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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  February 29, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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four candidates vying to be oakland's top cop will answer questions from the community tonight. however, the person doing the hiring will not be there then the sierra. >> gearing up for a potentially crippling snowstorm. multiple feet of snow in the forecast as a blizzard warning is in effect, and another san francisco restaurant shuts its doors after 40 years. >> please deli is permanently closing all its locations in the city. >> good morning. welcome to leap day. thursday, february 29th. >> and we have lisa argen with us. tell us all about the day ahead. >> yeah, we already have some rain out there in the north bay
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from marin to sonoma to napa. a little bit of mist and drizzle, and for the next several days our weather is going to be pretty active and back to winter time is that area of low pressure well up in the gulf of alaska? eventually moves our way, bringing in much colder air in a series of systems that will allow for a rainy and cold weekend. 53 in oakland, 51 in napa right now. so temperatures are up compared to they were yesterday day. but that's all going to change as we go through this morning as temperatures are going to be in the mid 50s and you can see they're not going to move too much. here comes the cold front looks at the rainy midday and rainy evening commute in the south bay. so level one system with about a 10th to a third of an inch ahead for today. gloria >> all right. lisa. yeah. right now we are tracking a crash in lexington hills. this is on northbound 17. after summit road, and this is blocking both lanes. it's just a two lane road, so you can imagine this is causing some major delays this morning. and right now speeds are down. to ten miles per hour
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because of this rollover crash there. we also have a live look outside right now from our golden gate bridge camera, and you can see slick roads here. no major traffic issues here. and then also slick roads at our richmond san rafael bridge camera and traffic is moving nicely there, so just watch out for those light showers this morning reggie. thank you gloria. >> happening tonight. the four finalists for oakland's police chief will take part in a public forum and answer questions from the community. however, the person who is in charge of hiring one of them will not be attending, will not be participating. abc seven news reporter lena howland joins us in studio with more on the candidates and why the mayor is going to be a no show. hey, reggie, after the city of oakland has now been without a police chief for more than a year, community members will finally have the opportunity to hear from the top four candidates vying for the job tonight. >> it's a diverse group with only one local candidate. abdul pridgen is the former san leandro police chief. he left the department last week. floyd mitchell was the chief of the
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lubbock, texas, police department. lisa davis is currently a lieutenant colonel in cincinnati. luis molina has an extensive resume and is currently the assistant deputy mayor for public safety in new york city. we talked to an oakland market owner ahead of the forum who says his store gets robbed almost daily. it's come to a point where he's considering leaving the city, and he says without a chief, it feels like city leaders don't care about business owners, right now, i love this city, but i just this crime rates is just pushing me out. >> uh- sometimes i think about, you know, just going to a different state where it's more safer. we just want to be like a normal city, just want to be like everybody else. but unfortunately, it's chaos around here. >> on tuesday, mayor tao sent this letter to the city's police commission informing them she won't be attending tonight's forum. according to the letter, tao says a public forum does not help recruit the best candidates. a forum identifying candidates places those
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individuals at unnecessary risk with their current employers. it may also force oakland to enter into a premature bidding war with an individuals current employer. the meet the candidates forum starts at 630 tonight at oakland city hall. however, all candidates will be appearing on zoom instead of in person. live in studio lena howland, abc seven news. >> all right, thank you so much, lena. now to the closure of the macy's flagship store in union square. while there are questions about what will take its place, some believe union square may be on the verge of redefining shopping for the next generation retail experts say stores that are successful online no longer need brick and mortars. many are shifting to smaller footprints. luxury brands that traditionally have small stores are thriving and expanding. we're told that reality is bringing a mix of emotions, so it's very sad because this is, um, where we would come to go shopping at christmas time and see the window while any departure is a
