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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  March 5, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PST

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now. the 7 or 8 points you're talking about, people talk about the double haters. they dislike both candidates. they're on the sidelines. of course the effort will be to get them back. >> all about the independents and the californians cast their votes on super tuesday at stake seats in congress and propositions promising to fix some of the biggest problems our communities are facing. good evening. i'm ama daetz. >> and i'm dan ashley. thanks for joining us. so we have a team of reporters covering the various super tuesday races tonight, from the south bay to the east bay and san francisco city hall. >> yes, we begin now with a statewide race. we were closely following the contest for u.s. senate. >> abc news called it about 30 minutes after polls closed. current u.s. representative adam schiff is going to face off
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against former baseball great steve garvey in november's general election. now we heard from adam schiff about an hour ago where he spoke to a packed room of supporters in los angeles. i want you to hear some of what he had to say tonight. >> listen, you helped us build the biggest grassroots campaign for senate in california history, and i cannot thank you enough. my great gratitude to all of my wonderful supporters. i want to acknowledge the right of our protesters, and i look forward to working with you all. and onward to victory. in november, half of his speech was overtaken by protesters chanting cease fire now! >> the crowd got heated for that interruption. years ago, schiff was little known as a congressman until he led the impeachment inquiry of donald trump. it elevated him to national significance, and it greatly boosted his fundraising power, getting him to where he is tonight. >> minutes before schiff took the stage, republican nominee
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steve garvey took to the stage to thank his supporters. he told them he no longer believes california is the heartbeat of america, and he wants to fix that image. >> when i stepped on the field for the dodgers and the padres, i didn't play for democrats or republicans or independents. i played for all the fans. and tonight i'm running for all the people. but when i say i will bring common sense and compassion to washington, i'm only thinking about you. the people. we the people will tell washington what we want, and you'll use my voice. >> the winner of november's election will fill the seat that was held by the late senator dianne feinstein. >> congresswoman katie porter and barbara lee, who also ran for the senate seat. are being shut out of the general election. with schiff and garvey now moving on. >> now, the two women will also vacate their house seats at the end of the terms. and for lee, that means this could be her last election. >> yeah. >> abc seven news reporter
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cornell bernard is live with reaction to tonight's results. cornell >> yeah. dan. and i'm no official concession speech from barbara lee tonight, but she did reflect on the senate race and her very long career in congress, serving the east bay. >> this has been quite a phenomenal multi-race, multigenerational, progressive movement that we have put together throughout the state. >> barbara lee, reflecting on her us senate race, thanking her campaign volunteers and the california voters she met over the past several months. >> we were able to get our message out to people, and we know that there's been a lot of money in this campaign, but that's okay. >> lee was polling in fourth place in the race, outspent by millions of dollars by her democratic rivals. >> i think what's important in terms of barbara lee for senate is that people understand that i see them, i hear them that i want to make their lives better. >> lee is the highest ranking
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black woman in congress. she's been representing california's 12th district in oakland and the east bay since 1998. lee has been a longtime advocate of racial justice, and worked to pass protections for women and the lgbtq community. she was the only member of congress to vote against the use of military force after september 11th. she also opposed the us invasion of iraq and afghanistan. barbara lee. barbara lee speaks for me. well, barbara lee is on her way back to washington, dc tonight where she is serving out her congressional terms. what is next for her? we will have to wait and see. and we're live in san francisco tonight. cornell bernard, abc seven news. >> that's an open and interesting question. cornell, thanks so much. continuing with the senate race, we want to take a look at how the votes are stacking up in each county. i was looking into that for us. so what kind of trends are we seeing tonight. >> well dan, you can see the domination by adam schiff and steve garvey. in fact, the numbers just updated throughout
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california. we have 44% of precincts reporting at this point. you can see steve garvey mostly took the central valley. and adam schiff, the democrat, took most of the coast all along california. if you want to zoom in to our area, the bay area, you see katie porter is in third overall for the state, but you can take a look how she jumps up to number two. if you look at marin county. so you can just take a look at how things played out in our bay area counties. and of course, you will see that barbara lee, though she did come in second here when you're looking at alameda county. but if again, if you take a look at the entire state, uh- she did not come in, let me update those. she was a fourth. so our local, our local barbara lee was down at fourth with just 7.2. again with only 44% of the precincts reporting. but it's pretty clear with adam schiff and steve garvey at the top. >> tough, disappointing night for her. yeah. all right. thanks very much. well a face off with garvey also means that schiff gets to avoid an expensive and
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potentially contentious intraparty fight this fall. abc seven news insider phil matier gave some insight into this highly contested senate race, and adam schiff spent and his supporters spent close to $40 million to get schiff in the second into the second phase of this election and to make sure that steve garvey was the opponent. >> basically, steve garvey had no money and wasn't known by a lot of the voters. and adam schiff turned him into the republican straw man to fight and elevated his presence among republicans and one third of california is basically leans republican. >> he gave him free advertising and they showed up. >> where it goes from here is going to be interesting if schiff goes on to win in november, as expected, it will be the first time in more than three decades that california will be without a female senator, a schiff would also become the first white man from california to serve in the senate chamber since john seymour, back in 1992, and now to the only measure the entire
