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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  March 6, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PST

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the presidential race, paving the way for a trump nomination and a likely rematch with president biden in the general election. >> then two big name democrats don't make the final two in the race to become california's next senator. why last night's results are a big win for the party. even though a republican got enough votes to advance. >> and san francisco mayor london breed championing several propositions in the city to solve the drug and homeless crisis. >> we're going to talk about whether voters agreed with her. >> good morning. it is wednesday , march 6th. >> i'm going to start with a check of our forecast with drew. >> good morning. so rain is back today and at some times it will be heavy. here's live doppler seven. let's get you down there to street level. in some areas the south bay has particularly seen some of the heavier showers this morning. and then you can see a shower working through the peninsula as well. we do have a flood advisory. this is just for the ads in the south bay because we have some standing water. this morning, so be aware of that. may be hard to see some of those puddles as you go about your morning commute. it is a
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level one today for those showers. pockets of brief downpours. this afternoon we have a chance of a thunderstorm wet from the exploratorium camera. so we're in and out of the showers all morning and afternoon. after 6 p.m. we are done with this system and we are drying out. temperatures today in the upper 50s to the mid 60s. guys >> drew thank you. breaking news this morning nikki haley is set to suspend her presidential campaign after losing all but one state on super tuesday. she's planning to make that announcement in her home state of south carolina around seven this morning. abc news sources say that she will not endorse donald trump during this speech. gloria the announcement comes after trump not only one but dominated the republican races, including here in california. >> that's right reggie, this now leaves former president donald trump as the last major candidate standing among republicans, all but guaranteeing him the party's nomination on his way to a likely rematch with president joe biden in november. and what happened nationally, playing out here in california when it comes to the presidential primary
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race. now, president joe biden and former president donald trump are both getting huge super tuesday wins. so let's look at the numbers here in california. you could see that donald trump got 78% of the votes among republican voters here in california. this is with 49% of the precincts reporting. and you can see nikki haley behind with 17% of the votes. and when we look at the democratic candidates here, joe biden getting 89% of the votes and this is with 41% of precincts reporting. so again, this is pretty much what we've been seeing nationally. and this all but guarantees a trump-biden race in november reggie. >> all right. thanks, gloria. nikki haley is expected to speak to her supporters around 7 a.m. abc news will have a live special report when that happens. you can watch it here on abc seven and wherever you stream us. >> now to the high stakes senate race here in california. abc news is projecting democratic
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representative adam schiff will face off against republican former la dodgers player steve garvey in november's general election. abc seven news reporter amanda delcastillo joining us live with more on how the two are reacting and why this is likely good news for democrats who are hoping to hold this seat. amanda. yeah >> kumasi schiff and garvey advancing marks a rare opportunity for the gop, given the grip democrats hold on the state. a republican hasn't won a senate race in california since 1988, but because of the state's democratic stronghold, many expect shift to easily hold the senate seat. in november, democratic representative schiff and republican baseball great steve garvey were competing in two senate contests yesterday, one to fill the remainder of the late senator dianne feinstein's terms from november to january, and another for a full six year tum beginning in january 2025. now, the seat is currently occupied by senator laphonza butler, but she's not running in this race. the two men now
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advance to the general election in november. we heard from both last night, garvey taking from his playing career in the 1970s and 80s. >> when i stepped on the field for the dodgers and the padres, i didn't play for democrats or republicans or independents. i played for all the fans. and tonight i'm running for all the people. when i say i will bring common sense and compassion to washington, i'm only thinking about you, the people. we the people will tell washington what we want and you'll use my voice. you helped us build the biggest grassroots campaign for senate in california history, and i cannot thank you enough. >> my great gratitude to all of my wonderful supporters. i want to acknowledge the right of our protesters, and i look forward to working with you all and onward to victory in november, as you saw there, shefs victory party was met by protesters
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calling for a ceasefire in gaza. >> schiff has been outspoken in support of israel's right to defend itself. tuesday, though, he shifted directions and endorsed the bidens administration's call for a gaza cease fire, part of a broader agreement that would include the release of hostages back to the race. many say the schiff and garvey set up almost solidifies what's expected to be an easy run for schiff to the senate and live in the studio this morning. amanda delcastillo abc seven news amanda, thank you. >> all of that means that east bay representative barbara lee will not be in the general election. lee is also vacating her house seat at the end of the terme, which means in january she will be out of office after having served here for almost three decades. last night, she thanked campaign volunteers and voters as she reflected on her senate race. >> this has been quite a phenomenal multiracial, multigenerational, progressive movement that we have put together throughout the state. >> lee is the highest ranking black woman in congress. she has represented california's 12th
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district in oakland since 1998. she's a longtime advocate of racial justice and helped pass protections for women and the lgbtq community. she was the only member of congress to vote against the use of military force. after nine over 11. she opposed the us invasion of iraq and afghanistan. >> then congresswoman katie porter also fell short in her run for the senate seat. she addressed voters in long beach as those results came in, our opponents threw everything. >> every trick millions of dollars, every trick in the playbook to knock us off our feet. but i'm still standing in high heels. and that because of you. so the most important thing i want to say tonight is thank you. >> porter came in third with less than half the votes of garvey. >> representative anna eshoo is retiring, and there's a packed list of candidates vying to fill
