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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  March 12, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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now at six. back in the spotlight, scott peterson trying to get his murder conviction overturned. the first step in that process happening today in the bay area. >> then fbi agents raiding a federal women's prison in the east bay. the warden also removed the investigation underway into alleged misconduct in dublin. >> and some neighbors in lafayette going to spend the morning cleaning up after this
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large tree falls in the area. the mess it left behind. >> good morning to you. it is tuesday, march 12th. yes, and it's a rainy start to the morning. >> going to check in with you for our forecast. yeah. >> and this rain doesn't linger all that long. just the next couple of hours. and this is probably the last storm we have for about a week. we enter a dry pattern after today. live doppler seven showing you where we have those showers. they are light in nature, but i do want to point out the back edge. the end of this front already moving through the north bay. it's about to move into the city and the east bay. so we're not in this rain too much longer through about 9 a.m. this morning. it's a level one for those light showers, those wet roadways, a little bit of a breeze and those showers do taper after 9 a.m. looking at your day planner today, you can see it's wet out there from our bay bridge toll plaza. right now. we end those showers after 9 a.m. clouds linger a bit, but the afternoon will actually get a bit of sunshine. those temperatures in the upper 50s to the mid 60s guys. >> all right. thank you. drew
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now let's take a look at our bay bridge camera right now you can see the cameras with the roads are wet. metering lights are on. traffic is sluggish all because of that rain joe just told us about. so just be careful as you head into this is a span into san francisco, but all the roads probably impacted by the rain. so be careful out there. >> happening today, a convicted murderer, scott peterson, will appear virtually before a san mateo county judge as part of his effort to get a new trial. abc seven news reporter gloria rodriguez is live outside the courthouse in redwood city with what we can expect today and details on peterson's arguments. gloria >> yeah. good morning reggie. this comes after a filing in january by the los angeles innocence project, and they'll be representing peterson here today, the los angeles innocence project claims to have newly discovered evidence supporting scott peterson's claim of innocence in the death of his wife, laci peterson, and their unborn son in 2002. in 2004, he was convicted of their murders. now they're seeking dozens of items they say they could not locate in peterson's trial files.
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>> and the fact that they are looking at the scott peterson case 20 years later, i think speaks volumes, that there could be issues there. is there information or evidence that laci peterson could have still been alive when scott peterson went fishing on christmas eve, 2002? that will be scott peterson's last best hope. >> and peterson is expected to join today's hearing remotely. it starts at 9:00 this morning, and of course, we'll be here to cover it for you. we'll have all the details live in redwood city. gloria rodriguez abc seven news. >> gloria. thank you. we've been following this case from the very beginning. make sure you get the latest updates with the story as well as other breaking news where you live with the abc seven news. abc seven news, bay area app. just be sure to turn on the apps notifications. >> this morning, an interim warden is in place at the federal women's prison in dublin. the change is coming on the same day as as many as 20 fbi agents raided that facility. abc seven news reporter j.r. stone explains this is the
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latest development at a prison that's been plagued by scandal from the ground. >> fbi agents could be seen walking into the women's federal prison in dublin monday with boxes from sky seven. they could be seen walking the premises. >> the feds are casting a very wide net here to look into this prison and all of the corruption that occurred there, and i think that's why they want to look at all the records and computers of the individuals at the prison, because they don't want to just rely on information from the inmates. >> that's legal analyst steven clark. he's giving his take on the situation with the troubled dublin prison. the fbi raided the facility monday as prisoners continue to come forward with sexual abuse allegations, including rape against employees and past employees, some of whom have already been convicted and are in jail. >> in the criminal cases, we've seen a pattern of guards intentionally targeting immigrant women. i think presuming that those women would
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then be deported and once they were released from prison, and that would make it harder to hold them accountable. >> susan beatty is a lawyer who represents victims in some of the cases she wants outside oversight of the facility going forward. she also believes mental health care support should be available for victims. monday, the warden, associate warden and prison captain were all removed from service at the dublin prison. >> we're also in touch with over a dozen women who have been assaulted by dublin officials and were subsequently deported, and so now are permanently separated from their families and communities. >> clark says he wouldn't be surprised if there were more arrests in this dublin case. >> any time you have what turns out to be a public relations disaster and a national disgrace as to what you saw occurring at the prison, you want to get to the bottom of it to ensure that not just things at dublin are done right, but at prisons throughout the country. they're being handled right. >> the fbi and bureau of prisons