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state voted on today, prop one. >> it authorizes more than $6 billion in general obligation bonds to build mental health facilities and cover substance addiction treatment. this has been a key push from governor newsom in his plan to fix homelessness in the state, and it's close as people voted around california for this, 52% to 48, 52% saying yes, they support prop one at this moment, with 63% of the precincts reporting now to the south bay, where anna eshoo is retiring, and there is a crowded field vying to fill her congressional seat and that field features several familiar names abc seven news reporter zach fuentes joins us live now from campoli. >> caught up to some of that with some of them tonight. and zach, what's the feeling on the race? >> yeah, some of those candidates are very encouraged today. remember the two candidates who got the most votes in this primary election get to move on to the general election. and right now, with the results that we have, they're showing that former san jose mayor sam liccardo is in the lead, and santa clara county
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supervisor joe simitian is in second place. now. we just caught up with liccardo moments ago at his election viewing party here in campbell said that while he's well known in many parts of the south bay, his work is going to continue to meet people throughout this congressional district and knocking on thousands of doors more than 2500 so far. >> and we are having meet and greets in homes up and down the peninsula, we've had dozens already. we're going to have more than 150 more. >> now, shirley, before speaking with liccardo, we met with santa clara county supervisor joe simitian at his election viewing party in palo alto. he says that their main goal was to get in the final two, and so far, it's looking like they are in that. he says his work is also going to continue to meet more voters. >> calendar has been a challenge for all of us, but this next eight months gives us a chance to really listen to people and talk to people. and i it's the way i've always done my work, and it's the way i want this campaign to be run.
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>> so again, this is a pretty broad congressional district. both candidates are going to have to do a lot of work to familiarize himself with voters in all different parts of it. now, the next results from the santa clara county registrar are expected wednesday at 5 p.m. so again, we'll keep close track of those as this campaign as this election continues again. right now, the two candidates who get the most votes in this primary election get to move on to the general election. but right now, live in campbell. zach fuentes, abc seven news okay, great. >> zach, thanks so much. there are several measures on the san francisco ballot to talk about mayor london breed campaign for three of them. proposition c goes to san francisco's remapping ability measure c a yes would have waived the tax for transferring a property from office to residential use. the goal is to clear the way to convert office space to revitalize the city's downtown space, which has been so decimated by the pandemic. yes on measure c has 54% of the vote, and breed was also a big backer of proposition e, which
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was hotly contested. >> it would allow police to install security cameras on public property and use drones to monitor certain crimes. it also speeds up reporting protocols for officers and use of force cases, as well as forces the police commission to get more public feedback. you can see right now the yes vote is 60% to 40. no. >> all right, let's move to a measure f, which attempts to fix illegal drug use in the city. the measure would require anyone receiving county welfare and suspected of using drugs to undergo drug screenings and get some form of treatment to keep receiving those funds. the voting so far reflects the concern in san francisco about the opioid epidemic. 63% of the votes now in 99% of the precincts reporting are yes. on measure f. >> and those were just some of the issues that sent san franciscans to the polls. >> yeah. >> abc seven news reporter j.r stone is live from outside city hall tonight with a closer look at how the election went in the city. j.r >> dan it is quiet outside of a
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red, white and blue san francisco city hall but busy inside as they are still collecting those ballots. scanning in those ballots after what was a pretty busy day. >> change needs to be made. so that's why i'm here. >> bold opinions coming from voters at san francisco city hall on super tuesday. >> whatever's going to help the city with the crime and i'm for it. so if it means using drones, i'm for it. okay. so anything to help us be safe in the city of san francisco. i'm down for it. >> but while many of those here talked about proposition b, which would set minimum police officer staffing levels, they also talked about proposition e that would allow for certain police car chases, drone use and certain surveillance cameras to be used. >> certainly we need the police for protecting all of us. on the other hand, we don't need them to act beyond what is a reasonable manner nearly every single person we spoke with brought up concerns about the
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homeless and specifically mental health facilities that could be built with the passing of state prop one. >> i took a deep look at prop one. i was initially going to vote no, but unfortunately i read the wording was really nuanced and it said transfer the funds that you're going to distribute, so it wouldn't be too much of an additional tax. so i ended up voting yes, and i thought that was a good thing to do. >> probably the housing and the mental issue. i think that's a necessity. i think because we are having a lot of issues on the streets and, you know, vandalizing a lot of businesses. >> now, though, it's a waiting game for the results to be tallied up, and that could take a number of days. and uh- san francisco mayor london breed sending out two press releases tonight calling proposition e and proposition f here in the city. both passages and victories, both backed by the mayor. you heard ama talk briefly about that proposition e, basically giving police more power, including the use of drones. so certainly tonight,
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mayor london breed feeling good about both of those reporting live in san francisco j.r stone abc seven news. >> all right j.r. thank you. let's take a quick look at the presidential numbers for the democratic presidential primary. you can see of course joe biden there with 90% of the vote. so not much to consider there. taking a look at the gop. same thing. we saw donald trump clearly in the lead with 76% of the vote, nikki haley 20% of the vote with 4,042% of precincts reporting right now. and nikki haley, though, has vowed to stay in the race at least through tonight. now, california was one of more than a dozen states voting today. look at what happened around the country, and we'll take you down to the south bay, where san jose's mayor was up for reelection. >> see what voter turnout, turnout was like there. >> i'm meteorologist sandhya patel. wiper weather. tomorrow i'll show you when the sun's back in the forecast. when abc seven news at 11 continues.
