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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  February 23, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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moaire dida twoo? - your data, too. there's even round-the-clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. it's happening. get started for $49 a month. plus, ask how to get up to a $800 prepaid card with a qualifying internet package. don't wait, call and switch today! now at six. new allegations from meta employees. they claim the company pressed on even after workers voiced concerns about the app being used for child exploitation. >> then mayor london breed may have a hard time winning reelection. the poll numbers showing a very tough race where some voters stand this morning and state wildlife experts rescue a young tiger, now specialist at the oakland zoo, are taking care of it. >> good morning. >> welcome to friday, february 23rd. >> do you want to get straight
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to a look at our forecast? we know it's going to be a beautiful weekend. >> yeah we're in store for very nice weather. it's dry today. dry tomorrow. uh- even warmer as we get you into saturday. here's a live look from our east bay hills camera right now. we do have clear skies, good visibility out there, but we do have like one lone issue of fog. it's bordering nevada and petaluma right now where you can see we do have a reduced visibility. so around 1o1 in this region, it's our typical trouble spot in the morning. just be aware of that. elsewhere we are fog free temperatures right now. our coldest areas are in the 30s. good morning sonoma. you're at 38. the same in saint helena, 39 in danville. so take the heavier jacket this morning. the umbrella and keep it at home. it is dry again today. we get another dry day in the forecast. san jose, you're looking lovely this morning with partly cloudy skies. we'll see more clouds streaming in throughout the afternoon. it is mild today. we'll get those temperatures in the 60s. reggie thanks for you. >> today the white house is announcing 600 sanctions against russia. some of those sanctions were made public just moments
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ago. this comes as tomorrow marks two years since russia's invasion of ukraine. gloria at the live desk with more on what those sanctions will look like. >> good morning reggie. officials say the u.s. will impose 600 sanctions on russia, its enablers and its war machine . the biden administration says they will include additional measures intended to punish the kremlin for its role in the death of opposition leader alexei navalny, the treasury department will impose additional oil price cap sanctions that aim to increase russia's costs, while decrease their revenue. they will also target companies that purchase military equipment and funnel the items to the russian military. a high level state department official described the sanctions as crushing global sanctions, the oil price cap, the export controls that we've put in place have weakened russia's war machine and these restrictions will get significantly tighter in the
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coming days as we in our partners announce massive new sanctions packages designed, among other things, to strangle russia's effort at sanctions evasion. russia's invasion of ukraine led to an initial round of sanctions that the treasury department says causes russia's economy to shrink by about 2% in 2022. meanwhile. president biden met with navalny's widow and daughter yesterday at the fairmont hotel in san francisco. navalny's daughter is a student at stanford, and his widow has vowed to carry on his mission. the president called navalny a man of incredible courage. judge amanda, all right, thanks so much, gloria. >> meta is responding to new claims. it didn't do enough to stop child exploitation on its platforms. abc seven news reporter lena howland is in menlo park at the company's headquarters with these allegations, and meta's response, lena. >> amanda. that's right. uh- a wall street journal
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investigation says that two separate teams here from meta raised alarms about this issue inside of internal reports. this comes after they found that hundreds of what the company calls parent managed miner accounts were using the subscription feature to sell exclusive content not available to nonpaying followers. the report says the content frequently featured young girls in bikinis and leotards, and it was sold to an audience that was overwhelmingly male, leaving some posts plastered with suggestive emojis and sexual comments. they say staffers found that its own algorithms were promoting child modeling subscriptions to likely. the wall street journal investigation says meta staffers formerly recommended meta should require accounts selling subscriptions to child focused content to register themselves, so the company could monitor them. meta instead decided to create an automated system to prevent suspected from being given the option to subscribe to parent accounts, which didn't
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always work. this investigation comes just weeks after meta founder and ceo mark zuckerberg, mark zuckerberg, apologized to parents at a congressional hearing just last month. >> have you compensated any of the victims? these girls? have you compensated them? i don't believe so. why not? don't you think they deserve some compensation for what your platform has done? help with counseling services, help with dealing with the issues that your your service has caused. our job is to make sure that we build tools to help keep people safe. >> meta released a statement to abc seven news, in part saying we launched creator monetization tools with a robust set of safety measures and multiple checks on both creators and their content, they added the company's plans to likely limit from subscribing. to children are part of their ongoing safety work at meta live in menlo park. lena howland abc seven news
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thanks, lena pg and e! >> profits shot up nearly 25% in 2023, as revenue from electricity and gas surged. that's more than $2.2 billion, according to the utility's latest earnings report that was just released yesterday. that news is not sitting well with customers, many of whom say their electric bills have nearly doubled over the past year. the utility reform network, or turn, says the company profits came directly from customers pockets, and they're calling this outrageous. a spokesperson for turn says there needs to be action to prevent prices from going up. >> we need a cap on rate increases to be no more than the cost of living adjustment provided by social security, p-g-and-e's declined to do an on camera interview. >> they sent this statement. the investment we plan in 2024 and beyond focus on three goals keeping our energy system safe and reliable for customers, meeting growing energy demand and adding even more renewables
