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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  February 26, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PST

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championship. that's sarah. you see with the steal and the bucket. another athlete on abc seven morning show i always wanted that moment. >> it never came. i played for one season. i was like, i want to do that. never. that's going to be me. >> it's gonna be me. >> i'm gonna make it. it's where the winning coin just give up before you try it. oh, i did, do >> good morning america. a new cross country storm taking aim and the extreme heat in february. on alert. at least 17 states bracing for a major storm. snow, hail and possible tornados. the major cities in the bulls eye. ginger has the track and timing. plus, where it feels like july, as we close out february. breaking news.
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donald trump tightens his grip on the gop after beating nikki haley in south carolina. the rnc chair announces she is stepping down. foul play? after a top college basketball player was injured when students stormed the court after a huge upset. will it be banned? new claims about wendy williams' health. >> i'm afraid she could die. >> after she was diagnosed with aphasia and dementia. what her son says caused it. measles. six cases appear to be connected to an elementary school. the growing concern this morning. new questions about a nursing student was killed while out running on the university of georgia campus. now state officials are asking why the accused killer was in the country in the first place? desperate for answers after families forced to put their ivf treatments on hold. >> there's a lot of medication involved, time involved, money involved.
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>> how the white house is ramping up attacks on republicans failing to support legislation to protect ivf. >> an arms race heating up. can programs like chat gpt elevate your performance or replace you? how to ai proof your career. fighting back. some women are taking control of their own safety. our faith abubey learning some of the potentially life saving moves. show me the money. at&t reimbursing customers after last week's major outage. who qualifies and how to get that money. and they are back. >> all right, everyone. girde your loins. >> the devilish fun reunion. >> no, no. there's nothing to question. >> as we kick off the week. >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> good morning america.
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you got a kick out of that. >> i sure did. i sure did. it was nice to see them back together like that, the reunion. >> i want to say to our audience, get ready to gird your loins. let's go. [ laughter ] >> that's the way to start a monday. big weekend in the race for the white house. rachel scott and rick klein are standing by to break down the results from south carolina and the road ahead. >> but we're going to begin with a new storm starting in the west with snow, then threatening much of the rest of the country with heavy rain and possible tornados. ginger tracking it all for us. good morning. >> good morning to you. we've got pictures out of stevens pass first. they've got winter storm warnings in the cascades. wait until you see how many alerts are on the map. all the way down into the desert southwest. a winter storm warning and we've got wind advisories for gusts upwards of 70 miles per hour down into new mexico, parts of arizona into the northern plains. this storm is really powerful and it's got a big temperature gradient meaning extreme warmth on the front end, snow and cold on the back end. there will be severe storms.
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tomorrow night especially, look for tornados, damaging winds and even hail all the way from missouri right through much of illinois into ft. wayne, terre haute, back to grand rapid, st. joe. i want to just mention this does eventually come east. we will be very stormy wednesday night. i'll say girde your loins. a place like chicago will go from february all-time heat to potentially snow flakes within 24 hours. >> wow. >> we're gonna find out who will be the third person to say that later in the show. [ laughter ] we'll get the latest on the race for the white house. donald trump is one step closer to taking full control of republican party effectively locking up his party's nomination with his win in south carolina over the weekend. rachel scott is tracking the race. good morning, rachel. >> reporter: hey, george, good morning. nikki haley has said all along, win or lose, her home state of south carolina, she has enough resources to stay in this race. but now after her defeat, the political organization founded by the billionaire koch brothers, says it will no longer support her campaign. this morning a major blow for nikki haley. just hours after losing the
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south carolina primary, the billionaire backed koch network said it will stop spending money to support her campaign. in an e-mail obtained by abc news, the primary challenges ahead stating, we don't believe any outside group can make a material difference to widen her path to victory. it comes as donald trump solidify his grip on the republican part. his plan to take over the rnc now seems all but certain. >> thank you very much. wow. >> reporter: this morning abc news learning the rnc chair plans to step down next week. trump has already decided who should replace her, north carolina gop chair michael watley with his daughter in law lara trump serving as co-chair. >> that's my kind of guy. he had hundreds of lawyers, how many lawyers did you have? >> reporter: trump doesn't get the final say. there will be an election to choose the new rnc chair.
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haley outraged. >> i think having a family member run it or campaign manager be part of it should not qualify. i would hope the people in the rnc know they have a responsibility, a responsibility to put in people in the rnc who are gonna look out for the best interest of all of the republican party not just one person. >> reporter: haley lost to trump by 20 points in her home state of south carolina. she's still vowing to fight on, flying straight to michigan ahead of tomorrow's primary. >> we can't afford four more years of biden's failures. or trump's lack of focus. >> reporter: she's taking on the former president for these comments he made at a black conservative gala. >> these lights are so bright in my eyes that i can't see too many people out there. but i can only see the black ones. i can't see any white ones. got indicted a second time and a third time and a fourth time. and a lot of people said that that's why the black people like
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me, because they have been hurt so badly and discriminated against. >> reporter: nikki haley telling me those comments from trump are disgusting, calling it a huge warning sign for the republican party as it tries to expand its appeal to black voters. the biden campaign also weighing in calling it moronic and just plain racist, george. >> okay, rachel. thank you very much. hard to disagree with that one. let's bring in our political director rick klein. what have we learned, rick? >> nikki haley said she needed to close the gap but the opposite is what happened. she started out in iowa losing by more than 30 points. moved to new hampshire, lost by about 11. then came to her home state and guess what? she lost by 20 points. that's a big blow to her campaign. if you see how it broke down, look, trump swept most of the state. the only places haley was able to break through was columbia and down in the lowcountry. that's the only way she got any delegates at all was out of that one congressional district. but that's three out of the 50 that south carolina awards her home state. went all trump.
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is why it's so difficult or nikki haley. this is voting that happens over eight day, 20 states. basically a nationwide campaign. nikki haley is not looking at the entire nation. only a handful of states she's looking to sreus it in the next couple days. she doesn't have a realistic chance of winning any of them. maybe one or two delegates here or there. maybe a make a statement about trump's vulnerabilities. >> she can't get the delegates she needs for the nominations. but there are some warning signs for the general election for trump in those numbers. >> reporter: check out this in the exit polls. donald trump romped among republicans in south carolina, won by 70/30, a 40 point margin. among independents it was haley by 25 points. one thing to win in the republican primary. another to start to look to a general election when you need to attract independent voters. that's trump's problem now. 60% of the voters said would still be fit to be president if convicted of a crime. that's 36% who say he wouldn't be fit.
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that's more than one-third of voters, not just independents, those are some core republicans who say trump would not be fit to serve. a very real possibility by november. guys? >> thank you very much. >> george, what's your perspective on all of this? >> i think nikki haley knows trump has locked up the nomination. he's solidified control of the republican party. why is haley staying in? i think simply to be the last person standing if a health issue or trump's legal troubles knock him out so then she'll have some kind of claim to the nomination. i think that's her only hope. >> makes a lot of sense. all right. thank you, george. going to go overseas now. the u.s. carried out another round of strikes against iran backed rebels in yemen, but there are new questions this morning about how effective they are. our chief white house correspondent mary bruce has more. good morning, mary. >> reporter: good morning, michael. lots of questions as the u.s. is struggling to stop these relentless attacks by iran backed rebels despite significant strikes against the group. over the weekend, the u.s. and the u.k. launching yet another
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round of joint air strikes targeting 18 houthi targets including radar drones and missiles. for months now the houthis have been terrorizing commercial vessels in the red sea, claiming to retaliate for israel's war in gaza. it has been a costly disruption to one of the world's most critical shipping routes. these latest strikes over the weekend are the fourth round of joint strikes by the u.s. and u.k. but so far the houthis are showing no sign of stopping or slowing down. they're vowing to escalate their campaign. the white house insists they have been degrading their capabilities but there's no question the pressure is also growing on the biden administration to do more to finally put an ends to this. robin? thank you for your reporting. now the war between israel and hamas. the white house says a tentative agreement has been reached on the framework for a temporary cease fire. our foreign correspondent tom soufi-burridge is tracking these developments. good morning to you, tom.
