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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  March 8, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PST

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>> you did say celebrities get mad at him, okay? and that's fine. >> no. >> yes, that's exactly that's exactly it. there are movies they make a lot of money and they wear fancy dresses. yeah, you can, you can get a little. you can get a little sting coming your way. >> that means you're successful. >> yeah. >> mad at you. >> you're doing something right. >> yeah. >> if they're not talking about you, they're not talking about you. >> and they should expect it if they're there. please. thank >> good morning america for our viewers in the west. president biden makes his case for a second term, saying the race is a fight for democracy. the president kicks off the general election with his state of the union. >> here's the simple truth. you can't love your country only when you win. >> firing a warning shot over trump's election lies, touting his record on the economy. >> turning setback into comeback. that's what america does. >> addressing immigration,
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abortion, putin, plus announcing u.s. troops new emergency mission near gaza and taking on concerns about his own age. the reaction this morning. landing gear plummeting to the ground. see that tire falling off a united jet, landing on cars in a parbing lot. overnight, passengers on board speak out, as millions get set to jet off for spring break. and new video emerging of a mother who died while flying home from vacation. tik tok on the clock. >> you know what's going down when you get this notification from tik tok? >> could the popular app get banned in u.s.? how furious users are responding, as lawmakers advance a bill, and how tik tok is now fighting back. weighing in. the new eli lilly commercial calling out using popular weight loss drugs profanity. >> some people have been using medicine never meant for them. >> now frustration from those who can't get their hands on the drugs they need. >> there are days that i have cried about it. countdown to the total eclipse.
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will you be able to see it? and what you should do to protect your pets, as excitement builds. get your glasses now. ♪ watch me dance ♪ >> it's golden hour. two days to go, we're dancing into friday with a big question. >> barbie, can you really dance? >> that's impossible. >> the other question, who will take home oscar? >> all right, ken. you're on. >> lara's live from hollywood, ahead of hollywood's golden night with the backstage secret, as we race to the red carpet. and we're racing to this. retriever retreat. >> good morning america. >> will reeve strikes gold, visiting heaven on earth. >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. good morning america. you can't tell me there's a better way to go into the weekend than with those golden retrievers. >> so sweet. will had a dream assignment. and lara is live from the oscars red carpet. we have so much to get to. this is a big friday morning.
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we begin with president biden's state of the union address, the kickoff of a general election campaign. it did get raucous in the chamber at times. the president smarted the gop. lawmakers shouted at him as he spoke. the president never mentioned donald trump by name but did repeatedly call out what he called his predecessor, creating a clear contrast for voters when they go to the ballot box in november. biden accused trump of bowing down to putin, trying to bury the truth about january 6th and failing in his most basic duty during the pandemic. chief white house correspondent mary bruce starts us off. good morning, mary. >> reporter: good morning, george. this at times felt more like a rowdy campaign event. the president well aware of the stakes pitted his message directly against donald trump, repeatedly sparring with republicans in the room in a way we've never really seen before. the president trying to show voters he is ready for a fight and has what it takes to serve another four years. >> mr. speaker, the president of the united states!
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>> reporter: overnight a fiery president biden kicking off the general election. >> four more years! four more years! >> reporter: biden framing this moment as a fight for freedom in the nation's democracy. >> my purpose tonight is to wake up the congress and alert the american people that this is no ordinary moment either. not since president lincoln and the civil war have freedom and democracy been under assault at home as they are today. what makes our moment rare is freedom of democracy under attack both at home and overseas at the very same time. >> reporter: straight out of the gate the president shaming republicans for failing to fund ukraine and calling out donald trump, though not by name, for saying he would allow vladamir putin to attack nato allies. >> now my predecessor, a former republican president tells putin, quote, do whatever the hell you want. that's a quote. a former president actually said
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that, bowing down to a russian leader. i think it's outrageous. it's dangerous. it's unacceptable. my message to president putin, who i have known for a long time, is simple. we will not walk away. we will not bow down. [ applause ] i will not bow down. i will not bow down. >> reporter: and firing a warning shot over trump's election lies. >> here's the simple truth. you can't love your country only when you win. >> reporter: on the hot button issue of immigration, biden confronting republicans for tanking that bipartisan border deal under pressure from trump. >> you don't think so? oh, you don't like that bill, huh? that conservatives got together and said it was a good bill?
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i'll be darned. that was amazing. >> reporter: marjorie green shouting back at biden over the murder of laken riley, a georgia nursing student killed by a venezuelan migrant who crossed illegally. biden responding, holding up a pin with her name on it that green gave him earlier in the night. [ crowd reaction ] >> laken riley an innocent woman who was killed by an illegal. that's right. but how many thousands people being killed by illegals. to her parents i say my heart goes out to you having lost children myself. i understand. >> reporter: the president also confronting the growing outcry over the mounting civilian death toll in gaza, announcing the u.s. military will construct a testimony wear court in gaza delivered desperately humanitarian lead.
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>> i say this. humanitarian assistance cannot be a secondary consideration or a bargaining chip. protecting and saving innocent lives has to be priority. >> reporter: looking ahead to the general election, the president vowing to fight for freedom, like access to abortion. even taking on the court with the justices watching on. >> those bragging about overturning roe v. wade have no clue about the power of women. but they found out when reproductive freedom was on the ballot. we won in 2022. we'll win again in 2024. >> reporter: at the end of the night, biden finally tackling head on those big concerns about his age. >> i know it may not look like it, but i have been around awhile. >> reporter: turning the tables on his rival, trump just three years younger. >> lot of people my age see it differently. the american story of resentment, revenge and retribution. that's not me. >> reporter: the president, with this parting shot.
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>> an issue facing our nation isn't how old we are, it's how old are our ideas. hate, anger, revenge, retribution are the oldest of ideas. but you can't lead america with ancient ideas. it will only take us back. >> reporter: now, the white house is thrilled with the president's performance. they feel he was fiery and tough. that he landed his punches and pushed back successfully against his critics. but this was a well planned and rehearsed speech. the question, can the president keep this up? will he bring this fire to the campaign trail? we will see starting today when the president hits the road in pennsylvania. george? >> okay, mary. thanks. senior congressional correspondent rachel scott was in the chamber. good morning, rachel. >> reporter: george, good morning to you. house speaker mike johnson wanted decorum and civility inside the chamber last night. that did not happen. congress woman green taylor was down right combative. you saw her wearing that make america great again.
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she repeatedly booed the president, call him a liar. we spotted a congressman with trump's mug shot on it. in a bizarre turn of events, george santos showed up. ev even though he was expelled, he technically is still allowed inside the house chamber as a former member who has not been convicted of a crime. as for the republican response, biden state of the union address it was delivered by one of the youngest members of congress. the junior senator from alabama delivering this address from her kitchen table in montgomery. she did focus heavily on immigration, calling biden's border policies a disgrace. and it is notable that she is from alabama, the state at the center of the controversy over ivf. she did try to create distance between that court ruling, insisting republicans believe in preserving access to ivf and expanding american families. i gotta tell you, the heckling inside the chamber during these addresses really started to become a pattern. guys? >> distraction and a pattern. george, this was the biggest audience the president is possibly going to have between
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now and the election. what did he need to accomplish and do you think he did it? >> i think he achieved the two biggest things he needed to do. he addressed the age issue with his aggressive, feisty ad-libbed delivery. i think that helped him. secondly he drew that sharp contrast with donald trump and the republicans, reminding voters why republicans have lost three elections in a row. as mary said, this is just one speech. big audience, but just one speech. the question, is how's he going to build on it going forward? we have a long road ahead. >> yeah, we do. all right. thanks for that, george. as we just heard, president biden announced hundreds of u.s. troops will be leading a new emergency mission near gaza. our chief global affairs anchor martha raddatz has details. good morning, martha. >> reporter: good morning, michael. the white house calls this an emergency mission given the dire situation in gaza, emergency is not an exaggeration. but this will involve a significant amount of u.s. forces, hundreds at the very least, and could take 45 to 60 days to complete.
