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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  March 7, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm PST

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happen in a few seconds. this video, courtesy of the cali plane's youtube channel. there it is. it just breaks off. this frightening incident forced the plane to have to divert to lax instead of going to japan, where it made a safe landing around 1:30 p.m. with 235 passengers and 14 crew members on board, we'll have a lot more on this story with all our reporters coming up on abc seven news at four. thank you for watching. getting answers today. we'll be here every weekday at three for you answering questions with experts from around the bay area. world news tonight with david muir is next. and the news at four is coming up in a half hour. >> take care. ♪ tonight, the high-stakes speech for president biden. also, the united flight. what came off the plane after takeoff. and the national guard now deployed on the new york city
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subways. first,just a short time from now, president biden will address the american people. it could be his largest audience before the presidential election amid questions about his age and donald trump leading in the polls, the president will address immigration, the economy and tonight the president's new move to help the people of gaza, building a port to get humanitarian aid in. and what the speaker of the house mike johnson has asked of his colleagues tonight during the president's speech. mary bruce live at the white house, rachel scott live on the hill. also the united flight from san francisco to japan losing a tire right after takeoff. the emergency landing in los angeles. in new york city this evening, the national guard now taking up positions on the subway. the new storm threat tonight, severe weather moving from texas to georgia, then right up the east coast. rob marciano times this out. tonight, parents in texas erupting in anger, the independent report, the
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investigate finding the first five officers responding in uvalde did not violate policy, suggesting that the acting police chief be exonerated. a mother and 11-year-old daughter shot sitting in their car outside their home. tonight the urgent manhunt. will taketiktok will the u.s. if the chinese government does not sell it? the cdc alert over melatonin and gummies being ingested by children, thousands of children ending up in the e.r. the well known couple tonight, we remember one of them here. and halting tourists on the vegas strip. you'll see it. good evening from washington. just a short time from now, president biden will address the
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nation, a high stakes moment for this president delivering his state of the union address amid this rematch with donald trump. questions about the president's age and the national polling showing donald trump leading, and the president and his team are convinced that the american people are not yet fully engaged in this race. they believe when they are, they'll know the stakes come november. our first look tonight, the president is expected to tell the american people that when he came to office, he was determined to get the u.s. through one of the toughest periods in our nation's history and that we have. the president plans to say it doesn't make news, but in thousands of cities and towns the american people are writing the greatest comeback story never told. the president and his team know the economy is they also know voters are not connecting this to president biden and many are still struggling. the president will address immigration, the southern border. he's expected to talk about the bipartisan border plan, believed
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to be the strongest in years, from republicans and democrats in the senate that the president was ready to sign, halted by house republicans pushed to block it by president trump. and the growing civilian death toll in gaza. tonight president biden revealing the u.s. will build a port off the coast of gaza to deliver much-needed humanitarian aid. the president fully aware of the deep divisions in this country and the stakes tonight with millions of americans watching, studying him and determining if he's up to a second term. mary bruce leading us off tonight. >> reporter: tonight, in a pivotal moment for the future of his presidency, joe biden looking to take advantage of his biggest platform yet, to convince americans to give him four more years. the president knows he's down in the polls, well aware voters have questions about his age, and that they will be watching not only what he says but how he says it. sources tell us he is not expected to mention donald trump by name, but he will draw clear contrasts between their policies and their values.
