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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  March 2, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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but we are already seeing storms impact across the area and the sierra could see up to 12ft of snow. good morning. it's
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saturday, march 2nd. i'm stephanie sierra. let's get right to meteorologist lisa argen in the weather center. and she is tracking the latest on this level one storm. good morning lisa. >> hey stephanie. good morning to you. certainly wet out there right now. and the winds continue to be quite gusty. the wind advisory until 10:00. live doppler seven. right now picking up on the smattering of showers. and we have a thunderstorm around mount diablo and also up towards the north bay. you can see the blizzard still going strong in the sierra nevada. and there's a look at our thunderstorm on top of mount diablo, where that yellow is san ramon. and danville. 680 looking at the wet weather towards martez u through 780, some light to moderate showers in the pink there, indicating the rain. snow mix through 116 lagunitas back through marin and then penngrove. you can see the colder air moving on in with behind the system. and thiss the situation down around mount hamilton. we're certainly looking at some snowy peaks there. so we'll be watching this throughout the day and the next
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several hours. will we see a bit of a lull in the system. and then it's going to pick up throughout the afternoon with the chance of thunderstorms again? our wind advisory will expire, but we have rough surf out there. and notice as we get towards the afternoon noon, that's when we get a little heating, a little sunshine, and then perhaps some of those heavier downpours with the thunderstorm wind gust to 41 miles an hour in oakland, 32 over in livermore and upper elevations still over 40 mile an hour. winds and with our wind advisory, a slick start to your weekend. but we will be looking at conditions quieting down for your sunday. but i didn't say warming up. we'll talk about that when that arrives. stephanie a little bit later, okay? >> lisa, thank you. and take a look at this. four people were injured after a tree fell onto a car here in san francisco. the fire department says it happened at golden gate avenue, at laguna street in the western edition. all four people were taken to the hospital, but the extent of their injuries is not clear. multiple lanes were closed while crews cleared that tree and
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here's a look at the current outages. according to p-g-and-e's. this morning, thousand of people across the bay area are waking up without electricity because of the storm's impact. we're seeing the worst of it in fairfield, where more than 8600 people are currently in the dark, and in the north bay, where over 25,000 people had no electricity overnight. now in the east bay, nearly 3000 people in pleasant hill and walnut creek are also being impacted, and the south bay, a section of state route nine, is closed because of a mudslide. debris on the road is diverting traffic away from the area between sanborn road and redwood gulch road. caltrans is working to clear the roads here. it's unclear when it will reopen because weather conditions could cause more debris to wash onto the highway this morning. a blizzard is slamming the tahoe area, creating nearly impossible travel conditions. here's what conditions look like this morning i-80, you see, is closed in both directions near the nevada state line chain controls are required if you're traveling
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on 50, and the national weather service issued a blizzard warning, which remains in effect through tomorrow. you are being asked to avoid going to the sierra this weekend because of those dangerous weather conditions. those who are already there are being asked to hunker down and ride out the storm. abc seven news reporter tara campbell spoke to people who are doing just that. >> when it comes up, it's about 30 knots. just about a whiteout. >> it's expected to be a record setting snowstorm, and people living in the sierra were busy friday evening trying to keep ahead of it all day long. >> we've heard the hum of snow blowers. it's just been going, you know, one after another. if you drive around, people are just clearing snow. randi davis is a former abc seven news photographer who now lives in truckee. >> you can see his grandsons fitting in a snowball fight behind him while the storms already threatened to take out the power here at a very close call earlier, where we started to lose power and luckily didn't, it, it came back, just flashed and came back.
