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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  March 11, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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l deplorable conditions discovered at a home animal shelter, hiding in plain sight. >> cats and dogs pulled from a well known animal rescue in the community. tonight we're hearing from pet owners about their surprise with such a false front. good evening. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. >> thanks for joining us. we're going to get to that in just a moment. but first we want to turn our attention outside quickly. live doppler seven showing some showers over parts of the bay area tonight. and the question is how long could it last? >> abc seven news meteorologist sandhya patel is here tracking everything we need to know. sandhya. yeah. and dan. and let's take a look at live doppler seven. we are going to see wet weather going into tomorrow morning's commute. so
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as we look at our radar, you will notice the focus of the rain is across parts of the north bay, from novato to black point light to moderate rain falling right now. street level radar, el sobrante, hercules, crockett getting some steady light showers and around the peninsula from east palo alto, heading across highway 101 on our exclusive abc seven news storm impact scale. this is a level one storm as we go, hour by hour, you will notice tonight we have the rain showers, most widespread during the overnight hours and into tomorrow morning. 5 to 8 a.m. be prepared for some slow, slow and slippery roadways. uh- gusts right now 21 miles an hour. mount diablo not that windy. it is going to get breezier. tomorrow afternoon you will notice 20 to 22 miles an hour heading into the evening. it is a one on our storm impact scale with widespread rain overnight, scattered showers in the morning and breezy at times. i'll let you know about a major change in our pattern coming our way after tomorrow's wet weather. coming up in just a few minutes. dan all right, sandhya, thanks a lot. >> sandhya, thanks very much.
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now to those new details on a story we first brought you friday on abc seven news here at 11. the disturbing discovery of a severely overrun at home animal shelter. the home was raided by police in the town of hollister last week. police thought 200 cats may be inside, but now say many may have escaped before they could be rescued. abc seven news south bay reporter lauren martinez is staying on top of the case and learning more about just how popular this shelter really was. >> yeah, i mean, it's truly heartbreaking to see what these animals had to go through, it's not something you ever want to find. >> police are providing an update on what they're calling the largest animal neglect case within the city of hollister. now, with a revised count, police say 13 dogs, 65 live cats and 31 deceased cats were recovered from inside this home. >> there's a strong odor emanating throughout the house that just is not safe for us to be breathing in, as well as for the animals, too. it's not safe
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to be ingesting that as if conditions weren't disturbing enough, police say the two suspects arrested are founders of their own animal rescue organization. >> they ran sbc pet a palooza rescue inc, and police say they were well known in the rescue community. gilroy resident liz garcia said her family adopted kylo in 2022 from the organization. months later, kylo needed extensive surgery to repair a broken pelvis that healed incorrectly, starting to come together as to maybe why this had happened to him. >> and it was just devastating to even think of what all these other poor animals had gone through and what they had experienced. >> julie nguyen also adopted her dog, kubo from pet palooza in 2022. she says she was reassured that cooper was great with other dogs. nguyen quickly found out he wasn't. >> i don't know, i feel almost
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catfish from her. >> after nearly a year of training and trying to get kubo out of his shell, nguyen surrendered kubo back to pet a palooza two weeks ago. thinking he would be better there. >> when i found out, i felt so guilty. >> police said shelters and rescue groups from monterey to walnut creek have taken in the animals. nguyen hopes someone will see the story and let her know how seven year old german shepherd kubo is doing. >> i just want to know if he's okay and what we can do to help. he's a loving boy, but he's afraid of the world. and now i know why. >> in the south bay lauren martinez, abc seven news. >> now, we spoke with experts who say that if you're looking to adopt from a shelter or rescue, you should always observe and ask questions about how the animals are transported and cared for. a good question is how many animals they currently have at the facility and how many spaces do they actually have? >> happening now. search efforts are underway for a hiker who
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disappeared over the weekend in the angeles national forest. a 59 year old northern california woman disappeared saturday morning while hiking along the san gabriel river near the heaton flats trailhead. la county sheriff's officials say she was with a couple of friends when she attempted to cross the river. the woman lost her footing and was swept away. it has made other hikers extra cautious. >> we came with two people just in case something were to happen, you know, something like that. for us to go missing and we have like a trail thing so that if we were to go missing, we have an actual gps for us to track us back. >> some hikers believe the trail along the river could be washed out because of last week's rain. the woman's identity has not yet been released. >> eight fbi agents raided a federal women's prison today in dublin. it comes after a number of former employees had been convicted of sexual assault on prisoners. the warden was even removed from the facility today. abc seven news reporter joe stone is following the story and has the very latest from the ground. >> fbi agents could be seen