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to our energy mix. at the same time, we're aggressively focused on finding new ways to work so that we can keep future bill increases at or below for a broader, long time inflation rate of 2 to 4, the family of a man killed by a bart police officer in oakland, 15 years ago is just now getting their loved ones property back, alameda county da pamela price returned oscar grant's two phones to his mother. >> grant died back in 2009 after a bart police officer shot him in the early hours of new year's day, the officer said he was reaching for his taser, but grabbed his gun instead. grant's death sparked outrage, setting off riots in oakland and a wave of protests nationwide. grant's mother says she requested his phones many times, but previous district attorneys wouldn't give them to her because they were mixed with other evidence. >> i just encourage families to don't give up, to continue to pursue justice for your loved
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one. >> the family hopes when they turn on the phones, they will be able to uncover old photos of grant or text messages from the night he died. your voice, your vote. san francisco mayor london breed may face an uphill battle to win reelection in november, according to a new san francisco chronicle poll. 781% of people somewhat disapprove or strongly disapprove of breed's performance, the poll shows. former interim mayor mark farrell would have the most support in the first round of ranked choice voting, with 20% breed trails at 18, closely followed by levi strauss heir daniel lurie. 38% of voters are still undecided. we spoke with abc seven news insider phil matier, who says mayor breed will need to make drastic changes in the city to turn the vote in her favor. >> if you just doubled down and you really got tough, if you really said, we are going to do something, we're going to finally make a breakthrough
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because people aren't seeing a difference. >> matier also says there's still time for numbers to change . with eight months left before the election in november. still to come, the fallout from the ivf ruling in alabama, at least one couple says they have to leave the state to even get a chance at pregnancy. then some of them are too young to even vote. >> but it won't stop them from taking their part in the democratic process. the local high school students who set up a town hall with candidates for congress. >> 609 this morning, let's take you to tahoe, a live look at the moon shining off the lake this morning, looking nice up there. back here at home, it is going to be gorgeous. just a mix of sun and clouds. temperatures in the 60s. but get ready for even warmer weather to kick off the weekend. tomorr
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this is a look at san jose. right now we have partly cloudy conditions and what we'll find throughout the later morning and early afternoon. we'll find our sunshine sharing the sky with some cloud cover. so it's a mix of sun and clouds today, but it is mild. you get to 4 p.m. those temperatures a bit above average. we're getting into the 60s across the board along the coast as well. now as we head into the weekend and we'll find even warmer weather moving in here tomorrow, we're going to lose the cloud cover. we have nothing but sunshine here on saturday, and it is going to be a gorgeous day. look at those temperatures away from the coast. we're getting into the 70s even along the coast. mid 60s are quite nice now. sunday is dry, it's cloudier and cooler. those clouds on monday will give us some rain. reggie, we'll show you that coming up in about seven minutes. >> thanks, drew. still to come? why the world's oldest dog got its title stripped from record books and at&t explains what caused that massive network outage that left millions without cell and internet service. we're going to take a
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break. but first, here's a live look outside. it is 612. that's a beautiful look at the city this morning. we'll be right back. when you have moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin. some even achieved long—lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines
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without talking to your doctor. ♪ show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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according to the la times, biden said if he's reelected and with control of congress, he'll pass roe v wade into law. it comes as three providers in alabama are pausing their in vitro fertilization services. earlier this week, the state supreme court ruled giving embryos the same rights as children. at least one alabama couple is having to leave the state to try to save their shot at pregnancy. >> this is been about a two
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years in the making of us trying, and i just did not feel comfortable with all the uncertainty, um, of not knowing what would happen with these embryos and i just honestly did not want them to be stored in alabama. >> um, so we've decided to go to texas. >> the alabama ruling could make it all the way to the us supreme court. in a tweet, governor newsom called the alabama ruling cruel. today, he and president biden will both be in washington, dc for a national governors association meeting. topics there will include infrastructure and the economy. young bay area voters and soon to be voters hosted a forum to question the candidates in the running to represent california's 16th congressional district. juniors and seniors at los altos high say it's their first congressional primary debate held by high school students. some of them say while they may not hold a vote, they hold a voice. >> we want to make sure that people are aware of who's their representative and that young people are holding them
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accountable because, um, their votes, um, their bills, their legislation is also going to impact us. >> the students streamed and recorded the forum on their organization's social media channel. the los altos institution. six out of 11 candidates vying to replace representative anna eshoo participated. the 16th district includes parts of san mateo and santa clara counties. >> animal specialists at the oakland zoo are taking care of a young, mistreated tiger. state wildlife experts rescued the cub with multiple broken bones from a privately owned facility. veterinarians say she has at least ten fractures they can diagnose, and most are at least a month old. officials won't say where the young tiger was who had her, or how they learned about her, because of pending legal issues. but vets say cases like this are very common, even after the big cat public safety act went into effect in 2022, it bans ownership of big cats, including cubs, as pets.
