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tv   America This Morning  ABC  February 23, 2024 4:30am-5:00am PST

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los angeles distribution and broadcasting, inc. on america this morning, a new era in space exploration. >> for the first time in over 50 years, us spacecraft has landed on the moon. inside the tents final minutes. as odie touched down on the lunar surface. and what's next for the mission? breaking overnight, a woman's body found on the campus of the university of georgia police say the nursing student went for a run and never returned. >> authorities now telling
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students to avoid certain areas, saying foul play is suspected. >> the growing fallout over alabama's supreme court decision that frozen embryos are children , more clinics pausing ivf treatments leaving patients in limbo. >> opening statements in the manslaughter trial for the rust armorer in charge of alec baldwin's prop gun when it went off, killing the movie's cinematographer. why prosecutor called the armorer unprofessional and sloppy at her job. >> plus no calls, no texts and no internet. new details on what caused the massive at&t cell phone outage and the pants problem in major league baseball . >> can you spot why some players are not happy with the new uniforms? >> from abc news in new york this is america this morning. >> good friday morning, everyone. i'm andrew dymburt. >> good friday morning i'm alison kosik in for rhiannon. and we begin with the historic achievement in space for the
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first time in over 50 years, a us spacecraft has landed on the moon. >> the spacecraft, nicknamed odie, caused plenty of drama on its way to the lunar surface, but the head of nasa said the company behind it aced the landing of a lifetime. >> houston odysseus has found his new home this morning. >> history on the moon. we are transmitting and, uh, welcome to the moon. >> after a week long flight totaling more than 620,000 miles, a 14 foot tall lunar lander named odysseus successfully landing on the lunar surface just after 6 p.m. thursday. >> mission control reporting that the craft is upright and transmitting data today for the first time in more than a half century, the u.s. has returned to the moon. odysseus or odie, is the first us built spacecraft to land on the moon since 1972. the company behind odie, intuitive machines, is the first
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business to land a private spacecraft on the moon. but it wasn't all smooth sailing, and we'll stand by and monitor as nova controls to continues to work. >> this issue. >> as odie prepared to land, mission control found that the navigation system used to guide the lander to the surface wasn't working. >> we're not dead yet. >> luckily, the team was able to rewrite the lander's software, taking control of an experimental navigation system. >> i know this was a nail biter, but we are on the on the surface , and odie is now at home on the moon's south pole. >> it's the first of many missions nasa has set to explore the area, which is suspected to have ice that could be converted to drinking water or be made into rocket fuel. >> the moon has one sixth the gravity of earth and no atmosphere, so it's a much easier place to launch deeper into the solar system. it really is the launching pad into human exploration, out into deep space. and we could see images from odie later today. >> now to the other breaking story we're following. >> foul play is expected in the
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death of a nursing student after her body was found on the campus of the university of georgia, classes are canceled today as police search for a possible killer. i find my way this morning. students at the university of georgia are on edge after a woman was found dead on campus. >> it's just an eerie feeling being on campus. um and it's doesn't it almost doesn't feel real that it's happening to us. police say they received a call from a student just after noon yesterday, concerned about a friend who had gone for a jog in the morning but never returned. >> police searching the area found the woman's body near this lake, not far from an athletic field where she was running the individual was unconscious and not breathing and had visible injuries. police say they suspect foul play, but no one has been taken into custody. >> when you have a suspect that's on the loose, um, there's
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always a danger. um, but, uh, there's no immediate danger at this time. >> the woman did not attend the university of georgia, but was a nursing student at nearby augusta university. her identity has not been released, and both universities have canceled classes today and are offering counseling to students. >> i mean, i love this campus, i love this university, and it's hard to see everybody go through something like this. >> it's the second tragedy on the uga campus this week. another student died in a campus dorm wednesday night. police say the deaths are not connected. university officials recommend that students travel in groups when possible. >> today, the u.s. will hit russia with more than 500 new sanctions described as crushing. officials say they're aimed at vladimir putin and his war machine as we mark two years since the invasion of ukraine. they're also meant to punish the kremlin for the death of russian opposition leader alexei navalny . president biden met with navalny's widow and daughter in san francisco to express his condolences.