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have not provided details on the case or monday's search. jr stone, abc seven news. >> new details on the rescue of dozens of animals from a home in hollister. police are calling this the largest animal neglect case within the city. when officers raided the home last week, they discovered a severely overrun at home animal shelter with more than 100 pets inside. many of them had already died. people who adopted animals from a rescue in the past are shocked by this discovery, starting to come together as to maybe why this had happened to him and it was just devastating to even think of what all these other poor animals had gone through and what they had experienced palooza rescue were arrested. officials say shelters and
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rescue groups from monterey to walnut creek have taken in the animals. abc seven spoke to experts who say when you're looking to adopt from a shelter or rescue, you should always observe and ask questions about how the animals are transported and cared for. a good question is how many animals they currently have at the facility, and how many spaces they actually have. there >> this morning, we are learning more about president biden's 2025 annual budget of $7.3 trillion. the white house says it will be raising taxes on corporations and the ultra rich, and reducing drug prices and child care costs. federal agencies are boasting that the big money could come their way. >> this year's fy 25 defense budget request, at $849.8 billion, would build on and advance generational military investments. we've put in motion over the past several years. >> congress hasn't yet passed the budget for 2024 though, so let alone 2025. president biden
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touted these spending priorities in new hampshire yesterday as he's trying to entice voters with his values in a key swing state in the east bay, crews are working to remove a massive tree that fell on top of cars in lafayette. >> this is in the spring hill area on spring hill road. the toppled tree also brought down power lines, according to the p-g-and-e's outage map, up to 500 customers in that area are without power right now. it's unclear if anyone was hurt. >> still to come, voter turnout from this year's primary election weigh down the bay area county that saw participation cut in half, and the prime minister of an embattled country resigns. >> now, the push to replace him is underway as citizens deal with unprecedented gang violence . >> 608 this morning, a look at live doppler seven, showing you we do have light showers out there this morning, but they don't linger all that long. we actually get a nice sunny afternoon on the way before our winds turn gusty. we'll have all stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user.
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some light showers moving through along a cold front. some snow is falling in the sierra blue canyon, reporting some light snow this morning. you can see that snow on 80 on 50 this morning, but it won't last all that long. we do have a winter weather advisory in effect until 5 p.m. just a few inches of snow coming our way over the next couple of hours, creating some slick and slow travel to and from the sierra. here's the wider picture. the front is essentially on top of the bay area crossing the north bay right now, on its way into the south bay over the next couple of hours. this is not a long duration system by any means. future weather showing you were in and out of the showers the next couple of hours. by about 9 a.m, the showers turn off the clouds linger through lunchtime, but then the cloud cover does break down for a bit of afternoon sunshine. our
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afternoon high temperatures upper 50s to the mid 60s. kumasi. >> thank you drew. coming up, why the rest of the warriors season could hinge on what happens today. then the end of the landline. opponents worried about a plan by at&t that could, they say, could potentially endanger lives. local county supervisors set to discuss it today and as which break we're taking a live look outside right now. it is 611. and as you can see, it is rainy right here in the embarcadero in san francisco and many parts across the bay area. if you can also look at live when your child has moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay for them to show off. show off their clearer skin and noticeably less itch with dupixent. because children 6 months and older with eczema have plenty of reasons to show off their skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, they can stay ahead of their eczema. it helps block a key source of
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the prime minister has now resigned. this is following us secretary of state antony blinken's announcement to send additional funds to the country.
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during his meeting with caribbean leaders in jamaica yesterday. the us plans to send an additional $100 million to help finance the deployment of more multinational forces. haiti is facing deteriorating conditions as a gang led rebellion attempts to overthrow the government. us personnel have been since evacuated and have left the country. happening now a search is underway for a hiker who disappeared over the weekend in the angeles national forest. a 59 year old northern california woman disappeared saturday morning while hiking along the san gabriel river near the heaton flats trailhead. la county sheriff's officials say she was with a couple of friends when she tried to cross the river. she lost her footing and was swept away. this has made other hikers extra cautious. >> we came with two people just in case something were to happen. you know, something like that. for us to go missing. and we have like a trail thing so that if we were to go missing, we have an actual gps for us to track us back.
