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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  February 25, 2024 7:00am-8:01am PST

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porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. >> gio: good morning, america. donald trump's victory. the former president defeating nikki haley in her home state of south carolina. >> i have never seen the republican party so unified as it is right now. >> gio: haley vowing to fight on. >> america will come apart if we make the wrong choices. >> gio: "gma" analyzing the win as we look ahead to the next contest just days away. >> janai: new air strikes.
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the u.s. and britain hitting more than a dozen houthi targets in yemen, responding to the latest attacks by the militant group. details on how this military operation was carried out, aimed at restoring stability to a critical trade route. >> whit: campus killing arrest. the day in court for the man accused of murdering a jogger on the university of georgia campus. the words from the judge, and why the suspect's brother is also behind bars. >> gio: early spring? the big warmup across the country. did the groundhog get it right? where we could see record highs even as the storm moves east with heavy snow and a tornado threat. >> janai: and winning big. the actors singled out at the sag awards. >> quite a few things seem to be going my way. >> janai: what it could mean for oscar night just two weeks away. plus -- ♪ breaking down barriers. beyonce's winning hand of "texas
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hold 'em," making history for bringing visibility to black country artists. >> they killed the music. we can keep it going. ♪ this ain't texas ♪ >> gio: why is it so catchy? why? >> whit: it's about the knee slap. >> janai: he is into the acoustics, the line dancing. >> janai: good morning, america. happy sunday. beginning of the week, and we have so much news to get to this morning. major news, including possible signs of hope for a ceasefire in the israel/hamas war. we'll go live for the latest on the delicate negotiations. >> whit: also this morning, a star player on duke's basketball team -- take a look at this. injured overnight in the chaos when the fans stormed the court, raising new questions about whether behavior like this should be banned. >> gio: and here we go.
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as washington and congress faces another looming deadline to avoid a spending cutoff and government shutdown. we will have the latest on talks on capitol hill. >> janai: we do begin in south carolina with the results overnight of the republican presidential primary. donald trump defeating the state's former two-time governor, nikki haley. abc's alex presha joins us from charleston. alex, good morning. this did not come as a surprise, but it's not stopping her. >> reporter: that's right, janai. nikki haley's campaign has consistently said that she needed to remain competitive in south carolina and close the gap with donald trump, but the fact remains she did not, actually performing worse here than she did in new hampshire. still she says she's staying in this race. >> this was a little sooner than we anticipated. it was an even bigger win than we anticipated. >> reporter: this morning, donald trump declaring a clean sweep of early primary states after a convincing win in south carolina overnight. trump taking it by 20 points.
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>> there's never been a spirit like this, and i just want to say that i have never seen the republican party so unified as it is right now. >> reporter: trump is the first non-incumbent presidential candidate to win new hampshire and south carolina. >> america will come apart if we make the wrong choices. >> reporter: for nikki haley, the loss in her home state hurts. vowing to continue on at least until super tuesday. >> in ten days, 20 plus states and territories are going to vote. let them vote. >> reporter: the divide between the trump and haley campaigns continuing to widen. >> i don't believe donald trump can beat joe biden. nearly every day trump drives people away. >> these lights are so bright in my eyes that i can't see too many people out there, but i can only see the black ones. i can't see any white ones. >> reporter: trump's win in
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south carolina coming only one day after the former president made racially insensitive remarks at a black conservative gala. >> the mugshot. we've all seen the mugshot, and do you know who embraced it more than anybody else? the black population. it's incredible. >> reporter: haley called the statements a huge warning sign. the biden campaign called them blatantly racist and moronic. trump didn't address the comments at all on saturday night, but some haley supporters pointing to statements like these as difficult to defend. a reason moderates might be attracted to haley, the longer she stays in the race. >> it's not about nikki haley. it's about damaging trump. >> reporter: now donald trump is walking away with at least 44 of 50 delegates here in south carolina. three are still outstanding. next up is the michigan primary on tuesday. whit? >> whit: alex presha for us, thank you so much. let's get a closer look now at the results in south carolina with our abc news political director rick klein. rick, good morning to you. so walk us through what went right for donald trump. >> yeah, whit.