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>> reporter: good morning, robin. cease fire negotiations continuing this week, while israel pushes ahead for its plan to launch a military operation against hamas in that densely populated area of rafha in gaza. the israeli war cabinet considering a proposal to try and move civilians out of the area, where more than 1 million people are now living. aid agencies warning of a potential catastrophe if the israeli military moves in. over the weekend, prime minister netanyahu saying a military operation could be delayed in a new cease fire deal can be reached with hamas. israeli sources telling abc news that israel has now agreed to an updated frame work. that would see a six week cease fire and the potential release of 40 hostages. we're talking the elderly, injured and sick. probably not any israeli soldiers. in return, israel will release hundreds of palestinian prisoners. the idf would redeploy but not withdraw from the the gaza strip. while hamas considers that proposal, jake sullivan warning
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sunday that a major israeli military operation in rapha should not proceed unless there's a clear and executable plan to protect civilians, something u.s. officials say they have not seen. michael? >> so many hope something can be negotiated. tom, thank you very much. we're going to turn to the supreme court, set to hear arguments today in two cases about policing online speech that could transform social media as we know it. senior national correspondent terry moran is at the court. good morning, terry. >> reporter: good morning, michael. these cases, one from texas, one from florida, are being called the most important first amendment cases of the modern era. the judges are asked to set the terms of free speech online for decades. it starts with the attack on the capitol on january 6th and the decision by facebook and twitter, now known as x and you tube and instagram to ban president trump from their platforms. so texas passed a law that makes it illegal for social media
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companies to take down political content based on its, quote, viewpoint. florida passed a similar law that also prohibited tech companies from banning candidates on the ballot in that state from their social media sites. republicans say these social media companies are engaged in censorship straight up and they want it to stop. but the companies say under the first amendment, they have the right to set their own content standard just like any other publisher and that these laws will compel them to carry hate speech and malicious misinformation and other dangerous content online. this is no question about it one of the biggest days for the first amendment in the 21st century at the supreme court. the justices are expected to reach a decision in these cases by june. robin? >> many will be anxiously awaiting that. thank you. now new questions about the murder of a nursing student on the university of georgia campus. classes are set to resume this morning after a 26-year-old suspect was charged. our senior national
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correspondent steve osunsami is there on the campus in georgia. good morning, steve. >> reporter: good morning to you, robin. the murder of this young woman has students grieving. now state officials are asking questions about how her accused killer got in the country in the first place. >> i think it's really opened our eyes. >> reporter: students are returning to classes at the university of georgia after 22-year-old laken riley, a nursing student from a school nearby, was killed while she was jogging on these trails near a lake on the uga campus. >> i think we definitely need to be more aware, like walking together. >> reporter: but it is the immigration status of the 26-year-old accused of killing her that's causing even more outrage and heart ache. jose antonio ibarra charged with murder, aggravated battery, assault, kidnapping. u.s. authorities say he unlawfully entered the country in 2022. >> this court is not authorized under georgia law to set bond in light of these charges. >> reporter: in high school riley competed at the state
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championships in cross country and was out running thursday morning when she never returned. >> investigation suggests they had no relationship. he did not know her at all. i think this was a crime of opportunity. >> reporter: police found her body less than half a mile from an apartment building where they say her alleged killer was living. they say she died from blunt force trauma. a network of trails connects the apartment building to campus. on friday, security footage and community tips led authorities to the apartment complex where they found and arrested ibarra and his 29-year-old older brother, who briefly worked for the university and was charged with possessing a fake green card unrelated to the murder. the two have not yet entered pleas. >> the evidence suggests that this was a solo act. >> reporter: authorities say the brothers are from venezuela and both have been arrested more than once by georgia, new york state and federal authorities, but were paroled or released before customs enforcement agents could step in. ♪
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over the weekend students remembered laken riley. overnight first year roommate wrote she had a heart that left an impact on every single person she met. on instagram, her sister wrote that this isn't fair and i will never understand it. the murder suspect's first arrest was in 2022. he was detained after illegally crossing the border near el paso. after that, he had a number of other arrests in at least two other states. georgia's governor is now asking washington how he was able to remain in the country despite those arrests. george? >> okay, steve. thanks very much. we'll get the latest from at&t. the company is reimbursing customers for last week's massive cell phone outage. rebecca jarvis here with details. >> good morning, george. it's not a lot but at least at&t is giving back some money for that inconvenience. for much of the day last thursday, tens of thousands of customers across the country couldn't use their cell phones.
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the company said a software update gone wrong was behind that massive inconvenience. in a statement, at&t apologized, saying to help make it right, we're reaching out to penally impacted customers and proactively applying a credit to their account. that credit is, quote, the average cost of a full day of service. that comes out to roughly $5. some customers already reported getting a text apologizing to customers for the outage. if you do qualify, that $5 credit should show up on your bill within two billing cycles. michael? >> enough for a cup of coffee. thank you very much. [ laughter ] thank you, rebecca. appreciate that. coming up, the reaction after top college basketball player was injured when students stormed the court in celebration after a huge upset. plus the latest on wendy williams after we learned about her recent diagnosis. what her son now says he believes caused her condition. and why major league players are balking at their new uniforms. back to ginger. >> i was telling you all earlier
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dallas could go tot 95 degrees today. if that seems early to hit 95, it is. it's only done that earlier a handful of times in history. it's not just warmth but closing in on record warmth in so many places. chicago could not only break a record today but also tomorrow. a few records that were tied or broken over sunday, little rock went to 78. st. joseph, missouri, was 76. we are going to see more records today. every red circle you see on this map will be a record high temperature. and not just high in many places, it's going to surpass it. all the way down into texas. san antonio could go close to 90. even bismark to 60. this is not just way above average but we're on that threshold of potentially warmest february temperatures. it does move east. that 75 goes to a 30. we're going through a big slide. but don't worry the warmth comes right back. your local weather in 30 seconds.
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>> okay, here we go. >> in three. two. i'm abc seven news meteorologist drew two with your accuweather forecast. partly sunny skies and isolated shower. likely this afternoon. temperatures in the upper 50s to the lower 60s. now overnight tonight we'll get rid of the cloud cover as the front moves through.
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always live. >> abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. bart saw a huge boost over the weekend with two big events going on in the bay area. the transit agency set a new post pandemic record. bart says more than 123,000 people rode the train saturday. that's more than 80% of pre-pandemic levels. the most recent saturday record was 116,000 trips. a lot of riders were coming into san francisco for the chinese new year parade and festival, and going to
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oakland for fans fest. how's traffic this morning, gloria? good morning. >> well, we have a mass transit update for you. trains 521 and 524 on capital corridor are back up and running right now, but there are still some delays of up to 30 minutes, and we're still following that crash over in oakland on northbound 880 before hegenberger road. and right now the speeds are down. so definitely give yourself a little bit of extra time if you're driving in that area. >> thanks, gloria. we're going to check in with meteorolog
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and you use your own electricity in the evening when the rates are through the roof, eliminate blackouts, escape corporate greed, go solar now. >> katherine lybarger won higher wages for nursing assistants and janitors. overtime pay for farm workers. and katherine is winning equal pay for more women. uber is so afraid of both
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overtime and equal pay, they're spending $1 million to try and beat katherine. katherine is endorsed by california's nurses and teachers equality california and california environmental voters. suing kaiser injuries is intimidating to most lawyers, not to us. >> justice takes more than a fighter. you need a champion. walk a personal injury law visit, walk up law .com. happy black history month from all of us at abc7. >> from sutro tower this morning you can see we have a lot of cloud cover overhead in advance of a cold front later on this afternoon. temperatures. currently we're mainly in the upper 40s to the mid 50s. here's live doppler seven along with satellite. the cold front we're tracking will move through here later on this afternoon. touch off an isolated shower. so isolated. in fact, we're not
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giving it a number on the storm impact scale. you'll just notice the cloud cover in our sky this morning. here's your day planner. we'll have those partly sunny skies that isolated shower in the early afternoon. it is cooler compared to yesterday. upper 50s to lower 60s, and then by 9 p.m. we are clearing out our sky. reggie. >> thanks, drew for streaming us on the abc seven bay area app. abc seven at seven continues. everybody else is on gma >> former congressman jerry mcnerney said campaign money is poisoning the system. my proposals would eliminate all pacs. but jerry mcnerney took 5.3 million in pac money you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money.