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on the economy and on immigration, where he is expected to remind americans that at trump's urging, republicans in congress tanked the toughest bipartisan border security bill in decades, just to deny biden a political win. the president tonight will likely press congress to put politics aside and get the border done and stop using it as a political weapon. >> it's time for the speaker's and some of my republican friends in congress, who are blocking this bill, to show a little spine. >> reporter: the president will also confront the growing outcry over the mounting civilian death toll in gaza. announcing what the white house describes as an "emergency mission." >> a lot of innocent people are starving. a lot of innocent people are in trouble, are dying. it's got to stop. >> reporter: the president will lay out a plan for the u.s. to construct a temporary port off the coast of gaza, resembling what you see in these images, to provide a new route for desperately needed food, water and medicine. a senior administration official tells us it will take weeks to
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plan and execute the mission, which will be carried out by the army. pentagon sources say american troops will be stationed offshore to build the pier, but they were adamant there will be no u.s. boots on the ground inside gaza. the president also expected to emphasize an issue central to his campaign, abortion. drawing a sharp contrast with trump who appointed three of the supreme court justices who overturned roe v. wade. in the first lady's box tonight, kate cox, the texas woman who was denied an abortion under the state's strict ban, even though she faced life-threatening complications. cox sitting down with our rachel scott. >> reporter: we know the president is going to put this issue front and center. what do you want to see happen? >> my hope would be that women and families can make medical decisions with their doctors as they knave gait what's often a
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very difficult process to build their families. >> reporter: kate cox will be there tonight sitting with the first lady. the president will remind voters that donald trump has boasted of putting those justices on the court, saying those bragging about over turning roe v wade will have no clue about the power of women in america. they will found out in 2024. i promise you, i will restore roe v wade as the law of the land again. the president will reject what he calls an american story of resentment, revenge and retribution, david. >> mar mary bruce, thank you. rachel scott live on the hill. we've learned tonight that among these deep divisions in washington that the republican house speaker mike johnson has urged house republicans not to interrupt the president tonight, the speaker saying that decorum is the order of the day. >> reporter: the speaker of the
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house was very direct with republicans, urging them to remain respectful and civil at tonight's state of the union address. last year, david, members of congress, republicans heckling the president. at one point congresswoman marjorie taylor greene booing president biden. she could be heard from the back of the chamber calling him a liar. tonight she was asked if she's maintain some level of decorum. she responded by saying, it depends what the president has to say. president biden has been interrupted at multiple events by protests. this could get rowdy, david. >> rachel, thank you. rachel, mary, john carl, the entire team for abc news live coverage 9 p.m. eastern just a short time from now, the president's state of the union address. we'll, of course, carrying the republican response from alabama
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senator katie brit. president biden tonight, 9 p.m. eastern live coverage on abc. we turn to the other news this thursday night, that alarming sight on the runway moments after a flight took off in jasan francisco headed to japan. watch as a tire falls off the united passenger jet right after take off. nearly 250 passengers on board. m matt gutman reporting from california. >> reporter: tonight, the alarming video. that packed long-haul passenger jet losing a tire just moments after takeoff. watch again here as one of the rear tires falls right off that plane. the united airlines boeing 777 with 249 passengers and crew on board heading from san francisco to osaka around 11:30 a.m. local time. >> they think it might've been you - they're not sure - but you might have lost a wheel on takeoff. >> okay, united 35, thanks. >> it literally just happened. >> reporter: that tire plunging into the employee parking lot, crushing several cars and damaging a fence.
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fortunatelily, no one on the ground was that plane dumping fuel and making an emergency landing, touching down safely in los angeles about two hours after takeoff. passengers reacting to the news. it comes, after this mid-air scare involving another united flight. flames seen shooting out of the engine shortly after taking off from houston monday night. >> panic set in. a lot of people around me were screaming and crying. >> reporter: tonight, united airlines blaming that fire on bubble wrap that got sucked into the engine. back to that plane that lost a tire, united said it's going to address the needs of both customers and the car owners whose vehicles were damaged. we've just learned that tire wei weighs 265 pounds. it's miraculous that no one was hurt. it's being looked into by officials as a possible maintenance issue. >> matt, thank you. in new york city tonight, national guard troops are on
