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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  March 13, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ talk. now at five, we're just hours away from a major decision on capitol hill that could spell the end of the popular app as we know it. >> boeing vowing to make changes after a series of high profile problems. we're getting new details about the door plug blowout on alaska airlines back in january. now, some airlines say they might be forced to reduce flight schedules. the impact on your vacation plans, flooding those zones with narcan.
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>> those words from the white house about a new initiative looking to combat overdose deaths across the country. the administration this morning commending one bay area agency for its work on the crisis. good morning to you. it is wednesday, march 13th. >> yes. we're starting with a check of our forecast with drew. >> good morning. good morning. are you ready? here we go, sunshine. bring it. it's here today and it's here to stay outside. this morning, a live look from the exploratorium. camera. we are quiet. we have partly cloudy skies up above right now, but we are in store for a sunny afternoon and this will begin a pretty long stretch of sunny weather and a warming trend getting underway out there right now in live doppler seven, there is no rain to speak of. we will be quiet through the rest of the week and through the upcoming weekend temperatures. right now though, we are cooler than we were yesterday by about 5 or 10 degrees, depending on some spots 45 in santa rosa, 49 in the city, we're at 48 in san jose. so here's a live look from sutro tower. we'll have partly cloudy skies early on. it's a
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dry day today. full sunshine this afternoon. temperatures getting into the 60s, but the winds will pick up this evening and they do turn gusty tomorrow. wind advisory starts later on today. we'll talk about that. kumasi coming up in about eight minutes. all right. >> thank you drew. now let's take a look at the emeryville camera this morning. you can see traffic moving along as a lot of commuters are trying to get into san francisco. traffic moving at the limit as you work your way to the bay bridge. >> new this morning, the biden administration is launching a new initiative called the white house challenge to save lives from overdose leaders, organizations and agencies and cities across the country are being asked to commit to increase training and deployment of the life saving drug narcan, one agency singled out by the administration, bart. abc seven news reporter gloria rodriguez joins us live from orinda with more on this new plan. hi, gloria. >> good morning. reggie. the administration says barr is already stepping up bar and some other transit systems across the
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country are training their officers to equip themselves with naloxone so they could help people over at the stations and also on the trains. and this comes as the city of san francisco is reporting a spike in overdose deaths. new data shows 64 people died from accidental overdoses last month, mostly from fentanyl. health officials say they are working every day to try to reduce the number of people dying, many on city streets nationally, according to the cdc, more than 100,000 people died from an overdose in 2023. the administration says it has delivered nearly 10 million naloxone kits, preventing more than 600,000 overdose deaths, with funding from the department of health and human services. and the administration also says that bart and other transit systems have administered more than 2000 doses of naloxone. live in orinda gloria rodriguez, abc seven news. thank you, gloria. >> this morning, the u.s. house is poised to pass a bill that could lead to a nationwide ban
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on tiktok. this bill would require the app's chinese parent company, bytedance, to cut ties with the app within six months, or risk being blocked here in the u.s, fbi director christopher wray testified before congress this week. he said the app poses a threat to national security and warned tiktok could be used to spy on americans and possibly influence the election. >> the ability to conduct influence operations that is extraordinarily difficult. you can't tell to detect, and that's what makes it such a pernicious risk. >> you also have to shut down the website associated with the app to prevent its functionality . but the bill remains narrowly focused on social media apps tied to four adversary countries. that's it. >> opponents of this bill say it violates the first amendment rights of millions of americans. the possible ban on tiktok could have an impact on small businesses here in the bay area. business owners say they could go to another platform, but they say each platform's algorithm is different and tiktok reaches
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more new users or possible new customers compared with other apps. >> i think it's really important that it helps us connect on a different level than we would normally be able to. >> my daughter surprised me with a tiktok post that went viral, and it really made our made our halloween season. we hired some more people. we bought a bunch of new product. >> this bill is expected to pass the chamber with bipartisan support. however, it faces an uncertain future in the senate. the house vote is set to start at 7 a.m. of course, we'll bring you updates on the vote on our abc seven bay area app. you can download it and enable notifications to make sure you get alerts as soon as that vote happens. >> developing news about boeing's quality and safety concerns. the ntsb has announced it will hold a two day hearing in august about the alaska airlines jet that had the door plug blow out earlier this year. we're also learning the problems plaguing the airplane maker