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>> some hikers believe the trail along the river could be washed out because of last week's rain. the woman's identity has not been released yet. your voice, your vote. president joe biden on the campaign trail this week attacking former president donald trump's recent comments threatening to cut entitlement programs. trump was asked if he'd changed his outlook on how to handle entitlements in order to tackle the national debt. the former president seemed to suggest he'd be open to slashing things like social security, medicare, medicaid, president biden and new hampshire firing back. >> many of my republican friends want to put social security and medicare back on the chopping block again. if anyone tries to cut social security, medicare or raise retirement age again, i will stop them. >> trump's campaign says his words are being distorted. the former president may come off the campaign trail to be in court this week for his classified documents case. meanwhile, president biden is set to travel to wisconsin and michigan to meet with voters. voter turnout for this latest election is just 26% across
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california so far, and that is the lowest turnout in about a decade. mailed ballots can take about a week to arrive up to a week to arrive. i should say so. some counties are still counting. >> so we usually see lower turnout in primary elections versus the general election. but this primary was particularly low, maybe even a record low for turnout in california. and frankly, we're seeing this, you know, across the country. >> there was hope that vote by mail would increase participation. but data from the california secretary of state office shows declines across the bay area in san francisco, santa clara, san mateo all saw modest dips. alameda county saw total voters cut in half. >> landlines are expected to be a big topic of conversation at the san mateo county board of supervisors meeting this morning , according to the california public utilities commission. at&t has submitted two proposals to possibly end traditional
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landline service. opponents are concerned about public safety during a power outage or emergency cell phones might not work. abc7 news spoke with a woodside family who explained why they rely on a landline. they need wi-fi to use a cell phone inside their home, but in a power outage, the generator doesn't power the wifi, so we have about an hour and a half of time and then the wi-fi goes out. >> we have no television, we have no computer, we have no phones, we have nothing. >> we're getting up in years and we think it's important for us to be able to call for medical attention and fire department and police. >> at&t emailed a statement to abc seven news saying that it isn't canceling landline service in florida, and it is working with traditional landline customers to upgrade to newer technology. >> if you are ready to turn back time, you are in luck. head back down. >> if i could find a way. >> the cher show is returning to
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san francisco. the tony award winning musical about the pop and film star will run at the. why can't i visit the karen o. >> the current karen okay. >> >> like a current. >> get it together now. i said it 85 times. anyway >> sorry. >> it's my favorite theater in the city. i love the karen o. >> yeah okay so she's going to be there through the 18th through the 23rd right. >> not actual cher but the musical about cher. >> just to be clear, don't limit. oh you don't know. she might come. >> i don't know that. you're right. i don't expect her to be there. how about that? >> so the musical contains more than a dozen songs throughout cher's life. three different women play cher throughout the years. if you want to check out the show, tickets go on sale friday. >> i turn back time. we just went forward. you gave us one day and you already. i want to
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fall back. >> i'm feeling it. i'm ready. i want to fall back asleep. >> how about that? >> every day this week, drew planned ahead, i did. drew was like, oh, i'm fine. i'm like drew, i'm struggling. he's like, well, i'm fine. i went out friday, i rested saturday, i planned ahead. >> how did you plan ahead? what do you mean? i thought you were out on friday night. oh, okay. >> see the whole plan? yeah. is that on saturday? just took it easy. oh okay. you know. yeah. laid low. prepared myself for the loss of an hour. right. you know i did the opposite see. >> me too. >> and you two over here are being like out. >> did you look at the clock and say 330. >> that's what i did. i was like what time. >> and then i said 430 i said lay down, lay down. and then get back up. >> you ever think you're like wow i would be on my way to work right now i did, i actually did think that. i did think what a wild time. all right. this morning we are dealing with a little bit of rain out there after this morning's rain, we
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are going to enter an extended dry pattern. so the umbrella needed the next couple of hours. we go from light showers to sunshine today. tomorrow though, the winds will pick up and they do turn rather gusty. on thursday. but it's all about sunshine and warm weather tomorrow and through the upcoming weekend. can't wait to show you the seven day forecast. and one second, here's live doppler seven with those light showers out there right now. but you can notice over the last 30 minutes they are starting to wind down. we're only in this system through about 9:00 am this morning, so it's a level one for the morning commute. wet roads, your biggest impact a little bit of a breeze out there. but after 9 a.m. we're pretty much done with this system. so here's future weather. despite the showers winding down, we still keep a lot of the cloud cover through lunchtime into the afternoon, though we expect that cloud cover to break down and we'll finish the day with brighter skies. so showers the sun. that's the call today. upper 50s to the mid 60s. your temperatures a little bit below average for this time of the year. your sunset today at 715 two night. we have mainly clear skies and those numbers in the
