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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  February 25, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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captions by vitac -- a brutal crime. 27 years ago shocked the bay area. now, decades later, we go searching for the victim to see the effect on him and his family now. >> but first, we've had these incidents before and there are all kinds of wild theories about what's going on. >> a mysterious stench surrounding this small bay area harbor town and tonight, neighbors are alarmed by the dangerous chemicals coming from a nearby source. >> good evening and thanks for joining us. i'm j.r. stone. the origin of that odor, the valero refinery in the town of benicia. it all started with a malfunction. there on friday night, which caused a chemical spill and release of a highly
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toxic gas. the threat is now over, but neighbors were told to remain indoors with doors and windows closed for a time. abc seven news reporter ryan curry is in benicia, where many are worried about how soon it might happen again. >> small levels of smoke still coming from the towers of the valero refinery, flaring is still ongoing after a unit shut down friday night, but the flaring is only part of the concern. the benicia fire department says after the unit shut down a product known as a refined hydrocarbon needed to be moved to a holding tank while being moved, some of it got on the lid of that tank that led to chemicals being released into the air, causing a strong odor. >> the source was coming from valero for sure, and it was some type of unknown product that had that had gotten released when they were transferring it out of the unit that had been shut down. >> the chemical in the air was hydrogen sulfide. after the incident, the refinery's ground level monitoring showed a huge spike in hydrogen sulfide levels. hours later, the citizen
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run benicia air monitoring system also showed large levels of the chemical in the air, as much as nearly 100 parts per billion. the fire department says at that level, the chemical could have led to some health problems if they were exposed to it. for several hours. >> the levels that we were seeing in the neighborhoods were something where you wouldn't want to be in it for hours, and hours and hours, but an hour or two, you're going to be okay. >> they say it wasn't severe to the point where they needed to evacuate anyone, but still a concern for those who live in the city. >> i knew when they kept talking about odors that it could be hundreds and sulfide and so the but the amount i did not know at and the and they they hadn't reported the fence line or the ground monitoring which had the big spikes, the winds are currently blowing towards the water away from town. >> the residents, though, are more concerned about a future incident. they're worried if the winds are blowing towards town, if something like this were to happen again. >> this is really dangerous and there seems to be a lack of
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maintenance or a problem with operations because as we've had these incidents before, before we reached out to valero for further comment and we're waiting to hear back. >> residents, including the former mayor, are calling for more transparency with valero specifically. >> we've been after them in terms of reporting and getting to know more about what they're doing and kind of like to know what their plan is for reducing the greenhouse gases and we don't have access to that in benicia. >> ryan curry abc seven news. >> keep in mind, we have a real time air quality tracker on our website. if you're ever questioning how smoky or smoggy it is, this interactive tool is always running. just head to abc seven speaking of how things are looking outside, let's take a live look outside from the exploratory camera this evening. while the weekend was picture perfect, once again, we are staring down some more incoming rain. abc seven news weather anchor spencer christian is here. just when we think we're done with the storm
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system, spencer. then we have another one. how is it looking tomorrow? >> well, you know, we were teased by this beautiful weekend we just had, but now clouds are thickening, as you just showed on that camera view. and rain is approaching. so here's a look at live doppler seven. you can see the storm sort of brewing right off shore. and the rainfall doesn't look very significant. but there will be some wet spots tomorrow on the exclusive abc seven storm impact scale. this is a level one storm, a storm of light intensity producing scattered showers under a 10th of an inch of rainfall, and it will be a little bit breezy tomorrow. his forecast animation showing that by about 5:00 tomorrow morning is the morning commute begins. we'll see a few scattered showers coming in uh- then by the end of the day, going into the early evening hours, we'll start to see some partial clearing. so i'll show you what will follow that in just a few minutes. j.r. >> spencer, thank you so much. also happening tomorrow the us supreme court will begin hearing arguments on the role that big tech plays in protecting free speech online. it is one of the biggest issues. the high court will take on all terms and could transform the future of the internet. in two cases, the
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states texas and florida are arguing to keep sites like facebook, tiktok and youtube from removing users posts and content, potentially ones with hate speech or misinformation. those states claim those removed posts go against free speech in the first amendment, tech companies like meta and google argue that then violates their first amendment rights to be able to control what content is welcome on their private platforms. the lower courts have split on the issue now to an unthinkable crime that shocked the bay area and the nation nearly 30 years ago, a six year old boy accused of beating a six week old baby in richmond. reporter lyanne melendez covered the beating of baby ignacio in 1996. the case has haunted her since then. she's always wondered what happened to the lives of that baby and child. well, decades later, she found them and their story is truly heartbreaking.