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she needs 51 more points to top
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the all time ncaa scoring record held by lsu legend pistol pete, pete marevich. she has two regular season games the big ten and ncaa tournament remaining. i'm pretty sure she'll get it. i think she will. we got a lot more ahead. as ai becomes a bigger part of our lives we'll tell you the jobs at risk of being replaced and what you can do to help protect yourself. that is coming up. we're going to stick with basketball and talk about college basketball star who was injured when fans from the opposing team stormed the court. some are calling for a ban on the celebration, which seems like a tradition in a lot of ways. trevor ault you have the story. tell us about it. >> lot of people have strong feelings about it. storming the court is the exclamation point after a statement win after you beat your rival or a high ranked opponent. all those fans pouring in at once does create chaos. now we have a star player injured and some pretty loud calls for this tradition to stop. this morning it's this moment just after the wake forest/duke
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game that's now in the spotlight. duke star kyle filipowski caught in the middle as wake forest fans storm the court, colliding with several as they run past, injuring his right leg. after the game, filipowski tweeting, this gotta change. his coach asking when court storming will be banned. >> how many times does a player have to get into something where they get punched or pushed or taunted? it's a dangerous thing. >> reporter: storming the court has historically puncuated college basketball's biggest win. this isn't the first incident calling the tradition into question. just last month iowa star caitlin clark colliding with an ohio state fan rushing the floor. she was helped off the court by security. in recent years some conferences began fining schools upwards of $100,000 if fans rushed the court. >> i understand that fans want to celebrate. fans should be allowed to celebrate a big moment
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especially when there's a big upset or a big victory. but that can't supercede safety. >> reporter: wake forest athletic director did say they regret what happened and that security had rehearsed for this situation but they would have to do better. he said he agrees with duke's coach. something here has to change. in conferences like the sec they fine the schools like $100,000 for first offense, $250,000, $500,000. >> wow. >> but there's a lot of people are saying this is a tradition, you can't get rid of it. >> it's not just college basketball. how they bring down the goal posts in football. >> exactly. >> yeah. >> carry them to the river. >> but they have on equipment. you run up on them -- that's all i'm saying. [ laughter ] they have more protection. basketball players are kind of exposed. >> so much knowledge. all right now. thank you both so much. now the latest on wendy williams and the new claims from her family about her health from the documentary about the former daytime talk show host. eva pilgrim is here with those details. good morning to you, eva. >> good morning, robin.
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where is wendy williams is the name of the new documentary and a question that exists even now. the new four part series revealing in a raw way the difficult health battles facing the daytime tv icon. >> it's clear my auntie and the biggest concern is people are taking advantage of situation. >> reporter: this morning stunning new claims from the family of wendy williams who was recently diagnosed with aphasia and dementia. >> i'm afraid she could die. >> reporter: wendy's son and only child kevin jr. speaking candidly about his mother, saying her condition is alcohol induced. >> what have you learned? >> i think they said it was alcohol induced dementia. >> reporter: wendy's care team revealing last week that she was diagnosed with primary progressive aphasia and frontotemporal dementia known as
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ftd. it affects a person's ability to communicate and ftd is the most common form of dementia for people under the age of 60. >> there is no evidence to directly link alcohol and frontotemporal dementia. 40% of cases are genetic and the other 60% of the time we're not really sure why it happens. >> reporter: wendy's niece alex finny sat down with us before her aunt's public health acknowledgement. >> as a family, were you told that? >> i did not see that diagnosis. i only heard that through family. now i know kevin said it, but i personally didn't see it. it does make sense that she definitely cognitively has some things that are off. does it lead to it being dementia? i think it could. >> driver, i said go past the wendy williams show. >> reporter: wendy's guardian, who was court appointed in 2022 after her bank alleged she was incapacitated suing lifetime just days before the release of the doc. a judge allowing the premiere.
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>> some people are gonna look at this and say, this is exploitation. she's being exploited. how could they do this? >> i will say this. first and foremost. my aunt is the executive producer of this documentary. and she said now is the perfect time because i want to take ownership of my story. >> she's got a point. she's an icon. she's a legend and she is the moment. >> reporter: wendy williams addressing her fans for the first time since the documentary release saying in part, your response has been overwhelming adding, i continue to need personal space and peace to thrive. please just know your positivity and encouragement are deeply appreciated. her family saying while they have spoken to her, they still don't know where she is. but that she does appear to sound like she's doing better. there's a lot of talk about guardianship and conservatoships. court appointed guardianships in
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new york are reviewed every year. >> all right, eva. thank you very much. coming up later the measles outbreaks in elementary school. what parents should know about keeping their kids safe. and next will reeve will tell us why many mlb players are calling foul. what's that about? >> it's about a whole lot. major league baseball unveiled new uniforms but so far players have been clear, they are too revealing, even see through. they want them thrown out before opening day. i'll run down what some players, the league and some fans are saying. that's coming up next. fans are saying, coming up next.
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keep... coming... back... inflammation might be to blame. over-the-counter eye drops can provide temporary relief. xiidra can provide lasting relief. it targets inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. xiidra? no-o-o! xiidra treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. don't use if allergic to xiidra. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied, and unusual taste sensation. why wait? ask your doctor about a 90-day prescription and pay as little as $0. xiidra. (grunt) millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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we are back with the we are back with the hottest issue in spring training. many players not happy with their new uniforms. will reeve is here to explain. good morning, will. if you'll pardon the pun, uniforms have always been a key part of the fabric of baseball's centuries old history. another central theme of baseball story is resistance to change so a brand new overhaul would be a big deal, even if it went well. so far in the eyes of some players and fans, it's not. this morning major league baseball spring training is under way and flying by the seat of its pants, literally. >> the new pants are 100% see through. >> reporter: a league wide uniform overhaul years in the making is now in effect and issues with the jerseys and pants causing an uproar among some players and fans. >> you're gonna see the nike logo of this guy's spandex underhis pants. >> reporter: images of players
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in see-through pants and jerseys with small lettering going viral. commentators weighing in as well. >> the names and the numbers have shrunk to a little size. >> reporter: the uniforms are designed by nike with input from major league baseball. and manufactured by fanatics. the new threads have been in development since 2018. the goal to make the uniforms lighter and more breathable, an idea similar to george costanza's in an episode of seinfeld. >> i'll ask. [ laughter ] i can't believe you're not playing. >> this is what they give us. >> reporter: the numbers and letters are screen pressed rather than embroidered. a major flash point for fan criticism. >> they're trying to reduce the weight. they've changed the size of lettering. you don't have big embroidery like that on a lighter stretchier jersey. >> reporter: the new uniforms made their debut at last year's all-star game. players who wore them singing their praises at the time. >> i can feel the jersey being more breathable. >> reporter: but some now singing a different tune. mlb saying based on player requests, adjustments are being made to jersey size, weight,
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inseam, length, thigh fit and bottom of their pants. >> the feel was okay. the lighter fabric was okay. but the look really threw players off. then when they took them out on the field, fans noticed it very quickly as well. >> reporter: nike has said in a statement, quote, the quality and performance of our product is of the utmost importance to us. we will continue to work with mlb, the players and our manufacturing partners to address players concern, unquote. someone who has shown their legs on national television, i get it. it's not the best. you have to keep doing the job. >> you brought it back though. >> i don't know why i did that. [ laughter ] >> do you feel as an athlete your uniform -- does it really -- >> yeah. it makes a difference. you want to be comfortable. i mean, the last thing you want to think about out there is your uniform. especially in this case. if it's see through, that's the last thing you want to think about. you just want to think about your job and perform. >> okay. i'll be the third one. girde your loins. [ laughter ]
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coming up -- i know what you wrote down. play of the day is next. >> what are you talking about? [ laughter ] [laughs] okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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i hid behind cigarettes. and then, when i figured out who i was, i was so addicted to nicotine that it was hard for me to quit. my tip is, love yourself and get the help you need to quit smoking. you are worth it. (announcer) tobacco companies aggressively market to lgbtq+ communities. you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. (luke) so... i hear some of you are concerned about the fact that i'm taking over the company.q+ communities. well, rest assured, company's in great hands. marci, hit the vid'. (both lukes) homes-dot-com. we've done your home work. (luke) now, that is worth celebrating! (brad) i love it. (luke) thank you. (brad) very clever. (vo) ding dong! (luke vo) homes-dot-com. ♪cinnadust♪ ♪
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(vo) cinnamon toast crunch. blasted with cinnadust. we're back now with our play of the day and the devil wears prada reunion at the sag awards over the weekend. the fans are still talking about it. come on. give us the details. >> i will. good morning to you guys. it was a very special moment when miranda and her two
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assistants brought down the house at the screen actors guilds award. it started with meryl streep on stage to present an award telling the audience she had forgotten her audience and envelope. cue her two assistants from the 2006 classic. she then appears to get to the sag award business asking the audience the age old question, where does the character end and the actor begin? to which anne and emily answer using some classic lines from the film. take a look. >> good to see miranda priestly here. my twin. >> i don't think i'm anything like miranda priestly. >> no, no, no. that's not a question. [ laughter ] >> by all means move at a glacial pace. you know how that thrills me. [ laughter ]
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>> so well done. the trio there to present the award for a male actor in a comedy series. that was to the bear's jeremy allen white. streep wearing prada. hathaway wearing beautiful blue. it was a great moment one of many fun reunions at the sag awards. we'll have more coming up later in the show. >> oppenheimer, whoo. man. they're on a roll. we'll see you in pop news. coming up our oscars workout. robin arzon is here with all the movie inspired moves. come on back. ight back. (tony) broke the internet again. (beyoncé) woah, it's coming in really fast. (tony) yeah, it's verizon 5g, the network is crazy powerful. i bet you can't break that. (beyoncé) bet i can. (tony) wait what? (newscaster) beyoncé breaks the internet, but can she break verizon? (beyoncé) broken? (tony) not even close. no. (beyoncé) i'm running for beyoncé of the united states. can you hear me now? (tony) no break-y.