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>> we'll see how that goes though. as the night progresses and the winds come up and the snow gets heavier, and as the snow piles up, the family's prepping pizza for the generator, ready to go. we're probably getting about two three inches an hour. probably it's coming in. >> and as the storm comes in, the black bears are coming out. >> they're coming out already. they don't care what the weather's like. they don't care that there's going to be a snowstorm. >> and bryant is the executive director of the bear league, a nonprofit working to keep lake tahoe's black bears safe. >> people think as long as there's snow, the bears are going to stay in the hibernation and every year they're just shocked when they'll leave a cooler out inside and, um, they'll leave some food in their car and they'll say, well, i thought the bears were sleeping. >> reporter as for anne, she's ready to hunker down for at least a few days. >> well, i've been hearing that this is going to be the storm of the century, and it hasn't
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disappointed. >> she's lived in the area for more than 40 years and says so far, this storm is topping them all. >> it's been blowing white out, accumulating lighting, and it's, uh, it's pretty ferocious. >> tara campbell, abc seven news. >> now, also in the sierra, here's what conditions look like in donner summit. we talked to drivers. some say the storm is turning them away, while others say they're continuing with their travel plans. i towed up on that summit for 15 years. >> stay home. don't go. >> we're going to go until we can't go. no more. and then we'll cab up, turn the heater on. when it blows over, we'll keep on trucking. >> yeah, the heater is crucial. take a look at this. traffic at a complete standstill on i-80 as caltrans reports, multiple spinouts fierce winds and heavy snow are making it difficult for drivers to see. now the storm system also triggered wild weather in the central valley. take a look at this. a funnel
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cloud was spotted in madera county and it did come into contact with the ground, making it a tornado. we have not heard whether it caused any damage in mendocino county. a lightning strike sparked a fire that caused extensive damage to a post office in leggett. a photo shows the aftermath, with the glowing orange ball where the post office once stood. it was closed at the time and thankfully no one was hurt. you can get the very latest forecast and track the rain and snow anytime with our live doppler seven radar. just search abc seven bay area in your devices app store to download it now. in the east bay, the oakland police commission has submitted all four of its police chief candidates to mayor xiang tao. she will now determine if someone will be selected. here are all four candidates. one is a former police chief for san leandro and the others are from out of state. tao has publicly opposed how open the chief selection process has been. governor gavin newsom has a new strategy for cleaning up oakland streets. his office released a
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ten point action plan to support the city in making oakland safer and more beautiful. the plan includes installation of more security cameras around the city , improvements in trash pickup and landscaping, as well as assistance from the state in addressing homelessness. previously, the governor increased deployment of chp officers in oakland to help combat crime. waymo now has the green light to operate its self-driving cars on the peninsula and highways. the california public utilities commission is allowing an expansion into more bay area cities, as well as los angeles. abc seven news reporter ryan curry has the latest. you've probably seen them all over san francisco. >> snow white cars with sensors on top maneuvering the city with no driver. now you'll see them in plenty of other bay area cities. >> 22 cities in the peninsula. uh- they can actually use the service so it's really a surprise to everybody. >> the state, public utilities commission approved waymo's request to expand to the
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peninsula, and los angeles. san jose state professor of engineering ahmed bonafe says this marks a major milestone in the industry. >> the technology is here to stay. it's just who will do it better and communicate better at this stage. >> according to the cpuc, waymo can collect fares and drive people from san francisco all the way down to palo alto, and they can go on freeways, too. but they can't go more than 65mph. however, some in san mateo county feel this decision was rushed. >> i'm concerned that the technology is not ready for prime time, county supervisor david canepa worries more crashes involving self-driving cars will happen. >> waymo asked for this expansion in january. in the middle of february, the cpuc issued a six month suspension of waymo's request so it could review it more. but on friday, they decided to greenlight their request. >> they fast tracked it. how can you say that? there's a suspension or there's a delay, or there's a pause and then you
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get right back to business as cities in san mateo county had been working on an implementation plan for when self-driving cars hit the road, well, very soon those waymo cars are going to be on streets such as el camino real, which is why tech experts say it's about making sure the infrastructure is as up to date as possible. >> they have to communicate and understand this technology, understand the safety, understand how they can help with more about the safety you know, exchange information with the with the with the technology company. it's collaboration and cooperation that's going to make it work. >> collaboration about something from the future rapidly becoming the present. ryan curry, abc seven news. well, it's raining outside. >> let's check in with lisa. how's it looking? well, check out the blizzard happening in the sierra nevada where we're looking at temperatures right now in the low to mid 20s. >> heavy snow. you can't even see the winds gusting to over 40 miles an hour at. yeah, the snow is piling up. upper crest there in the sierra. could see over 12ft. i'll be back with your
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local accuweather seven day forecast next as winds look fierce. >> lisa. thank you. also ahead, greater access to abortion pills. how soon? local cvs and walgreens will begin filling prescriptions for. freestone. but first, a new poll raises eyebrows in the state senate race. republican steve garvey now on top. we'll be right back i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy.