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could force some airlines to reduce their flight schedules. abc news reporter nguyen explains the impact it could have on the industry. >> this morning, new details about this terrifying moment a door panel blew off an alaska airlines plane in mid-flight in january. the airline now confirms the boeing jet was scheduled to be taken out of service that very night for maintenance. the new york times reports. warning lights had previously alerted the crew to a possible pressurization problem, but the plane continued to be flown for ten days. boeing and its supplier, spirit aerosystems, have reportedly failed dozens of faa audits since that door panel incident. the faa reportedly observed mechanics at spirit using a hotel keycard to check a door seal, and spirit mechanics applied don soap to a door seal as lubricant. >> most of these problems go back to a failure to follow basic procedures, so this will be what boeing needs to do. go back to basics blocking and
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tackling of making sure that the airplanes are built the way that they're designed to be built. >> boeing's manufacturing woes are rippling across the industry. southwest, which only flies boeing jets, now says it will stop hiring pilots and flight attendants and may have to reduce flight schedules because of delivery delays from boeing. united airlines also imposing a hiring freeze, and alaska airlines is warning of possible schedule changes. more than 2800 boeing jets are in service nationwide. a recent poll found only 18% of passengers have high confidence that the planes are properly maintained. in response to the concerns, boeing saying we are squarely focused on implementing changes to strengthen quality as difficult and as painful. >> these inspections are for boeing. they will help them get back to basics, to be able to begin to earn the trust of the faa and the flying public. >> and when abc news, washington. >> new lawyers for scott peterson say they are, quote,
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eager to get their investigation into claims he was wrongly convicted underway. peterson appeared in a san mateo courtroom yesterday through zoom. he was convicted of killing his pregnant wife, laci, and their unborn son in 2002 and dumping her body in san francisco bay. the los angeles innocence project took up his case recently, and has filed a brief on his behalf with numerous exhibits. the group claims evidence was withheld from peterson's lawyers, as the defense was entitled to those at the time of trial. >> mr. peterson has been waiting 20 years to find some of these police reports and audio recordings and video recordings that should have been provided. >> the people have never been provided with an unredacted copy of those reports. we still do not know who these witnesses are. they're anonymous to us. >> uh- that was dave harris from the stanislaus county da office. he asked the court to reveal the names of some witnesses whose names are blacked out. in recent filings. nothing was decided during this hearing other than
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the judge setting additional dates. you can revisit the original scott peterson case and follow updates for the current case, all on abc seven >> your voice, your vote. senator bernie sanders giving a san francisco supervisor a national boost in a heated race. he now endorsed dean preston, who is hoping to get reelected for his district five seat. sanders says preston is a part of a new generation of progressive leaders who have the courage to address wealth and income inequality. preston is running against bilal mahmood, who has the support of a well-funded political action committee. california's primary election day was just over a week ago, and the only statewide measure on the ballot is still too close to call. prop one would use billions and bonds to provide housing for the homeless and the mentally ill. currently, yes votes are outpacing no. to 49.8, and it's a razor thin margin in the south bay congressional race. sam liccardo
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is in the lead. he'll be one of the two candidates in november's general election. but who will be the second? joe simitian is ahead of evan low by just 162 votes. see this is why you needed to vote this year. his lead keeps shrinking. this is the race to replace retiring representative anna eshoo. we're keeping track of every local race from super tuesday. the results are up right now at abc seven >> we're going to go outside a live look from our exploratorium camera. it is just a nice morning out there. we have partly cloudy conditions. we're done with the rain for the rest of the week. so what that means for your morning drive? no issues. we'll keep those partly cloudy conditions throughout much of the morning. temperatures. we're starting out in the 40s. we'll get you into the 50s closer to lunchtime and then into the afternoon. we'll lose the cloud cover for full sunshine, but a bit of a breeze is going to pick up. here's live doppler seven, along with satellite. the story we're tracking a high pressure is building in you can clearly see
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that with the void of cloud cover over the pacific and what that means for us, we enter a dry pattern and we'll start to see some warmer weather move in here over the next couple of days. here's future tracker temperatures getting you into midday. we have partly cloudy skies, temperatures in the upper 50s to around 60 degrees, and then in the afternoon it's full sunshine and those numbers feeling quite pleasant going into the 60s across the board. so a high of 63 in the city, 65 in oakland, 67 in san jose, up to 68. in fairfield today, 66 in napa. but later on this evening and early tomorrow morning, the winds are really going to pick up a wind advisory will kick in at 5 p.m. for much of the region , those winds could gust as high as 50mph. so we're going to go hour by hour in future weather. show you those wind speeds for you coming up in about nine minutes. drew. thank you. >> a battle for the last of the landline era coming up the bay area community is trying to keep at&t from pulling the plug. >> kanye west fans out in droves at chase center for a listening
