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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  March 6, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PST

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rain when i was driving in today. >> this is the right seven things. all right. because you fooled me before. i don't believe anything anyone is saying today. >> again. >> but this is beautiful. this is our number seven. such a sunny sight on the peninsula. time lapse video shows a rainbow and a sunset over the coast and half moon bay. this was sunday when there was a break in the rain. how beautiful. >> well, that will calm my nerves. >> yeah. >> it's okay. you gotta sing. you made it. >> good morning america. big wins and warning signs from super tuesday. the end of the road for nikki haley. breaking news. nikki haley dropping out, as the president and former president win big on the biggest day of primary season.
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what we know about haley's decision, and whether she'll endorse, as trump shifts his focus to biden. the warning signs for both candidates, the race for the white house now set. our political team breaks it all down, what it means for november. one storm down, two more to go. new rounds of heavy rain taking aim at the east coast. the flood watches in effect right now from new jersey to massachusetts. and spring on the horizon. sam is tracking it all. future of ivf on the line. the governor of alabama expected to sign a new bill. what it means for families caught in the cross hairs. miracle drug. ozempic shows major promise after success with diabetes and weight loss. now the potentially deadly disease it could help treat. plus why some employers are dropping insurance coverage for weight loss drugs. >> i'm down 47 pounds. i feel healthier and happier. >> we talked to a man who dipped into his retirement to pay. what you can do if your coverage
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gets dropped? on target? the new subscription plan at the retail giant and how it stacks up to others so you can pick which one is right for you. hey, we need to talk. >> this isn't working anymore. >> the nation's number one destination breaking up with spring break. >> it's not us. it's you. we just want different things. >> the governor sending in state troopers, taking aim at out of control crowds. ♪ i just wanna fly ♪ >> and gio wants to fly. could going through airport security become like self-checkout at the supermarket? >> hi. this is my first time using this. is there anything i need to know about my shoes or the bags? >> gio is one of the first to try it out ahead of the biggest spring break ever. will it be landing in an airport near you? >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> good morning america. the self-checkout looks interesting.
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may take people awhile to figure it out. maybe slow it up a little at first. >> i wonder what will happen with the bottles of liquids. gio is gonna tell us everything, michael. we begin with that super tuesday and that breaking news. nikki haley ending her 2024 run. >> rematch is set. the race between the president and former president he defeated. something we've only seen once before in american history. donald trump crushed nikki haley. he won 14 of 15 contests across the country. president biden swept his races but there were some surprises and big warning signs for both candidates. rick klein is here with the state of the race. one of the big questions where will nikki haley's voters go? rachel scott starts us off from mar-a-lago. good morning, rachel. >> reporter: george, this news is just coming in. abc news is learning this morning that nikki haley is expected to drop out of the race in just a matter of hours. i'm told she is not expected to endorse former president trump but is expected to make it clear that he has work do when it comes to earning the support of
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her voters. nikki haley is expected to end her 2024 campaign. she will drop out of the race. le >> good morning. we are coming on the air in the wake of super tuesday. abc news learned republican presidential candidate nikki haley is dropping out of the race. speaking right now. let's listen. >> what's grounded in our love for our country. just last week my mother, a first generation immigrant, got to vote for her daughter for president. only in america. i am filled with the gratitude for the outpouring of support we've received from all across our great country. but the time has now come to suspend my campaign. i said i wanted americans to have their voices heard. i have done that. i have no regrets.
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although i will no longer be a candidate, i will not stop using my voice for the things i believe in. our national debt will eventually crush our economy. a smaller federal government is not only necessary for our freedom, it is necessary for our survival. the road to socialism is the road to ruin for america. our congress is dysfunctional and only getting worse. it is filled with followers, not leaders. term limits for washington politicians are needed now more than ever. our world is on fire because of america's retreat. standing by our allies in ukraine, israel and taiwan is a moral imperative. but it aisles more than that. if we retreat first, there will be more war, not less. as important, while we stand strong for the cause of freedom,
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we must bind together as americans. we must turn away from the darkness of hatred and division. i will continue to promote all those values, as is the right of every american. i felt the honor of being your president. but if our great country, being a private citizen is privilege enough in itself. that's the privilege i very much look forward to enjoying. in all likelihood, donald trump will be the republican nominee when our party convention meets in july. i congratulate him and wish him well. i wish anyone well who would be america's president. our country is too precious to let our differences divide us. i have always been a conservative republican and always supported the republican nominee. but on this question, as she did on so many others, margret
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thatcher provided some good advice when she said, quote, never just follow the crowd. always make up your own mind. it is now up to donald trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond it who did not support him. and i hope he does that. at its best, politics is about bringing people into your cause not turning them away. and our conservative cause, badly needs more people. this is now his time for choosing. i end my campaign with the same words i began it, from the book of joshua. i direct them to all americans, but especially to so many of the women and girls out there who put their faith in our campaign. be strong and courageous. do not be afraid. do not be discouraged, for god will be with you wherever you go. in this campaign, i have seen
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our country's greatness. from the bottom of my heart, thank you, america. god bless you. [ applause ] >> this is the former governor of south carolina, former u.n. ambassador right there, announcing that she is suspending her campaign and dropping out of the race. she stopped short of endorsing the former president, donald trump, and instead saying she congratulates him, wishes him well. she said we must bind together as americans, turn away from hatred and division. she also noted, it is now up to donald trump to earn the votes of those who did not support him. this is now his time for choosing. all of this comes after donald trump's significant win on super tuesday winning 14 of 15 states in last night's voting. haley had vowed to stay in the race through at least last night despite pressure from within her own party to bow out. let's go to eva pilgrim, who was
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in charleston, south carolina, last night. she's back in new york this morning. eva, we noted last night that you were not at a campaign rally. you were out on the streets. that's because nikki haley did not hold an event. she also, as you noted, was an accountant. she could see the number, the math, that it was not in her favor. >> so unusual for a candidate not to hold a campaign event on an election night. just as you said, whit, she is good at math. she's an accountant. she said she was going to look at the numbers when she was no longer competitive. she told us just a couple weeks ago that is when she would get out of the race. that is what we have seen her do here. she stood firm to her promise to stay in until super tuesday because she really wanted to give republican voters a chance to vote for an alternative to donald trump. she kept telling us she was hearing from people they didn't want to vote for the former president. she was, and she did, get a significant chunk of republican
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voters to vote for her, but it was clearly not enough to overtake donald trump. and i think we have to look today at those haley voter, who they are. whit, i can tell you i have spoken with so many of them. many of them have voted for donald trump in the past, repeatedly they told us in the last several weeks and months that they just couldn't see themselves voting for donald trump again. and if nikki haley wasn't in the race, they didn't know where they would go, who they would vote for. and that's the real question now. where do those voters go? will donald trump be able to court them to vote for him, or will they vote for joe biden, or a third option, will they just not vote at all? we talked to so many disengaged, disenfranchised voters who just aren't sure that their vote even says anything anymore. whit, there's a lot to be done before november. >> absolutely. eva pilgrim for us, pointing out
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those questions. the exit polling also suggesting within the republican party, a small percentage, but not an insignificant percentage still questioning what to do and who to support going forward. let's bring in abc's rachel scott in west palm beach. rachel, you've been talking to the trump campaign and the former president calling for nikki haley supporters and the rest of the gop to unite behind him heading into the general election. >> reporter: yes. we are told the former president just arrived here at his golf club moments ago. we are told he is watching these remarks. the day started with the trump campaign calling on the party to unify around the former president, calling for haley to back donald trump. clearly, the former president is unhappy and frustrated that that is not happening. just moments ago he posted on a social media account saying nikki haley got trounced last night in record setting fashion. he said he's further inviting all haley supporters to join his movement. there are some clear warning signs here for donald trump as
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he looks at these exit polls and sees that many nikki haley supporters say they will not commit to supporting donald trump in november. many of them say they will not even commit to support him even if he is convicted of a crime. the former president is facing 91 criminal charges, still pushing ahead here with this race and this likely matchup with president biden in november. this is a remarkable turn for the former president who left washington rebuked by a lot of republicans for his actions on january 6th. now facing multiple criminal indictments. now the presumptive nominee. >> rachel scott, thank you. with me we have our chief washington correspondent jon karl, chief white house correspondent mary bruce. mary, you're following the biden campaign. this is the race they always wanted. this is the race they expected. now they're likely going to get it. they believe perhaps some of these nikki haley supporters are up for grabs. >> they do. in fact, the biden campaign
