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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  February 29, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PST

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>> yeah. >> and for such a major city, you would think it would be on a weekend that's talking about you would think that they would come to the region and plan things for the weekend so that so many people can go, yeah, but you know what? you can get the day off again like you did for madonna the next day off. >> right? i guess so i guess i have unlimited do i have unlimited pto now? >> is that are you giving me a lemonade? >> hey, if i if i could make that call, wouldn't that be nice? >> all i want is a saturday night concert and a macy's, but can't get that yet. >> and a macy's by. good morning america for our viewers in the west. >> supreme court takes donald trump's case. major consequences in the race for president. high court set to hear an appeal on donald trump's claim of absolute immunity, central to his defense against charges he illegally tried to overturn the 2020 election as a judge in another state, kicks him off the ballot. >> wildfires burning out of control, turning deadly in texas
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, nearly 1 million acres of scorched earth the race to get out, as families wake up with no homes. new questions for boeing. why the justice department is now investigating the company, after the midair door blowout earlier this year. and overnight the emergency landing due to a plane's cracked windshield. gio is tracking it all. murder mystery in amish country. the urgent search for the killer after a 23-year-old pregnant woman was found dead in her home. we're live on the scene. breaking up with spring break? the popular destination cracking down on vacationers. this morning the points guy is here to help you pick the best spot and stay on budget. sour note. with excitement over the return of the chocolate movie king, an unauthorized disappointing willy wonka experience shut down. what the actor who was hired to play wonka told us. so where is the beef?
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wendy's responding to reaction over surge pricing. special delivery. >> i just delivered my baby. >> you did? >> yeah. >> one family's newest member who couldn't wait to enter the road, on the side of the road. ♪ might as well jump ♪ we're jumping into leap year an cruising in the party that only happens once every four years. don't miss the leaplings live from the high seas. i tell ya, this woman can jump and score. caitlin clark, breaking yet another record. >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> she's this close to passing pistol pete. happy leap year, everybody. good morning america. >> we have a lot of news to get to this morning including the duelling border visits by president trump and president biden to highlight one of the top issues in this year's election. >> we begin with the supreme court agreeing to hear donald trump's claim that he is immune on federal charges of attempting
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to overturn the 2020 election. that puts his trial on hold serving the former president's strategy of pushing his trials past the presidential election. chief washington correspondent jon karl starts us off. good morning, jon. >> reporter: good morning, george. in deciding to take up the issue of presidential immunity, the supreme court has effectively delayed the most far reaching criminal case against donald trump, raising the real possibility that the trial in that case could be pushed back to late summer or fall, or possibly until after the presidential election. the supreme court is now on track to weigh in on claim donald trump has made, both in the courtroom and on the campaign trail. >> the president has to have immunity. there is nothing more important to a presidency than immunity. >> reporter: donald trump's claim of absolute immunity is central to his defense against the allegation that he illegally tried to overturn the 2020 election in an effort that culminated in the january 6th attack on the u.s. capitol.
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the trial in that case, brought by special counsel jack smith, was originally scheduled to start next week, but is now on hold as the supreme court considers trump's immunity claims. the high court scheduled arguments in case for late april, with a decision not coming until several weeks after that, possibly in june. whether or not the supreme court agrees with trump's claim that a president, even a former president, is immuned from criminal prosecution for virtually anything done while in office, the delay is already something of a trump victory, raising the real possibility that the trial could be pushed back until after the presidential election. earlier this month federal appeals court unanimously rejected trump's immunity claim, ruling that his, quote, stance would collapse our system of separated powers, adding, we cannot accept that the office of the presidency places its former occupants above the law for all time thereafter.
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with this delay, even if the trial was able to happen before the election, it would likely take place against the back drop of the political conventions later in the summer, or in the heat of the fall campaign, possibly, george, after voters in several states have already started casting their ballots. >> jon, another judge in illinois has thrown donald trump off the ballot. that's not likely to hold for long. >> reporter: no. this is the third state to make such a move, but the supreme court has heard arguments on this and we're expecting their decision any day now. that decision will affect all of this and the justices sure seem skeptical with the idea that trump could be thrown off the ballot. >> jon karl, thank you very much. let's bring in dan abrams. let's go to the supreme court. this question of immunity is not likely to be a close call. they will rule against donald trump there. why take it? >> because they want to put their stamp on it. the u.s. supreme court wants to weigh in on an incredibly
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important question. look, this really is all about the clock. it always has been about the clock. i think donald trump and his legal team know they're not going to win the argument that he is completely immune, that the president has complete and total immunity. the question is, when do they decide that? and now this is a really big win for donald trump if you look at his effort, as an effort to delay. >> why take 16 days to decide this? why schedule arguments two months from now? >> reporter: the 16 days shows there was some dissent within the justices about what to do here. yeah, they could have expedited it even more. look, the easiest way to deal with moving it forward would have been to say, as they do in most cases, we're not gonna hear it. right? the appellate court has ruled on this.
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we're gonna simply say this is not a case that the supreme court is going to weigh in on. and the appellate court decision would have stood against donald trump. the court not saying that. and then also not moving it quite as quickly as they could have. so i now think it's very unlikely that you're going to see this. >> one final question. could the judge, assume he's not immune, schedule the trial for november 8th? even if donald trump wins, he still has to face trial. >> that's one of the questions a professor asks in class. theoretically possible. practically, there's absolutely no way the judge is going to schedule the trial for after the slt election. there's just no way. by the way, i don't think the department of justice is going to allow the case to move forward even in the 60 days before the election. i don't think any of that period becomes a realistic possibility, although theoretically it's possible. >> thanks. >> you've been covering politics for decades. cannot underscore how unprecedented all of this is. >> last time we saw something
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like this where it had such a major impact was bush v. gore in 2000. of course they stopped counting of the votes in florida which ended up helping george w. bush. >> all right, george. thank you. dan, appreciate it. now the devastating wild fires in the texas panhandle. nearly 1 million acres burned, with one of the fires spreading to the largest in texas history. mola lenghi is on the scene, has the latest for us. good morning, mola. >> reporter: good morning, robin. officials confirming one person killed in these fires. about 15 miles from where we are here. this as they are just now beginning to assess and realize all of the damage. homes and businesses like this completely lost. and this morning, fires continuing to rage. overnight those vicious wild fires in the texas panhandle turning deadly, as the devastation left in their path comes into view. local officials confirming at
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least one woman now dead. homes reduced to ash, drone video showing swaths of burned land, as smoke billows across the plains. the fires stretching from the small towns. nearly 1 million acres of scorched earth as firefighters work to contain the blaze, many pouring into shelters. >> we had 50 plus people that came through. >> reporter: the fires so massive they could be seen from space. >> you have extremely high winds, dry fuel and low relative humidity. those conditions really make for a situation where these fires can grow rapidly. >> reporter: evacuating in a panic, some folks returned to find the charred remains of what was once their living rooms, their kitchens, their cars. their home. mallory wilhelm raised her kids in their home of 11 years. now this is all that remains. when you first put eyes on it, how did that hit you? >> made it feel real. it still doesn't feel real. just gut wrenching.
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>> reporter: this driver face to face with flame, embers whipping against the windshield. and video capturing the home of the sheriff and his wife rachel burning to the ground. barely had time to escape. >> get some clothes, get your medicines, what you needed, get your animals and go. >> reporter: but the community here stays resilient. >> we're lucky to be alive. we'll make it through. >> reporter: firefighters making some progress yesterday but this is still very much a race against time. conditions are expected to get worse, with winds expected to get much stronger today, michael. >> winds are always a problem, mola. we're going to bring in sam champion, in for ginger, starting with the forecast for this fire zone. sam, good morning. >> good morning, michael. it's incredibly important. that fire in two days became texas' second largest wild fire. as mola said, the winds will be about 30 miles per hour today but there's stronger winds coming in this weekend.