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because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. thanks to skyrizi, i'm on my way with clearer skin. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. nothing on my skin means everything! ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. when i have pain from arthritis i grab biofreeze. unlike voltaren, biofreeze provides fast-acting relief i can apply it to more areas of my body. and it's nsaid-free. cool the pain so i can get back on the court. i came here to find love. but instead, i found a best friend. señor snuffles,
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you stole my sock, and now you've stolen my heart. will you accept this milk-bone as a symbol of my love? ♪ more dog ♪ (dog bark) our mac. there we are tracking a level one storm. it's 513 in the east bay. shopkeepers say they're angry and feel violated after their small businesses in oakland were targeted by thieves . their stores in the area known as temescal alley were recently burglarized. abc seven news reporter tim johns takes a closer look at their growing frustration. >> business owners with shops along oakland's temescal alley, were greeted by shattered glass and broken storefronts friday
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morning. overnight several of the shops in this area were burglarized. that includes liz thayer's leather goods store, where she estimates the thieves got away with over $50,000 in merchandise. >> it means their life sucks and i'm already hustling post-pandemic trying to make it work. this isn't the first time that stores here in the alley have been broken into, though. >> in fact, it's happened about three times just over the past year. this time around, though, they tell me that six out of the 16 shops were hit. >> we call the police so many times the police, the only thing they do is write notes, make a report. but it's nothing happened. >> danny paredes is the property manager for the alley. he showed us security footage that captured two men breaking into the various storefronts. prieta says the men actually came back and forth at least three different times over the course of the night. >> oh, they don't care. they just walk like they're in their house. they don't care. >> increasing crime in oakland has been a major cause of concern for local business
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owners for years. city council member dan cobb, who represents this area, says oakland officials are taking steps to crack down on criminal activities. cobb tells me the results won't be instantaneous, so we have to do the things that that will tangibly have a positive impact, not symbolic things. >> real things. >> those efforts are little comfort to people like thayer, though, who says after spending most of her life in the east bay, she's considering moving out the people that you're asking to vote for, you are also the people that are impacted by, um, you know, all that's going on here. >> and so you need to listen to the, the business owners and the citizens of your community when they ask for help, because a lot of people feel like they're not getting it in oakland. >> tim johns, abc seven news. your voice, your vote. >> california's primary election is on tuesday, and there is one ballot measure. the entire state will be deciding proposition one. it's pitched as a solution for mental health and substance abuse and potentially the homeless crisis. reporter rob mcmillan with our sister station
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in los angeles, has a closer look. >> we've seen the images. we know the stories of homelessness, mental health issues and substance abuse struggles are some of the biggest problems in california right now. in prop one, an ambitious but expensive potential answer. >> we're going all in. this is a scale and scope. unlike anything we've seen anywhere in the united states. >> governor gavin newsom touring the abc recovery center in indio, a facility that helps those with mental health and substance abuse problems. the governor using the time to push prop one, which would authorize the state to spend more than $6 billion. newsom saying the biggest issue the number of beds is back in the 1960s when this facility opened, there were more than 30,000 beds across the state. today, that number is only 5500. is it any wonder that we're struggling to address the magnitude of this issue? >> we simply don't have the
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beds. >> newsom said if prop one is approved, the plan would be to add an additional 11,000 beds. he says the bonds would be paid for out of the general fund is not a tax increase. >> this is a redirection of an existing tax that was established decades ago. >> but there are many who don't support prop one, some saying that yes, there is a problem, but simply throwing $6 billion at it isn't going to work. >> we can all acknowledge homelessness is a serious rising issue in the state of california, but prop one is built on the fallacy that money is the solution to the problem, which we know now. it's not. >> republican assemblyman bill lee, urging californians to vote no on prop one. >> i don't think throwing another $6 billion at the problem is going to make it better until we change our actual policies and we force people into treatment and help. >> rob mcmillan, abc seven news a new poll is shaking up the primary race for california's open senate seat. >> just days before voters head
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to the polls, the los angeles times poll has republican steve garvey surging to the top, with 27% of support. now, he's followed by a democratic congressman, adam schiff, at 25. congresswoman katie porter is next with 19. the top two candidates face off in the general election in november. starting next week, certain cbs and walgreens will begin filling prescriptions for one of two medication abortion pills. both pharmacies receive certification to sell mifepristone in states where it's legal. those states include. here in california, new york, pennsylvania and massachusetts, it will be available to more states on a rolling basis, but the supreme court is expected to decide whether to restrict access to the pill by july. the cdc says you no longer have to self isolate for five days if you test positive for covid. the new guidance release says. if you get covid, you need to stay home until you've been fever free without meds for at least 24