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feels strongly they are confident there's a significant share of republican voters who simply are not sold on donald trump. they feel he is not going to be able to expand significantly respond trump's really devoted base. in a memo the campaign saying trump's path is limited and his coalition is hemorrhaging. i was in michigan last week for the primary there. we talked to one of these voter, a woman who said she voted for haley but when it came down to it, if this was going to be a rematch, she simply couldn't stomach voting for donald trump. she would vote for joe biden, despite his age, despite the fact she wished someone else was running. you have to be the president trying to court, trying to make his case to haley voters. he'll have a big chance to do that tomorrow night at the state of the union address. the campaign views this as the kickoff to the general election. >> you mentioned the state of the union. what are we learning about the president's preparation? >> he has been deeply involved in preparation over the last few days. we're not going to see him
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publicly until tomorrow night. this is a huge pivotal moment for him. it's the biggest audience he's likely to have before the conventions this summer. he has to lay out not on his accomplishment, what another term would look like. he also, simply put, has to bring it. he has to deliver a strong rousing speech. >> jon, we heard from eva pilgrim, talking about this question about where nikki haley supporters go from here. nikki haley asking donald trump to actually try to win them over, try to earn their support. what are we likely to see from trump and his response to all of this? and do you think an endorsement could be possible down the road? >> there's going to be a lot of speculation about whether or not haley will endorse trump. trump will be obsessed with this question in the days and weeks ahead, demanding, becoming angry if the endorsement does not come. i don't think nikki haley's endorsement will mean much of anything at all. nikki haley went state after state getting 40% of the vote. now in yesterday's super tuesday states about 22% if you add them
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altogether. those were not people voting because they loved nikki haley and were going to follow nikki haley wherever they were going to go. they were voting to register a protest against donald trump. that's why you saw in the exit polls not just last night, in the earlier states, nikki haley voters saying they are not, majority of them, not inclined to vote for donald trump. so the big challenge here is, how does trump get those voters? i thought it was interesting to hear nikki haley say we need to turn away from hatred and division. hatred and division are the center of donald trump's campaign. hatred towards those who he thinks have wronged him and america, and a very divisive message. i don't think donald trump will be out there actively courting these voters in a meaningful way. >> i understand we are getting a statement from the biden campaign. once we get that up, we'll come back. i'm going to follow up with you, jon, real quick, with another question. you were talking about some of
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the exit polling as well that reflected some of the major concerns going forward for former president donald trump. how do they go ahead and address those issues going forward? again, it's not a huge portion of the republican party, but it's enough to make a significant difference in the general election, especially when we talk about eupbd peinde and moderates. >> in a close race, this could be divisive. let's say the obvious. trump has a narrow lead over joe biden right now. very early. but when you get down to the actual voting, he's gonna need the overwhelming majority of republicans to vote for him. it will be a very close, very hard fought election. and if you look at the exit polling, she had a clear -- i mean, she lost. she has a clear minority, but it's a significant minority. not just on the question of, will you support donald trump? but on a number of major, defining issues. these are two different parties. nikki haley voters believe the
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election wasn't stolen. donald trump's voters absolutely think it was. they have vastly different views on things like abortion and immigration and the economy. this is not a turn of the light switch and they're suddenly going to donald trump. >> mary, let's come to you. i understand that statement just came through from the biden campaign. >> the president commends nikki haley for having the courage to run and make the direct appeal to her supporters saying donald trump made it clear he doesn't want nikki haley's supporters. i want to be clear there is a place for them in my campaign. he says he knows they won't agree on everything, but on the fundamental issues of preserving american democracy, he believes they can find some common ground. >> mary, while i have you here, just to follow up on that. the biden campaign has been saying from the beginning this was going to be a rematch. polling suggests many americans did not want to see this rematch and recently, in recent days the polls have even shifted in trump's favor in a head to head matchup. how is the biden campaign addressing that and looking at
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that trend? >> they know this will be a very hard fought campaign. harder and probably tighter than they had hoped, had expected. but they view this as a moment to crystal aolize the real star differences. in talking with the biden campaign, they feel it hasn't fully registered for voters that we are headed for this historic rematch. they are well aware that voters dislike both of them. they wish this wasn't the moment we are in. the challenge ahead is not just going to be making clear the stark choice here, but also encouraging voters to it go and vote. >> we also see collective amnesia as a problem, is the way they see it. people have forgotten what it was like, especially in donald trump's last year in office. people have forgotten the way his term has ended. they haven't paid enough attention to what he would actually do if he got elected again. ng of a very long general election campaign. i would not put too much thought into polls right now saying how
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voters are going to vote in november. >> with just about eight months to go. jon karl, mary bruce, eva pilgrim. we are going to return you to regular programming. for some that is good morning america. our coverage continues on abc news live, abc david muir will have a full wrapup tonight on "world news tonight." i'm whit johnson in new york. have a great day. early in the morning
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>> stay right there on this wednesday morning. we'll be right back. skpl if you're taking an antidepressant, but you're still masking your depression,
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to see the results. just go to the front page of our website, abc seven let's see what traffic looks like. hi gloria. >> good morning. right now we're following a stick alert in vacaville. this is over on eastbound 80 at peabody road. this is a three car crash, and speeds are down to seven miles per hour. three lanes are blocked right now, so major delays in this area. is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with our 99.9% network reliability.
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wondered what my case was worth. so i called the barnes firm. >> i'm rich barnes. is your accident case worth more than insurance offered? call the barnes firm now to find out. you might be surprised. >> get yourself a delicious pick me up at mcdonald's. try any size mccafé premium roast coffee or try any size soft drink like refreshing coca-cola. get any size anytime for just $1.69 only at mcdonald's. baa baa baa baa baa lives after the oscar show march 11th. >> they got the rain gear today. live doppler seven. we have been tracking the showers and scattered downpours all morning long. you can see these showers moving in from south to north as low pressures off our coastline. it's been the south bay and specifically san jose, cupertino, this area, this corridor that has seen some of the steadier showers this morning. it's a similar story right now on live doppler seven. and underneath some of these downpours it is creating some
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ponding on our area roadways. so a flood advisory is in effect for the area shaded in green. that does include parts of milpitas alum rock, parts of san jose down through willow glen, just be aware that we are finding some standing water on the roads this morning. just creating a little bit of a slower travel day today. it's a level one with those showers, a brief downpour likely. we're seeing that right now and a slight chance of a thunderstorm. i think that best chance is between 2 and 5 p.m. today. so it's just a stormy sky out there today. temperatures in the upper 50s to the mid 60s. the payoff tomorrow though. reggie aqui sunshine is back and that continues into friday as well. >> i'm looking forward to that. thanks, drew. if you're streaming us on the abc seven bay area app. abc seven at seven continues. everybody else is watching good morning america and precision garage door. >> we are the bay area's garage door specialists. we have large warehouses full of parts and fully stocked trucks to repair your door. over 98% of the time, we're able to fix your garage door with one visit. >> precision door service a name you can trust. >> we can't spell astound without you and you can count on
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iowa's win over ohio state had over 4 million viewer, making it the most watched women's regular season basketball game since 1999. robin just sat down with clark to talk all about it. there's so much to discover an discuss there and i can't wait to see it tomorrow morning. >> that's going to be fun. following headline. breaking news this morning. nikki haley is ending her presidential run. the rematch is set the race between the president and former president he defeated. donald trump crushed haley. won 14 of 15 contests across the country. president biden also swept his races. also right now the latest on the investigation into an explosion in michigan. a smoke shop containing vape supplies. the business was not permitted to have the canisters in the building. police are continuing to question the owner and all staff members to determine what happened. the oscars is only four days away. more presenters are set to take the stage and ariana grande. just in time for the 30th anniversary of shaw shank redemption, tim robbins will be
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one of the presenters. 30 years already. every time it comes on i gotta watch it no matter what part i catch it on. we've got a lot more ahead including how airport security could become more like self-checkout at the supermarket. gio is gonna show us how it works. that is coming up, george. now florida spring break crackdown the nation's number one destination. the governor is sending state troopers to hot spots along the coast, hoping to prevent the violence we saw last year. victor oquendo is in miami beach. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, george. ocean drive is quiet now but that will drastically change in the coming days. for the visitors headed this way the barricades will be up and the streets will be flooded with law enforce phpbts from all over the state as miami beach implements their strictest safety measures yet. this morning with millions set to descend on florida for spring break, officials say cross the state saying not so fast.