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almost everything went right for donald trump. this was a blowout. we talked about closing the gap and he went from 11 points in new hampshire to more than 20 in the final tally in south carolina. a couple of counties, only 3 out of 46 carried by nikki haley even though she was governor of that state. one of the key ones, her home county of charleston, where there's more liberal and a little bit of more of a retirement community down there, this is the one congressional district she carried. that's how she ends up with 3 delegates. that's 3 of 50 delegates across the state, and this was a blowout by donald trump and a major statement by voters in her home state. >> whit: and what stands out to you? >> a couple of things to focus on. first, the issue that donald trump has with independent voters remains real. look at this. 70% of republicans said that they voted for donald trump. remember in south carolina, independents and even democrats were allowed to vote, but among independents, it was 60/29 in the other direction. that's nikki haley dominating
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among independents. for a republican primary, trump is dominant. when you look at the general election, you might see some issues. now the key question that nikki haley put to voters was one of electability, and it frankly fell flat. we asked people if they thought donald trump or nikki haley were able to beat joe biden. 82% say it's likely that donald trump beats biden. that's only 59% when it comes to nikki haley, and given all the legal issues that donald trump is facing, we asked in the exit polls, if donald trump would be qualified, would be fit to serve if he was convicted of a crime. 61% of republicans said yes, but 36% saying no is actually a significant number. that makes nikki haley's point. that's more than a third of republican voters that say donald trump would not be fit to be president if he was convicted of a crime. >> whit: and nikki haley saying she's staying in the race. how difficult is her path forward now? >> it's really hard. there's a lot of voting to come, but we are in a national
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campaign right now, and after michigan on tuesday, a week later is super tuesday. look at all these states from california to maine, a whole lot of delegates at stake, but here's the thing, whit. when it comes to places where nikki haley could actually be competitive, there's only about seven states where she could pick up delegates realistically speaking. the rules are written in a way that makes it very hard and difficult to catch up. she's going to be hitting places like texas, north carolina. not to win the state. that's probably not going to happen, but maybe just to pick up a few delegates here or there, and the brutal math is tied to this calendar. right now we're still pretty early, but as of march 5th, super tuesday, almost half of all the delegates are selected and by that point, it would be almost impossible for anyone to catch donald trump. nikki haley at a diminished place in terms of trying to catch up. she's really there as a backup plan, whit. >> whit: you had a late night and early morning with us. tune into "this week" later on this morning. martha raddatz will have much more on the presidential race.
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plus, martha speaks exclusively with senator tammy duckworth of illinois about the democrats' fight to safeguard reproductive rights and gets the latest from white house national security adviser jake sullivan as the war in ukraine enters its third year. gio? >> gio: all right, whit. now to new u.s. air strikes in the middle east. they're saying houthi targets were hit overnight by u.s. and allied forces. abc's maryalice parks is following the developments right now. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. this is the fourth round of these strikes, but houthi rebels in yemen so far have only escalated their attacks, fueling fears of a wider war and begging the question, what are these strikes accomplishing? overnight, the u.s. and uk launching yet another round of punishing strikes on iran-backed rebels in yemen. the pentagon saying warships and fighter jets hit 18 targets including underground weapons storage facilities, attack drones, radars, and a helicopter.
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defense secretary lloyd austin saying in a statement, the u.s. will not hesitate to take action to defend lives and the free flow of commerce. for months now, the houthi rebels armed by iran, had been targeting ships in the red sea, causing disruption to one of the most critical trade routes. the u.s. and allies launched the first wave of these strikes to try to halt these attacks. this latest round overnight, now the fourth, but the houthis show no signs of stopping. instead, vowing to escalate their attacks which they say are in protest of israel's war in gaza with u.s. support. among the dozen of houthi attacks now, one of their missiles successfully hit a british vessel carrying fertilizer this week, leaving that ship taking on water and creating an 18-mile-long oil slick. >> the houthis are creating an environmental hazard right in their own backyard. >> reporter: in addition to these major strikes, last month
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the u.s. was exchanging fire with the houthis almost every day, taking down incoming rockets and weapons prepared to launch. the white house has acknowledged that these attacks have kept coming, but they have vowed to keep up the pressure until they stop. janai? >> janai: we have continued to follow that, and we will continue to do so. maryalice, thank you. staying overseas now to israel, and possible movement toward a ceasefire in gaza. abc's marcus moore joins us live from tel aviv with the latest on where negotiations stand. marcus, good morning to you. there is some headway being made. >> reporter: yeah, janai. good morning. we've learned more about just how much progress negotiators have been able to make, and there's certainly a long way to go, but by all accounts things are moving. according to israeli government sources, israeli mediators have agreed to a six-week cease-fire in gaza as well as the release of 40 hostages including the women, elderly, injured and sick. no male soldiers or bodies of the dead. now in exchange, israel would