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loss, the ability to do something new and forward thinking, uh, is welcome and exciting. real estate company cbre says in the last two months, it signed three long terme leases in union square. all are smaller under 10,000ft■s in the south bay, a project is underway to protect people in the flood zone in san jose, residents and leaders don't want flooding from coyote creek in 2017 to happen again. >> when the creek overflowed the banks at several locations, leaving homes and businesses underwater, valley water is now building a barrier between the water and the land flood walls will soon protect a nine mile stretch of the creek from montague expressway to tully road. >> when a creek overflows it, it basically exceeds the capacity of the water that the creek itself will carry. so when you build flood walls on either side, you're providing more of that space or volume for the water to be held back. >> construction started last
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summer. the first 40% of the project will be done by this summer, before it's on to the next phase. >> the sierra is about to get some epic snow from this storm. some places could see up to 12ft in the next three days, and that has skiers and snowboarders excited. of course, i was going to be at 13 for sure. >> oh yeah, that excitement right there. >> but experts are warning while it is tempting to get outside with all that snow, it's actually not that safe. they recommend anyone who's already in tahoe should ride it out for the next few days. retired abc seven news photographer randy davis lives in the area. his family is ready. >> we put a generator in uh- uh- last year. you know, some people lose power 4 or 5 days, and if that happens, you know, you you do the best you can. >> cal trans says if you do need to go to tahoe, sunday may be the best travel day. the worst of the storm should be over by then, but the roads will still be in recovery mode. get the latest forecast and track the
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rain and snow anytime with our live doppler seven radar. just search abc seven bay area in your device's app store to download it now. >> president biden, a former president trump, will visit the southern border today. both have very different ideas on how to address the migrant crisis. gloria is at the live desk with their details. gloria. >> good morning reggie, president. biden is expected to meet with border patrol agents and local leaders in texas. he is set to defend a bipartisan border security deal that house republicans killed earlier this month. the bill called for hiring more officers and immigration judges. it would have also sped up work permits for migrants. former president trump says the deal was not strong enough to secure the border. if elected, he has promising to begin mass deportations of migrants. >> we took four months, four months of us, the white house, working with republicans and democrats in the senate to get that done. and obviously, republicans have rejected that because of politics. >> president biden is
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considering executive action to address the migrant crisis, including tougher asylum laws. but the white house says no such announcement will come today. it could come during next week's state of the union address, but officials insist that any real solution for the border crisis needs to come from congress. amanda, all right. >> thank you so much, gloria. still to come, one of the biggest days of some test takers lives made more stressful by what they call less than ideal conditions inside the venue. >> and keep your eyes on the road. the video police are using as a psa about the dangers of distracted driving. >> and a cold front on the way this morning may be impacting your commute. if you live in the north bay, we've had a few spotty showers, but the entire bay area will get rain today along with some very gusty winds . my full accuweather seven day forecast is next
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in oregon. you're going to see the car coming down the roadway missing a curve. then launching off the embankment like a ramp. yikes. police say the driver took their eyes off the road. that person did survive and was able to get out of the car after it crashed to the ground 200ft below. they were taken to the hospital. it's unclear how injured they were. >> pretty scary. all right. good morning everyone. some shower activity up in the north bay. there's a look at live doppler seven. and we've been talking about the blizzard warning that has already gone into effect for the west slopes of the sierra vada. later on today, it's for yosemite at 4:00 pm, 10:00 for the greater lake tahoe area. so if you're thinking of going not a great idea because we're already beginning to see some rain there. and if we add up thursday through sunday, we're talking about a series of days
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here that bring several inches of rain to the north bay and several feet of snow to the sierra nevada. so right now we're mild. in the 50s, the winds will be kicking up with the passage of the cold front throughout the midday. and we'll look at these winds gusting to over 30 miles an hour. so the front still just about to push through parts of san francisco throughout the middle of the afternoon. and then by the evening commute, roadways are slick and the winds are quite gusty. reggie aqui. >> thanks, lisa. coming up, the popular burger place opening up its first north bay location today, then combining music therapy with service animals, the east bay hospital helping make recovery a little less stressful as we had to break it. 612 here's a live look outside. 612 here's a live look outside. we'll be right back copd isn't pretty. i'm out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. ( ♪ ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful.