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we're waiting for the texas a&m fire service to come out with their new measurement today. it may be the largest one in texas. now, watch this cold front sweep through. 30 mile per hour winds all the way into the weekend. some gusts to 40-60 miles per hour. that east cold cold front has 60 to 70 mile winds. look at the tree damage in atlanta. we had tree damage in new york, lake effect snow in syracuse. the latest syracuse or lake effect snow is around 10 inches. that could be 14 inches with this cold air. new york you get a chill day today but you're going to mild up by the time we get towards the weekend. these are record temperatures that come in by the weekend, guys. so there's a lot of warmth coming back into play for the middle of next week. >> can't you just get it to stay? >> one way or the other, would be great. >> sam, thank you very much for that. we're going to turn now to president biden and donald trump both heading to our southern border today to highlight one of the top issues in this year's election. chief white house correspondent
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mary bruce is at the border in brownsville, texas. good morning, mary. >> reporter: good morning, michael. these rare duelling visits here to the border today, president biden and donald trump will outline very different vision for how to tackle this immigration crisis. the president is expected to meet with border patrol and once again blame donald trump for taking that bipartisan border deal that would have included some soft toughest reforms in decade. it would have imposed stricter asylum restrictions, included daily limits on border crossing, billions for security. but donald trump pressured republicans to kill that bill to deny president biden a political win. donald trump is also eager to run on this issue in november. he is already promising mass deportations if elected and ratcheting up his rhetoric today trump and biden will make their case as they both look to open this issue in november. >> president biden went for his annual physical yesterday. what did we learn from that? >> reporter: his doctor said the president is fit to serve. he found no new health concerns
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over the last year. he did say that the president is, quote, a healthy active robust 81-year-old. the annual exam did not, however, include a mental fitness test. doctors didn't think it was necessary. the white house argued the president pass a cognitive test every day just by doing his job. michael? >> mary, thank you very much. robin? now the big change coming to the senate. mitch mcconnell says he will step down as republican leader at the ends of the year ending his run as the longest serving senate leader. our senior congressional correspondent rachel scott is here on who could replace him. >> reporter: hey, robin. good morning. after 18 years in republican leadership, mitch mcconnell announcing he is stepping down from the position. the 82-year-old had a series of recent health scares in the last self-years, including a bad fall just last year. those alarming moments where he appeared to freeze mid sentence during press conferences. now mitch mcconnell, of course
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thrb , this is all about the politics of the party. he has not spoken with donald trump in years. he refused to go along with his effort to overturn the 2020 election. he blocked president obama from filling a vacancy during an election year, allowing three of trump's choices. he said he is sorry to hear that. they used to fight like hell, but he never misrepresented anything. robin? >> mentioning the president. president's son was on capitol hill yesterday. what can you tell us? >> reporter: hunter biden testified behind closed doors for seven hours as republicans push the impeachment. so far they provided no concrete evidence of any wrongdoing by president biden. much of this played out behind closed doors but the transcript will be released in the coming day, robin. >> thank you. michael? now new scrutiny on boeing.
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the justice department is now investigating its midair door blowout captured on camera in january. gio benitez is here with more. good morning, gio. >> good morning. multiple sources are telling abc news the doj is investigating the door plug blowout. you see the video right there. you remember when that door plug flew off a 737 max 9 in january while the alaska airlines flight was 16,000 feet in the air. the plane made an emergency landing. while no one was hurt, the doj wants to know if boeing violated its 2021 deferred prosecution agreement. that's when the doj was investigating boeing for those max crashes in 2018 and 2019 that killed more than 300 people. slt the settlement forced boeing to cooperate with federal government probes and fined the company $2.5 billion. boeing has declined to comment on this new investigation.
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meanwhile the faa has told boeing that it must develop a comprehensive action plan specifically on quality control:the next 90 days. >> there was an incident overnight involving an american airlines plane. >> reporter: that's right. the american flight had taken off from jfk in new york and was heading to spain when the cockpit windshield cracked. the pilots turned the plane around and landed safely in boston. it happens so much more than you think. still, each time there's an indent now with a boeing plane, i adds to that perception problem for the company. even if it isn't their fault. so on that front, there's a long road ahead for boeing, michael. >> all right, gio. thank you. we're gonna turn to reaction over reports of surge pricing coming to wendy's, but the chain is saying, not so fast. victor oquendo here in the studio with more. >> great to see you all. some people are calling this a fast food fail. the headline sparked backlash and a fire storm on social media. people concerned that wendy's was going to start surge pricing depending on the time of day. but now wendy's said it was misunderstood and it will not
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raise prices during peak hour, telling abc news, we didn't use the phrase surge pricing, nor do we plan to implement that tactic. that contradicts what the ceo said on aerpbings call earlier this month. quote, beginning as early as 2025 we will begin testing more enhanced features like dynamic pricing. dynamic pricing like uber use to describe surge pricing. wendy's said those comments were misconstrued. while they haven't said what they plan to do about pricing, wendy's said any new features would be designed to benefit our customers including the ability to offer, this is the fun part, guys, value discounts. so from surge pricing possibly some discounts. i'll bring you good news. >> wow. thank you, victor. good to have you here. >> good to be here. >> good to be here, guys. >> coming up the latest on the murder miystery in amish countr.
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what authorities are saying as they conduct an investigation. plus the unofficial willy wonka experience that hit a sour note with families. and celebrating the life and career of richard lewis as stars like larry david pay tribute to their dear friend. let's go back to our dear friends sam. >> thank you very much. let's start with the west coast snow. we've got a brand new hit of it. it's about 36 inches of snow in some places in washington state. so we're clearing that out. the rain drops in so temperatures will get rain this afternoon. l.a. little more than yesterday, maybe 1-3 inches of rain. blizzard warnings in the mountains of california go all the way until sunday. blizzard warning in california, i want you to imagine heavy snow, 4 inches an hour pushed by a long stretch of time here, pushed by 80 to 100 mile an hour winds. the blizzard warning in california, they're saying don't even bother to go out. don't go there if you're not in tahoe. don't go near there. just let this pass. this is gonna be big snow all the way to jackson and steam boat springs. we will have beautiful snow pictures to show you lear in the morning. here's what you can expect this
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>> coming up we have a big surprise this morning for a small business. a family has no idea their lives are about to change. stick around we'll be right back. my life is full of questions... mom, is yellow a light or a dark? how do i clean an aioli stain? thankfully, tide's the answer to almost all of them. why do we even buy napkins? use tide. can cold water clean white socks? it can with tide. do i need to pretreat guacamole? not with tide. this is chocolate, right? -just use... -tide...yeah. no matter who's doing it, on what cycle, or in what temperature, tide works. so i can focus on all the other questions. do crabs have eyebrows? ahh... for all of life's laundry questions, it's got to be tide. wow. that's good. almond breeze? you like the almond breeze i got you... that's sooo interesting. what's happening, dad? with delicious taste and 50% more calcium. blue diamond almond breeze. don't just milk it. almond milk it.
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dad, don't forget about my new cleats. sweetie, i can't make it to dick's this week. have you heard of have i heard of girl: let's go! let's go! have i heard of (screaming) whoa. don't overthink it. let's go shopping. anyone impressed with how fast that was? ( ♪ ) (ethan) i started smoking menthol cigarettes to be just like the cool guys in the ads. here's my tip. there's nothing cool about smoking and having a stroke. i guess they forgot to mention that in the ads. (announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. introducing ned's plaque psoriasis. he thinks his flaky, red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. it can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen.
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otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. he hits his mark —center stage—and is crushed by a baby grand piano. you're replacing me? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. ok, with me. ♪laalaalaalaalaa.♪ ♪loolooloolooloo.♪ [piano key sounds] sniffs [shake] [crash] oooops. froot loops. find the loopy side!
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i can order contacts in 5 minutes, and get them the next day. bam! wow! right now, you can save 25% on your first order. plus, fast, free shipping right to your door. (crowd cheers) sore throat got your tongue? mucinex instasoothe sore throat medicated drops. uniquely formulated for rapid relief that lasts and lasts. that's my babyyy! -ow! get mucinex instasoothe. it's comeback season. >> always live. >> abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. another closure to tell you about in the bay area. this time it's a tex-mex chain restaurant in a very desirable location. the chevy's in emeryville has been well known for its picturesque waterfront views since it first opened in 1986, but now the restaurant is planning on shutting its doors april 16th. chevy's parent company,
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experience restaurant group, hasn't given a reason for the closure. the workers of the restaurant told us they expect the land to get up to get snapped up quickly. let's see what our traffic looks like this morning, because it has been some wet roads out there. yeah there have been wet roads. >> reggie, we're also tracking a crash over in orinda this is on the westbound 24 after wilder road and right now one lane is blocked and speeds are down to nine miles per hour. here and speaking of those wet roads, you can see right here some raindrops on our camera lens. this is in san rafael, on our 101 camera and a little bit of a backup there. so just give yourself a little bit of extra time. if you're driving this morning with those possibly slick roads after that rain, we are going to check in with meteorol
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let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. lies. those dreams i'm adam schiff and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done. >> get yourself a delicious pick me up at mcdonald's. try any size mccafé premium roast coffee or try any size soft drink like refreshing coca-cola. get any size any time for just $1.69. only at mcdonald's. baa baa baa
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baa baa. >> 96.5 coyote. listen, today while you work, it's an updated mix of today's hits and yesterday's favorites like you're all around with guys like somebody start your day with the 7:30 a.m. commercial free workday kickoff. stand a little taller by by number one for listening while you work today's hits and yesterday's favorite 96.5 co. it >> jackie elward supports raising the cost of gasoline and banning new gas stations. jackie ellwood voted to raise electricity rates 100% higher than the national average. can we afford jackie aylward in the state senate? on the red carpet at the oscars, march 10th on abc seven. >> in good morning to you thursday morning. >> waking up to some soggy roadways out there from marin down through san francisco, some spotty light showers, our exploratorium camera where you
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can see it is raining. 53 in hayward, 54 half moon bay. breezy southwest winds are ready. temperatures in the 50s here for a quarter inch of rain for you in santa cruz. but there is more to come throughout the day. today. the rain will pick up by the afternoon, along with the gusty winds. reggie. >> lisa, thank you for streaming us on the abc7 bay area app. abc seven at seven continues. everybody else is watching gma >> at la-z-boy furniture galleries you'll find solutions from cozy to spacious. it's the la-z-boy trade in event. now you can trade in your old sofa or chair and save money on new la-z-boy furniture. la-z-boy furniture galleries live life comfortably. >> what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband and the father of our girls. i see a public servant, a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department, where he took on the
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astound for a plan that fits you . >> so how long have you lived here? >> over 40 years. and how are the restaurants around here? >> are they good? bad man? what's the average household income? is there a mall? i don't know, a hair salon. where do you get your hair done? >> you going to move or what? oh, i'm sorry. >> it's a lovely neighborhood, marcy, we've gotta go. i'm coming. got 17,000 more parks to visit. you want to give me a hand? we bring you the best neighborhood info. >> bingo. >> with verizon business unlimited, i get 5g truly unlimited data and unlimited hotspot data. >> so no matter what, i'm running this kitchen. >> make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon sis. >> i'm turning into a mom. are the sweater vest. oh my super soft skin. see jergens original cherry almond lotion smooth soothe. mom will be so proud. i
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like one big baby butt and now meet fragrance free jergens. >> oh, what a good time we will have. >> you can make it happen again, girl. >> try dietary supplements from voltaren for healthy joints. are you can't sleep. >> we got what u literally read my mind got you a friend in low place is where the whiskey drowns and the beer cans. >> she's my blues. >> welcome back to gma. it is hard not to chases sing blues a >> it is hard not to sing that song when our friend garth brooks does it. that is his anthem "friends in
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low places." we got a first look at something new he's cooking up. lara is gonna have more on that in pop news. >> he's always so great when he comes. >> he really is. >> fantastic. >> following a lot of headlines right now. supreme court agreed to hear donald trump's claim he is immuned from charges attempting to overturn the 2020 election. that puts the trial on hold. also breaking news on the american ballerina charged with treason being detained in russia. she appealed her detention but her appeal was just denied this morning. also this morning congressional leaders have a short term deal to prevent a partial government shutdown, but only for a week. we'll have more on that later today. democrats and republicans still need to hash out a larger long term deal. >> she's done it again. another big night for caitlin clark. she is now the all time leading women's scorer in major college basketball after surpassing lynette woodard's record. the iowa megastar is just 18 away from breaking lsu great pistol pete marevich's record.