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release several hundred palestinian prisoners, perhaps as many as 300 to 400 according to a source. israel would also redeploy its troops, but would not withdraw them from gaza. this comes as israel prepares a push into the southern city of rafah. it says in an effort to eliminate hamas, and there's growing concern for the 1.4 million palestinians there, including more than a million who have come from other parts of gaza forced from their homes by the fighting. hamas officials have not responded directly to whether they have seen the new proposals, but they have continually said that hamas would only release the hostages when israel stops its bombardment and withdraws from gaza. there are talks in qatar, but hopefully there can be a deal before ramadan which is less than three weeks away. whit? >> whit: marcus moore, thank you. now to the war in ukraine. g7 leaders meeting in kyiv as ukraine fights on two years after the russian invasion. president biden joining the meeting via video conference,
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and abc's ike ejiochi is joining us now from capitol hill where an american aid package remains stalled in congress. ike, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, whit. on the heels of announcing the largest tranche of sanctions against russia since they began their full-scale invasion of ukraine two years ago, president biden virtually meeting with allies to make sure support for ukraine continues. now the leaders calling on russia to end its war of aggression and withdraw their troops from the battlefield. the group promising to raise the cost of this war for russia by committing to enforce recent sanctions. on friday, president biden announcing 500 new sanctions against russia targeting its war machine. moving forward, the leaders say additional sanctions will be levied against companies and people who helped russia acquire and build weapons. the group releasing a statement saying, as ukraine enters its third year of this relentless war, its government and its people can count on the g7 support for as long as it takes. this comes as a stand-alone $60 billion aid package for ukraine, israel, and taiwan requested by joe biden, and passed by the
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senate, but it's in limbo as some house republicans loyal to former president donald trump refuse to pass any kind of aid. gio? >> gio: thank you so much. here at home, testimony is set to continue in the trial of the armorer involved in that deadly shooting on the set of the movie "rust." hannah gutierrez-reed is charged with involuntary manslaughter. she has pleaded not guilty. alec baldwin who fired that fatal shot is charged with involuntary manslaughter in a separate case, janai. >> janai: now to your home state of florida and that measles outbreak in schools. this as the state defies cdc guidelines on how to handle it. abc's reena roy is here with more. good morning. at this point, more than a half dozen kids infected? >> reporter: that's right, janai. good morning. measles was declared eliminated here in the u.s., but experts say we have been seeing these sporadic outbreaks over the years, partially because of a drop in routine childhood vaccinations.
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this morning, measles cases on the rise in south florida. at manatee bay elementary in fort lauderdale, six students reportedly coming down with the virus and another just reported in the community by health officials. >> we have an outbreak in the school that's numbering less than ten, but the issue is the fact it's the first outbreak with the anticipation there will be multiple outbreaks. >> reporter: there's now growing concern with the elementary school's protocols as children without immunity are typically recommended to stay at home for 21 days after exposure, and receive the vaccine as soon as possible. on tuesday, the school's superintendent visiting manatee elementary to ease fears. >> it's safe. it's safe if your child is vaccinated. >> reporter: noting at a school board meeting the next day that 33 out of the more than 1,000 students are not vaccinated for measles. this after florida surgeon general sent a letter acknowledging the outbreak,
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deferring to parents or guardians to make decisions about school attendance, even if those children have not been vaccinated. nationwide the cdc reporting a total of 35 measles cases in 15 states. measles is highly contagious and spread through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes. symptoms may include fever, cough, runny nose, watery eyes, and a rash of red spots. in rare cases, it can lead to pneumonia, encephalitis, or even death. >> we have had a decrease in the immunization rates in particular, post-covid, and we're seeing outbreaks at annually across the country. the measles outbreak in florida should be a clarion call to all parents to vaccinate their children. >> reporter: now some school officials in florida are offering free vaccination clinics amid this outbreak really just hoping to get those vaccination rates up across the area. whit? >> whit: reena roy, thank you. overnight a duke basketball star is the latest to be injured after fans stormed the court at
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the end of a game. now there are calls for court storming to be banned altogether. morgan norwood, good morning. >> reporter: kyle filipowski says he sprained his ankle when wake fans sprinted onto the court following a win. flip thinks all this was intentional and now his coach wants to ban court storming altogether. you've got to see this video. hundreds of fans pouring onto the court. flip seen hobbling off the court. his teammates helping him to the locker room. the player though taking to twitter saying, this got to change, and his coach saying he agrees. he's worried about flip's status given his injury and calling this a dangerous thing adding this happened to us a bunch this year, and he's right. flip's incident is just the latest to raise concern. last month, iowa's caitlin clark tumbled to the floor after colliding with a fan after the iowa hawkeyes' loss at ohio state. they're saying, we've seen far
