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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  February 23, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PST

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it's a joke. it's an absolute joke. >> p-g-and-e's latest profits has customers wondering why are their bills are increasing now at five? the staggering increase utility is raking in meadow. >> once again facing criticism over its ability to protect minors online. why? critics say an instagram subscription tool is being used to exploit children, discouraging news for london breed's reelection campaign of the new poll giving us a glimpse at where voters stand on who they want to be. >> san francisco's next mayor. >> news actions in store for russia today what president biden had to say after meeting with the widow and daughter of russian opposition leader alexei navalny in san francisco. >> good morning to you. it is friday, february 23rd, and we want to begin with a look at the
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weather. >> we have a beautiful weekend in store. you're telling us, do. >> it's going to be great. it started yesterday with the dry weather that continues well into the weekend. so outside this morning from our east bay hills. camera. great visibility. we have mainly clear skies currently. we do have one issue with fog. it's very localized in sonoma county. you can see petaluma. we're down to about a quarter of a mile. even parts of nevada we're down to about zero mile. so where we have a little bit of fog, it is creating issues right now. but everywhere else we are doing just fine. temperatures right now it is chilly right now. 39 sonoma. the same in saint helena. so we do need those winter jackets. we have 46 in oakland, 47 in san jose right now. the city coming in at 51 degrees. good morning san jose a live look. there's the airport right there. we have mainly clear skies but we will find some cloud cover moving in from time to time. so it's a mix of sun and clouds throughout the afternoon, but it will be mild getting into the 60s. temperatures even warmer here on saturday. we'll show you that coming up in six minutes. let's check in with gloria is going. >> you know what? so far going
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pretty well this morning. this is a look at our overall map of the roads here in the bay area. you'll see mostly green. so no major issues on this friday morning. and taking a live look outside. this is one of our busiest cameras right now. this is our emeryville camera from highway four to the toll plaza. it will take you 19 minutes. >> all right. thanks. so much, gloria. new this morning, a disturbing new report says meta meta's own safety staff raised the alarm about child exploitation on its platforms. and that the company pressed ahead anyway. it says employees warned last year that new paid subscription tools on facebook and instagram were being misused by adults trying to profit from exploiting their own children. abc seven news reporter lena howland is live at meta headquarters in menlo park, with the details and meta's responses . morning, lena. >> amanda, good morning to you. according to a wall street journal investigation, two separate teams here inside of meta raised the alarms about this inside of internal report. this comes after they found that
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hundreds of what the company calls parent managed minor accounts were using the subscription feature to sell exclusive content, not available to nonpaying followers. the report says the content frequently featured young girls in bikinis and leotards. their teams found that the content was sold to an audience that was overwhelmingly male and often overt about sexual interest in children. in the comments, they say the payments feature was launched without basic child safety protections, and meta staffers found that its own algorithms were promoting child modeling. subscriptions to likely. the wall street journal investigation says meta staffers formally recommended meta require accounts selling subscription to child focused content to register themselves, so the company could monitor them. meta chose not to go that way, and instead they chose to create an automated system to prevent suspected from being given the option to subscribe to parent run accounts, which didn't always work. this investigation comes just weeks after meta founder and ceo mark
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zuckerberg apologized to parents at a congressional hearing just last month. >> have you compensated any of the victims these girls? have you compensated them? i don't believe so. why not? don't you think they deserve some compensation for what your platform has done? help with counseling services? help with dealing with the issues that your your service has caused. >> our job is to make sure that we build tools to help keep people safe. >> meta. just released a statement to abc seven news saying in part, we launched creator monetization tools with a robust set of safety measures and multiple checks on both creators and their content. they added that the company's plans to limit likely from subscribing to children are part of their ongoing safety work. live in menlo park lena howland abc seven news thank you. >> lena p-g-and-e's profits shot up nearly 25% in 2023, as
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revenue from electricity and gas surged. that is more than $2.2 billion, according to the utility's latest earnings report. that was released yesterday. and that news is not sitting well with customers who say their electric bills have nearly doubled over the past year. the utility reform network, otherwise known as turn , says the company profits came directly from customers pockets and called the earnings report outrageous. a spokesperson for turn says there needs to be action to prevent prices from rising. >> we need a cap on rate increases to be no more than the cost of living adjustment provided by social security. >> p-g-and-e's declined to do an on camera interview, but sent a statement. it reads in part, quote, the investments we plan in 2024 and beyond focus on three goals keeping our energy system safe and reliable for customers and meeting growing energy demand and adding even more renewables to our energy mix. at the same time, we've aggressively focused on finding