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her congressional seat. former san jose mayor sam liccardo is currently in the lead, followed by santa clara county supervisor joe simitian and representative evan low. just behind him, vying for the number two spot, and the top two will advance to the november election. liccardo is well known in san jose and parts of the peninsula. he tells abc7 news he's trying to get to know voters in other parts of that congressional district by knocking on thousands of doors, more than 2500 so far. >> and we are having meet and greets in homes up and down the peninsula, we've had dozens already. we're going to have more than 150 more. >> we also spoke to samadian, who says he's encouraged by the numbers and looking ahead to the november election calendar has been a challenge for all of us. >> but this next eight months gives us a chance to really listen to people and talk to people and i it's the way i've always done my work, and it's the way i want this campaign to be run. >> the next round of results from the santa clara county
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registrar are expected tonight by 5 p.m. a quote there from evan low, which sorry, i did not get a chance to read that. we are keeping track of every race from super tuesday. to see the results, just go to the front page of our website abc seven >> still to come, california voters divided on a proposition aimed to help the homeless crisis in the state. whether the governor endorsed plan was a hit with voters. >> then all that rain that we've received means drought will not be in our vocabulary for a while . the state now above historic averages in both rain and snowfall, and we have more rain this morning. >> live doppler seven showing you scattered showers, some brief downpours working through the south bay, the peninsula. we're just in and out of the showers all day long throughout the morning and into the afternoon. keep the umbrella handy. but behind this system we finally get sunshine returning. we'll
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through. we'll go in tighter on live doppler seven, mainly in santa clara county. we've had a lot of heavy showers in the past hour. you can see those brighter colors working through campbell san jose on their way into sunnyvale. just be aware, we may have some standing water on our area roadways this morning. some lighter showers in the east bay from oakland to san leandro up into el cerrito, but see some heavier showers working to the western half of the city so the richmond sunset get ready for a quick moving downpour. we're at a level one today for these on and off showers, there is the chance of a thunderstorm, and i think the best chance is probably between two and 5 p.m. today after the sun goes down. these showers are out of here. and on the three day forecast, look what awaits us tomorrow. sunshine. both thursday and
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friday. we'll preview the weekend kumasi coming up in about nine minutes. >> thank you. drew. coming up, which state is calling on students to ditch the cell phones in class? a pilot program underway to help some students unplug at school. then barbie is celebrating its 65th anniversary with new dolls to honor international women's day. and as we break, we're taking a live look outside. right now it is 612. we'll be right back it's what's going on inside of me. it's my moderate to severe ulcerative colitis. it wasn't always this calm uc went everywhere i did. wondering when it would pop up next was stressful doing a number on my insides. but then i found out about velsipity a new once-daily pill, not a steroid or biologic, for adults with moderate to severe uc. velsipity can help calm the chaos of uc — it quickly treats flares providing a chance for lasting steroid-free remission. don't take velsipity if you've had a heart attack, chest pain, stroke or ministroke, heart failure in the last 6 months,
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irregular or abnormal heartbeat. velsipity may cause serious side effects including infections that can be fatal, slow heart rate, liver problems, increased blood pressure, macular edema, certain types of skin cancer, swelling and narrowing of the brain's blood vessels or shortness of breath. tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to be. if conventional therapy like 5- asas or steroids aren't working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about velsipity. velsipity. help calm the chaos of uc. thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain,
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cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product. paying for three of them. proposition c goes to san francisco's remapping ability. a yes vote would waive the tax for transferring a property from office to residential use in the first year. the goal is to clear the way to convert office spaces to revitalize the city's
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downtown space. by creating more housing, you can see 54% of voters in san francisco voted yes here on measure c. now, mayor breed was also a big backer of proposition e, which was hotly contested. it would allow police to install security cameras on public property and use drones to monitor certain crimes. it also speeds up reporting protocols for officers and use of force cases, as well as the police commission to get more feedback from the public. now prop you can see prop e here, 60% of voters voting yes. and now this is what we're looking at right now. prop f 63% of san francisco voters voting yes on prop f, which is an attempt to fix illegal drug use in the city. this measure would require anyone who is receiving county welfare and suspected of using drugs to undergo drug screenings, and to get some type of treatment to keep receiving those funds. as you can see, 63% of voters in san francisco
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saying yes to prop f now, mayor breed shared this statement on measure f, prop f passing, saying in part, the passage of prop f shows that voters believe we must be both a city of compassion and accountability. we will now be working to implement it over the coming months, to make sure that we continue to offer people the critical support they need, while also being responsible in helping those with substance use disorder get the treatment they so badly need. now it's a waiting game to determine whether a state proposition one, championed by the governor is going to pass. so we're talking about prop one here. that would change the mental health services act and impose new requirements on how counties report and then spend money on mental health programs. it would also help to build more mental health facilities. san francisco voters we spoke with at city hall were split about this idea. supporters say it would help with the housing crisis and to help resolve some negative impacts that a lot of businesses are facing across the city.