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iowa's final regular season game is this sunday. sold out. >> expensive ticket. >> hard ticket to get, but it's worth it. we have a lot ahead including the leap day birthday bash on the high seas. that is coming up, michael. now the latest on a murder mystery in amash country after a pregnant 23-year-old was found dead inside her own home. stephanie ramos is in spartanburg, pennsylvania. good morning, stephanie. >> reporter: michael, good morning. investigators have no suspect in custody for the killing of that young amish woman here in her home in northwestern pennsylvania. this murder leaving a community stunned and scared. this morning an urgent search young way for the killer who took the life of 23-year-old rebecca byler in amish country. >> this is a criminal homicide investigation. keep your doors locked. >> reporter: the tight community of spartansburg, pennsylvania, on edge, after the pregnant
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mother of two was found murdered inside her home monday afternoon. authorities now completing her autopsy, but not revealing details about how she died, except that it was suspicious. charlene hyatt works at the pharmacy that serves the amish who live in this town. >> everyone is stunned because things like this just don't happen around here. it's scary and frustrating. >> reporter: the community extremely rural and religious, is removed from the mainstream world shunning most modern technology and relying on horse and buggy. family members telling our abc affiliate wjet they saw a red jeep in rebecca's drive way around 10 a.m. the day she died. wjet also reporting byler's two young children were home when her body was discovered and that her husband reportedly was not there during the time of the murder, arriving home to discover her body. experts say in these kinds of communities, homicides are rare. >> the amish are a peace church. they have a strong cultural
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imperative not to get involved in violence. >> reporter: state police are asking the public for help in trying to find whoever did this. michael? >> all right. thank you so much. robin? >> oh my goodness. now to celebrating the life of one of the most influential comedians of his time. richard lewis was among the top standups in the '80s and '90s and recently appeared in curb your enthusiasm as a version of himself. lara is here with more on his amazing life and career. >> good morning, robin. yes. richard lewis made a career of dressing in black and exposing his neurosis in a very funny way. for five decades his angst made him one of the funniest comedians of our time. >> who is that? >> it's a self-portrait. >> that's you? >> what do you think a self-portrait means? yeah, that's me. >> this morning the entertainment world remembering one of its most beloved comic,
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richard lewis, who made fans laugh by playing a version of himself on "curb your enthusiasm." >> just because i'm a comedian i have to find everything in the world fun stpheu? >> yes, everything's funny. >> representatives for the actor confirming to abc news he died monday night after suffering a heart attack in his los angeles home. >> i left my shrink too soon. i had to take an incomplete. i just don't know what i'm doing anymore. >> lewis, breaking into the new york and l.a. comedy scenes in the 1970s. >> i have goose butches the size of grape fruits. [ laughter ] >> before starring in the abc comedy "anything but love" alongside jamie lee curtis. the two playing marty and hannah. coworkers struggling to keep their feelings out of the office. the pair stopping by gma in 1989 to talk about the show. >> hi, john. >> she's mocking me before 6 a.m. >> curtis taking to instagram to share photos and memories of lewis saying, rest in laughter, richard. my marty, i love you, hannah. >> now i'm in trouble. >> self-deprecating dark humor kept him busy in hollywood. roles in robinhood, men in
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tights and leaving las vegas. most recently lewis had been back on the final season of "curb your enthusiasm" alongside larry david. >> i think this is the happiest i have ever been in my life. >> i don't even know who i'm looking at right now. >> how is something good happening to me? >> reporter: david saying in a statement tuesday, richard and i were born three days apart in the same hospital, and for most of my life he's been like a brother to me. he had that rare combination of being the funniest person and also the sweetest. but today, he made me sob and for that i'll never forgive him. richard lewis was 76. in 2023 lewis announced he was taking a break from standup after revealing he'd been living with parkinson's disease. his wife joyce thanked everybody for all of their love and friendship during this very difficult time. he was -- [ laughter ] the neurosis. something we can all relate to. >> when you watch "curb" you see the relationship of their friendship. >> so real. the show kind of is.
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>> thank you, lara. coming up why some fans were disappointed over what the internet is calling willy wonka's fyre fest. come on back. internet is calling willy wonka's fyre fest. come on back. delectables. delickables? delectables. delickable delectables. yes, just hurry! hm. it must be delicious. got it. delectables lickable treat. ♪ deliciously de-lick-able delectables ♪ she found it. the feeling of finding the psoriasis treatment she's been looking for. she found sotyktu, a once—daily pill for moderate—to—severe plaque psoriasis... for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding your back... is back. or finding psoriasis can't deny the splendor of these thighs.
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♪ once—daily sotyktu was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. there's only one sotyktu, so ask for it by name. so clearly you. sotyktu. jordan's sore nose let out a fiery sneeze, so dad grabbed puffs plus lotion to soothe her with ease. puffs plus lotion is gentle on sensitive skin and locks in moisture to provide soothing relief. a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. america's #1 lotion tissue. life, diabetes, there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do.
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that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. when i have pain from arthritis i grab biofreeze. unlike voltaren, biofreeze provides fast-acting relief i can apply it to more areas of my body. and it's nsaid-free. cool the pain so i can get back on the court. [crowd noises] smiling first can help someone find the courage to do the same. ♪ ♪ zyrtec! ♪ works hard at hour 1 and twice as hard when you take it again the next day. so betty can be the...
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barcode beat conductor. ♪ let's be more than our allergies! and for fast allergy relief with a powerful decongestant, try zyrtec-d. that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. back with a look at the willy wonka chocolate experience. it enraged parent, they're calling it a ripoff. some even called the police to complain. trevor ault has the story. good morning, trevor. >> reporter: good morning, george. this cost nearly $200 u.s. for a family of four.
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promised magic and wonder and a chocolate river. instead it had parents furious, some children were crying. the internet calling it willy wonka's fyre fest. when you see the pictures, you will see why. >> ladies and gentlemen, my name is willy wonka. >> reporter: for more than 50 years the story of willy wonka and his chocolate factory has captured our imagination. ♪ come with me and you'll be in a world of pure imagination ♪ >> reporter: conjuring up a magical experience chock full of candy and chocolate rivers. >> no other factory in the world mixes its chocolate by waterfall. it's the only way if you want it just right. >> reporter: those are the images parents had in mind when they took their family to the willy wonka experience in scott land. the advertisement spoke of cascading chocolate fountain, giant mushrooms filled with sweets. instead they got this. >> so you get nothing!
