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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  March 10, 2024 7:00am-8:01am PDT

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is better oral hygiene, and no drama. >> gio: good morning, america. severe storms, tornado damage in the south. roofing ripped away. more than 3 inches of rain falling on the east coast, dozens of rivers rising to flood stage, and more than a foot of snow expected for parts of the northeast. and a gusty forecast behind it. 60 million people under wind alerts across 17 states. >> janai: rival rallies. the former and current presidents hit the campaign trail in the battleground state of georgia. >> get out of here.
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you're destroying our nation. >> donald trump and the maga republicans are trying to take our freedoms away. >> janai: our abc news/ipsos poll revealing america's dissatisfaction with both candidates on leading the nation. >> gio: tiktok ban? a vote could happen this week addressing the future of the wildly popular social media app. what it could mean for 150 million american fans. >> janai: spring break security. the hot spots putting a stop to rowdy crowds. state troopers called in to keep the peace with arrests already set to top 100 this week. ♪ >> whit: and oscar night is here. the glitz, the glamour, and gold as hollywood honors its own. "gma" on the red carpet, bringing you complete coverage on the evening. >> this is bella. >> whit: from the predictions in the top categories to sitdowns with the nominees -- >> it was a lot of fun.
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>> whit: to how memeable moments get made. >> you guys are just standing up because you fell bad that i fell. >> whit: to host jimmy kim mem spilling the beans on >> you heard it here first. >> whit: and that kenergy. ♪ i'm just ken ♪ ♪ anywhere else, i'd be a ten ♪ >> janai: whit, he just went right for it. good morning, america. happy sunday. thank you for starting your week with us. sorry about that last hour of sleep, but it's going to be worth it when the sun is up -- no one agrees. i think it's going to be worth it. >> gio: not yet. it's too soon. >> janai: most of the country moves into daylight saving time. you will get it back in the fall, but so much to get to this morning. the big night ahead in hollywood is on everyone's mind, and that's why, look at that dapper young man. that whit johnson, bowtied out on the red carpet.
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you, sir. >> whit: hey. okay. after all the criticism yesterday, did we hit the mark? i mean, it was like the goldilocks. not too much color. >> gio: you are looking fantastic. >> janai: you are. >> whit: it took me 45 minutes of youtube videos to tie this bowtie. >> janai: just to clip it on? >> whit: exactly. exactly. good morning, guys, from the red carpet. it is a very exciting day and despite the early hour, that excitement is definitely building here. "oppenheimer" and "barbie" leading the field with a combined 21 nominations including best actor and best picture. we will have lots ahead from here including predictions from "variety's" clayton davis. stay with us throughout the morning. >> gio: and we can't wait for that very exciting morning ahead here, whit, and plenty of major news around the world as well. kensington palace releasing the first picture of princess kate since her surgery, and here at
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home what a moment on the court. a nail-biting buzzer-beater in the s.e.c. women's tournament semifinals overnight. >> janai: yes, but we begin with the washout on the east coast. millions waking up to the after-effects of a day and night of torrential rains. somara theodore is here with the latest. good morning, somara. >> somara: good morning, janai. part of this storm system brought severe weather to the south which wreaked havoc in nahunta, georgia. take a look at this damage here. this was likely a tornado. we saw the debris signature. national weather service will get out there. also, charleston, south carolina, set a daily record yesterday. over 3 1/2 inches of rain leading to flash flooding and strong winds, a dangerous situation on the ground in the south saturday. here we are at 9:00 a.m. notice what's happening. the last of the rain sitting off maine's shores and we have snow starting to make its way into new hampshire and into upstate new york and then some lake effect snow just there off of lake erie. so keep that in mind for today, and the winds. those will be picking up, kicking into high gear as this
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storm system moves out. so through monday, we could see wind gusts as high as 60 miles per hour. janai? >> janai: all right, somara, thank you. turning to politics now, and competing campaign rallies in the battleground state of georgia. president biden and former president trump both campaigning there in that key state that biden narrowly won in 2020. abc's selina wang joins us live in atlanta, and selina, good morning to you. the issue of immigration, a hot topic there. >> reporter: that's right, janai, and good morning to you. the rematch has officially begun and president biden and donald trump fighting it out for voters in georgia last night. it's only march, so buckle up for a very long general election battle. overnight, president biden and donald trump go head to head with dueling campaign rallies in battleground state, georgia. >> so if you want to save america, then go vote. >> reporter: in ther former president's first rally since nikki haley dropped out, trump ripping into biden. >> get out of here, you're