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>> and a couple more results as we head to break measure a in san francisco and unlock a $300 million affordable housing bond, it needs approval from two thirds of voters. right now, you see 68% of the voters voting yes. >> now measure b goes directly to police staffing. and that big issue in the city, this was, evolved with supervisor matt dorsey initially drafting this to mandate minimum police numbers, try to boost retention, keep officers on the force supervisor asha saffy, who is now running for mayor, amended it to include a tax element. you can see no. 67% with 99% of the precincts reporting on measure b
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from the city, with more explicit blocks on gifts to public officials. this is on the heels of some high profile ethics scandals in recent years. 88% of the vote so far in says yes to measure d. >> taking a look at measure g in san francisco that would urge sfusd to offer algebra one to students by eighth grade. right now, 99% of precincts reporting, 84% saying yes. now, the district is already planning to add it to middle schools, but this would show voter support. all right. >> let's head down now to the south bay, where there are a few high profile races that we're following as well. >> abc seven news south bay reporter lauren martinez joins us live from outside san jose city hall. she was at a party earlier hosted by mayor matt mayhem. lauren >> yeah, ama and dan mayor matt mehan is celebrating tonight. he has a strong lead to win the reelection and be here at city hall for four more years. we
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were at his election watch party earlier tonight at blanco urban off san pedro square in san jose. he addressed a crowd of his supporters tonight and talked about his continued goal to make san jose safer and cleaner. >> top of the list is homelessness and i believe that our residents are telling us that they want to see us focus on fewer things, get way more pragmatic. we can't be spending $1 million a door to get one person off the streets. people want to take pride in their city, and they want to know how they can help. and one of the most important things they can do is be a voter. so if anybody watching tonight didn't cast a ballot in this primary, i just really want to encourage them to exercise their voice, their power, their influence as a voter in our democracy. >> now, we were at the santa clara county registrar of voters office earlier in the day. they hired 3000 temporary election workers to help out throughout the county's voting centers. evelyn mendez, with the registrar of voters, said they
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were seeing a much lower voter turnout compared to other years. by this evening, they said 20% of voter ballots have been returned, but not counted yet. that number will likely go up tomorrow. so now there are just over 1 million registered voters here in santa clara county live in san jose. lauren martinez, abc seven news. >> thank you. lauren >> well, a little earlier, we told you about barbara lee's run for senate. that decision opened up her seat in the house. and nine people rushed in to enter that race to fill. >> abc seven news reporter anser hassan joins us live from oakland. he's at a watch party for lateefah simmons. she is one of the front runners on. so it looks like the party is in full swing. yeah >> almost coming to an end for the past 25 years, us congresswoman barbara lee has represented congressional district 12 here in the east bay. tonight, literally passing on a blue baton to lateefah simon, who she's endorsing for district 12, whose party is really getting coming to an end.
