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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  March 7, 2024 11:35pm-12:38am PST

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and pink merchandise extravaganza. there's barbie themed apparel, accessories, home decor, everything from hats and hoodies to dinner plates, even glassware. >> the barbie dreamhouse living tour rolls into san jose this saturday at santana row, then it will stop in walnut creek on saturday, march 23rd, and in pleasanton the following saturday. all right, that is cool. well, thank you so much for watching tonight. >> i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley for sandhya patel larry biel. all of us. we appreciate your time right now. coming up on jimmy kimmel, the cast of dune part two, timothee chalamet, zendaya, austin butler and florence pugh have a great night everyone. >> lou: from hollywood it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight from the cast of "dune: part 2," timothée chalamet, zendaya, austin butler and florence pugh. plus music from benson boone. with cleto and the cletones.
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and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you very much, everybody. hi, mom. how are you? relax. please. it's already too much. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thank you for braving the storm to be here. you're all heroes. it is so wet. when dry january ends, it really ends, doesn't it? [ laughter ] today is the first day of february, the hardest of all the months to spell. [ laughter ] once again, as february arrives for the 85th year in a row, our nation's newscasters cannot believe it. >> can you believe it? it's already february. good-bye, january. >> february 1st. hard to believe january's in the rear-view mirror. >> hard to believe it's february. >> hard to believe we rolled into february. >> february. >> that's crazy.
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>> can you believe it? >> february 1st, that's hard to believe. >> february 1st. >> hard to believe. >> hard to believe, february 1st. >> february, kind of hard to believe. >> february, hard to believe. >> february 1st, can you believe that? >> february, can you believe it? >> february, can you believe it? >> can you believe it's already february? >> can you believe it's february? >> can you believe it's february? that's -- >> i can't believe it. >> we'll say that on march 1st, too. >> i think amber is trying to get on "jimmy kimmel." >> yes, we're all going to do it later in unison. >> hey, jimmy. >> jimmy: hey, steve. good to see you. [ cheers and applause ] how is everything? see you at the beginning of march. [ laughter ] we got hit with not one, but two powerful rainstorms today. there was so much water. this is in seal beach, not too far from here. people were surfing in the street. i'll take a foot-long italiano. [ laughter ] i have to say, i cannot think of a more fun way to contract hepatitis than that. [ laughter ]
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this was the scene up in san bernardino where they even got some snow. >> i think there's enough snow to do a snow angel, don't you think? >> i mean -- >> right there. >> right in the middle of the road. >> it's probably -- don't try this at home. there she goes. what a trouper. >> jimmy: oh my goodness, oh, wow, who could have -- [ laughter and applause ] i did not see that coming. now she's a real snow angel. [ laughter ] way to, go dave. the weather was no match for the star power we have on the show tonight. the cast of "dune: part two," tip may showme chalat, zendaya, austin butler and florence pugh are here. [ cheers and applause ] oh, what's that? i'm just hearing they canceled. [ audience moaning ] instead i will be joined by u.s. secretary of the interior deb haaland. [ laughter ] and the couple from tiktok who dance to the noise from the washing machine. that's a solid lineup.
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president biden was at the capitol today to speak at the national prayer breakfast. this is when god and grape nuts come together. the national prayer breakfast is where they eat waffles and praise the lord. >> my prayer, my hope, is that we continue to believe our best days are ahead of us. as a nation, we continue to believe in honesty, decency, dignity and respect. >> jimmy: yeah, that's not going to happen. [ laughter ] that prayer doesn't have a prayer. [ laughter ] okay? this is the kind of event that really highlights the differences between our past two presidents. joe biden is a practicing catholic. he goes to church every sunday. donald trump plays golf. yells at the tv on sundays. [ laughter ] this was how maga theresa kicked off the prayer breakfast when he showed up in 2017. keep in mind, this is a prayer breakfast. >> we had tremendous success on "the apprentice." when i ran for president, i had to leave the show. that's when i knew for sure i was doing it.