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>> reporter: a nearly empty warehouse. >> we go in. there was maybe 20 chairs, something like that, a few table, a half inflated bouncey castle. >> reporter: a sad looking oompa loompa standing next to a half finished science project. >> we were all looking at each other in disbelief really. >> reporter: one parent telling abc his kids were given a jelly bean and half cup of limeade. no chocolate could be found. >> my little girl. she's only 4. she was dressed up as willy wonka. she was looking forward to it and she was quite disapointed. >> reporter: even paul connell, the man hired to play wonka, i was says he was duped. >> i was very excited. then i received the script, reaction to the event. understandably people are outraged. that's not okay. they were really let down. >> reporter: the event organizer which advertises extraordinary events and immersive experiences shut down the event midday.
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so far nobody has received a refund. even the actors say they have not been paid. event organizers have not responded to our comment. they have also been advertising a harry potter experience. i don't think that will happen. >> buyer beware. yeah. >> generally not a good idea when the internet compares your event to a meth lab, which is what they were saying after this willy wonka experience. that's what they were saying. >> wow. okay, trevor. coming up later, is it too late to book your spring break flight? the answer to that and more with spring break on a budget. and advice from the points guy. next our leap day play of the day. accelerate growth, predict trends, you need to begin with trust. introducing watsonx governance. helping you govern any ai, as data, models, and policies change,
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so you can scale it responsibly. let's create ai that begins with trust, with watsonx governance. ibm. let's create. [coughing] copd isn't pretty. i'm out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. ( ♪ ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups. trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur.
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♪ what a wonderful world ♪ [laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. wow. that's good. almond breeze? you like the almond breeze i got you... that's sooo interesting. what's happening, dad? with delicious taste and 50% more calcium. blue diamond almond breeze. don't just milk it. almond milk it. shake up your shower with a flavor for every feeling. this dove freshens you up. this dove winds you down. this dove leaves you glowing. and this dove keeps you going. so whatever care you care about, there's a dove for every body. it's time to feed the dogs real food, not highly processed pellets. the farmer's dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it's not dry food. it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come.
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back with our play of the day. it is leap day. the celebration only comes every four years. lara is here with people who are cruising into their birthday. >> i like that. as you said, it comes every four years, so for people born on february 29th, it is a big deal especially if you get to share it with other leaplings on a caribbean cruise. take a look. meet the nearly 70 so called leap day babies who have traveled near and far to celebrate their once every four year birthday aboard royal caribbean's freedom of the seas. >> hi. my name is sherry. i'm turning 14 and 56. >> i'm celebrating my 11th birthday. >> today is my 12th birthday. >> hi.
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i'm turning 15 and 60. >> karen sroka organized the cruise. the success proved 2024 would be even bigger and better. >> i created lanyards that says leap day baby on it. >> live music, dancing and celebrating with people who we have this one unique bond with, within this entire group. >> one in 1,461 are born on the day that comes once every four years including famous faces tony robbins and ja rule. leaplings traveling in from the u.k., sweden, canada and around 26 different u.s. states to get in on this special cruise. >> we have a mother and daughter who were both born on leap day. we also have a couple who, they are both leaplings. they were also married on leap day. >> so we're joined by leapling karen sroka.
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she helped organize the cruise. first, happy birthday to all of you. happy birthday, everybody. >> thank you, thank you. we're so excited about this. >> so happy that we can do this live. you are on the cruise now. you are 12 years old today leap years. leap years. how do you celebrate that? >> well, we celebrate on a cruise with 69 other leap day babies who are also in attendance. today at 1 p.m. we do have a formal leap day ball where we're going to have a ball. >> i hope so. we're dying to see pictures of that. do you celebrate differently when it's the actual leap year versus when you celebrate on february 28th or march 1st? >> yes. for me personally, i celebrate on february 28th. i was born in february and a lot of my family was born in february as well, so i have kept it there. but others in attendance behind me, some celebrate both the 28th
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and the 1st. some only celebrate on the 1st. >> i would go with both as well. why not? what does one wear to the big leap day ball? >> we made it kind of semiformal/formal. people can come casual but the majority of people coming today will be wearing a formal ball gown or suit of some sort. >> karen, why not, right? it only happens once every four years. we're so grateful that you came on. >> we're going all out. >> yeah. it's your leap day birthday. only happens once every four years. thank you for spending your morning with us. happy birthday, everybody! >> thank you. >> cruise on. one of my very dear friends is a leap baby. today she turns 15 and then she said don't do the math. [ laughter ] >> it has to be special when it actually falls on the day. >> yeah, yeah. she's on her way to a vacation with her husband.
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>> in the caribbean? >> she is not. happy birthday. >> we'll see you back with pop news. we have a special leap day deals and steals coming up. tory brought extra deals for the extra day so an extra day to spend or save your money.ra dayn extra day to spend or save your money. see for yourself. behind! you kiss your mother with that mouth? [lion roars] we been doing this for years. hello. wow! i love you. i hate this place... it's the worst. win or lose, we'll do it together. i might even give you a hug. maybe not. hulu and disney+. better together for one low price. we work well together. yea we know. with the disney bundle. vital proteins collagen peptides supports joint flexibility, which is good when we ask our legs to be arms. vital proteins. for everybody with a body. you know that feeling of having to re-wash dishes
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if your moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks... choose stelara® from the start... and move toward relief after the first dose... with injections every two months. stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition,
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may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. feel unstoppable. ask your doctor how lasting remission can start with stelara®. janssen can help you explore cost support options. emergen-c crystals pop and fizz when you throw them back. and who doesn't love a good throwback? ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) emergen-c crystals. how how about a look at some gorgeous california powder we've had in the last couple months. this is cooper mountain, colorado. looking at 215 inches of snow. that's 17 feet of powder on the slopes. northern parts of the mountains have had really good snow this season. look at utah, from 95 to 123% of what you should have had. southern areas have not been doing as well. we could use more southern oriented snow.
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this next system does bring that northern snow. coming up social media trend taking over our closets. how to determine which colors are best suited for you? are you a spring or summer? we have a surprise f i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. has. he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon, and i approve this message. >> listening to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family. because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do. hi, guys. how are. so, what are you guys drinking? >> constant comment when i'm drinking bigelow tea.
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>> it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. that's what a cup of tea is. >> a moment for you. someone you love. oh it tastes really great. >> yes, it was always bigelow tea. wow >> that's what my family hopes for. >> cheers. cheers. >> what's your emergency? >> our job is a whirlwind. when there's disaster to deal with. who are we? >> my wife. where is she? >> saving the ship. 9-1-1 comes to abc. >> always live. >> abc seven news starts right now. good morning. >> i'm reggie aqui from abc. seven mornings house traffic. gloria. good morning. >> reggie. we are still tracking this crash over in orinda. this is a rollover crash on westbound 24 after wilder road. right now, speeds are down to 17mph. currently, this is blocking the two right lanes. and right now a live look at our bay bridge toll plaza camera rig. very crowded out here right now. metering lights flipped on at 543. if you
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are taking the carpool lanes, though, you will not have any waits at all. lisa. all right, gloria, good morning to you. >> most of the rain has been hung up along the coast and in the north bay. some spotty showers, live doppler seven picking up on just a little bit of rain. but our cameras evidence of that from our exploratorium. camera 53, san jose. and and looking at the oakland airport. we are dry now, but that all changes as the front pushes through today. light rainfall amounts a couple of hundredths to about a quarter of an inch, and looking at more rain throughout the next several days. reggie. thanks, lisa. >> if you're streaming us on the abc seven bay area app, we continue with abc seven at seven. everybody else is watching good morning america. >> katherine lybarger won higher wages for nursing assistants and janitors overtime pay for farm workers, and catherine is winning equal pay for more women. uber is so afraid of both overtime and equal pay. they're spending $1 million to try and
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beat catherine. catherine is endorsed by california's nurses and teachers equality california and california environmental voters. >> the barnes firm has years of experience handling thousands of car crash cases. we will give you the support you need and help to get the best result possible. burn injury attorneys call one 808 million. >> start your workday feeling good. listen to 96.5 koat on weekday mornings for the 7:30 a.m. commercial free workday kickoff. nearly 90 minutes of today's hits and yesterday's favorites. 96.5 kayo. it at la-z-boy furniture galleries. >> you'll find solutions from cozy to spacious. it's the la-z-boy trade in event. now you can trade in your old sofa or chair and save money on new la-z-boy furniture. la-z-boy furniture galleries live life comfortably. >> democrats agree conservative
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republicans steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. >> our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. >> mr. garvey, you voted for him twice as your own man. >> what is your decision? >> garvey is wrong for california, but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey adam schiff for senate i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. >> we can't spell astound without you. and you can count on our fiber powered network to deliver award winning, ultra fast, ultra reliable internet and we can't be beat with mobile on one of the nation's largest, most reliable 5g networks. save on internet just $20 a month, plus ad mobile for $15 more. we do everything with you in mind, bringing you ultra reliability, speed and saving. get internet for $20 a month. ad mobile for $15 more. switch to astound for a plan that fits you. >> there's one proposition on
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the march 5th ballot to address our humanitarian crisis of homelessness, mental illness and addiction. one proposition to get californians with mental health needs off the streets and into housing. one proposition to give homeless vets the help and dignity they deserve. one proposition to train thousands of new mental health professionals. one proposition, supported by democrats, republicans and leading newspapers. so vote yes on prop one. this week live is heading to las vegas >> good morning america. >> it's 8 a.m. the supreme court is set to hear an appeal on donald trump's claim of absolute immunity, central to his defense against charges he illegally tried to overturn. the 2020 election as a judge in another state, kicks him off the ballot questions this morning about princess kate's health this morning, prince william makes an appearance spring break on a budget.