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>> there are news stories that haunt reporters throughout our careers events so heinous that we will forever grapple with understanding them for decades. a cassette tape has sat on my desk. a visual reminder o happened in this apartment building in richmond, california . on that tape, images of an unimaginable attack. the victim, a one month old baby boy. >> we believe the infant was kicked and punched some suffering severe brain damage with the alleged attacker. >> a six year old boy charged with attempted murder. >> did we just send them home and say, go and sin no more? i hope not. >> the case grabbed national headlines as authorities grappled with the appropriate
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punishment. his grossly outrageous that he would characterize a six year old boy as evil. nearly 30 years later, i'm seeking answers. >> hola nachito. >> so i go searching for the victim and the accused. csd brandon leon melendez. seeing how lives have changed and others have moved on in, is there anything to forgive? what justice served. >> leon joins us now to talk about this peep piece so people can watch wherever they stream. abc seven news. first off, i just want to say great job. thank you. when you cover a case like this and i know from somebody who's covered cases, the ones involving kids are tough. when you went into this and said, i'm going to go back
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and try to find these people, what was your hope? >> yeah, well, you know, one of the things that i really wanted to do was tell their story and an update, and i think that's something that viewers really appreciate. and it's something that here at abc seven, we do very well. well, now, you know, we all cover these stories. you put one reporter, two reporters, and we cover it every day for a while, and then we sort of forget about it. and that's not what we do here. you know, we keep those contact numbers. we call the people. now, i did lose some contact with them for years, but we did find them. i knew that the bermudez family would talk to me, but i wasn't sure about brandon, you know. and when i did call him, actually, he called me actually, because he knew that we were looking for him and i never said to him, you know, i really think we should do this interview. i think what i said to him was, you have everything to lose. and i told him, um, but i couldn't
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do this story any justice if really you didn't say what you want to say. i had to give him a voice. and he said, let me think about it. and two days later, he called and said, i want to do it. and i think that's the only interview he's ever given to a media organization. >> well, what was so interesting about this is you see both sides. you hear from both sides. this was a six year old. this was a baby. yeah. was there anything that that surprised you that you didn't necessarily expect when you went back 30 years later? >> yeah. so we knew that entering the home, it wasn't just brandon. they were always also a set of twins who went in the house with him. now, it was later determined jr that they had nothing to do with the beating. they they did make it up the steps like brandon had. but what surprised me was the fact that the family claims that there was a young girl who had
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followed by brandon up the stairs, a friend of the family, but also a friend of brandon, and she, they say, witnessed the beating. wow. that's something we don't have a lot of time. >> can you even say i was amazed by ignacio's family? yeah, somebody dealing with some real issues. and here they are standing by him. yeah, and you know, they are the same kind of people that i remember 27 years ago. >> they're kind, they're gentle, they're forgiving. but what really touched my heart was the fact that, you know, the siblings that they have sat down and said, who's going to take care of ignacio now that he's 27? and what happens if, you know, our parents die? because that's going to happen someday. and we all know that carmen, the sister, she has said before, you know, i'm going to take care of her. i you know, i he's like my son, but what really surprised me was the reaction of one of
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the brothers who said, the day i marry that s the deal. he comes with us. i'm going to take care of that of the of ignacio. if the person i marry says, i can't handle that, then sorry. you're out of the picture because my brother is here to stay. that really touched my heart standing by him. >> he's dealing with such brain issues to this day. >> yeah, very hard. very hard on the family. a very trying. it was hard to watch. wow wow. >> wonderful job. and we'll say it's 22 minutes because when you hear the word documentary you often think, oh, it's an hour or two. i don't have time, but it's 22 minutes. it moves quickly and you really get a feel and you can be the judge of how you feel, right? if the justice system worked or if it didn't work right. >> and i think a lot of people have a lot of questions and, and did he do it? did he not do it? you know, is that what he's saying? truth. the truth. so that's up to up to the viewer. but please watch. wonderful. >> thanks so much. thank you
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again. this powerful story airs. it's an abc seven originals documentary can now be seen anytime on the abc seven news bay area streaming app that's available for apple tv, google tv, roku and amazon fire tv. download it wherever you stream. still ahead on abc seven news at 11. governor newsom going after new restrictions on abortion. he calls out the alabama recent ruling on ivf treatment and his new message for other southern states that want to do the same. plus a weekend packed with parades, we share the top moments from the action around the bay and it's our pick for the best thing you'll see today. the local lacrosse player proving a lesson to all of us. his story of inspiration
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millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness.