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>> they don't get the proper nutrition. then they're bounced around from person to person to get their photo taken, and most times the people taking care of them good intentions are not. they don't know what they're doing. and this is what happens. >> veterinarians are hopeful this tiger will make a full recovery, but say she will likely deal with arthritis when she gets older. >> okay, you might remember our we did a story about this last year is the oldest dog ever. well, that dog died and that dog has had the title of oldest dog ever taken away. uh- guinness world records has stripped bobby of the title posthumously. bobby lived in portugal and died in october after alleged turning 31. i remember this video distinctly because we had a whole discussion about how could it be possible that this dog is 31? because look at it. yes right. >> it's not 31. >> it doesn't just just to my untrained eye.
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>> yeah. i'm not an expert in dog ages. >> but to me this doesn't look like a 31 year old dog. and guinness now agrees. it says that there's no definitive proof that it was 31. it couldn't find any conclusive evidence of a birth date story and was like, i'm writing someone because this is not right. >> yeah, bobby has haters. >> yeah, but you know, bobby does have haters. >> i but it's you know, once the dog dies can we just let it. can we just let it go. yeah. why why was someone is there someone who was in the running for this that got jealous you know. >> mhm. mhm. >> why stripped the record now. right right. >> let him rest in peace. >> but i just say i do always wonder when i hear this dog is this old or even people are like wait are they really that old. right. we don't get doggy certificates. >> do you know what i mean? people, i feel like we can prove more. yeah yeah. give me those nine digits and we'll figure it out real fast.
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>> maybe you didn't have good records 100 some years ago in your little town. >> question everything, i like it. >> yeah. that's true. >> journalist question everything. oh, man. don't question me. the forecast is great. lovely. all right, here's a live look outside from our east bay hills. camera we have clear skies. get ready for just a dry pattern to continue. tomorrow's looking fantastic. showers back here on monday with a level one light storm. our next significant storm. probably not until the first weekend of march. so today, enjoy the dry weather again. we'll find sun and clouds throughout the afternoon and temperatures very pleasant. we'll go into the 60s for daytime highs. tahoe is looking beautiful this morning. if you're thinking about going there this weekend, we'll have no issues. sunday we'll find sun giving way to some snow showers late in the evening. we're still okay for traveling. it's monday though, that we have our next storm system that will bring a mix of heavy rain and snow to the sierra back here at home on saturday. get outside sunshine. these temperatures mild 60 and
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70s a little bit cooler on sunday, but sunday is still shaping up to be a nice day with dry conditions. we have a lot going on across the bay area. chinese new year parade is tomorrow evening. temperatures in the 60s in the city, clear skies. it will be a nice evening to watch the parade on sunday in oakland. we have the black joy parade, our own julian glover ama daetz zach fuentes will be there. we're streaming it live on abc seven. we'll find those temperatures in the 60s under partly sunny skies. so again, it's looking very nice. our next chance of rain is on monday. and look at this rainfall totals very light. that's why it's a level one storm. and it's a fast mover. here's the accuweather seven day forecast showing you partly sunny today. warm and sunny tomorrow. cloudy and cooler on sunday. and then there's those light showers on monday. gloria >> yeah, we do have an update for you this morning on that road that washed out in sunol. it is now open for one way traffic control. this is over on niles canyon road. and this is between mission boulevard and pleasanton sunol road. so that's some good news for drivers in
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that area. you might remember that both directions have been closed after the road collapsed, and then a live look outside at our bay bridge toll plaza. camera metering lights flipped on at 534, but traffic is not too bad right now. amanda >> thanks so much, gloria. now let's turn to ginger zee. she's live with a look at what's coming up on gma. >> good morning ginger. hey yes good morning to you reggie amanda it's so nice to be with everyone on a friday here. >> we'll start with the story i know you've been following the first us spacecraft landing on the moon in more than 50 years. so we'll have the details. gio of course, going to give us those last nerve wracking moments. and the south carolina primary is tomorrow. former governor nikki haley going all out to win her home state from donald trump. and some new revelations about wendy williams's health. the former daytime host diagnosed with the same form of dementia as bruce willis, also a gma exclusive for you this morning could your morning commute be on skyways rather than highways? rob is going to get in the first drone
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powered vehicle that anybody in the general public over the age of 18 can train on and fly, so you don't want to miss it. also we've got to hear from oscar nominee emily blunt. can't wait for all of that and more on gma. >> emily, did you see oppenheimer yet? ginger yes, i did. >> i did that and i am just the science alone. i was fascinated by it because it's like a story we know. but we don't know. so interesting. she was great. >> emily blunt was great in that movie. at first, i didn't even realize it was her. it's a really different role for her, right? she was wonderful. and there's also so much i mean, you mentioned the science. there's so much linked to uc berkeley as well, which is of course right here in our backyard. and i was it's a fascinating movie. it's a long one. if you're on a plane anytime soon, i would like to see you do a deep dive piece at uc berkeley. >> so please go do it. >> yeah, i think we've done one. okay, we may have, but. oh, let's do it again. >> yeah. and just put reggie behind it. let's do it again.