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the points guy helping you land savings on the best time to book travel. plus vacation dupes. where you can get more bang for your buck. winter spring summer or fall? it's the classic fashion hack turned viral trend. >> what's the verdict? >> i am an autumn. >> how to know what hue is best for you. plus one color that works for everyone. ♪ bye bye bye ♪ >> hello again 'nsync. justin timberlake teasing the band could be surprising fans with something special. ♪ taking care of business every day ♪ >> and order up. >> lamb chop is to die for. the cheesecake. >> oh my god. >> we're serving up a delicious surprise for this family owned restaurant that's the heart and soul of brooklyn. they have no idea their lives are about to change this morning, as we say --
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>> good morning america! >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> this is gma. good morning america. happy february 29th. we're celebrating leap day this morning with tory johnson. she brought extra, extra deals and steals for this extra day of the year. bargains so good they only come every four years. that's how good they are. >> yet you have to pay the bill every month. [ laughter ] >> good reason for extra deals and steals. >> why not? why not? >> i love seeing tory here. she always brings it. we have the latest on princess kate after prince william made an appearance this morning. first top stories breaking at 8. supreme court agreed to hear donald trump's claim he's immune to prosecution on federal charges in an attempt to overturn the 2020 election. that puts his trial on hold, serving the former president's strategy of pushing his trials past the presidential election. want to go back to our chief washington correspondent jon karl. good morning, jon. >> reporter: good morning, george. in deciding to take up the issue
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of presidential immunity, the supreme court is effectively delaying the most far reaching criminal case against donald trump raising the real possibility that this case could be delayed, the trial in this case, could be delayed until after the presidential election. the supreme court is now on track to weigh in on a claim donald trump has made both in the courtroom and on the campaign trail. >> the president has to have immunity. there is nothing more important to a presidency than immunity. >> reporter: donald trump's claim of absolute immunity is central to his defense against the allegation that he illegally tried to overturn the 2020 election in an effort that culminated in the january 6th attack on the u.s. capitol. the trial in that case brought by special counsel jack smith was originally scheduled to start next week, but is now on hold as the supreme court considers trump's immunity claims. the high court is scheduled oral arguments in the case for late april, with a decision likely
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not coming until several weeks after that, possibly in june. whether or not the supreme court agrees that a president, even a former president, is immune from criminal prosecution for virtually anything done while in office, the delay is already something of a trump victory, raising the real possibility that the trial could be pushed back until after the presidential election. earlier this month a federal appeals court ruled the immunity claim would collapse our system of separation of powers, adding, we cannot accept the office of the presidency places its former occupants above the law for all time there after. michael? >> that's a good point there, jon. thank you very much for that. now to prince william, making an appearance this morning amid new questions about the royal family. maggie rulli is tracking the latest for us from london. maggie, some people are concerned about kate.
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>> reporter: hey, michael. yeah, good morning. those concerns are just growing. we just saw prince william for the first time this morning. he visited a synagogue. this was the first time since he bowed out of the memorial service earlier this week. his explanation for that is that it was a personal matter. but that reasoning on the led to more concerns about his wife's health. kensington palace has said kate is doing well. in a statement just this morning they said, kensington palace made it clear in january the timelines of the princess's recovery an we would only be providing significant updates. that guidance stands. we haven't seen her since christmas. now questions about her condition are reaching a fever pitch. they are even becoming bit of an online phenomenon, with people coming up with wild theories about her where abouts. possibly fueling this is the fact that we've been seeing videos and photos of the king as he under goes his cancer treatment but nothing on kate. all we know is that she went into the hospital for planned
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abdominal surgery in january and is now still recovering at home. robin? >> we still hope she is doing well, maggie. thank you. now the special delivery on the side of the road. a new baby. erielle reshef is here with the story. how are mom, baby and after this adventure, how's dad? >> reporter: robin, happy to report they are all doing well. they have quite a story to tell. there are lots of dads who are supportive during the birth of their baby, but few can say they actually delivered their babies themselves. this morning this is a badge of honor for this kansas city dad who sprang into action. >> i just delivered my baby. >> breatheing? >> yeah. >> all right. great. >> reporter: body camera footage capturing a video 3:30 in the morning this hero dad made a special delivery. >> northbound u.s. 159. baby was just delivered. >> reporter: miami county officers responding to a call for medical assistance in the early morning hours tuesday.
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arriving to find the car doors open and riley on the ground before making a surprise announcement. >> i just delivered my baby. >> you did? >> yeah. >> reporter: one officer leaning in to check on the mother danielle and the baby. >> congratulations. >> reporter: a grateful riley offering a fist bump to officers who helped provide life saving instructions until medical personnel arrived. danielle and the newborn are visible still in the front seat. the baby, wrapped in riley's red t-shirt. as ems and fire crews tended to the pair. the sheriff's office sharing an update on facebook saying both mother and baby are doing great and congratulations to the family. of course we echo that. they need a copy of that body camera video, robin. >> thanks for sharing that. this morning we want to show some love and raise awareness for the many families marking rare disease day. these are illnesses that can often be overlooked affecting a few of them 1 in 2,000 people. many of these illnesses start in childhood.
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i want you to see a young man who has persevered through so many challenges. that is tristan. that is the brother of my former long time assistant sunny. he has grin one. as his mom told me, he is the rarest of the rare as no one in that community has been identified with his same variant. and he is going strong. >> good. >> yeah. >> we're thinking about him. coming up in our gma morning menu, spring break on a budget. when's the best time to book your travel? and top alternative destinations as some hot spots crack down. also ahead, justin teasing something new with some old friends. will we get more music from 'nsync? plus we have a big surprise this morning. ike ejiochi is with marcus samuelsson and derrick hayes. they will surprise a small business in brooklyn. lara is with lori b. >> hi, robin. that's right. we're hoping you find the right colors for you.
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do you remember being asked what's your season? well, it's back thanks to a viral tik tok trend. lori will show us what you can do if you can't visit an expert. we'll let you know if you're a summer winter spring or fall coming up on good morning america. fall, coming up on "good morning america." ♪ ♪ red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. it can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. ohhh crap. now we gotta get france something. wait! we can use etsy's new gift mode! alright. done. ♪ plateau de fromage!
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oh la la! don't panic. gift easy with gift mode, new on etsy. ma, ma, ma— ( clears throat ) for fast sore throat relief, try vicks vapocool drops. with two times more menthol per drop, and powerful vicks vapors to vaporize sore throat pain. vicks vapocool drops. vaporize sore throat pain. to build the electric vehicle of the future, you need partners. mining partners. technology partners. education. supply chain. energy. what if one partner could do it all? that partner is ontario, canada. with all the critical minerals to make electric vehicle batteries. 65,000 stem graduates per year. one of north america's largest i.t. clusters. a fully integrated supply chain. all powered by one of the cleanest grids in north america. ontario. your innovation partner. ( ♪ ) struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1? ask about vraylar. because you are greater than your bipolar 1, and you can help take control of your symptoms with vraylar.
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some medicines only treat the lows or highs. vraylar treats depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar 1 in adults. proven full-spectrum relief for all bipolar 1 symptoms. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles or confusion which may mean a life-threatening reaction or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain and high cholesterol may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. sleepiness and stomach issues are also common. side effects may not appear for several weeks. ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. (man) excuse me, would you mind taking a picture of us? learn how abbvie (tony) oh, no problem. (man) thanks. (tony) yes, problem. you need verizon. get the new iphone 15 pro with tons of storage. so you can take all the pics! (vo) trade-in any iphone in any condition and get a new iphone 15 pro
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and an ipad and apple watch se all on us. only on verizon. wow. that's good. almond breeze? you like the almond breeze i got you... that's sooo interesting. what's happening, dad? with delicious taste and 50% more calcium. blue diamond almond breeze. don't just milk it. almond milk it. feeling claritin clear is like... ♪ is she? playing with the confidence of a pro and getting all up in that grass
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as if she doesn't have allergies? yeah. nice. that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. ♪ ♪ >> [laughs] that music will get you going >> tomorrow global day of unplugging. we're going to check in with deborah roberts to see how she did with her flip phone experiment. right now let's go to michael. >> george, thank you. now our gma cover story.
