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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  February 29, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PST

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live. look outside. tonight we've seen rain off and on throughout the day, but this is just the beginning. a look at all the various alerts and warnings the incoming storm has triggered. >> oakland gets to hear from the four candidates to become the next police chief. how they answered key questions from the police commission. good evening. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. >> thanks for joining us. we have several stormy days ahead and for the sierra, the mountains, we'll see a several feet of snow. >> meteorologist sandhya patel is tracking it all for us tonight. sandhya. yeah, and dan, and let's take a look at a live picture, because right now it is blizzard conditions up in the mountains. here's a live view
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from homewood, where the snow is piling up. the winds are blowing that snow sideways. it is really treacherous to get up there right now on live doppler seven, you can see that snow falling across the region tonight. blizzard warning in effect until 10 a.m. sunday. we're expecting up to 12ft or higher at the highest peaks. you combine that with wind gusts of 75 miles an hour or higher, and that's extremely dangerous to impossible travel. there's an avalanche watch until friday at 8 a.m. for the back country of the central sierra, and the eastern portion of the sierra. right now here locally, we are tracking some light to moderate showers. we're going to get you into street level radar in the north bay around woodacre lucas valley road. we are seeing some of that wet weather there in the east bay as well. from oakland across five 8-80 into piedmont, orinda, moraga street level radar from san francisco down the peninsula into south city, showing you some lighter showers. this is all in association with a cold, low pressure system out of the gulf of alaska. it's a light level one system that is going to
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continue to spread showers across our region. tomorrow morning's commute includes those showers, light to moderate in intensity, 830 pretty widespread. you will notice as we head into the evening hours, the intensity of the rain picks up, winds increase, and there's even a chance of thunder. right now. the winds mount diablo 40 miles an hour in spring valley 35. it is a one on our storm impact scale. overnight, scattered showers, gusty winds in the hills, slippery roads for the commute. here's a look at what's ahead. winds are really ramping up tomorrow night as the strongest part of the storm arrives, and it will become a level two. more on that. the timeline for the weekend coming right up, dan. okay sandhya, thanks a lot. >> the oakland zoo is going to be closed tomorrow because of the storm. of course, if you had a reservation to visit, you will automatically receive a refund. they tweeted this video showing rain falling on the flamingos today and get the latest forecast and track the rain and snow anytime you wish with our live doppler seven radar, just search abc seven bay area in
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your devices app store to download it now. well moving on. new at 11 oakland held a public forum tonight featuring the four candidates who could become the city's next police chief. >> it's a diverse group and they are all from outside of the police department. >> abdul pridgen was on the short list in 2020. he most recently was the police chief in san leandro, but left earlier this month. pridgen is under investigation for unknown department violations. >> floyd mitchell has a long resume, but he resigned from his most recent job as the chief of police in lubbock, texas. the department faced criticism for its handling of certain 911 calls. lisa davis has spent her entire career with the cincinnati police department. >> she started there in 1992 and is currently the assistant police chief. >> luis molina, a former nypd officer, now serves as the assistant deputy mayor for public safety in new york city. he's been criticized for his handling of deaths at the city's jails.
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>> now, the forum lasted nearly two hours and each candidate got to pitch their plan. >> abc seven news reporter j.r. stone watched it and he joins us now with what they had to say. jr ama dan these police chief candidates were initially asked what they would do in their first 100 days. >> then they were asked about how they would change the culture of the police department . for police chief candidates speaking to the oakland police commission and the public through zoom, a commission that started first by hearing from luis molina, who is currently the assistant deputy mayor for public safety in new york city. molina, referencing his extensive experience in new york. >> i worked in policing. i worked in the district attorney's office and i've worked in corrections, and i think if i'm given the opportunity to lead this department, you'll see significant, tremendous impact on not only how we manage and make oakland safer from a crime perspective, but how we improve livability throughout the city.