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opponents said it is too expensive and that it would take money away from other programs that really need it. >> probably the housing and the mental issue. i think that's a necessity. i think because we are having a lot of issues on the streets and, you know, vandalizing a lot of businesses. >> right now, the support is hovering around 50. so we won't know the final results for this. for at least a few more days. some other headlines. now, a major problem for california almond growers according to sfgate, 71 california almond farms have now filed for bankruptcy after the price for almonds plummeted late last year. the farms are in solano, contra costa, san joaquin, fresno and tulare counties. last november, the agriculture department said tree nut prices fell to just $1.10 a pound, which is down from a high of $4 a pound in 2014. california could be free from widespread drought conditions through the beginning of 2026. this is according to a new report from accuweather meteorologist. the
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weather company said it came to this conclusion after an extensive review of the data and consultation with their expert team of long range forecasters. meteorologists say the state's reservoirs are averaging around 118% of long time historic average, and that is thanks to last year's winter storms. now, this year, the rain in february and the recent blizzard we saw in the sierra also helped to push the state above historic averages. >> the plentiful rain and mountain snow of the recent years sets the groundwork for accuweather's forecast of no widespread drought in california for the next two years. >> now, we should note that while accuweather is projecting no widespread drought conditions, things may still dry out in local areas. >> there's new reaction to a decades old classic that you have to see a six year old boy from louisiana just saw the 1997 epic romance adventure titanic. and here's a reaction.
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>> bobo, why are you crying? thank you. because it's so cute oh, buddy. oh i'm like, where is he? >> i know also, merry christmas. you know, we said that some people keep they keep it up for a while. >> okay. >> a smidge long. yeah. >> the boy's mother says he just finished the film and heard celine dion's my heart will go on during the end credits. >> that will do it. >> he apparently has a fascination with the famous disaster, so she put the film on and she says she didn't realize that he was crying when she started to record. but once she realized it, viral video madness . >> tears, tears, tears. >> keep it going. i'll keep the camera on you. more tears please. more trauma. >> oh, it is sweet. but you're also like, why are you shooting him while he's, you know, crying his feelings?
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>> i really need to have a date stamp on that video. >> are we watching something that was filmed on december 22nd, or is this march in their household? because if so, do we need to call a child protective services? >> okay, no, no. some people like the holidays. >> the holidays can last. we discuss this. it can last however long your heart desires. >> and it's almost spring. that's not. it is basically easter. >> well, i mean, don't look at my desk upstairs because i still have a christmas tree lit, so. okay, it's been lit for two years. i just never unplugged it. >> so perfect example, right there. >> you're full of joy. thank you kumasi. >> it brings me so much joy when i look at it in the morning. oh, dark early. it's like, oh, dark early, you know, look at christmas, drew. thank you. >> happy new year. >> here's a live look at san jose this morning. we are wet across parts of the region and even some downpours as well. looking at the storm concerns, the greatest concern we have with this storm today is just standing water on our roadways. be aware that there may be some ponding so a little bit slower a
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go today. a lightning risk is possible as we head throughout the afternoon, but we're not looking at any damaging winds or river flooding with this storm system. here's live doppler seven. there you can see the scattered downpours working their way up from the south bay along the peninsula into the city. some lighter showers right now in the east bay. currently we're at a level one on the storm impact scale. center of low pressure is to our south and west. there are a few lightning strikes with some of those cells offshore, and as they move closer to us, it's not out of the question. we could see a thunderstorm today. so here's that level one on the storm impact scale that we're tracking throughout the morning and into the afternoon. here's future weather. we'll stop this at 1130 when we're back on air for midday live. we'll find some scattered showers in the forecast, but between two and 5 p.m. today, that's your best chance of hearing a clap of thunder. and look how quickly the showers move out of here after the sun goes down. we are done with this storm system. rainfall totals underneath the downpour. you could pick up a quarter to a half of an inch of rain, but most areas we're looking at less than a quarter of an inch of rain out of the
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system. so stormy skies today. we'll get those temperatures in the upper 50s and the mid 60s for those daytime highs. here's the accuweather seven day forecast stormy today. but look at the payoff tomorrow. sunshine back here thursday and friday. over the weekend we bring back the clouds a spotty shower on saturday. drier on sunday with more rain next week. gloria. >> yeah you know, we do have some wet roads this morning, so it could be a slick commute for you. we're also following a sig alert right now. this is over in pinole on eastbound 80, and we're zooming in to show you exactly where this is happening. this is over at pinole valley road, and there was a two car crash here. one of the cars caught on fire and right now the right lane is blocked. so this is causing some delays here in pinole. and then looking over at your mass transit for this morning, we do have some cancellations this morning on the san francisco bay ferry. so if you take the ferry, check the website for the very latest information on those cancellations and those departures. and then ace three has some mechanical issues. so they are reporting up to 20 minute delays at this time. reggie aqui kumasi.