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spring break on a budget. if you're looking for the best deals for your spring get away, we have tips on when and where to book your trip from nikki calvin. editor in large at the points guy. good morning. thank you for being here. we always get these tips on -- confetti. they're happy you're here. best time to book to get the best deals. so you're gonna tell us if these are fly or fake, okay? here's our first one. you should book your flights on tuesdays for the lowest price, fly or fake? >> i'm afraid michael starting off with a fake. i hear this one all the time. tuesday is the best day to book. it really isn't. you need to be flexible about the day you're willing to travel. the day you choose to click book doesn't matter. >> doesn't matter. tuesdays are out. fake. okay. next, you should book your hotel 10 to 14 days before you check in for the best deals. fly or fake? >> okay. fly. domestic hotel, this is the right timing if you can be
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flexible. if you can't be flexible, give yourself more time. if you want a specific hotel, 30 days out. if you want to travel international, come see me in london, give yourself even more time. we love point, i'm the points guy. if you're able to use your points check out some of the hotels. you will be able to get something really cheap that way. >> i love london. i'll let you know when i'm coming 10 to 14 days out. next sunday is the cheapest day to start your trip? i have heard this forever. fly or fake? >> it's fake. >> ah! >> it's one of the most expensive days to travel. sorry. >> i have been wasting money all this time. where have you been? >> there are some good days. tuesdays and wednesdays can be up to 30% cheaper, thursdays up to 16% cheaper. yeah. you want to be careful about the days you're going to travel. they can be cheaper midweek. >> let's talk about destination. there are destinations where everyone thinks of, but it's not
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what we're talking about. you have alternatives to consider. also saves you a little money. give us your top destination dupes. >> i can say that, dupes. dupes. san francisco, monterrey, california. >> great place. >> two hours south. you'll find hotel rooms are up to $150 cheaper per night. amazing stuff. you can see the sights of the big sur. also monterrey aquarium, cool place to go. they're having their 14th anniversary. cool place to go. the other one, if you love a national park, the dupe is russell snake canyon on the border of colorado and utah. you can get to denver for just $153. the second biggest concentration of arches in the united states. who knew? >> utah is really beautiful. i was there last year. south florida, that's always been popular.
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spring break destination. now there are curfews and also earlier beach closings. what is the dupe for that? >> okay. so instead of miami, think close to tampa. saint petersburg. not far from tampa. you can fly to tampa for just over $100 round trip. you can get some of those beautiful gulf beaches and lots of culture and fun to have. >> thank you so much. all the information you give us, it is fly, not fake, people. listen to my guy right here. thank you so much. you just flew in from india so appreciate you being here. tomorrow, can ai book your spring break for less than you can? we're going to find out. gio and becky are back to find the best and biggest savings. time for pop news. sam and lara, take it away. >> get over here. we're going to begin with justin timberlake and 'nsync. they released a single last year, the first new song in over 20 years called "better place" for the trolls movie.
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we talked about that. now looks like we're getting another song, guys, that will appear on justin's new album that's upcoming. the singer taking to tik tok to show off the deluxe vinyl version of the album "everything i thought it was." one fan must have been looking really, really, really closely because they wrote in the comments, blink twice if 'nsync is on a song called "paradise." this was justin's response. take a look. >> when you unwrap it, it's a singular piece of art. >> okay. gma pop news investigation figured that one out. seems like confirmation to me. chris kirkpatrick also responded with eye emoji comment. lance bass responded with, got something in your eyes? we won't have to wait too long to hear "paradise." justin's album "everything i thought it was "drops friday
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march 15th." lot of people really excited about that. >> i'm working on my boy band moves. ready? >> bye bye bye. thank you. [ laughter ] >> we have to do a boy band thing. all right. we'll talk about it. first though let's talk about miley cyrus working it all out. weeks after winning her first grammy for her chart topping single "flowers" bringing down the house with her performance. cyrus announcing a brand new single a colab with farrell called doctor, work it out. cyrus revealed the cover art earlier this week. just released a video teaser of the upcoming hit. i said it. listen to this. ♪ i could be a doctor i could be a nurse i think i see the problem it's on the gonna get worse ♪ ♪ i need that medication just show me where it hurts
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i need to rock it baby before your body hurts ♪ >> fans going kraeusz seu over that clip. and the tune. one person commenting miley won two grammys then said, let's make it three. i love that. doctor, work it out will begin streaming everywhere tomorrow. they will be releasing new music this spring including ariana grande, taylor swift and beyonce. >> pharrell there. >> yeah. 100%. 100%. >> the big '80s hair? i love every bit of it. >> love it. also this morning, guys, we've got friends in low places. garth brooks. we love him so much. opening up a new bar and restaurant in nashville. project that's been two years in the making. brooks has been documenting it for an upcoming series. we've got a first look and special message from garth. here it is. >> hey, everybody. i love me some good morning america. i promise you friends in low
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places bar and honky tonk, you're in that stadium show. you're at that dive bar. ♪ try to remember, the friends and low places bar, there's construction of it. there's also the building of entertainment. that's what a bar and honky tonk is. at the same time, these people that come to a garth brooks spot expect what they see at a garth brooks concert. >> you're gonna get it. you're gonna get it. the show is called friends in low places. it follows garth and his wife tricia yearwood as they get set to build that bar in nashville. it begins streaming on prime video march 7th. robin roberts going to nashville. i'm so jealous. >> do you know what? i am going there. you might see them on our show that morning. >> ah. >> yes. >> that would be very exciting. we will be watching. >> can i stay in your apartment? [ laughter ] >> i don't know what you're
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talking about. we'll meet you at garth's new place. thank you, garth. that's pop news. >> i can't wait to go to garth's new place. if you have never been in a lake effect snow band, this is what it looks like. look at this. it's fine one moment. if we have enough time to get a couple seconds into this. complete whiteout conditions. that's in syracuse. here's this cold blast coming all the way to the east coast. it's a one day thing. those wind chills, today only. look at this record heat back in the heartland. that pushes mild air to the east coast. records in minneapolis, records in chicago. we're just getting close to 60, if that's okay with you, washington and new york. that's the we th
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>> now to leap year deals and steals. all these products are making their deals debut. let's get right to it because sam took too long. let's go. >> all right. mario badescu making their debut. i'm so excited for this one. this is incredibly targeted skin care clean and effective. we've got something for every skin concern. one of the products they are known for is right here this drying lotion. you see what they say, whatever you do, don't shake it. it's designed to keep that right at the bottom there. if you've got blemish, this really helps dry them up overnight. people refer to this as kind of a miracle. 20,000 five star reviews. we also have from them their vitamin c serum. this is a line that's tried and true, accessibly priced. with our deal today $9 to $22.50. >> okay.
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skin renewal. >> yes. this is what i would like to say a luxurious splurge. this is revive. what i love about this, it was started 27 years ago by a reconstructive plastic surgeon who was developing all kinds of formulas to treat burn wounds. the focus was all about stimulating skin renewal and turnover to deliver your freshest, best skin. that's what these continue to do this day. i'm picky about splurging on skin care. i have really gone hard core on this because i see the results. so one of the best sellers and most popular products is called the moisturizing renewal cream. it's a retexturizer for overnight that in literally just one night you can see and feel the difference in your skin's texture. >> wow. >> i also love the face oil. that's a favorite as well as day moisturizer. you cannot go wrong with this one. i promise you. slashed in half plus free shipping. >> great. free shipping. all right.
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makeup. >> makeup. this is makeup for people who love skin care. we've got some of their fan favorites. this revealer concealer, one sold every 19 seconds. >> wow. >> it's specifically for dark circles. if you've got dark circles, brightens, hydrate, covers. then we have their cloud set. this helps to remove the shine, leave the glow, feels like nothing, looks like everything. this is a winner all slashed in half, starting at $7. >> okay. strong hair. um, improved everything about the hair towel cuts, hair drying in half the time. we've got this one right here. they're flipped. that's their brand new one. it's their patented technology that helps to reduce frizz and breakage. and also that one has this anti microbial technology that's going to keep it fresher longer because you know what towel is wet. and so you want it
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to stay smelling fresh and be fresh. everyone loves this 50% off. they start at 1250 okay. let's go okay. chill out. these are chill tips. this is the look and feel of a classic gel manicure. but it's a modern, award winning pop on, press on nail. so you get that salon quality nail art. the designs are fabulous, non damaging glue. it comes with 30 nails so that you can find the ones that are the perfect shape for your specific nail bed. this is a fabulous line. their other product this one steam room. just can you just spray this and smell how delightful this is? it's so, so good. it's a tropical vacation in an instant. these start at $8. okay, then. bliss. everyone knows and loves bliss. some of their favorites. body butter right here. i can't say enough about it. they have a collection for everything from sunscreen to body butter. the orange is a favorite in the studio. these start at $2 and only corkcicle corkcicle. >> this is the original. >> i got one that matches you.