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too many of these that put players at serious risk. acc schools don't have a fine or penalty in place, but given this latest incident, gio, there are calls for the acc to crack down. >> gio: and if they're hurt, they can't play. so what's the point? thank you, morgan. appreciate you. and let's turn it over to somara theodore with the weather. you've got new storms coming our way. >> somara: it's one storm after the next, right? we have our next story. this storm is coming in through the west as we head through today. we have winter storm warnings in effect, winter weather advisories and even avalanche watches in effect. timing out this system, this storm system is going to hit the rockies over the next 24 hours, but then by wednesday, it actually makes its way into the middle of the country. so areas like chicago, indianapolis, st. louis, springfield, tuesday is the day that you are going to see thunderstorms and some of those storms will be occurring later in the day, overnight, and there's a threat for an isolated tornado. keep those alerts on the phone
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and then wednesday we see that shift a little farther east, and then all the severe weather possible because of record-breaking heat. we could hit 84 in midland, texas, and i want to show you this. dallas, texas, on monday in february could be 92 degrees. that's a look at the forecast across the country. let's see what's going on a little closer to home. >> somara: and that's a look at your local forecast. my friends, back to you. >> janai: you're the lemon to my lime this morning. thank you so much, somara. now to some airline price
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changes ahead of spring break. one major carrier's increased baggage fees already taking effect today. abc's alexis christoforous is here with the details and some travel hacks. good morning, alexis. >> reporter: good morning, janai. so united is the latest airline to hike baggage fees. following similar moves by american, jetblue, and alaska air. starting today, it will cost you five bucks more to check a bag on united. now $35 if you prepay online, $40 at the airport. they say the fees are necessary to combat higher costs for things like fuel and labor. baggage fees are big bucks, earning u.s. airlines nearly $7 billion in 2022. one way to save, do like my family does and pack lighter. roll those clothes instead of folding them to fit more into a carry-on. turn your one personal item into a well-packed backpack or wear your luggage using the fishing vest hack made popular on tiktok.
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a softer duffel bag type luggage might also meet carry-on requirements more easily than one with a hard case, janai. >> janai: american airlines is limiting how to earn miles. what do we know about that? >> that's right. starting in may, you'll need to book directly with american airlines or its airline partners to earn miles for loyalty points. american says it will release a list of preferred travel agencies in april where you can also earn those miles. guys? >> whit: big changes. got to keep track. >> janai: maybe that means the lounges won't be so busy. >> whit: the lounges are out of control. >> gio: i want to see y'all wearing the fishing vest. >> whit: yeah. fishing vest? >> janai: thank you, alexis. >> whit: just wear it on the plane. all right. we got a lot to cover here on "gma." still ahead this morning, new details in the killing of a nursing student in georgia as a suspect appears in court. >> gio: amy schumer goes public with a health update. we'll have the latest on her condition. >> janai: and beyonce's breakthrough hit topping the
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country chart bringing recognition to other black female artists trying to conquer country music. whit, this is the other one. he's slapping his leg slower. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ we're building a better postal service. all parts working in sync to move your business forward. with a streamlined shipping network. and new, high-speed processing and delivery centers. for more value. more reliability. and more on-time deliveries. the united states postal service is built for how you business. and how you business is with simple, affordable and reliable shipping. usps ground advantage. leftover chicken, scallions, cheese... what am i gonna make with this? "may-ow" mayo? "may-ow" best foods?? you can talk? ♪ a chicken salad sandwich. god i love you. ♪ makeup meets skincare expertise.
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sorry. >> it's a lovely neighborhood, marcy, we've gotta go. i'm coming. got 17,000 more parks to visit. you want to give me a hand? we bring you the best neighborhood info. >> no, >> this is a. case about a love triangle that turned deadly. >> the football hero, his wife and the other woman. his wife is murdered. >> when david was found guilty, i was like, finally. and then a major twist tmeo co. >> bad romance monday night on abc. >> we this morning, what will the south carolina primary results mean for the race ahead? >> what could the in vitro fertilization ruling in alabama mean for women across the country? and martha raddatz reporting from inside uaine this morning on abc this week, america's most watched newscast, abc's world jackie elwood supports raising the cost of gasoline and banning new gas
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stations. >> jackie would voted to raise electricity rates 100% higher than the national average. can we afford jackie elward in the state senate? >> what do i see in peter dickson? i see my husband, the father of our girls. i see a public servant, a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department, where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem solver, who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy because he sees a better future for all of us. >> i'm peter dickson, and i approve this message. >> jackie elwood supports raising the cost of gasoline and banning new gas stations. jacqui wood voted to raise electricity rates 100% higher than the national average. can we afford jackie elwood in the state senate always live abc news starts right now.