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new ways to work so that we can keep future bill increases at or below a long terme inflation rate of 2% to 4. >> abc has learned. the network outage that affected thousands of at&t customers yesterday was caused by a software update gone wrong. more than 74,000 customers were impacted when the service went down. other wireless services like verizon and t-mobile were unaffected. sources tell abc news. there was nothing nefarious or malicious about the incident. today the white house is planning to release what it's calling new major sanctions against russia. it comes as tomorrow marks two years since russia's invasion of ukraine. gloria is live at the live desk with those sanctions and what they might look like. gloria. >> good morning. amanda officials say the u.s. will impose more than 500 sanctions on russia, its enablers and its war machine. and the biden administration says at the sanctions will include additional measures intended to punish the kremlin for its role
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in the death of opposition leader alexei navalny, president biden met with navalny's widow and daughter yesterday at the fairmont hotel in san francisco. navalny's daughter is a student at stanford, and his widow, yulia, has vowed to carry on his mission. >> he was a man of incredible courage and it's amazing how how his wife and daughter are emulating that. and we're going to be announcing the sanctions against putin, who is responsible for his death tomorrow. >> a high level state department official described the pending sanctions as crushing global sanctions. >> the oil price cap, the export controls that we've put in place have weakened russia's war machine and these restrictions will get significantly tighter in the coming days as we and our partners announce massive new sanctions packages designed, among other things, to strangle
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russia's effort at sanctions evasion. russia's invasion of ukraine led to an initial round of sanctions that the treasury department says causes russia's economy to shrink by about 2% in 2022. >> amanda. all right. >> thank you. gloria the family of a man killed by a bart police officer in oakland, 15 years ago is just now getting their loved ones property back. alameda county da pamela price returned to oscar grant's two phones to his mother, grant died back in 2009 after a bart police officer shot him in the early hours of new year's day. the officer said he was reaching for his taser, but grabbed his gun instead. grant's death sparked outrage, setting off riots in oakland and a wave of protests nationwide. grant's mother says she requested his phones many times, but previous district attorneys wouldn't give them to her because they were mixed with other evidence. i just encourage families to don't give up to continue to pursue justice for
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your loved one. the family hopes when they turn on the phones, they will be able to uncover old photos of grant or text messages from the night he died. a group of citizens and organizations in the east bay are demanding the alameda county board of supervisors declare a state of emergency for oakland. the coalition for community engagement is accusing mayor shengtao of failed leadership in addressing crime in the town. the group has a list of demands, including recalling the mayor and access to more city resources, and quick action on hiring a new police chief. >> we've got to band together our city is a refugees place for all of us to have our souls met and our needs needs to be met. >> in 2023, violent crimes, including robberies, theft and homicides in oakland surged more than 21% in the past, mayor tao has said crime was rising before she took office. your voice, your vote. >> san francisco mayor london
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breed may face an uphill battle to win the reelection in november, according to a new san francisco chronicle poll. 731% of people either somewhat disapprove or strongly disapprove of breed's performance. the poll shows former interim mayor mark farrell would have the most support in the first round of ranked choice voting at 20. breed trails at 18, closely followed by levi strauss heir daniel lurie, 38% of voters are still undecided, and we spoke with abc7 news insider phil matier, who says mayor breed will need to make drastic changes in the city to turn the vote in her favor. >> if you just doubled down and you really got tough, if you really said, we are going to do something, we're going to find we make a breakthrough because people aren't seeing a difference. >> matier also says there's still time for numbers to change . we have eight months before the election in november, 510 on our friday, and it's shaping up to be a very nice day. >> we have warmer weather moving in. a live look from the exploratorium camera this morning showing you we are quiet
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out there right now. we are dealing with clear skies. what will happen though? you can see this cloud cover off the southern california coast. some of that is going to blow off and move into the bay area throughout the day. today so it's a mix of sun and clouds. we will remain dry. this area of low pressure kind of sitting and spinning out there right now that will bring us some light showers on monday. so the day planner looks like this. we'll have brighter skies early on. and then we have those clouds moving in throughout the afternoon. it will still be a mild afternoon with that mix of sun and clouds. in fact, it will be warmer than it was yesterday. we'll get you into the 60 for daytime high, so it will shape up to be another dry day out there to finish out the week. 65 in oakland today, 63 in the city, 67 in santa rosa, 68 in san jose, looking at the three day forecast heading into the weekend, saturday, get out and enjoy. it is sunny. it is warm into the 70s in our warmest spots, but we're cloudy and cooler on sunday ahead of that rain on monday, reggie will show you that next storm coming up in eight minutes.
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>> andrew, thank you. the turtles have landed. still ahead, an exciting update on the incredible journey we've been tracking for the last few months. >> and a tiger rescued and now in recovery in the east bay. how the injured tiger found itself in the care of wildlife specialists at the oakland zoo. it is election season for the oscars. >> two big names are not on the ballot. greta gerwig is now responding to the barbie nomination snubs ...thanks to dupixent. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. and can help improve lung function for better breathing in as little as two weeks. dupixent helps prevent asthma attacks... and can even reduce or eliminate oral steroids.