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destroying our nation. >> reporter: trump rallying in a state where he faces criminal charges in the efforts to overturn the 2020 election. he denies any wrongdoing. but many supporters here in rome, georgia, part of the conservative district of marjorie taylor greene don't seem to care. >> would you still support trump if he were convicted of a crime? >> i would. i would say it depends on the crime. >> reporter: just 70 miles away in atlanta, president biden campaigning in a state he barely won. in 2020, beating trump by less than 12,000 votes. >> donald trump and the maga republicans are trying to take our freedoms away. >> reporter: the president contrasting their visions for america. >> trump and i have a very different value set. we all know donald trump sees a different america, an american story of resentment, revenge and retribution. that's not me. that's not you. >> reporter: now the border is a key issue for voters. president biden says he regrets using the term illegal during the state of the union speech,
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but donald trump last night doubling down on that word, gio. >> gio: thank you so much, and let's see exactly what voters are thinking right now. a brand-new abc news/ipsos poll on the presidential race is out this morning and joining us now is deputy political director averi harper to break it all down. >> good morning. >> gio: so, the big question for voters. who do you trust more to do a better job leading the country? what does the poll say? >> what we found was a pretty mixed bag when we looked at our new abc/ipsos poll. we found essentially a three-way tie with 33% of voters saying biden would do a better job. 36% saying trump would do a better job and 30% saying neither candidate would do a better job at leading the country. interestingly enough, we saw more republicans said they trust trump than democrats say they trust biden, and 30% -- that 30% number i think is just reflective of the lack of enthusiasm that there is for a rematch of these two candidates. >> janai: and averi, to that
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point, that's startling to see a split-screen for each of those categories. what do biden and trump need to do to get voters to want to vote for them? >> i think large swaths of the country have already really made up their minds about this race. i think what happens in november could really depend on voters like those who said neither to our poll question because the question becomes, whether those folks will turn out to vote at all in november, and if so, for whom are they going to vote? i think that we're going to have to see exactly what's going to happen there. these campaigns are going to have to give these voters something to vote for. they can't just say that they are an option to vote against their opponent. that's work that takes place not only over the next few weeks, but over the next seven months until election day. >> gio: absolutely fascinating. averi harper, great to have you here. thank you so much. tune into "this week" later. george stephanopoulos has an exclusive interview with trump ally, representative nancy mace of south carolina. plus, george speaks with transportation secretary pete buttigieg following president biden's final state of the union speech ahead of the 2024 election. janai?
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>> janai: a big show this morning, but now turning overseas to the war in gaza as more than 2 million people there prepare to mark the muslim holy month of ramadan and there's still no cease-fire between hamas and israel, and a quarter of the population there is facing starvation. abc's tom soufi burridge joins us live from jerusalem with the latest. good morning, tom. >> reporter: good morning, janai. the beginning of the holy month of ramadan is just hours away, and with no cease-fire in place in gaza, heightened israeli security expected here in jerusalem and around the mosque. the shaking charge of that holy site telling me, emphasizing peace is to allow free access for worshippers to pray inside that holy site. president biden this week warning it could be, quote, very dangerous here in jerusalem without a cease-fire agreement in place. this as a u.s. military logistics vessel setting sail from its base in virginia heading for the east and
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mediterranean off the coast of gaza less than 36 hours after president biden announced his emergency military plan to build a temporary pier off the coast of gaza for shipments of humanitarian aid. now, it will take weeks for u.s. troops to set that pier up, but in the meantime, a spanish vessel full of supplies from american charity world central kitchen is set to depart cyprus this weekend. for gaza. it comes after the airdrop of aide in the warnings of potential famine in the north of gaza. gio? >> gio: tom, thank you for your reporting. staying overseas now, the pentagon saying the u.s. and its allies thwarted a large-scale attack by houthi rebels on saturday. the uk releasing this video showing one of the warships downing an unmanned aircraft. now, the u.s. and coalition forces shooting down more than two dozen drones in about a four-hour period. there were no reports of any vessels being damaged. >> janai: back here at home now