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>> good morning. i'm stephanie sierra. we're following developing news. two people have died after a shooting in san leandro saturday afternoon. and another person was shot. now in critical condition. it happened around 330 at an apartment building on miramonte avenue, right near foothill boulevard. no word yet on whether any arrests have been made. the alameda county sheriff's office told us it is investigating and believes it started as a domestic dispute. turning to weather now. good morning lisa. >> hi, stephanie. good morning to you. hi everyone. look at the view here from mount tam out richardson bay looking at san francisco. just amazing, isn't it? we have some low clouds. also a lot of sunshine out there. it is 50 in san jose. look for today to be cooler. partly sunny conditions with mid and upper 60s. >> lisa thank you and thank you all for joining us. the news continues right now with gma. >> here's what's happening around the bay area. >> dry weather returned the
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start a dry pattern with that sunshine back. >> and we're continuing to follow a crash here in san francisco. and this has just been upgraded to a sigalert. we'll keep monitoring that for you throughout the morning. >> watch abc seven mornings this morning. >> the south carolina primary results, the in vitro fertilization ruling in alabama. and martha raddatz reporting from inside ukraine on abc's this week. >> join us for this week this morning starting at eight right here on abc. >> democrats agree canaye servative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. >> our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. >> mister garvey, you voted for him twice as you wrote me. >> and what is your decision? >> garvey is wrong for california. but garvey, surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey adam schiff for senate i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. >> celebrate community, culture and the black experience with
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abc seven. the black joy parade streaming live from oakland today at 1230. sponsored in part by mcdonald's. >> so the question is, what would you do if you saw this? this? >> who is this? >> i'm his girlfriend. who are you? >> i'm his girlfriend. >> oh my god, how did you know i was here? >> i tracked you on your phone. what would you do tonight on abc? >> be made of? learn more at starlight. >> org. this ain't texas. >> ain't no holding. hey, they are god's down, down down downg. oh, get your boots get your welcome back to weekend "gma" on this sunday morning. beyonce's country single, "texas hold 'em" reached the top spot on the billboard country songs chart last week making her the first black female artist to get to number one. we're taking a look at how she's shaking up the country scene,
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but shining a light on black country artists. they were both clapping. >> gio: we were. >> janai: i was giddying up. >> gio: it is just so good and we have been singing it all morning long. >> janai: it's fun and light. >> gio: that's your favorite line. let's look at the other big stories we are following on this sunday morning. happening right now, donald trump winning south carolina's republican primary. the former president declaring a clean sweep of early primary states. trump is the first nonincumbent presidential candidate to win iowa, new hampshire, and south carolina. former south carolina governor nikki haley vowing overnight to continue on with her campaign. >> whit: also right now, mississippi's governor has identified two national guard troops who were killed in a helicopter crash on friday. chief warrant officer bryan zemek was 36 years old and chief warrant officer derek abbott was 42. both were on a routine training flight and were on an apache helicopter that went down in the woods.
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>> janai: pope francis was back leading the crowd in prayer this morning. this after he canceled all public appearances due to what's called a mild case of the flu. the 87-year-old has suffered from several health issues in recent years. he canceled a trip to dubai due a bronchial infection. >> gio: we'll start this half hour with the suspect accused of killing a college student jogging on the georgia campus. morgan norwood has more. >> reporter: they didn't know each other. this was a crime of opportunity. the charges so severe that the judge immediately denying ibarra's bond, but this morning, questions surrounding his immigration status. all of this as his brother faces separate charges, too. the man charged in the killing of the nursing student, laken riley, ordered to remain behind
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bars. the 26-year-old going before a judge on murder, aggravated assault, and kidnapping charges, and what authorities call the first homicide at uga in nearly 30 years. >> this court is not authorized under georgia law to set bond in light of these charges. >> we're also asserting his rights under the fifth amendment to remain silent. >> reporter: riley disappeared thursday. her friends calling police after the former high school cross country star never came back after her morning run. officers finding her body hours later near the running trails at uga where she used to go to school. police say security camera footage along with community tips led them to ibarra. >> the investigation suggests that they had no relationship. he did not know her at all. i think this was a crime of opportunity. >> reporter: and this morning, new questions surrounding ibarra's immigration status. police revealing ibarra is a non-u.s. resident from venezuela. it comes as ibarra's brother