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this is the original chic drinkware in triple insulated. keeps your drinks hot or cold longer. ten different collections that we have starting at 1250. you did it. >> don't go anywhere because tori's going to be back with more deals and steals. you did it. you did it. >> jimmy kimmel hosts the oscars sunday, march 10th on abc. >> how long do i have to wait? >> what are you waiting for? let's go. i love you and i'm gonna love you forever. >> doctor altman is in critical condition. are you ready for this? >> always live. abc seven news starts right now. good morning. i'm amanda delcastillo from abc seven mornings. >> here's a look at traffic with gloria. >> good morning. right now we are tracking a crash in hayward. that's causing some major delays in that area. this is over on northbound 880 before 92. and right now, one lane is blocked. so this is definitely impacting those who are going from the south bay to the san mateo,
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hayward bridge and then a live look outside this morning actually i think my clicker is not working. so we're not going to go live outside. but i was going to show you some slick roads out there in some areas. so just be be driving extra careful out there today because there could be slick roads. >> all right. thanks so much gloria. and up next, meteorologist lisa argen has your accuweather forecast. this is right after the break. my dry eyes made me a burning stinging five times a day makeup smearing drops. >> user i want another option. that's not another drop trivia. >> it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye trivia treats. the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation, relying only on drops. >> not me. my own real tears are my relief. >> ask your eye doctor about trivia. who is katie porter? >> a fake and an accomplished actor. that's from porter's
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democratic colleague who served with her for years. katie porter lined her pockets from a company that paid billions in fines after complaints it tricked homeowners into unauthorized fees and illegal foreclosures. then she erased it from her resume when she ran for congress . the real katie porter of fake fair shake is responsible for the content of this ad. >> grab the keys to a new, fuel efficient toyota. let's go. it's time to get out there with more peace of mind and legendary dependability behind the wheel of a new toyota, the most reliable brand on the road right now. lease a sporty corolla for just 249 a month, or lease a stylish new camry for just 259 a month. after $1,000 bonus. cash. grab the keys. >> let's go to toyota. >> let's go places. hey >> bay area live with kelly marcus coming up, jim gaffigan
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joins us in las vegas. >> plus steve aoki and lil jon perform their new song that's at nine on abc seven. >> all right. good thursday morning. waking up to cloudy skies and a few scattered light rain showers and a lot of cold air on the way for the weekend. we have a level one system today. light to moderate showers as we get through the afternoon. with the winds gusting to 30 and 35 miles an hour. still dry in spots though. this morning amanda. all right. >> thanks so much, lisa. we will have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. and always on our abc seven news app and online. >> welcome back to gma live from times square. >> welcome back to gma. we've got a look now at a trend taking over social media. we've got a real look at uh. its seasonal you must remember this.asonal i remember doing this a long time ago. it is back. fashion hacks is more popular than ever. people finding the best hues for
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them by wearing white capes and having experts figure it out. lori is here to talk to us all about it. you went to an expert to learn all about it, i understand. >> oh yes i did. i think we're going to show you what i learned. an age old fashion hack turned viral tik tok trend seasonal color analysis. it's not as easy as trying out a filter to figure out which hue works for you. color analysis is a tool that determines which colors are best suited for a person based on their natural features. these colors are broken down into season, winter, summer, spring and autumn. so i headed to house of color in brooklyn to get an expert opinion. >> what brings somebody into the house of color? >> some people, like myself, are just really frustrated with their wardrobe and they need something to simplify it. >> the color analysis involves testing out which colors work best for your skin, hair, makeup and jewelry. this work? >> not usually.
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>> this look? >> yes. >> okay. >> look at that. do you see your skin? if you don't have time for an expert visit here are a few things to keep in mind. first up, feel the color out. >> pay attention to how you feel about certain colors. do you feel you have to wear a lot of makeup when you put on a certain color? that's an indicator it's not working for you. >> get to know your blues and yellows. >> that will help you. you can see which colors are looking better. >> throw out what you thought you knew. >> there's a common misconception, oh, if you have blue eyes or blonde hair you will either be a spring or summer. it doesn't work like that. >> what's my color season? turns out i'm a winter. i have been told since 11 that i was a spring. but plot twist, i'm a winter. i'm also a true believer in color analysis. >> me, too. i love this. thank you very much. tell us how it works.
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>> so i am not an expert, as we all know, but i did learn a few things. basically you have to go back to first grade. do you remember your primary colors? there are yellow based and blue based. we have a color wheel chart over here. spring and autumn will be your more yellow based colors. they will be warmer. they will be richer. summer and winter are cool, blue based. so they're going to be icier, more vibrant, vivid. you use that to guide. one thing she made clear to me in the piece, there's no bad color. don't feel like if you're not a certain season, oh, i can't wear that. it's just what's your best color. >> all right. patient number one. [ laughter ] robin roberts. that is the color for what season? >> that's a good color. >> that's autumn. >> oh, yeah. >> we determined robin is, cue the horn, an autumn. you can see, we will have two really good ones there for her. bring that back. those are those rich, earthy
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tones. look how beautiful. see how beautiful that is. >> like a nonseasonal color. >> robin is a girl for all seasons. but this next color, if we can bring that next piece of fabric right in, is not perhaps her best. this is from spring. just not doing the same thing. complexion, eye color. >> that periwinkle was a home run. >> what does autumn mean? >> yellow based colors. golden, warm, rich, earthy browns. if you were going to wear red, you'd go for a rich red and not a wine red. >> we got a screen shot to show you. [ laughter ] >> yeah, there it goes. >> just in case you needed a further explanation. >> i do want my hue, robin. >> here we go for sam. you can see how this just does wonders for his complexion.
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look at his eyes. >> ten years younger, people. i love that bright jewel tone. let's do another one for him. >> did someone say jewel tone? >> jewel tone. there we go. >> it appears to me that you are a -- >> you are a winter! >> wow. >> you're a winter. >> i didn't know. >> i know you love the boys of summer. >> in my heart, flip flops and all. >> let's show sam in a nonwinter color. this is an autumn color. >> no. no. >> it's not giving us the sam champion we know an love. >> no, really not. please remove that color. [ laughter ] >> you can see one of those first colors, i'm also a winter. you, my friend, are also a winter. >> let's go to the videotape of sam champion. >> sam. it's very clear that you also agree with this analysis. is there a color that works for every season? >> you might think it is black
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but it is primary red. >> wow. >> look how good this looks. >> yes! black works on all of the population. >> i'm wearing this home. >> as well you should. spring summer or fall. >> i love this trend is back. it's fun, too. and i love the screen shots. thank you. you may have those and bring them home with you. lori, we love you. hey, we've got more deals and steals with tory coming up. these are leap day deals. great savings for you and your pets. don't miss it, coming up on gma.
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that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. is it possible to count on my internet with democrat katie porter. like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with our 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? - your data, too. there's even round-the-clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. it's happening. get started for $49 a month. plus, ask how to get up to a $800 prepaid card with a qualifying internet package. don't wait, call and switch today!
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>> back my popular demand. back with more leap year deals and steals in honor of this extra day of the year. tory, let's dive in with these products. >> every one is brand new to deals and steals. >> i love that. >> starting with universal -- oh, we got the peanut gallery applauding for us. thank you. universal standard. this is their best selling collection of denim. they sold over 300,000 pairs of jeans. fabulous thing about these, that stretch. you see that is the perfect amount of stretch in a premium fabric. they're all designed to fit every body shape, depending on
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the style you like. we've got skinny, slim, straight, midrise, high rise. boyfriend. there's no low risers. we've got long as well as cropped. what i love is that it's a very size inclusive brand. they go from 00 to 40. great day to save. everything slashed in half. plus -- >> free shipping! >> from universal standard. okay. [ applause ] we'll help each other out. girl power there. >> comfy. >> so comfy. this is subset. it's all about certified sustainable organic cotton. all basic. these are the ones you're going to reach for every time when they're in your drawer. you have a drawer of underwear and bras that you never wear. you always grab the best ones. really fabulous fabric. nice supported fit in the bras. we've got bras and bralets. tees and tanks. one of their favorites is the
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robe. when you see it open, the robe open, you're like, i can do errands in this. it looks and feels so good, you won't want to take it off. everything slashed in half, $10. >> this is adorable. >> this is a company that said there are two kinds of dogs in the world. your dog and everyone else's dog. >> true. >> and so why not wear yours right there on your heart? there he is. what's cool about this, you send them a photo of your pup, the face specifically. their team of artisans, they have a family run team of artisans based in austin texas. they hand draw your pet, sends you a proof and embroider it. it is extraordinary. those are my babies right there. these are george's right here. i think they are as serious as their father.
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can we show george's? down in front. these down in front here. allie sent me these pictures. they are literally as serious as their father. they are fabulous. you choose one or two dogs. eight different colored sweat shirts. this is the fun one. think ahead for mother's day. you'll get a voucher and have six months to redeem this. let's start it now. it's really fun. all slashed in half. >> all right. what is this? >> this is called embr labs. this came from viewer requests saying this is a product they wanted. a personal thermostat for your wrist to cool down or warm up with just the touch of a button. this is the pulse point that can change everything. think about it. if you dip your toe in the water, it can cool down your whole body. if you take a sip of hot cocoa, it warms your whole body. sometimes you only need that tiny bit. that's the science based on this. changing the temperature right here can change the whole body. everything from hot flashes and night sweats to chills, this is
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the solution for that. we've got it today 50% off plus free shipping. >> these boards are great. >> they are gorgeous from jk adams. they have been making these wood boards for 80 years. all made in america. we've got personalized options. this is one of their most popular with this indent here for a roast, poultry. >> great idea. >> two different sizes for serving. these are fabulous. they are slashed in half. one more down here. halfday travel. when you're out -- sorry. sorry. i almost left you behind. i'm already on the adventure. halfday travel. this is an awesome bag. half garment bag, half duffel bag. it will hold a suit or dresses, plus tons of stuff. it just folds right up like this. michael is eyeing this one. good to go. we have a lot from this company. all slashed in half. there you go. are you taking it? he's outta here. >> michael, what else were you eyeing? you were eyeing stuff. >> i was eyeing my pup.