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>> thanks, gloria. good morning. america's coming up at seven right here on abc seven. >> and sam champion has a look at what's ahead. >> hey, reggie. hey, kumasi. it's nice to see you guys this morning. so coming up, let's just dive into this. following all the results from super tuesday as president biden and former president trump head for a rematch, our political team is breaking down all of the results. plus a look at what our air travel in the future could be. self security checks without tsa agents. g is going to show us how all of this might work. and you may have heard this, but florida is cracking down and breaking up with spring break. what the state is doing to prevent a repeat of the violence, the chaos, and even the deaths of recent years, and why a popular weight loss drugs are many of them could soon be very expensive for us. plus, one of our favorites, john cena, is here to tk about a brand new movie
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stay considering a ban. middle schoolers in connecticut are currently participating in a cell phone free pilot program. the program gives kids the option to leave their phone at home or or put it in a pouch they can hold on to, but remains locked until the end of the day. some people say using phones causes students to be distracted during class. florida was the first state to initiate a ban last year. now connecticut, connecticut's governor, wants lawmakers to do the same. >> i'm showing my age, but i do find that social media is sometimes fundamentally anti-social, and i think too much smartphone makes you stupid. >> oh, okay. lawmakers in oklahoma, kansas and vermont have also introduced proposals for phone free schools, according to a survey. nearly 80% of us schools already ban phones. new at six target is
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launching a paid membership program, kind of like what amazon prime has. target circle 360 will include unlimited same day delivery for orders over 35 bucks, as well as free two day shipping. it promises delivery in as little as an hour. the membership program launches april seventh for 49 bucks a year, but the price jumps to $99 a year after may 18th. for those who don't have a target card next to 630, not getting enough sleep could significantly impact your health later in life. even if you are using a healthy diet. then another downtown san francisco mainstay could get a new look. burberry apparently looking for a
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race. his only major challenger, nikki haley, is dropping out. we have live reaction from dc ahead then with barbara lee running for senate. >> her seat in the east bay open for the first time in years. who has the advantage in replacing her and the new renderings of the a's proposed vegas stadium aren't exactly a hit, with some fans. >> some people are saying that it's a knockoff of the sydney opera house. well >> good morning everybody. it is wednesday, march six. >> first a check on the weather with drew. good day mate. good day mate. >> hey. it's imitation. sincerest form of flattery. here's live doppler seven. dig out the rain gear. showers are back this morning and we have some downpours as well. a downpour working its way into the city this morning. some lighter showers in the east bay. but it's the south bay consistently this morning that has seen the heaviest rain you can see around saratoga, san jose, sunnyvale, milpitas. we do
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have a flood advisory in effect for the roadways here. some standing water is being observed. be aware of that. it's a level one today. scattered shower, some brief downpours, even the chance of a thunderstorm later on this afternoon. so it's wet from the exploratorium camera. just a stormy day today. we'll get those temperatures into the upper 50s mid 60s. if you hear a clap of thunder, move indoors until that storm passes by. let's see how the commute is going with gloria. good morning. >> good morning drew. good morning everyone. so we do have slick roads this morning. you always want to give yourself a little bit of extra time when that is the case. and right now we are continuing to follow the sigalert over in pinole. this is on eastbound 80 at pinole valley road. this is a two car crash. one of the cars caught on fire and right now the right lane is blocked. so this is causing major delays in this area. and looking at your drive times for this morning from tracy to castro valley, it'll take you 64 minutes. right now that's in the red. so major backups here and also some slowdowns from highway 85 to the san jose airport that will take you 21 minutes. reggie
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aqui kumasi. >> thank you gloria. breaking overnight nikki haley is set to suspend her campaign in the gop presidential race after a poor showing on super tuesday. >> that leaves former president trump as the only major republican candidate left and the presumptive nominee, abc news reporter ike ejiochi joining us live from washington and ike, that means likely a biden-trump rematch. >> that's right. kumasi. good morning. good morning reggie. now listen, there were cautionary signs playing out for both president biden and donald trump, all while nikki haley really continued her long streak of losing big to trump. breaking this morning, nikki haley dropping out of the 2024 presidential race after winning only one state, vermont, on super tuesday. her decision makes donald trump the presumptive republican presidential nominee, sources tell abc news. haley is not expected to endorse a candidate today. now the picture is clear. president biden and former president donald trump will presumably face each other in november's election. biden and trump dominating super tuesday