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to a social media giant under attack in washington. the house set to vote this week on a bill designed to force tiktok's chinese parent company to sell off its stake or face a possible ban here in the u.s. abc's ike ejiochi joins us live on capitol hill where that bill is gaining momentum, ike. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, janai. lawmakers are citing national security concerns for the reason behind the proposed ban all while tiktok denies claims that the chinese government could access user data. >> did you wake up with this message on tiktok today? >> reporter: this morning, the viral video app, tiktok, is on the verge of a nationwide ban. >> i do know people and have friends on that platform who are in fear because that is their entire livelihood. >> reporter: a house committee unanimously approving legislation earlier this week that requires bytedance, the app's chinese parent company,
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to sever ties with tiktok within six months or risk getting blocked in the u.s. president biden reiterating his support for the bill despite his campaign launching a new tiktok account. >> if they pass it, i'll sign it. >> reporter: former president trump reacting on social media, opposing the ban on tiktok claiming it will help meta's business writing, i don't want facebook doing better. the app used by around 170 million americans, sending this push notification to users asking them to stop a tiktok shutdown and call their representatives. >> we simply cannot allow an app controlled by our nation's foremost adversary and competitor to take over the american media landscape. >> reporter: lawmakers from both parties have long expressed concerns that chinese authorities could force bytedance to hand over data from its millions of users. a tiktok spokesperson releasing this statement blasting the legislation saying, this will damage millions of businesses, deny artists and audience, and destroy the livelihoods of countless creators across the country. it's important to note even if the ban happens, experts say
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users would still have access to the platform using virtual private networks that skirt those proposed legislations. gio? >> gio: so many talking about this. all right, ike, thank you so much. now to the first official photograph of princess kate since her abdominal surgery. abc's ines de la cuetara is at buckingham palace right now. good morning, ines. >> reporter: good morning, gio. and a new photo released this morning of the princess of wales and she looks great. kensington palace releasing this photo of the princess and her children, george, charlotte, and louis to mark mother's day in the uk adding this message, thank you for your kind wishes and continued support over the last two months. signing off, c, for catherine. this photo was taken by prince william. this is the first official photo of kate since she went into hospital for her abdominal surgery in early january. last week paparazzi snapped a picture of her driving in windsor with her mother, but up until then, she hadn't been seen since christmas. social media whipping itself into a frenzy of conspiracy and concern about the princess' condition. meantime, tomorrow, we are
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expecting to see the royal family marking commonwealth day. with a service. kate will not be there, and neither will king charles who was recently diagnosed with cancer. instead, queen camilla and prince william will take the lead and we are expecting the king to send a video message to be broadcast during the service. janai? >> janai: thank you for that update. now to spring break. this is what everyone is looking forward to. the record travel expected and the popular destinations beefing up security to keep the rowdiness down. abc's reena roy is here with more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. that's right. we are heading into that time winto long for, and this year we could be seeing a record number of spring breakers. the tsa is expecting a 6% increase in air travel compared to the same time last year. so we could see pretty crowded airports from now through early april, and one of the top destinations should come as no surprise, the sunshine state topping the list, but this time around, florida state officials
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putting a lot of extra security measures in place. governor ron desantis saying they will not tolerate any lawlessness or chaos deploying about 140 state troopers to keep things peaceful. law enforcement is out in places like daytona beach, panama city beach, and miami beach where there are police barricades and strict alcohol regulations, and so far this weekend, about 100 arrests for party-related crimes like duis. so clearly officials there really taking no chances. guys. >> janai: thank you so much. you are from miami. i mean, they had -- that psa, they were, like, it's not us. it's you. don't come. >> gio: it gets rowdy down there. >> janai: yes, it does. >> they really needed to do something about it. >> janai: they did, and they are. it's time for a check of the weather and somara theodore, are you going to bring us spring weather? >> somara: and some snow. how about that? it's a little springy.