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(beyoncé) ya'll ready for rocket b? (tony) still works. (beyoncé) someone get me down. rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. but i'm protected with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. rsv can be serious for those over 60, including those with asthma, diabetes, copd, and certain other conditions. but i'm protected. arexvy is proven to be over 82% effective in preventing lower respiratory disease from rsv and over 94% effective in those with these health conditions. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy.
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rsv? make it arexvy. hey, grab more delectables. you know, that lickable cat treat? de-lick-able delectables? yes, just hurry. hmm. it must be delicious. delectables lickable treat. with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles. indoorsy tina loves a deluxe suite. ooh! booking.yeah [stomach growling] it's nothing... sounds like something. ♪when you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion♪ ♪upset stomach, diarrhea♪ pepto bismol coats and soothes for fast relief when you need it most.
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emergen-c crystals pop and fizz when you throw them back. and who doesn't love a good throwback? ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) emergen-c crystals. [♪] if you're only using facial moisturizer in the morning, did you know, the best time for skin renewal is at night? olay retinol24 renews millions of surface skin cells while you sleep. wake up to smoother, younger-looking skin with olay retinol24. wow. that's good. almond breeze? you like the almond breeze i got you... that's sooo interesting. what's happening, dad? with delicious taste and 50% more calcium. blue diamond almond breeze. don't just milk it. almond milk it. >> dry hot and windy in so many places ahead of this front. there was a 4,000 acre wild fire in parts of texas.
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they got this one contained which is great news. in colorado, a brush fire 150 acres. it's the time of year you get dry. today relative humidity could be lower than 13% in nebraska, parts of iowa. you see into missouri, illinois, even texas you got the red flag warnings. the winds is the biggest problem. this trough is strong. we could see gusts easily 40, even up to 70 miles per hour. coming up on gma one on one with derek hough and his wife haley, recovering from emergency brain surgery. plus safety while running. how some women are taking control. faith abubey learns some of the life saving techniques. our series the right fit stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body
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produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. by california's nurses and teachers. equality california and california environmental voters >> what don't you know about the wonders of ai? i like? will it help at your job or help you lose your job? can it help you with your health or prescribe the wrong information? and how do you know what's real and
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what's a deep fake in your social feeds? so should you be going all in on ai this week? gma's got the answers. i have six women that i can see a future with, but my biggest fear is someone not choosing me. >> i can't say he's mine so is this it always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. how is traffic doing at this hour? hi, gloria. >> good morning reggie. well, right now we are following an incident. this is on westbound 80 before albany. there's a crash here. speeds are down to nine miles per hour. and this is a sigalert right now. this is blocking two lanes, so we'll keep monitoring this for you. but once you pass that area, as you see here from our emeryville camera traffic does start moving nicely. again. this is r&r 80 camera reggie ortega gloria,
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we're going to live doppler seven this morning because we are seeing some isolated showers start to pop up. >> i do just want to press in a little bit closer into the peninsula. parts of the east bay, la honda, even around fremont. you may see a quick hitting shower. that's kind of the theme of today. a cold front will be moving through here, and that will bring us the chance of an isolated shower. you're not getting a number on the storm impact scale today. just know a mix of sun and clouds and temps in the upper 50s to lower 60s. reggie. thanks for streaming us on the abc seven bay area app. >> abc seven at seven continues. everybody else is watching good morning america. >> jackie elwood supports raising the cost of gasoline and banning new gas stations. jackie elwood voted to raise electricity rates 100% higher than the national average. can we afford jackie elwood in the state senate? >> another year of yo yo dieting? not this year. hit reset and make a permanent change with permanent fat removal by sono bello with sono
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bello. >> day one all my unwanted body fat gone. >> these are my favorite pair of jeans that i couldn't even button up. look how flat my stomach is. i couldn't believe like it was just gone. i saw all the results immediate and this is the best i have felt since i was in my 20s. >> real women everywhere are transforming their bodies permanently. sono bello is not a fad diet or boot camp workout. it's a simple, proven way to remove stubborn body fat permanently and in just one visit. i'm so happy i just put this dress on that i haven't worn in over ten years. >> if you are looking for physical results and positive emotional results, please run. don't walk to your nearest sono how you can save $250 off instantly. call now or go to sono. >> overflowing with ideas and energy. that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is easily
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the most impressive candidate known for her grilling of corporate executives with deep policy knowledge. katie porter's housing plan has bipartisan, friendly ideas to bring home building costs down, and the chronicle praises her ideas to end soft corruption in politics. let's shake up the senate with democrat katie porter. >> i'm katie porter and i approve this message. >> we can't spell astound without you, and you can count on our fiber powered network to deliver award winning, ultra fast, ultra reliable internet and we can't be beat with mobile on one of the nation's largest, most reliable 5g networks. save on internet. just $20 a month plus ad mobile for $15 more. we do everything with you in mind, bringing you ultra reliability, speed, and savings. get internet for $20 a month. ad mobile for $15 more. switch to astound for a plan that fits you, get yourself a delicious pick me up at mcdonald's. >> try any size mccafe premium roast coffee or try any size soft drink like refreshing
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coca-cola. get any size anytime time for just $1.69 only at mcdonald's. baa baa baa baa baa jackie elward supports raising the cost of gasoline and banning new gas stations. >> jackie ellwood voted to raise electricity rates 100% higher than the national average. can we afford jackie elward in the state senate? this week live is heading to las vegas >> good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. on alert, at least 17 >> good morning america. it's 8 a.m. at least 17 states bracing for a major storm. snow, hail and possible tornados. major cities in the bulls eye. ginger has the track and timing. plus where it will feel like july as we close out february. in limbo. families in alabama desperate for answer after they were forced to put their ivf treatments on hold. >> there's a lot of medications involved, time, money involved. >> the growing fallout this morning.
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safety when running alone. how some women are fighting back. the potentially life saving technique. all in on ai as artificial intelligence becomes a bigger part of our lives the jobs most at risk of being replaced. how to ai your career and resume. ♪ i'm never gonna not dance again ♪ one on one with dancing with the stars derek hough, as he gets ready to go back out on tour. >> i didn't know when dancing was going to be in my world again. >> after his wife's emergency brain surgery and why he says they'll always be dancing. ♪ >> the 9-year-old who stole the show in hollywood. >> isn't it gorgeous? >> ted lasso's hannah wattingham walking the silver carpet with one of her daughter's creations, wishing her mom an epic night, as we say good morning america.
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>> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> good morning america. hannah, she was red carpet ready, thanks to her daughter. we're going to have more on that in pop news. we're about to get red carpet ready for the oscars which, if you can believe it, is less than two weeks away. >> cannot believe it. and robin arzon is here this morning. woo! look at her go. she's got a movie themed workout you do not want to miss. i love her. amy schumer speaking out on her new diagnosis. dr. darien sutton is gonna break that down. first top stories breaking at 8 starting with the new storm set to sweep across the country. ginger's back with that. >> we've got the pictures. 2 inch per hour snowfall raeults. stevens pass, washington. winter storm warnings above 1500 feet. and flipped cars. thankfully, that person is okay. this type of energy is really powerful and will be moving across the nation. we have this new storm that will also kick winds up to 70 miles per hour. there are warnings down to utah.