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none of those u.s. troops will actually be in gaza. the president saying it is on the ground. the troops will be just off shore with missiles and bombs continuing to fall. they are building a floating pier and temporary dock so food, medicine can be off loaded into gaza. obviously, that dock has to connect to gaza itself. this tells you how close it will be. the u.s. already air dropping aid as well as other countries. but none of this has come close to being enough for the millions of people facing starvation. rebecca? >> thank you. we turn now to spring break travel. with the tsa forecasting 47.7 million passengers at the peak vacation point. now another scare involving a boeing plane. a united flight losing a tire right after takeoff.
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kayna whitworth is at lax with more. very scary images there. good morning. >> reporter: yeah, rebecca, good morning. that plane had to make an emergency landing here after it lost its tire during takeoff in san francisco. this morning the faa now investigating how this tire fell off a united airlines boeing 777 flight as it took off from san francisco international airport. just minutes into the flight, one of 12 wheels that make up the landing gear plummeted to the ground landing in an employee parking lot crushing these cars. fortunately nobody was injured. a high school teacher from illinois was one of the 235 passengers on board the flight originally headed for japan. >> obviously, when you lose a wheel just landing you get nervous about that. are we going to crash?
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are we gonna -- just all those things run through your mind. >> reporter: the plane dumping fuel before making an emergency landing in los angeles to switch aircraft. just days ago another united flight diverted after flames were seen shooting out of the engine, causing the aircraft to shake. >> we have an engine stall, left engine. >> reporter: in a statement, united telling abc news, bubble wrap was sucked into the engine. and in terms of the plane that lost its tire, we are told that aircraft is designed to land safely, with missing or damaged tires. george? >> reporter: okay. thanks. now the new jobs numbers this morning. elizabeth schulze is tracking the data. good morning, elizabeth. >> reporter: good morning, george. this jobs report tells us companies are still hiring at a fast face. it showed 275,000 jobs were added in february. that's a much bigger number than analysts expected.
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the unemployment rate 3.9%, but a healthy jobs market. that rate sitting at a five decade low. what that means is people out looking for work are generally able to find a job right now. when you look at the industries that are hiring, it's health care, hospitality, state and local government. also social work. people in those jobs are also seeing salaries go up. this report today is important for the fed as it thinks about cutting interest rates. we know that it was planning to do that in the spring. if hiring keeps defying expectations like this, the fed might not cut until later in the year, which meanses you might have to wait a little bit longer to see your credit card borrowing cost or mortgage rate go down, guys. >> all right. thank you very much, elizabeth. now we're going to turn to oscars. just two days away. lara is on the red carpet with chris connelly. hey, you two. >> hi, guys. yeah, we are on the red carpet on this beautiful l.a. morning. we are gearing up for the crown jewel of award season, if you will. the competition this year is fierce. there were some great movies.
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chris, you have a look at who the lead collect oscar gold sunday. >> you're right. 7:00 p.m. eastern is when the show gets started here. plenty of predictions who will win those big categories. it's what no one is predicting that make the academy awards so much fun to watch. oscar night brings lots of different sounds, the swell of the orchestra. laughter for the jokes of host jimmy kimmell. >> give me a second to adjust my danger zone here. >> reporter: and this may be the best sound of all. >> and the oscar goes to -- >> olivia coleman. >> reporter: that's the shriek of surprise that an unexpected winner receives. might we hear one of those on sunday? consider america ferrera in barbie. >> you are supposed to stay pretty for men, but you can't threaten other women because you are supposed to be part of the sisterhood. but always stand out.
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>> reporter: the great joy randolph. >> this is the last place that my baby and i were together. >> reporter: this is the first time she'll face it. could the oscar be coming to america? >> barbie's in the real world. that's impossible. >> reporter: from american fiction, jeffrey wright, hailed for the stop on a dime shifts in tone that make this comedy so clever. >> that's me. yeah. it's me. is me. and he and i are planned. >> reporter: oppenheimer's killian murphy is the favorite, but maybe the academy will get it right. the glorious revelation that is lilly gladstone. killers of the flower moon. and emma stone dazzles in poor things. said to be the most likely to succeed in best actress. but for anatomy of a fall -- >> i don't want you to change your memories. >> reporter: sandra huler acts in english, acts with a child, acts with a dog and testifies in court. why not her for the oscar?
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third time should be the charm for oppenheimer's robert downey jr. in supporting actor. >> i would want to justify it. >> reporter: he's been up twice before and the town rightly loves him. consider this year's kenergy unleashed if ryan gosling wins for "barbie." ♪ his best song performance plans to electrify the crowd. a victory here, i mean, can you dig it? we knew that you could. >> we totally do! for academy award nominee, let's face it, anything can happen. remember, you got invited to the best party in town, even if you don't win here. or as one oscar winner likes to say, somehow heartbreak feels good in a place like this. >> well said. it is going to be a fun one to watch. we were doing our predictions off camera. we got nothing for you. all right. we have much more coming up this morning from los angeles, including my conversation with the executive producers of this year's oscars.
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you'll hear how they're preparing, their plan if something unexpected happens, and one thing they know they don't need to worry about, guys. that's coming up in our next hour. >> we can't wait for that. lara, you broke out the gold tote so we know you mean business. okay. coming up, could we see a ban on tik tok in the u.s.? >> plus, why one drug maker's new ad is saying people are using weight loss drugs for vanity not necessity. >> and how to prepare for the super bowl of astronomical events. sam will have more on the total solar eclipse. but first we'll talk about severe weather. >> that's right. the super bowl of astronomical events. i wanted to get that out there. all right. unfortunately severe weather did deliver in texas. look at all this lightning. this is right outside ft. worth. there was also large hail in oklahoma. tennis ball size hail in oklahoma. 3 to 5 inches of flooding rain. look at all that standing water. these storms move out of texas, louisiana, to alabama as we get into the day today. so this is friday. baton rouge i would take that a little further south. that's the weather around the nation.
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>> it's golden hour every hour where will reeve is. we'll be right back to explain that to you. you can see it right there. >> aw. nal movements in her face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so her doctor prescribed austedo xr— a once-daily td treatment for adults. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ austedo xr significantly reduced kate's td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, kate can stay on her mental health meds— (kate) oh, hi buddy! (avo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, or have suicidal thoughts. don't take if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo xr may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, or abnormal movements. seek help for fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, or sweating. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness.
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get used to the sky. just a nice warm afternoon. soak in that sun. temperatures getting you into the 60s. now we have some changes coming our way over the weekend. that's why you really want to enjoy today. tomorrow we have showers in the morning. it's a level one. we'll get some sunshine in the afternoon, but sunday looks wet and windy in the evening. that's also a level one, amanda. all right. >> thanks, drew. and if you're streaming on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven continues next. for everyone else, it's good morning america. >> it just keeps getting worse. the crack keeps growing. the doors and windows stick. >> it must be very frustrating. almost no one can fix that. these are telltale signs your foundation is shifting. but it's okay. we got it. oh, this is done growing in this house. >> okay, we have answers to all your concerns at bay area underpinning. we'll do a complete home inspection for free so your home can stand strong all year long. schedule your free inspection today. >> we can't spell astound without you. and you can count
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7:29 am
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have graves disease and itchy eyes, the truth may be even more uncomfortable. >> people with graves could also get thyroid eye disease or ted, which may need a different doctor. find a ted eye doctor. find a ted eye specialist at is it the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. ♪ you're so golden ♪ >> welcome back to gma. a dream assignment right there. can't wait to check in with will reeve and those adorable golden retrievers. gonna tell you all about that tourist hot spot. >> looking forward to that. following a lot of headlines. president biden delivered a feisty state of the union address making the case for a second term saying there's a fight for the nation's democracy. also touted his record on
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economy, addressed immigration, reproductive rights and the wars in gaza and ukraine. also right now, the texas power company implicated in the record wild fire that left two people dead admitting its equipment probably ignited the fire but they deny allegations made in a recent lawsuit that they were negligent in maintaining electrical lines. the smoke house creek fire burned over 1 million acres, the largest wild fire in texas history. firefighters are still working to contain it. take a look at this. sometimes it is better to be lucky than good. golfer mackenzie hughes hits a ball that looks like it's headed for the water, but it bounces off the rocks onto the green at the arnold palmer invitational. that set him up for a 7 foot birdie putt. yep. there you go. could have used a little more luck. he missed it. i have never seen michael and george look so carefully at a shot. >> he needed a little more luck, but used it up when he hit the rocks. [ laughter ] we always end up in the water.