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hours. but the agency still recommends taking precautions for five days, like masking. the new guidance is similar to what california public health officials had recommended earlier this year. continuing our storm watch this morning, the snow is coming down here in lake tahoe. here's a live look from zephyr cove this morning. you can see the strong winds blowing the snow around here. resorts are tweeting out this morning, including sierra at tahoe. the most intense wave of the storm is expected today. in fact, some resorts are already closed like palisades tahoe. others are tweeting for to prepare for delayed openings tomorrow with limited operations depending on what happens tonight for us here at home, lisa is tracking how long this rain will stick around. >> well, i would wait. there's snow for the sierra nevada into sunday, monday and tuesday. weaker systems, but it's going to be a mess up there. as of friday, they picked up two feet overnight. probably doubled that last night. and our thunderstorm
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activity has not ended. in fact, we're still seeing some in the east bay, the north bay, we have cold, unstable air. we're going to get in some sunshine today. so we're going to see another day of some heavier downpours. you can see them right there from mount diablo and as we get in closer, you'll notice that the snow just is not letting up. and that's why we have the blizzard warning through tomorrow. here's a look at some colder air. just east of san ramon and that heavier rain and cell moving out towards discovery bay up in the north bay. glen ellen, they're looking at some of the colder pockets of the system. they're bringing down some snow and we have a snow advisory winter storm warning up for parts of lake and mendocino county. with those low snow levels. mill valley along the coast, bolinas looking at the heavier downpours and down around mount hamilton, where it is 30 degrees, we're looking at 29 mount diablo, mount tam at 33 and 37, ben loman. so certainly
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the possibility of those snowy peaks. so wind gusts to 23 miles an hour, these are actually the sustained winds at 41 miles an hour. oakland 22 miles an hour. hayward, 32, in livermore. and as we go up in height, this is the wind gust situation where it is anywhere from 40 just above half moon bay. near that to 44 at the oakland hills. so it has let up a little bit, but as we go through the afternoon, that wind shift to the westerly winds will keep the winds strong right along the coast here. so the next couple of hours notice, they get even a little bit stronger from the peninsula. 37 mile an hour wind gusts, half moon bay. and this is when we're going to see showers continue to rotate through right on through the afternoon. and that will accompany those very gusty winds . so we are certainly still in the thick of it. although not a level two, a level one. and we picked up anywhere from three quarters of an inch of rain. santa rosa nearly an inch in napa over a half inch in oakland. point six two. redwood city, brentwood point five nine
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and about a quarter of an inch in san jose. 50 now in san jose, lots of mid 40s around the bay. and this is certainly a lot colder than it was yesterday at this time. and we'll continue to feel that cold air filter on in six degrees colder oakland, san francisco. so and here's a look at the timeline for the rain today. so we'll see those spotty showers. this is 9:00. some heavier downpours 4:00 in the afternoon. notice snow accumulation. mount diablo mount hamilton. and then as we get into sunday things begin to quiet down a little bit and into sunday afternoon, spotty showers level one system. this is some light rain into monday, so the rain continues into tuesday. even the light rain. this is a look at what we can expect the rest of the day, today and into tomorrow. an additional three quarters to an inch of rain for your sunday and monday. ben loman over an inch of rain. and then looking at that blizzard warning once again with 5 to 10ft in the upper elevations, here's a look right on through 11:00. looking at another 2 to
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4ft. crazy right? highs today from the 50s. it's a chilly one. windy conditions and there's a look at the sierra nevada once again. where can confirmation on that. it's not a good idea to head there any time soon. in fact right through the next four days it is blustery by accuweather seven day forecast level one system right on through wednesday morning
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beloved products. here's sam champion and danny beckstrom, who have rounded up the best travel finds to help you adventure smoothly. >> hi, i'm sam champion and as always, teaming up with my partner for the joy of shopping, danny beckstrom. and we're on a mission to bring you the hottest deals in our segment. it's a big deal. it is. this week we're diving into the world of travel. danny just got off an airplane so she knows about uncovering the must have essentials to make your next journey smoother, because it's all about the prep.
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>> and let's start with what you need first. right a suitcase this is a samsonite free form suitcase. it is lightweight. it is durable. what else do you need? no and it's got a really nice interior to let you pack easily. >> now, if you're waiting for your luggage in the airport, nothing's more frustrating than trying to find it. this is going to make sure that that goes away and it's super easy. >> yes, the tile mate, this is 20% off with up to 250ft of range. it's water resistant. it can locate your phone if it's connected. that bluetooth tracker for keys for bags just fantastic for the peace of mind. wants to get to your location that your bags are coming as well. >> look at that. super smart. now if you're on the seat or in the seat, you need some comfort because they're not built to sleep in. >> no they're not. this is the turtle travel pillow. and if you're like me and you're an economy in a middle seat because you booked a trip two days before you're supposed to leave, this is the key to making it comfortable, right? this turtle neck pillow, machine washable. it's thin, so when you pack it, it's not going to bulk up your suitcase. what you do is you just stick it right here. you
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wrap this around, you, velcro it on, and it's a nice easy travel pillow. comfortable and it's a lot easier to travel with as you said, washable. >> this is lightweight. it's easy to travel and it's 11% off. so kind of a big deal right there, right? once you get to your location you got to clean up some self care. >> so this is the sea drop skincare hydrating sea foam cleanser. this is an abc exclusive 15% off. it's a gentle cleanser that is good for the environment. one of my favorite things about this cleanser. this is it. so a little beads there. you crush them in your hand, you add some water. it's a foaming cleanser, but you get one glass bottle and then if you sign up for the reoccurring subscription, everything is recyclable. so i actually use these takes off all the makeup better for the environment. it checks all my boxes. and the reason we're including it in travel tsa approved, right? it's not liquid going through security because you're traveling with that. look at that super easy and 15% off. >> yeah. >> so easy to pack as well. >> all right. it is not a pleasant experience. always with the sounds on an airplane. and you want to block them off. >> this sounds it works