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but the warnings for some of the winds going into the northern plains to gust 70 miles an hour. ahead of a really powerful front that tomorrow will open up. the atmosphere could see not on the damaging wind, but tornados. it's quite early in the season, but we've seen it before. please be aware. anywhere from southwest michigan including st. joe, buffalo, ft. wayne, terre haute, chicago, back down to parts of missouri and even southern illinois. indiana's in there, too, tomorrow. real quick look at where this goes next. it all plows east and by wednesday night we'll be having thunderstorms and a switch and flip flop. minneapolis i gave you one earlier, but minneapolis will go from 62 to 9. >> 9. >> whoa. >> what a flip. >> thank you, ginger. now the race for the white house. donald trump effectively locked up his nomination with his win in south carolina over the weekend. now nikki haley has lost a big donor. rachel scott back with more. good morning, rachel. >> reporter: good morning to you again. this is a major blow for nikki haley. not only did she lose south carolina to donald trump, now
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the political organization founded by the billionaire koch brothers, say they will stop spending money to support her campaign. in an internal memo, they insisted no political organization can help widen her path to victory. this comes as donald trump solidified his grip and hold on the republican party, pushing forward with plans to help take over the rnc. abc news has learned this morning the current chair of the rnc plans to resign next week. trump is already making the case for who he wants to see in that position, talking about the current chair of the north carolina republican party michael watley, someone who pushed his false claims about the 2020 election. trump also said he would like to see his own daughter-in-law, lara trump, serve as co-chair. nikki haley calling all of that outrageous, insisting there's a responsibility to the rnc to look out for the whole republican party, not just one particular candidate who hasn't
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even been declared the nominee. haley, despite the set backs, is vowing to stay in the race through super tuesday. she's already campaigning in michigan. that primary set for tomorrow, michael. >> all right, rachel. thank you very much. going to turn to the growing concern over the increasing number of reported measles cases in south florida. six children at one elementary school have been infected. erielle reshef is here with details. good morning, erielle. >> it is concerning. measles the potentially dangerous virus. florida health officials say so far there has been seven confirmed cases in broward county, six appear to be connected to that elementary school. it's usually recommended for unvaccinated kids to stay home for 21 days after outbreak. in florida the surgeon general said parents should make that call whether kids should go back to school citing high immunity rates in the community. the surgeon general also noting that up to 90% of children without immunity will contract measles if exposed.
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as of late last week the cdc count is 35 cases in 15 jurisdictions. this is from coast to coast. experts say one dose of the mmr vaccine is 93% effective against the measles. two doses bumps that immunity up higher. bottom line here, doctors are recommending that children and adults stay up to date with those vaccines to protect from this preventible virus. if an unvaccinated child is exposed they should receive the mmr vaccine within 72 hours to lower the symptoms. >> very serious situation going on there. all right. thank you, as always. coming up in our gma morning menu, safety while running. the potentially life saving techniques you should know. also amy schumer reveals she's been diagnosed with cushing's syndrome. we're gonna tell you what it is and how it can be treated. and derek hough as he gets ready to go back on tour. and lori b is with lara. hey, lara. >> hi. so this morning lori is bringing us the right fit, helping you
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find clothing that works best for you starting at bras today. stay with us. coming up on good morning america. i was going to say something clever, but no need. to say som, but no need. [laughs] ♪ ♪ d, but for me a stressful day can trigger migraine attacks too. that's why my go to is nurtec odt. it's the only migraine medication that can treat and prevent my attacks all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion and stomach pain. now i'm in control. with nurtec odt i can treat a migraine attack and prevent one. talk to your doctor about nurtec today. ♪ ♪ whether someone is across the neighborhood, across the street, or across the room, you have the power to make them feel right at home. ♪ ♪ ritz. a taste of welcome.
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we are back now with our gma cover story. safety concerns are in the headlines once again after a georgia nursing student laken riley was killed while out jogging. our faith abubey took a self-defense class and joins us with how some people are fighting back. good morning to you, faith. >> reporter: good morning, robin. attacks while running are rare, but disturbing headlines about women being victimized have left so many feeling vulnerability. threats to their safety, forcing
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many to take extra precautions just to enjoy a good workout. this morning the shocking death of a nursing student killed while jogging on a wooded trail at the university of georgia raising new concerns about women's safety. the incident just the latest in targeted attacks against women exercising alone. as a woman, do you feel more vulnerable in certain situations? >> yes, all the time. i feel vulnerable walking. i feel vulnerable even in the car. >> reporter: the murder of 20-year-old molly civits making national headlines in 2018 after she was abducted and killed while jogging in her iowa hometown. just two months later another woman, 35-year-old wendy martinez, fatally stabbed multiple times while out running in washington, d.c. some women are now taking control of their own safety by signing up for self-defense classes. >> sadly not until you're in
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that situation that you realize, i'm not equipped for this. >> reporter: the instructor also teaching us some of the potentially life saving techniques. if you have to fight back during an attack, focus on the center of the attacker's body. >> imagine right here, eyes and nose, the throat and the groin. so if you hit someone, you always hit the center. >> reporter: experts also stress being aware of your surroundings at all times, avoid tuning out the world with head phones, recruit a friend and prioritize open and populated areas. if all else fails, scream as loud as you can to scare a would be attacker. one woman telling us she signed up for the class to feel more empowered after she escaped an attempted assault years ago while overseas. what do you hope to get out of the class? >> i hope i remember some of the moves. >> reporter: hopefully you don't ever get in a situation where you need it. >> exactly.
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>> reporter: while these tips and classes can save your life, bottom line, it is better to limit your risks in the first place. rather than trying to fight through a dain rouse situation, safety experts say always trust your gut. if an area doesn't feel safe, avoid it. for women who prefer running at night or early in the morning, it's probably best to join a local running group. guys? >> faith, thank you very much. i really appreciate what that woman said about you hope you remember that. you learn and you just never know how you're going to react. good to be able to at least say that you feel you're prepared. >> i do like the idea of a workout buddy, too. >> exactly. turn to the ruling by the alabama supreme court that frozen embryos are children leaving families in limbo as they try to figure out what's coming up next. elizabeth schulze is tracking that story. good morning, elizabeth. >> reporter: families in alabama who are planning to start ivf tell us they are in an agonizing holding pattern. their doctors say they hope to restart the treatments in a couple of weeks but that will mainly depend on if and when
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state lawmakers pass legislation to protect ivf. this morning families in alabama who were forced to put their ivf fertility treatments on hold are desperate for answers. >> there's a lot of medications involved. lot of time involved. lot of money involved. >> reporter: gabby price and her husband have been trying to get pregnant for six years after a devastating miscarriage, they moved into a camper van to afford ivf this spring. but their fertility clinic now says that timeline is on hold. >> i left a voice mail. they told me that as much as they would like to tell me that this is going to be a very short time that they have paused their ivf treatments. >> reporter: the clinic, alabama fertility specialists, is one of three major providers that has paused ivf treatments. doctors cite legal risks from alabama's supreme court decision that said embryos are children. >> i had patients crying on the phone last week. i'm trying to hold it together so that i can reassure them that
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we are working tirelessly with them and many others to get this figured out. >> reporter: now several major shipping companies are refusing to transport embryos out of alabama citing liability risks which means many patients who want to move their treatment out of state are out of luck, too. >> right now we're limited on the options that we have. >> reporter: amid public uproar, alabama's governor said she's working with state lawmakers to pass legislation that would protect the right to ivf. >> the end of the day you have to address the issue head on, solve the problem. >> reporter: the white house this morning is escalating its attacks on republicans, accusing them of publicly supporting ivf but then promoting legislation that would put restrictions on it, pointing to a bill supported by 120 house republicans encluing house speaker mike johnson that is similar to
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alabama's supreme court ruling. guys? >> that would really shake the country. michael? now to derek hough the dancing with the stars favorite is getting ready to go back on tour. he sat down with kayny whitworth to talk about his wife haley's health journey as she recovers from emergency brain surgery. good morning, kayna. >> reporter: michael, good morning. derek told me part of the intention of going back on tour is about sharing with people the fact that you can carry on in the face of unimaginable adversity and the idea that he can go back on tour again signifies progress. >> i'm going to be completely honest with you. two months ago i honest loy didn't know when dancing was going to be in my world again. >> reporter: this morning derek hough opening up about his wife haley's recovery as he prepares to go back on tour. >> it was just a million miles an hour and then it just came to a screeching halt, you know, very, very quickly. it was jolting, to say the least. >> reporter: back in december, on their symphony of dance tour,
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haley became disoriented. she was taken to the hospital and diagnosed with a cranial hematoma from a burst blood vessel. rushed into surgery. under going a craniectomy and then a cranioplasty. anybody can understand that feeling of just, you know, just disbelief or unfathomable. >> i still have really good days and i have really bad days. but i am doing so much better. you right now are living a life of gratitude. >> it's been a time of uncertainty and fear and a lot of emotions. but at the same time, it's been also a time of just absolute gratitude and moments of grace. >> reporter: now, more than two months later, the couple settling into their new normal. >> during that time was realizing how important she is, not just the love of my life, but in just everyday things.