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at the oakland zoo after it was rescued from a privately owned facility. animal specialists say the big cat had multiple broken bones. as abc seven news reporter jay stone explains how this animal is the symbol of an international problem. this is the paw of an eight month old female tiger who was rescued by the california department of fish and wildlife. >> then, as you can see here, taken to the oakland zoo, where she will get proper treatment. what you may not realize in this video is that this young tiger is dealing with major injuries. >> unfortunately, this animal has at least ten fractures that we could diagnose. most of them
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are at least a month old. >> her bones are decalcified from eating an inappropriate diet and fortunately, she's really a symbol of a whole industry where people can buy and sell a beautiful young tiger like this. keep them in a appropriate housing. >> the california department of fish and wildlife won't say where the young tiger was, who had her, or how they learned about her due to pending legal issues. bobby brink is with the lions, tigers and bears animal rescue in san diego county. she says cases like this are still very common even after the big cat public safety act went into effect in 2022, one that banned private ownership of big cats, including cubs, as pets. >> this does not only an international problem, it's a huge problem here in the united states. they don't get the proper nutrition, then they're bounced around from person to person to get their photo taken and most times the people taking care of them. good intentions are not. they don't know what they're doing. and this is what
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happens. >> officials will only say that this tiger was in a privately owned facility in the western united states. now, though, she is getting the care she needs. >> the main issue right now is that her right femur is broken really close to her hip, and it healed at a 60 degree abnormal angle. and it's still trying to heal because she doesn't have enough calcium to heal appropriately. luckily for her, most of her fractures are chronic and partially healed. and so we think with intervention we can get her to have a good quality of life. >> pretty tiger there. veterinary fans are hopeful that this female tiger can make a full recovery, but do say they believe that she will likely deal with arthritis when she gets older. jr stone, abc seven news. >> there's a new mural celebrating black history month at an oakland high school. the artwork was created by the students of the ericka huggins campus of met west high school. they designed it after a discussion with higgins huggins. excuse me, herself, as a way to honor the former black panther and give life to the idea she
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shared with them. this is while the seed is growing up. >> there's also the bee that's giving day pollen. that's really like a little nice feature. i like. this is a dragon because we met with dragons. the dragons are usually always rising up, always rise up. even if it seems like you're not rising up, you're always learn something new, so you're never technically degrading the loudest message i want to convey is love. >> and in the center of the mural, that's what you see a heart and the unity between communities is the mural now lives in the student lounge as a symbol of unity and community, celebrating history and identity. >> the black joy parade returns to oakland this sunday, and this year's theme is redefinition of a hustler, because the community's joy, vibes, and hustle are what fuel the economy. abc seven spoke with the parade's head of marketing, maya sikes, about what we can expect. >> we have usually about 20 to 30,000 people come every year for the parade. group has about 100 plus different organizers
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who are in that. and then the festival has two different stages, over 100 plus black owned vendors. there's food activities like skating and places for families is just it's basically everything. it's for everybody. >> you can see the area where the parade and celebration is going to take place on this map. the parade goes through downtown oakland, along franklin street from 14th to 19th street, where the festival will cover several blocks. definitely expect some road closures in that area. for more details, go to abc7 news dot com slash black joy parade, and you can start watching at 1230 on sunday, wherever you stream. abc seven news. >> and we have to talk about who's going to be there. we know julian glover will be there. ama daetz, even zach fuentes, all of our friends and member last year, they're all on me. >> they're like, last year it was a rain raining. >> yeah, cold. they still had a blast. >> i mean, kumasi was running around the streets, right? as she typically does today, though, we have dry weather that
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continues into the weekend. so looking at oakland on sunday, black joy parade, fantastic weather, we'll find a little bit more cloud cover moving in from time to time. but all in all much better than the rain we had to deal with last year. so go out and enjoy. go say hi to julian, ama and zach out there live. look from our exploratorium camera. it is quiet as we take a look at live doppler seven. the active sweep, and we're not finding anything out there. so good news. here's the accuweather headlines. our dry pattern continues. i mean, today is nice, but saturday is spectacular. i'll show you that in one second. by monday though, showers back in the forecast looks like a quick moving system. we showed you that on live doppler seven about ten minutes ago. that system off the coast will bring us some light showers. i think our next significant storm probably not holding off until the first weekend of march. we do get a nice break from any heavy rain. here's future weather throughout the day. today. we'll have some clouds mixing with the sunshine, but it's a really nice afternoon. we'll get those temperatures across the board into the 60s for daytime highs. so looking at your forecast later on today, 65 in oakland
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we'll go to 68. in san jose, 63 in the city a very comfortable 67 in santa rosa. even along the coast from half moon bay to santa cruz, mid and upper 60s for your daytime highs now, future tracker temperatures. look at saturday is going to be great. sunshine and 60s 70s and our warmest spots. and it is looking great for the chinese new year parade. this is happening in san francisco. so at 5:00 look at this. a temperature of 65 degrees. and then it's just really a nice evening for those temperatures slowly falling into the 50s. here is the accuweather seven day forecast for the next seven days for you. partly sunny today , sunny and warm tomorrow. cloudier and cooler on sunday. there are those showers on monday, but it's out of here by tuesday. gloria looking like a nice forecast there drew. >> and also looking really nice on the roads this morning. very quiet out there on this friday morning. you can see mostly green. however we are tracking one incident right now that is causing some delays. this is in oakland, a big rig crash and this is on northbound 880. after
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broadway. this is currently blocking one lane, so we'll keep an eye on this for you. i think it's early enough. so if you look here at the map, it's still in the green, which means no major delays right now because there's not too much traffic out there. but we'll keep looking at this, see if it causes some delays later on this morning. and then a live look at our golden gate bridge camera right here. traffic also very light there on this friday morning. guys all right. >> thank you gloria. coming up the seven things to know this morning a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. >> while shakespeare's famous romeo and juliet quote does not apply here when you can get a glimpse. but more importantly, a whiff of san francisco's blooming let's take a look at this knee. that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind.