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diego who authorities say is undocumented, faces separate charges of his own. according to court documents, police approached diego ibarra because he matched the description of a homicide suspect, and when asked for an i.d., he presented a fraudulent green card. meanwhile, a heartbroken community honoring laken riley. augusta university describing her as a promising future nurse. her sister writing online saying, this isn't fair. i will never understand it. i will miss and love you forever, laken. >> reporter: jose ibarra doesn't have an extensive criminal history. he was arrested here in new york last year after he arrived in the city from the texas border. he was charged with operating a moped without a license and child endaerment as police say his son was riding without head protection or restraint. whit? >> whit: truly an alarming case. a lot of questions too, morgan. thank you. now to actress and comedian amy schumer opening up about her health battle. fans grew concerned about her
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appearance, as she advocates for women's health. abc's jaclyn lee joins us from los angeles with more. jaclyn, good morning. >> reporter: whit, good morning. who doesn't love amy schumer? she's honest and hysterical, and now she's sharing her health struggles as she asks people to be more kind to themselves and others. this morning, comedian amy schumer is bravely sharing her story after getting diagnosed with cushing's syndrome. in an instagram post, she said she received a lot of judgment and shame online after appearing on late night television, writing, i've enjoyed feedback and deliberation about my appearance as all women do for almost 20 years, and you're right. it is puffier than normal right now. >> you're so fat. >> i'm pregnant, dad. >> reporter: after a barrage of comments about her looks online, the "life & beth" star saying friday she has cushing's syndrome brought on by getting steroid injections in high doses.
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>> do i look okay? >> well, it's too late. >> reporter: schumer vulnerably adding, aside from fears about my health, i also had to be on camera having the internet chime in. cushing's syndrome occurs when the body makes too much of the hormone cortisol sometimes called the stress hormone because it helps the body respond to stress like maintaining blood pressure, regulating blood sugar and reducing inflammation. >> too much of it as what happens in cushing's syndrome can increase fat deposits in the upper back, trunk, face. it can lead to skin changes such as acne, easy bruising. >> reporter: in 2019, terri leno shared her own struggles with getting diagnosed with cushing's disease, a form of cushing's syndrome caused by a benign tumor in the pituitary gland. opening up about the physical changes that come along with the condition. >> i was getting big bruises. big, bad, ugly bruises that, you know, i had no explanation what
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they were from. the excess cortisol. >> reporter: the disease often affects adults between 30 to 50 years old. women are three times more likely to have it. schumer taking on the shame women often endure about their appearance even during illness saying, i want so much for women to love themselves and be relentless when fighting for their own health in a system that usually doesn't believe them. and schumer pointed out that rather than viewers focusing on her accomplishments like writing, directing, and starring in a tv show, they focused on her face instead. she says she wants to bring attention to self-love and acceptance for the skin you're in. guys? >> janai: we love that message, jaclyn. thank you. it is time now for another check of the weather and somara theodore, it's going to be feeling warmer here, but that's snow behind you. >> somara: yes. so we have some record heat moving into the middle of the country. yesterday we had a little clipper system that kind of swooped down and brought some snow to our friends in snowshoe, west virginia. you can see this here, these big, lofty flakes falling down there.
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behind it, it's really chilly in the northeast this morning. the lake feeling like 4 degrees. d.c., our nation's capital feeling like 26. new york feeling like 18 degrees. as far south as nashville feeling like the 20s. what happens next? you know we have the severe storms moving through cities like chicago, indianapolis on tuesday night, and then by wednesday, rain arrives on the i-95 corridor, and we could see some snow further inland in states like pennsylvania and new york. that's a look at the forecast across the country. let's see what's going on a >> somara: and that's a look at your local forecast. back to you guys. >> gio: all right, somara. thank you so much. coming up here on "good morning america," beyonce making history as she shoots up the country's charts. go for it, janai. >> janai: hobby horses.
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>> gio: highlighting other black female artists in the industry. stick around. you're watching "gma."
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♪ >> janai: whoo! ♪ >> janai: whoo! back now on "gma" with beyonce crossing over into country in a big way becoming the first black female artist to score a number one spot on the song charts. abc's reena roy says the achievement is also bringing bigger visibility to others in the country music world because the song is everywhere, reena. good morning, again. >> reporter: it is everywhere, janai. got to say i love your dancing this morning, and i think it goes without saying beyonce can really do it all, right? her latest country songs are not only breaking records, but breaking down doors for other black country artists striving for mainstream recognition. ♪ this ain't texas, ain't no hold 'em ♪ >> reporter: this morning, queen bey adding another jewel to her crown, making history yet again with her new country hit. ♪ >> reporter: becoming the first black woman ever to top country's billboard music charts.