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we're in bretton woods, new hampshire. this is yesterday. looking at this visual, think about it. in the northeast, we should be seeing a lot more snow on the ground, especially for the time -- this is a ski resort, my friends. look at that, and you can see the trail's closed sign there. this is today. after yesterday's storm, that sign blew away. they got snow on the ground and that's good news because a lot of businesses that rely on this snow can struggle when we're seeing such a deficit. okay, so, what's left. as this winter storm warnings in place, and lake effect snow. by time it's all said and done, some spots in vermon
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>> somara: and >> somara: and that's a look at your local forecast. make sure you stick around, friends. i'm going to have that oscars forecast coming up in a moment. gio? >> gio: thank you so much. talking about the oscars, let's get on the road to the oscars here. the countdown to the event just hours away. let's go back to whit johnson right there on the red carpet in hollywood. hey, whit. >> whit: hey, gio. yes, we are on that famous red carpet where so many talented filmmakers, actors, writers, and more will be making their way into the dolby theater for what could end up being the biggest night of their lives. and all of us, even though watching at home will be treated to incredible performances and surprises. this morning, hollywood's biggest stars are just hours away from hitting the red carpet. jimmy kimmel returning as host for the fourth year, standing
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only behind comedy greats like billy crystal. ♪ it's a wonderful night for oscar, oscar, oscar ♪ ♪ who will win ♪ >> whit: johnny carson -- >> tonight's winner is next year's question in trivial pursuit. >> whit: and bob hope. >> welcome to 47th annual academy awards. and i'm here for my annual exercise in masochism. >> whit: as the longest running hosts of the academy awards. and this year, a long list of stars presenting the award categories, from zendaya to al pacino to nicolas cage. and they're bringing back the fab five format. with five previous winners of each of the four acting categories handing out the awards tonight. >> this is what the multiverse looks like. >> whit: and some incredible performances in store. all of the nominees. for best original song including scott george. ♪ >> whit: the first indigenous person to be nominated in the
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category for his song in "killers of the flower moon." ♪ >> whit: and diane warren at 15 nods, she's the most nominated woman of all-time without a win. billie eilish and her brother finneas, also performing their haunting hit from "barbie." if eilish wins at 22 years old, she'll be the youngest in history to have two oscars. ♪ what was i made for ♪ >> whit: and the man behind the tan, ryan gosling. ♪ i'm just ken ♪ ♪ anywhere else, i'd be a ten ♪ >> whit: taking the stage to perform his oscar-nominated "i'm just ken." our lara spencer getting the backstory from jimmy kimmel. >> i think ryan was lying when he said, i haven't been asked to sing. that's untrue. he had been asked. >> you heard it here first. >> repeatedly to sing at the oscars and i think he had to think about it for a while and he came in and he looked around
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at the space. he looked at the theater and he was, like, okay, yeah. i think i will do this, and now he's in. >> whit: and we are definitely looking forward to that performance, and here's a behind-the-scenes photo we were able to get of ryan gosling rehearsing, singing "i'm just ken." there it is. we don't know much about what is going to happen during the show, but the co-writer and producer of that song, mark ronson says he hopes to see ryan on stage with a unicorn and a thousand kens. it will definitely be a spectacle for sure, and speaking of ken enough, do you know who's ken enough? our friend, gio benitez because congratulations are in order. he was awarded the rtdna first amendment award that was given last night to honor brave, and brilliant work done in the name of journalism. congratulations, gio. >> janai: a massive congratulations to you, my friend. gio was recognized for his reporting of the maui wildfires. i don't know if you guys know, he was on vacation when the wildfires started.