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sometimes with your coworker. >> so you just put this on right now and it's nice and quiet. >> he can't hear a thing. we can tell all of the secrets right here. these are the sony headphones. they are over your ear wireless noise canceling headphones. did they do the trick? yeah. >> and not only that, but they're super light and super comfortable as well. just putting them on. it's, uh, it's 50 on, 18% off, 18% off of the 30 hour battery life. >> and they match your outfit. you couldn't have planned it better. all right. so what do you say? should we get out of town? yeah. >> let's roll all the travel essentials are on sale for a limited time only, so don't miss out. hurry on over to shop >> you can find any of these great deals and much more in our next half hour on abc. >> seven mornings lives are on the line. that's the message from president joe biden as the u.s. prepares to carry out air drops o
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garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. this morning. here's a live look
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at the san mateo-hayward bridge right now. and this morning a storm is moving through the bay area, and then the sierra. a blockbuster blizzard. lisa is tracking the very latest on that. we saw those whipping winds in that sierra camera and the. and in lake tahoe. >> did you hear the thunder last night? >> lightning certainly did. >> yeah. i jumped off the couch. it was so intense. and the downpours. we've gone from a level two to a level one system today as the cold front moved through yesterday. you can see just the past few hours a thunderstorm there around mount diablo. there is the blizzard that the feet of snow continues to pile up. i just saw 78 mile an hour wind gusts in the mountains, mir beach and mill valley not only the heavy rain, we're getting some snow on top of mount tam. there's penngrove sebastopol highway one up in the north bay, some light showers, heavy rain from american canyon, highway 37 into vallejo. we'll call it moderate rain. there's that little pink from mount tam down through san francisco, some lighter showers, and then finally the snow around mount
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hamilton. so we're looking at this cold system throughout the day today, a level one downpours at times gusty winds. our wind advisory through 10:00 and a chance of a thunderstorm. so as we go through the day, noontime two 3:00 we'll get some sun that acts as a destabilizing mechanism. when we could see more thunderstorms 41 mile an hour, gusts in oakland and the upper elevations almost as windy. so have the rain gear with you. it is cold. see that? 32 degrees in cloverdale and we'll see the spotty showers. some pretty heavy downpours at times throughout this afternoon. stephanie. >> lisa. thank you. well, those powerful winds and heavy snow are hitting the lake tahoe area as we speak. and a handful of ski resorts are closed due to these blizzard conditions. that includes palisades tahoe residents there are working fast to clear away the snow from cars, sidewalks and roads. >> well, i think it's crazy. we respect this storm this year, so this looks like it's snowing so hard right now. >> i'm mainly worried about the
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wind. not so much the snow. it's the wind. >> i saw a big rig yesterday that was totally flipped over. it was gnarly. >> very gnarly. this is the most powerful storm of the season, stretching about 300 miles across the state. scientists at the central sierra snow lab say the blizzard could break their record of about 3.5ft of snow in a single day. that record, set back in 1989, yosemite national park, is also closed to the public due to the blizzard warning. all current and upcoming guests have been notified. their reservations were canceled. and those staying in the park's hotel were checked out yesterday morning. and while guests are gone, employees who actually live in the park do have access to extra resources like generators and warming shelters. as the park may reopen tomorrow if conditions improve. new this morning, the israeli military announced it is suspending adding daily military activities in rafah for humanitarian purposes. here's a live look from gaza right now. you can see the smoke blanketing
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the city. the new announcement comes as president joe biden said the u.s. will begin dropping aid into gaza. here's abc news reporter daria aldinger after that deadly rush of people around an aid convoy in gaza with the israeli military opening fire, president biden on friday announced the u.s. will join with other countries dropping supplies into the gaza strip. >> people are so desperate that innocent people got caught in a terrible war, unable to feed their families. and you saw the response when they tried to get aid in at least ten children have starved to death in gaza since the start of the israel-hamas war, according to the world health organization. >> the hamas run health ministry in gaza says israeli forces fired on hungry palestinians who were waiting for food assistance. the idf telling abc news that troops did respond with live fire to those that posed a threat to their tanks. escorting the aid convoy, but not at people seeking aid. the idf saying dozens of people were
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trampled in the chaos. but survivors and witnesses disputing that. abdulla jowhar saying they attacked us. they shot at us. we don't have any food. the white house calling the deaths tragic and alarming and calling for a thorough investigation. the talks continue over a possible hostage release deal between israel and hamas. biden had said he was hopeful for a ceasefire by monday, but now sounding less optimistic. it's not there yet, but i think i think we'll get there, but it's not there yet and i'm not. >> and it may not get there now. >> biden's announcement of airdrops also comes on the heels of more than 100,000 democratic michigan voters choosing uncommitted in the state's primary. many voicing opposition to the president's handling of the war in gaza. daria aldinger abc news, new york. >> here in san francisco, protesters are planning a mass demonstration at the harry bridges plaza, starting at noon.