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that's exactly what is happening to hundreds of people taking the bar exam this week at the cow palace in daly city. some test takers claim the heating inside the exam room has left a lot to be desired. at one point, they say the temp was only in the 50s. you know, shivering and flannel and jacket and whatnot. >> just kind of ridiculous. not really. conditions you'd expect any kind of professional environment to be in. never mind a the most important test we're ever going to take that we're all spending thousands of dollars to be here for. >> oh. test takers say they are. they have heat lamps for warmth, but they only help depending on where you are in the room. the state bar says it's in contact with cal palace management. to quote, strike the right temperature balance for the center. it confirmed the two day exam will be at the oakland
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convention center next year. all they had to do was move this to the madonna concert, where there was no air conditioning because she likes it hot. >> but i would not put these people, of all people in this condition, they'll sue you. they're taking the bus. >> amanda, you make points also. but doesn't the cold kind of keep you up, i guess? i don't know, i don't know. >> a family run deli that once had 16 restaurants in san francisco has closed its last two shops in the city. lee kwan, the owner of lee's deli, tells abc seven news and tells us that business is really suffered since the beginning of the pandemic. a lack of foot traffic, inflation and minimum wage increases have all played a role, kwan says. people who are around the financial district are usually only there three days a week for breakfast or lunch, and that's not enough to pay the bills. >> so we tried opening like think 6 or 8 stores in the beginning. in 2021, it was ugly. there was just nobody around. you can't we can't do business. >> we spoke with mayor london
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breed about the current state of the financial district. she says revitalization takes time, and her office is working to reduce fees and taxes for business owners. >> as we put together a map showing all the notable store closures in san francisco since 2020, each blue pin indicates a store that has closed or has announced it's going to close. if you click on that pin, it'll give you the business name, the address, and the closure date, and there's a link that goes into great detail about why that store decided to shut down service animals and music therapy are helping treat young patients in the east bay. >> ucsf benioff children's hospital in oakland has a musical therapy program to help patients like jesus. the 11 year old you see here is recovering from guillain-barré syndrome. it's a rare disorder where the body's immune system attacks its own nerves. jesus has a special bond with one of the facility's dogs, named ani, who comforts him throughout treatment. >> he visit to me and i always
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always go get him some cookies. i and he and he's my best friend. >> so sweet program director say dogs like ani also help patients with improving mobility skills and increasing flexibility. music therapy and the dogs are funded by donations is very cute. >> that is nice. >> wonderful. >> oh, look who's i just feel like animals always do it for people as well. just always uplift. >> i mean, occasionally my dog causes me stress, right? >> you know, i don't know, he's cute. >> stories. >> i'm glad that i was listening to jerry yesterday because he was saying, like, get out because yesterday was like the last sunny day. so i took russo to the park. yeah, he won't be seeing the park for several days. >> i know, and we're back to the mud. and yeah, we are nearly saturated and yeah, so it's going to be a while, you know, hopefully your plants are loving it, but it doesn't look like we're going to see any problems
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in terms of flooding with the system as we go through the weekend. just beneficial rain and maybe some low lying areas if those storm drains are not cleaned out. the winds certainly a factor later on today. and then the sierra, you've probably heard about it. live doppler seven right now. scattered light rain showers down through san francisco, the peninsula, marin, sonoma looking at a little light rain, but also a glimpse of the sun out there. so it's kind of pretty from our roof. camera 51, san francisco, 52, in hayward and san mateo. and you can see the drops on the lens here. our exploratorium camera 52, in napa with 50 in livermore. so the cloud cover keeping the temperatures up a level one system today, a couple hundreds to a 10th to maybe over a third of an inch. the coastal hills 25 to 35 mile an hour. winds throughout the afternoon and late evening. this is our high resolution model that just kind of paints a wet picture throughout the day. but the rain picks up by the afternoon in the north bay the later afternoon in the east bay and south bay. so that evening commute could be particularly slick. i talked about the four day rain totals here. they are anywhere from an
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inch in san francisco, an inch and a quarter to maybe a two and a third in santa rosa. now that six inches, that translates into eight to maybe nine feet of snow in the mountains. so that blizzard warning under effect going under effect of 10:00 in the sierra nevada and we'll look for highs today with the scattered rain showers and the breezy winds upper 50s to near 60. and the accuweather seven day forecast level two system tomorrow, maybe a thunderstorm. some cold air is in place, so we'll get those downpours level one saturday sunday a bit of a break on monday and then next week more rain. gloria. yeah you know, we still have this crash over in lexington hills that's causing some delays in this area. >> this is on northbound 17 at idlewild road right now. speeds are down to nine miles per hour. both the northbound lanes are blocked. and this is a two lane road. so obviously this is going to cause some major delays and major impacts in this area. and looking live outside right now at our bay bridge toll plaza, camera traffic is really filled in from the last half hour. when we last took a look at this