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races across the country, securing delegates with notable victories in texas and california for republicans. trump winning by large margins in all states except for vermont, where his gop challenger, nikki haley, walked away with her first state of the primary season. >> they call it super tuesday for a reason. this is a big one. >> haley winning a portion of the vote between 20 to 30% in some states. trump not mentioning haley by name, says it's time for the republican party to be unified while turning his focus to the general election. >> we want to have unity, and we're going to have unity and it's going to happen very quickly for democrats, president biden winning nearly all the delegates so far, biden releasing a statement on the results, saying the american people have a clear choice, writing to millions of voters across the country made their voices heard, showing that they are ready to fight back against donald trump's extreme plan to take us backwards. >> still, both candidates are
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facing cautionary signs biden continues to see voter pushback for his handling of israel's war with hamas on tuesday in minnesota, an unusual high number of democrats voting uncommitted in protest. as for trump, his issues stemmed from suburban and women voters turned off by his message and rhetoric. now, looking ahead, president biden will have a chance to reinforce his campaign message at thursday's state of the union address. well, for the first time, the entire message will be live streamed from the potus instagram account. reggie aqui kumasi back to you. it is 2024 after all. >> thanks so much ike! you can find full election results all morning long at the bottom of your screen and at abc seven here in california is looking like democrat congressman adam schiff and republican steve garvey are going to be facing off in november. they both have a commanding lead in the race to fill the seat once held by the late senator dianne feinstein. abc seven news reporter amanda delcastillo is here with the reaction from both of them this morning. >> yeah, reggie, many say a sheriff in garvey set up almost
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solidifies what's expected to be an easy run for democratic representative schiff to the senate. schiff and republican baseball great steve garvey were competing in two senate contests yesterday, one to fill the remainder of the late senator dianne feinstein's terms from november to january, and another for a full six year terms beginning in january 2025. schiff and garvey advancing marks a rare opportunity for the gop, given the grip democrats hold on the state last night. shifts victory party was met by protesters calling for a ceasefire in gaza. he has been outspoken in support of israel's right to defend itself. >> you helped us build the biggest grassroots campaign for senate in california history and i cannot thank you enough, my great gratitude to all of my wonderful supporters. i want to acknowledge the right of our protesters, and i look forward to working with you all and onward to victory. >> in november, when i stepped on the field for the dodgers and
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the padres, i didn't play for democrats s or republicans or independents. i played for all the fans. and tonight i'm running for all the people. but when i say i will bring common sense and compassion to washington, i'm only thinking about you. the people we, the people will tell washington what we want and you'll use my voice. >> garvey. they're taking from his playing career in the 1970s. >> and 80s a republican, hasn't won a senate race in california since 1988. but because of the state's democratic stronghold, many expect schiff to easily hold the senate seat in november. the seat is currently occupied by senator laphonza butler, but she's not running in this race. the two men now advance to the general election in november. i'm live in studio. amanda delcastillo, abc seven news. >> thank you. amanda face off with garvey also means a shift gets to avoid an expensive and potentially contentious intra party fight this fall. abc seven insider phil matier gave some insight into this highly
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contested race, and adam schiff spent and his supporters spent close to $40 million to get schiff in the second into the second phase of this election and to make sure that steve garvey was the opponent. >> basically, steve garvey had no money and wasn't known by a lot of the voters. and adam schiff turned him into the republican straw man to fight and elevated his presence among republicans. and one third of california is basically leans republican. >> he gave him free advertising, and they showed up where it goes from here is going to be interesting if schiff goes on to win in november, as is expected, it will be the first time in more than three decades that california will be without a woman. >> senator schiff would also become the first white man from california to serve in the senate chamber since john seymour in 1992. now to the only measure the entire state voted on, prop one authorizes more than $6 billion. >> in general obligation bonds to build mental health facilities and cover substance
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addiction treatment. and this has been a key push from governor newsom in his plan to fix homelessness in the state. gloria this proposition is extremely close right now. >> it is kumasi. it's pretty much a dead heat right now. prop one is leading slightly, but it is just too close to call because not all of the results are in yet. so let's look at the numbers you can see right here. yes, leading with 50% of the vote. no for prop one with 49% of the vote, but still, this is just a difference of about 34,000 votes. and this is about 48% of the precincts reporting. so we're still waiting for more results to come in. but if you take a look here at this map of the state, you could see that a lot of northern central california voting no on prop one. but when you look at the coast, that's where you get a lot of the yes votes for prop one. so it's really interesting to look county by county, see how the different counties are voting on prop one. if you look at a county like glenn county here, you have 68, almost 69% voting no for prop one. and yes,