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party. we're hearing from some of the fans who are there and news from the beehive. >> we're going to take a look at new merch and the new album name for beyonce's upcoming release and a live look outside right now. >> it is a b you're not alone. rent is up, and every family outing costs an arm and a leg. well, we want to help. so when prices go up, we find new ways to go low. and now, we've lowered the price on hundreds of your favorite products. designing something beautiful is easy. designing something beautiful with great quality for a low price? that's a different story. it's why we're here. that's a promise. not a promo. ♪("sinnerman" by nina simone)♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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bay is eroding because of storm damage. now some residents are concerned it's going to take too long to fix this is, of course, maria morada road, which is a key thoroughfare for residents and for businesses. san mateo county officials changed it to a one lane road because of safety concerns, but they haven't given a timeline for repairs. the manager of the historic miramar beach restaurant says she wants customers to get to the restaurant without being confused or just making it. >> a one lane road is not a solution. you would hope to see them doing work now. now it's just like they put a band-aid on it and they're they're gone now. >> the department of public works will be holding a
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neighborhood meeting about the road in two weeks. supervisor ray mueller says the county will figure out how to stabilize the road. >> several bay area counties are fighting to keep landline service. they say at&t is trying to pull the plug, claiming it's too expensive to maintain for so few customers. napa county's board of supervisors took up the issue yesterday. they plan on sending a letter opposing at&t s request. marin and sonoma counties have also sent in letters. san mateo county supervisors call it, quote, life saving technology that the county can't afford to lose. here's abc seven news reporter lena howland. >> those living in rural areas of san mateo county are no stranger to power outages. >> a frequent power outages means that we have use of our landline only a lifeline that could be going away if the california public utilities commission approves at&t s proposals to relieve them of the obligation to maintain landline service. >> on monday, we introduced you
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to the vail family of woodside. they also rely on their landline during power outages, so last year we had an eight day outage. >> there are seven days we would not have any kind of communication for police, fire or ambulance concerns that were amplified at the san mateo county board of supervisors meeting tuesday. >> and we do have a landline. and if it wasn't for that, i would not feel safe, on the coast at all. >> i see it as a threat to the public health and public health of safety. who for residents who live in our rural areas and our semi rural areas. >> at&t gave a presentation to quell concerns. >> we're not allowed just to turn off a customer and walk away explaining that 27 years ago, 15 million californians depended on landlines. >> now that number is closer to 500,000. >> the application seeks to be able to have that relief. if we are able to prove that there is an alternative that is as good, equal to or better than the
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landline, that somebody has in their phone today, they say the goal is to transition to more advanced new services. a landline, while it's, you know, feels like it's great and secure. it's actually not. i mean, you can't leave your house when your house is burning down with it. it's not perfect. >> meanwhile, county supervisors directed counsel to bring a resolution forward to formally oppose at&t application to make sure rural residents don't get left behind. we absolutely know there will be, and we're fighting for them every day on this. the california public utilities commission will be holding a public hearing about this issue on march 19th in redwood city. lena howland abc seven news. >> controversial rapper kanye west had a listening party last night at chase center. he's promoting a new album. he collaborated with fellow rapper ty dolla sign called vultures one, and is holding similar events around the country now. he did show up last night like he has at some of his other parties. he was wearing a mask on stage. it wasn't an official
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concert, but that didn't matter to the people who were there. >> any opportunity to see anyone performing? any, you know, any of their artistry or whatever it'd be called? it's pretty cool . >> i'm just here to see. i'm just here for the music. to be honest, i'm not really tripping. if he's performing. i mean, i've seen the, the videos. he's going to be there, like just walking around without a mic. but i'm just happy to be here, to be honest. >> west lost numerous partnerships and sponsorships, including a mega deal with adidas after a series of anti-semitic statements he made in 2022, he issued an apology in december of 2023 on instagram. >> cowboy carter that is the name of beyonce's new album that drops march 29th. she unveiled the name online along with new merchandise, limited edition cds, vinyl and t shirts. the t shirts include a white ringer t with a picture of beyonce and cowboy carter, and a white t with the black and white photo of beyonce in a cowboy getup. one of the songs she released
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last month, texas hold em, was her first number one country single in the us. we are ready for part two. >> what is what is this? what was that? she giddy up was that she was at nascar. we were just getting ready. although it looks like he was for different looks we're getting. and they're all very different. i like it, so taking all of it, i'm very excited. i want that red shirt. it >> i know you were the first one to show me the merch. >> yeah, i was zooming in on things. i was like, i want this so bad. >> well, then let's get it all right. >> i don't have a cd player, though. >> y'all already have gear. >> we do. and i wear it all the time. my husband tries to steal it. my husband tries to steal my hat all the time. let him wear it. i know i do. let him wear it. >> oh i wear, i wear it. yeah, yeah. okay. good. this i'm wearing it out. >> wear it front. well i shouldn't wear it out. >> watch out. i love that this morning we are in store for just a really nice start to the day before it gets breezy around