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parole in patrol in the city's subways. >> reporter: tonight, armed and in full uniform, new york national guard troops are now patrolling the nation's largest transit system, here to be seen and make people feel safer. in addition to these national guard troops, the nypd has surged a thousand police officers in more than 136 subway stations around the city. nypd's chief of transit michael kemper hopes the increased presence will reassure riders. >> now they're going to see national guard members in addition to your cops. >> yep, yep. and look, we welcome, you know, all the help we can get. this is all about public safety. >> reporter: despite the increased presence, more violent incidents in the past 24 hours. police releasing this video of the person suspected of hitting a female conductor in the head with a bottle wednesday. and overnight, a 53-year-old man was stabbed on a train in the bronx. last year saw the highest number of subway assaults in 27 years. so far this year, transit crime is up 13% in the city compared to last year. >> they've made over 3000 arrests already this year in a subway system. but unfortunately, we find ourselves arresting the same
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small group of people over and over and over again. >> reporter: after a spike, subway crime is coming down, but david, after some high-profile instances of violence, the authorities well know it's not the statistics that matter, it's how people feel when they ride the subway. >> no question about that. aaron, thank you. we turn to new storms, severe weather moving from texas to georgia, then right up the east coast again. rounds of severe weather from texas to the carolinas, large hail, damaging winds, possible tornados with this and heavy rain right up the east coast, washington, d.c., philadelphia, new york city by saturday evening into sunday morning, snow possible in new england from this. up to 4 more inches of rain coming to georgia. heavy rainfall in new york city in the past 24 hours and more on the way. hartford, connecticut, bracing for the same tonight. let's get back to senior
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meteorologist rob marciano. timing it out tonight. >> it's going to grow here. the severe weather threat is a big one. the southern plains all the way to south carolina, we have watches for oklahoma and texas. storms have already been rumbling through dallas. the storm will spread through chicago and michigan and ohio. storms across the south with damaging winds, tornados possible from little rock to atlanta to savannah and saturday into charleston. meanwhile, it gets organized here in the northeast, heavy rain coming here, very heavy rain sunday morning, this after a week's worth of heavy rain in the northeast again. david. >> rob, thanks. we turn to texas tonight and to uvalde, where parents erupted in anger after an independent investigator found the first five officers on the scene of that school massacre did not violate policy, the investigator also suggesting the acting police chief be exonerated.
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>> reporter: these are the dramatic images of the first uvalde officers entering robb elementary, being met with gunfire and retreating, then waiting a total of 77 minutes before breaching the door. but tonight, a new independent report finding that those officers did nothing wrong. sparking outrage again in uvalde. >> how dare you. how dare you. you were paid by them. >> reporter: at a packed council meeting, retired detective jessie prado hired by the city to investigate the deadly rampage that killed 19 children and 2 teachers, detailing multiple failures by law enforcement, but finding that none of those officers violated policy. >> there were no indications of wrongdoing in any of his actions. there was no evidence of serious acts of misconduct. >> reporter: even saying acting chief of police mariano pargas, who resigned weeks after the shootings, should be exonerated.
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>> nothing but cowards! kim rubio, whose daughter lexi was killed, and other families demanding the council still take action against the officers. >> do what's right. terminate them. >> reporter: david, two of the council members went so far as to say they do not accept or agree with the findings of this report, calling it insulting and embarrassing. the mayor told me they do not plan to make any decisions until everyone can fully digest this report and they can have their next council meeting, which is set for next tuesday. >> thank you. we turn to the urgent manhunt after the murder of a mother and her 11-year-old daughter killed outside their home in their car in worcester, massachusetts. the search for the suspect is under way. >> reporter: tonight, an urgent manhunt for a suspect wanted in the brazen murder of a mother and daughter who were shot dead in their car outside their home in worcester, massachusetts. >> i'm getting reports of between 12 and 20 gunshots.