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it is 31. and then you take a look at more of the bay area counties like san francisco county. check this out. 71% voting yes in favor of prop and 29% voting no. so it's been very interesting to take a look at these results. and of course, we will keep tracking this for you throughout the morning, reggie. >> all right. thank you so much, gloria. in the south bay, san jose mayor matt mehan has a strong lead to win reelection and stay in office for four more years. mehan is not facing any serious question. he talked about his continued goal to make san jose safer and cleaner at his watch party last night. >> top of the list is homelessness, and i believe that our residents are telling us that they want to see us focus on fewer things, get way more pragmatic. we can't be spending $1 million a door to get one person off the streets. people want to take pride in their city, and they want to know how they can help. and one of the
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most important things they can do is be a voter. so if anybody watching tonight didn't cast a ballot in this primary, i just really want to encourage them to exercise their voice, their power, their influence as a voter in our democracy. >> although when you look at the numbers, it doesn't look like many people did exercise that right to vote. the registrar of voters say they're seeing a much lower voter turnout compared to other years, as of late last night, 20% of ballots have been returned and are still being counted. there are over 1 million registered voters in santa clara county today. >> democrat latifa simon will continue campaigning in richmond. she is a front runner in the race to fill congresswoman barbara lee seat in the 12th congressional district. simon is endorsed by to me. on yesterday, she addressed policies that she says she will fight for, including a livable wage, transportation and public safety. >> if you look back at my 30 years of work, i have been working to create public safety opportunities for young people, leaving the criminal justice
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system to get them into jobs. i've been fighting for equal wages. i've been pushing for transportation equity in the bay area. those are my priorities. i am stepping into a seat that has almost 60 years of progressive priorities. i'm going to keep moving that agenda. >> simon has notable endorsements, including from gavin, gavin newsom, governor gavin newsom, as well as the california democratic party. as of this morning, her lead is almost double over doctor jennifer tran, a cal east bay professor who is in second place. former congresswoman jackie speier appears to have won a seat on the san mateo county board of supervisors. spear has nearly 70% of the vote, more than doubling the amount of her competitor, millbrae city council member anne schneider. they are in the race to represent district one, which includes burlingame, hillsborough, millbrae and parts of san bruno and san francisco. spear began her career as an elected official on that board in 1980. we're keeping track of every race from super tuesday to
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see the results. >> just go to the front page of our website, abc seven coming up months after levi's paid hundreds of millions to renew their 40 niners stadium sponsorship, the company is laying off dozens more workers here in san francisco. >> and you're looking live right now at the big board at the new york stock exchange. we're up right now by about 140 points. another update on the markets next. >> then the a's new stadium renderings have some fans saying that it looks awfully familiar and stay with us on the abc seven bay area streaming app at seven for abc seven at seven. we're live weekdays from 7 to 8 a.m. download the app now. wherever you stream. >> time now, almost 643 on our wednesday live doppler seven is showing you you need your rain gear. today we have scattered showers and some downpours. we have one downpour that's working through the western part of the city. we'll go in a little bit tighter on street level, live doppler seven showing you that downpour working the sunset parts of the richmond and the presidio this morning will take you into the south bay, where we've had some heavier showers this morning. at times
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underneath some of these darker colors like the red that rain falling at more than an inch per hour. but these cells are moving off to the north, so we could see some standing water on our area roadways. that's the biggest impact we'll find from this level one storm today scattered showers, some pockets of brief downpours this afternoon. we have a slight chance of thunder. looking at your rain chances through today. we're just in and out of the showers all morning and into the afternoon. it's after about 6 p.m. we're done with the rain and the best chance of finding that thunderstorm, likely between 2 and 5 p.m. today. temperatures in the upper 50s to the mid 60s for your daytime highs. underneath that stormy sky. but tomorrow we get the payoff behind this storm. the sunshine is back and that sun continues. on friday, we'll preview when your child has moderate—to—severe eczema,
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it's okay for them to show off. show off their clearer skin and noticeably less itch with dupixent. because children 6 months and older with eczema have plenty of reasons to show off their skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, they can stay ahead of their eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪ show off to the world. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent.