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>> florida is a very welcoming state. what we don't welcome is criminal activity. what we don't welcome is mayhem. >> reporter: after seeing the chaos last year that led to nearly 600 arrests and two deaths in miami beach alone, the sunshine state is cracking down. >> hey, we need to talk. >> this isn't working anymore. >> reporter: in a new ad, miami beach even breaking up with spring break. >> it's not us. it's you. we just want different things. you just want to get drunk in public and ignore laws. >> maybe we can talk when you're done with your spring break phrase. >> reporter: 140 state troopers set to be deployed to spring break hot spots. in the air, drones used to spot potential problems. officials promising this year will be different. what makes you confident that this spring break will be different than previous years? >> we have a plan that implements components that we have never ever done before. >> reporter: miami beach clamping down, warning visitors to expect curfew, early beach closures and bag checks ahead of the first busy weekend, business
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owners hoping for a safer spring break. what was spring break like for you last year? >> last year was a disaster. i hope it will be better than last year. >> reporter: and visitors can expect parking garages to be closed, towing fees will be doubled this weekend and the following are expected to be the busiest ones. the message from the chief, play by the rules or get arrested. guys? >> yep. follow the rules and you will be okay down there in miami. thank you very much. tsa is expecting its busiest spring break travel period ever. there could be a future where you don't interact with an agent at the airport. self-security check is being tested in las vegas and transportation correspondent gio benitez was one of the fir tot trite. good morning, gio. >> reporter: michael, it's pretty cool. this is a ground breaking test in vegas. again, this is just the test. the rules are the same.
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this is essentially a security self-checkout at the tsa line. the rules are the same. gotta put everything you always put in but you do it all yourself. as i get into this body scanner here, why don't you go ahead and check this out. what you're about to see may be a game changer for tsa. i'm one of the first tot trite. okay. i'm approaching the self-service screening lane. this is the first time i'm going to be using this. there are sensors all over. but like so many of us, i have got questions. the tsa officers aren't gone, they're just somewhere else. since i don't know too much here, i'm going to hit need help. because this is essentially sort of a face-time call with an agent. hi. >> hello. how may i assist you? >> reporter: this is my first time using this. is there anything i need to know about my shoes or the bag? >> yes. since you are prechecking, make sure you grab one of the trays located next to you.
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>> reporter: i send my bag through the scanner and put myself through one, too. okay. this is different. the scanner has all this glass here. we're going to get in here. it shows you you have to stand differently. here we go. so it's telling me, okay. there i go. you have to stand in a certain position. okay. it's realizing that i have my microphone on. i'm going to have to take the microphone off and do this again without the mic. once the machine clears me, i get my bag and i'm on my way. really very minimal contact with just about anybody. and it definitely takes some getting used to and may slow you down at first, but christina peach, who runs this program, says that's exactly why they need to test it. >> i'm hoping for a lot of feed back. >> reporter: negative? >> even the negative feed back. you're always going to get both. >> reporter: some may wonder, is this a way to cut down on tsa officers? christina says absolutely not. >> we will always have officers. they are the most important part
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of any of our systems. >> reporter: officers like hika doyle, who you put on that screen. >> most calls are taking 15, 20 seconds. >> reporter: officer ken nix, who says he's ready to help. for the most part you're just stepping back and watching it happen. >> that's right. just making sure that we're following through all of the security measures needed to secure safe travel. >> reporter: so again, this is just a test only here in vegas. right now this is not launching at other airports just yet. the tsa knows it's not ready for primetime just yet. that's why they want to test it out. if you are flying through vegas, you, quite literally, be helping develop the future of airport security. this is another feature here. usually the carts here, they go, the tray, they end up over there to get cleaned and you leave something behind. here, this is telling you that i left an i pad behind. it's making sure that i know to grab it before this continues on and i continue on my journey, guys.
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>> beep, beep, beep. don't leave your ipad. >> all right, gio. thank you. hopefully, the future looks faster getting through the airport. >> there was no pat down there either from the tsa i noticed. well done, gio. [ laughter ] >> coming up, we have the new study linking sleep and your risk of type 2 diabetes. and the latest subscription plan on the block. >> everyone's got one, michael. target is the latest to throw their hat in the mix. i'll break that down and how it compares to the rest. where you should put your money to save the most money. we've got it coming up next. (♪) ♪ healthier's not something that happens all alone ♪ ♪ it takes greg and lydia, and josie on the phone. ♪ ♪ it's grammy getting checked on in her favorite chair. ♪ ♪ or dolling herself up to go ♪ ♪ handle all of her care. ♪
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♪ with doctors to nurses ♪ ♪ and all the people in between ♪ ♪ healthier happens in more ways ♪ ♪ than ray's ever seen. ♪ ♪ healthier happens together. ♪ leftover chicken, scallions, cheese... what am i gonna make with this? "may-ow" mayo? "may-ow" best foods?? you can talk? ♪ a chicken salad sandwich. god i love you. ♪ before you use ai to transform business, accelerate growth, predict trends, you need to begin with trust. introducing watsonx governance. helping you govern any ai, as data, models, and policies change, so you can scale it responsibly. let's create ai that begins with trust, with watsonx governance. ibm. let's create. ♪
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stay ahead of your moderate—to—severe eczema, and show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent. the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. (mom) the moment i loved our subaru outback most... ask your eczema specialist was the moment they walked away from it. (daughter) mom! (mom) oh, thank goodness. and that's why our family will only drive a subaru. (vo) subaru. more iihs top safety pick plus awards than any other brand. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru. the ladies have been doing a lot of talking recently.
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she looks great! what they don't know is i got inspire, a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body. i feel refreshed because i'm not struggling with cpap anymore. 100 bucks she got work done. great sleep, at the click of a button. did she get implants? yeah, i got an implant, sheila!! relax, it's inspire. inspire. sleep apnea innovation. learn more and view important safety information at
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♪ ♪ >> back now with target launching a new paid membership program that will start in april competing with rivals amazon and wal-mart. rebecca, please tell us, how does this new program from target work? >> it's called target circle 360. launches april 7 through may 18. you can actually get a deal on the price of it. it could be $49 a month if you pay for it between april 7 to may 18. that's for one year. the actual cost is $99 a year. free shipping on orders above $35 and free two day shipping a lot of customers are already accustomed to. >> that's the big thing. how does it compare with similar
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programs from wal-mart and also amazon? >> like we said, all these companies now have these memberships. they love them because it keeps you a customer of the program. so amazon's prime membership $139 a year. that gets you things like free shipping. it also gets you prime video and amazon music, same day grocery delivery there. but you have to spend $100. that's different from the target program. wal-mart plus cost $98 a year. you get paramount plus with it. you get the grocery delivery on orders over $35. they also do gasoline so you get free gas and discounted gas there. >> what is the best perk for each service? how do you know which one work force you? >> this is a question people have to ask themselves. where am i doing my shopping? how am i spending my lifestyle and really crunch the number for yourself. what makes the most sense is do one of them.
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you really have to think, which one is the one for me? check the perks to avoid that overlap. we do so many subscriptions now, there's so much overlap. give it a closer look and then maximize the benefits from all the memberships. at a minimum download the apps on your phone. check it out, look at it. >> you're right about that. figure out which one, instead of having multiples. >> then what are you actually saving? >> nothing. nothing. i need to check my subscriptions. >> i'll help you. >> all right. thank you. thank you. george, over to you. >> thank you, michael. coming up later the big shift that could make popular weight loss drugs too expensive for many. >> happy to be here, george. we're diving into a 200-year-old mystery. how did something this huge get here making a big splash in we're gonna tell you the whole story when we come back. stay with us. back. stay with us. ♪ ♪ like going for bold without going broke...
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and staying true to your taste while staying on budget. who says rising costs means lowering the bar? settling? no need. get the brands you want, the prices you want, whenever you want. tj maxx where you can always afford to be you to the maxx. if you're taking an antidepressant, but you're still masking your depression, you could be experiencing a partial response to your antidepressant. partial response happens when your antidepressant alone isn't enough. let's try adding rexulti. when added to an antidepressant, rexulti significantly reduced depression symptoms more than an antidepressant alone. so you can build on your progress. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. antidepressants may increase suicidal thoughts and actions and worsen depression in children and young adults.
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report new or sudden changes in mood, behavior, thoughts, or feelings, or if you develop suicidal thoughts or actions. report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion which can be life threatening or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar which can lead to coma or death; weight gain; increased cholesterol; low white blood cells; unusual urges; dizziness on standing; falls; seizures; trouble swallowing, or sleepiness may occur. ask your doctor about rexulti. [street noise] [text message] whole team is here! ♪ ♪ coffee? ah! yes! thank you! (vo) if you have graves' disease... ...gritty eyes could be more than a rough patch. people with graves' could also get thyroid eye disease, or t-e-d, which may need a different doctor. find a t-e-d eye specialist at [dog whimpers] [thinking] why always the couch?