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we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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writes. he is launching a new tv ad in tennessee to fight against two pieces of active legislation in the state. they would criminalize minors for obtaining abortions without parental consent. >> these guys are not just restricting the rights of self-determination to bear a child for a young child, a young woman, but they're also determining their fate as it relates to their future in life by saying they can't even travel. it's not just a war on travel. it's not just a war on reproductive health care. it's also a war on women more broadly defined, including as we know, contraceptives. >> newsom also called alabama's state supreme court ruling a serious threat. the ruling declared frozen embryos and fertilized eggs as children. former president trump also came out against the ruling. this past week. now to all that fun for the year of the dragon, the crowds and celebrations continue
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after last night's massive lunar new year parade in san francisco today, it was the community street fair. there were more than 120 vendors booths and some live music in chinatown. today featuring chinese folk dancing, opera and drumming. mayor london breed and other city officials joined the celebration. families shopped around and got photos with giant puppet dragons, lions and other memorable parade pieces. good times all around. the party then continued in oakland today as abc seven news was proud to play host to the seventh annual black joy parade. the parade, running five blocks along franklin street, celebrates the black experience and black culture. central to the entire bay area,
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and it was perfect weather for a fun time. >> i had to get out of the house and come down here and do this. >> i love seeing all of our black people come out. the different business sizes and the different ethnicities. >> abc seven news anchors ama daetz and julian glover, as well as reporter zach fuentes, were on hand streaming live on our abc seven news platforms. there were more than 127 different groups represented at the parade this year. we're hoping to reactivate this space and kind of bring some economic empowerment to this area. >> as well. >> its black history month, so we wanted to come out and celebrate, and it's a great day for the weather to hold. >> the parade organizers say the parade brings in an incremental $100,000 to black owned restaurants, along each year, catch every moment of today's black joy parade. you can watch it in its entirety on demand on our website, abc seven, and on the abc seven bay area app. wherever you stream abc
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seven. spencer christian now joins us. can we just have parade weather like every day, like going forward, like all the time? are we headed for two days parade? >> but now we go from parade weather to seek shade rather not seek shade from the sun, but from the rain, from the rain, from the rain. here's a look at live doppler seven. a little bit of a storm developing offshore. in fact, it's about to move onshore during the overnight hours with a little bit of light rainfall on the exclusive abc seven storm impact scale. also level one. but right now we've got calm conditions and temperature readings in the mid 50s at san francisco, oakland, hayward, san jose, san mateo, 53 and 50. at half moon bay, the temperature readings right now up in the north bay, mid 40s at santa rosa and petaluma, 50 at napa and shifting eastward just a bit low 50s at fairfield, concord and livermore. so on the exclusive abc seven storm impact scale, as i was saying earlier, the approaching storm is a level one light storm for tomorrow. look for scattered showers under a 10th of an inch of measurable rainfall. it will be breezy, but not gusty for cast animation starting at midnight shows clouds increasing and a little
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bit of light rain arriving right around 5 a.m. just as the morning commute is beginning and for the remainder of the day, we'll see little pockets of scattered showers and light rain here and there. not every location will receive measurable rainfall, but it will be a wet day in some spots with wet pavement in some locations for the morning commute and for the evening commute. overnight, low temperatures will be mainly in the upper 40s. high temperatures tomorrow, upper 50s near the coast, low 60s around the bay and in our inland areas. and here is the accuweather seven day forecast and an interesting week of weather ahead. level one storm tomorrow followed by sunny skies and dry conditions on tuesday. but it will be a very chilly start to the day on tuesday morning. sunny and a few degrees. milder on wednesday, but then temperatures drop again along with rain drops thursday, friday and saturday. level one storms, maybe even a chance of showers next sunday. so we're talking about at least three consecutive days of some rainfall and toward the end of next week, going into the weekend, it's also going to get chilly. notice daytime high
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temperatures on saturday only in the low to mid 50s. wow those are like overnight lows. yeah, you know well i guess the good news there is that it's not a two, 3 or 4. >> so that's right. >> yeah. level one storms. so we're talking about light rainfall. uh minimal chance of flooding or any of the other impacts that come with the bigger storms. wonderful. >> thank you so much, spencer. still ahead on abc seven news at 11, proving that age is just added motivation. the local lacrosse player that's fueled by his love of the game
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but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente.
