to them, and their call for a cease fire and an end to arms to israel. >> the us vetoed an arab backed un resolution demanding an immediate humanitarian cease fire. us ambassador to the un linda thomas-greenfield, issued a statement saying the us is working on a deal between israel and hamas. that deal would see
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the release of hostages and a pause of fire of at least six weeks. >> this morning we're hearing from the boyfriend of the american ballerina who's detained in russia, gloria, at the live desk with more on why she returned to russia. good morning. >> reggie, the boyfriend of ksenia carolina, is pleading for her safe return, and he says that this entire situation just feels like a nightmare. carol lena is a ballerina from la. she was a dual russian american citizen. as she is facing up to 20 years in prison after russian authorities accused her of treason because she donated about $50 to ukraine's war effort. her boyfriend says that he bought a plane ticket to russia for her birthday, so she could visit her family. there >> i got a letter uh- yesterday. i got a letter from her yesterday, but i still haven't spoken to her since the 27th of january. she is apologizing to me. for putting me situation. she doesn't care
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about herself. she cares about everyone else. >> in agreement between the us and russia requires both countries to immediately notify the other if one of their nationals is detained. but us officials say they had no information about her case when russia's federal security service publicly identified her earlier this week, the state department says russia has not allowed a us consulate official to see her. amanda >> all right. thanks so much, gloria. united airlines is resuming flights between the us and israel next saturday. flights from new jersey to tel aviv will start up again. the airline suspended the route in october, when the israel-hamas war started. united says it conducted a detailed safety analysis and consulted security experts and government officials before making this decision. the airline also says it will evaluate resuming flights this fall from sfo to israel. a united airlines flight going from new jersey to los angeles was diverted to chicago after
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passengers say a bomb threat was found on board. authorities say all 202 passengers were evacuated at o'hare airport without their carry ons bomb sniffing dogs then searched the plane and their bags. some passengers say they woke up in confusion as they felt the plane descend, only two hours into the flight. >> the pilot was like, we're making an emergency landing at and, um, we landed and as soon as we landed, he said that somebody wrote a note in the bathroom saying that there was a bomb on the plane. no no explosives were found and no injuries are being reported. >> but a canine did match the scent on the note to a passenger's bag. investigators took them in for questioning, but it's not clear if they were arrested. the other passengers got back on board the same plane and eventually landed in lax. >> today, you can weigh in on a golden gate bridge toll plan that would break the $10 mark. there are four proposals the increases range from $0.35 to $0.50 per year through 2028.
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that includes tolls for fast track pay as you go and invoice commuters. the golden gate bridge board of directors will hold a public hearing starting at 9 a.m. that's at the bridge toll plaza. if this is approved next month, the new tolls could begin on july 1st. >> we're learning more about bart's plan to redevelop the north berkeley bart station newly released renderings show double the number of buildings on the site. the plan now calls for 13 mixed use and residential buildings, with more than 700 units. over half would be designated as affordable, and each building would rise between three and eight floors. the plan also includes a new greenway native plant, landscaping, common space and an activity courtyard. >> the san francisco board of supervisors is questioning the health department about the effectiveness of their plan. mental health treatment beds expansion plan. in 2021, the city announced a plan to add 400 new beds for mental health and addiction treatment. the health department says the expansion has led to more than 2500 beds,
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but supervisor rafael mandelman says their numbers may not be accurate. >> they believe, and they are telling us that they are close to having added those beds, but they have some key footnotes that are concerning to us. one is 15 to 20% of those beds may be unavailable because of staffing challenges. >> the salvation army's harbor light center has 136 beds. the city funds 65 of them. they're urging the health department to pay for more treatment. beds in the city. supervisors plan to request a follow up with the health department for clarity on the number of beds available. >> a high school student in oklahoma who died one day after an altercation in a school bathroom did not die as a result of their injuries. >> that's according to police. they say the altercation may have been prompted by bullying over the 16 year old's non-binary gender identity. the teenager has been identified as next benedict. their family claims benedict was attacked and assaulted by a group of students in the bathroom. police have not