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the association said, his work was thorough and inspiring and captured the horrific human toll of the natural disaster and the fact that you were on vacation and so many people would have gone away for safety, and you went right there to be dedicated to your craft, and it's so inspiring. >> gio: thank you, my friend. we're still thinking so much about the people recovering there in maui because they put everything aside and went to work for the community and we whit and i both witnessed that spirit of aloha of everybody helping each other right away. i'm so proud of abc for continuing this maui 808 project to keep this story in the spotlight. every single month here on abc. >> janai: amazing. >> gio: thank you. >> whit: exactly. >> janai: we will check back in with you, my friend. my dapper friend. still ahead, as we count down to the oscars, unforgettable moments with linsey davis' interviews with the top acting nominees. >> gio: and "variety's" clayton davis breaks out his crystal ball, to see what he sees in the
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awards and if you agree. >> janai: we'll see. and those classic oscar moments that turn into ever-lasting social media memes. you don't want to miss that. remember that? social media memes. you don't want to miss that. remember that? (♪) ♪ healthier's not something that happens all alone ♪ ♪ it takes greg and lydia, and josie on the phone. ♪ ♪ it's grammy getting checked on in her favorite chair. ♪ ♪ or dolling herself up to go ♪ ♪ handle all of her care. ♪ ♪ with doctors to nurses ♪ ♪ and all the people in between ♪ ♪ healthier happens in more ways ♪ ♪ than ray's ever seen. ♪ ♪ healthier happens together. ♪ (vo) what does it mean to be rich? maybe rich is less about reaching a magic number... and more about discovering magic. rich is being able to keep your loved ones close. and also send them away. rich is living life your way.
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starts right now. >> good morning, i'm stephanie sierra. police say a woman was shot on the bay bridge last night as she was heading eastbound towards yerba buena island. you're looking at video of the victim's car. officers say the suspects fired multiple shots at the car as it was going through a tunnel. she was taken to the hospital, but the extent of her injuries is not known. authorities say they do not have a list of suspects. the shooting led up to major backups on the road last night. all right, let's check in with lisa on the forecast. good morning. >> hey, stephanie. good morning to you. we have a level one system on the way for later on this afternoon. it's far to the north right now, but notice it pushes through the north bay by about 4 or 5:00. and then here it is across the rest of the bay area into the evening hours with gusty winds. so level one system again monday night into tuesday. >> you and thank you all for joining us. the news continues right now with gma. the thrill is back.
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>> yes okay. let's do this barbie. hey barbie. hi barbie. hi barbie. hi, barbie. >> oh, that's cute and love her, but, oppenheimer is going to sweep by barbie. >> the oscars hosted by jimmy kimmel at a new time. seven eastern, four pacific on abc. hi, barbie. >> hi. this is daniel john baez, bay area houses. got a home that's eating up your time. and cash. thinking about moving all your renter's stuff to manage. inherited a home and not sure what to do with it. john baez, bay area houses offers the fastest way to sell your home, as is, with no fees, no commissions and no hassle. just call us today for a free cash offer at 510707 6000. that's 510707 6000. bay area houses sell your house the easy way. >> bounced from one doctor to
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the next. did they even send my lab work? wait, was i supposed to bring that? then there's the forms, the bills, the water bills, the >> health care can get a whole lot easier when your medical records, care, and coverage are in one place. at kaiser permanente, all of this has been the most extraordinary experience of my entire life. ♪ are you ready for it ♪ >> bill our your honest this evening. >> janai: are you ready for it? welcome back to "gma" on this sunday morning, this oscar sunday. are you ready for it? the countdown has begun for taylor swift, the "eras" tour concert film coming to disney plus. that film grossed some $260 million worldwide at the global box office. making it the top-selling concert film of all-time.
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you can start watching it on disney plus this thursday, and the disney plus version has some extra content including four additional songs. >> gio: that's going to make a lot of people excited. i didn't get to go on the "eras" tour. i'm excited to watch it. all right. let's take a look now at some of the other big stories we are following here on this sunday morning. happening right now, check your clocks. most of america sprang forward overnight losing an hour and if you were up early, you feel it, entering into daylight saving time. that allows for more daylight in the evenings from mid-march to early november. making janai happy. >> janai: you'll appreciate it. "the wall street journal" is reporting that the department of justice has launched a criminal investigation into the boeing jetliner blowout that left a hole in an alaska airlines plane in early january. the newspaper says investigators have contacted passengers and crew who were on that flight when a panel blew off leaving a hole in the plane seven minutes after takeoff.