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here. >> here's the accuweather headlines. today is a sunny day later on this afternoon a breeze will start to pick up and that's in advance of a wind advisory that does kick in tonight. lasting through friday morning, where at times winds could gust in excess of 40mph. the weekend outlook the winds are gone, but we keep the sunshine and the warm weather temperatures out there. right now we're starting out mainly in the 40s, so it does feel cooler than this time yesterday when we were really in the 50s to begin our day. so looking at the sky, what we'll find is that partly cloudy conditions will greet us throughout the morning. then in the afternoon it's nothing but sunshine. you'll notice that breeze start to pick up, but it really accelerates tomorrow morning. here's future tracker wind speed showing you once that wind advisory kicks in at 5 p.m, you can see those winds developing, turning about 10 to 30mph in spots. it's really early tomorrow morning. those winds pick up even more and this is when we could find winds in excess of 40mph, especially in our hills and that's all day
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thursday, even into friday morning. those winds are still active midday and into the afternoon on friday, the winds will back off, but it's not out of the question. we could have some isolated trees come down just because it's a long duration wind event that we're underneath for about 36 hours today. enjoy the sunshine, the calm winds before they pick up later on this evening. quite pleasant out there. 60s for most of us. your sunset coming at 716 overnight tonight you'll hear those winds that will keep temperatures elevated. we're mainly staying in the 50s heading into thursday. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. it's been quite some time since we've seen a very quiet seven day. we have gusty winds tomorrow before they calm down on friday. the weekend looking superb even early next week as we officially say hello to spring on tuesday. those temperatures are above normal guys all right thank you drew. >> coming up, the seven things to know this morning taking a page out of former president trump's playbook. >> what disgraced former representative jorge santos is saying about his bid to win back
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his seat in congress this november. >> and a live look outside right now. 521 as we take a look at commuters making their way ac you're not gonna finish those salted nuts, right? never waking up from anesthesia -- 1 in 185,000.
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white house announced a plan overnight to expand access to medication that prevents drug overdose deaths, and bart was called out with several other public transit agencies as an example of how organizations are making this possible. bart trained officers to administer the drug on trains. >> number two, a big milestone for president biden and former president trump. both have clinched the nomination to represent their parties in the general election come november. >> number three the house is set to vote this morning on a bill that would give tiktok's chinese owner about six months to divest in the app or face a ban. the bills fate in the senate is uncertain. >> number four an early heads up, caltrans is planning a full closure of southbound i-680 in pleasanton this weekend for a repaving project. the closure is set to begin at 9 p.m. on friday. it will go through 4 a.m. monday. the project has been canceled several times because of rain.
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>> number five there is no rain in the forecast today. get ready for sunshine. pleasant temperatures later on this evening. the winds will turn breezy and they accelerate overnight. tonight, a wind advisory will be in effect for a big portion of the region through friday morning. for gusty winds up to 50mph. >> and number six, we are taking a look at drive times this morning. 580 westbound going from tracy to castro valley. it's going to take you 50 minutes right now. one on one northbound highway 85 to san jose airport, 11 minutes and just nine minutes on to 80 northbound. if you're going highway one to san francisco, number seven, berkeley's mayor and ohlone tribal leaders are planning to speak today about a plan to return a parking lot to the tribe. >> yesterday, the city council unanimously approved the plan for thousands of years, it was a burial and ceremonial ground. >> $3 million in federal funding is coming to san mateo county in the wake of last year's mass shooting at two farm sites in half moon bay. this money is
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going to the half moon bay farm workers ownership project. the county says it's going to be used to add 20 housing units, as well as a rec space in that area . that deadly shooting of seven people last january brought the working conditions of these farm workers to the forefront. at. >> a california lawmaker is pushing a new bill which would standardize active shooter drills in schools. assembly bill 1858 would provide guidance on drill tactics, including requiring schools to notify parents beforehand and making a school wide announcement prior to the drill. starting the bill would also ban the use of simulated gunfire to make it a potentially less disturbing event. it comes after several us schools implemented active shooter drills, which some students describe as traumatic. >> i texted my mom, i'm like, goodbye, just in case anything was to happen. it makes me more anxious to be in school, and it makes me more aware of my surroundings in a way that i don't particularly like.