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i was like, i don't even know how to do that. haley does that. >> reporter: how reliant you are on her? >> yes. it was a moment to step up. >> reporter: you're learning a lot about the love of your life. >> i knew she was strong. i had no idea how strong she was. >> reporter: her strength driving her recovery and allowing derek to dance again. >> i have a different outlook on life. life is so precious. >> reporter: haley was a big part of the tour? >> haley's dna is all over the show. it's all over this tour. she's there with me every step of the way. >> reporter: is there anything you want people to know that are coming out to this tour? >> i feel like an emotional flood has been open and i can't stop. >> reporter: take your time. >> but, um, i think i just want to let the audience know really is one, we're going to have a good time but also on a personal level, just to remember that things do get better.
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>> reporter: for now you're gonna dance together in the park. >> we'll dance in the park or in the kitchen or wherever we are, you know, in the grocery store. see a couple dancing in the aisle, it will be us. >> reporter: really sweet. derek said he dreams of dancing with haley on stage to their wedding song again. he's added new dates, including more shows in his home city of salt lake. you guys, he said in a sense this is his way of saying thanks to the fans for their overwhelming love and support. guys? >> kayna, thank you for that. hopefully, they will be dancing back on stage together, as derek hopes. now we're going to ginger. i saw your reaction. >> i can't wait to see that. love you both very much. all right. let's talk about the twin cities. we've been telling you all winter they're on track for their warmest winter on record. today we'll feel like it.
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into the 60s they go. a big roller coaster ahead. the record record high temperatures don't stop in the twin cities. look at the red circles. every single city could break a record. all the way back through oklahoma city they could go close to 90s today. then we slide back down. chicago down to 30 from 75 atlanta. you're protected there in the 70s. here's a look at all the sites on track for their top five warmest winters on record. let's get a check closer to home. >> okay, here we go. >> in three. two. i'm abc seven news meteorologist drew two with your accuweather forecast. partly sunny skies and isolated shower. likely this afternoon. temperatures in the upper 50s to the lower 60s. now overnight tonight we'll get rid of the cloud cover as the front moves through.
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>> it is that time, time for pop news with lara. >> i want to finish up what we were talking about earlier. the sag awards. it was a fun night. we showed you all of those devil wearing prada moments from saturday night's ceremony. there were more. the cast of modern family on stage to present ensemble in a comedy series. that went to "the bear." and this. walter white himself, our friend bryan cranston and his breaking bad family awarding the succession cast, drama ensemble award. the audience also got a huge kick out of seeing lord of the ring stars elijah wood and shawn ashton reuniting 20 years after they won best film ensemble. as for this year's big winners, no surprise here. oppenheimer dominated. killian murphy and robert downey jr. winning alongside the full cast. they beat out barbie for ensemble award for film. on the television side everyone is still saying yes, chef.
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"the bear" taking home the most tv wins. and if the sag awards are a crystal ball for the oscars, it is going to be a very big year for lily gladstone. she made history as the first ever indigenous performer to win best actress in a film. gladstone took home the prize. she beat out emma stone and margot robbie for the award. very big night. oscars coming soon. let's talk about the silver carpet, though, if you will. hollywood sparked a lot of chatter saturday night because sequins were everywhere. huge trend with the likes of jennifer aniston wearing silver celine. do we have a shot? there she is. >> beautiful. >> she looked stunning rocking that rachel. selena gomez shimmering in a white versace gown. i'm thinking i got to throw on the sequins. emma stone did it, too. stunning in silver, purple and black. that was a backless louis vuitton gown. brie larson, this was unbelievable, wearing a two
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piece versace dress. it helps if you look like her. my goodness, girl. tell us the ab secret. margot robbie brought a new twist to her barbie pink in a black and white gown. our favorite design of the night came from a 9-year-old designing phenom ted lasso's, hannah wattingham's daughter. hannah is walking the silver carpet wearing this red coture gown. there's her hand bag courtesy of her 9-year-old daughter kitty. she wanted to help mom complete her look. glamour magazine posted the sweet interview of wattingham talking about her one of a kind accessory. check this out. >> she said mummy, it goes with everything and nothing bag. unstable like its mother. yeah, yeah. look, it holds more than your average bag. isn't it gorgeous? >> it is fabulous, hannah. so great. so sweet.
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hannah, her daughter is just like mom. she wrote the word epic inside the bag because she wanted mom's night to be just that. looks like it was. look at this. after the ceremony the entire cast of ted lasso wearing matching track suits dancing the night away at the oscar party. that was the place to be. >> do you have your outfit picked out? >> i don't. now i'm confused. [ laughter ] brie larson stole it. now i have to rerack. he is here with our new series, the right fit, helping find the perfect bras for every body type . come on back. >> what don't you know about the wonders of i. >> i like? will it help at your job or help you lose your job? can it help you with your health or prescribe the wrong information? and how do you know what's real and what's a deep fake in your social feeds? so should you be going all in on ai this week? gma's got the answers
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. so the question is what would you do if you saw a young woman having her drink spiked? >> if it's something in your drink. so just say no. no seriously, take a sip. >> don't take a sip. >> who will step in to help a stranger who put something in her drink? >> here we go, here we go. hi, guys, i knew it. >> i knew it. >> oh my god, what? i've seen you on tv. >> it's. >> what would you do? >> yeah, i know the show. sunday night. >> all new. right after american idol on abc. >> i think scott peterson murdered his wife and his child proved me wrong. there were leads and evidence that pointed everywhere. >> but, scott, if people step back and look at the evidence in this case, they're going to see this crime isn't solved with the innocence project is saying that there's a real shot. >> he didn't do it. >> they have never been able to say, when was she killed? where was she killed? >> but it's all of that enough to set one of america's most infamous killers free, scott peterson, the wrong man, now streaming on hulu.
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>> america's most watched newscast abc's world news tonight with david muir, is now available on youtube. this is a case about a love triangle that turned deadly. >> the football hero, his wife and the other woman, his wife is murdered. >> when david was found guilty, i was like, finally. >> and then a major twist to come. >> bad romance tonight on abc, we will treat new tuesday 8/7 central on abc. >> always live, abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. here's traffic with gloria. >> good morning reggie aqui. well, right now we are following a sigalert. and this is over on westbound 80 before albany. it is blocking two lanes right now, so we'll keep you updated on that. and this is a live look outside right now from our bay bridge toll plaza camera. you can see pretty empty out there right now. so right now not too bad out there on the roads. >> hey story. we're going to check in with meteorologist drew
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tuma right after this. jack elwood supports raising the cost of gasoline and banning new gas stations. >> jackie elwood voted to raise electric rates 100% higher than the national average. can we afford jackie elwood in the state senate, embark on a journey to economic prosperity? >> join daryl as we witness into the power of community. we hear the voices of entrepreneurs, visionaries and youth striving for success. our america in the black now streaming overflow with ideas and energy that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. >> porter is easily the most impressive candidate known for her grilling of corporate executives with deep policy knowledge. katie porter's housing plan has bypassed friendly ideas to bring home building costs down, and the chronicle praises her ideas to end soft corruption in politics. let's shake up the senate with democrat katie porter.