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>> it works both ways. >> i'll take a breakfast birdie. is that? we've got a lot more ahead including the countdown to the total solar eclipse. the excitement is building. we will tell you what you should do right now so you don't miss it. >> all right. now the battle over tik tok. the company is responding after house committee advanced a bill that would force the app to be sold or face a u.s. ban. erielle reshef has the story. good morning, erielle. >> reporter: good morning, michael. the house is planning to vote next week on that bill, which could block tik tok for users in the u.s. the immensely popular video sharing app is launching a full blown campaign to fight that legislation, urging its millions of users to appeal directly to lawmakers on capitol hill. >> you know it's going down when you get this notification from tik tok. >> reporter: this morning tik tok is fighting back against the threat of a nationwide ban. the viral video app with some 150 million users in the u.s., sending a push notification to
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users asking them to stop a tik tok shutdown and call their u.s. representatives. a powerful help committee, unanimously approved legislation thursday that would force tik tok the cut ties with its chinese parent company within six months or risk getting blocked on app stores and websites in the u.s. >> we cannot allow an app controlled by a competitor to take over the american media landscape. >> reporter: for years lawmakers have warned tik tok is a national security threat because it's owned by a company based in china, opening it up to concerns that the chinese government could access americans personal data and also spread misinformation. the white house throwing itself support behind the bill, even as president biden's campaign just launched a new tik tok account. >> jason kelce or travis kelce? >> mama kelce. she makes great chocolate chip cookies. >> reporter: in a statement, tik tok blasted the legislation saying the government is
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attempting to strip 170 million americans of their constitutional rights to free expression. this will damage millions of businesses, deny artists an audience and destroy the livelihoods of countless creators across the country. >> i do know people and have friends on that platform who are in fear because that is their entire livelihood. >> reporter: 31-year-old anthony clark is a content creator in california. he said he followed through on tik tok's request to call his local representatives to protest a ban. >> i do understand the safety issue, but i do believe we have the right to express ourselves. >> reporter: lot of strong feelings here. former president trump appeared to throw cold water on the idea of a tik tok ban yesterday, claiming it would benefit facebook. but his administration tried to force tik tok to split from its chinese owner in 2020. that effort was blocked in court. possibly foreshadowing the big battle ahead. >> erielle, thank you. we turn now to drug maker eli lilly, out with a new ad
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featuring a red carpet that seems to slam celebrities who use diabetes and weight loss drugs for cosmetic reasons. let's go back to lara in los angeles with more. good morning. nice to see you again. >> thank you, rebecca. yeah, these drugs have been wildly popular since they became available. they've made a real difference in people's lives. not everyone who needs them can get them. some who don't need them for medical use may be the problem. drug maker eli lilly is trying to help. >> some people have been using medicine never meant for them. >> this morning weight loss drug maker eli lilly seemingly calling out celebrities ahead of hollywood's biggest night. >> people whose health is affected by obesity are the reason we work on these medications. >> the ad from the pharmaceutical company that manufactures weight loss drug zepbound, mounjoro which is is often used off label to lose weight, claiming these drugs should only be used by people who need them, not for cosmetic weight loss. >> it is unusual for a company
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to criticize and shame its own customers and encourage them not to use the product. >> for a smaller dress or tux, for a big night, for vanity. >> this may be a way of eli lilly positioning itself as not trying to sell the drugs to as many people as possible, but just trying to make sure they are reserved for those with the greatest medical need. >> this past january eli lilly's ceo saying they may not have enough supply of zepbound to meet demand. according to a fda database, mounjoro is currently in short supply. 49-year-old christie hopen said she hasn't been able to get her hands on mounjoro needed to treat her diabetes for two months. >> it's frustrating and aggravating that i can't get the medicine that i need. i don't want to have to move to insulin. it might be a cheaper option in some ways and it's definitely easier to get.
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but i don't want to have to do an insulin shot. it just -- there are days that i have cried about it. >> both mounjoro and zepbound costing more than $1,000 out of pocket. it could be less expensive with insurance, if covered. some of the drugs remain on back order and a number of monjouro larger doses in limited supply. experts say when it comes to the ad, the message is clear. whether it's for diabetes or weight loss, these medications are intended for people with a disease. >> these are medications that need to be prescribed in a medical setting and used under the guidance of a health care provider. these are not medications that are out there for vanity use. these are really men for people dealing with this disease. >> eli lilly said it is investing in more manufacturing to keep up with demand. the company really wants to drive home with this commercial
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though that these medicines should be used by people who need them to improve their health. guys? >> and it's interesting to see the rollout of that commercial right before all those celebrities hit the red carpet behind you. lara, thank you. >> sam is here ready to tell us how to get ready for the eclipse. >> these are great shades, george. there's a giant event happening in the skies. the great north american eclipse. so many of us across the country will be able to see it. we've got folks that are traveling for it. this is one of the things you'll need. we'll talk about it. t, we will n t, we will n just a moment. (mom) the moment i loved our subaru outback most... was the moment they walked away from it. (daughter) mom! (mom) oh, thank goodness. and that's why our family will only drive a subaru. (vo) subaru. more iihs top safety pick plus awards than any other brand. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru.
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"bring rings to beach wedding"? fedex presents: tall tales of true deliveries. ( ♪ ) (gasp, crowd cheering) just another day on the job. we did this for love. see what we can do for your business. fedex. whaaat?? it's super hero day at school... ♪ tiktok song ♪ sfx: [tea kettle] sfx: [ding!] ♪ l'eggo with eggo.
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i can order contacts in 5 minutes, and get them the next day. bam! wow! right now, you can save 30% on your first order. plus, fast, free shipping right to your door. ♪ you're the one that i want ♪ nexgard® combo is the only monthly topical that protects against fleas, ticks, tapeworms, and more. use with caution in cats with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard combo,... ♪ you're the one that i want ♪ ...the monthly one-and-done you want.
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and we are back. sam is here to tell us about the solar eclipse that's coming. >> i'm excited. it's about a month away. soon it will be too late to make plans or buy the gadgets. let's get you in full fledged prep mode for this eclipse. are we playing "total eclipse of the heart?" is that what's going on? fans are booking get aways to get a better view. some airlines are even flying along the path so passengers can see it no matter what the weather is on the ground. schools are closing. cities are bumping up emergency services. all preparing for an onslaught of eclipse seeking visitors. it's the ultimate show in our skies. it's t minus one month until the total eclipse that will send hearts racing across the u.s. ♪ nothing i can do a total eclipse of the heart ♪ >> eclipse mania is already gaining momentum on social media as the countdown begins.
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>> if you live in the united states you have to set your calendars for monday, april 8th. >> some experts are calling it the super bowl of astronomical events, as the moon passes between the sun and the earth its shadow sweeps across north america. >> once in a life time opportunity. you don't want to miss it. >> the path of totality stretching across 13 states, from texas to maine, plunging some cities into more than four minutes into darkness. nasa said even if you don't live in that path, 99% of americans will still be able to catch at least part of it. bloomington indiana welcoming 300,000 spectators. indiana university is hosting the hoosier cosmic celebration with a performance by janelle monet. ♪ and appearances by astronaut may jemison, and one and only captain kirk. >> what have i done? what have i done? >> i have been planning this since 2017. >> rachel shenfeld and her
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family plan to make the five hour drive from chicago to bedford indiana to have a front row seat. >> we're super nerdy about it. we're very excited. >> the key to safely enjoying the eclipse is a pair of these, special solar glasses that will help protect your eyes when you're looking ats the sun. eye doctors tell me, and they tell me every time there's one of these, do not look directly at the sun without eye protection. everybody, do you have it? it may be too us for us to put it on but why not? it's fun anyway. lara, those are so beautiful. you are going to see stars anyway. i can't read the prompter with it. i can't see anything. they're different from regular sunglasses in the fact that you can't. the only thing you will be able to see is the bright spot of the sun because you're not supposed to stare. it blocks out all those harmful rays. that's why you can't use regular sunglasses. >> i can see some light. makes me realize these lights are really bright. >> some people are asking about their pets. here's what experts tell us. your pets won't be interested enough to look up although it would damage their eyes as well. american kennel club is just saying leave them inside because all the crazy activity that's
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going on outside will shake them up anyway. but this is a big deal. try to get these early before they are no longer available. guys? >> i love your pet psychology. pets are not interested. [ laughter ] >> they don't care. >> you know what i'm going to do? i'm going to read this. next will reeve may just be in heaven on earth. hey, will. >> how did you do that? >> coming up the golden retriever farm taking the internet by storm. we got an all access look. best. students in a new kind of classroom. ♪ using our technology to power different ways of learning. ♪ harnessing ai to plant new beginnings. ♪
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try it and feel the difference. mucinex nightshift, it's comeback season. starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant... that's a different story. with the chase ink card, we got up and running in no time. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card. make more of what's yours. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd rather be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ who says you can't get everything you want? like going for bold without going broke... and staying true to your taste while staying on budget.