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>> active shooter drills are extremely common. in fact, 95% of u.s. public schools since the 2015 2016 school year have had them. and when it comes to dealing with these issues of gun violence, we put together a full list of helpful places to take action. it's up for you now on our website, abc seven action. there's a new congressional effort intended to make your child's school lunch healthier. >> i always assume that there was someone in washington, d.c. who was watching my back in the same way that they wouldn't want harmful chemicals in the air and harmful chemicals in the water that would cause my kids cancer, that there was someone out there who had our back in washington, dc and is really blew my mind as i started to understand the situation that the us is a total global outlier in food safety. >> southern california congress member jesse gabriel says the fda isn't doing enough to keep our children safe. yesterday, he introduced a bill that would ban certain food additives from lunches served to california public schools that ban includes six synthetic food dyes. if the
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bill passes, it would become the first law of its kind in the country. coming up at 530, the two hollywood actresses using their platform to advocate for support among those diagnosed with ms. >> and some good news for dub nation steph curry off the injury list and has been cleared to return to practice. but he won't be taking the court for the game tonight.
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mornings live now at 530. >> the biden administration announcing a new plan to fight drug overdoses. bart is being recognized for the effort it has already made, and after securing their parties respective nominations. >> a biden-trump rematch locked in for november, but a third party candidate is hoping to disrupt the norm by choosing a celebrity running mate. >> a blockade of shipping containers topped with barbed wire still surrounding people's park, uc berkeley students and
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alumni now voicing their disapproval after having access to the park cut off. >> good morning everybody. it's wednesday, march 13th. >> we start with a check on the weather. >> hey, good morning guys, and we are setting up for a dry pattern that begins today and will last through early next week. here's a live look at our abc seven oakland airport camera . it is really quiet out there this morning. we do have dry pavement live doppler seven showing you across the entire state. it is very quiet. high pressure is building in and that will create the sunshine and the dry pattern ahead. temperatures though underneath mainly clear skies it will feel cooler. this morning compared to this time yesterday. yesterday, if you remember, we were in the 50s this morning. we're in the 40s, if not the upper 30s like danville. good morning danville 3948, in san rafael, we're at 45 in fremont. so the jacket needed. but later on today you get rid of it. lots of sunshine. it is a bright afternoon, but the winds will start to pick up. and later on tonight, reggie aqui a wind advisory will kick
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in for a huge portion of the region. we'll show you that coming up in about seven minutes. >> drew. thank you. now we take a look at our san jose 101 and 8-80 camera. it is pretty quiet. so good news there. you're right in the south bay is uneventful, so enjoy it. >> a new effort this morning to stop overdose deaths. the biden administration announcing a challenge to leaders, organizations and agencies across the country to make the life saving drug narcan available in more public spaces. it's also recognizing efforts that have already been made, including action taken by bart, abc seven news reporter gloria rodriguez joining us live in orinda with the call to action, gloria, good morning. >> kumasi. yes, bart and some other transit systems are already training their officers with naloxone so they can help people on trains and also at the stations. and the administration says that bart is already stepping up now also mentioned by the administration is insomniac events, working in partnership with end overdose to provide naloxone access and
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training at music festivals and events nationwide. and i've featured and overdosed before. they had a booth at a bay area music festival, and together they have trained more than 100,000 festival attendees nationally, according to the cdc, more than 100,000 people died from an overdose in 2023, and we know that the city of san francisco is reporting a spike in overdose deaths, the administration says it's delivered nearly 10 million naloxone kits, preventing more than 600,000 overdose deaths. and that's with funding from the department of health and human services. the administration says that bart and some other transit systems have already administered more than 2000 doses of naloxone. live in orinda gloria rodriguez, abc seven news. come november, we will vote on record numbers and we can do it within your power to do it. >> president biden has become the presumptive democratic
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nominee for president, according to the abc news delegate estimate. the president's reelection campaign posting a video on social media following georgia's democratic primary. it pushed him over the magic number of 9968 delegates to secure that nomination. the democratic national convention will be held in chicago this august. former president trump also secured his party's nomination last night. in a video, trump told supporters to stay focused on the november election. >> we're not going to take time to celebrate. we'll celebrate in eight months when the election is over. november 5th, i believe, will go down as the most important day in the history of our country. >> if reelected, trump is now promising to free people convicted in connection with the january 6th attack on the capitol. he has repeatedly claimed they were wrongfully imprisoned. nearly 1400 people have been arrested in connection with the insurrection, and hundreds of them have pleaded guilty. nearly 500 have received prison sentences. >> robert f kennedy jr, who will
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be running for president as an independent this november, is apparently zeroing in on a running mate, and the list is interesting, the new york times reports. aaron rodgers and jesse ventura are on a short list. rodgers would be an interesting choice since he is the qb of the new york jets, and the height of the campaign would coincide with football season. ventura would also bring star power. the former wrestler served as minnesota's governor. >> disgraced ex-congressman jorge santos is hoping voters will send him back to congress. he's launching a new campaign in a different district in new york , in an area of eastern long island. santos spoke about his congressional run along with his legal woes. he is facing a 23 count federal indictment. >> we're seeing it done. we're seeing it be done right now in a national stage. and the one page you can pull out of the playbook from president trump is trust the process, trust your team, and everything will be fine.