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and they hired a big, big movie star, arnold schwarzenegger, to take my place. and we know how that turned out. [ laughter ] the ratings went right down the tubes. it's been a total disaster. and mark will never, ever bet against trump again. and i want to just pray for arnold, if we can, for those ratings. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: amen. well, you know, always thinking of others. it's really beautiful. hairy magdalene was in washington yesterday to meet with the teamsters union. while he was there, he fielded questions. one of the questions, the fact that he spent around $50 million in campaign donations to pay his legal bills. and all of a sudden, mr. "i aced the cognitive test" doesn't seem to know what's going on. >> do you plan to use campaign funds or pac money to pay some of the penalties in the new york defamation and fraud cases? >> i don't understand. what? [ laughter ] >> are you thinking of potentially trying to use campaign money to pay some of
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the penalties that you might incur? >> what penalties? >> in the new york fraud case, the defamation case. >> i didn't do anything wrong. that's been proven, as far as i'm concerned. >> jimmy: yeah. but as far as the court is concerned, you did do something wrong. [ laughter ] and that's going to cost you around $83 million. i see what he's doing. [ cheers and applause ] i know exactly what he's up to. he's like that mob boss who pretended to be crazy by wandering around in a bathrobe. he's vinny the chin. [ laughter ] trump was also asked about those red spots on his hands. two weeks ago, he had all these red spots. many speculated these may be symptoms of syphilis, which was apparently news to donald trump. >> how is your hand? is it better? it looks like it's better now. >> my hand? >> yeah, remember. what happened the other day. you didn't see photos, outside of trump tower? >> no, no.what w wrong with it? >> the other one. do you want to tell us what happened? >> nothing. maybe it's a.i.
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[ laughter ] >> jimmy: uh-huh, that's right. a.i. in this case, a.i. stands for an infection. [ laughter and applause ] i feel like a.i. is going to become his excuse for everything now. "we have a recording of you having sex with a honey baked ham. "that's a.i." i guess we're supposed to believe he didn't notice five big red spots on his hands? put that photo back up. even when he is literally caught red-handed he won't admit it. something very fishy is happening in florida. a strange sound is reverberating across a neighborhood in south tampa. >> this is the sound of black drum fish mating. the sound has been plaguing residents across south tampa since 2021. still, no one is able to confirm what it is. it could be sound of black drum fish mating. the mating sound travels through the ground. that might explain why homes a mile from the water can still hear it.
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>> jimmy: is anyone else turned on right now? [ laughter ] it's very strange. it sounds familiar. let's swap out the video and listen to this one more time. >> is everything okay with your meal? >> you put something in the food? >> no. >> jimmy: yeah. it's pretty -- hbo does have a new season of "curb your enthusiasm" starting sunday. [ applause ] maybe it's for that. today is the first day of black history month or as it's now officially known in florida "month." [ laughter ] and i'd like to wish a happy black history month to all the states whose schools are still allowed to teach it. it's always funny to see corporations try to do the right thing for black history month. these are real e-mails received from members of our staff today, from companies like pottery barn. "we're highlighting the work of
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our partners at the naacp." urban outfitters -- "join us as we celebrate black joy." we got one from the designer shoe warehouse -- from bath & body works, who wants you to "celebrate black history month with an exclusive candle collection." the nhl shop would like you to join them in celebrating black history. and finally -- the folks at joann, the fabric store named after your aunt, declares "one together celebrate black culture." it's the perfect confluence of needlepoint, black history and people who sniff airplane glue for most of the day. [ laughter ] it shows how far we've come. this is good, too, a tv channel i've never heard of before called buzzer that shows nothing but old game shows. buzzer is celebrating february by showing the best black moments in game show history. yes. [ laughter ] including this forgotten gem from an episode of "to tell the truth." >> will the real rosa parks please stand up.