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metering lights flipped on at 543 this morning. right now, the backup is to the 880 over crossing and from the toll plaza to san francisco. it will take you 22 minutes. reggie amanda. >> thanks, gloria. good morning america. coming up at seven right here on abc seven. >> sam champion has a look at what's ahead. >> hey, amanda. hey, reggie. it's nice to see you guys on a thursday day coming up. it's one of the latest on the top stories that you've been covering. so we've got it as well. the supreme court's decision to hear an appeal of donald trump's claim of absolute immunity. what does that mean for his court cases? and our election? we've got you there also, this morning. we're live in texas with the latest on the deadly wildfires there. they are some of the worst in state history, and they are growing this morning as we are live also spring break on a budget busting some myths about the best times to book our travel. plus, we've got an extra day this year. it's leap day. so what are you going to do with it? how about some extra deals
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that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises
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"her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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marin and sonoma, also down the peninsula of san francisco, picking up a little bit of shower activity, all associated with the cold front that will be moving through today, spreading some gusty winds as well. 9:00 this morning. it's already quite windy on the coast, up to 30 miles an hour and then we'll push on through the 10:00 hour and most of the rain is to the north, but you can see those gusty south winds all throughout the south bay. and as we go through the rest of the day, the winds dial back by the evening hours. but it's the rain that will be filling in throughout the morning hours in the north bay. so the first half of the day, it's a soggy scenario in the north bay. this is 130. and then the front pushes through there. and then the second half
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of the day it's the east bay, the peninsula, the south bay will be a gathering more rainfall. so we'll look for the rain, the wind, not a whole lot, but looking at anywhere to mess up the commute for sure. slow things down, couple hundreds to a 10th and looking at perhaps maybe a third of an inch in san francisco. so upper 50s to near 60. the last sort of mild ish day out there. and then we're going to increase the rainfall a little bit into your friday amanda. all right. >> thanks so much, lisa. breaking overnight, more than 100 people were killed while waiting for food in gaza. the hamas run ministry of health says israeli forces opened fire on palestinian this morning. the idf tells abc news. gaza residents surrounded the trucks and looted the supplies being delivered. the number of people dead from this incident is expected to go up since the war between israel and hamas started in october, more than 30,000 people have been killed. the more than $267 million from the state to help fight organized retail theft last year seems to
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be helping the state surveyed agencies that received the grants. more than 900 retail theft arrests were reported by five law enforcement agencies. 70% are using the money to hire more officers or deputies. 98% say they'll purchase new crime fighting technology to track criminal enterprises, and 100% of da's offices say they've used the money to establish a prosecution unit. san francisco police received more than $51 million. now, san jose police got more than 8 million and oakland received nothing. thing admits the deadline to apply for oakland city council member dan kolb joined some police officers for a safety walk through a part of the city. hard hit by break-ins. kolb says he's heard feedback from business owners on broadway between mosswood park and the other. another district, about rising crime. the fear has impacted many bottom lines. >> people might be reluctant to
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come and park nearby or to go to the business in the evening hours if they're open, whatever, whatever the case, whatever the reasons, whatever the impacts are, we know that people are being harmed by this. this increase in crime. >> kolb says he's trying to push public safety initiatives such as security cameras, hiring more police and dispatchers, and strategic deploying cops in the neighborhood. one such idea is to have a walking beat officer on broadway. happening today sonoma county will welcome its first shake shack, the restaurant will be at montgomery village in santa rosa. the first 100 people to buy a shake today will get a sonoma county branded shake shack tumbler, a hand-painted mural by a local artist will also be unveiled today. it's inspired by santa rosa's ties to nature and wine growing. shake shack opens at 11 this morning. new at 630. breaking up with spring break. some popular destinations are trying to keep those vacation owners and partiers away. the
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protocol they're putting in place. then another restaurants run in the bay area is over the popular east bay spot closing for good
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now at 630, a live look outside san francisco. we have rain coming and it could stay through the weekend. lisa is here with your updated forecast. >> then oakland's mayor says she won't attend a forum with the finalists for the city's open police chief job. why? she says she's not going to be there. >> and where's the beef? wendy's now responding to backlash over a surge pricing plan. we could have seen this coming. >> well good morning everyone. >> it is leap day february 29. >> check out that forecast now. lisa. rain. >> rain rain. that's. yeah.