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>> gio: and take a look at the three-point buzzer-beater that kept the number one-ranked south carolina gamecocks undefeated. center camilla cardozo had never made a three-pointer in her career before banking that winning shot, lifting her team 74-73 over tennessee. >> janai: she never made a three before, and that's how she did it? that is absolutely incredible. we start this half hour with the road to the oscars. the top talent being singled out for their memorable roles. >> gio: ahead of tonight's awards, abc news sat down with the performers who brought their characters to life on the big screen. linsey davis is with whit on the red carpet now with more. hey, linsey, look at you all golden. >> janai: yes. >> whit: right? matching all the statues here on the red carpet. >> i figured i would try and do that. since i also brought a real-life ken doll. >> whit: oh, please.
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so look. we're glad to be here with my friend, linsey. we had our rehearsals yesterday for the big 5 1/2-hour preshow. we're pumped and ready. you got some sleep tonight. >> a little bit. a little bit. >> whit: a couple of hours and you also got to interview a lot of the favorites to win an oscar tonight. >> it's a tough job. the lights, the cameras, the a-listers. somebody's got to do it. might as well be me, whit. of course, we're talking about the cultural phenomenon this year that was barbenheimer. you have "barbie" winning at the box office, but then "oppenheimer" with the most nods. 13 oscar nominations, but in the competitive acting category, you have a healthy mix of some first-timers and veterans. let's hear from some of them. >> you've got nice-colored skin. what color would you say that is? >> my color. >> so where were you when you found out that you were nominated? >> i was in oklahoma on the osage reservation. i was facetiming with my parents
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and my mom was filming the tv screen so i could see it and i couldn't read it through the phone. i was, like, i want to see you and dad. she flipped the camera around and i learned based on their reactions that it had gone that way. >> i'm just so tired of watching myself and every single other woman tie herself into knots so that people will like us. >> you said actually after the movie wrapped that you felt like it would change the world. has it met your expectations? >> i think it's fully surpassed them, yeah. when i first read the script, i was just so giddy with how it subverted anyone's expectations of what a "barbie" movie might be or try to be, and as we were making it, it felt super special. >> those boys safe and warm in their beds. >> you've described your journey as the game chutes and ladders. how so? >> yes. it's a mystery at large. you're not in control, and so you have to find stability
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within yourself to fortify yourself, and your truths. you have to have confidence, and to be able to weather the monster storm. so that's why in these moments, again, the connection of people is the thing that has become important. >> i have no insides. she hollowed me out. my soul, my bank account. >> we don't often see you in a villain role. one writer put it that it's the extremely punchable duncan. what did you think about taking on that kind of villain? >> i just found it to be incredibly freeing and light, and a lot of fun. it was a lot of fun. >> that's the experiment. we are now the poor. also, many adventurers have faced these odds. >> when you won your oscar a few years back, you talked about how there was still so much that you needed to learn. how do you think getting that first win under your belt has changed you as an actor?
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>> as an actor, you learn really early on that everything is sort of temporary and fleeting. a career goes in many ebbs and flows and you're not always going to get the opportunities that you get in your certain time period. so i know that this is a very wonderful time period to be able to make choices because that's really not always the case. >> so enjoyed these conversations. >> whit: yes. >> i'm kind of, like, torn as to who i'm rooting for tonight. >> whit: i know, right? >> even though this is the 96th year of the academy awards, lots of first this year, thes on koors will starts an hour earlier. this is also the first time that the oscars had new rules to implement diversity. last year we had 19 million americans tune in. we'll see if we can top that this year, whit. >> whit: yeah. the show's going to be great. obviously people saw a lot of the movies in the theaters this time. i'm excited about the preshow. we were talking about the rehearsals yesterday. we have more access behind the scenes than ever before at the governor's ball, the winner's walk.