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upper 40s to the lower 50s. it turns breezy around here tomorrow with our wind gusts, but then on thursday those winds strengthen even more as high pressure moves in, we get a tight pressure gradient and that means winds could gust over 40mph along the coast. here's the accuweather seven day showers of sunshine today. then it's all about that breeze tomorrow with gusty winds here on thursday, the winds weaken in friday and then the weekend. get out and enjoy sunshine and temperatures above average in the 60s and 70s. >> guys cannot wait for that. thank you drew. good morning america is coming up at seven right here on abc seven. and sam champion has a look at what's ahead. >> hey, reggie. hey kumasi. it's nice to see you guys this morning. so coming up news first new questions this morning about quality control at boeing and the death of a whistleblower. also all of this is going on after a midair scare on a boeing jet, injuring 50 people. so this morning, the latest fallout after the royal family released this edited photo of princess kate, how the palace is responding this morning and robin's exclusive with actress, comedian and broadway performer
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jenifer lewis. she's sharing her near-death experience for the very first time and her journey to recovery and by the way, it is sleep week on gma. why wouldn't it be? we are dedicated to getting you the best dressed you can and lori be has everything you need to get the shut eye that you need and
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one year after the pah'-ha-row levee breach in monterey county. >> we still feel forgotten sometimes. but here we are a year later. we haven't had any street sweeping like most of the community, ruth ruiz and her family were evacuated from their home when they came back two and a half weeks later. >> it was devastating. their recovery is ongoing. ruiz says
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many residents still live with a sense of panic every time you see it, like it's going to be raining for a few days, it's that trauma. >> you just think back that it's going to happen again. >> monterey county is working to fill the gaps for people who don't qualify for federal assistance. they recently launched the pah'-ha-row unmet needs disaster assistance program happening today. steph curry will be reevaluated to see when he'll be able to take the court. he sprained his right ankle last week. an mri revealed no structural damage. he has missed the last two warriors games, a win and a loss. curry could potentially return to action tomorrow against the mavericks. both teams are in the playoff hunt. dallas is eighth and the warriors are 10th in the western conference. also today, saint mary's will go for a tournament championship against their hated rivals gonzaga. wow hate. the gaels are the top seed in the west coast conference tournament. the bulldogs are
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number two, having beaten saint mary's twice during the regular season. the gaels beat santa clara yesterday to punch their ticket to the title game. gonzaga beat san francisco and the other semifinal. both saint mary's and gonzaga are expected to make march madness when it begins next week and next at 630. the special counsel, who called the president elderly with memory problems, will testify today and hear criticism from both republicans and democrats. then more trouble for boeing. the latest concerns after the company fails several audits as we head to break a live look outside. it's 627.
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♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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see some rain on your morning commute. in fact, the chance is pretty high. drew is tracking the timing and intensity of this level one storm on our storm impact scale. >> then several taco bells in oakland no longer open for dine in. why? the restaurants are not accepting cash either, and free tax help the irs expanding its electronic filing program. >> who's eligible and how you can take advantage of it. >> good morning everybody. it is tuesday, march 12th. yeah, the aforementioned rain. >> it's here. it's not sticking around too long though right? >> that's right. only about two more hours left of this light rain. here is a live look at our abc seven oakland airport camera, where you can see the taxiways. they are damp this morning. we'll flip it over to live doppler seven. and you can actually see the back edge of this rain is already moving through the east bay, through the city, along the peninsula, and the showers are dwindling as we speak. so this morning it's a level one until about 9 a.m. for some wet roads. breezy conditions. after 9 a.m, the showers taper. we keep the cloud cover through midday. before that sunshine pops back out. here's a look at your day
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planner. take the umbrella with you this morning, but look at the afternoon. it is dry. it is sunny. temperatures in the upper 50s to the mid 60s. guys >> all right. taking a look at our drive times this morning 80 westbound highway four to the maze about 28 minutes 25 minutes if you're going on 80 westbound emeryville to san francisco. of course, the rain playing a factor in the roadways. san francisco one on one southbound. if you're going to sfo, take you about 11 minutes. >> happening today. scott peterson, the man convicted of killing his wife and unborn son nearly 20 years ago, will be back in court. he's expected to appear virtually. it comes after the la innocence project took up his case. abc7 news reporter gloria rodriguez is live in redwood city with more on today's hearing. gloria >> good morning. reggie. the los angeles innocence project took up the case about two months ago, and they're hoping to get him a new trial. they claim to have newly discovered evidence supporting peterson's claim of innocence in the death of his