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revealed a cause of death. >> a major health system in alabama has paused ivf treatments after the state ruled frozen embryos are people, the university of alabama at birmingham made the announcement , saying it's worried about potential criminal prosecutions. the state ruled last week that anyone who destroys frozen embryos can be held liable for wrongful death. one woman in alabama says she has spent more than $20,000 on ivf treatments, and to be told that there is a possibility that we would have to stop this in the middle of one of the most important parts of it is really terrifying. the medical association of the state of alabama says other medical providers will likely also stop providing ivf treatment. >> s fast track officials are warning drivers if you get a text message that appears to be from fast track, do not click the link. they say fraudulent text messages tell customers they have payments due and directs them to a fake website
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where they're tricked into making fake payments. fast track says it does not use texts to request payments for tolls. payments are made online or through phone calls coming up. >> a local company stock is rising with shareholders thanks to a boom in ai, and you are looking live at the big board at the new york stock exchange. >> it looks like we're up about 230 points. we are going to take another look at how the markets are doing next and where is wendy williams? >> inside a new docu series that looks into the host's physical and mental well-being and stay with us on the abc seven bay area streaming app at seven for abc seven at seven. we are live every weekday from 7 to 8 a.m. download the app now wherever you stream. >> 641 we'll take you to our sutro tower camera right now where you do notice we have some low level cloud cover, but we'll burn a lot of this off this morning for sunshine today, live doppler seven showing you we're getting a break from the storms across the entire state of california. this low pressure is going to sit well off the coast
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until about monday. monday is our next chance for some light showers. looking at our water year to date. remember that resets every october 1st and we're in good shape from santa rosa to san francisco. we are above normal at this point. oakland a little bit below average, but still 91% of normal up to this point. here's a look at how the day shapes up. we'll have that fog. we have an advisory in the north bay until 10 a.m. this morning. the afternoon it is partly cloudy. we'll get a lot of sunshine when we finally have dry weather returning to the region. you don't need the rain gear today. in fact, you don't need it until monday. highs today will get you into the 50s along the coast, low and mid 60s away from the coast. as we take a look at three day forecast warmer air but cloudier tomorrow. then that sunshine is back in full force on saturday and saturday. get outside 60s and 70s. we'll take a look at
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conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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small business, says she has taken a big hit after tesla placed an order worth thousands of dollars, then unexpectedly canceled. the owner of the giving pies says tesla reached out to her on valentine's day to place an order of 2000 mini pies to be delivered this week. they then doubled that order that's at the shop back more than $2,000, but the owner says a tesla representative sent her a text saying plans changed and they wouldn't need the order anymore. >> tesla, explaining to me what happened that it was mis communication that the employee, laura, had no authority to, uh, to promise any payment. tesla offered to find a way to still buy pies from them, but the owner says she is hesitant to commit and is reevaluating how she does business with big companies. >> a new plan to tackle homelessness and housing affordability is making its way through congress. it's called the housing for all act, and would give a boost of federal funding to existing housing programs.
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>> the act will invest in an array of programs that would support the development of affordable housing, providing immediate assistance to those experiencing homelessness and support innovative local programs to help transition individuals to permitted housing . all counties are currently developing comprehensive regional homelessness plans to coordinate and build upon the existing efforts. the investments from this act can greatly expand what is possible at the local level. >> the bill is being spearheaded by california senator alex padilla today. >> opening statements begin in the trial of rust armor. hannah. hannah. gutierrez. reed the jury of 12 members and four alternates were sworn in yesterday. new court documents claim gutierrez reed was using drugs at the time and brought live ammunition on set. she's also accused of passing off a bag of drugs that day. alec baldwin, who has also been indicted, defended his actions after the shooting in an interview with abc news george stephanopoulos. >> well, the trigger wasn't i didn't pull the trigger. you
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never pulled the trigger? no no no no, no, i would never point a gun at anyone and pull a trigger at them. never, never. that was the training that i had. you don't point a gun and pull the trigger. >> baldwin pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter. gutierrez reed pleaded not guilty to two of those same charges. if convicted, she faces up to three years in prison. it's now time for your morning money report. >> a boom in artificial intelligence led to a boost for chip maker nvidia last year. the santa clara based company's profits grew to more than $12 billion in the three months ending on january 28th. nvidia says the gain of 769% year over year were stronger than wall street. analysts expected. it also reported fourth quarter revenue gains of 265% year over year. nvidia shares jumped nearly 7% in after hours trading after wednesday's report. now let's see what's happening right now at the new york stock exchange. you can see that we're up about 256 points this morning . >> we're hearing from the niece of former talk show host wendy