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>> i'm katie porter and i approve this message wake up spellbound tickets at sf ballet. >> org jackie edwards opposition to affordable housing policies pushed local median rents to $2,400, and she voted to raise electricity rates 100% higher than the national average. >> can we afford jackie edwards in the state senate? >> hey, barry, live with kelly and marcus. coming up, we'll chat with camryn manheim from law and order. >> plus robbie and steven miller here. >> that's at nine on abc seven. >> right on. we'll see you in 30 minutes. here's a live look at live doppler seven. we are tracking some widely scattered showers working their way across the peninsula into parts of the east bay, a little bit in the santa cruz mountains. it's all associated with a cold front that is getting closer to us. here's live doppler seven, along with satellite. the wider view,
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the cold front to our north is supplying us with those isolated showers. we're not giving it a number on the storm impact scale today. that's how widely isolated those showers will be. looking at sfo, you can see those clouds. we'll have partly sunny skies heading into the afternoon. one of those temperatures in the upper 50s to lower 60s. reggie. thank you. >> drew. we'll have another abc seven news update in about a half hour. you can always find us on our news app and abc seven here's gma. >> announcer: welcome back to gma live from times square. >> welcome back, everybody. tomorrow morning we're kicking off our series spring break on a budget. all week long we're sharing great ways to save you thousands on your spring get away. gonna start with cruise and ski trips. robin? >> all right then. right now we have to get the right fit. this morning we are check out the bra. an item so many struggle with. gma lifestyle contributor lori
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bergamotto got some great advice for women out there. this is important. >> yeah, i think we're gonna take a listen. see what it is. >> how does that feel? >> i cannot wait to take it off. >> yeah. welcome to womanhood. >> reporter: the struggle to find the right bra is real, but have no fear, we're here for support. under garment education experts seek bra issues from real people to help find that right fit. >> my problem is finding the right fit for comfort and support. >> what can you do for her? >> we'll do a big size update. the reason for that is comfort equals fit and fit equals comfort. i see a major change so i'm going to ask you, what did you do? >> we went from an f to a j cup which is a huge difference. this delicious cocoa color is blending in with her skin so we don't see it at all, which is
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really important. >> when you first saw yourself in the mirror, what were you thinking? >> i feel great. i love that it looks smaller. just supports every area of me. >> next up, anne. >> my name is anne. my bra issue is that i have side boob and back fat and a little bit of sagging. i'm looking for a solution that will fix all those issues. >> look at the back of the bra. if i can get this all the way back here, this is probably too loose. it should only come about an inch off the shoulder. that right there plus a size update will make a difference. anne, you look fabulous. >> thank you. >> everybody's breasts are asymmetrical like hands and feet. how do you feel in this? >> it feels so comfy. i can't believe how comfortable it feels. but supported, too. >> reporter: and finally, ociana. >> hi. my name is ociana. the problem that i'm having with my bra is i feel like my bra size changes throughout the month. i'm looking for a bra i can wear all year long.
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>> our bodies are not static. they change month to month. you might be able to find a bra that can fluctuate or flex with her. this looks transformative. >> it's just a simple contour t-shirt bra but in the right size, she's now lifted. went from a 32b to a 30d cup. bra's fit, lives change. >> we thank those three women for doing that. tomorrow lori will be back with the right fit for denim. coming up -- why am i getting ahead of myself? let's talk about these first. what are the keys here? >> shout out to those three women. that's a brave thing to do. lot of them were saying we felt so much more confidence. vanessa was standing up taller. the key is the right size. if you cannot get measured and you should if you're able to. the key is making sure you have a size that fits comfortably. it should feel like a tight hug. the bra expert told us if you cannot get measured regularly,
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the thing to do is try to go down in band size and up in cup size and see if that helps you get a little more lifted. >> your body is always changing. >> exactly. good place to start. down band, up a cup. speaking of cups, let's talk about this one, right? >> is this the best overall? >> this is the best overall. this is from notori. this is their bliss perfection. this is loved by, like an industry leader. it's loved by everybody who buys it. it ranges from a 30a to a 38g. lot of the things people love about this is it's a 360 degree jersey fabric so it just feels so comfortable and you can wear it under anything. >> how about wearing it under a t-shirt? >> we were talking about this whenever you're wearing something that's a little tight, you want something that looks seamless. this is from skims. the internet is obsessed, obviously, with the skims brand. we love this one because it has a great range of sizes. 30a to 46h and comes in 16
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different colors, ten of which are skin tone colors. that's a lot of things people struggle with, finding that match. this one offers a great variety. >> so many different colors. the strapless. this is really great. >> for so many of us, this is so difficult. all of your problems are solved, everyone. this is the red carpet strapless bra. this one is the go to. i have been on a ton of shoots with celebrity, model, real women. this is what every stylist has. one of the reasons people love it is because it has a medical grade silicone strip so it won't slip. that's the annoying thing about strapless. you feel like you are always adjusting, pulling it up. it also has extra padding around the young wire so it is actually comfortable. >> medical grade. that tells you something like that. >> science. >> i was not familiar with the bralette. >> it is the number one most
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searched for bra on google. >> i didn't know the name of it. i love these. >> they're amazing. >> women love them and they're comfortable. it's all about being comfortable. this is from soma. there is no underwire but you still get that lift and support. it's under $40 and you get that beautiful lace trim. >> i was trending and i didn't even know it. love it. lori, thank you. that's not it. tomorrow lori will be back with the right fit for denin. coming up how to ai proof your career and your resume so come on back to the right stuff and the right fit. stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough,
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and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya.
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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>> welcome back to times square. comedienne amy schumer said recent comments about her appearance made her realize something was wrong. now she's revealing she's been diagnosed with cushing's syndrome. our medical expert dr. darien sutton is here to tell us about it. what is cushing's syndrome? >> good morning. one of those diagnosis and causes of disease, if you find it, you can find a cure, but if you miss it, it can be fatal. it centers around a problem where there's too much cortisol in the body. we've all heard of cortisol. it is more than just a stress hormone. it's involved in many different systems in our body. why when it's too much, it can present with a variety of symptoms. the most important question is
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what is causing it? typically a medication, steroids or could it be internal, caused by a tumor that's inappropriately producing cortisol. the most important thing is the workup to find out why it's happening. >> amy came out with this because fans commented about her puffier than normal face when she was doing some promotions for her latest project. she was here and made a joke about it. it goes to show that's a sign of cushing's syndrome. what are some of the other signs? >> it can present in different ways from person to person. most commonly, it can be unexplained weigh gain or facial change, puffiness or hair growth. it can also be skin changes like bruising or even new unexplained stretch marks. those are some of the reasons it can be so difficult sometimes to diagnose. michael, it's often misdiagnosed. it's something women have called pcos. it's a reminder for us as physicians and also people to ask the right questions.
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>> she said she has the kind of syndrome that will work itself out and that she's healthy. does it always work itself out or is there a medication you can take? >> if you find the exact cause, yes, it can work itself out. i will say that it often takes weeks to months for patients to fully recover. it can be something simple as stopping the medication that's causing it. some patients require surgery or radiation. it's a reminder and it's important people like amy with large platforms share this. it just reminds us the importance about awareness and asking those right questions. >> i'm sure people will go, oh, let me get checked for this. all right dr. sutton, thank you for your time. over to you, ginger. >> i got to change because we have a workout segment coming up. i could start with a warm-up that looks like this. we're picking which route we're going to take, right? skiing. that would be skiing, in case anyone wonders. fun valley, idaho. they've had 86 inches.
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jackson hole has had 108 inches so far this season. with el nino it's more of the southern states that get the heftiness. we got a serious couple storms that in the next seven days will bring parts of the rockies two to five feet. sierra nevada this could be the biggest for you. that's the big picture. let's get a check a little closer to home. it is time for our series all in on ai. a phrase we've heard from many ceo's of big tech companies over the last year. some people are worried about their jobs being replaced by the technology. hey, rebecca. >> yeah, what do these ceo's mean when they say, i want to
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let you in on a little secret. some aren't sure yet. they just know this technology is going to change everything. they are fighting to stay relevant as much as workers are. here's what you can do to increase your value and keep your sanity with all the change ahead. when cassandra mason discovered the reason she lost her freelance copyrighter job of three years, it wasn't what she expected. >> they, in fact, were just replacing all the writers with chat gpt because the cost was so much less. >> reporter: chat gpt, the artificial intelligence language model from open ai that can do everything from write a shakespearean sonnet to pass the bar exam, has provoked fascination and fears, making ai a worldwide conversation. >> i was definitely unpleasantly surprised but at the same time it was right at that time with chat gpt really the hot topic. >> reporter: and the ai arms race is only getting fiercer, with developers building more advanced language models and
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even models that can create images or video from text. an estimated two-thirds of current jobs are exposed to some degree of ai automation with industries like healthcare, finance and e-commerce incorporating ai to increase productivity while saving time and money. >> ai is going to unlock tons of industries we can't even imagine today. >> reporter: cam jun ku is the ceo of imbuke, a company building new user friendly ai systems to help workers across industries accomplish real world goals faster. >> i think of ai as uplifting our jobs and our work. it's taking away a lot of the very detailed, kind of grunt work so that now we can get that work done quickly and get it done at a more strategic level. >> reporter: a working paper from harvard business school found generative ai can
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a worker's performance by as much as 40% compared with workers who don't use it. while linkedin data shows ai shifting core job skills up to 65% by 2030. the most in demand skill of 2024 is communications. >> ai will help us be more efficient in our work, but it's not going to replace all of the work. you're still going to be able to sell a product, sell a home. that is through that person interaction. this applies to many different types of jobs. it's the human skills that are going to be becoming even more important. >> these changes are coming so fast. if you're worried ai poses a threat to your job, what do you do? >> first of all, george, you have to understand ai in order to understand the threat. it's just useful to understand that ai is not ready to replace humans entirely because it does make mistakes. but you heard there at the end of the story that emotional intelligence, strong communication identifying needs before your boss has to ask, being a reliable problem solver who goes above and beyond.