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>> santos says he will challenge the seat held by republican nick lalota, who led the charge to oust him from congress last year. santos was expelled from the house after an ethics report criticized his conduct and alleged misuse of campaign funds. new york's primary is in june. now to your money and some good and bad news when it comes to inflation, some prices at the grocery store up and others are down. abc news reporter andrew fujii explains what you're paying more for. >> applause on wall street as the s&p 500 hit a record high yesterday. investors shrugging off a new report that finds inflation once again rose last month. consumer prices were up 3.2% from a year ago, slightly above what was expected. and americans are noticing i love honeycrisp, but eight $9 for a bag of apples. >> now that's not good. >> the main culprits keeping prices high. gas rose 3.8, rent
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rose 0.4, clothing up 0.6, grocery prices overall were flat last month, but cereal and egg prices rose again, with eggs up nearly 6. >> i'm living paycheck to paycheck because it's so hard, really, to save president biden touted tuesday's inflation report, saying, my top economic priority is lowering costs and we continue to make progress. >> if inflation is going down, that's great, but i have not seen any of my bills get cheaper. it does not feel like it's gotten better. >> some good news in the furniture industry. costs are coming down. ikea now says it's cutting prices. >> ikea is reducing the pricing on a lot of their products due to the fact that global inflation is coming down and the company is now investing a lot in infrastructure and supply chain, which will further reduce the prices on their most popular products.
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>> furniture costs have dropped 4% in the last year, but with overall inflation rates ticking up slightly, don't expect the federal reserve to cut interest rates any time before the summer at the earliest. andrea fujii abc news, new york. >> seven on your side is hosting a tax chat this friday exactly one month before taxes are due. united way bay area is sponsoring this helpful opportunity, so get your questions answered by tax professionals. you can send them in now. go to abc seven click seven on your side and you'll find the form right there. then watch friday here on abc seven. >> stanford star cameron brink entering the wnba draft. brink was named the pac 12 conference player of the year for the second time in her career. she was also named the defensive player of the year for the third season in a row. she is expected to be one of the top picks in this year's draft. brink was also a member of stanford's 2021 national championship team. injured warriors superstar steph
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curry could be back in action later this week. team doctors cleared curry yesterday to return to on court activities, but he's not playing in the game tonight against the dallas mavericks. curry's missed the last two games after rolling his ankle last thursday. that injury will be reevaluated later this week and the dubs hope steph will be back for saturday's game against the lakers. you can watch coverage of that game right here on abc seven at 5 p.m. it has been more than a month since the state deployed a surge of chp patrols in and around oakland. up next, we are seeing some of the initial results of the governor's crackdown on crime in the east bay. >> a casting call for men looking for love. the requirement and the deadline to make it on the golden bachelorette. but first, to check on the weather with meteorologist joe tuma. >> right on. that's exciting. all right, here's your look at your morning drive. it is really quiet out there. we have partly cloudy conditions. we're done with the wet weather this week. temperatures on the chilly side starting out in the 40s. we'll
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start to climb into the 50s. post 9 a.m. here's a look at future weather. lunchtime we'll have partly cloudy conditions, mid 50s to the low 60s, and then in the afternoon we'll get rid of any cloud cover. it's bright sunshine and really pleasant temperatures today. going into the 60s for most cities, up to 67 with sunshine in san jose, 66 in concord, 67 in vallejo, 63 in the city, 65 in oakland, 59 in half moon bay, up to 68. in santa rosa, here's live doppler seven, along with satellite. we're in between two features low pressure, which was responsible for that drizzle we had yesterday morning. that's now slowly pushing off to the east. what's replacing it is high pressure and the proximity between these two. how close they are. it's called the pressure gradient and it's pretty tight right now. and that means we're pretty much in a wind tunnel later on this afternoon and especially tomorrow. so for that fact, a wind advisory will start to kick in here by 5 p.m. the strongest winds are likely to occur right before sunrise tomorrow, and
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then again friday morning. it's for a huge portion of the region where winds could gust up to 50mph. not out of the question. some of our hills could see winds even higher than that. so isolated trees could come down. even some isolated power outages as well. once those winds back down on friday, we're looking at a gorgeous weekend. we'll show you
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books help finding two women involved with a stolen car that had a toddler inside. the car was taken on monday on california avenue and san pablo. it was found with the child safe inside about 20 minutes later in richmond. later, oakland police were able to zero in on a suspect using pings from the victim's cell phone. that response resulted in a chase involving three women. they were able to arrest one woman, who is