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organizers say they're calling for an immediate cease fire and an end to u.s. support of israel amid the war. now to the future of two trials involving former president donald trump. it is still unclear when his trial surrounding federal classified documents will begin. an abc news reporter, aaron katersky, has more on that case. plus the electorate election interference case that is out of georgia. >> to the cheers of his supporters, donald trump arrived at a florida court hoping to convince a judge to push the federal trial over his alleged mishandling of classified documents past the november election. for the first time in nearly two months. trump coming face to face with special counsel jack smith, the two adversaries appearing to lock eyes several times. trump's attorney argued holding a trial before the election is a mistake and should not happen. he asked judge aileen cannon, who trump appointed to push the case until late november. so the former president isn't stuck in a courtroom when he could be campaigning. prosecutors
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responded that this case can be tried this summer, accusing trump of trying to wring out of the court. needless hearings meant to delay and, they argued, holding the trial before the vote would not violate the justice department's policy against bringing politically charged cases within 60 days of an election. they say that policy only applies to bringing an indictment. but in this case, a lengthy investigation has long complete and the charges laid out so a trial can go forward. prosecutors telling the judge we are in full compliance with the justice department manual in a georgia courtroom. fulton county district attorney fani willis, who was prosecuted the former president for election interference, is sitting silently. trump's lawyer arguing she should be disqualified because of her romance with one of her prosecutors, nathan wade. >> now, do you have to find that wade and willis lied? no what? you need to be able to find is that there is a concern of a legitimate concern based on the evidence in this case, about their truthfulness. >> the district attorney's office arguing willis relationship with wade did not
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infringe on trump or his 18 co-defendants rights to a fair trial, not a single shred of evidence was produced through any of the exhibits, or the witness testimony shows how their constitutional rights or their due process rights were all were at all affected. the judge in atlanta said he would rule within the next two weeks, and here in florida, the judge gave no indication when she would set a new trial date for donald trump. prosecutors again saying there's no reason to wait until after the election because their investigation is complete and holding a trial is within justice department policy. aaron katersky, abc news, fort pierce, florida. >> new this morning wildfires are being linked to mental health problems. that's according to a new findings published in the jama network open. researchers looked at more than 7 million californians who lived close to wildfires within a seven year period, data showed. a significant increase in orders for antidepressants, mood stabilizers. to reduce anxiety. a number of those were
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for women and older adults. closer to home now, san jose's homeless problem is on the brink of becoming a water problem. there's growing concern as pollution created by homeless encampment near creeks is landing in waterways across the city. city leaders say they're working on a plan to relocate all of those unhoused citizens by june of next year. if not, they could face punishment from the epa. >> those waterways have tended to be a magnet for a lot of unhoused people that live along them. and this these two things have begun to clash, especially as we as we deal with the state's new regulations on our stormwater permits. >> the city estimates about 1000 unhoused citizens live in encampments along waterways in san jose. the latest count of san francisco homeless population shows a significant decline in people living in tents across the city. the new numbers show a 37% drop in the number of tents on the streets since july of last year. it's the largest reduction in tents in a six month period since the
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start of the pandemic. the study also shows a 42% decrease in the number of people living in vehicles. stay ahead on abc seven mornings. growing income and wealth what's being revealed in the south bay? according to the silicon valley index. and here's a live look from our golden gate bridge camera this morning. we're tracking a level one storm. i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us.