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>> the obvious he was a man of incredible courage, and it's amazing how how his wife and daughter are emulating that. she's going to continue to fight. he had on her way. so we're not letting up. >> navalny's mother was finally allowed to see his body, she says russian officials are trying to force her to agree to a secret burial. the informant, charged with lying to the fbi about president biden and his son hunter, has been rearrested this was alexander smirnoff tuesday following his release or his release by a judge in nevada. a new arrest warrant was signed by a federal judge in california overseeing his original case. prosecutors say his claims that the bidens took bribes came from russian intelligence officials. >> more medical facilities across alabama are pausing ivf treatment, leaving, leaving families in limbo. there's growing concern about legal liability following a bombshell ruling by the state's highest court. now lawmakers are looking to intervene on abc's perry russom joins us with the latest.
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good morning perry. >> allison good morning. doctors in alabama say this is putting extreme stress on their patients. and now state lawmakers are stepping in to try and put this ruling on hold this morning. fallout from the landmark decision in alabama, where the state supreme court ruled frozen embryos are the legal equivalent of children. two bills are now being introduced in the alabama state house. one that would protect in vitro fertilization until it's implanted in the uterus, its potential life and another that would put the court's ruling on hold. >> but we're trying to clearly help folks understand that a fertilized embryo is not a child . >> the list of clinics postponing treatment for ivf continues to grow, affecting patients like tori beasley, who is working to have her second child through ivf. >> how does someone else get to dictate that? what i say, what what i want for my family? >> president biden says. the disregard for women's ability to make these decisions for themselves and their families is outrageous and unacceptable. the president saying this is a
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direct result of overturning roe v wade, vice president harris blaming former president trump for appointing the three supreme court justices who helped overturn roe. and that's what got us to this point today, overnight, ahead of the south carolina republican primary, trump not mentioning the alabama ruling, but taking credit for pointing the justices who struck down roe from my first day in office, i took historic action to protect the unborn like nobody has ever done. trump's primary opponent, nikki haley, walking a fine line on the issue, saying embryos are babies, but the decision should be made between the patient and their doctor. >> we don't want fertility treatments to shut down. we don't want them to stop doing ivf treatments, and ivf is a treatment that is widely used with the cdc reporting almost a quarter million families use ivf every year. >> allison perry, thank you. >> at least four people are dead in a massive apartment fire in spain. flames ripped through a 14 story high building and
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spread to an adjacent building as well. at least 14 people were injured. some residents were rescued from upper floors using cranes. it was not immediately clear what caused the fire. back in the u.s. two children died when a hillside collapsed near a dam on the sacramento river in northern california. it's unclear if the slide was caused by recent heavy rains. time now for a look at your friday morning weather. >> engineers in ventura county, california, say heavy rain caused this massive landslide, forcing the indefinite closure of state route one. 50 drivers will now have to take a long detour. some evacuations have been ordered. looking toward early next week, much of the country will enjoy spring like temperatures 70 or warmer in the plains, and we'll welcome the 50s here in the northeast. checking today's high temperatures around 80 in the southwest, mid 40s around the great lakes.
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>> coming up, new details on what caused the massive at&t outage. >> also ahead, the manslaughter trial for the rust armorer in charge of alec baldwin's prop gun. how prosecutors say she mixed live bullets with dummy rounds and gone in 60s. >> the dramatic theft of nine luxury cars all caught you're not alone. rent is up, and every family outing costs an arm and a leg. well, we want to help.