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the sport in north america. lacrosse is a recreational lacrosse league called lax that plays in golden gate park. and as for the players, well, some are young and some are a bit older. young men battling on this lacrosse field sunday night in san francisco. so then
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there's this guy, the one in the yellow bullseye shirt playing goalie. his name is mike and he's 80 years old. i've been playing lacrosse since 1960 for the non-mathematician fans out there, he's been playing for 64 years. that's longer than many of these lacrosse players have been alive. hey, boys. rory >> good genes. i guess it hurts enough when i get hit by the lacrosse balls, and i'm only in my 20s, so, you know, i can only imagine by the time you're 80, the bumps and bruises don't heal quite as quick. >> but what's really cool is to see him. >> an 80 year old man playing this sport at. this is a very dangerous sport. >> it was a teammate of mike's who reached out to us, told us about the inspiration, named mike, the guy who only stopped playing in the field and started playing goalie when he couldn't run anymore. and that was last year, back at the age of 79. while we did see him give up a couple of goals, the fact is mike is out there and you can see he does make saves too.
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>> as long as they'll have me here, i guess i'll continue to play eulex. you know, like this, you know, uh, but you know, slowly but surely, lacrosse is going out of my life. >> as for what's next for mike? lacrosse with some words of wisdom. >> you keep doing what you think you can do. as long as you can do it and then retire gracefully if you can. so i guess that's what my what my plan for life is . >> and power to him. what an inspiration right there. the warriors welcome in the defending nba champion denver nuggets. abc seven sports anchor chris alvarez will be right back with
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that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ visit your volvo car retailer for special offers during our presidents' day sales event. his 27 games to go for the warriors. they look to move up the western conference standings , hosting the defending champion denver nuggets, a team though they've lost six in a row. two. you got to start him young there at chase center. what a great shot. first quarter. gary payton the second. watch him go in for the rebound. up against the trees. gets it to klay thompson wide open triple. you bet. klay had 16 points in just six minutes. the warriors are up six after one second quarter. more vintage klay no hesitation. and he got it. season high 23 in the
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first half. but held scoreless in the second half. the warriors led by as many as 16 points. but denver closes on a 14 zero run to end the half. jamal murray and nikola jokic 18 each in the first half. 61 all at the break. third quarter denver up four. jokic down low on the block. good luck with the hook shot. had a triple double by the end of the third stefan curry scored 14 of his 20 in the third quarter. there's his only triple. he was one of ten from deep. warriors down four after three denver pulled away in the fourth quarter. jokic a triple double game high 32. he had 16 rebounds and 16 assists. what a night in san jose native archbishop mitty star aaron gordon seals the deal. slams it home. warriors lose 119, 103. denver's won seven straight against the warriors and sweep the season series. i think we may have relaxed a little bit when we got up 15. >> can't do that against defending champs. we'll learn from it and uh- start a new win streak on the road. >> losing is never fun. you just
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try to turn the page and you know, not have a, you know, back to back efforts like we had tonight because we've been having things go really well as of late. and you want to, you know have a good bounce back game tonight. >> it just wasn't our night. you know shots weren't going. we didn't get into much of a rhythm. but i'm confident that we can get back on track because we've been playing really well. >> saw it right here on abc seven warriors scoreboard watching kevin durant and the suns hosting lebron james and the lakers. suns led by as many as 20. lakers cut it to two a couple of times lebron james had 2039 years old and still jumps way higher than i do. and i'm a little younger. k.d. had 22 sons, suns win 123, 113 but with the warriors loss, they failed to gain ground on the ninth place lakers, who did lose the game. women's college hoops senior day for number three. stanford hosting arizona state cameron brink missed friday's loss back with a vengeance today . five more blocks. you know she could play one more college season, but isn't quite sure
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yet. 14 points nine rebounds to go with those blocks. and the other senior don't forget about hannah. jump had 11 points. great ball movement for the open three stanford wins 8167. and because of a couple of upsets, clinched a share of what will be the final pac 12 regular season title. abc seven sports is sponsored by river rock casino jr. >> thanks so much, much more to come on abc seven news at 11. an active military member sets himself on fire in washington, d.c. the new details coming in tonight. plus the family of an american couple fearing the worst. the husband and wife missing after sailing the caribbean, and the clues that have the family clinging to hope
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conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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global conflicts tonight and this weekend as we pass the two year mark on the russian invasion in ukraine. many americans wonder if an end to either struggle is in sight. we start tonight in our nation's capitol as we take a live look from the us capitol building. lawmakers are facing an