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for your body. and for the community. -team! kaiser permanente. (singing) ♪ i feel good ♪ ♪ duh na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ♪ i knew that i would ♪ ♪ na na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ooo, yum. hey! ♪ bum bum bum bum bum ♪ i feel good. [♪] did you know, there's a way to cut your dishwashing time by 50%? try dawn powerwash dish spray. it removes 99% of grease and grime in half the time. dawn powerwash has 3 cleaning boosters not found in traditional dish soaps that remove food and grease 5 times faster. and, because it cleans so well you can replace multiple cleaning products for counters, stoves, and even laundry stains. try dawn powerwash dish spray. brand power, helping you buy better. mucinex nightshift fights your worst night-time symptoms, so you can get to sleep and wake up ready to go. how could you? ( ♪ )
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wake up to a new you. with mucinex nightshift, it's not cold & flu season, it's always comeback season. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit in russia. it comes after the death of opposition leader alexei navalny and one day before the two year mark of russia's invasion of ukraine. number two, a new report in the wall street journal is bringing new attention to social media accounts featuring minors. >> it says. meta meta meta safety staff warned the new paid subscription tools on facebook and instagram enabled child
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exploitation, and offered suggestions to reduce the risk. the report says the company pressed ahead anyway. >> number three, at&t says the cellular outage that impacted thousands of customers nationwide yesterday morning was caused by a software update service has been restored for all customers. >> number four today, caltrans plans to assess niles canyon road in alameda county to decide if it's safe to reopen it to one way traffic. the road was closed in both directions earlier this week after part of it washed out in recent storms. number five get ready for another dry day today. >> partly sunny skies, but tomorrow it is nothing but sunshine and it will be warm. temperatures in the 70s away from the coast. cloudier, cooler, but still dry on sunday. >> and number six. traffic is pretty light so far on this friday morning. this is a live look outside at our bay bridge toll plaza. camera metering lights are not on yet and there are no waits at the pay gates number seven google is pausing its ai image generator after it created historically inaccurate
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images, including some depicting soldiers as people of color. >> google says it is working to fix the gemini chat bot and will release a new version soon. now to the oscars. voting is underway among the academy, but some people believe margot robbie and greta gerwig were snubbed from nominations for the film. barbie reggie calls it margot robbie, lead actress and producer margot robbie received a best picture nomination. some believe she should have been nominated for best actress. gerwig, the director, was nominated for best adapted screenplay, but not best director. gerwig is talking about it for the first time in an interview with time magazine, she said in part, quote, of course i wanted it for margot, but i'm just happy we all get to be there together. the film is also in the running for best picture. you can watch the 2024 oscars, hosted by jimmy kimmel on sunday, march 10th, right here on abc seven. and speaking of awards happening tomorrow,
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stars of the 2006 film the devil wears prada will reunite on stage for the screen actors guild award show. >> meryl streep, anne hathaway and emily blunt will present an award together for this year. blunt is nominated for outstanding performance by a female. in the film oppenheimer. streep is nominated for outstanding performance by an ensemble in a comedy series in the show only murders in the building, san francisco is getting ready to host more than a million people tomorrow for its chinese new year festival and parade. rapper and actress awkwafina will be the grand marshal. the to a 288 foot dragon will weave through the streets with the help of 100 performers from the white crane kung fu school. the celebration is the largest of its kind outside of asia. the dragon paradeegins at 6 p.m. that's at second and market streets. it all ends at kearny street and columbus avenue. the festivities begin at 5:15 p.m, and it goes until 8 p.m. >> all right, rotten fish, garlic and sweaty feet. no, ma'am. those are the smells many
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people are looking forward to. apparently, when the corpse flower blooms in san francisco. so as soon as this weekend. this is video of the flower named mirage from the california academy of sciences live stream. it's a good name. after growing for five years, it's expected to bloom sometime between the sunday and next thursday. the flower gets its name because it smells pretty bad once it blooms. the stink only lasts for up to three days. you can smell it yourself with regular admission. >> it's not for me, not i. i'm not curious about that smell. you've already experienced that smell as an ra when the kids would put their hockey equipment, equipment out in the hallways. >> you're just talking about that. yesterday >> that's the same smell. so reimagine that. go into your sense memory bank. >> i'll just look at an image and be like, right, there you go. coming back a shift in policy now a five, an extra 530.