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walking into the women's federal prison in dublin monday with boxes from sky seven. they could be seen walking the premises. >> the feds are casting a very wide net here to look into this prison and all of the corruption that occurred there, and i think that's why they want to look at all the records and computers of the individuals at the prison, because they don't want to just rely on information from the inmates. >> that's legal analyst steven clark. he's giving his take on the situation with the troubled dublin prison. the fbi raided the facility monday as prisoners continue to come forward with sexual abuse allegations, including rape against employees and past employees, some of whom have already been convicted and are in jail. >> in the criminal cases, we've seen a pattern of guards intentionally targeting immigrant women. i think presuming that those women would then be deported once they were released from prison, and that would make it harder to hold
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them accountable. >> susan beatty is a lawyer who represents victims in some of the cases. she wants outside oversight of the facility going forward. she also believes mental health care support should be available for victims. monday, the warden, associate warden and prison captain were all removed from service at the dublin prison. >> we're also in touch with over a dozen women who have been assaulted by dublin officials and were subsequently deported and so now are permanently separated from their families and communities, clark says he wouldn't be surprised if there were more arrests in this dublin case. >> any time you have what turns out to be a public relations disaster and a national disgrace as to what you saw occurring at the prison, you want to get to the bottom of it to ensure that not just things at dublin are done right, but at prisons throughout the country. they're being handled right. >> the fbi and bureau of prisons have not provided details on the case or monday's search. j.r. stone, abc seven news.
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>> president biden's 2025 annual budget of $7.3 trillion was released today. the white house says it will raise taxes on corporations and the ultra rich and reduce drug prices and child care costs. federal agencies are boasting the big money that could come their way. this year's fy 25 defense budget request, at $849.8 billion, would build on and advance generational military investments we've put in motion over the past several years, but congress has not yet passed the budget for 2024, let alone for 2025. biden touted these spending priorities in new hampshire today as he tries to entice voters with his values in a key swing state, part of president biden's budget proposal includes a requested half billion dollars to extend caltrain rail service to the salesforce transit center. >> the extension would connect mission bay to the heart of downtown via commuter rail. it's one and a half miles between those two locations. supporters
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of the project include congresswoman nancy pelosi. now, in a statement out today, pelosi said this, quote, safe, affordable and accessible public transit is key to san francisco's economic recovery and to saving the planet from the climate crisis. >> chinese communist party is very accomplished at playing whack a mole, for example, you could eliminate tiktok, but they could open it up tomorrow. tock. tick, whatever you want to call it, and do the same thing once again, lawmakers on capitol hill are debating how to control tiktok. >> and tonight, the political pressure is forcing the company to have to listen up. tomorrow, the fbi and doj will hold a classified briefing with members of the house to address concerns over tiktok's parent company, bytedance. that's according to two abc news sources that's happening here on capitol hill. as we look out live there tonight, it's also where the house will now vote wednesday morning on the future of the app, with all this going on, we
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are making it. tonight's abc seven news advancer at 11. to get you on top of the issue. you'll be hearing more about in the days to come. tonight the viral video app tiktok is facing the threat of a nationwide ban. >> i do know people and have friends on that platform who are in fear because that is their entire livelihood, a house committee unanimously approved legislation last week requiring bytedance, the app's chinese parent company, to sever ties with tiktok within six months or risk getting blocked on app stores and websites. >> in the u.s. president biden reiterated his support for the bill despite his campaign launching a new tiktok account. if they pass it, i'll sign it, former president trump reacted on social media opposing the ban on tiktok, claiming it will help meet his business, writing, quote, i don't want facebook who cheated in the last election doing better. they are a true enemy of the people. the app, used by around 170 million americans, sent this push notification to users asking them to stop a tiktok shutdown and call their representatives.