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williams. her family is revealing the struggles she's going through in the upcoming documentary. where is wendy williams? >> when i finally talked with her and i said to her, wendy, why are you want to do this? you know, you're clearly the health piece all of that has to be addressed. is now the right time . and she said now is the perfect time because i want to take ownership of my story. williams is dealing with alcohol addiction and health issues, including graves disease, and all of that will be featured in the documentary. >> you can watch the exclusive interview with williams's niece coming up at seven on gma. right after abc seven mornings. >> an incredible feat in tanzania to raise money for charity. a man climbed up and then back down kilimanjaro while walking backward. and ben stewart is a 32 year old personal trainer from england. he took the challenge to raise
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money for the british heart foundation in memory of his grandfather ian, who died after having a heart attack. stewart described the trek, which took him eight days to complete as a total success, but also the hardest thing he's ever done in his life. his training included using a special device to help strengthen his neck because, as you can see and as you might just guess, due to using your mind, you have to constantly look look backward before you walk backward. >> i feel like climbing kilimanjaro. he could have done it facing forward and still raise that money. >> okay, i didn't want to be shady on my first day back. >> yeah, but that's what we love. >> you may his. >> may his grandfather rest in peace, right? >> yes, absolutely. but. but but, baby boy, did we have to do it this way. >> like, did we have to walk backward like you could have done a5k and i would have been like mhm. >> sure. you go, you know. yeah. and to be honest, people already did. >> two people from africa have
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climbed it backward. they just didn't come back down right, backward, right. because it's a lot. once you go up you're kind of like yeah you're tired. >> you did it. yeah. anyway congrats. >> yeah. on on whatever. that was great. >> yeah. we always love your commentary. yeah. i'm just saying he had to do all that, you know? yeah that's true. carter. you know what? we will always get your honesty. so we love that. all right. so taking a look at your traffic, we are following a sig alert right now. this is over in petaluma. this is causing some major delays here in this area on northbound 101 past petaluma boulevard. there's an overturned cement truck there and the speeds are down to six miles per hour. and we know that there has been very heavy fog there. obviously, we don't know if that was a part of this at all, but we just want to warn everybody. just be careful. in some areas it may be very foggy or visibility may be limited in some areas this is a live look on the bay bridge
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camera here. and you can see a little bit of the fog there. and chp has issued a fog advisory in that area. so drew, hopefully the fog will burn off soon. but you know what? it's not as heavy as it was yesterday. yeah totally. >> and we are in store for dry weather. the rain is gone a live look at santa cruz. what a nice way to start our morning live. it's quiet for the first time since late last week. we are rain free. also, the snow is over in the sierra but we are doing well when it comes to our snow pack. you can see the northern third of the sierra exactly the amount of snow we should be at at this point in the winter. statewide, we're at 86% of average. now, we know a lot of people may be on ski week. if you're thinking about going up later this weekend, sunshine today, cloudier tomorrow, but the weekend looking nice both days. expect a lot of sunshine late sunday. we'll have some snow for flurries late, but monday will likely track some heavy snow. saturday just looking gorgeous up there. back here at home we're finding lots of sunshine. enjoy the partly cloudy conditions, the dry skies upper
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50s to the mid 60s. tonight we'll keep those partly cloudy skies and temperatures falling into the 40s. now future tracker temperatures want to show you that really quickly is going to show you a little bit of a cloudier picture tomorrow. then on saturday watch what happens. boom 60s and 70s, get out and enjoy the warm weather. it's going to be a nice start to the weekend. now future weather showing you our next chance of rain is likely on monday right now, looks like it's a level one. it's a fast moving system. here's the accuweather seven day forecast showing you dry weather today. a little cloudier but warmer tomorrow. saturday. looking spectacular. get outside and then we'll track that chance of rain here on monday. gloria. >> well drew mentioned ski week so we know a lot of you are going to tahoe for the weekend. let's get to your toyota tahoe report now this weekend at least for today. so far yowill not need chains if you're heading up toahoe. if you're going to palisades tahoe, it will take you three hours 17 minutes. north star, california three hours, 12 minutes. heavenly three hours and 19 minutes. and