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wife, laci peterson, and their unborn son in 2002. they are requesting new evidence from the original trial in an attempt to exonerate peterson. in 2004, peterson was convicted in the murder of his wife and their unborn son. he was sentenced to life in prison without parole. legal analyst stephen clark says they may be able to use dna evidence that was available then, but for whatever reason could not be tested then. >> you have to remember that the technology in 2002 is very different than what we can do now with dna evidence. so they're bringing 2024 expertise to a case that's 22 years old. and that's been very key in overturning other cases. and they're going to look at other information in this case that perhaps the defense at the time didn't consider, like other alternative theories of how laci could have been murdered, and that scott peterson is an innocent man. >> now, clark says the los
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angeles innocence project brings a lot of credibility when they step in, and they will be representing peterson today. he's expected to join the hearing remotely, and that starts at 9:00 this morning. we will be here and we'll of course, cover it for you. live in redwood city. gloria rodriguez, abc seven news. >> thanks, gloria, to get updates as they happen, make sure you have the abc seven news app with notifications enabled. >> customers no longer have access to dining rooms at most taco bell restaurants in oakland, we spotted signs saying dining room closed at the restaurant at 35th avenue and macarthur boulevard. now, according to reports, four of the five taco bells in oakland are now drive thru only because of rising crime. the restaurants are not accepting cash either. we reached out to taco bell's corporate headquarters for confirmation. we have yet to hear back. >> san francisco is trying to revive a program that pays to help unhoused people get back to their home town, a board of supervisors committee unanimously approved amendments
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to the city's homeward bound program, initiated in 2004 by then mayor gavin newsom, supervisor asha safai says the program needs to be broadened after years of decline. >> we're expanding the program somewhat out to allow for those that are in risk of being homeless. as well as those that might be living in permanent supportive housing in a transitional nature to again to help reunify them with their family. >> safai believes the changes will revitalize the program that helped more than 11,000 people return home from 2005 to 2019. >> more regulation could be on the way for robo taxis here in california. a new bill would expand the amount of data that companies like waymo and cruise have to report to the dmv. so currently, the companies are only required to submit data on things like crashes and traffic violations for a vehicle with a testing permit. but with ab 3061 authored by san francisco assemblyman matt haney, it would expand to vehicles that have deployment permits which allow paid customers to ride in
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autonomous vehicles. waymo is currently the only company with a deployment permit in the state, so if this is passed, they could face daily fines of more than $26,000. if they don't report that information. cruz says it is committed to engaging and participating in policy discussions with state regulators. we've reached out to waymo for comment. we haven't heard back yet. >> organizers with the san francisco shakespeare festival are asking for help after someone stole their van. you can see the white dodge 12 passenger van here. the group says it was used to transport actors who put on plays for schools and libraries statewide, according to the chronicle. the van was stolen in oakland last month and someone tried to use a gas car that was inside it. the group now has a rental van, but they're asking for donations to replace the stolen van. you can find out more by going to sf happening today on capitol hill. the special counsel who criticized the president's age and competence in his special report, will testify about his findings.
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robert robert hoar will appear before the judiciary committee to answer questions from republicans and democrats about the president's handling of sensitive government information when he was vice president, who said the president was an elderly man with poor memory but opted not to charge him. in prepared statements, he says he did not disparage the president in his findings, according to a transcript of his interview with president biden. the president repeatedly said he didn't know or couldn't remember how his aides stored sensitive documents . >> united airlines is facing another issue with one of its passenger jets. a flight bound for sfo yesterday had to return back to sydney, australia. according to united. the cause of this emergency was a, quote, maintenance issue. this is the carrier's fifth flight incident and a little more than a week, flightaware data shows the plane returned to sydney almost 2.5 hours after it took off the boeing 777 300 was carrying 183 people. united says passengers
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were accommodated for the night and then rebooked to san francisco this morning. >> there are big concerns over boeing jets, a new report claims the company has failed dozens of audits by the faa. here's abc news reporter lina moise with what the company is saying this morning. >> this morning, new concerns about quality control at boeing. the new york times reports the company has failed 33 of the 89 audits. the faa conducted after a door panel blew off in mid-flight on this alaska airlines plane in january. investigators later found four bolts were missing following the incident, the faa took immediate action to increase its oversight activities, and we will continue to put safety first. the faa also conducted 13 audits of boeing supplier spirit aerosystems, and seven reportedly resulted in a failing grade, the times say. documents show the faa observed mechanics at spirit using a hotel key card to check a door seal, and spirit
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mechanics applied dawn soap to a door seal as lubricant. boeing, responding overnight, saying we continue to implement immediate changes and develop a comprehensive action plan to strengthen safety and quality with transparency at every turn. >> do you feel like they're making safe airplanes right now? >> right now, with our oversight , we're certifying them as safe. yes. >> meanwhile, a boeing whistleblower who raised concerns about production standards has been found dead after an apparent suicide. the body of 62 year old john barnett, a longtime boeing employee and quality manager, was found in charleston, south carolina, where he was being questioned in a case against boeing, barnett told the bbc in 2019 that workers deliberately used faulty parts on the production line. boeing denied his claims. in a statement, boeing said we are saddened by mr. barnett's passing and our thoughts are with his family and friends. lionel moise, abc news, new york. >> in the past 30 minutes, the