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>> second up was assistant police chief lieutenant colonel lisa davis of cincinnati pd. her initial plan as oakland police chief would involve officers in the downtown area. >> i know that it's important to the downtown business district to have more officers there, to have them on foot, and i'd like to look at the possibility of expanding, um, the number of officers in the downtown area and creating more of a robust, um, downtown. >> third candidate to speak, abdul pridgen, the former san leandro police chief. pridgen brought up officer accountability, multiple times. >> many people will tell you accountability is my middle name. the success or failure of the oakland police department will fall squarely on my shoulders, and i welcome the challenge. >> the fourth and final candidate for lloyd mitchell, who's the former police chief in lubbock, texas, mitchell, directly addressing the rise in oakland crimes. i believe the crime issue in oakland should be our primary focus.
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>> moving forward. from everything that i have read, this is the major issue facing the oakland police department and its community. >> while there were members of the public in attendance at the police commission meeting, those members weren't able to ask questions to candidates as to what comes next. this could get interesting. the commission will give their recommendations on final is to mayor shengtao tomorrow morning. she did not attend tonight's forum, saying candidates were lost because of this open process. it was a boycott by her and you may remember she turned down all the candidates that the commission came to her with last year. jr stone, abc seven news. >> all right. >> jr. thank you so much for that new development. a fourth person has been charged with murder in the case of oakland police officer tuan lay. the alameda county district attorney's office has charged 28 year old sebron russell. officer lay was shot and killed while in the line of duty, responding to an alleged burglary in oakland back in december. russell also faces several other criminal
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charges, including burglary and attempted murder of officer donald mckinney, who was lay's partner. all right, back to the weather. >> as sandhya just mentioned, it's blizzard like conditions in the sierra happening now. several vehicles and businesses were seen covered in heavy snow. a caltrans has issued chain controls on interstate 80 for all east and westbound lanes near donner. summit. chains will also be required for highways 89 and 267 from truckee to olympic valley and north stars, north star to kings beach. now it's been snowing off and on all night at lake tahoe. here's a live look at our camera at zephyr cove. coming down pretty good there. all the snow is appetizing, certainly for skiers and snowboarders, but as abc seven news south bay reporter lauren martinez found out, if you aren't already there, it's just too dangerous to make the trip. >> ski resorts in the sierra are preparing for blizzard like conditions for safety. palisades tahoe will close the alpine side of the resort on friday. >> this is possibly the best storm that we had in like i
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think 16 years. >> skiers at kirkwood mountain resort said. the wind on thursday was something else. >> taking it minute by minute at sports basement in sunnyvale. >> some snowboarders and skiers said they're avoiding travel to the mountains. >> i'm staying away from that this weekend. it's just like i think it was like 5 to 8ft of snow. and he's not wrong. >> others feel like they're going to be missing out on the fresh snowfall. >> no, but i want to depending on weather and demand, sports basement will run several ski busses that give snow enthusiasts a ride straight from the bay area to the slopes. >> last weekend they launched 23 busses. >> so this weekend we're going to be canceling saturday. that's kind of a no brainer with all the storms and you know, we're looking at 80 to 90 mile per hour winds on saturday uh- sunday is question mark. so we're planning to run busses. but if it's safe sports basement will be adding what they're calling powder busses on monday to take advantage after the storms. the main factor is that people can get the day off from
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work. sure you know, call in sick, right? >> those who are snowbound are looking forward to what mother nature will bring as a new, newer snowboarder, it's definitely easier to snowboard on fresh powder and fresh snow makes the falls a little bit easier to take if you have them, so it's really exciting and it's just fun to have everyone out there. the ski busses take off from the sports basement parking lots here in sunnyvale, the one off of bryant street in san francisco, and in berkeley they take off starting at 5 a.m. in the south bay. lauren martinez, abc seven news hazardous winter conditions will force yosemite national park to take the rare step of closing. >> the approaching winter storm is predicted to bring several feet of snow, rain and hazardous driving conditions. the national park has already canceled or refunded guests for hotel and campground reservations through the weekend. >> all of our decisions are based primarily on visitor safety and a protection of park resources. we are going to close the park this evening at midnight at the park, and its