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if you're heading over to sugar bowl resort, two hours, 54 minutes, sierra tahoe two hours, 57 minutes. kirkwood road, three hours and 19 minutes. so have a great time in tahoe. and if we're here, we're enjoying the beautiful sunrise right, guys? >> oh, it's this is the best. this is the best sunrise we've seen. you'll see it right here. look at this. let's enjoy this and let's celebrate this man. because this is a law clerk who helped stop the defendant who attacked that las vegas judge. he's being rewarded for his swift actions. who could forget what happened when that defendant just cleared right over the judge's desk? and the man that you see there tackling the defendant is the man who was just honored. >> the video honestly doesn't even do it justice as just how fast it really was. it was, uh, in a blink of an eye, and there really wasn't much time to think. you just kind of react. so, you know, i think honestly, anyone sitting in my chair probably would have done the same. >> michael lasso says he has certainly seen defendants try to make a run for the door during
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sentencing, but never toward the judge. >> dozens of filmmakers, including steven spielberg and bradley cooper, joined forces to purchase the historic village theater in hollywood. >> the 93 year old theater was built in the 1930s and often hosts red carpet premieres. the new owners say that once the theater hit the market, they wanted to preserve its architecture and create a landmark dedicated to moviegoing. the theater will show first run and historic films. san francisco's union square will soon be putting on a dazzling display of spring flowers. union square in bloom will be returning on march 9th with tulip day. this is video from last year's event. it will be followed by nine other floral displays throughout the bloom season. the bright and colorful exhibits will also be accompanied with events that celebrate the city's art, culture and nightlife. >> this is really cool. award winning actress zendaya made a hefty donation to her former east bay theater company. the oakland native donated a whopping $100,000 to cal shakes
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conservatory, i.e, the shakespeare theater is where the euphoria star got her start in acting. cal shake says the donation will go toward upgrades , sound and lighting systems and putting on their latest production. zendaya is going to join good morning america at 7 a.m, right after abc seven mornings. >> up next, the seven things you need to know today. >> you can watch. by the way, perry hall high school. do not ask me for money. i don't have that. zendaya money. i know you better call them all up. >> and, um, the theater troupe. >> i'm sure needs money. at my old high school, i can't do it the way my account can't be. me. yeah, the way that money is money ing. no you can watch all of our newscasts live and on demand through the abc seven bay area connected tv app. it's available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv, and roku. download the app now. you can start streaming and it is 655 as we head to break. >> oh, this is just beautiful. we'll give you a live look outside and we'll be right back
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that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate.
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with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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thing number one, a major cellular outage overnight impacting people across the country. at&t customers were not able to place calls, send texts or access the internet. >> number two, president biden is waking up in the bay area this morning. he arrived yesterday for a number of fundraisers. today he's back at it in los altos hills for a private event. tickets top 100,000 bucks ahead. number three a public meeting is being held today for feedback on proposals to raise tolls on the golden gate bridge. >> the most expensive option would see tolls rise by $0.50 per year through 2028. if approved, new tools could begin july 1st. >> number four, the pacifica pier is expected to reopen today. it's been closed since earlier this week because of high waves. >> and number five, let's just soak in this beautiful sight from our tam cam this morning. a live look outside that sun is up
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here and the big headline dry weather is finally back in the forecast. dividends fog advisory though in effect for the valleys of the north bay for very low visibility. glory is going to talk about an accident in one second. there so the fog early on giving way to bright sunshine. partly cloudy later on this afternoon. you don't need the umbrella temperatures getting in the upper 50s to the mid 60s by 4 p.m. enjoy >> number six. we are following a sigalert in petaluma this is causing some huge delays here. this is on northbound 101 past petaluma boulevard. there's an overturned cement truck here. and so they are still working on clearing that. and so we will keep monitoring that for you this morning. >> number 7a3 year old girl dressed as belle had a very happy reaction to seeing the beast at disney world. this is amelia who wanted to give the beast a hug when he gets closer to her table, she tells him, i've waited for you. as he bows and waves. of course, disney is the parent company of abc seven, and it's known to make magic. >> oh yeah, i had a similar
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experience as a kid when i saw goofy. >> just like absolutely lost my mind. >> core memories. >> yeah. got that signature. you know, when you had the book. >> oh, yeah. yeah. oh, my nieces just went last week and they did the whole book experience, like the autographs. yeah, i didn't know kids were still into that. >> yeah. just looked like a squiggle. >> the princess >> good morning america for our viewers in the west. tough new restrictions could be coming for the border. border battle. president biden considering taking executive action to stem the flow of migrants at the southern border, as congressional republicans and donald trump killed a bipartisan security deal. no bars big trouble. at&t customers across the country waking up witho


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