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taking a ride out through the next couple of days into the weekend. and we've been talking about that blizzard warning the sierra nevada going into effect at 10:00. the greater lake tahoe area already in effect for the west slopes and 10 p.m. or 4 p.m. for yosemite. there's a look at the cold front getting close to the north bay bend. you'll see some smattering of some mist and drizzle here from marin down along the peninsula, so it's already wet out there. be careful. live. look here from our exploratorium, camera 52, san mateo and san jose. and looking at once again all the cloud cover there winds picking up and rain on the way. gloria all right. >> thank you. lisa. well, right now we're continuing to monitor this crash over in lexington hills. it's still causing some major delays in that area. so we're going to zoom and show you exactly where this is going on. this is over on northbound 17. and both lanes are currently blocked. right now, both northbound lanes. and this is right after redwood estates road speeds are down to nine miles per hour in this area. and a
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look at your drive times for this morning from tracy to dublin that is going to take you seven minutes. reggie >> thanks, gloria. tonight oakland residents will get to hear from the four people trying to become the new police chief. mayor shengtao won't be among the people there, even though she's the person who is hiring one of them. potentially abc seven news reporter lena howland is in studio with more on tonight's event. i guess she could reject all of them as well. >> hi, reggie. although community members won't get to meet the candidates as they will be participating in the forum virtually on zoom. folks will finally get the opportunity to hear from them on what they could do to make oakland a safer place. it's a diverse group with only one local candidate. abdul pridgen is the former san leandro police chief. he left the department last week. floyd mitchell was the chief of the lubbock, texas, police department. lisa davis is currently a lieutenant colonel in cincinnati. lewis molina has an extensive resume and is currently the assistant deputy mayor for public safety in new york city. this comes at a time
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when the city of oakland has been without a police chief for more than a year, data from the abc seven news i-team shows robberies, burglaries and vehicle thefts in oakland are all on the rise in the last few years. recently places like in-n-out and denny's announced they will be closing because of the crime in their area. that's why city council member noel gallo says the police chief is the most important position. oakland can hire right now. >> we're now responding through 911 calls. we're not responding to 311 calls regarding the stolen vehicles, the abandoned vehicles is, uh, you know, breaking into your car. >> oakland mayor xiang tao is not expected to attend tonight, citing concerns that a forum identifying candidates places them at unnecessary risk with their current employers. the forum starts at 630 tonight at city hall. all candidates will be appearing on zoom and will not be attending in person. live
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in studio lena howland abc seven news. all right. >> thanks, lena. one of the most iconic tex-mex restaurants in the bay area is closing for good. the chevy's in. emeryville has been well known for its picturesque waterfront views since it first opened in 1986. but now the restaurant is planning on shutting its doors april 16th. chevy's parent company, experienced restaurant group, has not given a reason for the closure, but workers at the restaurant told us they expect the land to get snapped up pretty quickly. >> the supreme court has agreed to hear former president trump's claim that he's immune to prosecution, stemming from his election interference case. earlier this month, a federal appeals court unanimously rejected trump's immunity claim. it said he has become citizen trump and, quote, any executive immunity that may have protected him while he served as president. no longer protects him against this prosecution action. now, the justices will decide if a president can be criminally. prosecuted for their actions in office.
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>> i think there are very few legal scholars who think that a majority of the court would agree be that any president would have this sort of broad immunity over any conduct in office. arguments are expected to be heard. >> april 22nd delay saying the case brought by special counsel jack smith. a decision may not come until june. that means it could be fall before the trial could start, which would be right before the november election. >> new developments the house is expected to vote today on a temporary bipartisan deal to avert a partial government shutdown. the senate will vote soon after house and senate leaders reached an agreement yesterday, just before tomorrow's deadline. the legislation is expected to pass in the house, but it could face procedural hurdles in the senate if any members member objects to expediting the voting process. >> hunter biden lashed out against what he says was a maga republican led effort to impeach his father in a closed door,
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hours long deposition, hunter biden forcefully rejected house republican claims the president was improperly involved in his overseas business dealings. two republican led committees leading the impeachment inquiry pressed in a rare opportunity to find evidence backing their accusations that president biden influenced us foreign policy to benefit his family. >> he is emphatically and repeatedly underscored to the republicans that his father was not involved in any way in his businesses. now, why would you have these 20 bank accounts set up if you weren't trying to? >> why would banks literally send memos out that say they have no product? >> last week, the star witness for the gop, alexander smirnov, was charged with fabricate claims that ukrainian entities paid millions in bribes to then vice president biden and his son knew at six the execution of a serial killer in idaho has been called off for an eighth time. the prison medical staff couldn't find a vein in 73 year