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>> we simply cannot allow an app controlled by our nation's foremost adversary and competitor to take over the american media landscape. >> lawmakers from both parties have long expressed concerns that chinese authorities could force bytedance to hand over data from its millions of users. the worries come from a set of chinese national security laws that compel organizations to help with intelligence gathering, a tiktok spokesperson released this statement blasting the legislation, saying, quote, this will damage millions of businesses, deny artists an audience, and destroy the livelihoods of countless creators across the country, three abc news reports tiktok creators are expected to be in washington this week. the ceo of tiktok will be in the capitol. the company insists it's a pre-scheduled trip, although multiple sources confirm lawmakers are getting requests to meet with the ceo. tiktok appears to be focusing much of its lobbying efforts on the senate, a sign the company is aware of the growing bipartisan support for the bill in the
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house and all that comes as a new study out today finds nearly 75% of teens say they're happier without their smartphones altogether. the study from the pew research center found only 40% say they know they need to cut back, but are anxious without their phones. there were also findings on parents half of the parents of teens say they look through their teen smartphone, and about half of parents admit they spend too much time on their phones themselves. >> the case of scott peterson, one of the most high profile trials of the century, and tomorrow we may have another showing in court. >> plus emergency in haiti, gang led rebellions are going for control of the government, and the leader may have just stepped down. >> and it's our pick for the best thing you'll see today. oakland is the center of high school basketball in california. the big championship wins, making the town very proud. >> first, a look at what's coming up tonight on jimmy kimmel live! right after abc seven news at 11. jimmy. >> thanks, dan. and ama. stay up tonight. i'm exhausted.
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>> let's play barbie real quick. look, listen right here. >> look, i'm only here for the drinking. >> can we take out the head? can you move? stop it. yeah! >> stop it. oh, my god, i love you. cheers.
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the millions laugh on blackish and then she needs an ambulance. >> did you think you were going to die? >> i did the emotional robin roberts exclusive tomorrow on abc's good morning america. >> we'll get an update on the case of convicted murderer scott peterson, who is hoping a san mateo judge will grant him a new trial. it comes after a filing in january by the los angeles innocence project. they will
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present peterson tomorrow. they claim to have newly discovered evidence supporting his claim of innocence in the death of his wife, laci, and their unborn son. that was back in 2002. and now they're seeking dozens of items they say could not have been located in peterson's first trial. >> and the fact that they are looking at the scott peterson case 20 years later, i think speaks volumes, that there could be issues there. is there information or evidence that laci peterson could have still been alive when scott peterson went fishing on christmas eve, 2002? that will be scott peterson's last best hope. >> peterson is expected to join tomorrow's hearing remotely. we've been closest to this case from the very beginning. make sure you get the latest updates with this story, as well as other breaking news where you live with the abc seven news bay area app. just be sure to turn on the apps. push notifications. >> developing news on the continued unrest in haiti. the prime minister has now resigned. it follows us secretary of state
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antony blinken's announcement to send additional funds to the country during his meeting with caribbean leaders in jamaica today, the us plans to send an additional $100 million to help finance the deployment of more multinational forces. haiti is facing deteriorating conditions as a gang led rebellion, attempts to overthrow the government. us personnel have since been evacuated from the country. >> the body shop has shut down all us operations, the uk based cosmetics company announced. as of march 1st all of its locations are no longer operational. this includes dozens of stores in canada. company officials blame america's high inflation. over the recent years, the body shop is known for its natural, sustainable, ethical and cruelty free products. it opened in 1976 as one of the first to ban animal testing in its products. >> this year's oscars had a huge turnaround in viewership. the awards show saw its highest ratings after a four year uphill battle. last night's 96th annual academy awards drew in 19.5