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faa released a statement after its audit of boeing's production line. it reads in part the faa identified noncompliance issues in boeing's manufacture, process control, parts handling and storage, and product control. our audit is complete, but it's part of an ongoing investigation, and we cannot release further details. the faa says it will continue its increased on site presence at boeing's facility in washington, and spirit aerosystems facility in kansas. >> in washington, members of congress are set to receive a classified briefing today from the fbi and the department of justice on the security threat posed by tiktok's parent company, bytedance. this briefing is coming as the house is set to vote tomorrow on a bill restricting the app's operation here in the us. it would require bytedance to sell its u.s. operations to an american company, or risk being banned from the us. >> i have a lot of concern about the interference of authoritarian and totalitarian governments like china and like
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russia in our open and free and democratic society. >> national security officials warned yesterday. the chinese government may be able to control our devices through the app. software tiktok has said a ban on its product would trample the first amendment rights of millions of americans. >> taking a live look now at the tarmac from abc seven's oakland airport camera, over a million passengers are projected to pass through the airport for spring break. that's according to airport officials. that's about a 3% increase compared to the same time last year. the airport marked spring break as march 15th through april 15th. officials recommend arriving early and book your parking ahead of time during that busy travel period. >> new this morning, the treasury department is launching an electronic system to file your taxes directly to the irs. it's called direct fillled program, and it allows for some californians to file online for free. those. if those of you who have a simple w-2 standard deductions, you may be able to
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use this tool. officials say it should work on your smartphone, tablet, laptops. desktop. shouldn't be any hidden junk fees in order to file, and a spanish version of the app will be available today starting at 10 a.m. seven on your side is hosting a tax chat this friday, exactly one month before your taxes are due. united way bay area is sponsoring this opportunity. you can get your questions answered by tax professionals by sending them in right now. go to abc7 news dot com. click seven on your side and you'll find the form right there. and then you can watch friday right here on abc seven. >> coming up, some car companies may be spying on its drivers drivers. and it's so they can potentially raise insurance rates. >> and a live look right now at the big board. the new york stock exchange down by about 30 points right now. another update on the markets next. >> then why the kobe bryant statue is already getting touched up just weeks after its unveiling. and stay with us on the abc seven bay area streaming app at seven for abc seven. at seven, we're live every weekday from 7 to 8 a.m. download the
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app wherever you stream. >> 641 this morning, we're taking a look at temperatures, and we're holding steady in the upper 40s to the lower 50s as some light rain moves through this morning. here's live doppler seven over the last hour. the rain is light and it's really impacting the east bay and the south bay this morning. the back edge of this front is already working through the north bay, so we only have to deal with these showers for the next two hours before they really do taper some light snow is falling. blue canyon reporting some light snow this morning. a winter weather advisory is in effect through 5 p.m. for the western slope of the sierra. a couple of inches expected throughout the morning, just creating some slick and slower travel. here's the wider view on live doppler seven. combined with satellite, you can clearly see the front is basically on top of the bay area . it's moving to the south and east over the next couple of hours, and as it does, we'll break out for some sunshine later on this afternoon. here's future weather showing you those showers this morning. tapering midday, but the cloud cover lingers through lunchtime. but
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then into the afternoon we'll get those highs into the upper 50s and into the mid 60s. we are in store for a warm, sunny pattern. starting tomorrow. we'll show you
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the movie dirty dancing has died. eric harmon's wife confirmed the news that he passed away in his sleep over the weekend. carmen was the front man for the 1970s rock group the raspberries. he was known for the song hungry eyes as well as all by myself. no cause of death was given. he was 74. >> there's a new report out on a major car company collecting data on how you drive. the new york times says this morning that clearinghouse lexisnexis is collecting and then sharing data with car insurance companies. the information collection was discovered by a driver using
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general motors onstar service. that driver found a more than 200 page report from lexisnexis detailing his driving. after asking for a 20% insurance rate increase. gm's onstar service has a smart drive feature, which tracks driving habits and then shares it with the company. >> in that broad sense, we're all connected and devices are connected. it would not be surprising to see that others also might be having some some plans. >> so if you have a gm car or a truck with onstar, you can see whether or not you're enrolled. just go to the onstar smart driver app. that's in the vehicle. >> new research is proving what we already know that traffic in the bay area is bad. transportation analytics company inrix found drivers lose 97 hours a year just sitting in traffic in this region. so that is bringing up an age old question. should we widen freeways? a us, a uc davis