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here, simon addressed her supporter, a short while ago. she's really emerged as a frontrunner in this race, picking up some big endorsements, including from governor gavin newsom and the california democratic party. now, with about 20% of the votes counted so far, simon's lead is almost double that over doctor jennifer tran, a cal state east bay professor who's currently in second place. the top two vote getters will move on to the november election. simon says even if she wins tonight, the work isn't done. >> if you look back at my 30 years of work, i have been working to create public safety opportunities for young people leaving the criminal justice system to get them into jobs. i've been fighting for equal wages. i've been pushing for transportation equity in the bay area. those are my priorities. i am stepping into a seat that has almost 60 years of progressive priorities. i'm going to keep moving that agenda. >> i know simon will continue on the campaign trail tomorrow. she
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has an event in richmond where she'll unveil some of her initiatives and fighting climate change again. all the votes have not been counted, but simon with a commanding lead. reporting live, anser hassan abc seven news. >> all right, sir, thank you so much. and here is a look at the manni's election clock in the mission district. it's already counting down the days, hours, minutes and seconds until election day. if you're wanting to plan, that's tuesday, november 5th. >> well, on the national stage, the showdown between president biden and former president trump both dominated tonight and are moving closer to winning their respective nominations. >> abc's perry rossum is in washington with more on how super tuesday played out. >> voters coast to coast choosing their candidate for president. >> i'm going to vote for president trump. >> i want to cast my vote for joe biden. >> on the republican side, former president trump continues his easy path to the republican nomination. >> well, thank you very much. they call it super tuesday for a reason. this is a big one. >> nikki haley, trump's only
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remaining republican challenger, is failing to make any significant dent in his delegate lead. >> as much as everybody wants to go and push me out, i'm not ready to get out yet. >> on the democratic side, president biden has won nearly all the delegates so far. >> i think he's done some amazing things for the country right now. the president continues to see voter pushback for his handling of israel's war with hamas. >> in last week's michigan democratic primary, more than 100,000 people voted uncommitted , a protest vote costing biden two delegates. the president, facing similar uncommitted votes on super tuesday. >> there's no way we're going to vote for biden, that's for sure. >> since that protest vote last week, biden has been more vocal in calling for a ceasefire in gaza. >> there's got to be a cease fire trying hard for that cease fire, even after all the votes are counted and delegates are awarded, neither biden nor trump will have enough delegates to clinch their nomination. >> but this will give them a major step forward. perry russom, abc news, washington. >> arizona senator krysten sinema won't be on the ballot
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this november. the former democrat turned independent today announced her retirement from the senate. polling showed sinema trailing democratic congressman ruben gallego and former republican gubernatorial nominee kari lake. >> a live look outside this super tuesday. we did see a few rain drops today. sandhya patel will be up next with your accu
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meteorologist. sandyha patel is here. sandy? >> yeah. we have another round of rain coming our way. ama and dan, take a look at the water vapor and live doppler seven. you will notice the low pressure system off the coast along with those lightning strikes. yes, it is moving towards southern california, but as it gets there , it is going to get close enough to us to continue our theme of some wet weather. we do have some spotty light showers right now in the east bay. you can see street level radar a little bit of drizzle and shower activity from san pablo to kensington hercules area. we've had a productive winter and it shows our reservoir levels tonight, all above average for our major, major reservoirs except san louis at 85, 131% oroville capacity. all of you are below the capacity. some of you have room to store more
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water, which is encouraging. and in terms of rainfall season to date, 107 sfo san jose 129% santa rosa, san francisco also above average. oakland. you're running behind statewide snowpack. this is the biggest gain 28% on january 1st of this year. tonight, it stands at 104% of average statewide. so good stuff. 40s 50s on those temperatures right now if you're craving the sunshine today we head towards sunset at 608. but sunday, look at the sunset. 712 and june 20th. you'll have that sunset going down even later. so sunset happening later. level one through tomorrow. scattered showers, pockets of brief downpours. a slight chance of thunder as we go. hour by hour. just spotty showers at 8 a.m. but you're going to see more activity picking up as we go towards the afternoon hours. moderate pockets of showers across the region and this continues into the evening. the latest model is trending wetter. rainfall totals will reflect this up to a half an inch for
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the wettest locations. your morning temperatures in the 40s and 50s. before you head out the door, grab those umbrellas and hang on to them. tomorrow afternoon, 50s and 60s. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. it's a one for tomorrow. you get sunshine back thursday, friday. spotty showers. saturday, oscar sunday. we do have a late night chance continuing into early next week. by the way, the time changes sunday morning. spring forwa
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corner store clerk in oakland. oakland police say a juvenile is in custody now in connection with the death of mohammad al-husayni. he was shot during a suspected robbery in january. the alameda county district attorney's office filed charges against this juvenile. >> new. at 11, levi's is laying off nearly 150 employees from its san francisco headquarters. the company says it plans to cut global workforce by up to 15% over the next few months. this is part of the layoffs the company announced in january. the announcement came on the same day levi said it would spend $170 million to keep its name on the 40 niners stadium. levi's employs about 19,000 people worldwide. the a's
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stadium saga took another turn today as the team released some new renderings of its proposed ballpark for las vegas. >> it will have 33,000 seats and a view of the famous strip. there will be a roof that includes an 18,000 square foot jumbotron, which would make it the largest screen in major league baseball. some are saying the stadium looks a little bit like the sydney opera house.
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