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40 year old tollet and her 74
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year old mom, coltrane, vanished from their san pablo home in september. on monday, contra costa county prosecutors filed murder charges against ley's husband, phuc vo. police arrested him last week after serving a search warrant at the family's home. >> he has not been forthcoming with this information, with information on, you know, what may have occurred or where where the victims may be located. >> police say they need help figuring out a motive in this case, and determining where the bodies of the two women might be . vo is currently in the county jail in martinez. >> an arrest has been made in the killing of a beloved store clerk, corner store clerk in oakland. opd says a juvenile is in custody in connection with the death of majid al-hasani. he was shot during a suspected robbery back in january. the alameda county district attorney's office filed those charges against the juvenile.
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>> the a's stadium saga takes another turn. the team just released some new renderings of its proposed ballpark for las vegas. they are the first updated renderings we've seen in months, and boy, does it look different than what we first saw. it will have 33,000 seats and a view of the las vegas strip. there is a roof. it includes an 18,000 square foot jumbotron, making it the largest screen in major league baseball. now what do you think it looks like? because some people say it looks a lot like the sydney opera house. other people say it looks like an armadillo. >> that wasn't necessary. >> yeah, that seems rude. >> that was too much. another big retailer may consider leaving san francisco's union square. the chronicle is reporting luxury designer burberry is looking to sell its location on post street. it's the 17,000 square foot space. it's in the heart of union square. the asking price is not clear, but the building last sold in 2001 for more than $16 million. the chronicle is also reporting burberry has found a
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potential new location at geary and grant, and is considering leasing the building on post street. >> now it's their morning money report. levi's is laying off nearly 150 employees from its san francisco headquarters. the company says it plans to cut global workforce by up to 15% over the next few months. this is part of the layoffs the company announced in january. the announcement came on the same day that levi's said it would spend $170 million to keep its name on the 40 niners. stadium. levi's employs about 19,000 people worldwide, and now we take a live look at the new york stock exchange as trading gets underway. we are up about 104 points. >> if you are waking up this morning without enough sleep, here is a reason. the script says to go back to bed. but we don't want you to leave. maybe you just go to bed a little bit early because a new study found a lack of sleep can raise your risk of developing type two diabetes. this study was just released and published in the jama medical journal. researchers say people who slept
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less than five hours a night had a higher risk of developing diabetes, compared to people who slept 7 to 8 hours. they also say the best way to counteract the impact is to figure out how to get more sleep. that's helpful. that is so helpful. >> thank you for that sage advice. how many hours do you think you got? you got four. >> seven? you got seven. >> i usually get like six a night. so i know that's not enough, but it's so hard to get enough sleep on our shift. >> i mean, you're telling me i'm on probably four and a half? >> yeah. oh, wow. >> well, and you functioned so well under such little sleep. >> as soon as the seven is over. nap time, a new purse is shaking up the fashion world. even though it can't hold a lot. i think this is amazing. it's like your box for your mug. >> oh, yeah. >> because, like your mug, this is a very valuable and delicate item. so this company called company partnered with nasa to
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create what they call the air swipe bag. it's made of 99% air, 1% glass. it weighs the same as a light bulb. okay. company says it is made of nasa's nano material silica aerogel, which is the lightest solid on earth. we don't know how much it's going to cost, but the paris based fashion label is saying that it is the perfect size for your phone. >> i am obsessed with this. >> this is cool. >> it's really cool. >> fragile. >> do you have to be sensitive with it? >> i thought at first it might be, but then when nasa's involved, i feel like they are going to help make it durable. >> it's very confusing because the post says that it is delicate, but not fragile. >> okay, i don't get it. >> i'm not sure. >> is it? >> i would, i would like your phone is delicate but not fragile. meaning like if you dropped it, it would crack, but it wouldn't shatter. >> this is the same material they use to capture stardust. isn't that cool? >> oh, wow.