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we've got more correspondents in more places. it'll be a fun day. we're very much looking forward to it. >> you will not want to miss it. >> whit: yes. take a little break. i'll catch up with you in a couple of hours, linsey. it's good to see you. we'll go back to you guys in new york. >> gio: the alarm is ready for that 1:00 p.m. eastern show. we can't wait to watch it. >> janai: it's going to be a long day, guys, but you can do it. >> thank you for that reminder. >> gio: all right, guys, we'll see you again soon. time now for the weather. somara theodore here, and you've got some beautiful images behind you there. >> somara: yes, i do. you see the entire west coast. san francisco, this was earlier this week, all aglow. getting ready for the oscars. so let's get right into that forecast. now i will say there are a series of storms that are getting ready to slam into the west coast through tuesday. rain bringing snow to the parts of the rockies as well. the good news is, hollywood, california. sitting pretty, sitting dry. temperatures will be in the upper 60s this afternoon just in time for the stars to walk the red carpet. that's a look at the forecast across the country. let's see what's going on in
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your neighborhood. your local forecast. back to you, janai. >> janai: thank you so much, somara. still coming up here on good morning, america >> gio: you got the giggles. >> janai: i was singing the song. you heard it. the bold predictions being made on who will win an oscar this year. see if you agree when we come back.
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>> janai: welcome back to "gma," and the horse race that is the oscars. >> gio: they keep putting this popcorn next to me and i can't resist. lots of speculation on who will take home hollywood's biggest prize. whit's on the red carpet with the guy who's pretty confident in his predictions, whit. >> whit: absolutely. we're here with "variety's" clayton davis who's definitely seen more of the movies than i have, although i did pretty well this year.
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>> i'm very impressed. >> whit: we'll be with you throughout the course of the day. let's start with best actress. >> the hardest category of the night, right, we have a big battle between lily gladstone and emma stone. i'm going with lily gladstone. i think lily gladstone will squeak it out and make history. first native american, first indigenous woman ever to win an acting oscar. it's going to be amazing. i think she squeaks it out. >> whit: okay. >> gio: clayton, who do you have for best supporting actress? >> this is an easy one. it's da'vine joy randolph. from "the holdovers." she has won more precursors of any supporting actress in history. she has got this in the bag. knock on wood, it's going to kill. >> whit: okay, her speeches have been so emotional, too. a lot of people cheer for her. >> they all feel different and she's very happy about it. i'm excited for her. >> janai: next up, best actor. this seems to be a tight race and i love it because you think it could be cillian murphy, but you're giving some love to colman domingo. >> this was looking like a wide
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open race between cillian murphy, paul giamatti, and colman domingo, who was extraordinary in "rustin," but "oppenheimer" has become too big to fail. cillian murphy will squeak it out i believe, but watch out for paul giamatti, or possibly jeffrey wright from "american fiction." very beloved. >> whit: all incredible performances too. let's talk about supporting actor because it seems like this one is kind of a lock at this point. >> another easy one. who can't get behind rdj, iron man, beating the incredible hulk in that category. robert downey jr. it's a career win, third-time nomination and it's the one that everyone will remember him for at this point, at least in oscar land. >> gio: clayton, who are you going for for the biggest prize of the night, best picture? >> so, listen. we're going to pretend like this is a big race, but i don't think it is. "oppenheimer," probably our biggest lock that we have had since "lord of the rings: return of the king." 20 years ago. it's going to be the third
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highest grossing film of all-time to win best picture behind "titanic" and "lord of the rings." >> whit: do you think it could beat "lord of the rings"? in terms of total oscars taken home tonight. >> i'm tracking eight wins which by the way is still a lot of oscars, but listen. you never know how the night is going to go. it could -- they can pick up some extras. >> janai: do you think billie eilish is going to eke out her second oscar for best song? >> barbie versus ken, right? i think billie is going to win, become the youngest two-time oscar winner of all time at 22 years old and she's got eight more years left to win more before she's 30. i'm just really impressed there, but watch out for ken. a lot of kenergy. >> whit: a lot of kenergy. a thousand kens may be on stage, should be fun. we'll see you throughout the course of the day. we'll both be here in a few hours when oscars coverage begins at 1:00 p.m. eastern on abc and abcnews live.