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>> spin on it. yeah um. good to see you as always, ginger. we'll see you at seven and we'll be right back. thank stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye.
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tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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at&t now says the problem was triggered by a software update. the outage was not a cyber attack, and sources confirmed to abc news it was not caused by an external actor. it took hours for the company to get service restored to all customers. now to the oscars voting is underway among the academy, but some people believe margot robbie and greta gerwig were snubbed from nominations for the film. barbie lead actress and producer margot robbie received a best picture nomination. some believe she should have been nominated for best actress. gerwig, the
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director, was nominated for best adapted screenplay, but not best director. gerwig is talking about it for the first time in an interview with time magazine, she said in part, quote, of course i wanted it for margot, but i'm just happy we all got get to be there together. the film is also in the running for best picture. you can watch the 2024 oscars, hosted by jimmy kimmel on sunday, march 10th, right here on abc seven. happening tomorrow. stars of the 2006 film the devil wears prada will reunite on stage for the screen actors guild award show. meryl streep, anne hathaway and emily blunt will present an award all together. this year, blunt is nominated for outstanding performance by a female in the film oppenheimer. streep is nominated for outstanding performance by an ensemble in a comedy series. in the show only murders in the building. next, at 630, the new policy that could change how police make traffic stops in san
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francisco. what restrictions could be in place for officers then? we're live at meta headquarters as the company under scrutiny over its ability to protect minors online you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds, but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money.
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now at 630. employees at a san francisco hardware store take matters into their own hands. when it comes to shoplifters. the store that's been around for more than a century, upping security and signs are pointing to a not so home field advantage for nikki haley, former president trump seemingly has a big lead in south carolina ahead of tomorrow's primary. then history overnight in space, the u.s. completes its first successful moon landing in more than 50 years. before making those people sweat. >> oh, yeah. very cool. good
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morning everyone. >> it is friday, february 23rd. >> if this view behind us was shifted over just a little bit more, it's a it's a pretty nice sunrise coming. >> beautiful. it is coming. i was see it's a point. see it's not easy. it's not easy. thank you. everyone at home pointing my job. my main job. >> it's cooler by the coast right now. >> beautiful. >> all right, so if i have a sick day, you're filling in for me. so look at that. >> i can do two things. point and say it's cooler by the coast. >> that's all you need to know. let's go outside. good morning. here's a live look at our abc seven oakland airport camera. you can see we have a nearly full moon. that's what the bright object is on the left hand side of your screen tomorrow is the full moon in the month of february. gets the nickname the full snow moon. it's typically the snowiest month in the northern hemisphere february. here's live doppler seven a little bit of fog around petaluma and novato. one of our typical problem spots in the morning. everywhere else, you are fog free. here's that view
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from the exploratorium camera. we have clouds rolling in from the south, so it will be a day that we find partly sunny skies still mild out there. temperatures in the 60s. how's it looking out there on traffic with corey? good morning. >> good morning. you know you mentioned the fog. we are seeing a little bit of fog here in our camera in san rafael this is highway 101. but you know not a major issue today. the way it was the last few days throughout the bay area. so fog not too bad other than really in this area. right now. uh. and you'll see also it's a nice ride from end to petaluma. so no major issues here. and if you look at your drive times for this morning from tracy to dublin, that's usually a slow spot only 34 minutes right now. so traffic is pretty light on this friday. reggie, thanks, gloria. >> new this morning. meta is responding to a report about child exploitation on its platforms. the problem is reportedly with the new paid subscription tools on facebook and on instagram. abc seven news reporter lena howland is live at meta headquarters in menlo park to explain all this, lena. hey