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incredibly important week ahead processing and pressing that is to avoid a looming government shutdown by the end of the week, and new emergency aid to both ukraine and israel is in play, and they have until friday to pass a new federal funding bill to keep the government operating through the end of september. the white house says president biden will convene with the top four congressional leaders on tuesday to push for a hefty emergency aid package. the $118 billion national security package boosts aid for ukraine and israel, as well as the indo-pacific. >> not only the future of ukraine is on the line, which is extremely important, but the larger battle against authoritarian is authoritarianism is on the line. ukraine will not fail under our watch. >> there is too much at stake here. this is not just about ukraine. this is about freedom versus dictatorships. this is about truth versus propaganda. >> lawmakers have kept passing
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short terms, stopgap deals. in the meantime, this will be the fourth time since september of last year they've been up against a funding deadline. us national security adviser jake sullivan says progress is being made on a temporary ceasefire in gaza, allowing the release of hostages, hostages in the coming days. sullivan says negotiators from the us, israel, egypt and qatar had come to an understanding on the basic contours of a deal during weekend talks in paris, though firm deals still need to be worked out today, israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu, described hamas demands as, quote, delusional, claiming they must back down before progress can be made. a us airman set himself on fire outside of the israeli embassy in washington, dc. it happened shortly before 1 p.m. local time, according to multiple sources, including the ap. the man stated, i will no longer be complicit in genocide.
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a source tells the ap. he began live streaming it all on the platform twitch. he's in the hospital right now in critical condition. an american couple may have been killed in a violent yacht hijacking in granada, according to their sailing club. the two were from virginia, spending the winter cruising the eastern caribbean. police in granada say they have three men back in custody. those men escaped prison a week ago, may have killed the couple while stealing the boat to get away. a man sister is holding out hope. >> you have to presume they're still alive until further notice . and without bodies or dna, i just. i won't give up, son. >> the ransom boat suggests the violent encounter where there were at least where they were at least injured. the son of the couple says his parents were seasoned sailors who sold their house years ago to buy that boat. two sonoma county deputies jumped in the russian river to
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save a woman, but ended up getting stuck themselves. the woman was seen clinging to bushes and moving water. sonoma county firefighters were able to get all three back to safety. the fire department says the river could be really dangerous due to strong currents and cold water. >> they entered the water. additionally, in an attempt to rescue her. at that time, our rescuers also got on scene from sonoma county fire district and deployed our rescue boat. uh- performed a rescue on all three of the victims in the water. two deputies and one civilian. the woman was taken to the hospital in critical condition, believed to be suffering from hypothermia . >> in the east bay, there was a rally this morning to honor slain shopkeeper aristeo zambrano. he was a former united farm workers leader of the 1970s and a longtime oakland business owner. organizers say his story embodied the american dream. zambrano was killed in his own auto repair shop on
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international boulevard earlier this month. today's rally had supporters and speakers demanding an end to the violence that is plaguing oakland. new developments if you're an at&t cell phone customer, you may be getting a $5 credit. at&t said today it will be applying the credits to accounts potentially impacted by thursday's network outage, a statement posted to its website this morning apologized for the outage. at&t blames the incident on a software update error. it took hours for the company to get service restored to all of its customers. people exploring the beauty of yosemite this time of year are catching a rare, naturally occurring event called firefall. this time lapse footage from last thursday shows a waterfall illuminated by the sun. the fire fall can happen any time between mid to late february, when the setting sun hits horsetail fall at the right angle to create the illusion of a lava like stream. just
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spectacular images. yosemite says most of the horsetail falls is one of the park's less remarkable waterfalls, but certainly beautiful here. still ahead on abc seven news at 11, it's the happy ending to a long journey the treacherous voyage across the pacific ocean is over for this tiny turtle. what it means for climate scientists spencer christian will explain. >> speaking of climate, after a sunny and spring like weekend, we have a little rain coming our way. i'll have the auweather forecast in just a moment when abc (♪) (♪)
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it's the work behind the scenes, let's take a look at this knee. that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! kaiser permanente.