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who says rising costs means lowering the bar? settling? no need. get the brands you want, the prices you want, whenever you want. tj maxx where you can always afford to be you to the maxx. i never knew your cat was so cuddly. tj maxx right, she really loves these delectable squeeze up treats. deliciously, de-lick-able delectables. you're hilarious. delectables squeeze up. ♪ deliciously de-lick-able delectables ♪
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♪ you're so golden ♪ >> we're back with our play of the day and a ruff assignment for will reeve. he joins us now. i didn't write it. i just read it. he's at a golden dog farm in vermont. hey, will. look like you're having a great time. we are envious though, i will say. >> i am having a great time, michael. good morning. i'm at golden dog farm in jeffersonville, vermont. it's a working farm. they produce a whole bunch of stuff. it's gotten so popular because of these guys and girls. the golden retrievers. it's been said that dogs are our link to paradise. here it is. this isn't a dream or a mirage or heaven, but it feels like it. oh, thank you for the slobber. this is golden dog farm in jeffersonville, vermont.
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spread over 200 plus acres in the green mountains. and these are the main attractions. the golden retriever experience. this is the best thing of all time. it has gone viral on tik tok. >> i obviously had to go. >> reporter: inspiring tourists nationwide to make the pilgrimage to doug and becka's home. we call it happy hour. happy is the collective noun for our golden retrievers. we have goldens come. it's an hour long sighting. >> people are coming from all over the country. they're taking a break from life and enjoying a moment. it's awesome. >> reporter: if this is how the experience start, i don't know how it gets better. the butter nut goldens arrive in style greeted by visitors who pay $75 for an hour and a half with the dogs. are you ready for me to release the hounds? once the tail gate opens, it's play time. >> drop it. >> reporter: tennis ball provided. >> it's amazing. just like sunshine.
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>> reporter: in a rough world, golden dog farm bringing some happiness. >> the world's a heavy place. you come here and spend time with all these dogs and just changes everything. call it the best day ever. >> reporter: our thanks to golden dog farm. our friends at butter nut goldens who brought the wonderful stars of the show here. they come three days a week for everyone to enjoy. i'm going to go play some fetch, guys. >> thanks to you, our resident golden retriever, will reeve. thank you very much. coming up, from the golden retrievers to the golden guys at the oscars. stay with us. >> announcer: coming up gma concert series sponsored by planet fitness. big fitness energy for all.
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leftover chicken, scallions, cheese... what am i gonna make with this? "may-ow" mayo? best foods?? you can talk? and then she says... "may-ow" ...and boom—best foods saves the leftovers. she can't spell. "may-ow" it's mine! and now our keynote speaker... "may-ow" pete... is it serious? you lasted longer than most. "may-ow" did you ever worry we wouldn't get to enjoy this? [jeff laughs maniacally] (inner monologue) seriously, look at these guys. they are playing great. meanwhile, i'm on the green and all i can think about is all the green i'm spending on 3 kids in college. not to mention the kitchen remodel, and we'd just remodel the bathrooms last month.
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7:55 am
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510707 6000. that's 510707 6000 bay area houses. >> sell your house the easy way to the oscars live sunday at an earlier time. >> seven eastern, four pacific. featuring special guest presenters and so much more, jimmy kimmel hosts the oscars live, always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm amanda delcastillo from abc seven mornings. let's get straight to gloria for a look at traffic. >> good morning. we're getting reports of a crash on the richmond-san rafael bridge. and you can see live on our camera. traffic is barely moving because of that crash at the mid span. right now, one lane is blocked. so expect delays there. and this is a live look at our bay bridge toll plaza camera. and traffic is moving nicely here. >> hey gloria santa cruz what a nice morning on the beach. a live look. there we go. some folks walking along the sand this morning. it is chilly with
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those clear skies. we are in the 30s and 40s right now, but the payoff this afternoon. get ready. look at the sunshine. it's a warmer afternoon. some areas in the south bay approaching 70 degrees as we get into the afternoon, a lot of 60s on the board, so it is feeling quite nice out there. get out and enjoy changes this weekend. tomorrow morning we have some showers. a better chance for widespread wet weather coming our way. sunday evening. both days are a level one on the storm impact scale. amanda >> all right. thanks, drew. and if you're streaming with us on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven continues next. but for everyone else, it is gma. >> sleeping poorly on your mattress? find your perfect mattress match and huge savings at the mancini sleep world spring clearance sale. get 50% off showcased tempur-pedic. adapt models and 50% off casper mattresses, plus get free next day delivery, old mattress removal and in-home setup on over 7000 mattresses in stock.
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contain nothing that would help your dog live a happy, healthy life. i mean, i used to smell like the can helping dogs, dog healthy skin your face will envy with olay hyaluronic body wash, 95% of women had visibly better skin from dry to moisturized in just 12 days. >> be fearless with olay hyaluronic body wash and body lotion. want luxury hair repair that doesn't cost $50? >> pantene's pro-vitamin formula repairs hair, as well as the leading luxury bonding treatment for softness and resilience. without the price tag. if you know you know it's pantene in the next 30s 250 couples will need to make room for a nursery. >> 26 people will go all in, this family will get two bathrooms. and finally one vacationer will say, yeah, who? >> i'm gonna live here. >> but as the euphoria subsides, the realization hits. >> i gotta sell the house. >> don't worry. just sell and
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buy in one move. when you start with open door. wow. oh, yes. let's start with an all cash offer at open door. com at jakobi meyers. >> when we get justice for you, it can make a big difference in your life. here's what that means. insurance offer $100,000. our result is $4.65 million. jacoby and meyers, because everyone deserves justice, lives after the >> good morning america. it's 8 a.m. president biden makes his case for a second term with his state of the union. >> here's the simple truth. you can't love your country only when you win. >> warning shot over trump's election lies, touting his record on the economy. >> turning set back into come back. that's what america does! >> the reaction this morning. a new warning about the spike in er visits for children accidentally ingesting melatonin.
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some mistaking the gummys for candy. carol burnett in a new interview. the hollywood legend talking about climbing the hollywood sign and the best prank she ever pulled. sam champion brings us pop news this morning. anything can happen. ♪ dance the night away ♪ >> with two days until the oscars, lara is getting the tea prior to the big night. >> while you're like nothing go wrong, jimmy is praying that something does go wrong. >> celebrity chef wolfgang puck joins us live. plus, what will everyone wear? it's the final countdown. look who's saying -- >> good morning america! >> announcer: live in times square and hollywood, this is gma. >> good morning america. no one is more excited for the academy awards than lara spencer. she is on the red carpet in l.a. hey, lara. >> reporter: hey, michael. we wish you were here with me. we do have this thing covered. i spoke to the show's executive
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producers to get some of the secrets behind the oscars. plus our pal wolfgang puck is back with us showing us what he'll be serving for the governor's ball this year. that's where the winners and nominees go directly when the show is over. plus we're going to look into fashion's crystal ball, if you will, see what we might see on the red carpet. we've got all of that coming up, guys. >> thank you, lara. first a look at the top stories breaking at 8. we start with the state of the union address, kick off of the general election campaign. it did get raucous at times. the president sparred at lawmakers. they shouted at him. he never mentioned donald trump by name but did draw a sharp contrast with what he calls his predecessor. let's go to chief white house correspondent mary bruce. good morning, mary. >> reporter: good morning, george. yes, this was a feisty and fiery speech by president biden. it did at times feel more like a raucous and rowdy campaign event than a traditional state of the union address. the president eager to show voters he is ready for a fight and has what it takes to serve another four years. overnight a fiery president
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biden kicking off the general election. >> four more years! four more years! >> reporter: biden framing this moment as a fight for freedom in the nation's democracy. >> my purpose tonight is to wake up the congress and alert the american people that this is no ordinary moment either. >> reporter: straight out of the gate the president shaming republicans for failing to fund ukraine, and calling out donald trump, though not by name, for saying he would allow putin to attack nato allies. >> now my predecessor, a former republican president, tells putin, quote, do whatever the hell you want. that's a quote. a former president said that. bowing down to a russian leader. my message to president putin is simple. we will not walk away. [ applause ] we will not bow down.