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"texas hold 'em" holding that number one spot ahead of her highly anticipated album "act ii". >> she's the first black woman to debut at number one. that's history in itself. >> reporter: the bey hive buzzing in the music world, also putting the spotlight on other black female artists who are making their own way in the genre like tanner adell. ♪ >> reporter: and mickey guyton. >> country music also looks like this. >> reporter: writing, i'm grateful that beyonce has escalated this conversation and now so many amazing artists are getting the shine they deserve. >> beyonce isn't the only black artist tapping into that country genre. it's good this is a conversation. this is something that's going to open the doors for, like, new country artists that might be watching this. >> reporter: and it comes after this surprise grammys performance with luke combs and tracy chapman. ♪
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her classic hit "fast car" immediately skyrocketing in sales and streams more than a three decades after its debut. chapman also becoming the first black person to win song of the year at the country music awards. and guys, none other than dolly parton herself gave beyonce her stamp of approval saying she's a big fan and can't wait to hear the album. clearly we cannot wait either. whit's been knee-slapping. janai's been horse riding. it's a good song. you can't blame us, right? >> janai: yes, and dolly parton was interviewed once about i think "jolene," and she said she would love to hear beyonce sing it. >> gio: can you imagine? >> janai: thank you very much. >> gio: coming up here on "gma," the big winners at last night's sag awards. stick around. (♪) ♪ healthier's not something that happens all alone ♪ ♪ it takes greg and lydia, and josie on the phone. ♪
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♪ it's grammy getting checked on in her favorite chair. ♪ ♪ or dolling herself up to go ♪ ♪ handle all of her care. ♪ ♪ with doctors to nurses ♪ ♪ and all the people in between ♪ ♪ healthier happens in more ways ♪ ♪ than ray's ever seen. ♪ ♪ healthier happens together. ♪ (singing) ♪ i feel good ♪ ♪ duh na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ♪ i knew that i would ♪ ♪ na na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ooo, yum. hey! ♪ bum bum bum bum bum ♪ i feel good. (luke) this will be a gold mine of local intel. just you wait. (marci) right. so, tell us about this corn festival? (stylist 1) oooh you got your corn pudding... you got your corn chowder... (marci) so... is it safe around here? (stylist 2) sometimes. (luke) if a family of eight were to need a cold plunge, where would they find it? (stylist 1) ...and then they dip it in butter, then bam, it goes right in. (stylist 2) ...really cute vampire bar. (stylist 1) the reverend does like a blessing on the corn. (luke) donut shops. how far from here? (marci) no eyebrows?
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(luke) think of how light it'll feel in the summer. we've got to run. eleven thousand more neighborhoods to go! (vo) ding dong! homes-dot-com. like many women over 40, i'm starting to get more dark spots. new bright reveal niacinamide serum by l'oreal. fades the look of all types of dark spots by up to 40%. ♪ new bright reveal niacinamide serum by l'oreal paris. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪)
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>> whit: welcome back to "gma" and the sag awards happening overnight, revealing some potential favorites in the run-up to the oscars now just two weeks away. abc's zohreen shah is there with a look at who went home big winners. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. this was fun to watch. there were flashbacks. they kept dipping into previous sag awards for these great gems. the fashion was so great. i mean, tan france was one of the hosts so what do you expect? there were the favorites going in. i had my eye on yours, janai, but what does it mean to win and lose right in the middle of oscar voting? >> thank you so much for this. >> reporter: this morning, the winners from the screen actors guild gearing up for the biggest award show of them all, the oscars. >> i have long believed it's not so much what you win.
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a lot of it is the last thing that happens before ballots get turned in. >> this is the most important thing that ever happened in the history of the world. >> reporter: "oppemheimer" for winning best cast in a motion picture. >> it means the world to us. >> reporter: best male supporting actor, best male leading, but despite the hype, "barbie" with zero wins. >> if you'd been around, i would have offered you the same advice. >> reporter: "succession" only winning for best ensemble in a drama series. the others split between "the bear," "beef," "the crown," and "the last of us." and it was a night of firsts. and lily gladstone, the first native american nominated or winning a sag starting her speech in the native american language of blackfeet. >> we bring empathy into a world that so much needs it. >> reporter: celebrating a night of "devil wears prada."