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i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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richmond-san rafael bridge. luckily, few people are out this morning, but if you are out, you can see they're taking slow speeds. it's 542 to consumers news now reddit is firming up its plans to finally go public. the san francisco social media company is targeting a valuation of around $6.5 billion. that's far less than what it was worth three years ago. the wall street journal reports. shares will be priced somewhere around 31 to $34. now, this is a highly anticipated ipo, and reddit is
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adding a few wrinkles, like allowing some of its users to buy shares. reddit will be listed on the new york stock exchange and the south bay. the silicon valley index has been released, and those behind it say that while things are not at their best, there is still growth. abc seven news south bay reporter zach fuentes breaks it all down. >> silicon valley leaders, organizations and community members all came together to look at the findings of the 2024 silicon valley index, focusing in largely on santa clara and san mateo counties. >> silicon valley index is silicon valley's annual physical exam. it's like going to the doctor's office and seeing how healthy you are. >> released annually by joint venture silicon valley, the index analyzes multiple categories from housing, employment, equity, health, and more. the findings were reviewed friday at the state of the valley conference at san jose state university. the data is used by nonprofits, businesses and local leaders, seeing on a macro scale whether our efforts are actually making a difference
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in the areas that we are seeking to improve people's conditions is a tremendous tool for us to be able to evaluate, recalibrate, if necessary, as a whole. the report finds that the regional economy is showing resilience. thanks in part to thriving innovation. still income and wealth divides have grown. >> silicon valley's achilles heel is housing. it's the nation's most highly priced housing, and it's out of reach for 75% of our workforce. and so no surprise, we also continue to see our homeless population grow . >> the index found that there were 36,000 layoffs since august of 2022, something it attributed to employment demand that spiked in the pandemic and is now waning. but it's not all bad news for many of those laid off. >> ziprecruiter show that most of those layoffs are landing on their feet within three months. and that's how the valley rolls. >> despite good news in many areas, leaders say it also shows that there is much more work to
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be done, especially as it relates to wealth inequalities and homelessness. if we don't get a handle on stemming that that flow into homelessness, we cannot build our way out of it. >> we can't pay our way out of it. in san jose. >> zach fuentes, abc seven news we're waking up to rain this morning or snow, depending on where you are. >> how's it looking, lisa? >> well, you know, pretty soggy out there. over an inch of rain fell in 24 hours here at the airport. 45 degrees. now that's cold for san francisco. usually we're hovering right around 50, and high temperatures today will be well below average. kind of like seattle esque. and we're going to see snowy peaks road has seen some snow falling on our local hills and mountains. so we'll talk about when we get a break from the rain and talk about that ongoing blizzard in the mountains. when we return are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor
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is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product.
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the san francisco skyline. you can't see it, but there are some
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wet roads out here. it's 547. we are gearing up for a full day of sports right here on abc seven. in college basketball, the baylor bears take on the kansas jayhawks on the road in texas. tip off is at 10:00. then for nhl, the panthers face the red wings at noon and later la takes on denver at home. that game starts at 530. now, speaking of basketball, the dubs take the win over toronto despite some obstacles earlier in the day. here's abc seven sports director larry biel good morning everybody. >> warriors three and oh on this road trip they'll go for a clean sweep in boston sunday 1230 right here on abc seven. as for last night in toronto, you know the dubs didn't even get to their hotel in canada until 8 a.m. tired. steph curry is not tired, by the way. he and isaiah expecting their fourth child. so congratulations to the curry's. how about the man child. jonathan kuminga attacking the rim like it owes him money. 24 points for jc dubs. still down
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by three at the half. i hope he's in the slam dunk contest next year at chase with authority. the man can fly. you nt to be on my poster. you want to be on my poster. curry seven threes helping the warriors pull away in a 14 three run steph goes for 25 points. shot clock winding down late. trace jackson davis to beat the buzzer. the warriors victorious one 2105 digging deep fighting fatigue. fans tastic win. >> um i mean la night was brutal. that's the worst travel circumstances i've ever been involved with in the nba. i think we got in bed at 8:00 this morning. it was pretty rough, but really, i'm proud of the group for the way they competed and you know, like i said after that slow start, which was understandable, we really locked in and did a good job. >> we've got the warriors and the celtics who have won ten in a row from boston tomorrow afternoon, 1230 right here on abc seven, followed by after the game. well, it certainly took a
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while, but the giants finally signed veteran third baseman matt chapman. it's a three year deal worth $54 million. also includes opt outs after each of the first two years. chappie platinum glover spent five years with the a's. the last two with toronto, hitting 240 with 17 home runs last season. the giants, still looking for their first win in spring training, playing texas kyle harrison two and a third innings, struck out two two. also walked three. probably going to be the number two man in the giants starting rotation. an little offense please. louis matos high, deep and a low high. he hit two of the giants four homers. giants win 11 five. first victory of the spring. and the a's lose to casey. former niners head coach jim harbaugh, now leading the chargers, checking out the prospects at the nfl combine. this is fast. clemson db nate wiggins, running a blistering 4.28 40, but injured his hip flexor in the process. never seen this colorado state tight