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>> how san francisco's police commission could impact low level traffic violations in the city. proof that slow and steady can still win the race. >> the long anticipated arrival of some turtles on the move in the pacific, and a live look outside at 527. >> we'll be right stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body
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i've got too much. and then the snatch and grabs. that's where it just had to stop. >> i'm more active approach in combating crime now a 5.30. the bay area business that's sticking close to its in-store customers. >> a primary showdown in south carolina. nikki haley racing to connect with voters hoping to close the gap with former president donald trump. voters head to the polls tomorrow morning. >> vassar celebrating a successful landing on the moon. the images were expecting as soon as today. >> all right, everyone, good morning. it is friday, february 23rd. i've already dropped my mic pack once this morning. >> i get one more time before
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they ask me to leave. hi, drew. >> lisa wasn't a coffee mug. we got our coffee mug safe. our mic packs. there in trouble. all right. this morning we are shaping up to find another dry day. a little bit of cloud cover , but a warmer afternoon compared to yesterday. live. look at our abc seven oakland airport camera. we're dry with mainly clear skies. we do have a little bit of fog in parts of marin and sonoma county between novato and petaluma. that's our one problem spot everywhere else you are fog free. temperatures right now. we are starting out in some of the coldest spots with 30 on the board. danville at 3938, in saint helena. good morning. ukiah, you're at 39. we're at 45 in san mateo, 51 right now in the city. here's a live look at san jose showing you those quiet, calm conditions. your day will feature clouds moving in throughout the afternoon. we'll call it partly sunny. it's a nice afternoon. we're dry. it's mild temperatures feeling very pleasant in the 60s, but it's even warmer here. tomorrow we'll have your weekend forecast coming up in eight minutes, but let's check in with gloria and see how the team's going.
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>> you know, so far going good out there drew. so far it's been a pretty quiet morning on the roads. and then when we look at your mass transit for this morning, everything is on time right now. bart, caltrain and ace. and then a live look at our bay bridge camera and you can see traffic is flowing nicely this morning. and we also don't have those major fog issues like we did the last two days. so that should really be good for your visibility when you're driving this morning. no issues there amanda. >> all right. thanks so much gloria. new this morning. meta is responding to reports about child exploitation on its platform. the problem is reportedly with the new paid subscription tools on facebook and instagram. abc seven news reporter lena howland is live at meta headquarters in menlo park to explain lena. >> amanda. according to a wall street journal investigation, when meta employees spoke up about child exploitation on their own platforms, they said they offered suggestions on how to reduce the risks. meta went a different route. staffers found
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that hundreds of what the company calls parent managed minor accounts were using the subscription feature to sell exclusive content not available to nonpaying followers, the report says. the content frequently featured young girls in bikinis and leotards being promoted to likely through their own algorithms. the wall street journal investigation says meta staffers formerly recommended meta require accounts selling subscriptions to child focused content to register themselves so that the company could monitor them. meta chose not to go that way, and instead they chose to create an automated system to prevent suspected from being given the option to subscribe to parent run accounts that didn't always work, and users got around the subscription ban by setting up new accounts. this investigation comes just weeks after meta founder and ceo mark zuckerberg apologized to parents at a congressional hearing. >> senator, our job and what we take seriously is making sure
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that we build industry leading tools to find harmful, to make money, take it off the services, to make money, and to build tools that empower parents. >> just released a statement to abc seven news saying in part, as part of our ongoing safety work, we expanded the use of our technology to identify and restrict potentially suspicious adults from using our monetization tools, and we plan to limit these adults from accessing certain content. they added that creator monetization tools have a robust set of safety measures and multiple checks on both creators and their content. live in menlo park lena howland, abc seven news. >> thanks so much, lena. a new policy could change traffic stops in san francisco. the police commission voted to restrict an officer's ability to pull over drivers for low level infractions. data from the state attorney general shows. this kind of traffic stop disproportion affects people of color. the police officer's
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association could seek to block the city from implementing that policy change, according to the chronicle. supporters of the reforms say it will help eliminate racial profiling. others say the traffic stop is key to fighting crime. >> a san francisco hardware store is changing the way it operates in hopes of stopping shoplifters. abc seven news reporter luz pena went to fredrikson hardware, where employees say they've been forced to take matters into their own hands to save the store and their jobs. >> when you first walk into fredrikson hardware and paint in san francisco, you have light bulbs to your right and a table blocking the entrance with a sign that reads please wait for assistance. >> i should say, like, well, we have problems with thefts and we try to slow down the traffic. >> employees then decide if the customer should go in or not. >> you know, he's all right. i just have him follow him. you follow me. >> this store has been around for 128 years. and for the first time this month, they had to ramp up their safety measures.