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[ applause ] >> jimmy: hey. it's mr. carlson from "wkrp." [ laughter ] that's a double-whammy. number one, you would think that people know what rosa parks looks like. and wasn't rosa parks' whole thing not standing up? [ laughter ] every year around this time, we like to take the temperature of the country to see how race relations are going by asking pedestrians a simple question. and that question is -- "do you have a black friend?" this is how it works. we're going to meet a person, that person is going to tell us who they are and based solely on their introduction we're going to guess if they have a black friend. make sense? okay, here's our first passer-by. >> james, des plaines, illinois. >> james, do you have a black friend? >> jimmy: okay, do we think
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james -- [ laughter ] such a sad response. [ laughter ] are you okay? do we need to call an ambulance? do we think james has a black friend? no? no one does. let's find out. >> yes. >> how many black friends? >> well, just one. one of them died. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: we're off to a hot start. [ laughter ] >> i'm shawn and i'm from melbourne, australia. >> do you have a black friend? >> jimmy: okay, does shawn from down under have a black friend? let's see. >> i have an indian girlfriend. does that count? [ audience moaning ] >> jimmy: no, it certainly does not. next pedestrian. >> i'm jacob and i'm from st. louis, missouri. >> do you have a black friend? >> jimmy: does jacob give you
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the sense that he has a black friend? survey says? >> i have a couple. >> a couple? what are their names? >> um -- [ laughter ] jordan. >> do you know anyone else black on a first-name basis? >> not really. >> not really? >> no. oh, i do. my old roommate was actually half-black. isaiah. yeah. i forgot -- i don't know how i forgot. >> came around. >> he's half-black. i forgot. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: these people knew they were on camera, right? [ laughter ] okay. i like how he names the most famous basketball player in history. [ laughter ] all right. who is up next? >> what's up, man? my name is armando. i'm from rhode island. >> armando, do you have a black friend? >> jimmy: can armando save our planet and bring us together?
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they say yes. let's find out. >> i have plenty of black friends. >> how many? >> i just made one down the street. so, six. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: six. i can think of no better place than to make friends on hollywood boulevard. okay. we're headed in the right direction. let's have a look at one more. >> my name is richard voss. i'm from claremont, california. >> richard, do you have a black friend? >> jimmy: everybody says no. i think you're maybe selling richard short. does richard from claremont have a black friend? >> i do. >> how many? >> seven. [ laughter ] >> you had that really fast. what are their names? >> darren, jennifer, jose, steve, michael, john. >> jimmy: well, that's only six. one of them is named darren. but that's pretty damn good, i think.
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[ laughter and applause ] thank you, richard. happy black history month! to all. we've got a great show for you tonight. we have music from benson boone. [ cheers and applause ] and then, timothee chalamet, zendaya, austin butler and florence pugh, the cast of "dune: part two." we'll be back. okay, when you turn around, you're gonna see someone. may i have a turkey and cheese? let's imagine that ll cool j has a bubble around him. -do we want to be inside -- ohh. -hey, i'm keith. there are some situations that young homeowners turning into their parents just can't handle. yeah, there he is. -there's my nephew. -very cool. i got a video of him, uh, playing piano. that's not how you take a selfie. progressive can't save you from becoming your parents, but we can save you money when you bundle home and auto with us. -three, two, one. -we don't need a countdown. just take the picture. [street noise] [text message] whole team is here!
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi, there. welcome back to the show. tonight, a singer-songwriter from the little town of monroe, washington, his latest song is called "beautiful things." music from benson boone. [ cheers and applause ] i don't want to get ahead of ourselves but we have a great week next week. we have new shows with a number of great guests including dua lipa, brie larson, quinta brunson, ewan and clara mcgregor will be here, as will beanie feldstein, gina rodriguez, leo woodall and nikolai coster-waldau. with music from drew holcombe and the neighbors, ziggy marley, sum 41 and michael bublé with jason derulo. join us for all of that. [ cheers and applause ] our guests tonight are desert-dwelling, fremen-fighting, sandworm-surfing superstars whom you can see in the long-awaited
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"dune: part two." >> may thy knife chip and shatter. >> may thy knife chip and shatter. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: "dune: part two" opens in theaters march 1st. please welcome timothee chalamet, zendaya, austin butler and florence pugh. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: how are you? how are you? welcome. hey, have you seen each other for a while? is this the first time you've been back together since shooting the movie? >> we live together. >> jimmy: that's nice. how many bedrooms are we talking about here? two bedrooms. how do you split it up? >> the second for a kitchen and a toilet and we all cuddle. >> jimmy: all in one. that's a lot of camaraderie. it's great to have you guys here. i saw the movie. i loved the first "dune." i think this is better than the first "dune" honestly. [ cheers and applause ] timothee, i want to start with you. there's something that's driving me crazy. i know it's just me. there's a billboard that's been hovering over our theater here. [ laughter ] this is a little thing i notice driving. it's just -- there's a little accent over one of the "es" in your name and i want to know how i should handle that. [ laughter ] >> well, honestly, it's
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"tee-mow-tay." i would not oblige you to say it like that. it can be timothee or timmy. doug or allen -- >> jimmy: it is? >> my parents cursed me with that. >> jimmy: you're not going along with that? >> i'm not going along with that. it's whatever you like. >> jimmy: i can go to timothee chalamet. it rhymes. >> but my name is hal that breaks it up. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what? >> that isn't really -- >> no, that's not the flow. >> it breaks it up in a bizarre way. >> jimmy: your initials are thc? >> oh, my god. [ cheers and applause ] >> i don't do drugs. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that was a great fight scene you had. who would win in a fight between elvis and willy wonka? [ laughter ] >> i never thought about that. >> i think they would eat together. >> jimmy: elvis is a black belt. but willy wonka has a whole army of -- >> chocolate. >> jimmy: oompa loompas.