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>> reporter: chasity nunez and 11-year-old zella, who was legally blind, found in this bullet riddled nissan tuesday afternoon. >> reporter: police later arresting 28-year-old karel mangual, charging him with assault to murder. and tonight, the hunt is on for his alleged accomplice 27-year-old dejan belnavis, >> white car with connecticut tags, two males wearing masks. >> reporter: police say security video shows the men walk up and start shooting at the car before they get away in a white sedan. tonight, a heartbroken family is remembering a loving mother who served in the connecticut national guard and a daughter who had overcome major challenges in her young life. >> was happy and healthy and funny and just so loving and made it through all of that to be taken. it's not right. >> reporter: david, authorities have not commented on a possibly motive or where the victims and
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suspects have known each other. the suspect has pleaded not guilty. tonight in washington, congress pushing a bill threatening to ban tiktok in the u.s. unless it's sold by its chinese parent company in six months. lawmakers concerned about national security issues. it's now out of committee and the full house could vote as early as next week. tiktok saying the government is attempting to strip 170 million americans of their constitutional right to free expression. an historic moment for nato tonight. sweden formally joining the 32nd member of the important alliance. sweden and finland petitioned to join nato after russia invaded ukraine two years ago now, ending centuries of neutrality. when we come back, the cdc alert for parents this evening over melatonin and gummies being ingested by children. thousands of children are ending up in the emergency room.
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also tonight, a beloved couple singing together for decades. tonight, we remember one of them. like here. and here. not so much here. farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure which can lead to dialysis. ♪far-xi-ga♪ farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. when you have chronic kidney disease, it's time to ask your doctor for farxiga. because there are places you want to be. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. ♪far-xi-ga♪
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[cars honking] i'm a guy who lost a bet. and my dignity. get out of the way! as if watching my team lose wasn't punishment enough. what are you looking at huh... it's a one speed. hahaha. hahaha. and if you have cut rate car insurance, odds are you'll be paying for that yourself. so, get allstate and be better protected from mayhem... like me. hey, i'm walking here! tonight in texas amid those fires, a utility company is now coming forward to claim responsibility for apparently igniting the largest wildfire in texas history. excel energy says power lines may have sparked the massive smokehouse creek fire, burning more than 1 million acres, destroying homes, flames crossing into oklahoma. that fire is now mostly contained. tonight, a new cdc report
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warning parents about the dangers of children eating their parents' 11,000 children ended up in emergency rooms after eating melatonin gummies. it's often sold as flavored gummies. authorities warning children are mistaking them for candy. when we come back, the iconic couple singing together for decades. we remember one of them right here tonight. and a rare sight stopping tourists on the vegas strip. ( ♪ ♪ )
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finally tonight here, only in vegas. tonight, the very rare sighting on the las vegas strip. at the bellagio hotel and casino, their famed fountains. the incredible display. people from across the world stopping to watch. and just this week, they've been watching something else. swimming right in the waters there, a very rare bird, a yellow-billed loon. one of the 10 rarest birds in the u.s. you can see it there, swimming right below families watching from the street. tonight, the national park service saying the young bird, not yet an adult, was likely migrating and got off course seeking shelter from a storm. tonight, the bellagio saying in a statement, "we are happy to welcome the most exclusive of guests," pausing their fountain show and working with state wildlife officials to safely rescue the yellow-billed loon,
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and relocate it to safe waters so the loon can resume its migration north. tonight, the show stopping loon now safe and on its way. and those famous fountains now restarting their spectacular show. the yellow billed loon on its way. we'll see you at 9 p.m. for the president, the high-stakes speech. good night. hire fell off the landing gear of a united airlines plane heading to japan. you can see it highlighted right there. the video shared with us by carley planes said these two cars and they found some of the landing gear over there. >> they think it was a united 777 and you can see the damage from that tire smashing into vehicles at an airport parking
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lot at sfo. >> good afternoon. thanks for joining us. i'm larry biel and i'm karina nova. >> video shows the united plane taking off at san francisco international airport. and then the tire falling off. it happens in a matter of seconds. this was posted to the youtube account carly planes. and we froze the video so that you can actually see it right there. united says the plane lost part of its landing gear. some of that debris landed in a nearby parking lot. >> now the falling tire appears to have hit a car, as shown in that video right there. part of a fence is also mangled, and the back of at least one car looks like it got crushed as well. sfo says. thankfully, nobody was hurt. >> sky seven, spotted the tire, which was lying not far away in a hertz lot. police car cordoned off the area and put up tape and this is what the conversation sounded like between the plane's crew and air traffic control. take a listen. >> you know the 35 north. i'll just called to the tower, called them, said, they think it might have been you. >> they're not sure, but she


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