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does he need to go to puppy school? get his little puppy diploma? how much have i been spending on this little guy? when your questions about life turn into questions about money... there's erica. the virtual financial assistant to help you spend, save, and plan smarter. only from bank of america. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd rather be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪
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>> we are back with our play of the day. sam is here with a rare whale sighting. >> it's a super cool thing to see but concerning as to why we see it. i promise i'll explain. gray whales were believed to be extinct in the atlantic for the last 200 years. check out what marine experts discovered just off the coast of massachusetts. a massive gray whale diving, resurfacing. you can tell what it is by that no dorsal fin. and that gray and white skin
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that you can see there. just to make sure, researchers from the new england aquarium flew over the air kwa for 45 minutes because they were stunned. they wanted to confirm, is this the whale they thought it was? so weighing up to 60,000 pounds, kind of huge, right? gray whales are usually found in the pacific ocean. they were extinct in the atlantic. scientists believe this particular whale made it through the northwest passage. that's the area in the arctic that is usually covered with sea ice that you can't swim through. but now during summer season the sea ice is mostly gone so they believe this whale crossed from alaska all the way through the arctic ocean to the atlantic. so it's super cool to see it in a place we would not have expected it, but it's really weird how it may have gotten there. >> that is some story, sam. thank you. >> thank you. >> 60,000 pounds. gigantic. >> you can't miss it. it was cool they were flying over there to say, hey, is this what we think it is? how did it get there? >> thank you for explaining how it got there.
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sam, thank you. coming up, john cena is here live to explain a lot. cena, hee live to explain the lob. [laughter] with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah
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with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, my skin was no longer mine. my active psoriatic arthritis joint symptoms held me back. don't let symptoms define you. emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months... ...and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. tremfya® is proven to significantly reduce joint pain, stiffness and swelling it's just 6 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge as you. emerge tremfyant®. ask you doctor about tremfya®. (vo) what does it mean to be rich? maybe rich is less about reaching a magic number...
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and more about discovering magic. rich is being able to keep your loved ones close. and also send them away. rich is living life your way. and having someone who can help you get there. the key to being rich is knowing what counts. >> welcome back. i want to show you this. this is drone footage of the beautiful rainbow in san matteo, california. for full disclosure, this has got a filter on it because you can see the green. it's there only to show you the incredible colors. there's a double there. you can see it on the right side of the screen, the other side of that rainbow. how gorgeous is that? i'll tell you there's a filter there, but not when i filter. i just want no wrinkles and young skin. let me show you this rain moving into southern california. los angeles you're getting rain. san diego as well. we looked deep into the modelling to find out. it is quarter inch to half inch of rain there.
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that starts around 11 then goes through the evening hours. everyone is so concerned about the oscars. there's another storm way off in the pacific but there are morning clouds. this is an early look at the forecast. around 70 is normal. we'll come in right around 67. coming up we cannot wait for the oscars. the deals and steals is all about being red carpet ready and must haves starting for just $7.50. plus joe zee is here to show us how to make the red carpet hottest look. local news and weather coming up now. the best local weather and news in the business from your abc you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line
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after becoming the ncaa's all time leading scorer? >> you set the record. just talk about that moment you come to robin and gma. >> of course now tomorrow. >> why did you decide that this was the time to end your college career caitlin clark exclusive with robin. >> thank only on good morning america. >> oh money. let's go. don't miss the oscars live sunday at a new time seven eastern, four pacific, with special performances by billie eilish, ryan gosling, jon batiste and more. >> jimmy kimmel hosts the oscars live sunday on abc >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. here's gloria with a look at the roads. >> good morning reggie. we're still following this sigalert over in vacaville. this is a three car crash at eastbound 80
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at peabody road. and right now, speeds are down to four miles per hour. three lanes are currently blocked. so we'll continue monitoring this for you throughout the morning. let's go to drew with a check of your weather. hi, drew. >> hey, gloria. live doppler seven. we are tracking showers out there this morning. and some scattered downpours. it's a level one today for those showers and brief pockets of downpours this afternoon. we do have a slight chance of a thunderstorm that would be between 2 and 5 p.m. our best chance. just looking at the rainfall possibilities as we head throughout the day. you can see we're in and out of the showers all morning long through the afternoon. after 6 p.m. we're done with the shower, so it's just a stormy sky out there. upper 50s to the mid 60s for daytime highs. guys. >> drew, thank you for streaming us on the abc seven bay area app. abc seven at seven continues. everybody else is watching good morning america. >> granite expo has everything you need to remodel your home or business. we have the best selection of quartz and granite countertops. choose from a wide
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variety of cabinets and vanities. visit us at our emeryville location or at the granite >> my dry eyes made me a burning , stinging five times a day makeup smearing drops. user i want another option that's not another drop trivia. >> it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye trivia treats. the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation, relying only on drops. >> not me. my own real tears are my relief. >> ask your eye doctor about trivia. >> sometimes it takes a different approach. >> johnson. >> right. great to see the possibilities. all around you. >> you're going to have a big birthday party. all right. >> are you feeling okay with capella university's game changing flexpath format? you can earn your nursing degree without putting life on hold.
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result possible. the bonds firm injury attorneys call one 808 million. >> got a large mushroom pizza. >> susan marie pizza again. homer hellofresh has delicious, guilt free recipes you can make in a snap. speaking of cooking, plain chicken really? >> it's healthy. >> it's boring. listen sue's hellofresh makes eating well exciting to the table. who know, i know. >> dessert visit to learn more. on the red carpet >> good morning america. it's 8 a.m. big wins from super tuesday. the end of the road for nikki haley. what it all means for november. weight loss drugs and your insurance. why some employers are dropping coverage. >> i'm down 47 pounds and i feel
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healthier and happier. >> we talked to a man who dipped into his retirement to pay for wegovy. this morning what you can do if your coverage gets dropped. from red carpet to real life. how you can recreate some of the host celebrity styles for this award season. ♪ >> and there's no one like john cena, going from barbie to britney in his new movie. >> hey! >> he's here live and he's saying -- >> good morning america! >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> good morning america. i want to watch that on a loop. always always so much fun. we're looking forward to that. we're always looking forward to tory johnson. she has deals and steals inspired by the oscars, starting at just $7.50. that's coming up. >> that's why we call them deals
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and steals. also ahead, we have details on the new study connecting type 2 diabetes with not getting enough sleep. >> first a look at top stories breaking at 8. breaking news, nikki haley ending her 2024 run. the rematch now set, race between a president and former president. donald trump crushed nikki haley winning 14 of 15 contests. president biden swept his races. there were some surprises and big warning signs for both candidates. let's go back to rachel scott in mar-a-lago. good morning, rachel. >> reporter: george, good morning. nikki haley has made it official. le ask she is for 2024. this morning nikki haley is ending her 2024 campaign. >> the time has now come to suspend my campaign. i said i wanted americans to have their voices heard.
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i have done that. i have no regrets. it is now up to donald trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond it who did not support him. >> reporter: it comes after donald trump swept nearly all 15 states on super tuesday. the former president now the presumptive nominee. the stage set for a long general election rematch with president biden. >> november 5th is going to go down as the single most important day in the history of our country. >> reporter: millions of voters casting their ballots, with phr than one-third of the gop delegates up for grabs. nikki haley barely made a dent, only winning vermont. not even holding a campaign event. the former president didn't mention her once in his remarks. >> we want to have unity, and we're going to have unity. it's going to happen very quickly. >> reporter: haley blasting that call for unity. in a statement her campaign saying, there remains a large block of republican primary voters expressing deep
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concerns about donald trump. exit polls showing major warning signs for the former president as he faces 91 criminal charges. with 79% of haley voters saying they would be dissatisfied if trump were the nominee. the same number saying he would be unfit for office if he was convicted of a crime. >> i don't want to vote for him or joe biden. i feel homeless. i feel homeless. >> reporter: president biden also won big on super tuesday, but there are troubling signs for biden, too. in minnesota, nearly 20% of democrats voting uncommitted instead of voting for biden. a significant protest vote fueled by concerns about his age and support of israel. the trump campaign calling this welcome news despite all the attacks on his former u.n. ambassador, the former president now calling for unity as he prepare force that rematch with president biden. michael? >> all right, rachel. we're all watching. thank you.