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hotels may be able to reopen by sunday. >> until then, employees who live nearby and have to go through the storm will have extra resources available, like warming shelters, generators and more. because of the storm, the department of water resources moved up its snow survey from friday to today. today's results showed a considerable improvement from last month, but statewide the snowpack is at 80% of average. the sierra snowpack provides about a third of the water for california. >> new at 11. another candidate might be about to enter the race for san francisco mayor. abc seven news insider phil matier has learned that supervisor aaron peskin is contemplating a run. phil says peskin is feeling encouraged by some recent polling numbers and feels like he could bring something to the table as a candidate. we reached out tonight and asked if he was running, and peskin responded, quote, no. but i'm considering it. >> governor newsom is facing criticism after reports one of his donors, the san francisco restaurateur, got special treatment under the state's new minimum wage law. the law, which
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started in april, requires a $20 an hour wage for fast food workers but has an exemption for restaurants that make their own bread. so earlier this week, it was uncovered that a franchisee of panera bread made a $160,000 donation to governor newsom's campaign. it was thought panera was exempt from the wage law, but the governor's team now disagrees. meanwhile republican legislators are calling for an investigation, and law experts also have questions. it's absolutely right that we should be holding officials to account, to force them to explain to us why they uh- carve outs to general laws exist. greg flynn, the panera bread franchisee in question, sent a statement to abc news saying, end quote. saying, quote, to be clear, at no time did i ask for an exemption or special consideration. in fact, the idea never even occurred to me and i was surprised when the exemption appeared in the final legislation. >> a struggling mall in downtown san francisco is getting a new
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home. how it is trying to tap into the city's history as part of the rebrand. >> is it mission over? the update tonight on the first us spacecraft to land on the moon since 1972, and they're taking the leap. >> meet some couples who decided to make it today their very special wedding day. >> first, a look at what's coming up tonight on jimmy kimmel live! right after abc seven news at 11. jimmy >> thanks, dan and ama. you'll have to wait four years for another show this big. >> there is no country. i'm really dying to get to. >> even after seeing one place i really have to see, because i don't.
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conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. when peter dickson led my platoon into combat in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home.
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and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad.
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that replaces the former westfield name, which was taken off the building last summer after the owner turned the property over to its lender. the firm now managing the mall, says the new name celebrates its history and staying power. it was called the emporium when it opened in 1896, with the first department store on the west coast. >> tonight, a win in a south bay effort to build a better bay area. a new san jose rv safe parking site is just months away from opening, and it's going to cost much less than anticipated. the six acre patch of land located on berryessa road will cost half of its initial price. it's set to be the largest rv supportive parking program in the city today. city leaders announced the reduced cost and say the savings were due to streamlining the project. it was initially priced at $15 million and will now cost $7.5 million. officials say the program will give unhoused people 85 rv parking spaces with utilities and access to critical services. >> so when they're here, they get services that they need, but they also are able to go out and
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get back on their feet. and we hope that that allows them to transition back into something more stable. >> construction on the site is planned to start next month, and it's expected to be open by early fall. >> well, it looks like the odysseus space odyssey is over. the odysseus moon lander, which was the first to land on the lunar surface in half a century, stopped communicating today. it did manage to send one last picture. the spacecraft tipped over after a touchdown on the moon's south pole a week ago. with limited solar power, odysseus today powered its systems down and sent a farewell transmission. although technically the lander could reboot in a few weeks, the odysseus program is helping nasa pave the way for its manned moon mission, scheduled for 2026. >> today is a rare day. it is february 29th. >> it is leap day, and in san francisco, couples flocked to city hall to mark their marriage in a very unique way. >> yes. abc seven news reporter tara campbell has the story. reporter this may look like a
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typical day at san francisco's city hall. >> one wedding after the next. but on this day, february 29th, there's something a little extra special going on. it's a leap day, and it only comes around every four years. it was just we've been engaged for four years. >> a leap day, it's like a once in an every four year thing. it's just very special. >> sarah and jordan making the trip from chico, celebrating with family and friends. >> it took them a minute to actually figure out it was leap day. and then once they did, they thought it was really cool. since we are doing this, we're not doing a big party. >> and while it's often considered an unlucky day, these two say it's already proving lucky for them, we waited up until midnight uh- 90 days ago to get the date and uh, basically we went through the process within, you know, 30s to a minute just to get it all the way through. >> and then we went back and checked it and it all filled up. so we kind of got lucky, too.