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>> the shoplifting got too much. and then the snatch and grabs, that's where it just had to stop. kind of slow it down a little bit with the table here. >> the table up front is just one of many measures. their pots and pans have now been drilled into the display wall. >> it's somewhat of a solution to a problem that we're having. >> walls full of items are now locked. >> the counts in the computer were not correct like it would say. we had seven of them and there was only one. >> by the way, if you come in with large bags, they have to keep them up front. >> it's really sad. >> this is the literally the new world that we're in. >> but shoplifting is not just an issue inside this store down the street, the owner of pacana has been a victim of crime twice. you can't really do anything. >> the insurance did not cover that. and then who's going to call the police? no. the city? no, it's only me. >> our abc seven news data team looked into sfpd incident data and found that in 2023, there were 81 larceny theft shop
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lifting incidents in the marina neighborhood, which is the area the hardware store is located in. that's higher than every year going back to 2019. have you filed police reports in this ? >> that doesn't really do anything. >> supervisor catherine stefani represents this district. in a statement, her office said in part, this situation is tragic and embarrassing for our city and it's all the more reason to get serious about solving our police staffing crisis. business owners say they can't keep waiting. >> our block is a neighborhood watch. neighbors can text us, or they can call the number that's on the sign. >> customers and residents in the area say they want city officials to take action. the city has money for a lot of other things, but it doesn't have money to secure our storefronts, to secure our streets. >> that's a real problem in san francisco. >> luz pena, abc seven news. >> a longtime san jose state professor is on leave after a clash with pro-palestinian protesters this edited video,
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provided by a bystander, shows history professor jonathan ross pulling out his cell phone and pointing it at a protester when the protester reaches for the phone, roth pushes his hand away . other protesters then confront him. university officials have acknowledged the incident and confirmed someone has been put on administrative leave. there were no injuries or arrests or charges filed. >> reporter tomorrow south carolina holds its primary more than 50 delegates at stake. there nikki haley is the state's former governor. gloria, her path forward could be in jeopardy if she loses to former president trump. >> good morning reggie. nikki haley and donald trump are making a final push to win over voters in south carolina. and haley is hoping for home state advantage. but trump has a commanding lead in state polls nationwide. trump has 63 delegates to haley, 17. more than 1200 delegates are needed to win the republican nomination. some trump supporters say that haley should
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drop out. >> the one person that stands in the way of having a conversation between joe biden and donald trump is nikki haley, because you're the underdog, going against the favorite, and you're down by a few points in the first quarter doesn't mean you walk off the court and give up in the game. >> after south carolina the next day, i'm headed to michigan, and then we're going to super tuesday. >> states. >> now, earlier this week, haley promised she will remain in the race beyond south carolina, regardless of tomorrow's outcome . >> all right. so much, gloria. stanford researchers are busy studying turtles that just reached mexico in southern california to what they are finding could prove a theory. scientists have known for a while. they first released the endangered animals into the middle of the pacific ocean last year. they wore trackers. and we want to show you an animation that shows their paths. the turtles typically follow a food rich band of warm water known as the north pacific transition
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zone, but more than half a dozen broke off and headed south. researchers think those ones are slipping through a warm water channel they believe opens up during warm el nino years. the experts say. this winter's tracking data could potentially confirm the el nino effect, and it happens to fit pretty well with our hypothesis that we put out there in advance. >> so it's really exciting because we're doing an experiment at an oceanographic scale. scale we're testing a hypothesis. nobody has ever done that before. in a few months, the stanford team hopes to test the flip side of the theory a colder la nina current is potentially in the forecast. >> it would be a chance to see if the cooler water shut down that warm water channel. if you'd like to follow the turtle tracker map, you can find a link at abc seven a devastating diagnosis for wendy williams. coming up, what her representatives are now revealing about the former talk show host and christina aguilera has an airbnb offer that could