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reggie. >> according to a wall street journal investigation, when employees spoke up about child exploitation happening on their own platforms, and they offered up suggestions on how to reduce the risks, meta decided to go another route. staffers found that hundreds of what the company calls parent managed minor accounts were using the subscription feature to sell exclusive content, not available to nonpaying followers, the report says the content frequently featured young girls in bikinis and leotards being promoted to likely through their own algorithms, leaving some posts plastered with suggestive emojis and sexual comments. the wall street journal investigation says meta staffers formally recommended meta require accounts selling subscription to child focused content to register themselves, so the company could monitor them. medyczne chose not to go that way, and instead they chose to create an automated system to prevent suspected from being given the option to subscribe to
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parent run accounts. that didn't always work, and users got around the subscription ban by setting up new accounts. this investigation comes just weeks after meta founder and ceo mark zuckerberg apologized to parents at a congressional hearing. senator our job and what we take seriously is making sure that we build industry leading tools to find harmful, to make money, take it off the services to make money, and to build tools that empower parents. meta just released a statement to abc seven news saying in part, as part of our ongoing safety work, we expanded the use of our technology to identify and restrict potentially suspicious adults from using our monetization tools. and we plan to limit these adults from accessing certain content. they added that creators monetization tools have a robust set of safety measures and multiple checks on both the creators and their content aren't live in menlo park. lena howland, abc seven news thank you lena.
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>> two children are dead after falling into the sacramento river near shasta dam, just north of redding. the shasta sheriff's office says the kid slipped down a riverbank in part of a small landslide, and they were hurt by the rocks and debris and were later pronounced dead. they had been at a local campground when it happened. >> this is a camping area and the people were at the camping area, so it has nothing to do with any field trip groups or that type of thing. >> the sheriff's office says the area where it happened is downstream from the dam, and the bureau of reclamation has now temporarily reduced water released as they complete their investigation. >> a new policy could change traffic stops in san francisco. the police commission voted to restrict an officer's ability to pull over drivers for low level interactions. data from the state attorney general shows. this kind of traffic stop disproportionately affects people of color. the police officer's association could seek
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to block the city from implementing the policy change. the chronicle reports supporters of the reforms say it will help eliminate racial profiling. opponents say the traffic stop is key to fighting crime. >> a san francisco hardware store is changing the way it does business in hopes of stopping shoplifters. if you go into frederickson hardware in the marina, you'll see a table. it blocks the entrance with a sign that asks you to wait for your help or wait for help. i should say employees then decide if the customer can go in or not. other measures include drilling pots and pans into the display, locking up walls full of items, and keeping customers bags and backpacks up front while they shop. >> the shoplifting got too much, and then the snatch and grabs. that's where it just had to stop . kind of slow it down a little bit with the table here, our abc seven news data team looked into a sfpd incident data in the marina district and found in 2023, there were 81 larceny theft, shoplifting incidents.
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>> that's higher than every year going back to 2019. the hardware store manager says they don't file police reports for petty theft. >> the man accused of stabbing and killing cash app founder bob lee faces a judge again. he and his attorneys were in court yesterday. neiman his attorneys, plan to argue for a change of venue next month. they also say they have concerns that they weren't provided all the evidence from lee's two cell phones, rather that the defense only provided them two weeks of history from one of the two phones for whatever reason, because i've never encountered this in my 25 years. >> i know you haven't. right? that the government gives us a sliver of the evidence and tells us this is what you get. it doesn't work like that. >> well, many attorneys say lee's cell phone history matters. to show what, if any, relationship he had with many sister prosecutors allege she was at the center of a feud between these two men. tomorrow south carolina will hold its primary.