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now facing kidnaping charges, two other women got away. new stats from the governor's office suggest the recent surge of chp patrols is making a difference in crimes like these in oakland. abc seven news reporter leslie brinkley takes us inside the numbers. >> the california governor's office said chp sting operations have led to the arrests of suspects tied to carjack rings and gangs in oakland. in just one month, elevated chp presence in the oakland area has led to the arrests of 168 suspects, with 360 stolen vehicles recovered and 16 crime linked firearms successfully seized, individuals arrested for possession of, you know, drugs, guns, stolen property and then people arrested for outstanding warrants that they that they had. >> this began with that surge that was announced about a month ago, involving a high number of chp personnel that went into the city of oakland onto city
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streets, not just on on the freeways. >> oakland's mayor reacted on social media, saying, together we are holding criminal groups accountable and disrupting their networks. 72 chp officers are currently assigned to the oakland area in the east bay. i'm leslie brinkley, abc seven news, passo south san francisco are getting a makeover under a new pilot program. >> state officials unveiled the reconnecting communities project south san francisco is one of three california cities where underutilized highways will be converted to restore community connected city. the state secretary of transportation says the program is one of a kind. >> the first of its kind in the entire country, where state is saying, yes, we have had some harms, we've made some mistakes, and we're here to correct some of those mistakes and harms in partnership with the community.
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>> the plan in south san francisco is to reduce access to barriers created by highway 101, el camino real and railroad tracks. public works crews are still working on repairs to the third street bridge in san francisco. it's right next to oracle park. it was damaged in last year's winter storms. several barges smashed into the bridge, creating parts or breaking parts of the railing. and those wooden planks. workers are attaching new steel beams to the east side of this historic overpass overpass, and then the next phase will be installing a new railing and rebuilding the wooden sidewalk. >> a bay area restaurant has made this year's michelin guide list. san francisco restaurant seven adams was one of ten california restaurants mentioned in the final selections. the five course dining venue is located on sutter street in the fillmore district. we don't know yet if the restaurants mentioned will receive a star, will be listed with no label or will be included as a bib gourmand. that's a restaurant considered a
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good value. >> rock megastar lenny kravitz received his star on the hollywood walk of fame. the four time grammy award winning artist unveiled his star yesterday in front of the capitol records building and his daughter, actress zoe kravitz, and his friend, actor denzel washington, were both there. kravitz has released 11 albums and sold 40 million copies worldwide. he is set to release his new album, blue electric light, in may. >> why are they reverse aging? i'm confused. did you see the close up of denzel? >> let me see denzel. >> look at this, man, you know, you know why is happening. >> you know i love it. >> actress christina applegate and jamie lynn sigler are opening up to the world about a disease they both share. the pair announcing a new podcast titled messy. the podcast will be centered around living with multiple sclerosis. applegate was diagnosed with ms. in 2021. while sigler has lived with the
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disease for about 20 years. the two actors decided to launch the podcast after realizing how sharing their experiences helped each other. coming up at seven, gma anchor robin roberts talks with both actors about their journey living with ms. you can watch the full interview on gma again right after abc seven mornings. >> all right, bachelor fans, do you know a single senior who may want to be on the golden bachelorette? because casting is happening right now. the inaugural season of the golden bachelor ended with gary finding love and getting married to teresa. but now that opens up the next season for the golden bachelorette and the process to find the men who will be competing for her heart. and that is just beginning. >> i want compassion and empathy . you know, i want a guy who has layers and, just great energy,
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charismatic, you know, i want when he gets out of the limo for a bachelorette to go, wow. okay just to be clear, she's not going to be the golden bachelorette, okay? >> she is the casting director, so she is looking for the men. got it. i don't think they've announced who the golden bachelorette is going to be, but usually it's somebody from the season before, right? >> that's true. >> and i can't wait because all of those ladies were fabulous. okay so in person casting starts in palm springs so you don't have far to go on march 16th, a saturday. but if you can't make it, you can apply online or you can nominate somebody by going to golden bachelorette casting dot com. okay, what is the age? >> i can't wait. >> yeah. what does it say? what does it say, i feel like wasn't it in the 60s? >> i feel like it was like 60 to 70 ish. >> yeah, yeah, yeah, for gary.