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>> you move at a glacial pace. you know how that thrills me. >> you know what i miss most of all? >> going to work every day. >> the money. >> reporter: even the cast of "breaking bad" coming together once again, and barbara streisand taking her lifetime achievement award. >> this is such a wonderful award to get because you know in advance you're going to get it. >> when you look at someone like barbra streisand, she is someone that has paved the way for so many to come after her. >> reporter: now that was such an emotional tribute, and janai, i know your hopes for "succession" weren't totally met, but hopefully your movie predictions will be more spot on. clayton's predictions will be on "oppemheimer." we might be looking at one of the last largest best picture hauls since "slum dog millionaire." >> janai: that is what whit johnson was telling us. he sold "oppemheimer." >> whit: i'm no clayton davis. he knows what he's talking
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about, but "oppemheimer's" phenomenal. it'll win some awards. >> janai: we will be right back with our "play of the day." ay o" . >> janai: we will be right back with our "play of the day." maybt reaching a magic number... and more about discovering magic. rich is being able to keep your loved ones close. and also send them away. rich is living life your way. and having someone who can help you get there. the key to being rich is knowing what counts. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar.
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crap. katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is easily the most impressive candidate known for her grilling of corporate executives with deep policy knowledge. katie porter's housing plan has bipartisan, friendly ideas to bring home building costs down, and the chronicle praises her ideas to end soft corruption in politics. let's shake up the senate with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. >> jackie edwards opposition to affordable housing policies pushed local median rents to
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$2,400, and she voted to raise electric rates 100% higher than the national average. >> can we afford jackie elward in the state senate? all >> back now on gma. and the guy who really puts his best foot forward. check this out here. dad showing off his fancy footwork. he's able to catch an amazing amount of things with his feet. wow matter what kind of item gets thrown? oh, this guy can handle it. >> pineapple. that's good. pineapple. wow. holding the kid. >> can you do that with your soccer player? >> oh, yeah. sure. of course. yeah coming to a tiktok. you right? this morning carolina primary results, the in vitro fertilization ruling in alabama. >> and martha raddatz is reporting from inside ukraine. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. good morning
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i'm stephanie sierra. >> the stage is almost set for the kickoff of the seventh annual black joy parade in oakland today. the parade celebrates the black experience and highlights its positive influence throughout the bay area's diverse communities. today's event wraps up a week of finance seminars, brunches, and small business markets, and open mics for creatives. you can experience that joy with live entertainment and activities, starting with the parade that begins at 1230 at 14th strt and franklin. it will end at 19th and franklin, and it goes until 230 this afternoon. and it will be nice when you're out for it. join zach fuentes, julian glover and ama daetz as we stream that parade live starting at 1230. you can watch it wherever you stream abc seven news. for details, go to abc seven joy parade. let's check in with lisa. >> all right. stephanie good morning to you. see the blue sky behind you sunshine to start out your sunday. but look at the low cloud deck here. this will be
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influencing our weather today for a cooler day for san francisco. as much as ten degrees cooler. the north bay, the san mateo coast. it is 53. in san jose with 54 in san francisco. but some neighborhoods will be just as mild with upper 60s out there away from the coast and with more sun. 49 in fairfield, 45 in santa rosa. first half of the day is sunny and we're a little bit milder here, but the second half of the day will increase the cloud cover and the breeze is going to kick up. so we've got upper 50s to low 60s, half moon bay, san francisco, low 60s, san rafael. quite a change from those 70s, but still nice and mild inland. and the south bay level one system arrives for your monday. stephanie. lisa. >> thank you and thank you all for joining us this week with george stephanopoulos is next. rest easy and shop the presidents day event at the living spaces. >> sleep center. save up to $500 on select tempur-pedic mattress
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and adjustable base sets, and save up to $700 on select purple mattress and adjustable base sets. you even get the sealy hotel collection queen mattress for just 4.99. pay no interest for 24 months on select purchases with your good credit and enjoy free shipping as soon as next day. don't miss the presidents day event only at the living spaces sleep center living spaces celebrate community, culture and the black experience with abc7. >> the black joy parade streaming live from oakland today at 1230. sponsored in part by ac transit, the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. >> they're working harder than ever, and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs, and investments in our future. this is this is why i'm running
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for the us senate. >> i'm adam schiff and i approve this message at the end of this. >> i know that i'm going to be with my person. >> sponsored locally by san diego. so happiness is calling. if you're happy and you know it, come to san diego and feel free to really show it. >> we're in this together. abc seven build a better bay area >> this week with george stephanopoulos starts right now. >> blowout win. >> i have never seen the republican party so unified as it is right now. >> donald trump dominates the south carolina primary despite making comments there widely criticized as racist primary .d as racist >> i'm being indictede widely c racist. eing indictede widely c >> i'm being indicted for you, the black population. >> martha: the latest on the fallout and what's next with rachel scott and rick klein. and ivf on pause in parts of alabama after a state court


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