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researcher looked into it. the short answer is no. she found that bumping freeways from three lanes to four would only be a short terme solution. she says it's a simple issue of supply and demand. >> we add capacity, we reduce the effective cost of driving because we make things go a little bit faster and people make choices that lead to more driving. in total, they may make trips that they wouldn't have made otherwise. they may choose more distant destinations. >> bay area transportation planners are currently considering widening 101 from south san francisco to the city to add an extra express lane. >> a new study suggests an extreme weather event may have taken a deadly toll on a key population of whales. the study estimates around 70,000 humpbacks may have starved to death in the northern pacific. their population dropped as much as 20% over roughly a decade. a marine heat wave known as the blob is believed to have increased the temperatures in the northern pacific by as much
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as ten degrees over several years. this devastated the ocean food chain. >> fewer resources, less food. all of the consumers out there are competing for this food, and they're both the whales now are competing directly with those other organisms. like many of these fish now, the whales in this study belong to a different migration group than the humpbacks along the bay area coast. >> now for your morning money report. bananas could soon be getting more expensive. the bbc spoke to a united nations economist who says climate change poses an enormous threat to the banana sector. he predicts prices will go up in the next few years as a global rise in temperatures makes it even harder for the industry to tackle fast spreading plant diseases. the world banana forum meets in rome today to discuss the challenges and now we take a live look at the new york stock exchange. as trading gets underway. we're down about 50 points. >> you have one last chance to ride bart's legacy cars. the
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agency is holding a retirement ceremony and a final ride to celebrate the end of an era. bart is calling it riding into history. final run of the first fleet. this will be the last run of its legacy trains that have served the bay area for more than 50 years. the event will be held saturday, april 20th at oakland's macarthur station. most of the legacy cars have already been recycled, but three of them will be on display at the western railway museum in suisun city. >> beyonce's country album will be released in a little over two weeks. could there be an epic country collaboration in the works? an interview with a knoxville newspaper, dolly parton said, quote, i think she's recorded jolene and i think it's probably going to be on her country album, which i'm very excited about. dolly went on to say that she loves beyonce and says she's a great singer. beyonce is act two of her renaissance project is scheduled to come out friday, march 29th and we are ready now. >> see, this is interesting. so you mentioned dolly is telling all the business and we know
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beyonce is very private. like she was like you will know when it comes out, right? so i wonder if she's like dolly or she's like dolly. >> yeah i don't i think it's the second. yeah oh, dolly, you ruined the surprise a little bit . but you're also dolly. >> yes. and it's your song. yes >> and it is your song. so. >> and it makes me want it even more. so it's working on me. and i thought, i'm like, man, we still have like a month to go. we're halfway through march. we are just speeding through this month. >> or did she plant it through dolly? >> exactly. well, nothing beyonce does is whoopsies. accidental >> true. >> can't wait. yeah. here's a live look at our rooftop camera this morning where we are tracking light showers. we go from showers to sunshine today behind this front we do pick up some gusty winds tomorrow. and really on thursday we'll find those winds in excess of 40mph at times. but in the extended pattern after this morning's rain, we are going to enter a dry pattern with sunshine and warm weather into early next
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week. so we are definitely going to get a break from the storms. live doppler seven this morning. you do need the umbrella. we are tracking those showers, but you notice over the last hour the coverage of the light rain is really becoming a lot less. so this front is moving through as we speak. we will only have to deal with these showers through about 9 a.m. this morning. we're at a level one for some wet roads. those light showers that will taper after 9 a.m. so the sky is going to change throughout the day. we have those light showers right now giving way to drier skies around noon, but we'll hang on to that cloud cover through lunchtime. but into the afternoon. sunshine breaks out, the cloud cover starts to depart, so it's actually a nice finish to the day. winds are a bit breezy, but those gusts turn up tomorrow. today we'll find those temperatures going into the upper 50s and mid 60s for the daytime highs tonight. clear skies out there and numbers in the upper 40s to the lower 50s. let's quickly look at those winds tomorrow. future tracker wind gusts showing you they pick up between about 15 and 30mph. but they strengthen here on thursday as we see a pressure
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gradient tighten as low pressure exits and high pressure moves in, creates a wind tunnel effect so we could see winds in excess of 40mph on thursday. here's the accuweather seven day forecast level one this morning. giving way to sunshine. breezy tomorrow. gusty winds on thursday. those winds will weaken on friday and that sets the stage for a really nice weekend. saturday and sunday. sunshine and above average warmth guys. >> thanks, drew. san francisco based pinterest has launched a new tool for users to select body types to be featured in their search results. the image sharing social media service will show the customized results when searching for fashion and wedding inspiration. company officials say it offers more inclusivity for a range of body types, and it better reflects how customers see themselves and now to disneyland getting much bigger. the happiest place on earth just cleared a major hurdle to expand. the anaheim planning commission just approved the plan. the $2 billion project would let disney choose where it builds new hotels, dining and park areas