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yeah. >> tory, you have done it once again. >> thank you. thank you. you're telling me though our time is up. >> we don't have to wait another four years for this, do we? >> no. >> you can find the great deals on our website by using the qr code on your screen. welcome to deals and steals, all these great companies making their debut. sam? >> you made leap day fun. how about a crashing wave over a michigan light house? this is the most beautiful video from st. joe's michigan. if you time it right that wave comes up over the top of that. gorgeous. closest to grand rapids. grand rapids was 73 the other day. now the wind chill is 10. let's get a check of the best weather in the business from our local abc st
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>> coming up our black history month finale. ike, marcus samuelson an derrick hayes have a surprise for somebody who's become a big part of this community.
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let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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>> time now for the finale of our black history month celebration. this morning we're taking you to a family owned restaurant that's the heart and soul of their community. ike ejiochi is here with some special guests and a few surprises in store. good morning, ike. >> reporter: good morning, everyone. we're right outside cheris bedstuy. this isn't just about the great food. this place is all about the love they bring to this corner of brooklyn. i'm here with two massive, massive businessmen, marcus samuelsson and ceo of big d's
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cheese steak derrick hayes. let's go. >> how you doing? >> i'm all right. ready to go in here and change some lives? >> let's do it. >> this is going to be great. this is the best part. come on, guys. hey, what's going on, everyone! [ cheers ] how are you? what's up, what's up, what's up? how are you? hello, hello. i gotta tell you, i am ike ejiochi. we are here with "good morning america." [ cheers ] you are on live tv. say hi to america. >> good morning america! >> now, torri, i know you thought you were part of a bunch of businesses that were getting a shout out. but we are here because of you guys. that's why we are here. [ applause ] now we want to show america why this place is so special. take a look. >> i love some mac and cheese.
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the grits, they melt in your mouth. lamb chops are to die for. the sweet potato cheesecake. >> oh my god. >> reporter: the woman they're heaping phrase on is her, torri. >> we're on the phone all the time. okay, boss lady. i got it. >> reporter: boss lady opening her dream restaurant five years ago in honor of her mother, the beating heart of this close knit family. >> in the beginning me and my son went out faithfully every day. we would come home on the train 1 a.m., 2 a.m. she taught all of us the business. >> reporter: her family now celebrating the woman behind this gem in brooklyn which serves up magic every day. >> i'm very proud of her. you know, i seen all the kids growing up. i knew she would be something special. >> the beginning of bigger things to come and i love you my boss lady sister. >> i am just so proud of you.
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thank you for teaching me. i love you. >> reporter: all right. all right. how about that? don't start those tears yet. torri, you opened this place just to pay homage to your family. >> yes. >> reporter: seeing how it brought everyone together, what does that mean to you, just seeing everyone here together and the fact that it is all because of you? >> it is such a labor of love. it was a dream that was realized. it was a surprise to my family and the way that they just rallied and trusted and stood behind me to make this happen. i cannot be more thankful to not only to a dream realized but being able to work with my family and to just see what we are able to build together and also offer this to the community where it was seriously lacking establishments like this to bring class to bedstuy as it is
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ever so changing. we are so thankful to be part of that and doing it with my family. [ applause ] >> reporter: now, your mother is here. we know nana is here at 102 years old. [ applause ] marcus, i want to talk to you. this place is so important to torri. she maxed out credit card. she took out personal loans. as a successful restauranteur yourself, what is some advice you can give her? >> first of all, you are already adding to the community so much, but also adding to your family. listen to your family, but also listen to the customers. customers will tell you how to improve, make it better every day. you are doing fantastic. you are working together as a family. i can relate as a small business owner. i started my business. it's nerve-racking, right? you get nervous. are customers going to come? con tkpwrat hraeulg -- congratulations.
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i am going to offer you one year of mentorship. you can call me. [ applause ] vip treatment for your family. and of course i had to come here with a book for you an your family. so inspiring. >> thank you so much. >> i think we got some more surprises. we're not done yet. derrick, we know you started your business from small just a station, a stand out of a gas station. now they call you the king of cheese steaks. pretty good. [ applause ] you know what it means to start small. >> me starting in the shell gas station. i dedicated my business to my father. you dedicated yours to your mother. it touched my heart. i was a fry cook. i was the grill cook. i was everything in my business. i had to do everything i had to do. being an african-american, starting out, we got to be everything because we tkaopbt have the resources. today i have a big surprise for
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you. are you ready? >> i'm ready. >> on behalf of big d's cheese steaks i want to donate you a $40,000 check! >> what? [ applause ] >> guys, wonderful time here in brooklyn. enjoy it. we're going to enjoy it here, too. >> very much enjoying this. >> we got peach cobbler. >> the peach club. >> cheri's bedstuy better save some reservations for us. that was delicious. what a great story. i mean, well deserved. thank you so much for that, ike, you and everyone else there. everybody at home, stay there. we'll be right back.
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it's not all of your favorite songs from today and yesterday, 96.5 co. it. customize your dream sofa or sectional at living spaces where our special order collections are available at unbelievable prices and ready in as little as four weeks, starting at just 8.95. >> our wide variety allows you to get creative with different
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fabrics and configurations, so you can select the perfect colors, patterns, shapes, and sizes for your space. enjoy free shipping and get special financing for 60 months with your good credit. build your design today at living spaces .com or a showroom near you. >> living spaces. >> former congressman jerry mcnerney said campaign money is poisoning the system. my proposals would eliminate all pacs. but jerry mcnerney took. 5.3 million in pac money. guess he didn't mean it. larger life. >> when boy band legends aj mclean from backstreet boys and joey fatone from nsync join together. and perform live monday on good morning america. sponsored. by planet fitness. >> safe. don't get this bowl away from me. i'm gonna start licking it. it's so good. >> kelly and i are going to be tussling over this today. casey have a great day, everybody. >> buckle up. i'm gonna be the
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best, captain, this station has ever seen. i to love you back. >> to what do i see in peter dixon? >> i see my husband. the father of our girls. i see a public servant, a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department, where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem solver, who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon, and i approve this message at la-z-boy furniture galleries. >> you'll find solutions from cozy to spacious. it's the la-z-boy trade in event. now you can trade in your old sofa or chair and save money on new la-z-boy furniture. la-z-boy furniture galleries live life comfortably. >> kathryn lybarger won higher wages for nursing assistants and
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janitors, overtime pay for farm workers, and kathryn is winning equal pay for more women. uber is so afraid of both overtime and equal pay. they're spending $1 million to try and beat kathryn. kathryn is endorsed by california's nurses and teachers. equality california and california environmental voters. >> we can't spell astound without you, and you can count on our fiber powered network to deliver award winning, ultra fast, ultra reliable internet. >> and we can't be beat with mobile on one of the nation's largest, most reliable 5g networks. save on internet. just $20 a month plus ad mobile for $15 more. we do everything with you in mind, bringing you ultra reliability, speed and savings. get internet for $20 a month, ad mobile for $15 more. switch to astound for a plan that fits you , overflowing with ideas and energy. >> that's the san francisco
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chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is easily the most impressive candidate known for her grilling of corporate executives with deep policy knowledge. katie porter's housing plan has bypassed friendly ideas to bring home building costs down, and the chronicle praises her ideas to end soft corruption in politics. let's shake up the senate with democrat katie porter. >> i'm katie porter and i approve this message always live. >> abc seven news starts right now. good morning. i'm. amanda delcastillo from abc seven mornings. >> let's go straight to gloria for a look at traffic. gloria >> good morning. if you are driving this morning, you might experience some slick roads. maybe some light showers that is what we're seeing right now at our richmond san rafael bridge camera. you can see right there the rain on the camera lens. but the good thing is that traffic is moving pretty nicely here. and then looking at our san rafael camera, this is at 101.
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you can see also some rain here. and traffic is moving a little bit slower there. so we'll keep monitoring it for you throughout the morning. all right. good morning to you. >> you. see most of the rain shower activity has been up in the north bay. but we have a cold front that's going to work through the bay area. then some colder air in several days of rain. look at that dark sky there from oakland. temperatures upper 50s to near 60 with rain and wind. today amanda. >> all right. thank you so much, >> deja: from the blue live theater in the fountainebleau las vegas, it's live with kelly and mark! today, comedian jim gaffigan and mark stepped into the octagon be a ufc fighter. also, a performance by steve aoki andil


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