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old thomas creech. to carry out the lethal injection. they tried his arms, his legs, his hands, his feet. creech has spent nearly 50 years in prison. he was convicted of five murders and suspected of other killings. he was set to be idaho's first execution in 12 years. the supreme court denied his last minute request for lenience, the spring break season is approaching fast, and this year could see some big changes for college students heading to florida and gloria. >> in some places, the drinking age and prices are going up. yeah amanda, listen to this. >> some businesses in fort lauderdale are planning to raise the drinking age to 23 for out of state visitors. now, we know that the beaches of south florida have long been a very popular spring break destination. but violence in years past is prompting law enforcement to take new action this year. last spring break, there were two deadly shootings and about 600 arrests in miami beach. in addition to more police patrols, the city is adding a midnight curfew and
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increased dui checkpoints. also, $100 parking garage rates for visitors and access to the beach will close at 6 p.m. >> come here. enjoy joy, but don't come here looking for trouble. we've had enough. >> we won't allow. it's for people to come here. disrupt our way of life. ruin it for the residents who live here and ruin it for people who just want to come here and have a good time. >> many residents say they are thankful for the added security this year. the city's are most worried about the peak spring break time period of march 8th through the seventh. reggie amanda. >> thanks, gloria. still to come , the local nonprofit trying to step up for new moms. >> and you are looking live at the big board at the new york stock exchange. it looks like we're up 82 points. another updates on how the markets are doing next. >> and unthink crime. we look back at the shocking attack of a baby, allegedly at the hands of a six year old. abc seven news reporter lyanne melendez joins us live on set with this story.
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now, 30 years later. >> and stay with us on the abc seven bay area streaming app at seven for abc seven at seven. we're live weekdays from 7 to 8 a.m. just download the app now. wherever you stream. >> all right, happy thursday to you. we're looking at a cold air uh- parcel of cold air and a cold front all going to sweep through the bay area. part of it today, the rest of it over the weekend. right now we're looking at live doppler seven and zooming in on a few light scattered areas of mist and drizzle from marin to sonoma and along the peninsula. it's been wet in san francisco, the golden gate bridge and our exploratorium camera. you can see the raindrops there on the lens. 51, san francisco. it is 52 hayward, san jose and san mateo, so be careful out there. a gorgeous view of the sierra nevada, but you know that's about to change where we're going to cut right to the chase. now and show you how much snow and rain we're expecting for the next four days. you can see that 99in at kirkwood, 4 to 8ft above 7000ft. an inch and a quarter in
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san francisco through sunday, two inches in a third in santa rosa. now, the details here with the high surf throughout the day tomorrow into saturday. and then we're looking at the very gusty winds throughout the middle of the day today into the evening.
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i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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a six year old boy charged with attempted murder. >> do we just send them home and say, go and sin no more? i hope not. >> the case grabbed national headlines as authorities grappled with the appropriate punishment for his grossly
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outrageous that he would characterize a six year old boy as evil. nearly 30 years later, i'm seeking answers. hola nachito. so i go searching for the victim and the accused. brandon leon melendez. seeing how lives have changed and others have moved on in. is there anything to forgive? was justice served. sat down with brandon toliver for a lengthy conversation about what happened that day and that interview. and the complete story. can be seen on our abc seven news streaming app. it was really moving for me and really closure as well, because i always promised myself that i would someday find them. and you
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did. and we did. yeah. and first of all, compliment to you this is, i think, some of the best work you've ever done. >> you've done so much great work here. thank you. but also one of the most compelling stories that i've ever seen this station produce. and it's really because of the generosity of the people who are in this story. um so brandon toliver talked to you, which was so surprising to me. was it surprising to you that after all these years, he would go on camera? >> uh- no one else has interviewed him? so it was surprising to me. um, we had left a card at his house in stockton and actually, uh, he called me a few days later, and the first thing i said to him was, you know, we're doing this story, but i will understand if you say no. and if you do, i will never bother you again. i'll hang up right now because you have everything to lose with this story. um, and i think he was surprised about that. i never said you should do it.