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>> more than 50 delegates are at stake. nikki haley is the state's former governor, and gloria, her path forward could be in jeopardy if she loses to former president trump. >> good morning. amanda. nikki haley and donald trump are making a final push to win over voters in south carolina. and haley is hoping for home state advantage. but trump has a commanding lead in state polls nationwide. trump has 63 delegates to haley's 718, more than 1200 delegates are needed to win the republican nomination. some trump supporters say that haley should drop out. >> the one person that stands in the way of having a conversation between joe biden and donald trump is nikki haley, because you're the underdog going against the favorite and you're down by a few points in the first quarter doesn't mean you walk off the court and give up in the game. >> after south carolina the next day, i'm headed to michigan and then we're going to super tuesday states. >> earlier this week, haley promised she will remain in the
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race beyond south carolina, regardless of tomorrow's outcome . i'm reggie francisco getting ready to host more than a million people tomorrow for its chinese new year festival and parade, actress awkwafina is the grand marshal, a 288 foot dragon is going to weave through the streets with the help of 100 performers from the white crane kung fu school. >> the celebration is the largest of its kind outside of asia. the dragon paradar at 6 p.m. at second and market streets, then ends at kearny street and columbus avenue. now, the festivities as a whole start at 515, and they go until 8 p.m. the us landed on the moon for the first time in more than 50 years. >> we could see its first images from the lunar surface today, the lunar lander odysseus, nicknamed odie, landed around 6 p.m. yesterday after a week long flight totaling 620,000 miles. i know this was a nail biter, but we are on the on the surface and we are transmitting and welcome
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to the moon. very cool. the company intuitive machines built odie. it's partnering with nasa. so the agency can get can get can do experiments. >> we need to know as much as we can about that environment to sustain life and so that we can get not only human presence on the lunar surface, but that we can get the science and the knowledge and the data back that we need to change our world. >> odie is now on the moon's south pole. the area is suspected of having ice, which could be converted to drinking water or turned into rocket fuel. >> still to come, major league baseball players upset about what's going on below the belt. some say their new pants are a little too revealing. no and we want to give you a live look at the big board at the new york stock exchange. >> it seems we're up about 88 points. another update on how the markets are doing next. >> then wendy williams shocking announcement about her health, the diagnosis of the former talk show host and stay with us on
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the abc seven bay area streaming app at seven for abc seven at seven. we're live every weekday from 7 to 8 a.m. i'm excited because we're going to have a couple of actors from the show falsettos, which is about to play here in san francisco, so download it wherever you stream. please watch us from 7 to 8. hi, drew. hey. >> good morning. let's show you sutro tower. we're pointing it towards the golden gate bridge. this morning. we enjoy the dry weather yesterday. that continues today and into the weekend, but right now we are seeing some cold spots, especially in the valleys of the north bay, sonoma, saint helena. we're at 37 right now. oakland good morning at 4945 in palo alto. 42 in concord. this morning, live doppler seven, along with satellite clouds. right now, currently in southern california, are streaming north this morning. it will be a day of sun and clouds and mild temperatures later on this afternoon. here's how the sky will look. we'll just find those partly sunny conditions throughout the day again by 4 p.m. it's a mix of sun and clouds, but we'll still get those temperatures into the 60s a bit warmer than we were
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yesterday. and again, today is dry. 70 friday night plans. you're good to go. look at the three day forecast. saturday is just going to be spectacular. full sunshine is back, warm temperatures get outside. enjoy it. with 70s in our warmest spots. sunday is cloudier and cooler, but we're still dry monday though rain does return. we'll show you that on the seven day coming up
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conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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shooting nearly two years ago have reportedly in order to testify before a grand jury, according to multiple reports, testimony is set to begin next week. the grand jury investigation could result in criminal charges against officer for not acting fast enough to stop the gunman, 21 people, including 19 children and two teachers, were killed during the school shooting at robb elementary on may 24th, 2022. new details on former talk show host wendy williams. >> her care team says she was
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diagnosed with progressive aphasia and frontotemporal dementia last year. it's the same disease bruce willis has been living with. this is the latest challenge for williams, who has been very public about her health battles. in 2017, she collapsed on the set of her show. the show was canceled in 2022. williams hoped a new documentary, which comes out tomorrow, would spark a return to tv. her niece spoke with abc news about the film. members say they noticed a cognitive decline before there was an official diagnosis. williams's team released a statement yesterday saying she is receiving the care she requires to make sure she is protected and that her needs are addressed. >> there's a new mural celebrating black history month at an oakland high school. it was created by the students of the ericka huggins campus of met west high school. it's a way to honor the former black panther and give life to the ideas that she shared with them.