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and just being able to get one of these, one of these availabilities, some couples making the trek from out of state, it's really memorable and special. >> it doesn't happen every year. >> erika miranda are here from arizona for their reason for choosing san francisco. >> so we like the inclusivity of the lgbtq community. >> they've been together for nearly ten years and say they like the idea of being able to choose for the most part, when they celebrate their anniversary. >> we're more of like, go with the flow. so i think we'll it might differ. we might end up doing like the day before and the day after. we plan to celebrate at least every four years. >> it's. but probably more than that. marshall and lindsey have also been waiting a while for this day and say there is a significance to it being a leap day. >> we met during the pandemic, so it's almost as if we took a leap of faith together. >> nah. oh, i forgot about that one. >> tara campbell, abc seven news. there are also a few leap
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year babies in the bay area. >> meet blake, who was born at just after midnight at kaiser permanente antioch medical center. mom was on her way to see a midwife when she went into labor, and it was off to the medical center instead. welcome, jake. blake. blake. blake. blake yes, blake. >> looks good. pretty happy little kid. all right, time now to get a check on the weather, because things are really going to be intense in parts of the bay area. and, of course, the sierra. >> yep. we're in for an abc seven news meteorologist. sandyha patel is here. sandy. yeah. >> winter living up to its name in every sense of the word. ama and dan. let's take a look at live doppler seven right now. cold upper level low out of the gulf of alaska. coming in. we have the cold front come in. that's why we're seeing the precipitation in the sierra snow. certainly going to see the instability come in tomorrow. so as we look at live doppler seven, i want to take you into street level radar where we are seeing some light to moderate rain from walnut creek heading into pleasant hill, el cerrito, berkeley, kensington area. some showers, right around black point. novato highway 37 not
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exactly easy to get around when it is raining from san francisco to south city. pacifica it is lighter rain and across the santa cruz mountains and also morgan hill gilroy area in the south bay. you will notice across highway 101 and san martin, we widening the picture here. it has been coming down in the sierra and in the northern california mountains over the last several hours. the intensity has picked up rainfall . ben lomond so far over an inch of rain, a nine hundredths in san francisco, 2300. oakland 4/10 of an inch in santa rosa, san rafael a half an inch, a third of an inch. there in livermore and san jose, 19 hundredths of an inch. there's more to come. that blizzard warning once again, too dangerous to travel. i would not advise even trying until 10 a.m. sunday and that's because 5 to 10ft of snow is expected above 5000ft, 1 to 4ft at the 3000 foot elevation. right above that, and then really when you get 12ft or more over the highest peaks by sunday morning,
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with those strong winds, it's going to be impossible to dangerous. right now. south lake tahoe 33 degrees visibility is only 0.8 miles. as you can see, and certainly is coming down. it is dumping from zephyr cove. you can see the wind is blowing blizzard conditions for the weekend. if you want to head to tahoe, not a good idea friday through sunday, but but as we go into monday, that's your best opportunity to go because it will be actually dry and you can hit the slopes and enjoy your skiing or snowboarding. right now, temperature is 40 and 50. a live view from golden gate bridge camera, where we do have some showers overhead. overnight showers gusty in the hills tomorrow. level two storm and for the weekend a wintry mix and cold conditions expected. so the current system is a one. overnight scattered showers, gusty in the hills, slippery roads for the commute. as we look at the morning commute. 8 a.m. pretty widespread rain, 2:00 in the afternoon. it's light to moderate now. the intensity goes up at 8:00. thunder storm chance enters the
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picture tomorrow afternoon evening. and this is when we start to switch over. saturday morning. snow over mount hamilton, cobb mountain, the hills around lake and mendocino counties going over over into a winter storm warning. and this just continues into saturday afternoon. and part of sunday. so through sunday night we are looking at anywhere from about a half an inch in brentwood to over two inches of rain in our wettest spots. isolated areas up to three inches. those wind gusts coming up tomorrow morning and getting stronger throughout the afternoon, over 35 miles an hour, reaching 50 mile an hour gusts tomorrow night. so this is when it will be the most treacherous to get around the bay area. high wind advisory, 12 p.m. tomorrow until 10 a.m. saturday. gusts to 50 miles an hour. it's a high surf advisory tomorrow morning to saturday afternoon. breakers 15 to 20ft. so definitely watch out 30s and 40s. tomorrow morning. grab the umbrellas. don't forget your heavier coats, gloves, scarves. tomorrow afternoon. you're going to need them all. 40s and 50s. it's going to be a chilly one