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chocolate dwarves, yeah. it's great to have you guys here. zendaya, you met timothee on the first movie, right? that's the first time you met? >> technically, yeah. >> there was a weird airport meeting. >> yeah, there was -- we were on the same flight. i fell in the airport. that was technically our first meeting. >> what? >> yeah. i don't want to talk about it. >> you fell? >> i fell in the airport. >> did he help you? >> no. [ laughter ] >> no, ignored. >> did you see me fall? >> i think i just saw zendaya fall. i didn't know her. i didn't know what to do. >> we didn't officially meet. we were on the same plane in passing. >> jimmy: you fell in the plane? >> no, getting my luggage. >> jimmy: oh, wow. >> yeah. >> jimmy: interesting. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and then, no help whatsoever, huh? and yet, somehow, you got past that and bonded? >> yeah. absolutely, on the first film.
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>> forgiven. >> i've been forgiven. there was a certain amount of therapy. now, we're here. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's good. and, austin and florence, did you meet -- i'm not trying to pair you up as if you're couples or something. did you meet on the second movie? or had you met before? >> me and austin? >> jimmy: yeah. >> never met before. we met in budapest. and at dinner -- >> that was the first time. >> was it not? or was it -- i don't know. how do we don't know? >> we went and got nutella and crepes. >> that's true. and we were on the floor and everybody kept on recognizing us. what is going on? we sat in the courtyard on the floor and "elvis" had just come out. everyone kept complimenting his performance. should we move from the middle of the square? that's how we met. >> jimmy: i don't know, maybe you guys don't even like each other, i really don't know. it seems that, and from what i hear, the four of you have really formed a bond.
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do you socialize with each other? >> yeah. i mean, we -- we interact on talk shows like these. >> jimmy: uh-huh. [ laughter ] the most natural way to do it. >> the most natural way. we're almost comfortable. i think, you know, i'm speaking personally, i have great friendships with everyone here. and zendaya helped me set up my first apartment in new york. years ago. >> jimmy: is that right? what does that mean, set up the apartment? >> it was -- the vibe was very teenage boy. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: okay. >> you know. just needed a few necessities, you know. cups and plates and -- >> knives and forks. >> a pillow. a bed, maybe. >> there's a bed. >> things to clean. >> there's a bed. no bed frame. >> we needed structure. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you took him to bed bath & beyond or something? >> yeah. got him everything he needed. >> jimmy: got all the stuff? >> big boy stuff. >> it was literally bed bath & beyond. >> jimmy: was it really? >> my favorite shop. >> jimmy: did you have one of those coupons that comes in the mail? [ laughter ] >> no.