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over the next decade. it would also invest more than $100 million in city streets, parks and affordable housing. the city council is expected to vote on the project next month. disney is the parent company of abc seven. >> the l.a. lakers are owning up to its mistake when it comes to the late kobe bryant statue. the team says it has plans to fix a handful of errors on the base of bryant statue, so apparently there are minor spelling mistakes. there are formatting errors. the organization says they have been aware of this for weeks now. they're working on correcting it. the bronze statue is about 19ft tall. it was unveiled last month at crypto .com arena. well, say it ain't so. rock band weezer coming to the bay area, the band announced dates yesterday for its voyage to the blue planet tour. it is set to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the group's debut album, called the blue album. they'll be joined by dinosaur jr for their concert october 9th at
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chase center. the tickets go on sale. general tickets probably some presale already, but general tickets go on sale friday at 10 a.m. a new pizza place is moving to san francisco's waterfront. >> joyride pizza is bringing its detroit style pies to pier one along the embarcadero this spring. it will take the place of what used to be a starbucks. joyride already has three locations in the city, but this new restaurant will be its flagship location. they'll have breakfast, pizza options, and wine and soft serve. an opening date has not been set yet. the hours are going to be 8 a.m. to midnight every day of the week. if you live near joyride, which i do, the smell that emanates from the joyride, it is very difficult not to go in. >> i love it and staying open until midnight here on the embarcadero. >> i hope they're able. i hope that is a success for them. it will be claiming it. >> the oakland zoo is sharing cute new video of some of its
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residents. mountain lion cubs i just love their names willow and maple. wow, they're just getting so big. and they're getting a lot of time outdoors cause to just play. >> oh that is cute. isn't it adorable. the zoo says it will take care of the sassy sisters until the california. i know they had to call him sassy. they just live in are they sassy. they know them better than me anyway, the california department of fish and wildlife is working to find them a forever home, so they will be caring for them at the zoo until then. and it has been a journey. willow and maple have been making progress since they were rescued back in november. officials believe that their mom got hit by a car. the oakland zoo has set up a cub cam. >> oh, now that that is fun. >> so we can just watch them grow and explore and play. >> oh, they've been through it. >> they have. >> and now we're calling them sassy on tv.
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>> the disrespect. >> all they're doing is just playing, living life. >> sorry girls. up next is seven things you need to know today. >> sometimes people call me sassy and i don't really know if i like that. >> yeah, no, i mean not. no >> you can watch all of our newscasts live and on demand through the abc seven bay area connected tv app. it's for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv, and roku. is that a person who, oh, with an umbrella? that's a real one. walking along the beach in the rain
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becoming less intense over the last hour will keep the level one up through about 9 a.m. after that, the showers will taper to the afternoon. we'll get a bit of sunshine peeking out those temperatures in the upper 50s to the mid 60s. >> number two napa highway 29 northbound before highway 221,
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there is a four car crash blocking a lane. traffic is going to be backed up from kelley road. westbound 12 is heavy from miners trail number three. >> the case of convicted murderer scott peterson will be back in court today. a judge in san mateo county will be holding a status hearing. the los angeles innocence project is seeking a new trial. it's claiming to have newly discovered evidence supporting peterson's claim of innocence in the death of his wife, laci peterson, and their unborn son in 2002. >> number four new concerns about quality control at boeing. the company is reportedly failed dozens of audits by the faa. boeing says it's implementing an action plan to improve safety and quality. >> number five host taco bell locations in oakland have closed their dining rooms to customers, according to reports. it's because of rising crime. we reached out to taco bell for more information and have not heard back. >> number four members of congress will receive a classified briefing on the security threat posed by tiktok today. tomorrow, the house is expected to vote on a bill
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requiring tiktok's chinese parent company to sell its u.s. operations to an american company and that was not number four. obviously, that was number six. >> and number seven is get ready for saint patrick's day with my favorite place, krispy kreme. they are offering new for new flavors to celebrate the holiday . >> they are we out. >> give me that cream donut on the right. that's the one. >> that's it. >> good morning america. spring break travel kicks into high gear. big concerns over boeing jets right now. breaking overnight, new concerns over boeing quality control. the new report that it's failed dozens of audits. what the company is saying this morning. school bus crash. >> route 24. a semi has hit a school bus. one of the vehicles is on fire. >> five people killed, including three children when a semitruck and school bus collided on a highwa


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