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million viewers, its highest ratings since 2020. during the pandemic, that number could all be thanks to the oppenheimer phenomenon. both barbie and oppenheimer films were nominated in several categories. also, john cena presenting the award for best costume design naked, possibly drew in some watchers. ratings, rose by 4% from last year's show. >> that was a pretty funny moment, actually. all right, let's turn now to the weather, because more rain is on the way. >> that's right. meteorologist sandhya patel is here with what's going on outside. sandhya. >> yeah. and i want to first take you up to the sierra ama and dan because it is snowing. the snow is coming down pretty good. this is a live view from homewood, where they are under a winter weather advisory until 5 p.m. tomorrow. this is about 5000ft, 4 to 8in of snow higher over the peaks and with those gusty winds, travel may be difficult. there's the snow on live doppler seven. we are tracking the wet weather moving into the bay area as we get you into street level radar. want to
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show you where it is raining right now we're getting some pockets of moderate rain right around vallejo highway 80 across 29 sacramento street. definitely watch out. kentfield area san rafael, san anselmo. getting the steady rain right now as we look at street level radar there and in the east bay from berkeley to kensington, east richmond across 8-80 really spotty right now from the south bay to parts of the peninsula, but that will be changing overnight tonight. those temperatures at this hour in the 40s and the 50s, with the cloud cover, it's not going to get terribly cold. here's a view from golden gate bridge camera overnight tonight. rain spreads. it will be breezy wednesday. thursday gusty offshore winds developing and mid to late week. sunny and much warmer weather is coming your way, so talk about a major shift in our pattern. for the time being, we do have a light level one for tonight. going into tomorrow. widespread rain overnight. scattered showers in the morning and it will be breezy at times as we go. hour by hour 2 a.m. you will notice the rain moving across
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the region. 5:00 in the morning. watch out, the commute will be slower and there will be slippery roads at 7 a.m. still looking at those scattered showers and this continues at 9 a.m. but then quickly things quiet down and just isolated showers showing up for the early afternoon. so that's not going to be as widespread. here's a look at the rainfall projections . about a third of an inch in santa rosa, to a few hundredths of an inch in places like livermore, san jose, half moon bay getting just over a quarter of an inch of rain, 30 to 50. tomorrow morning, grab your umbrellas before you go. you will need them tomorrow afternoon. you're looking at partly to mostly cloudy skies, upper 50s to mid 60s, and isolated shower or two. not out of the question. then the switch in the weather starts to take place. wednesday afternoon. a northerly breeze develops. it gets gusty as we head towards wednesday night and thursday. that wind translating down to the coast, 30 to 35 miles an hour and even stronger at times. thursday afternoon. that's what's going to drive those temperatures up the downsloping
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wind. so wednesday upper 60s, even warmer on thursday into the low 70s. and by friday we're talking well above average into the mid 70s for our warmest spots. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. scattered showers level one tomorrow. then we're going to go dry and warmer really from mid to late in the week. mid 70s springlike warmth for friday, saturday, saint patrick's day and going into monday. those temperatures will still be in the mid 70s for our warmest spots. dan okay sandy, thanks a lot. >> seven on your side is hosting a tax chat this friday, exactly one month before taxes are actually due. united way bay area is sponsoring this really helpful opportunity, a great resource. get your questions answered by tax professionals by sending them in now go to abc seven click seven on your side and you'll find the form right there. watch on friday here on abc seven for your tax questions to be
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a second consecutive year. >> yeah, the oakland tech high boys basketball won the cif division two state championship game over this past weekend. >> yeah, they faced off against centennial high from bakersfield at golden one center in
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sacramento. >> and after a back and forth first half, the tech bulldogs took control and breezed on to win 7955. congratulations. >> and the oakland high wild cats girls basketball team brought home the cif division five state championship title. it's the second year in a row that a team from oakland has brought home a title. >> you know, last year the boys beat oakland tech for the title. this year, the oakland high girls team beat san diego's montgomery high girls basketball in a really close game. they won 56 to 50. >> oakland high, the underdogs, the number 13 seed taking on the number one seed. >> it feels really great to be able to bring a championship to my school and we did it with a new program, a new coach, a new players. >> oh, usd schools have won 11 state championship titles since 2016. it's awesome. >> yeah, well, nfl free agency gets off to a wild start while the warriors begin their texas two state.