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>> this is while the seed is growing up. there's also the bee that's giving day pollen. that's really like a little nice feature i like. this is a dragon because we met with dragons. the dragons are usually always rising up, always rise up. even if it seems like you're not rising up, you're always learn something new, so you're never technically degrading the loudest message i want to convey is love. >> and in the center of the mural, that's what you see. a heart and the unity between communities. >> the mural is now in the student lounge. students designed it after a discussion with huggins herself, celebrating history and identity. >> the black joy parade returns to oakland this sunday. this year's theme is redemption mission of a hustler, because the community's joy, vibes and hustle are what fuel the economy . abc seven spoke with the parades ahead of marketing maya sikes about what to expect. >> we have usually about 20 to 30,000 people come every year. um, the parade group has about
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100 plus different organizations who are in that. and then the festival has two different stages is over 100 plus black owned vendors, food activities like skating and places for families just it's basically everything. it's for everybody. >> you can see the area where the parade and cebration will take place on this map. the parade goes through downtown oakland along franklin street from 14th to 19th streets, where the festival will cover several blocks. you should expect road closures if you are in the area, and for more details, go to abc seven joy parade. make sure to start watching at 1230 on sunday wherever you stream. abc seven news and know that you'll run into julian glover ama daetz even zach fuentes from our abc seven news team. it's basically a weekend of parades and we're here for it. >> and the weather is also here for us, so that's great. now it's your morning money report. reddit's long anticipated initial public offering is finally going to happen next month. the san francisco company
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filed today with the sec. while it is a popular social media platform, this could be a good test as to how it stacks up to facebook and x. reddit might benefit from a deal it just struck with google to make its content available to train the search engines. i models. now we take a live look at the new york stock exchange as trading gets underway this morning. we are in positive territory, up about 123 points multi-genre artist jelly roll is coming to the bay area. >> the entertainer announced the dates of his beautifully broken tour. he'll be at sap center in san jose on september third. on the next day, he'll be at golden one center in sacramento. the tour is the nashville natives biggest headlining tour, citi card members have access to presale tickets starting monday at 10 a.m. general sale begins march 1st at 10 a.m. we love it when queens honor each other. >> and that is certainly the case with beyonce and the who, the queen of country herself, dolly parton. dolly parton shared this post on instagram.
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it reads i'm a big fan of beyonce and very excited that she's done a country album. so congratulations on your billboard hot country number number one single. can't wait to hear the full album this week's this week beyonce song texas hold'em debuted in the top spot of the hot country songs chart. she is the first black woman to top that chart. her other new song, 16 carriages, is at number nine. both songs will be on her new album, which is set to be released march 29th. >> now that you've returned, reggie. yes, we all want to hear from you. i love it all of this beyonce news was coming out. >> i'm a country music fan now. i've always, you know, dipped my toes into country music. i love, you know, i love a good dolly, but i love a good kacey musgraves, who also has a new album coming out. yeah. so we are in our. yeah, i would hate to say era, but we're in our country era. >> yeah. and i'm a big country music fan and i have been and i love the beyonce songs. yeah, she. yeah, they are so good. so
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a big so yeah. and it's great that she got the blessing from dolly. i mean the queen. yeah. no. amazing >> also shania twain's come on over album very formative for me in the 90s. >> that's a great album that was on replay constantly when she released do you remember. >> she had like four different versions of her up album? yeah, there was the green version, the red version, the deluxe. >> there was like a golden white version. should i listen? shania? i love you. yeah. >> so she is awesome and smile. >> you guys know they were like, i do. >> yeah. >> listen they're good, all right? >> it do impress us much. oh, yeah, that's a good one. >> i'm sorry. i knows well, you know what? let's talk about traffic. and it's friday. so, you know traffic is very light on traffic on traffic's. hello. on fridays i think i need more coffee right now. uh- on traffic. yeah by friday. you know, i need a little extra coffee in the morning, but, um. yeah, if you look here at the map of the overall roads here in
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the bay area, you'll see mostly green, which is what we like to see. no major slowdowns other than those usual, you know, slowdown right there from tracy to livermore. that always takes you a little bit longer, but really not too bad. and then if we look live outside of our bay bridge toll plaza, camera metering lights are on in. there's also a crash before treasure island that's blocking one lane, but it's really not causing too many major delays right now, and probably because it is a friday and a lot of people do work from home, so the commute is a little lighter anyway. so that's always good news. why don't we check in with drew and see how the weather is looking today? >> drew yeah good morning gloria. it is going to be fantastic out there. here's a live look from sfo. we got one of those dreamliners getting taxied to the gate. we'll find a very nice day today. tomorrow's even better. it's spectacular here on saturday. showers back in the forecast. pretty light in nature on monday. not a big deal. and then our next significant storm probably not until the first weekend of march. so get out. enjoy the partly sunny skies today. it is mild, a bit warmer than we were yesterday. if you're going to
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tahoe, it's a lovely view from there. right now. so no issues today, tomorrow, even sunday we'll have some late day flurries. it's monday though. issues probably with heavy snow and rain falling there. that's when we'll get some light rain here locally. future tracker temperatures on saturday. gorgeous 60s and 70s out there. so if you're headed to the city for the chinese new year parade in the evening, i mean, 60s in the evening in the city, it's going to be nice with clear skies. look at that by 7 p.m. just gorgeous. now, sunday, the black joy parade in oakland on ama daetz. julian glover zach fuentes will be there a little bit cloudier but still equally as nice. those temperatures will be in the 60s. here is your accuweather seven day forecast showing you enjoy the dry pattern. it's warm on saturday, showers back here on monday, quick mover. we're dry by tuesday. gloria >> yeah let's take a look at your toyota tahoe report. if you're planning on going tahoe for the weekend, you will not need the chains today. if you're going to palisades tahoe, it will take you three hours, 11 minutes. north star, california
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three hours, eight minutes. and then heavenly three hours, 14 to sugar bowl resort, that will take you two hours and 51 minutes to sierra toe.wo hours and 54 minutes and kirkwood three three hours and 18 minutes. so have fun in tahoe. and this is all from the city. >> all right. thanks so much, gloria. the mama van is celebrating 20 years of serving marginalized women in san francisco. the mobile unit performs hundreds of mammograms per year, specifically for underserved populations of women , one being of a woman of color and 66 years of age. >> i wouldn't just get up in the morning and say, i'm going to go get a mammogram today, you know? but because this van is accessible to us, it's mobile to us. it i've learned so much that it goes all over the community. so this is not just the only place that it stops. then it reaches more women. the mama van is even available to those without insurance.