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and even colder as you look at the accuweather seven day forecast. it's a two tomorrow, a level one for saturday, sunday, that wintry mix. chance of thunder on saturday, not so much sunday, but it's going to be cold. and then monday we'll be ready for that break. level one for tuesday and wednesday. that's a weaker system. so dan and anna, we are in for big time. we are certainly. >> yeah. thanks, sandy. >> we'll be right
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most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. visit today to learn more. "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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the year. lucie jones, the renowned earthquake seismologist , has been the go to media expert after a big shake for almost 40 years. >> although she retired from the us geological survey in 2016, jones still works with scientists, policy makers and the public to prepare for a broad range of disasters. jones says she looks forward to seeing more women scientists shape the world. good for her. >> congratulations. the warriors made a stop at basketball mecca tonight. that's madison square garden. >> sports director larry beil is here with sports. larry. >> dan, i'm steve kerr said he thought steph curry looked a little bit tired lately. steph said tired. does this look like a man who's tired? highlights from madison square garden next in sports
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(box thuds) (water boils) (packet tears) (tea bag clanks) (water pours) - listening to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family,
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because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do hi, guys! - hi! - hey! - so what are you guys drinking? - constant comment. - when i'm drinking bigelow tea, it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. - that's what a cup of tea is. - it is. - a moment for you, someone you love. - aw! (customer sighs) - it tastes really great. - yes! it was always bigelow tea - wow! that's what my family hopes for. cheers. - cheers. (bright upbeat music) what do i see in peter dixon? cheers. i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver...
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who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. with the dubs in madison square garden to play the knicks, still regarded as the mecca. spike lee, courtside warriors came out
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on fire up 14. nothing in a flash. jonathan kuminga the rejection on one end, setting up steph at the other end. curry 17 points and ten boards by halftime. who's tired now? dubs defense connected. nice sequence jonathan kuminga batting the ball ahead. gets rewarded 25 points, eight boards for jc. warriors up nine at the break. they would build a 17 point cushion in the third. knicks come back. jalen brunson is so good. he had 27. knicks got within four in the fourth. dubs do not fold. draymond green to brandon pisemsky and one. and look at dre and steph celebrating like dads watching their kids. shout out z nikita for that line. the allegedly tired curry finished with a game high 31 dubs wire to wire win one 1099. they've won seven straight on the road and are in toronto tomorrow. randy bennett, saint mary's that's his happy face. love you coach. on a 15 game winning streak at pepperdine. the gaels turning on the jets here kris howell with a touchdown reception. saint mary's on a 26 eight run. and they were up by 23 at the half.
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second half. push it push it. good. push it real good luke barrett, who wants some of that gaels win their first outright wcc title in a decade, 8357, and now have the nation's longest winning streak up to 16 in a row with the warriors away, usf hosting number 23. gonzaga chase center, 415415. don started out well jonathan mobo with the hammer inside. and it's a five point usf lead. but gonzaga took the lead at the end of the half. then they run away with it. nolan hickman goaltended by mobo. but it went in anyway. dons fall 8668 women's hoops tara vanderveer and fourth ranked stanford would win the last pac 12 regular season title outright with a victory at oregon state. career night for cam brink. she was just. every rebound was hers. she had 13 points, 14 boards in the half and then this came down to the final 90s brink put it away with a rebound and score finished with 25 points. career high 23 rebounds. the cardinal win 6763
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to clinch the conference title and the stanford men lose at utah sharks. ducks, i need a beanie in my life. sharks down two goals, battle back to tie william eklund on the doorstep. it's a power play goal, tied at three in the second, but less than two minutes later, frank vatrano, the slapper and the sharks lose again. six four sports on abc seven. sponsored by river rock casino and we' let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future.
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it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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we appreciate your time as always. right now on jimmy kimmel, the always funny eugene levy. have a great night. >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight - eugene levy. anna sawai. and music from the kid laroi. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪


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