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>> fragile. must be italian. >> i wonder how much it would be. do we know prices? >> it's way more than i can afford. >> i know that you never know, friend. >> you're abundant, am i? >> yes. thank you. >> i would like to say that you are abundant. >> yeah. >> if you wanted that purse, you could get it. >> put the phone in there. maybe the little clicker. >> imagine me walking around with that. >> yes i can, i could okay. >> yeah. good. >> i could see you doing that. >> thank you. gas me up. >> of course at night you're at an event just like here's my 1% glass purse. >> what is my phone. yeah yeah. >> where's my phone? you know what though? you see the notification? you're just like, hold up your purse. >> you're like, oh, yeah. >> see through. >> yeah, i'm into it. >> i love this for me. >> listen, if nasa's involved, they think it's a good idea. okay that's all i'm saying. outside this morning. here's the exploratorium camera. dig out the rain gear. you need it today. we have showers in the forecast. the biggest concern we have today is just standing water on our roads, because we will have some quick moving downpours. and some of that
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water may pond a little bit on some of our freeways and our interstates. we have a low risk of lightning this afternoon. we have no threat of damaging winds or river flooding. this is a fast moving storm. here's live doppler seven. we're showing you those scattered downpours for much of the morning. they've been focused in the south bay. we have a couple of heavier showers working up the peninsula into the city, some lighter showers in the east bay. we have a flood advisory in effect for part of santa clara county. the area shaded in green just because we are seeing standing water on our roads. this morning, leading to a little bit of a slower morning commute as we go about our day. here's live doppler seven. low pressure off the coast. there's a couple of thunderstorms developing. those could move in here later on this afternoon with this level one system. so brief downpours a slight chance of thunder. that best chance of thunder likely between 2 and 5 today. here's future weather. we're back on air for midday live later this morning. we'll track those scattered showers and those downpours moving through. even that chance continues into the early afternoon, but after the sun goes down, we're done with these showers and we are drying out. so it's a stormy day today with those showers moving
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through upper 50s to the mid 60s for daytime highs. look what awaits us tomorrow on the accuweather seven day forecast. cannot wait for this. we have sunshine both tomorrow and friday over the weekend. saturday some spotty showers. drier but cloudier on sunday with more rain early next week. >> gloria. yeah, drew i'm also excited about the drier weather tomorrow, but for this morning, likely going to be a wet commute for you today, so keep that in mind when you're driving. we always like to remind you go a little bit earlier when it's raining outside. i know i got a lot of rain on my drive in. we do have an update for you on the sig alert over in pinole that has cleared. there was a car fire over on eastbound 80 at pinole valley road. however, there's still some minor delays after that accident. so the lanes are back open, but you might still have to wait a little bit longer to get through this area while traffic recovers. here and a look at your mass transit for this morning. bart is running trains at slower speeds because of the wet weather. we also have some cancellations on san francisco bay ferry, so check the website and h three right now is on a 20
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minute delay because of some mechanical issues. reggie. gloria, thank you. >> barbie is celebrating its 65th year with an all new anniversary collection of dolls this women's history month. the mattel brand designed eight barbie dolls that pay homage to inspiring role models across the globe. some of those names include award winning actress viola davis. i knew right away that was shania twain in the middle, and content creator maria gomez. barbie will celebrate its 65th anniversary saturday. i mean, this is the perfect time to be celebrating her because they'll also be celebrating her sunday at the oscars. >> up next, the seven things you need to know today. >> you can watch all of our newscasts live and on demand through the abc seven bay area connected tv app. it's available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv, and roku, and download the app now and you can start streaming. >> and as we head to break, we're taking a live look outside right now at 655. we'll be right back.
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it is the day after election day and so we are following up on all the results from super tuesday. this is a little bit outdated. looks like it's from yesterday, but today we are following up on all the results from super tuesday, including an announcement in just minutes from nikki haley, who is expected to announce that she is dropping out of the race for the republican presidential nomination. of course, we will bring you updates on that as soon as we have it, including the latest on all the results here in california. uh- across the bay area and across the country. okay. >> we are skipping to number
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three. i guess, crews have contained a huge industrial fire outside of detroit, michigan. it cost multiple explosions last night and sent debris flying through the air. i think we should. >> yes. true i'll take over. here's number five. we are tracking scattered showers out there. some isolated downpours. you can see live doppler seven showing you you need that rain gear today because we are going to find some thunderstorms possible later this afternoon. so we're at a level one today. it's a fast moving system. just be aware that those downpours could lead to some standing water on our roadways. there's that slight chance of thunder. i think between 2 and 5 is probably your best chance of finding a thunderstorm. so it's just a stormy day today. we'll get those temperatures to the upper 50s to the mid 60s. the payoff though, tomorrow, friday that sunshine is back. we are looking lovely to finish out the week. >> and number six we're getting a live look outside at our bay bridge camera and traffic is flowing nicely. it is a slick commute today so keep that in mind if you're driving this morning. i know i got a lot of
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rain when i was driving in today. >> this is the right seven things. all right. because you fooled me before. i don't believe anything anyone is saying today. >> again. >> but this is beautiful. this is our number seven. such a sunny sight on the peninsula. time lapse video shows a rainbow and a sunset over the coast and half moon bay. this was sunday when there was a break in the rain. how beautiful. >> well, that will calm my nerves. >> yeah. >> it's okay. you gotta sing. you made it. >> good morning america. big wins and warning signs from super tuesday. the end of the road for nikki haley. breaking news. nikki haley dropping out, as the president and former president win big on the biggest day of primary season.


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