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>> reporter: on the hot button issue of immigration, biden confronting republicans for tanking that bipartisan border deal under pressure from trump. >> you don't think so? oh, you don't like that bill, huh? that conservatives got together and said was a good bill? i'll be darn. that's amazing. >> reporter: looking ahead to the general election, the president vowing to fight for freedom like access to abortion. >> those bragging about overturning roe v. wade have no clue about the power of women, but they found out when reproductive freedom was on the ballot. >> reporter: at the end of the night, biden finally tackling head on those big concerns about his age. >> i know it may not look like it, but i have been around awhile. >> reporter: the president, with this parting shot. >> an issue facing our nation isn't how old we are, it's how old are our ideas. >> reporter: the white house is thrilled with the president's performance last night. they feel he nailed this.
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this, of course, was a well rehearsed and planned and practiced speech. the question now, can the president keep this up? will he be able to bring this fire consistently to the campaign trail? we will see today when he hits the road in campaign. michael? >> thank you so much for that, mary. we're going to turn to breaking news. fda delaying an alzheimer's drug in the works. elizabeth schulze is back with details. lot of people are watching this decision closely. >> reporter: they are. this is an unexpected delay in the timeline for the government's approval of what could be a critical drug for treating alzheimer's. the fda had been scheduled to make a decision this month on its approval of eli lilly's alzheimer's drug. now it could take several more months. eli lilly saying it was informed that the fda will now convene an independent panel to further understand the topics relating to the safety and efficacy. this has been closely watched because there's an urgent need for more alzheimer's treatments. right now there's only one drug available to patients to help treat this disease. these drugs have been
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controversial because they can come with significant risks, including the possibility of brain bleeds. the hope is that they can slow down how fast alzheimer's progresses, but they can't reverse it, guys. >> it impacts so many families. >> sure does. coming up in our gma morning menu, new warning about the surge in er visits for kids who mistakingly eat melatonin. dr. darien sutton is here with what we need to know. also ahead, the secrets of the oscars. lara talked with the executive producers of the big show to get a sneak peek at what we can look forward to on sunday. plus, bleachers is here to perform live. looking forward to that. and sam is with lori bergamotto. hey, guys. >> they're right over there. we're right here. we've got the right stuff for your oscars look. >> beauty devices that will make your skin glow like sam champion's. >> i am glowing right now. we'll be right back.
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and more about discovering magic. rich is being able to keep your loved ones close. and also send them away. rich is living life your way. and having someone who can help you get there. the key to being rich is knowing what counts. (♪ ) why did i keep missing out on this? before you were preventing migraine with qulipta? do you remember the pain, the worry, the canceled plans? and look at me now. you'll never truly forget migraine but qulipta reduces attacks making zero-migraine days possible. it's the only pill of its kind that blocks cgrp and is approved to prevent migraine of any frequency. to help give you that forget you get migraine feeling. don't take if allergic to qulipta. most common side effects are nausea, constipation and sleepiness. learn how abbvie could help you save. qulipta, the forget-you-get migraine medicine.
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she runs and plays like a puppy again. his #2s are perfect! he's a brand new dog, all in less than a year. when people switch their dog's food from kibble to the farmer's dog, they often say that it feels like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's simply fresh meat and vegetables, with all the nutrients dogs need—
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instead of dried pellets. just food made for the health of dogs. delivered in packs portioned for your dog. it's amazing what real food can do. ontario has all the partners you need to make the electric vehicle of the future. with one of north america's largest i.t. clusters. 65,000 stem graduates per year. and all the critical minerals to make electric vehicle batteries. ontario. your innovation partner. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2,
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or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. [narwhal sound] [michael narwhal sound] cerave. developed with michael cera... we like? sir, were you about to start clapping?
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>> do you need a ride to the oscars after party? >> funny you should say that. >> can i drive? >> not a chance. >> hi, robin! hi, michael! >> hey, lara. here we come. good morning america. [ laughter ] >> okay. you didn't drive? >> robin and i are not getting a oscar nomination for that. it was a lot of fun. it was a lot of fun. welcome back, everybody. getting ready for our oscars after party on monday. we're going to have the biggest moment from hollywood's biggest night. plus we're going to have backstage interviews and a look at the red carpet top fashions. george? michael. time for our gma cover story. a new warning from the cdc about an increase in the number of children accidentally ingesting
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melatonin ending up in the er. tell us about the study. >> good morning, george. this is about kids getting their hands on melatonin. this looked at cases of er visits as well as poison control calls. it looks at them from 2009 to 2020. it found that the rate of er visits increased by more than 400%. the rates of calls to poison control centers by 500%. of all of the er visits that are associated with unsupervised medications for children, it represents about 7% of cases. it's a strict reminder to parents to make sure we keep these medications and substances away from children. >> what are the risks of melatonin? >> the acute risks are rel relatively low. we're talking about headaches, drowsiness, nightmares. this wasn't studied on long term development. this is considered a dietary supplement not an over the counter medication, so it doesn't have that strong fda regulation. some products found to have no melatonin at all.
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some too much. it's really important to pay attention. >> we have day light savings time coming up this weekend. lot of parents probably going to deal with some cranky kids. >> absolutely. getting into bed is really difficult. it's about making sure you have sleep hygiene together. making sure their room is quiet, dark. if you use a noise machine, keeping the volume low and a distance away from the bed. also making sure you understand how much sleep children actually need. for children under 12 at least nine hours. under five, at least ten hours. avoiding sugar. most importantly, avoiding the screens. that, unfortunately, inhibits or stops our melatonin from being produced. make sure you put away those phones an hour or two before bed. >> dr. sutton, thank you very much. michael? thank you very much, george. now the road to the oscars. it's the final countdown to hollywood's biggest night. lara got the behind the scenes scoop from the executive producers about what we can expect from the big show and their biggest concerns right now. let's go back to lara on the red carpet in los angeles.