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now the storm on the move. the latest round sweeping up the east coast. let's go back to sam with the track and timing. good morning again, sam. >> good morning, michael. i want to show you this view into lower manhattan. you can see the low ceilings. can i say how wonderful it is to live there. this is the sign that the rain is moving up the coast line. we've got one storm exiting. new jersey, you are in a flood watch, so is part of the hudson valley into connecticut. this goes into boston, new york city. because we're expecting this heavy rain to move in right about the drive time home. expect a nightmare. if you still have time maybe take public transportation into the city. going home this is some very heavy rain. could be about 3 inches. gusting winds up to 20 miles per hour. dry day friday then another round of rain coming saturday afternoon into sunday. now this may have some colder air attached to it which means there's light snow in northern areas. poconos snow, not the city.
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severe weather for texas thursday all the way to louisiana to the panhandle of florida, pensacola, by the time we get into friday. large hail even a tornado threat. rebecca, we'll have plenty more to talk about throughout the morning. >> thank you. we turn to one state taking on cell phones in schools. erielle reshef is back with this story. erielle, lot of parents and teachers' ears just perked up. mine did. >> mine did, too. we are so often glued to our phones. so are our kids. now that pilot program in manchester, connecticut middle school is trying a different approach. students locking their phones in magnetic pouchs at the start of the day and getting them back at the end of the day or they can choose to leave them at home. three months into this program and teachers and students say they are already seeing the benefits far beyond just engagement in class. they say there's less drama, less bullying, more privacy and peace of mind knowing kids can't capture every move on their
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smart phones. the governor said he's heard more feed back on this than anything he's done recently with a flood of positive response, not only from parents and teacher, but also the students themselves. he said he's hoping to expand this program to other schools in the future. this isn't the first place to do this, probably not the last, guys. >> appreciate it. won't be the last. thank you, erielle. coming up, after dropping pounds with weight loss drug, some people are finding their employers are dropping insurance coverage. what you can do if that happens to you. plus opening up communication between teens and parents. you can start understanding your kids in a new way. >> plus get ready to go from red carpet to real life. joe zee is here with our count down to the oscars. sam has a very special guest. hey, sam. >> for everybody, get ready to be late for work because john cena is with us. john, new comedy, but that --
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>> you're desperate for a laugh. ricky stanicky will give us a bunch of laughs. i look forward to talking about it. it's going to be okay. >> do not miss this. we will be right back with gma. , but you're still masking your depression, you could be experiencing a partial response to your antidepressant. partial response happens when your antidepressant alone isn't enough. let's try adding rexulti. when added to an antidepressant, rexulti significantly reduced depression symptoms more than an antidepressant alone. so you can build on your progress. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. antidepressants may increase suicidal thoughts and actions and worsen depression in children and young adults. report new or sudden changes in mood, behavior, thoughts, or feelings, or if you develop suicidal thoughts or actions. report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion which can be life threatening or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar which can lead to coma or death; weight gain; increased cholesterol;
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low white blood cells; unusual urges; dizziness on standing; falls; seizures; trouble swallowing, or sleepiness may occur. ask your doctor about rexulti. whaaat?? it's super hero day at school... ♪ tiktok song ♪ sfx: [tea kettle] sfx: [ding!] ♪ l'eggo with eggo. can we... at oofos, we don't make footwear. we make shock absorbers. fatigue fighters. mobility maximizers. this is the science of active recovery. revolutionary oofoam technology absorbs impact and reduces pressure. it's the foundation of every pair of oofos, and the key to recovering faster. this is not a shoe. this is oofos active recovery. activate your recovery with oofos. numbers move you. but some can stop you in your tracks. like the tens of thousands of people who were diagnosed
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with certain hpv-related cancers. for most people, hpv clears on its own. but for those who don't clear the virus, it can cause certain cancers. gardasil 9 is a vaccine given to adults through age 45 that can help protect against certain diseases caused by hpv. including cervical, vaginal, vulvar, anal, and certain head and neck cancers such as throat and back of mouth cancers, and genital warts. gardasil 9 doesn't protect everyone and does not treat cancer or hpv infection. your doctor may recommend screening for certain hpv-related cancers. women still need routine cervical cancer screenings. you shouldn't get gardasil 9 if you've had an allergic reaction to the vaccine, its ingredients, or are allergic to yeast. tell your doctor if you have a weakened immune system, are pregnant, or plan to be. the most common side effects include injection site reactions, headache, fever, nausea, dizziness, tiredness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and sore throat. fainting can also happen. help protect what counts. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about gardasil 9. (bobby) my store and my design business? we're exploding. talk to your doctor but my old internet, was not letting me run the show. so, we switched to verizon business internet.
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they have business grade internet, nationwide. (vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. (hamlet) it's beggin'! smoky beggin'... meaty beggin'... tasty beggin'... beggin'!!! oh, i love you... (vo) dogs go bonkers for beggin'! and try new beggin' flavor stix. (hamlet) stix! man, wish i had 750 donuts like this sign says. it says $750 "dollars," not "donuts." what if each donut cost a dollar? i hate that you're kind of right. switch to progressive and you could save hundreds. when migraine strikes, do you question the tradeoffs of treating? ubrelvy is another option. it works fast to eliminate migraine pain. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. ask about ubrelvy.
8:12 am
nice shot of times square right there. back now with our gma cover story. a look at why some employers are dropping coverage for popular drugs used for weight loss. a story we first saw in "the wall street journal." stephanie ramos has detail, and what you can do if your coverage is dropped. good morning, stephanie. >> reporter: good morning. employers are figuring things out after weight loss drugs helped fuel an 8.4% bump in employer pharmacy benefit costs last year.
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some companies are setting limit, lifetime bench marks or eliminating coverage for the weight loss drugs completely. jason says taking the weight loss medicine wegovy changed his life. >> i'm down 47 pounds and i feel healthier and happier. >> reporter: but he said his employer dropped his coverage of the medication. a one month supply used to cost him $25. now costs $1,000. the steep price causing him to tap into his retirement savings. >> it's frustrating. it's sickening. now if i stop it and if i say i can't afford it at one point, i'm going to gain my weight back. >> reporter: there lies the problem. experts say that some patients might need to be on these medications their entire live, leaving employers to worry about the high price tag and rising costs. >> obesity's a chronic disease. because it is a chronic disease, it needs to be managed across a patient's life span. you look at the numbers, the
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cost of medication over the cost of a person's life time, that number can be overwhelming. >> reporter: for jason, that life long struggle no different than living with any other chronic condition. >> they would not pull cancer patient medicine or someone living with cancer. i'm not just someone obese. i am a person living with obesity. people need to realize i'm a human being and i have feelings and i should have the same care. >> reporter: his employer, a new jersey health care system says, the health and well being of our employees is of utmost important. we continue to coverage the use of glp 1 for individuals with diabetes. but for weight loss, the company says, after an in depth analysis, we determined there was a lack of sustained adherence in continuing the medication, among significant percentage of individuals thereby curtailing their effectiveness. his employer is not alone in this decision. beginning in april north carolina state employees will no longer receive reimbursement for glp 1 like wegovy.
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the mayo said they are capped at $20,000 over life time for employees, michael. >> if somebody is facing this, what can they do about it? >> reporter: there are a couple of options. if you are about to lose coverage for a weight loss drug, talk to your doctor about other medications that may be less costly. also check to see if there are manufacturer and pharmacy coupons. have no shame. look for those coupons. then surgery, if you qualify. a cost effective approach doctors say is in some states are covering in insurance plans. employers are trying to figure this out. >> trying to figure it out. new turf right now trying to figure it all out. thank you very much, stephanie. rebecca? >> michael, thank you. we turn to a gma health alert. with daylight savings time coming this weekend, we'll lose an hour of sleep, as a new study finds lack of sleep increases the risk of type 2 diabetes. dr. sutton is here to break it down.
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nice to see you, dr. sutton. okay. break this study down. obviously, we don't like it in this business. we're waking up early. lot of people watching are, too. what do they need to know? >> they need to know sleep is important. it's a large study, over 200,000 people. they followed and tracked their sleep. they found that those who had less than six hours of sleep had an increased risk of type 2 diabetes by 16% and even more for those who had less sleep. three to four hours associated with a 41% increase. >> these are not insignificant numbers. >> not at all. >> so what do people need to do and take into consideration? >> understanding the importance of sleep. as we were discussing during the commercial, sleep is an investment on our health and also acts as a debt and accrues interest. lack of sleep leads to health consequences. it's paying attention to that sleep hygiene, making sure you're in bed. again, bedtimes are not jut for children. they should be for adults as well. >> you have to stick to that. i like your analogy that debt, work that through for me again.