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>> you can reach out to sf general hospital to make an appointment. >> major league baseball players are sounding off about their new uniforms. the issue the pants in recent team pictures was many of the pants seem to be almost transparent. in fact, there's a viral picture of a giants player circulating on social media that we're not going to show you here . but of course, i couldn't help myself. so i did look it up and i just showed it to amanda three seconds ago. let's just say it leaves little to the imagination in the players association says it's relaying concerns to the league about the jerseys, the league says the uniforms are designed to be more flexible and lighter. well it is, it's that. yeah. the giants begin their spring training games tomorrow in arizona. opening day is march 28th at san diego. oh my. okay, that's how we're going to leave it today, huh? yeah
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>> i don't even know what to say about it. you got to pay for that, right? >> you got to see that on the stream, which is a 7 a.m, 7 to 8 a.m. >> all right, up next, the seven things you need to know today. >> when they said we need you to be more transparent. that's exactly what they meant. >> are you sure? >> seems like that's what they're talking about. >> you know what they're going after a different audience. you can watch all of our newscasts and on demand through the abc seven bay area connected tv app. it's available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv, and roku. download the app now and start streaming. i do feel bad for this man because where was the publicist who looked at this photo and said, yeah, approve it, put it up, put it up, post it. >> even if you take it down, the internet lives on. >> i don't know. you know, we do live in a different age. >> yeah. >> and as we head to break, we want to give you a live look outside. this is a much b
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that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas
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to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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morning. number one, the biden administration has announced more than 500 sanctions against russia after the death of opposition leader alexei navalny. the sanctions are also in response to russia's invasion of ukraine, which marks two years tomorrow. they include oil price cap sanctions and targeting companies that buy military equipment and funnel items to the russian military. >> number two, a new report in the wall street journal is bringing new attention to social media accounts featuring minors. it says that meta safety staff warned the company that their new paid subscription tools on facebook and instagram enabled child exploitation. they also say they offered suggestions to reduce the risk. the report says the company pressed ahead anyway without implementing the suggestions. >> number three, at&t says the cellular outage that impacted thousands of customers nationwide yesterday morning was caused by a software update service, has been restored for all customers.
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>> and as we get you into the accuweather forecast, number four, we're dry today. it's partly sunny already out there. that's how the day will look throughout the afternoon. we'll keep some of that cloud cover, but it will be a mild day. temperatures actually warmer than yesterday. we're going into the 60s, but look what awaits us on saturday. looking at the three day forecast, 70 away from the coast, cloudier or cooler but dry for sunday. >> and number five it is starting to get busier out at the bay bridge toll plaza. and you know, usually it's pretty light on fridays, but there is a crash over near treasure island, so it's blocking one lane. and that's why you're seeing some backups there this morning. >> number six tomorrow is the chinese new year festival and parade in san francisco. awkwafina is your grand marshal. the parade begins at 6 p.m. at second and market streets. >> and number seven, the black joy parade returns to oakland on sunday. it kicks off at 1230, and you can watch it live wherever you stream abc seven news. our coverage will be hosted by julian glover, ama daetz and zach fuentes, and
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that'll be fun to watch. that'll be really exciting. >> so much better. >> zach killed super bowl coverage and i can only imagine how much fun he's going to highlight this weekend. yeah, run around those streets. >> we'll have better video from this year. it'll be nice and dry right back to the rain falling. yeah, that'll be okay to go out there. >> there are a lot of umbrellas last year. yeah. none of that. this year. watch this at seven. our streaming >> good morning america. historic moon shot where no human has been before. breaking overnight, touchdown, a successful historic lunar landing. >> it's found its new home. >> the round of applause at home and what it means for the future. doctors and families grapple with alabama's ivf ruling.


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