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>> chris alvarez is here with sports. chris >> hey dan and i'm coming up in sports. lots of wheeling and dealing as nfl free agency gets going and dominant dunks the warriors with some show stopping plays tonight in san antonio. sports is it giving people lots of great food for 6 dollars, and letting them choose between two delicious sandwiches? great idea, devon. run with it! that went well. and you run and get my $6 jack pack. welcome to jack in the box!
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the second straight game. no steph curry for the warriors as he recovers from an ankle sprain. he'll be reevaluated tomorrow for the second straight game. the warriors taking on the spurs. the western conference's worst team beat the dubs by 13 saturday night, and now they have victor wembanyama back in the lineup. klay thompson back in the starting lineup tonight. warriors 21st different lineup this season. and here's a seven foot four rookie phenom. steal and slam. he scored a game high 27. spurs led by as many as 11. but a minute later chris paul to trace jackson davis. the warriors close in on that lead. second quarter later in it down to brandon poganski to klay thompson for three. spurs led by two at the break. third quarter now warriors up two. tj d oh the fake handoff and then the left handed hammer. and then later in the third paul to jackson davis the alley oop. warriors go from down double digits to up double
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digits. fourth quarter jonathan kuminga hit a team high 22. chris paul had eight assists. and then tj d wow 13 off the bench and one poster on wemby. so nice. we show it twice. warriors win 112 102. we now await word on steph tomorrow. next up at dallas on wednesday, the nfl's new league year officially begins wednesday afternoon. but today deals can be agreed on in principle some big moves, including kirk cousins to the falcons, saquon barkley to the eagles, josh jacobs to the packers, while running backs aaron jones and joe mixon they're being released as the 49 ers. javon kinlaw he's going to sign with the jets. they're also going to release defensive end eric armstead after not being able to restructure his deal. and they tendered a one year deal to wideout jauan jennings a lot going on. former bills pass rusher leonard floyd has agreed to a two year, $20 million deal with the niners last season in buffalo tied a career high with ten and a half sacks. this likely signals the niners will not pursue free agent chase young, who they traded for last
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season. wcc semifinals santa clara and saint mary's gaels in control most of the way. thanks to this guy alex ducas. seven of ten from deep for the six foot seven senior. he actually didn't make a two point basket. only threes on his way to a team high 21 points as saint mary's shot over 50% from the field. late second half. great passing leads to a mason forbes dunk. he had 16. the family loves that. saint mary's wins 7965, advancing to the wcc championship game and in the other wcc semifinal, gonzaga beat usf. so it's going to be saint mary's and gonzaga in the championship tomorrow. sports on abc seven. sponsored
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streaming app. join us and start watching. >> and thank you for watching tonight i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley for sandyha patel, a chris alvarez. >> all of us. we appreciate your time right now. on jimmy kimmel dwayne the rock johnson, robert de niro, guillermo at the oscars and justin timberlake. >> wow. big night. have a great night, everyone >> lou: from hollywood -- it's “jimmy kimmel live”! tonight -- dwayne johnson -- robert de niro -- guillermo at the oscars -- and music from justin timberlake -- with cleto and the cletones. and now, justin timberlake! [ cheering and applause ] ♪


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