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>> hi, you guys. good to see you. the crews are hard at work all around us, making sure every detail is red carpet ready ahead of sunday night's big show. while that's happening, i sat down with the three executive producers to talk about what they're most excited for, how they'll handle it if something goes sideways, and one person who actually hopes something does go wrong. while the stars are shining on the oscar stage, these three people will be worrying about every single detail backstage. the co-executive producers katie mullen, rog kapur and molly mcneerny. what are you nervous about right now? >> time. we have a lot of show and we have a limited amount of time. >> reporter: it's molly's second time running the show. raj has grammys and oscars experience but never as show runner. for he and katy, this is a first. each an extremely experienced
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producer in their own right, but they both admit the oscars is a different animal. >> it doesn't get bigger than this. the whole world is watching. people are more invested than they have been in awhile. the movies are so great. >> you've already been part of 11 grammys. this is your eighth oscars. are you bringing that rock 'n' roll into the oscars this year? >> music performances are where my heart and soul are. i love to dance. i love the choreography, the visuals. >> one visual the team is so excited for they're calling the fab five. the acting awards will each be presented by five past winners in that category. >> i just think it's beautiful to watch someone win an oscar and go up on stage and be surrounded by five former winners. to be in this exclusive beautiful club. >> but moment likes that take time. time is one thing they don't have a lot of. are you still tweaking at this late stage? >> oh, yeah. >> t minus two days and counting
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and you are still making change? >> we are still making changes. especially with the monologue. jimmy doesn't send out that final draft of the monologue until moments before the show. >> does that make you crazy? >> yeah, little bit. >> there's no escaping the job when you're married to the host. what's it like leaving this job, which is so high pressure, then going home, opening the door and there's the host of this high pressure job sitting in the kitchen? [ laughter ] >> it never ends. no, you cannot get away from it. we don't. even the kids. can you stop talking about work while we're eating? fair point. he'll give me jokes when i'm brushing my teeth. can you write that down? yeah, okay, but hold on. >> he had such a glimmer in his eye when i spoke with him about this year's show. specifically about his monologue. he seems very happy with where it's heading. >> he should be. the monologue is fantastic. there are different versions of the monologue. he's just got the pick which
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one. >> all three ep's agree, jimmy is the the one thing they don't have to worry about. what's the disaster scenario that you dread most? >> there have been so many dramatic moments over the past year of things going wrong. we've been talking about that. like, what else could possibly go wrong and how do we prevent that from happening? >> jimmy had the envelope mishap. >> yes. >> this is not a joke. moonlight has won best picture. moonlight. best picture. >> that was pretty precarious. >> it sure was. i think that's where he shines. when something goes off or something's unexpected, he is chomping at the bit to get back on stage. >> so wait a minute. while you are like, please let nothing go wrong, jimmy is praying something does go wrong. >> yeah. he doesn't want it to be boring. he wants some excitement in the show for sure. >> i don't think it will be boring at all. these three make a great team. they each have a lane and they have got it covered. molly also gave me pretty funny insight into what her husband
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jimmy is like after the show. she says that once that adrenaline comes down it's sort of like watching, guy, a roomba turn off and hit a wall. she says she will be out celebrating while her husband is home sound asleep after, i say, a job very well done. for now back to you. >> all right. thank you for all of that, lara. sam is here for pop news. >> yeah. because lara is so busy in l.a. i'm like, what am i, the back up kicker, michael? >> punter. >> is that low on the totem pole? >> they really don't exist. >> okay. let's begin with madonna welcoming the princess of pop, if you will, to the stage for her l.a. show last night. the two performing together for the very first time. how did this never happen before? on the latest stop madonna celebration tour the pair singing a version of kiley's 2001 hit "can't get you out of my head." take a listen.
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♪ can't get you out of my head boy it's more than i dare to think about ♪ ♪ la la la >> everyone can sing this song because it just goes la la la la. it's the best. fans have been asking for this for year, decades even. a true pop power house moment. madonna and kiley also performed "i will survive" to make this even better for the crowd. i can't get this out of my head. i need to see it in the recording studio. fingers crossed. now from the queen of pop to a living legend, ladies and gentlemen, carol burnett. the actress and comedienne stunning on a digital cover for harper's bazaar legacy issue. she's been a fashion star since she came down the stairs with the curtain rod across her shoulders. revealing as she was growing up -- look it up. it happened. she and her childhood friends used to climb the original hollywood
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sign saying the o's were her favorite. it would be my favorite, too. you can slide down the o. as if we needed another reason to love carol burnett. she is just one o away from being an egot. we are so lucky to see even more of carol on screen very soon. she stars alongside kristin weig, allison janney, laura dern. kristen weig plays a social climber in 1960s florida and burnett plays one of the many ladies trying to kick her back down the ladder. that all begins streaming march 20th. finally this morning on international women's day, we have some women making history. this is an all female crew, staff from a flight from newark new jersey to sarasota, florida. yesterday morning this happened. they were led by captain harding. she's the second black woman pilot in united airline history. the flight's captain an staff were all women.
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the same crew also flew back yesterday afternoon. if you're thinking this was a stunt, it wasn't. it was just happen stance they all showed up on the schedule at the same time. now this is a big story today. but soon this won't be a big story. >> good point. >> and that, ladies and gentlemen, is pop news. >> but you're not done yet, sam. we need some weather. >> all right, george. okay. [ laughter ] let's start with the snow in the west. some of you pull out a yard stick, we pull out the moose. the gma moose and the snow is hip high to this right here. there has been an awful lot of snow to the west, and you know it. he gets on the path and everything's going well. the powder is flying. we've had 27 feet of powder in steam boat springs. if you look at this lucky guy on the hill, you can see the powder all around the face. we cool hip kids in the ski business call that chewing the pile. >> that's it? >> that's all you're gonna get. that's the weather around the nation. here's what you can expect this morning.
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♪ oh oh oh oh the right stuff ♪ >> okay, guys. we are turning to the right stuff. sam keeps on bopping along. getting you red carpet ready for hollywood's big night. gma lifestyle contributor lori bergamotto is here to get your skin glowing. you can shop all these products on our website. so good to see you in your sparkles. ready for oscars. >> gorgeous. >> let's talk about what we have
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here. >> before we talk about anything i want to say the most important thing about all of these is consistency. you must use them often for them to get results. we'll start here with the solar wave. have you heard about this? >> no. >> yes. [ laughter ] >> i'm thrilled you haven't heard about it. you're going to be our tester here. >> i can't wait. >> you'll put that on. while sam is figuring that out, we had someone test this, our production associate ebony. what this will do, this will give you glowing skin in two weeks. you can put it right on there. feel a little vibration? >> it feels great. >> it uses red light. what it does is, it has red light therapy is gonna give you that radiant, that lift from within glow, sam champion. >> i'm all for that. >> people are obsessed with this. >> i see why because this is easy to use. you could do this every day. >> it's good for every type of skin. you want to look healthier, glowier.
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all of it. >> all of our gma production staff are the ones trying these out. >> that's right. that leads me to flamingo. this is great for dermaplaning. we had keesha. i saw her this morning. she tested this out for us. dermaplaning will just get rid of that first layer of that dead skin. any hairs or anything like that. we were both rubbing her face because that's how soft it was. >> wow. [ laughter ] >> you won't believe it. flamingo, what a fantastic brand. this is reusable so you can keep reusing that and then just take out the blade. $14. >> $14? i'm jealous. >> we love this from ulta. of course our abc news transportation correspondent had to try this out. this is something you take on the go. it is great for massaging, cleansing. it has eight different speeds. he said he loved it.
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he said it was super easy to use and i feel like i got a minifacial at home. >> we love that. this is a new thing. og of skin care devices. this was tested by the og of our producers back there. >> she save us all every morning. >> kelly's a busy mom. she works crazy hours. she loves this. it's great for lifting, for toning. you only need to use it for five minutes, you guys, and you will see results. i like it. she said she liked the little buzz it gave her. >> yeah, so this is normally very expensive, but it's on sale right now. >> 25% off through the weekend, 25% off. definitely. check that out. the lips this is so fun. i feel like you both kind of have to try. this is from doctor dennis gross. i'll go first. we actually had leslie try this out. our our art director. so fun. so this uses 56 different kinds of red light, multiple
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wavelengths. doctor gross himself famous dermatologist. he's like oscar worthy dermatologist. what this will help with is fine lines. >> wrinkle reduction. look at the fine lines around the mouth. good in there. so that we love, love love love that. >> okay. and finally we're all going to test this one out. come on over here sam champion this is from nurse jamie available at nordstrom. it's very calming very well known in hollywood for giving the best facials. so this is something that like all the celebs are doing it uses 24 different crystals. it's going to de-puff energize stuff that we can all use. >> i love that sam is multi tasking. lori be we love all of these deals and thank you to all of our team who tried them out. you can shop these products on good morning coming up our fashion forecast for the oscars red carpet. stay with us. you look 20 years younger monday you know gma will be a party when paul russell performs his viral hit lifetime. >> so i'll give a hoot what you
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do say girl i know you a little two time monday only on good morning america's concert series sponsored by planet fitness. >> this is a story about a beautiful young woman who goes on spring break and her life intersects with a monster tonight. >> it still feels so raw into the darkness. >> the all new 2020 tonight at nine eight central on abc. the oscars started an earlier talk sunday, 4 p.m. live on abc. we always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. here's a look at traffic with gloria. >> good morning. right now we are tracking a crash that's causing some major delays. this is a multi-car crash on westbound 580 at the mid-span. right now we're seeing speeds of about ten miles per hour. and this is over on the richmond-san rafael bridge. so we'll keep monitoring this for you. we know the chp is heading to the scene right now. we'll have the very latest reggie. >> okay, gloria, we're going to
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talk to meteorologist drew tuma about that weekend weather. when we come back. >> we've got a large mushroom pizza. >> susan marie pizza again. homer hellofresh has delicious, guilt free recipes you can make in a snap. speaking of cooking plain chicken, really, it's healthy. it's boring. listen, suze hellofresh makes eating well exciting to the table know, i know you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. visit today to learn more.