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have you meeting the pop icon. >> if not staying with her. but first, a check on the weather with meteorologist drew tuma. how long do you think she's going to give you? two and a half or four minutes. ooh, i was gonna go 62nd, 62nd. you get a pick and she's out. >> she'll give you a run. you know. >> i got somewhere better to be. >> airbnb, man. live from sutro tower. it is nice and clear out there. the lights of the city are sparkling this morning. temperature wise. we have some chilly spots in our valleys. good morning. danville. you're one of our coldest spots. at 39. we're 51 in hayward, 54 currently in half moon bay into the north bay. we go. you can see 39 ukiah, 41, in novato. good morning. fairfield, you're at 45 degrees. here's live doppler seven along with satellite. we do have cloud cover in southern california right now that is advancing closer to us. so throughout the day we'll find a mixture of sun and clouds. we remain dry and we're actually warmer than we were yesterday. you notice this area of low pressure. it's removed from the jet stream. and what that means, it has nothing to really steer it anywhere. so
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right now it's just kind of sitting out there off the coast. what will happen? a front will pick this up on monday and that will move in and bring us some light rain to start the new week next week. but the weekend is looking really nice today. we'll find that cloud cover building as we head throughout the afternoon, but still it's really nice today. by 4 p.m, a mix of sun and clouds and mild temperatures. so taking a look at the three day forecast today, we have those partly sunny skies. tomorrow we lose the cloud cover to nothing but sunshine. saturday is really just shaping up to be gorgeous with 70 away from the coast by sunday, clouds roll back in. we are cooler, but we still remain dry on sunday. however, those clouds on monday will bring us some light showers. we'll detail that next storm. we'll go hour by hour in future weather
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form of dementia affecting actor bruce willis. abc news reporter deborah roberts has more on this new battle. one day before the release of williams new documentary, just days before the release of a new docu series chronicling her personal struggles, former talk show host wendy williams revealing a new battle, a care team for the 59 year old saying she was diagnosed with progressive aphasia and frontotemporal dementia, adding the conditions have presented significant hurdles in wendy's life. >> it's the same diagnosis bruce willis revealed last year. here's wendy. for years, williams reigned supreme on her gossipy talk show. but in 2017, she collapsed on set. sparking concerns for her health, the tv host had been open about her medical issues and battles with substance abuse, but in the end her show was canceled. williams
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was hoping a new lifetime documentary, where is wendy williams, would lead to a return to tv. instead, cameras captured a heartbreaking decline, with excessive drinking, erratic behavior. here. go guy. >> i have no idea where we are and bouts of incoherence. >> i sat down with williams's niece, alex finnie, an anchor at our miami affiliate wplg, to talk about the documentary. some people are going to look at this and say, this is exploitation. she's being exploited. how could they do this right? >> my aunt is the executive producer of this document three and she said, now is the perfect time because i want to take ownership of my story. >> family members say they had noticed cognitive decline in williams, but at the time there was no official diagnosis. during this filming, at what point did you know something was seriously wrong? >> oh, right off the bat, when i saw her, she didn't have to say
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one thing. i knew that every cylinder is not firing the way it should. williams is under the care of a court ordered guardian following questions about the management of her finances. >> her family says while they're relieved to hear that she is responding well to treatment, they remain frustrated that they haven't been allowed to see her in nearly a year. deborah roberts, abc news, new york. >> don't don't do your own stunts. that's the message from movie star sylvester stallone. he's warning other actors because he's still coping with injuries from a stunt gone wrong during the first expendables movie all the way back in 2010. now he dislocated his shoulders and fractured his neck during the stunt. stallone says he's never been physically the same since he recently underwent his seventh major back surgery. related to the incident. imagine having cocktails with christina aguilera in las vegas. she's saying, come on over, come on
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over, baby, baby. >> thanks to her partner with airbnb, that dream can be a reality. >> you and three others can request a stay at her beautiful las vegas home with views and a pool. the stay includes a night of drinks with christina, a burlesque lesson, a photo shoot dinner at one of her favorite restaurants, and vip tickets to her residency. the state is free and available from february 20th 9th to march 2nd. you do have to pay for your own travel to get to vegas, though. >> that was a good one. >> thank you and i really love that song. >> i do in today's gma first look, millions of americans are preparing to fly for spring break vacations and have to decide whether or not to recline their airplane seat. here we go again. here's abc news reporter andrew dymburt. oh no, oh no o no no no no. >> in this morning's gma first look, it's the great debate to recline or not to recline. >> surely you can't be serious.