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never that was up to him because , um, i really, you know, it was a moment where i had to think. do i tell his story? but i thought it's important for him to have a voice and i think he also felt that it was important. and, yeah, he did to he said, let me think about it. i'll ask my mom and my family. and two days later he says, i want to do the interview. yeah >> and i have to imagine that everyone and i don't want to give away anything. for anyone who hasn't watched it yet. they obviously know how the case went. if you've been following the coverage, but to hear what he said. yeah, and. to be so close with his family in terms of, you know, hearing how how the sister at least was willing to forgive and willing to move past, willing to sit down and have that conversation again. do you think there's any room for that? >> well, first of all, the family is very forgiving. the bermudez family. and one of the things that touched my heart very much was the brother who says, the younger brother who
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says anyone i marry, um, knows or has to know that, you know, we're going to take care of my brother. and if they're not willing to do that, they can just go away because my brother is here to stay. that's one brother in the accused child who's now 33 years old. um, he had a lot of questions for me, a lot of questions, because i don't think, well, i don't know if he remembers that much. the case. you know, when it was when he had the attorney and everything, john burris and so he was asking me a lot of questions. so i was treading lightly there. i, you know, it wasn't my job to tell him what happened. i just wanted him to have a voice and to say, what he wanted to say. an opportunity for him. um, and he took that opportunity. and you know, you can you can judge whatever you
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want or however you want. you can say that he didn't own up to it. really but it you know, for him, it was important to have that moment. >> um, well, you know, we're thinking about the ignacio's family and they were extremely graceful to talk to you and to open up. and so forgiving right after so much love. >> right. so much love. yes. >> and he remains the center of the story as he should. yes, leanne. thank you. really appreciate you being here. thank you guys. you can watch the full story, including all the interviews on our abc seven news streaming app. again, it's called unthinkable. it's available on demand and it is now streaming on the abc seven bay area app. take the 20 minutes today and watch it. i don't think you'll regret it. okay let's see what traffic is doing this morning. hi, gloria. >> good morning. yeah, such a powerful story. thanks to leanne for joining us this morning. well, we do have a crash that we're following right now in orinda. this is on westbound 24 after wilder road. and right now, speeds are down to nine miles per hour in this area. we're also following another crash. this is in lexington
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hills on northbound 17 after redwood estates road. right now, the two northbound lanes are currently blocked and speeds are down to 16mph. this is just a two lane road, so this is causing some major delays in this area. and right now we're going to head over to lisa and get an update on your weather. good morning lisa. >> hey gloria. good morning to you. hopefully the rain. not surprising you this morning. we've been talking about it. we've got cold air behind the cold front that's going to push on through by the middle of the day. so it's going to stay with us. the effects of this system and an area of low pressure to the north of us for the weekend, with rounds of rain, even a thunderstorm, 51 look at that. sfo can't see much at all there. 52 in san jose and mount tam. oh yeah, temperatures in the upper 40s to low 50s already rainy in the north bay, the peninsula, san francisco by 9:00, much of the north bay experiencing some light rain. by 130. the cold front is pushing through southern marin, and by about 4 or 5:00 it's pushing through the east bay and south bay, so it's
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a soggy commute for the morning and the evening. we're looking at light rainfall amounts anywhere from a couple of hundredths from mountain view to fremont to 2/10 in richmond. but the winds will be a factor as well. so looking at your friday here comes more rain into your saturday. and that's when the snow continues to pile up with that blizzard warning in effect right now. and does it end anytime soon? no, we're going to see more rain into next week. so upper 50s to near 60 today with the scattered showers to start out and then becoming more widespread and the winds picking up throughout the middle of the day. the accuweather seven day forecast level one system today. level two system with the colder air in place and thunderstorms possible for your friday and then spotty showers, some downpours on saturday, sunday. more showers. we get our break on monday and you can see it's going to be a rainy time of it into march. >> yeah, you know we're going to to yo toya tahoe report right now. we do want to emphasizehe tvel to tahoe is
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discouraged because of that blizzard. however if you must go out there, you should go out there before 10:00. this morning because dangero conditions could likelythe as you're driving to tahoe. so again, if you're going no chains are required to palis tahoerom the city. it will take you three hours and 17 minutes to north star, california. three hours, 14 minutes to heavenly, three hours, 21 minutes. a then if you're going to some of the other resorts like sugar bowl resort, that will take you two hours and 55 minutes. siea tahoe two hours and 58 minutes, and kirkwood three hours and 22 minutes. but we want to keep emphasizing that theondions could be dangerous. if you're driving out there, be very, very careful. and if you're able to avoid travel out there t, very important to do so. and again, if you absolutely have to go, do go before 10:00 this morning. >> gloria. thank you. the bay area's oldest burmese restaurant has picked up another distinction a coveted james beard award. mandalay on california street in san francisco in a richmond