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>> just acts as an investment on our health, but a debt that accrues. and gives us health consequences. >> they like it in studio, too. the fact that your alarm clock. so why is this happening? >> there are a couple of reasons. one being our metabolism change, increases risk of insulin sensitivity, blood glucose. those are the back bones of type 2 diabetes. that is probably why this association exists. just to be clear this is an association not a cause and effect. it does add to the volume of research that show us sleep and health are closely tied together. >> so important to get that rest. i'm listening carefully because so many people in my family are dealing with diabetes, as i'm sure a lot of people watching are. >> absolutely. >> dr. sutton, as always, thank you for breaking it down for us. all right, george? >> thanks. now the new mental health initiative for children and parents. the child mind institute partnered with the state of california to create resources for parents to help support their kids at any age. >> i feel like with teenagers,
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you have to catch them in the right mood. >> an honest conversation with parents about navigating their child's teen years. >> she became someone that i just couldn't talk to her. she didn't want to talk to me. >> the new video series positive parenting thriving kids from the child mind institute in partnership with the state of california. it's a guide to help care givers raise resilient and thriving children. >> they're more likely to open up or share with you if you kind of get a sense of what they're looking for. >> in the 20 episode series more than 150 parents, care givers and children were interviewed about challenging topics. >> i'm usually not so good at communication. >> esther does not open up to me much, which is tough for me. >> i often tell parents, coach not command. instead of commanding your kids on what to do, how to do it, you want to actually coach them so they can solve their own problems.
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>> we are joined by one of the child mind institute senior psychologist, dr. david anderson. thanks for coming back. these principles can apply to kids at any age but you focused on teens. tell us why? >> we see a lot of resources that are focused on younger age populations. we wanted to make sure we covered the whole developmental spectrum with this series of 40 videos and resources on our website child we also did research into what parents felt they needed to hear, what kinds of things they needed help with. teen years came back loud an clear. we surveyed 1,000 care givers across california, did interviews and focus groups with 100 teens and interviewed 40 parenting experts across the country. that's where we come down in making sure this series tackles the toughest challenges parents are facing. >> you decided to launch with telling parents giving advice how to take care of it themselves. >> yes. one thing that's real clear is there are 20 topics in this series. we make topic number one parent self care. our focus needed to be making sure parents are trying to make it so they can be most available as a care giver for their kids.
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and in this, we focus on sip simple steps. we don't want it to be learning a guitar or foreign language. we're really thinking about small increments. small amounts of sleep, tasting your coffee in the morning, even taking a few deep breaths can be life changing. >> when they're faced with tough situations what are kids looking for from their parents? >> one of the things we focused on is just making sure that parents have practical, actionable strategies. one of the key things we talk about for teens is to ask your teen at the beginning of a conversation, do you want me to listen or would you like advice? just as way of making sure they know you're trying to approach this open channel of communication and be the resource they need. the other thing we focus on is making sure that we use the village. so we help parents think, it's not all on their shoulders. there are coach, teachers, religious leaders. there are other adults in a teen's community that can also be positive role models.
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it doesn't have to be all you. this is something we are excited for parents to explore on our website child where these resources are freely available. >> thanks for coming in, doctor. you can see it all on child let's go over to sam. good morning everyone. this picture is to show you, if we're not waking up in marco island, florida, we made the wrong life choices. right? this beautiful beach. how about if i claim that chair right there? max moved on to weather. all right. [ laughter ] we start with 72 degrees in marco island. we're warm and humid there. got a little line of thunderstorms coming from the panhandle. we start with a humid, kind of nice day today. with orlando at 88. this is a wet sticky pattern by the end of the weekend. that's a look at the weather around the nation. let's get your best local weather in the business from our local abc station.
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okay. we turn now to deals and steals. our road to the oscars is getting closer to hollywood's biggest night. this morning tory johnson is getting us red carpet ready with some amazing products from small businesses. great to see you, tory johnson. love these are small businesses. what do we have? >> and you're gonna love all the beauty that they bring. this is beach waver. one of the fastest effortless ways to get beautiful curly or wavy hair. you can do either one of our styles with this. what's special about this, obviously it's not plugged in.
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when you press one button here, it rotates automatically for you. so when you don't have a merilyn at home. >> you're not doing a crazy, which way am i turning it in the mirror? i don't know. >> right. it does the thinking for you. we've got two styles. you can use the fine curl, kind of a loose wave or glam wave. this is just a fabulous one. they are pairing it with their strong hold hair spray so it's going to keep your style in place. we've got this. >> i smell it. it smells good, too. >> 50% off from beachwaver. >> 50% off. lashes time. >> lashes are everything. this is static nails. they are known for these lashes. it's a magnetic lash. it seems intimidating. all you need to know, if you can apply eyeliner, you can do this. built right into here, you can see ten tiny little micromagnets.
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you use the corresponding liner with it. it automatically adheres. so you get all day strong hold. it stays in place. truly effortless. there's no mess. it then comes off when you're ready to remove it. these are transformative. >> comes off without your own lashes on it, which is a nice perk. >> which is key. which is key. we've got all different style, whether you want to just do a little bit or you want to go full glam. there's a style for you. all slashed in half starting at $15. >> $15. nail polish. the thing we -- i'm always looking at my nails thinking i should have put better nail polish on. >> deborah lipmann, go to manicurist to the stars. this is her gel lab pro collection. you get the look of a gel manicure but none of the damage to your nails. all of the polishes are enriched with different treatments so they're actually good for your nails. so you can feel good putting these on. the colors are spectacular.
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singles and sets that deborah's curated for us, all starting at $10. 50% savings. >> they look like gel but don't damage your nails. >> right. grab this. this is caren. the light up lip wand. you've got a wand. look right here. you've got a mirror on the side that allows you to apply your lip gloss oh so perfectly. we've got -- >> and no one knows. >> there you go. so no matter where you are, it feels nice and silky. it's got no sticky feel to it. it just feels nice and nourishing on your lips. 20 different colors to choose from. these are fabulous. flavor is good. all right. daniela suede. this allows you to dazzle day or night. so many different options. we got a lot
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of bling here. very blingy. and so what's great about all of this jewelry? i like to think, is that it's travel friendly. it's not going to, you know, break the bank. it's all accessibly priced and you get kind of a lot of bling for your buck with these. great in a photo. yes. we've got statement necklaces, earrings, dangles like dangles like our friend taylor here rings, you name it. there's an option for you. these are savings of more than 60, starting at $14. these are beautiful. >> they're fun. okay. >> finally. yummy. this is all about shapewear here that does not squeeze, does not suffocate. it's just smoothing. like a gentle hug. which is what we want from our shapewear. we've got all different options, from tops to bottoms. we've got shaping bottoms that are uh, highway shaping bottoms, we've got thigh shapers. so many different options from yummy best of all the prices today. these start at 750, the highest price is $19 and free shipping
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from yummy. yeehaw! >> and this material. that's what you said. it's so comfortable. that's what you want to be sitting in. okay. we partnered with these companies on these deals. you can get them on our website, scan the qr code john cena here live coming up, america's most watched newscast abc's world news tonight with david muir, is now available on youtube. >> jimmy kimmel hosts the oscars live sunday seven eastern, four pacific on abc. >> how long do i have to wait? >> what are you waiting for? let's go. >> i love you and i'm gonna love you forever. >> docr alan is in critical condition. are you ready for this? >> always live. abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. we're going to take a look at traffic with gloria. good morning. good morning. >> right now we are following a crash over in hayward. this is a two car crash on northbound 880
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after tennyson road. right now, speeds are down to 11mph in this area. so major slowdowns there right now. and this is a live look outside at our san mateo camera. and you can see that from the toll plaza to foster city, it will take you about 21 minutes right now. >> thank you. gloria. meteorologist drew tuma has your accuweather forecast after the break. >> the mancini sleep world spring clearance sale is on now. save big on premium mattresses like 50% off casper mattresses and get free next day delivery on over 7000 mattresses in stock . the spring clearance sale is on now at mancini sleep world. >> turn on the updated mix of 96.5 koit, the only bay area station playing today's hits and yesterday's favorites while you work i got a blank space baby, hit me baby one more time. start your day with the 7:30 a.m. commercial free workday kickoff. bad habits lead to late nights and in along coming up so you better get this party all of
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your favorite songs from today and yesterday. 96.5 coit. >> last year in california, there were 200,000 car crashes when a car crash happens, it's important to have an experienced attorney on your side. the barnes firm has years of experience handling thousands of car crash cases. we will give you the support you need and help to get the best result possible. if you are injured in a car crash, call the barnes firm now for your free consultation. the barnes burn injury attorneys, call million. >> live doppler seven. >> it is active this morning. you got to find the umbrella because we do have those showers
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moving through this morning. for the most part, they're pretty light in nature. we do have some scattered downpours that have been working through the south bay and up through the peninsula. we'll zoom on in a little bit tighter. those brighter colors you can see moving out of sunnyvale, into stanford, up the peninsula. so we do have some wet weather to deal with this morning. it's a level one for the showers. a brief downpour possible like we're seeing this morning. even a slight chance of thunder. so the rain chances throughout the day. we're in and out of those showers through the afternoon. it's into the evening. we see those showers move out after 6 p.m. we are done with the rain temps in the upper 50s to the mid 60s. >> kumasi thank you drew. we'll haveeven news updat another abc seven ne. you can always find the latest on our news >> announcer: tomorrow morning on -- >> good morning america. >> announcer: garth brooks has something super special to share. >> this is just too, too cool. i cannot wait to show you. >> announcer: he's sharing it with robin and you. >> robin roberts and me and gma.