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those are elements that can really distinguish you from a machine, from technology. that said, it is important to get to know that technology. there are a number of free apps that will walk you through it. or you can just start with the chat gpt app. see what it can do. someone on our staff, your makeup artist, she plays around with it. she's gotten so good. it can help make your life simpler, too. >> what if you're looking for a job? >> it's really important to know that a lot of companies are now using ai to weed applicants out. what they're doing is they're scanning resumes for key words. doesn't mean just throw a bunch of key words on your resume. instead, you can look for hints about which words to include in your resume on the job posting description. if your resume already says client facing job, but the job posting you're applying for says human centric, change it to human centric on your resume. several key words in your industry that you're applying.
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be truthful on your resume, but just do the tweak. so that the computer catches you and puts you in the let's review further with a human beings pile. >> that's right. rebecca, thank you very much. let's go to lara. >> thank you very much, george. coming up the road to the oscars. robin arzon is here with the best moves to look red carpet ready. i better get involved. hold on. we got a whole bunch of grit workouts inspired by this year's nominees. discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it.
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i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®.
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>> we are back now on the road to >> we are back on the road to the oscars with -- the big night is two weeks away. this morning we have an awar winning workout with robin arzon. she is taking up two of the movies -- i got it, right? arzon. i want to talk to you first. ginger, thank you for being here, helping us out. >> i'll jump in any time.
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>> thank you. i know. you're very fit. there's no one fitter than you. we have our first film, niad inspired workout. cue the ocean, please. >> let's get swimming. extend your arms and legs and swim. this is working core, gluts, arms. >> your core is incredible. this is something you can do every single day. >> 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off, three times. you can do it in a commercial break. >> that's right. that's right. all right. now let's head to barbie land. cue the barbie land theme. here we go. we are bringing the kenergy this morning. >> this is ken's abs, right? balance on our tailbone and take that beach ball right and left. our core, our obliques. you want to engage that core by imagining that you're blowing up
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a balloon through a straw. lot of folks are like, how do i turn on my abs. exhale. that's it. we all have them. they're in there. >> what do you think, ginger? >> i love this. these are one of my favorites. especially with a weighted ball. i try to do weights. i love this. more of a twist. >> exactly. >> i feel it. >> what about barbie high heel inspired barbie? >> we can't forget about barbie. going to take it to some calf raises getting into those barbie feet. hold the barbie feet. elevated. take it into a squat. >> literally off your heels. >> you're literally off your heels. you're working your stability, your lower body. this is calves, hamstrings, gluts. core will help you with your plans. >> so critical for longevity, not only for getting in oscar shape, as we like to say. all right.
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now let's move over to the spider verse. ginger, are you ready? >> this is a hard one. >> this is a super hero move. we're going to be starting in that pushup position. as you're getting down in the pushup, bring your knee to your elbows. look how strong she is. that's incredible. alternating right and left. of course, you can always modify by bringing your knees down or taking it into a traditional pushup. >> with all of these, are we thinking three sets of 10, 12? >> i would say you want to pretty much work for 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off three rounds. that would be a well rounded workout. >> you could do this whole workout in 15 minutes, which is what i have for the segment, right? just kidding. let's head to burton academy. paul giannatti we love you so much. show us this. >> this is a shoulder burnout. we are going to be standing with those arms extended alongside your body.
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like a human t. this is gonna burn. you get used to this. it's oscar season. or if you don't have the oscar lying around, grab a book. >> these are so fun, really easy. you can obviously, if you don't have a beach ball or encyclopedia, just use weights. they're fun, easy and simple. we've got some work to do. robin, we love having you here. >> thank you very much. that was so fun. >> paving the way to the oscars with us, the 96th annual oscars. course air where? right here on abc on march 10th. we will be right back. where are those beach balls?
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[storms sound] whatever weather comes your way [wind and snow sounds] weathertech has you covered. [bird chirping] [laughing] with our laser—measured cargoliners. no drill mud flaps and floorliners. to secure your phone don't forget the cupfone. order yours today at you never know when it's gonna be a weathertech day.
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perfect weather today... democrats agree. conservative republican gonna b steve garveych day. is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. and i approve this message. >> we can't spell astound without you. and you can count on our fiber powered network to deliver award winning ultra fast, ultra reliable internet. and we can't be beat with mobile on one of the nation's largest, most reliable 5g networks. save on internet just $20 a month, plus add mobile for $15 more. we do everything with you in mind, bringing you ultra reliability, speed and savings. get internet for $20 a month, add mobile for
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$15 more. switch to astound and for a plan that fits you. former congressman jerry mcnerney said campaign money is poisoning the system. >> my proposals would eliminate all pacs, but jerry mcnerney took 5.3 million in pac money. guess he didn't mean it. >> don't you know about the wonders of i like? will it help at your job or help you lose your job? can it help you with your health or prescribe the wrong information? and how do you know what's real and what's a deep fake in your social feeds? so should you be going all in on ai? this week? gma's got the answers and we thank you for watching this morning on gma . >> you are more than holding your own with robin. listen it's because of robin's training. >> that's it. i trained with her new this week. >> kimmel's stack with stars. this is so good with jennifer hudson david spade, eugene levy, david cross, matty matheson,
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anna sawai music from sheryl crow, the kid laroi and so much more. jimmy kimmel, 96.5 koat today's hits the drinks, bring back all the memories. >> yesterday's favorite it that way. listen while you work 96.5 co. it got a large mushroom pizza susan marie pizza again keep homer hellofresh has delicious, guilt free recipes you can make in a snap. >> speaking of cooking, plain chicken, really, it's healthy. it's boring. listen sue's hellofresh makes eating well exciting to the table. >> who? >> am i know, i know dessert visit >> com to learn more. who can east bay voters trust to fight for more affordable housing? >> not anti housing extremists? catherine lybarger, the sacramento bee, said lybarger abused environmental laws to
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block affordable housing. linebarger's group sabotaged the desperately needed plan while extracting $50 million for themselves. that's not progressive leadership. then there's mayor jesse arreguin arreguin led berkeley's largest ever affordable housing plan and approved hundreds of new affordable homes. jesse arreguin for state senate progressive leadership bold results. >> sometimes life is a funny way of turning sideways, like when your kid decides they're a professional stylist. the morning of picture day, or when your to do list is not quite done. you went to rite aid, right? or when you're sure you packed everything you need. but you actually need one more thing. >> we forgot our prescriptions. >> we got you. are we happy? we are happy. and everything you need. >> yep, yep. >> to life never really goes the way you plan. but that's why we're here. it means more at rite aid, overflowing with ideas and energy. >> that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is easily
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the most impressive candidate known for her grilling of corporate executives with deep policy knowledge. katie porter's housing plan has bypassed friendly ideas to bring home building costs down, and the chronicle praises her ideas to end soft corruption in politics. let's shake up the senate with democrat katie porter. >> i'm katie porter and i approve this message. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. here's a look at traffic with gloria. >> good morning. right now we're tracking a crash in oakland that's causing some delays in that area. this is a two car crash on westbound 580 before seminary avenue. and right now, speeds are down to 19mph. and then we have a live look here on the bay bridge looking nice here from the toll plaza to san francisco. it will take you 20 minutes. >> hey, gloria, we'll go to live doppler seven this morning. we have sporadic, very light showers down along the peninsula into the santa cruz mountains.
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pushing a little bit into the east bay. not giving it a number on the storm impact scale. that's how isolated they are. it's all because the cold front is about to move through here. so throughout the day it's a mix of sun and clouds, an isolated shower, highs in the upper 50 to the lower 60s. >> reggie thanks, juice. time now for live with kelly and mark. we see you again on the air at 11 for midday. live until then, hope you have a great morning. it's morning. it's and today from the series, law & order, camryn manheim. plus cousins and co-stars, robbie and stephen amell. also in honor of american heart month, how to measure your heart disease risks. ["rain on me" by lady gaga, ariana grande] all next on live. ♪ rain on me, rain, rain ♪ ♪ rain on me, rain, rain ♪ ♪ i'd rather be.. ♪


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