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>> the latest in recline gate. this recent flight generating millions of views on social media. >> i think that you should be able to recline your seat on a ten hour flight. i told her i was like, if you want to be comfy, you get first class. >> taylor futch was flying from munich, germany, to miami and says when they hit cruising altitude, she decided to recline. i kept feeling like my seat was being, like, pushed forward, even getting the flight attendant to weigh in. >> i asked the flight attendant, am i allowed to recline? and she was like, yes. and i said, well, the girl behind me is saying that i can't. and she just kind of like rolled her eyes. >> the passenger has the right to recline. it's a matter of courtesy. >> coming up at 7 a.m, we're talking to passengers on both sides of the aisle with your gma first look. i'm andrew dymburt, abc news, new york. >> listen, i think it's your right to recline. you've got that button on your armrest. you paid all that money. i'm going to get that two inches of. >> yeah yeah. you know. yeah >> recline is a very generous terme. >> you get to move. yeah. it's more of like a uh.huh. maybe not
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during food service. you don't want to, you know. yeah. you know, but you get what you pay for. >> listen, this is nothing new. this has been around for decades . you know, they got the right to recall. better pay first class. well, you know what? that's pricey. >> i was on delta's longest flight. yeah, 16 hours. oh, yeah. right. >> okay. >> and everyone should be able to recline on that, right? yes, but i was feeling for some of these people, like they were stuffed into these seats, and i just, um, my heart went out. >> that's when you get up, you do some laps, you do, you start walking. >> there was a person who was laying on the ground. >> oh, god. >> just on the ground. >> i have seen that before. on like, long flights. i'm just like, well, you know. yeah, well, if you're not bugging anybody. yeah. and that's what it is. yeah. you're not causing a scene. you're just like, i'm tired. >> yeah. around hour nine, it becomes survival of the fittest. like just whatever you have to do, just do it. >> do what you got to do. yeah, exactly. >> the flight attendants, like,
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disappear. you know, like, they close the curtains. >> whatever happens out here is on you. >> we'll see you when we land, buddy. good luck. everybody yeah. flying what a wild time. uh- here we go. here's sutro tower. you could see a lot of lights out there. it's gorgeous this morning. we have mainly clear skies, but throughout the day today we'll have some clouds rolling in. saturday's is really shaping up to be gorgeous. get outside. enjoy the start of the weekend. sunday is cooler, cloudier but still dry so the whole weekend is looking great. showers on monday to level one light storm, but our next significant storm probably not until the first weekend of march. future tracker temperatures showing you just some clouds passing by throughout the day. temperatures. we'll get you into the 60, so enjoy the mild weather. another dry day ahead 65 in oakland, 63 in the city, 67 in santa rosa, 68. very lovely in san jose overnight tonight we'll keep those partly cloudy conditions and temperatures mainly falling into the 40s. now. future tracker temperatures showing you heading into saturday. gorgeous 60s and 70s. cooler on sunday, but still , it's going to be a nice day for the chinese new year parade in san francisco on saturday. i
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mean, look at these temperatures in the 60s, even through 7 p.m. so a nice evening in the city tomorrow for the black joy parade. our own julian glover and ama daetz will be there. so we'll zach fuentes, more cloud cover, but still very comfortable temperatures in the 60s. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. the next seven days for you. partly sunny today, sunny and warm tomorrow. cloudy and cooler on sunday. there's those light showers on monday and then we'll have sunshine returning on tuesday. gloria yeah. >> you know, we're noticing that traffic is a lot lighter right now on this friday compared to what it usually is this time of the morning. >> so if you look live right here from our san mateo-hayward bridge camera, you'll see light traffic. no major delays here. everything is moving nicely and then a look at your drive times so far. everything in the green, which is what we like to see. no major slowdowns from tracy to castro valley that usually is a slow spot, but right now it'll only take you 38 minutes, so not bad guys. thanks, gloria. >> new at six, one of the hottest country singers is coming to the bay area, and we aren't talking about beyonce. >> but first america is back on
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the moon. the giant step for the country's renewed interest in lunar explo but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente.
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an accurate depictions of race. the chatbot was incorrectly generating images of historical figures, including america's founding fathers and soldiers, as people of color. the people were blasting the snafu on social media, saying, i models are struggling with the concept of race. google says it's working to fix the issue and plans to release an improved version of the tool soon. in the us, landed on the moon for the first time in more than 50 years. we could see its first images from the lunar surface today. lunar lander odysseus, nicknamed odie, landed around 6 p.m. yesterday after a week long
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flight totaling 620,000 miles. >> i know this was a nail biter, but we are on the on the surface and we are transmitting and welcome to the moon. >> the company intuitive machines built out its partnering with nasa so the agency can get can conduct experiments. >> we need to know as much as we can about that environment to sustain life, and so that we can get not only human presence on the lunar surface, but that we can get the science and the knowledge and the data back that we need to change our world. >> odie is now on the moon's south pole. the area is suspected of having ice, which could be converted to drinking water or turn into rocket fuel. >> it's very cool. kind of was a nail biter. was about four minute window. we weren't sure if it landed on the moon successfully, but it was very cool to see they achieved that for the first time in more than 50 years. this morning, sutro tower we are showing quiet conditions. we will have clouds moving in from time to time. it's a partly sunny afternoon,
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but it's actually warmer than we were yesterday. temperatures for 4 p.m. everybody's going into the 60s even along the coast tomorrow. it is bright. full sunshine is back. it's even warmer. look at these temperatures away from the coast into the 70s. now, sunday is cloudier and cooler, but we're still dry for the entire weekend . those clouds will eventually bring us some light showers on monday, and we're really talking light showers. just a few hundredths of an inch of rain coming our way on monday. amanda >> all right, thanks so much. drew. new at six. the new sanctions, the white house and president biden will announce against russia in the wake of alexei navalny's death. >> then what at&t says caused its massive network outage that left millions without cell service for hours. >> and the local high school students organizing a town hall for congressional candidates. the student run event that gave them a chance to see the democratic process in action then we are looking for you. we are the peace corps. with volunteers in more than 60 countries. living together. working together.
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