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end dallin holker held on to the first ball when he realized, oh, wait a second, they're going to throw me the second one. two. well he caught both of them. no problem. sign him up. that's a wrap on morning sports. have a great weekend everybody i'm larry biel. >> it is soggy out there this saturday morning lisa is tracking everything you need to know. good morning. >> good morning to you stephanie. we are looking at just an incredible situation where we're going to see an additional 3 to 7ft of snow in the sierra nevada. and we've had anywhere from 4 to 5in in our higher with some thunder snow down towards el capitan in yosemite. so it has been just wild. and you can still see the lightning bolts to the north of us. we've had thunderstorms right on through the east bay. overnight is a level one system. today as we'll see some lulls in our precipitation. but this blizzard goes through sunday and then lighter snow monday and tuesday. here's a look at a line of pretty good rain. some moderate to heavy rain from
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fairfield highway four 680 back through 80. in vallejo. some snow around mount tam. you can see mill valley there and tiburon, richmond some heavier rain and further up to the north bay. it is a lot of snow there from eldridge, east of penngrove and east of yountville. we still have some showers offshore and they'll continue to rotate in through san francisco. and then as we get down towards the santa cruz mountains, you can see around mount hamilton, morgan hill looking at the possibility of some snow when we get the sun coming up here. so that's why we have a winter storm warning for mendocino and lake county through tomorrow morning, 5 to 10in above 1000ft. so certainly that verifying high surf advisory until 4:00. looking at 16ft breakers here. bodega bay could see up to 20ft. and the winds anywhere from 32 to 41 miles an hour sustained as they get quite gusty out of the west throughout the day. today, that's going to rotate in more moisture, more showers, the possibility of a thunderstorm,
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upper elevations still quite gusty as well over 35 miles an hour. here's a look at the winds throughout the day today. notice they stay in that color of yellow to orange and that means that it's going to be quite windy. so the wind advisory through 10:00 could be extended though as you'll notice, by 1:00 we've got upwards of 39 mile an hour wind gusts from just above half moon bay. there. oakland and you have been particularly windy wind gusts yesterday at 55 miles an hour. and then through 11:00. still at about 29 miles an hour. here's a look at our rainfall. the last 24 hours, three quarters of an inch in santa rosa, with nearly an inch in napa. over a half inch in oakland. 0.62. redwood city 0.59. in brentwood and san jose, just over a quarter of an inch. so we've got low 40s in fremont, 50 san jose. and check out the 32 degrees up in clear lake. so we have some colder air. moving on in 4 to 7 degrees colder. this morning. and looking at the rain timeline to be a little bit of a lull as we get through the
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mid-morning. here you can see 9:00 and then some heavier showers through the three 4:00 time period. we'll see some of those downpours. could see a thunderstorm. things get a little lighter as we get into your sunday, but still level one system and then into your monday. even lighter rain. but we still have more rain headed our way. so through sunday, today about a half inch for redwood city, san francisco, adding in monday take us to near. it will take us to near an inch in the city. santa rosa over an inch. ben lomond and then in the mountains. an additional 3 to 4ft of snow and there's a look at the lake tahoe forecast. so even though the blizzard will lighten up through sunday, still some snow into monday and tuesday. so really not a good idea to head up there . highs today only in the low 50s. cold, windy. and then we have a frost advisory in our north bay valleys through 9:00 on sunday morning. overnight lows with some spotty showers in the 30s and 40. level one system
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today. tomorrow, monday. tuesday. much lighter. rain could be ending all by wednesday morning. check out those highs in the 60s. stephanie. by thursday and friday we'll be right back
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i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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oscars. this will be his fourth year hosting. he says he's it's exciting and it's classy than any other awards show. his late night show producers say this is a time he gets to thrive. >> keep it uh- happy. joyful. celebrate the people in the room. keep it moving quickly. jimmy is also really good on his feet. he thrives in on on spontaneous moments. and so live television is perfect for him. >> to be honest, sometimes i hope things go wrong because it mixes things up a little bit. you don't want things to be. you don't want everything to be too neatly wrapped up in a bow. you want a little bit of mess. you want a little bit of risk. and it is a live show and you want
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to remind people of that. >> so much to look forward to. and that countdown has begun. you can watch the oscars on march 10th, starting at 4 p.m. look forward to that. and coming up on abc seven mornings at 6 a.m. dangerous blizzards in the sierra. the warning coming from officials as residents hunker down, buried in the snow. then waymo will officially expand to the peninsula by. local officials are calling the latest decision rushed time to protect your vehicle from winter's wrath. of course, the hot sun can be tough on vehicles too. you need weathertech. laser measured floorliners and cargo liner will shield the carpeting from sand and snow. for your interior, there's seat protector and sunshade. plus, mud flaps and bumpstep for the exterior. while the new impactliner, with shock absorbing rings, safeguards your truck bed from costly damage. order american made products at surf's up! your brain is an amazing thing.
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but as you get older, it naturally begins to change, causing a lack of sharpness, or even trouble with recall. thankfully, the breakthrough in prevagen helps your brain and actually improves memory. the secret is an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve memory. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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one after another. if you drive around, people are just clearing snow now at six. >> rain, wind and a whole lot of snow this morning. not as wet, but we are already seeing the storms impact across the bay area and the sierra could see up to 12ft of snow. good morning, it's saturday, march 2nd, i'm stepha


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