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i'm so excited. let's do this! >> announcer: tomorrow morning. >> wait until you see this. >> announcer: only on gma. >> i love me some good morning america. i promise you are going to love this. >> announcer: good morning america live from nashville tomorrow morning. welcome back, everybody. you see there robin will be in nashville tomorrow morning hanging out live with garth brooks and trisha yearwood revealing their new passion project and much more. that is all coming up tomorrow, george. >> right now we're here with one of our favorite guests, actor, author, wwe super star john cena. >> yeah! new movie is ricky stanicky. [ laughter ] who is he? >> ricky sounds like an imaginary name. that's because ricky stanicky is an imaginary friend. it's a story about what would happen if your imaginary friend or patsy has you come to life and became a real entity. so hillarity ensues and a bunch
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of friends get in trouble. [ laughter ] >> people using their imaginary friends to get out of things. i'm curious growing up, did you have an imaginary friend? >> i had a big imagination, but my parents had five boys. i always had a patsy. [ laughter ] it was fun. we had imagination. we always blamed each other. [ laughter ] >> so your character is kind of like, i'm almost kind of a rock 'n' roll impersonator. we get that because we saw you leaning beside the cutout of britney spears. that became my favorite. what was your favorite star to impersonate? >> some of the '80s rockers were fun. i had their cassette tapes growing up. to be able to -- hats off to the costume and makeup department when you dress up like billy idol and walk out of the wardrobe tent and you look like billy idol and everybody is like, whoa. that just makes such an impact on the impression itself. it was fun. i don't do impressions.
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i don't sing. i got to do both for this one. [ laughter ] >> sounds great. >> great exercise being pushed out of your comfort zone. and we gave a bunch of people a bunch of laughs. >> you look good as britney. >> thank you very much. >> let's look at a clip. >> you haven't introduced me to indiana jones. >> yeah, of course. ted, this is ricky, my good friend. ricky, this is ted summerhayes, my boss. >> ted, nice to meet you. >> seasonings? >> hair plugs are new, right? >> what? no. this is my hair. >> ha, yeah. like a doll's hair is her hair. that's good. [ laughter ] >> a friend coming to life. >> william h. macy and zac
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efron. he just finished his movie about a wrestler. did you talk about wrestling at all? >> i always talk about wrestling. zac had just come from iron law and didn't realize anybody knew about it. that was the way i broke the ice with zac. he put his heart and soul in it. fantastic movie. his performance was great. the same person who trained him i used to wrestle with so we immediately bonded over his experience. it led to some fun moments. >> did you wrestle? did you and zac wrestle? >> a long time ago. it's a shame the movie business worked out for zac. he would be a heck of a wwe super star. >> that's a good movie, too. you got time. maybe you can do a wrestling movie, too. [ laughter ] you're so good in all these movies. all right. let's talk baseball. recently, you were with a team called -- help me out? savannah bananas? >> savannah bananas. so much fun. i did not know what to expect.
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they gave such a great crowd experience. i got to actually go there. i tried to shorten my strike zone. [ laughter ] that did not work. i think the umpire had it out for me. he called me out on strikes. i really tried my best to just get on base. i gotta tell you, hijinx aside. that's the umpire dropping an elbow on my strikeout. they offered such an incredible fan experience. if you haven't been to see the savannah bananas, go. it was a great great time. >> i was impressed that you could squat down like that. impressive. >> thank you. thank you very much. >> thank you for coming in, john. >> thank you for having me. ricky stanicky premieres tomorrow on prime video. coming up our road to the oscars. fashions with joe zee. ming up, h joe zee.
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♪ ♪ >> we are back now with our road to the oscars looking at the host fashion trends. celebrity fashion expert and host of the series dressed joe zee is here to help us take those head turning looks from the red carpet to real life. you can shop all of these looks on our website. hello, joe.
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>> hello. so good to see you. >> we are separated by this. let's get this started. you're breaking all the rules. in old school it was never wear red on a red carpet. now our model cindy is showing us that's different. >> it's totally different. as you can see, that was a huge cardinal sin at one point. pun intended. they look great. also we don't even know the oscars will have a red carpet. last year there wasn't. we'll see. but, yeah. we can make this trend work for real life in a dynamic way. >> okay. >> bring her on out. >> come on, cindy. come on. >> wow! that's beautiful. >> really do it head to toe. i love this. few months of winter we have left. this is a $45 coat. >> get outta here. that looks so expensive. >> this coat, wear it for the few months left. but i love it. if you are color phobic, for a few of us that are, you could do it as a pop with an accessory.
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you don't have to go all out if you don't want to. >> beautiful. thank you very much. absolutely stunning. futuristic big style. we just saw some sunglasses in the break. futuristic vibe. >> zandaya and dune and her whole press tour. amazing. amazing. we are all not zadaya. [ laughter ] so what do we do? >> there you go. >> there you go. >> so i love the idea of silver. we just did -- this is not ai. this is real life. >> you got the business. it's got the future. >> this is a general rule of fashion for me. it's about contrast. here we've got futuristic with the silver skirt, but we put a conservative pinstripe blazer over it. we have the fun sunglasses. we had to throw that in there. in any case you did it with a flash shoe. just a touch of silver to give it that futuristic. you pair it with something neutral with your closet. >> just take the sunglasses off and hit the board room and you're ready to go. >> listen.
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day to night. i don't know if people still do this. take the jacket off and go out for a nice night on the town. >> for me that ends about 8:00. >> that's what the sunglasses are for. [ laughter ] just fall asleep underneath them. >> it's gorgeous. beautiful. we have already broken all the rules. now we're bringing kind of like the feather look back to the red carpet, right? >> yes. >> ruffling some feathers is what i was supposed to say. here's alessandra. gorgeous. >> the shoes are fun. >> i didn't even see them. >> the shoes are great. what i love with feather, it's so over the top. if you remember allie wong. >> right. >> she was like an coming out. what i love for real life, if you want to go for real life, use feathers as an accent. i love it on the shoe. if you want, you could wear head to toe feathers. but i love the idea of having a little bit of it. it's that whimsy and fun. >> with that shoe kick under the table. hi, look at me.
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>> now you can see the whole shoe. >> that's what i love about these jeans. the wide leg jean is on trend. that's a great thing to wear. >> i can see you rocking this. >> i'll borrow them after the show. i want to bring out our next model. she's here to pump up the volume. >> yes. this was a huge trend with all the girls on the red carpet. normally, i would have to say most celebrities are not going to say, i would like to wear something oversized and big. >> right. >> body skimming for the carpet. all the cool "it" girls were pulling this off in such a fun way. i love this for every day life. the key is wearing proportion. what i love is a high waisted pant and cross jacket. then the volume. otherwise just a big blob and you feel like a big balloon. >> you can still see a waist line here if you've got those things separated. >> exactly. so if you want to do an oversized jacket, put it over
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something body conscious. >> i'm all about the high waisted. i think a lot of women would agree the high waisted is key. >> i am obsessed with the high waist. i think it's so flattering. and i think for so long women haven't attached that idea. it is such a big thing. the high waisted, wider leg. i think it looks nice with a cropped jacket like this. this is $34. >> let's bring out all of our models. everyone can shop these looks on our website at good morning you said this $34? >> $34. >> amazing. >> unbelievable stuff. >> joe zee, thank you very much. thank you models. joe will be back with us on oscar monday. >> i can't wait. i cannot wait. we're all going to be hanging out. going to be a long night, but a fun morning. there's an exciting new series celebrating the rulers of the world. i'm not talking about the kings of the jungle. no. the queens. queens is a new national geographic series introducing us to the
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their families with loyalty an love. it is produced by a woman led crew. it show case a female led world in the wild. in the wild is now streaming on disney + and hulu. let's get a look at the best >> coming up, chelsea clinton is here talking about her book series. we'll be right back.