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bar. find out how you can win the hottest trending beauty products and my personal favorites from home that's coming up this week at 1 p.m. right here on abc seven. it's an incredible journey that we've been tracking for the last few
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months, and now the turtles have landed. >> they're part of a group of loggerhead sea turtles released into the middle of the pacific by stanford research orders. and as our abc seven news weather anchor, spencer christian reports, their arrival may help solve an ocean going mystery. whoa >> when we first met, these endangered loggerhead sea turtles last year, they were plunging into the pacific. outfitted with satellite tracking devices, researchers from stanford have been waiting anxiously, hoping to learn if a mysterious, climate driven pathway is allowing some of the turtles to travel thousands of miles to the coast of california and mexico, crossing waters that are normally too cold for them. so the hypothesis is that under warm ocean conditions, we'll see more sea turtles make it to the north american coast. dana briscoe is a marine scientist with stanford's d'aw school of sustainability. she says the sea turtles seen here as colored lines in this animation,
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typically follow a food rich band of warm water known as the pacific transition zone, something like a floating buffet . but watch what happens in late october to early november, as more than half a dozen sea turtles peel off heading south with three reaching the coastline of mexico and southern california. that's right, we have a milestone in our project. >> we have three sea turtles that have reached the north american coast and are doing very different things, briscoe and her fellow stanford dora researcher larry crowder, have hypothesized that the breakaway turtles are slipping through a kind of thermal corridor, a warm water channel. >> they believe opens up during warm el nino years and essentially slams shut when waters cool back down. professor crowder says this winter's tracking data could potentially confirm the el nino effect, and it happens to fit pretty well with our hypothesis that we put out there in advance. >> so it's really exciting because we're doing an experiment at an oceanographic
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scale. scale. we're testing a hypothesis that nobody's ever done that before. >> and if their luck holds out in a few months, the stanford team will get a chance to test the flip side of the theory with a colder la nina current potentially in the forecast, and a chance to see if the cooler waters shut down the thermal corridor this year, releasing another 25 turtles. >> and we hope to get the same amount of information in as as this year. and we can compare and contrast and see under el nino versus la nina conditions, what will the turtles do the same and what will they do differently? >> and whether some do or don't make it to the coast of north america, but ultimately, the stanford team believes its research may also provide a look into the future, uncovering critical clues to how climate change and warming ocean waters might affect the migration patterns of both the sea turtles and many other marine creatures, as well. >> joined right now by spencer christian, the turtle man himself. yes i find it
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fascinating. turtles how you know where they can go so far and then come back to the exact very spot where they always find their way back, assuming that the pathway is still there. >> now, in this case, the experiment is ongoing. if this thermal corridor we're talking about remains open, they'll make it back to the starting point. but if the waters cool and that corridor, so to speak, closes down, we're not certain. >> amazing how these temperatures can switch. and mess with wildlife like that. >> and everything is being messed with now by climate change. so we'll just have to wait and see what the outcome is. >> we'll have to wait and see for tomorrow too. >> well, there's a little rain coming our way and you won't have to wait too long for it. here's a look at live doppler seven. you can see the light rainfall approaching the coastline. right now. it's a level one storm on the exclusive abc seven storm impact scale, bringing scattered showers tomorrow under a under a 10th of an inch of rainfall, likely. and it will be breezy, but not gusty. here's the forecast animation noticed by about 5 a.m. as the morning commute gets underway, you'll see the first
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showers moving onshore. they'll be fairly widely scattered and generally light, although there could be brief downpours here and there, and it'll be all over by about 630 or 7 tomorrow evening. so overnight tonight, increasing clouds, low temperatures, mainly in the mid to upper 40s. highs tomorrow. low 60s in our inland areas. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. now it gets drier and milder. tuesday wednesday. but then it cools down into thursday and then thursday through saturday. we have three consecutive days of light rainfall expected level one storms that could add up to a significant amount of rainfall by the end, but going into the weekend. but each day is likely to be a day of light. precipita ation. so if they stay at number one, yes, some storms system level 2 or 3 storms, not three in a row. yes. >> no thank you so much. >> yes. take care. >> here's chris with a preview of sports high jr coming up in sports. >> the saint mary's men's basketball team is streaking towards selection sunday and signs of clay. how warriors star klay thompson is making an impact as the sixth man. sports
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millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable.