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>> jimmy: those coupons put them out of business, i think. >> yeah. i think they went out of business. >> jimmy: they're in the beyond now. they're beyond. no bed or bath anymore. austin, did you -- did you miss your eyebrows, making this movie? >> it was so liberating not having eyebrows. [ laughter ] you don't realize how much they weigh you down. [ laughter ] i was just streamlined. >> jimmy: did you shave the eyebrows? >> i was going to a job right after. and with this director name jeff nichols. jeff said, can you please -- it was more of an indie film than this was. he said, "they can afford to make you a bald cap, but we can't really make you hair. so can you just get a bald cap?" that's what i did. >> jimmy: the bald cap came to your eyes? >> we had the most amazing hair and makeup team. >> jimmy: how many days and hours did it take you to get in that bald cap to have eyebrows for the next movie? >> it was three hours a day. that's when they brought it
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down. >> jimmy: wow. >> it started about five hours. >> jimmy: i would have glued on a couple of eyebrows. [ laughter ] one big eugene levy-style eyebrow. [ laughter ] like burt from "sesame street." >> yeah, exactly. >> jimmy: so you guys -- what you're saying is you've made a sacrifice for this film and it would be nice if people went and saw it? [ laughter ] >> that's exactly right. >> jimmy: the sand worms -- i read this book when i was a kid. i'm particularly interested in it. and the sand worms, it occurred to me when watching the movie, are kind of like an uber. you summon them. they pull up and you don't know what you're going to get. and you get on. is there any -- is that all cgi? or is there anything real about those? >> they're real. >> yeah. >> they live in the desert. >> jimmy: we have this -- i don't know -- are you guys aware of these souvenir popcorn buckets? >> i saw this today for the first time. >> jimmy: this is an item. it's the sand worm.
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[ laughter ] but -- there is some popcorn. would you like to reach in there? >> i'm good. i'm okay. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: anybody reach in? reach in and tell me what happens when you try to -- >> ah! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's really hard to get the popcorn out of this thing. it's not ideal for eating. >> who made that? >> jimmy: i don't know. >> that's not okay. >> jimmy: yeah, no. it's weird, for sure. >> that's wrong. >> jimmy: yeah. these are what you can get. by the way, far too sturdy. i guess this is -- you know this would be great in your apartment. >> yeah, you're right. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: enjoy. pass that around. we're having well-fondled popcorn. we'll be right back with the popcorn. we'll be right back with the cast of "dune: part two." you really can't overstate the gecko's influence on culture. -he's got cartoons, breakfast cereals... ...the best advice. geico can help protect your home...
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and what's in it. -when i see him helping people, i'm...full of pride and joy. -he influenced an entire generation! -but the shoes? the shoes are iconic. i'm getting married in these. he's touched so many lives. i mean, just look at us. hmmm. from cars to home to jewelry, it's easy to geico. (vo) welcome to lobsterfest. is your party ready? ready to tango with tails on tails on tails? try lobster lover's dream with two lobster tails and lobster & shrimp linguini. it's one of ten next-level lobster creations. but lobsterfest won't last, so hurry in. marshalls buyers are detail obsessed perfectionists. who take quality very seriously. and go to the ends of the earth to hustle the best of the best for you. yes! we get the deals, you get the good stuff. marshalls.
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a new fremen prophet. >> it's not the first time we've had frictions with the fremen. >> not of this magnitude. so, my dear daughter, how would you deal with this prophet? >> if this is a religious figure, you can't use direct force. repression only makes religion flourish. you only end up humiliating yourself. >> you underestimate -- >> you underestimate the power of faith. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: florence pugh and christopher walken in "dune: part two."
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the cast is here. christopher walken. did you know in that christopher walken was going to play your dad? >> it was, by the way, your dad is christopher walken. i'm like, thank god. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. did you all get a chance to interact with him and to get to know him at all? what is that man like? >> i did. all my stuff was with him. i spent most of my days with him. and charlotte rampling. but mostly him. and all of our stuff was so intense. i was in a room with him for hours. >> jimmy: is he intense for hours as a human? >> no. he's surprisingly silly. >> jimmy: oh. >> yeah. between takes, he would be talking to me about his favorite kind of doughnuts. [ laughter ] i'm like, there would be a huge kind of standoff between everyone. and then he would turn to me and be, like, what's your favorite kind of doughnut? [ laughter ]
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like, jam-filled, obviously. and then we would go into another take, a really serious scene. >> wow. i love that you got that. i didn't even say anything to him. >> jimmy: is that true? >> i was too nervous. what do i say? i could have said, what kind of doughnuts do you like? now i know that. [ laughter ] >> you wouldn't bet on that. you wouldn't bet on that, would you? >> what do you say? i remember us in the trailer. everybody is having fun, playing music. as soon as he came -- practicing my lines. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: really? i wonder if that bums him out. i wonder if he would rather everybody was goofing around. what is his favorite doughnut? did you ask him? >> i think he used to make doughnuts. >> jimmy: what? >> that's why we were talking about doughnuts. >> jimmy: he used to make doughnuts? >> yeah, i think so. unless it's a big secret. [ laughter ] i think he used to make doughnuts. >> jimmy: please, don't tell anyone. >> oops. >> jimmy: when i was young, i used to make doughnuts. >> did you? oh, no. sorry.