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stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya.
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>> we are back now >> we are back now on gma with chelsea clinton. it's women's history month. she's here to talk about a big expansive for her she persisted series.
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she's written several new books. chelsea, thank you for being with us. i love this series. you want young girls to see women who have worked really, really hard to live their dreams. now you're teaming up with other authors. so how did that come about. >> thank you, michael. always happy to be here. i'm always happy to be with you. i have to say i particularly enjoy speaking to fathers about empowering young girls. and so with opal lee and the extraordinary kind of authorship she has, talk about women who never give up. opal lee worked for decades to make juneteenth, the holiday we observe today. we want young girls and boys alike to realize sometimes you have to work really hard and really long for your dreams to come true but it is always worth the effort. >> that's what made you think opal lee was perfect for the series? >> i love it. i love seeing kind of the
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picture books that were at the beginning of the series. in the end we'll have 35 chapter books out in the world. it's been a joy to partner with so many extraordinary authors like sheila p. moses, including simone biles. it's a favorite in our house. we are reading that in advance of the olympics coming up. just to work with extraordinary women to tell the stories of extraordinary women gives me a lot of joy, meaning, purpose and persistence. >> 35 books by the end of 2024. naomi osaka is another one. how do you decide who gets highlighted? gets featured? >> it's an on going conversation including with our kids. the stories they wish they knew more about. the women they are inspired by. the extraordinary team. now the dozens of women authors that we've been able to work with and who they really want to kind of lend their talents to with young readers. >> you mentioned your kids.
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you have three kids. >> we do. >> they have some input. mom, what do you know about this person or that person? >> they have it. we are very into space in our family right now. we spend a lot of time talking about sally ride and many of our extraordinary women astronauts. and some men, too. i have to say one of the kind of great joys is being an author and now being part of this series with other authors are when my kids read books and will say, mom, did you know? i'm like, i think so, but i love that you are discovering this. i made the crew laugh. that's fun to me when they're discovering things and they're so excited to share that with me. >> opal lee's story is about resilience. it's about fighting through obstacles. are you hoping these young kids who read this book find their own resilience through this? >> of course. i mean, we hope that no child has to go through what opal lee
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went through, particularly when she was a child. her house burned down, and the extraordinary amount of racism and discrimination she had to persist through in her life. we hope, too, that these stories do feel universal. we're all going to have challenges in our lives. i hope young readers think, well, if she made it through this, i can make it through whatever's my challenge, at school, at home, school yard, the community. maybe i also can change history. >> yeah. i'm pretty sure reading these books as a young kid, it kind of prepares you for what's going on in the world now. >> totally. >> as a parent, if your kid is reading this book, it probably makes it easier to talk to them about what's going on in the world now. >> completely. our kids are 9, 7, 4. our 4-year-old we just try to keep alive. [ laughter ] the 9 and 7-year-old definitely are aware of what's happening in our city, our country, our world. it helps to have stories of people who, you know, have been fighting climate change for a long time, or working to help us
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understand the mysteries of space, or to make our world more equitable and just. to talk about what's happening today in the small moment they may be navigating at school or big moments we're navigating as citizens. >> you have to -- i understood my kids knew a lot more than i thought they would know at certain ages, you know? >> absolutely. >> so you have to have a dialogue and that conversation with them. >> my kids will say like, mom, can i ask you something? i say, you can ask me anything. often it might be something they want as an extra dessert. well, it's not the weekend. i hope by saying, you can ask me anything, or you can tell me anything. when they have big questions about things that might be scary or disorienting to them, we've had that established dialogue and trust for the small things in life to be able to talk about the big things. >> i absolutely love it. if i have any question, i'm calling you myself. >> anytime.
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anytime. >> chelsea, i love when you're here. congratulations. i love what you're doing with this series. 35 books by the end of 2024 i think you're doing a remarkable thing, remarkable job. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. she persisted opal lee is out now. make sure you pick it up. you can shop for it on our website. good morning you stay right there. we'll be right back. stay right there. we will be right back. ♪ ♪ stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only
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nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. when i have pain from arthritis i grab biofreeze. unlike voltaren, biofreeze provides fast-acting relief i can apply it to more areas of my body. and it's nsaid-free. cool the pain so i can get back on the court. [dry dog food pouring into metal bowl] i was made for sport. i used to have bounce. and, unlike nutrish whole health blend, i contain nothing that would help your dog live a happy, healthy life. i mean, i used to smell like the can. helping dogs dog healthy.
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with olay hyaluronic body wash 95% of women had visibly-better skin from dry to moisturized in just 12 days. be fearless with olay hyaluronic body wash and body lotion. want luxury hair repair that doesn't cost $50? pantene's pro-vitamin formula repairs hair. as well as the leading luxury bonding treatment. for softness and resilience, without the price tag. if you know... you know it's pantene.
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>> friday will be a party when bleachers pull in and perform live. monday get ready to dance when paul russell performs his viral hit. only on good morning america's concert series sponsored by planet fitness. >> big day with robin in nashville tomorrow. thanks for watching, everyone. >> have a great day. >> caitlin clark. what do you do after becoming the ncaa all time leading scorer? >> you set the record. just talk about that moment. >> you come to robin and gma, of course. >> why did you thi good morning america. oh money. let's go. let's do it.
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>> friday night. this is a story about a beautiful young woman who goes on spring break. and her life intersects with a monster. >> there have been no reported sightings of 17 year old who went missing. >> a mystery for years. now, for the first time, exclusive interviews with the investigators who solved it. >> now all new details into the hidden life of a killer. >> if still feels so raw. >> into the darkness, the all new 2020 friday at nine eight central on abc. >> the skinny confessions after ozempic, now streaming on hulu. >> so what's good to read? and we mean really good to read right now. well, that's where charlie and kate gibson can help. join us for the new podcast series. >> it is called the bookcase with kate and charlie. >> we will make sure you love what you read. listen wherever you get your podcasts. >> tomorrow morning on good morning america, garth brooks has something super special to share. >> this is just too, too cool. i
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cannot wait to show you. >> and he's sharing it with robin and you, robin roberts, me and gma. >> i'm so excited. let's do this buckle up. >> i'm gonna be the best captain this station has ever seen. i am all in. >> i want to love you back. >> get yourself a delicious pick. me up at mcdonald's. try any size mccafé premium roast coffee or try any size soft drink like refreshing coca-cola. get any size any time for just $1.69. only at mcdonald's. bah bah bah bah bah bah. >> the barnes firm has years of experience handling thousands of car crash cases. we will give you the support you need and help to get the best result possible. an injury attorneys call one 808 million. >> lowe's knows you don't just want a low price. >> you want the lowest price. >> did you say lowest or lowest price? >> it's basically the same
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>> pajamas. >> help me sleep. great. but some foster kids don't even have pjs. that's why mancini's slipper and the ticket to dream foundation are hosting a pajama drive for foster kids. bring new pjs to any mancini sleep world. you make me feel like dancing. >> i want to feel the power of osteo bi-flex taken every day. >> it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in seven days, with significant improvement over time. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. here's gloria now with a look at traffic. hi, gloria. good morning kumasi. >> we're going to go right to the bay bridge right now. there is a crash. there is a two car crash at the incline. and right now there's a backup to the foot of the maze. because of that
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crash, the metering lights flipped on at 532 this morning. >> hey, gloria, let's go to live doppler seven. we'll show you. we have some light showers. the heavier rain we had this morning is really diminishing, but nonetheless, we're at a level one for scattered showers. some pockets of brief downpours, even the slight chance of a thunderstorm. that chance likely between 2 and 5. so here's a look at the rain chances throughout the day. we're just on and off throughout the morning into the afternoon. after 6 p.m. we're pretty much done with the rain, and that sets the stage for a nice day tomorrow. but temperatures today will get you into the upper 50s and mid 60s by 4 p.m. kumasi. >> thank you drew. now it's time for live with kelly and mark and we'll be back at we'll be 11 for midday ♪ ♪ >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and mark!" today, 2024 academy aw


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