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you got this. [vo]: all in the life... i love you. okay? [vo]: of a child. this is why starlight exists. to bring happiness to hospitalized children when they need it most. because happiness matters. >> do you 2020 tonight on abc, we an infant was among several people rescued from a chicago high rise flames tore through the 14 story building wednesday, seven people, including the baby who was critically injured, were taken to the hospital. >> investigators say the fire started in a kitchen on a lower floor. at&t is blaming its massive network outage on a problem with a software update. tens of thousands of users in major cities were without
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service yesterday. the company says the network is now fully restored and that it wasn't the target of a cyberattack. at&t is conducting an internal investigation and federal authorities are also looking into it. court resumes today in the case surrounding the shooting death on the set of the movie rust, prosecutors say the woman who was in charge of the film's weapons was careless, but the defense is placing the blame for the tragedy elsewhere. >> this morning, day two of the manslaughter trial for hannah gutierrez reed, the woman who was in charge of the guns on the rust movie set when the film's cinematographer was shot and killed during opening statements yesterday, prosecutors say hannah gutierrez reed was negligent in handling the prop guns and ammunition. >> these witnesses are going to describe the defendant's conduct as unprofessional and sloppy. you will hear testimony that she routinely left guns and ammunition lying around the set unattended. >> prosecutors accused gutierrez reed of failing to notice she had at least one live round mixed in with the dummy rounds
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by failing to make those vital safety checks. >> the defendant acted, acted negligently and without due caution, and that the decisions she made that day ultimately contributed to miss hutchins death. >> gutierrez reed is facing two counts of involuntary manslaughter and tampering with evidence after cinematographer halyna hutchins was shot and killed on the new mexico set in october 2021. the defense argued that gutierrez reed was overwhelmed and rushed by producers who were concerned more with the speed of production than its safety. the defense also shifted blame to alec baldwin, the lead actor and co-producer on rust, who was handling the gun when it went off. >> what really happened is production was negligent. they put her in the position of having two jobs as a props assistant and an armorer. >> they tried to sort of spread the spread the blame out to other people, including and maybe primarily to actor alec baldwin, saying that ultimately he was the one who had his
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finger on the trigger when the gun fired and also saying that baldwin did not check the weapon. >> baldwin has pleaded not guilty to recently refiled in involuntary manslaughter charges. defense attorneys insist gutierrez-reed is being made a scapegoat. >> and what's you're seeing in this courtroom today is trying to blame it all on hannah, the 24 year old, because why? because she's an easy target. she's the least powerful person on that set. gutierrez reed faces a maximum of three years in jail. >> if a jury finds her guilty on those charges. >> coming up, wendy williams revealing new details about her health battle. >> also ahead, districts now requiring parental approval for any school related event brewing debate over permission slips debate over permission slips coming up [cars honking] i'm a guy who lost a bet. and my dignity. get out of the way! as if watching my team lose wasn't punishment enough. what are you looking at huh... it's a one speed. hahaha.
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hahaha. and if you have cut rate car insurance, odds are you'll be paying for that yourself. so, get allstate and be better protected from mayhem... like me. hey, i'm walking here! breathing claritin clear is like... (♪) is he? confidently walking 8 long haired dogs and living as if he doesn't have allergies? yeah. fast relief of your worst allergy symptoms, like nasal congestion. dry skin is sensitive skin, too. and it's natural. treat it that way. aveeno® daily moisture with prebiotic oat is proven to moisturize dry skin all day. you'll love our formula for face, too. aveeno® (vo) beneful knows a full life
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the united states postal service >> back now with video of a high priced heist in wisconsin. thieves went into a jaguar land rover dealership in waukesha sunday. they found keys to the cars. then one drove through a wall so the others could get out. nine vehicles in total were stolen. they're valued at nearly $600,000. former talk show host wendy williams is suffering from the same form of dementia as bruce willis. the 59 year old revealed she's been diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia and aphasia ahead of a lifetime docu series on her personal struggles, set to air tomorrow. family members say they had noticed the cognitive decline in williams. she's under the care of a court appointed guardian. >> how much parental involvement is too much? that question may be answered soon. in florida,
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where permission slips are needed for virtually every school event. this morning, controversy in the classroom. some florida districts are now requiring parental approval for holiday celebrations as classroom birthday parties and even a school concert. more than two dozen children at a school near jacksonville were expelled from a musical performance because they didn't have signed slips. >> there were 27 kids that had to be held back from going to this concert, which is normally an innocuous, in school, mundane event. >> these rules were put in place to comply with a florida state board of education rule passed last year. >> they're really draining the fun out of school. they're draining the entire time that a school they're draining morale out of school. >> and a miami-dade public school sent this activity slip to parents last week, requiring their consent for an event during black history month, in which students will participate and listen to a book written by an african american. the district telling abc news
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officials realize those slips may have caused confusion, clarifying the district sent those forms because of a guest speaker. some parents say they appreciate this extra communication, wanting to know more about what's happening in the classroom. >> it's secure to know that the parents and the teachers both agree that it's okay for the children to do whatever they send home for all this. >> as florida passes a social media ban for children under 16, regardless of parental approval, lawmakers targeting platforms that track user activity employ addictive features and allow kids to upload content. supporters hope it will help children's mental health and prevent cyberbullying, but opponents say it violates the first amendment. >> this will be overturned in the court of law, even by those at the state level, appointed by the governor and even at those at the federal level appointed by president trump. >> that social media ban passed the florida state house and senate yesterday. it's been sent to governor desantis to sign.