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catch the oscars at 7:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m. pacific. we'll be right back. oscars at 4:00 p.m. pacific. we'll be right back. [car door shuts] [paparazzi taking pictures] introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. ned, ned, who are you wearing? he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. ned? otezla can help you get clearer skin, and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for nearly a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. with clearer skin movie night, is a groovy night (♪)
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>> whit: and we're back on "gma" >> whit: and we're back on "gma" with our look at social media's take on some unforgettable oscar moments. so will ganss is here to take us through what you found out. >> this is the best assignment of all-time. digging through the internet for the best oscars memes of all-time. we've got nicole kidman clapping. you remember that one. chrissy teigen's reaction face. you remember that one. but reaching internet icon status isn't as easy as you might think. >> reporter: from made-up celebrities --
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>> the wickedly talented, the one and only adele dazeem. >> reporter: to made up dialogue. >> you get out of here. >> reporter: the true award show gold standard is the most memorable and most memeable moment. >> the sally field quote from her oscar win many years ago -- >> you like me. right now, you like me. >> today, that would be meme gold because it's succinct and it can be used in or out of context and evoke meaning. >> reporter: for pop culture superfans, award shows have become a two-screen viewing experience. the tv to watch and the smartphone for the realtime reaction. in fact, x formerly known adds as twitter says conversation online surged upwards of 400% during last year's oscars. what makes a perfect awards show meme? >> perfect pairing of, like, great person, great quote, looking great. >> and you know who i want to thank? i want to thank me. >> when we look back on awards shows gone by, what are your favorites? >> the dior dress and jennifer lawrence falling on the steps.
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>> you guys are just standing up because you feel bad that i fell and that's really embarrassing, but thank you. >> i just love that moment. i love her. i think it's like a classic award show moment. >> so who will be behind tonight's most memeable moment? almost impossible to predict, but kate mckinnon, issa rae and others seemed to be having a great time at rehearsal yesterday. >> whit: hopefully everybody stays on their feet. we don't want anybody falling and getting hurt. will, thank you so much. we'll be right back after this. . will, thank you so much. we'll be right back after this.
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crowd. i hear, though, that we've got an upgrade for you tonight. so the bow tie, what you got there? well white. well, my sources are telling me that clown couture is very in this year. >> no, wait. yes >> okay. >> all right. >> oh, i love it. >> honestly. >> you know what? it works. >> it work. >> it really works. >> i could set a trend with this. >> we need, like, bagpipes playing and, like, horns and flutes and stuff. it's a very patriotic bow tie. practice. >> our juggling act. >> so much fun. >> thank you guys so much on the red carpet today. we are looking forward to seeing you. will ganz . that tux brings out the color in your eyes. you look amazing. thank you for watching abc news. we're always on here at good morning america .com right now. >> it's the rematch. biden versus trump. and this morning the powerhouse roundtable takes on the 2024 vote. the race is on this morning always live abc seven news starts right now.
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>> good morning i'm stephanie sierra new this morning lawmakers for the city of san jose are applauding a new police transparency law. >> the measure adjusts a state law to give law enforcement agencies the power to disclose when and why an officer has been fired. agencies usually need to request to announce and detail the firing of an officer for misconduct. our partners at the mercury news, the city of san jose report, sponsored this bill following a sexual misconduct case involving an officer back in 2022. more california students will be attending uc schools in the fall. officials say the uptick is driven by a rise in applications from transfer students, california residents and students from historically underrepresented groups. applications rose by 9% between 2023 and this year. transfer applicants from california community colleges are actually up by 8. good morning lisa. >> hey stephanie. good morning
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to you. how are we all doing? we had that 727 sunrise and a 712 sunset, a cold front on the way. it's far away. so your sunday is dry, but it's a level one system for the afternoon. rain in the north bay. the evening rain san francisco and in the east bay points south. gusty southerly winds accompany the front and this is the timeline. by about 4:00. it's raining in santa rosa. five 6:00 the rest of marin through the eight 9:00 hour. the east bay livermore down through san jose and a look outside right now in santa cruz, where it is 47 degrees 50 in san francisco. so a lot of cloud cover, and we'll be looking at a few peeks of sun here and there. but overall, it's a cloudy day. the rain towards the late afternoon evening hours, gusty winds and then still some more rain monday and tuesday. >> thank you lisa. this week with george stephanopoulos is next. >> hi, this is daniel at john baez bay area houses. want to sell your home without any
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