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[ laughter ] i was like, what is the coincidence? >> jimmy: were you too nervous to speak to christopher walken? >> i was pretty terrified. >> really? >> yeah. >> intimidating. >> jimmy: did he tell you anything that you feel comfortable sharing? did he give you career advice? did he share any -- >> when we were filming a scene with him, i -- the offer had just come in for me to do "saturday night live." and i was so nervous. i wanted to say no. and so, i asked you about it. i was trying to ask anybody who had done it before. i was just so terrified. at one point, i thought, he had done it so many times. i said, chris, what do you think of "saturday night live"? should i do it? he said, "you got to do it. just read the cue cards." [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: that's pretty good. >> that's good. >> jimmy: that's a solid
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christopher walken. >> can you do my doughnut impression? >> you're next. >> jimmy: there are real legends in the movie. javier bardem, josh brolin, rebecca ferguson, dave bautista is in the movie. was there a separation between the older cast and the younger cast? were you interacting throughout? >> they were more wild than us. >> jimmy: for real? >> i feel we're the tamest four 20-year-old actors you can find in l.a., really. the most extravagant thing we do is get dinner. >> jimmy: when you say wild, what do you mean? what was brolin up to? [ laughter ] >> oh, man. what can i say? [ laughter ] >> just the vibe. all of them. and javier and josh, they were properly intimidated when christopher walken came on the set. >> jimmy: were they? >> they became little boys, like tails between their legs. >> jimmy: very interesting. >> it was adorable. >> jimmy: what did you do for fun? what were you doing on the set? >> i was obsessed with "top gun:
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maverick" at the time. i rented a theater in budapest, and i dragged the cast and crew to see that. for me, it was my 12th time or something. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: how many times have you really seen that movie? >> now, it's like 12 or 13. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. obsessed. >> jimmy: does tom cruise know this? >> yeah. i ran into him and i told him. i don't know if he registered it. yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: did it make him nervous, maybe? >> i don't think it made him nervous. i was so inspired because i just love that it was a feel-good movie, but it was shamelessly about what it was about. and this "dune" is more action-packed. it was inspiring. made me want to be like that. >> jimmy: wow, how about that, wow. you went through the wringer on this thing. [ laughter ] christopher walken, i'm a little stunned by the "top gun" 12 times. seems like seven too many times. [ laughter ] >> you saw it five? >> jimmy: i did see it twice.
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that was good. maybe i'll watch it again when i'm 80, you know? [ laughter ] we're going to take a break. when we come back, we'll see another clip from "dune: part two." the cast is here. two." the cast is here. we'll be right back. with the disney bundle... hulu and disney plus are better together with talking cars... you got that right! and michelin stars. yes, chef! demigods... percy! and nimrods. he's got a point. rodent herders... squirrel! and only murders. it's what we do. lions, banthas, and bears... oh my... oh! excellent. all better together do, or do not... there is no try. for one low price. oh em god... the disney bundle with hulu and disney plus ♪ we are explorers of a new age, a new era, we are the pioneers of this new frontier, what a time to be alive.
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your blood comes from dukes and great houses. we don't have that here. here, we're equal, men and women alike. what we do, we do for the benefit of all. >> i would very much like to be equal to you. >> maybe i'll show you the way. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we're back with the cast of "dune: part two." the -- >> i hadn't seen that.