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>> coming up, why the world's oldest dog was stripped of his title. >> plus, the girl beating all the boys, winning her second state wrestling championship a year after a heart attack, mike's feeling like himself again. but even though time has passed, his risk of a second attack hasn't. mike is still living in the re. with a very high risk of another heart attack or stroke. he doesn't know with his risk factors his ldl-c (bad cholesterol) is still too high - the recommended level is below 55. are you living in the red? get in the know. learn how to get a free ldl-c test at nature's bounty hair growth. help grow thicker, fuller hair with just one capsule a day of advanced hair complex. conquer hair thinning... ...and fall in love with your hair all over again. only from nature's bounty. there's something going around the gordon home. good thing gertrude found delsym.
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now what's going around is 12-hour cough relief. and the giggles. the family that takes delsym together, feels better together. covid-19? i'm not waiting. if it's covid, paxlovid. paxlovid is an oral treatment for adults with mild-to-moderate covid-19 and a high-risk factor for it becoming severe. it does not prevent covid-19. my symptoms are mild now, but i'm not risking it. if it's covid, paxlovid. paxlovid must be taken within the first five days of symptoms, and helps stop the virus from multiplying in your body. taking paxlovid with certain medicines can lead to serious or life-threatening side effects or affect how it or other medicines work, including hormonal birth control. it's critical to tell your doctor about all the medicines you take because certain tests or changes in their dosage may be needed. tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, hiv-1, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeed. don't take paxlovid if you're allergic to nirmatrelvir, ritonavir, or any of its ingredients. serious side effects can include allergic reactions, some severe like anaphylaxis, and liver problems.
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these are not all the possible side effects so talk to your doctor. if it's covid, paxlovid. ask your doctor today. here. >> and we got you. we got you, we got you. >> time to check the pulse. and we begin with the girl dominating the wrestling match. >> maddie ripley of maine has won her second straight individual wrestling crown. ripley is the only girl to ever win the state's tournament. and now she's gone back to back, beating the boys in her weight class for the second straight year. listen i didn't really hear too much of that. >> it was a fluke. but now that i won a second, then it just proves that it wasn't maddie also won this year's inaugural girls competition. >> she's hoping to make it to the olympics. >> good luck. safe to say she's reached the pinnacle of her
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wrestling career. >> well played next tiger woods son. he won't be playing in his first pga tour event next week. >> charlie woods started qualifying play for the tournament yesterday, but he didn't finish high enough to advance dozens of spectators, though, and photographers followed the 15 year olds into the round, which was like 16 over par. we'll get him next time. >> he's got a lot of pressure on him. >> yeah, he does with that last name, woods. all right. earlier this week we told you about the major leaguers complaining about their newly designed jerseys and the complaints. >> they just keep coming. the biggest right now as displayed by dodgers players, is that the nike designed pants are see through. the players say that's because of their eggshell color, their union is hoping changes can be made before opening day. good luck with that. right mhm. a guinness world record holder has just been stripped of his title as the oldest dog ever. bobby was a portuguese guard dog who lived on a farm. >> he was listed in guinness as 31 years old before he died last year. but after conducting a
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thorough review, guinness is now citing a, quote, lack of evidence that bobby was born in 19. >> with a face like that, look how friendly he is. even with the kitty cat, there. >> you know what still always was, always will be a good boy. yeah checking the top headlines. yeah checking the top headlines. coming up next. there it is... that feeling you get when you can... du more with less asthma. it starts with dupixent. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. and can help improve lung function for better breathing in as little as two weeks. dupixent helps prevent asthma attacks... and can even reduce or eliminate oral steroids. can you picture it? dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs.
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it's a joke. it's an absolute joke. >> p-g-and-e's latest profits has customers wondering why are their bills are increasing now at five? the staggering increase utility is raking in meadow. >> once again facing criticism over its ability to protect minors online. why? critics say an instagram subscription tool is being used to exploit children, discouraging news for london breed's reelection campaign of the new poll giving us a glimpse at where voters stand on who they want to be. >> san francisco's next mayor. >> news actions in store for russia today what president biden had to say after meeting with the widow and daughter of russian opposition leader alexei navalny in san francisco. >> good morning to you. it is friday, february 23rd, and we want to begin with a look at the


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