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once. fast customize your dream sofa or sectional at living spaces where our special order collections are available at unbelievable prices and ready in as little as four weeks, starting at just 8.95. our wide variety allows you to get creative with different fabrics and configurations so you can select the perfect colors, patterns, shapes and sizes for your space. enjoy free shipping and get special financing for 60 months with your good credit. build your design today at living or a showroom near you. living spaces. >> hey bay area, live with kelly and marcus coming up. >> it's our pre-oscar show. marcia gay harden is here and we'll play oscar trivia with ken jennings. >> that's at nine on abc seven, where you will see very shortly to our east bay hills camera we go. >> it is sunny out there. it's just a really beautiful morning. across the region. temperatures are slowly climbing out of the 30s. we're into the 40s if not low 50s, right now. 50 in
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hayward, 45. that current temperature in sonoma. the exploratorium camera showing you bright sunshine throughout the day today. temperatures into the 60s. some of our warmest areas closing in on 70 later on today. soak it all in tomorrow. showers back in the morning. a better chance of more widespread wet weather sunday evening. >> reggie thank you. drew another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. you can always about 30 minutes. you can always >> welcome back. gma's road to the oscars live from times square and hollywood. >> we are counting down to the oscars. everyone is dressed to impress on hollywood's golden night. joining us now is celebrity stylist ade samuels with our oscar fashion forecast. welcome back. it is great to have you here. we have some amazing models
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here. they're going to show us some fashion. we're going to get started with america ferrera. tell us how, what she's been wearing this award season. >> america has been playing off this barbie movie. she's been giving us a lot of volume, a lot of pink. i'm interested to see her accentuate that and stay in the lane of a barbie doll. >> what do you think we will see from her at the oscars? >> i think volume will be the big thing. she's been giving us -- we saw her wear this volume dress for the sag. when this amazing giovanni dress really speaks to that. it is pink. has that barbie doll look. >> as our model sophia is showing us. >> it just gives you that volume, but so classic and elegant. we want to stick to the glam of hollywood. >> why do i feel so short? [ laughter ] >> it's so beautiful. she is is your life size barbie.
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[ laughter ] >> thank you, sophia. okay. kerri mulligan. best supporting actress nominee. she has been giving us all season elegant looks. >> yes. so she is classic hollywood. she's been literally keeping it unique with textures. lavish textures, unique silhouettes. i think for oscars, we will see her play with that like she's done recently at golden globes and sags. i'm excited to see her play off her character in maestro. >> let's bring out liz. she's wearing something like what we might see. >> texture is her thing. i see her going a bit daring for the oscars. it's beautiful. it's ruffled. it's two layered. i really want her to be a bit daring and fun this season. >> i like the shoes. >> yes. >> thank you, liz. >> well done, liz. >> it's all va va voom. >> va va voom. love it. thank you very much for that. best actress nominee emma stone. tell us what she's been wearing.
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>> i'm so excited about emma. emma has been doing something so fun. she's been playing into the victorian era that you saw her do in the movie. so we saw her with the louis vuitton collaboration she's had, giving texture, embroidery. she's playing again with this victorian era. i think for the oscars she is going to stay there. you see that fabric, the ruffles. it's not of this era, which i love. i just wanted to continue to go and play in that space. i think emma's going to play a little bit with that vintage world. >> beautiful. we cannot forget the guys. i will not forget the guys. >> you better not. >> coleman domingo has been bringing it all season long. >> he has. he is so special because he is nominated for two different roles. she's been killing it on the oscars. i mean, he's been killing it all award season. for oscar, i think he'll just give us another men's wear daring look. he's super trendy, super bold. i'm excited to see him play on
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this carpet. >> mouhammed, come on out. you are sparkling in the wings. >> just like coleman i love it. just like coleman. he's been giving us a lot of little statement accessories. we have this interesting silver belt, the brocade. it's all about just adding more daring moments into men's wear. i think that's what he's been doing all season. i'm excited to see him play. i love the ring. give us a little -- [ laughter ] just really embracing the daring moment of men's wear. >> mouhammed came out here, put his hand in his pocket. i'm going to copy that. next time i roll up to get myself a cup of coffee. you look great. all of our models look fantastic. thank you all. thank you. >> of course. thank you. always a pleasure. >> we appreciate that. we're going to check in with lara who is out in los angeles. you've been watching the oscars for years. you always have an amazing look. so what is the fashion forecast for you this oscars?
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>> michael, do you know that this is my 25th oscars. the first time was 1999 when gwenyth paltrow won. shakespeare in love. my looks have run the gamut. they were very kind with those four photos chosen. this year the team has decided that i'm going to step out of my comfort zone. big hair. big smokey eye. very angular. not a look i have worn before. cross fingers, michael. >> wow. i can't wait to see that. >> 25 years. lara has been going to the oscar since she was 3 years old. [ laughter ] that's amazing. you never cease to amaze me. >> a child actor. [ laughter ] >> thank you again, lara. thank you to our models. you all do look fantastic. hopefully our viewers get some ideas how they can dress up for their oscars. ade, thank you. coming up wolfgang puck gives us a taste of what he's serving to the stars when we come back.
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♪ ♪ >> the preview of this year's governor's ball, the post oscars party where all stars go to celebrate. let's go back to lara on the red carpet. hey, lara. >> thank you, george. hey, george, so earlier we got a look at what the stars might be wearing on the red carpet. now let's get a look at what everyone's going to eat.
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are you ready? ladies and gentlemen, the man behind the oscars menu, chef wolfgang puck! get over here! >> i know what everybody gonna eat. >> i know you do because you are the man who's been doing this for 30 years now. >> before you were born i did the oscars already. >> well done. i'll give you that $5 later. for 30 years you have been creating this menu. this is where everybody goes the second the show ends. 1,500 people you will feed. with top of the line gourmet food. not easy to do. >> only the best is good enough. it's really fun because it's not like a formal sit down dinner. more like a party. >> pick and choose. >> we make 30,000 small plates so you can have smoked salmon. >> can we talk about some of your favorites? >> okay. >> let's talk about the chicken pot pie. i wish you could smell it. it is a classic feel good dish. you elevate it and it's perfect.
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>> exactly. we make the chicken pot pie with black truffles in it. it's everybody's favorite because it's comfort food. people did not eat for a week to fit into their dresses. even i got a bigger dress now. >> you look great. you are oscars lean. >> totally. >> i hear a lot of stars request this. this is a favorite of the big stars. >> pasta, macaroni and cheese. very popular. and we have some -- >> you have some new things. can we talk about this pillow of goodness? what is this? >> little rice pillow which are amazing. what did we put in here? >> i think it's like a carrot puree. it's a carrot puree. totally vegan. >> another new one, can you tell us about this? this looks like, i don't know if you can see my shot but looks like pasta. it's a trick. >> it's ravioli. this one looks like -- >> no, but isn't this a dessert?
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>> yes, totally. >> there's like a cookie under there. >> you can bite into it. >> you're just gonna get right in there, aren't you? >> delicious. >> they told me to behave, but you're not. oh, okay. >> little parmesan. this is white chocolate, actually. >> oh, really? black truffles. wow. those are really chocolate. i can tell. >> yeah. >> you can't trick a trickster. these are some of the creative desserts that you have. you will have your classics like the salmon oscars. >> yep. >> those are always so fun. >> little cauliflower puree. this here, we have this peking duck. >> oh, wow. >> we cooked 80 peking ducks. then we have a paella here with seafood. i mean, you name it. my favorite is chocolate cigars. look at it. >> should we do it up there?