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district, is one of only six restaurants to get the james beard foundation's america's classic award. the restaurant has been in business since 1984. since then, it's really been a pioneer, sort of the grandfather of bay area burmese restaurants introduced us to specialties like ferment and tea leaf salad and hearty noodle noodle soups. oh, that is a very exciting and so happy and so happy for the san francisco. >> also, because without san francisco, i'm not going to be open a restaurant. >> and the walls to all the talking for them because they're filled with their so, so many honors and awards, and they say they're going to take the time. of course, to make sure that this new james beard award is going to be in a high profile location as they should. >> now. up next, the seven things you need to know today and a reminder you can watch all of our newscasts live and on demand through the abc seven bay area connected tv app that's on
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apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv, and roku. >> just download the app now and you can start streaming. >> and as we head to break here at 655, we'll take you outside. the sun is up, the waves are waving. we'll be right back. >> this report has been sponsored by your local toyota dealers. toyota. let's go places out here. every run tells a story. every turn, every hill. i icons are made and when you're pushed to the limit, that's the sweet spot there is no best. >> only better. take it on. >> on the official vehicle of palisades tahoe, toyota. let's go places. >> when i think about black history, i think about preserving legacy. my family opened our first mcdonald's location in 1988, and now i'm a next generation owner operator, continuing that legacy over the past three decades, we have
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supported our local community in many ways through mentorship and volunteering efforts. we have contributed to the ronald mcdonald house, the boys and girls club of the peninsula, and other charitable causes. i want to be an example to other young black entrepreneurs and inspire the next generation to give back. i'm lauren and i'm creating black history at mcdonald's, overflowing with ideas and energy. >> that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is easily the most impressive candidate known for her grilling of corporate executives with deep policy knowledge. katie porter's housing plan has bipartisan, friendly ideas to bring home building costs down, and the chronicle praises her ideas to end soft corruption in politics. let's shake up the senate with democrat katie porter. >> i'm katie porter and i approve this message. >> i was injured in a car crash. i had no idea how much my case was worth. >> call the barnes firm to find out what your case could be worth. we will help you get the best result possible. come.
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808 million. >> if you're just joining us, here are the seven things you need to know. >> this morning. number one, it's going to be a rainy day out there. a level one system bringing some light rain to start out. but it will begin to intensify throughout the afternoon with gusty winds to follow. >> number two pg and e says it is prepared for the incoming storm. crews and equipment are being pre-staged in areas that could be hit hard, like the counties around lake tahoe. >> number three oakland mayor shang tao says she's not going to a public forum tonight with the police chief candidates. she's concerned it could jeopardize finding the best candidates. the forum starts at 630 at oakland city hall. >> number four, president biden heads to the us-mexico border today. he's expected to meet with border patrol agents and local leaders to defend a
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bipartisan border security deal, which was killed by house republicans earlier this month. donald trump will also visit the border. he's in a different area of texas. >> number five, the final two lee's deli locations are closing for good. the chain has been a san francisco staple for 40 years. they used to have about a dozen of these stores, the owner says a lack of foot traffic after the pandemic and inflation led to that decision. >> and number six, a crash in orinda is causing some major delays there. this is on westbound 24 after wilder road, and speeds are down to 14mph in that area. >> number seven, the bay area's very own e-40, will once again perform at the alameda county fair this summer. he's telling you when to go. he will headline on thursday, june 20th. season ticket holders get early access to tickets on march 13th. general ticket sales start march 15th, so i just saw that kacey musgraves announced a few minutes ago she's coming back to san francisco. >> and when is it a tuesday night? because that's the only thing we get here. concerts that
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are on tuesday. >> yeah. >> and for such a major city, you would think it would be on a weekend that's talking about you would think that they would come to the region and plan things for the weekend so that so many people can go, yeah, but you know what? you can get the day off again like you did for madonna the next day off. >> right? i guess so i guess i have unlimited do i have unlimited pto now? >> is that are you giving me a lemonade? >> hey, if i if i could make that call, wouldn't that be nice? >> all i want is a saturday night concert and a macy's, but can't get that yet. >> and a macy's by. good morning america for our viewers in the west. >> supreme court takes donald trump's case. major consequences in the race for president. high court set to hear an appeal on donald trump's claim of absolute immunity, central to his defense against charges he illegally tried to overturn the 2020 election as a judge in another state, kicks him off the ballot. >> wildfires burning out of control, turning


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