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we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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slosser warriors head coach steve kerr said stephen curry looked tired to him, though steph disagreed. there's the all star break. it was a long week, but they both think the imminent return of chris paul will help the warriors down the stretch. the hope is cp3 will be able to return on the upcoming four game road trip, which begins tuesday in dc. more good news klay thompson scored 23 points in the first half, the most for him in a half all season, and looking like his vintage self. now the bad news klay was held scoreless after halftime, taking him missing just three shots. still, the first half shows klay can still be klay. and for that he's glad i feel refreshed, especially mentally. >> uh- from the all star break. and you know i never looked at coming off the bench really as a demotion considering i'm still playing 25 to 30 minutes a
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night. um men in this league a long time. and to still be contributing at a high level and playing those type of minutes, you got to be grateful for that. >> it all comes from understanding that no matter if it's a starting role, a bench role, whatever it is, he's still klay thompson and he can come in and do exactly what he did tonight. i know he wanted to, you know, shoot better in the second half. but the more reps he gets of and more confidence he has to just go out there and just play basketball. and don't let the narratives kind of consume him. that's when he's in when he's at his best. >> selection sunday is just three weeks away, the hottest team in men's college basketball plays just up the road in moraga. the 18th ranked saint mary's gaels won their 15th game in a row. that's the current best mark in the entire country. they're now 23 and six overall, 14 and oh in conference. that's also a school record. last night's win over san diego clinched them at least a share of the wcc regular season title. remember, this team started the season slow three and five record, but they never stopped
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believing. >> a lot of people didn't really think we were going to get to where we were. and that's not the case in the locker room. we had to believe the whole time. we knew we had the guys and we knew our culture was was so strong. we preached tough or tighter. um, and we think that's an area and a margin that we really win every time we step onto the court. i don't think there's another team out there was as close as we are. these guys have been very good at being able to compartmentalize and just not get distracted on anything else. >> that's why we've been able to do what we've done. kep it one game at a time. >> all right. play ball. spring training a's taking the dodgers. bottom two oakland starter kyle muller trying to close the inning out. but sarah high product james outman solo shot to right. the bay area native looking to make the dodgers opening day roster. bottom four same score. one time a max muncy. how about a two run shot off francisco perez? a's fall four two not pictured the giants and rangers play to a rare spring training zero zero tie. had just six hits. all right, santa clara baseball down nine six in the bottom of the ninth
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to umbc. bases loaded down to their final strike. and john john bearing. there it goes. sends the broncos home happy. a walk off grand slam for the ten nine win. bering is the reigning conference player of the week and leads the broncos with five homers, so far this season. cool parallel moments for both cal and stanford softball in coachella. cal junior kaylee pond she's from lafayette, hit a two run homer in the bottom of the sixth to walk it off against long beach state, and about the same time in austin, texas. stanford freshman jade berry. there goes a two run homer in extra innings to beat colorado state. both bay area teams win a perfect five zero this weekend at their respective tournaments. nascar's second race of the season very rare finish at the atlanta 500 today, three wide on the final lap and the finish line. oh, it's so close. they had to go to a photo finish and you can see the blue car of daniel suarez just slightly ahead, declared the winner. suarez just his second nascar win, his first was last year at sonoma. abc seven sports is
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sponsored by river rock casino jr. >> chris, thank you so much. a reminder that you can watch all our newscasts live and on demand through the abc seven bay area connected tv app. it's available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv, and roku. download the app now and start streaming. that's it for tonight. i'm j.r stone, abc seven news continues tomorrow morning at five for spencer and chris thanks for joining us. and don't forget the umbrella and you go to work tomorrow. have a great week
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that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate
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over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
12:00 am
[vo]: fear. with democrat katie porter. i love you. [vo]: confusion. i'll just take your arm. [vo]: pain. worry. and bravery. you got this. [vo]: all in the life... i love you. okay? [vo]: of a child. this is why starlight exists. to bring happiness to hospitalized children when they need it most. because happiness matters. >> announcer:


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