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>> yeah. >> go to the lounge. >> all right. look at that. gonna hang out up there. >> i feel very cool doing that with you. >> yeah. >> i think we got it here. >> dim the lights a little bit. [ laughter ] >> that's my cue to send it back to you in new york. wolfgang did send you back some treats. do you have them there? do you have the oscars? >> oh, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> little salmon oscar. little protein start to your day. >> we made 3,500 oscars. >> you are amazing. you have been doing this so long. you and i have been doing this together. every year you seem to surprise me, wolfy. we thank you so much. >> that's a good thing. >> this one's for you, gang. sending it back to you. >> thanks, lara. >> you can't take a bite. you have to work. >> oh, gosh. sorry. all right. i have gold all over my face. like that's a weird thing. all right. here's what's going on. let's show you the dry conditions on the west coast. three storms are loaded up for the next week.
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we have a dry weekend. we have some morning clouds for oscar sunday. look at 65. we drop that temperature about three degrees for the expected high. now, our amazing staff has found these oscar cities for you. barbie lake, oppenheimer canyon texas, camel, pennsylvania, oscarville georgia. of course there is really only one -- there may be other hollywoods but only if you couldn't tell, we can't wait for the oscars and for our abc news team to be live from the red carpet. lara, we can't wait to see your look. you're with whit for a preview of abc news's red carpet show. hey, guys. hey, whit.
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>> rebecca, it's our golden guy. he's here. >> i wore gold to match the coast. >> you need to. you're the star of the show. this is your second year doing the show. this year you guys have more access than ever. tell us about it. >> more access. more behind the scenes than we have had before. you were talking about the governor's ball. we are, for the very first time, going to take you into the governor's ball before the oscars after party begins. we're gonna show you the prep there. also the winners walk you're familiar with. we're going to take people backstage. >> oh, that's great. >> that's the ceremonial walk, of course, the 67 steps it takes for the oscar winners to get behind when they get their statue. the other thing that's fun, because the oscars broadcast is starting earlier, that means the red carpet opens earlier. that means more nominees, more presenters will be on the carpet buzzing, speaking with us during our broadcast. >> it's really lucky. the timing really works out for you. we do want to remind everybody the oscars does start a year earlier. an hour earlier. i wish we had a year for it. i'm sure jimmy does, too.
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but an hour earlier which will benefit. you will have so much access. >> yes. >> you and your co-host, our friend linsey davis, baby, you will reveal some rare clips i understand of the stars before they were nominees. >> everyone has to pay their dues, right? for actors, rarely does the world get to see that. the steps they had to take to get there. linsey and i interviewed a number of the nominees leading up to the broadcast. what we are excited about is the segment before they were nominees. we dug into the archives and pulled up some rare clips. some of these people have never seen before. we're talking ryan gosling, 1999 a pilot that was cancelled. very few people have ever seen that. we've got a clip of mark ruffalo, lily gladstone. nominated for best actress. she could make history as the first native american to win oscar for best actress. we've got these amazing clips we can't wait to share sunday. >> that all sounds great. i want to know personally what are you most looking forward to? >> i'm looking forward to the performance. all five best original song
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nominees will perform. that includes billy elish and finneus. they are poised to make history with that haunting ballad. billy elish could be the youngest ever to win two oscars, at 22 years old. her brother would be the second youngest at 26. >> awesome. >> then the man behaoeupbdz the tan, anywhere else he'd be a ten. gosling performing "i'm just ken." that is definitely something that i'm looking forward to. >> really looking forward to it. from what i have heard from the executive producers and from jimmy kimmell himself, the show is buttoned up and ready to go. >> yes. gonna be fun. >> can't wait to see you out there. >> gma live from the red carpet saturday and sunday. we have a big weekend. >> we are all working this weekend. thanks, whit. >> you got it. >> guys, we're gonna head back. just want to remind everybody, coverage begins 1 p.m. eastern on abc and abc news live. then be sure to catch the oscars. earlier time, 7:00 p.m. eastern, 4 p.m. pacific. i will send it back to you guys in new york.
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mwah. >> mwah. we can't wait to see you guys both out there this weekend. thank you so much. coming up, bleachers perform live. can't wait. jack antonoff. but as you get older, it naturally begins to change, causing a lack of sharpness, or even trouble with recall. thankfully, the breakthrough in prevagen helps your brain and actually improves memory. the secret is an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown
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plus extended-release b-vitamins. wake up feeling refreshed. pure zzzs. sleep better. wake up your best. >> welcome back to gma, everybody. our gma concert series we are joined by bleachers. their self-titled album is out. they are celebrating with a performance this morning. first we are going to chat with jack antonoff. thank you for being here. love having you here. this is your fourth studio album with the band. you're getting ready to kick off a big tour. >> yeah. >> just announced your biggest headlining show yet. how do you feel about that? >> we are going to play the garden, man. >> the garden. the mecca.
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you must be excited about that. >> i'm from new jersey. we all live here or around here except for evan. he lives in maine. >> that's true. >> but outside of that, outside of that glitch, we're -- >> glitch. [ laughter ] >> it's crazy. very few -- yeah. it's like, call me when you get to the garden. all right. we're going to play the garden. this is nuts. what's in maine that's like the garden? is there a port where people play? >> the sea. [ laughter ] >> do you know what? i love it. you are about to perform "tiny moves" for all of us here on gma. time for some music. this is bleachers performing their song "tiny moves" off their self-titled album. take it away.
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♪ the tiniest moves you make the whole damn world ♪ call it a bloodlust crisis of faith us both babe ♪ ♪ whoa oh oh watching it all come down watch it go round and round ♪ ♪ the tiniest moves you make watching the whole world shake ♪ ♪ look who's on the edge again on the edge again ♪ ♪ call it american football chic breaking your neck for no reason
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♪ the little brush right the avenue a tiny twist of faith will come and shake you you can believe ♪ ♪ whoa oh oh watching it all come down watch it all go round and round ♪ ♪ the tiniest moves you make watching my whole world shake ♪ ♪ look who's on the edge again on the edge again ♪ ♪ you're on your own again on your own again ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh the tiniest moves you make watching the whole world shake watching the whole world shake ♪
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♪ the tiniest twist of fate watching the whole world shake watching the whole world shake ♪ ♪ the tiniest moves you make the tiniest moves you make watching the whole world shake ♪ ♪ let's go ♪ ♪ the tiniest twist of fate the tiniest moves you make watching the whole world shake ♪ ♪ let's go ♪ >> gma's concert series is sponsored
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nose irritation, relying only on drops. >> not me. my own real tears are my relief. >> ask your eye doctor about tear via a precision garage door. >> we come to your home fully stocked and all of the parts to fix your garage door fast. we only use high quality parts and at precision garage door we warranty all of our work so you get the ultimate peace of mind precision door service a name you can trust. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven news. here's a look at our traffic. hi gloria. >> good morning reggie. we have an update for you on that crash that we've been following over on the richmond-san rafael bridge. it has cleared and you can see traffic is flowing again, though it's still going a little slowly. this was over on westbound 580. and traffic right now is backed up from harbor way. and it's also a little slow this morning over on 80 westbound. but once you get past that stretch it's okay. from albany to the maze it will take you 11 minutes.
9:00 am
>> hey, gloria, let's look at temperatures right now. we're in the 40s and in the 50s currently. >> it is looking lovely out there from the exploratorium. camera. get ready for a nice afternoon. sunny temperatures getting you into the 60s. soak it in because over the weekend, showers are back first tomorrow morning. a better chance of wet weather sunday evening. reggie. >> we'll take the sun where we can get it. time now for live with kelly and mark. we'll at 1e with kelly and mark. we'll at 1e back at 11 deja vu: it's live's special pre-oscar celebration with kelly and mark. today, she's an academy award-winner, the wonderful marcia gay harden. and entertainment reporter, sandy kenyon gives us his oscar nominee roundup. plus, academy trivia with jeopardy host, ken jennings as we conclude the oscars countdown games. also, celebrities share their memories of their big night at the oscars.


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