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>> jimmy: what's it like to kiss with a piece of plastic up your nose? not as good, i would guess? >> honestly, yeah. i didn't notice it. yeah. >> yeah. >> just like normal. >> yeah. >> we were -- there's so much going on. you know, the set, trying to get the shot. the sun's going down, whatever. that's the last thing. >> jimmy: how much sand did you wind up eating over the course of this movie? there's a lot of -- i imagine some of it is a visual effect. a lot of it seemed like you were really getting blasted. >> riding the sand, there's an industrial fan in your face, they're blasting you with dust and sand. you go home and try to -- pulling sand out of all sorts of crevices. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's real sand they're using? they don't have chocolate milk powder or something like that? [ laughter ] >> good idea. >> jimmy: you know, maybe for the third one. [ laughter ] you guys spent a lot of time together. >> a cross-over. >> jimmy: i thought maybe we'd play this game. we call it "true or false." yeah, we worked on the title for a very long time.
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[ laughter ] these are paddles. and the idea is, i will ask one of you a question. the other ones will weigh in and say whether you think it is true or false. >> got the worm. got the worm out. >> it's really aggressive. >> jimmy: yes, it's themed. here we go. zendaya, you don't tell us the answer until your cast mates weigh in. zendaya never learned how to ride a bike -- true or false? >> what? [ laughter ] i should know this. i feel like -- >> i'm going false. >> false. >> jimmy: austin? >> what is that face? >> jimmy: austin says true. zendaya? >> i can ride a bike. >> jimmy: it is false, you can ride a bike. >> i'm like, dang. >> you look like somebody that
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can ride a bike. >> i can ride a bike. dang! >> jimmy: florence -- >> uh-oh. >> jimmy: florence's mother got high with snoop dogg. true or false? austin says true. >> you did that with confidence. >> she's a wildcat. >> jimmy: true? florence? >> it's true. >> jimmy: it is true. [ cheers and applause ] what were the circumstances? >> i took my parents to the oscars when i got nominated for "little women." and we went to the after-parties and my mom disappeared for an hour. [ laughter ] she came back and she got high with snoop dogg. [ laughter ] and then, i saw him recently at an "oppenheimer" party. he was there. and i was like, "you. you got my mom high." and he was like, "where is she?" [ laughter ] he wanted to send my mom a video.
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he was like, "let's send her a video." i sent my mom a video of snoop dogg saying, where are you, baby? i miss you. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: pretty good. >> that's great. >> jimmy: timothee. timothee's rap alter ego is little timmy tim. true or false? okay. everybody knows that. [ cheers and applause ] >> you can't run away from that. >> no comment. no comment. no comment. >> jimmy: austin was discovered at the orange county fair. true or false? >> orange county fair? what? what does that mean? was he selling things? [ laughter ] was he selling vegetables? >> jimmy: his mother left him with snoop dogg. [ laughter ] >> what is -- >> jimmy: oh. orange county is a -- >> orange county is a place. >> sorry, i'm not from here.
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i know it's a place. >> there's a fair. that happens -- >> okay. i should know this, apparently. cool. >> jimmy: or else we have to revoke your work visa. >> true. >> that's too specific. >> then i'll do false. >> jimmy: austin? that is absolutely true. >> it's true. yeah. >> what is it? >> it's a fair that i used to go as a kid. and i would look at the magic stands. you know? that sort of thing. and got scouted by a talent. >> it's a normal fair. it's not like an acting fair? >> jimmy: there is no such thing as a normal fair. [ laughter ] but not an acting fair. no. not an acting fair. that sounds like a fun one. zendaya had to repeat kindergarten. true or false? >> careful. go false with that. >> oh. really? [ laughter and applause ] >> no, i believed in you. >> i did kindergarten twice. i was too shy. so whenever i didn't understand something in class i wouldn't raise my hand and say, "i need
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help." and they would move on. and i didn't -- i couldn't keep up. so, i did it twice. >> you do every year twice? [ laughter ] >> no, no, no. just kindergarten. just kindergarten. >> oh, sorry, now i'm getting it. >> yeah. >> i'm still in it. >> still in school. >> senior year. >> jimmy: one more. when he was 3 years old, timothee made national news when he fell out of a hot air balloon. >> i believe that. knowing timmy. >> that seems -- >> also, i feel like i would have read that. >> heard about that, yeah. >> that would have been on my home page. >> jimmy: you didn't know zendaya didn't know the alphabet. [ laughter ] >> she's right there. >> jimmy: oh, sorry. >> okay, all right. >> it's true. >> jimmy: wouldn't that be something, though. i feel like this is great. not only did we learn more about
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you, you learned more about each other. and that's really what life is about, isn't it? >> yeah. >> jimmy: well, thank you for being here. [ cheers and applause ] very kind to do this with us. we look forward to seeing the movie. the movie, "dune: part two." it opens march 1st. timothee, zendaya, austin, and florence, everybody. we'll be back with benson boone. >> lou: next week on "jimmy kimmel live" -- who says you can't get everything you want? like going for bold without going broke... and staying true to your taste while staying on budget. who says rising costs means lowering the bar? settling? no need.
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get the brands you want, the prices you want, whenever you want. tj maxx where you can always afford to be you to the maxx. it's time to begin the hunt. to share the egg-citment. and bake your tails off. [sfx: fire extinguisher] m&m's — for all funkind. i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. thanks to skyrizi i'm playing with clearer skin. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. with skyrizi, nothing on my skin means everything! ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. ok, with me. ♪laalaalaalaalaa.♪
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[ cheers and applause ] welcome back. music is still to come. but first, it's after midnight which means it is now officially groundhog day, and our friends at lay's are running an epic series of "groundhog day" commercials starring stephen tobolowsky, the guy who played ned ryerson. so, call in sick, because you won't want to miss even a single one of them. we'll be back with benson boone! but first, it's after midnight which means it is now officially groundhog day and our friends at lay's are running an epic series of "groundhog day" commercials starring stephen tobolowsky, the guy who played ned ryerson. so, call in sick because you won't want to miss even a single one of them. we'll be back with benson boone! but first it's -- didn't i say this twice already? [ laughter and applause ] guillermo, did i -- >> guillermo: i don't know, jimmy. i was not paying attention. >> jimmy: all right. we'll be right back.
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but first, it's after -- i'm not doing this again. [ laughter ] >> i apologize, your bag of chips were rubbing on your microphone for that priceless line. >> jimmy: wait, what are we doing again? >> guillermo: i have no idea. >> jimmy: he will never get it right again. >> guillermo: oh my god. >> jimmy: hey, guillermo. didn't i already say this twice? >> guillermo: i don't know, jimmy. i was not paying attention. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: guillermo, didn't i already say this twice? wait a minute. is this like a double groundhog day prank you're pulling on me? [ laughter ] how did i actually wind up in "groundhog day"? [ cheers and applause ]
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side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, headache, eyebrow, eyelid drooping, and eyelid swelling. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. see for yourself at >> jimmy: thanks to timothee chalamet, zendaya, austin butler and florence pugh. apologies to matt damon. "nightline" is next. but first, here with the song "beautiful things" benson boone! ♪ ♪ ♪ for a while there it was rough but lately i've been ♪
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♪ doing better than the last four cold decembers i recall ♪ ♪ and i see my family every month i found a girl my ♪ ♪ parents love she'll come and stay the night and i think i might have it all ♪ ♪ and i thank god every day for the girl he ♪ ♪ sent my way but i know the things he gives me he can take away ♪ ♪ and i hold you every night and that's a feeling ♪ ♪ i wanna get used to but there's no man as terrified ♪ ♪ as the man who stands to lose you ♪ ♪ oh, i hope i don't lose you
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mmm please stay i want you i need you ♪ ♪ oh god don't take these beautiful things that i've got ♪ ♪ please stay i want you i need you oh god don't take ♪ ♪ these beautiful things that i've got oh-oh-oh-oh oh ooh ♪ ♪ please don't take i found my mind i'm feelin' sane ♪ ♪ it's been a while but i'm finding my faith if everything's good ♪ ♪ and it's great why do i sit and wait til it's gone ♪
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♪ oh i'll tell ya i know i've got enough i've got peace and ♪ ♪ i've got love but i'm up at night thinkin' i just might lose it all ♪ ♪ please stay i want you i need yo oh god don't take ♪ ♪ these beautiful things that i've got ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh oh ooh ♪ ♪ please stay i want you i need you oh god i need ♪ ♪ these beautiful things that i've got ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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this is "nightline." >> juju: tonight -- >> the president of the united states. >> juju: state of the union. high stakes for president biden, delivering perhaps the most pivotal speech of his career. >> the state of our union is strong and getting stronger. >> juju: capping a week where his policies and his age were top of mind fo


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