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yeah. >> i don't see that on here on the forum. >> maybe that's intentional. no limits. >> yeah. it does say you have to attach a copy of your driver's license. so they want to know. they want to know the age like don't lie to us. >> right. okay. i do find though that when they have the male contestants, it does tend to be messier, which i enjoy, right? >> i wanted this other one to be messy. >> they're all trying to become like, you know, the alpha in the pack, and it just turns to be just like good tv, you know? >> yeah, because these women had class and dignity. >> they they did. and we love that for them. but not for me. hate that for us. yeah i really hate it. i was like, these are nice people. >> yeah. some drinks thrown, some tables. >> i don't want anyone hurt. but i would like to see someone threaten to throw hands. yeah, yeah. >> there was not enough of. can i see you for a second? we needed more, i needed more a broken window. >> yeah. you know, just that sound like a broken spirit. >> just a smoking spirit? no. like someone's, like all or
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nothing. baby defeated? no. we had nice women who found a nice man, a screaming match. we just. or even, like a loud whisper, like someone pushed in a pool. oh, you know what you did? you know, like, just even that. like a hot mic moment. yeah. you know, it. name them. name, name, name them. here's the accuweather headlines. we'll name this sunny skies and breezy conditions later on this evening. a wind advisory kicks in here tonight, lasting through friday morning. it gets gusty around here but the weekend looking fantastic. get those plans ready this morning. you do want that winter jacket because it is cold out there 30s and 40s to begin the day. but we will get a lot of sunshine. here's how the day shapes up. we got partly cloudy skies early on. we'll lose the cloud cover this afternoon. a bit breezy though. under those bright conditions, but all in all looking nice. that wind advisory kicks in at 5 p.m. you'll notice the increase in winds later today, but it's really early tomorrow morning. all day tomorrow, early friday morning. those winds could gust
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up to 50mph at times, particularly in our hills where we could find the fastest wind speeds. those winds will back off friday midday, setting us up for a nice afternoon on friday and a nice weekend today. we'll find sunshine temperatures in the 60s, that breeze picking up later this evening, turning windy overnight. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. it's just looking very nice. gusty winds tomorrow. but those winds back off on friday. the weekend looking great both saturday and sunday for saint pat's early next week. we keep those above average temperatures . spring officially begins here tuesday evening guys. dr. >> thank you. new at six. the ominous warnings overnight from russian president vladimir putin about the war with ukraine. >> first, though, the battle over people's park continues in berkeley, wiget students, students and alumni have to
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tribal leaders plan to speak today about a plan to return some sacred land to the tribe. the city council unanimously approved this proposal yesterday to turn over the berkeley shellmound that land at university avenue and fourth street is currently a parking lot, but for thousands of years it was a burial and ceremonial ground. the current owner of that land will receive $27 million in exchange for the property. the majority of the funding will come from a trust that works to return land to native people. >> the california supreme court is going to take up the battle over people's park in berkeley. it's been months since the park was cleared and closed off to the public. uc berkeley is hoping to turn it into housing for students and the community, but many aren't happy with that idea. here's abc seven news reporter ryan curry.
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>> if you go around dwight way and haight street, all you'll see are shipping containers stacked on top of each other with cameras. all around the park. >> the university made this unannounced move on tuesday. >> students and alumni stood in front of the barricade of shipping containers, asking the university to open the park. >> this space was actually cultivated by residents, community members, students. >> it's been over two months since the university closed the park. while they wait to start building a new housing project, uc berkeley plans to build over 1000 new units of student housing and 100 units of supportive, low income housing that project is on hold, waiting for a ruling from the state supreme court until that comes, people are not allowed in people's park. >> there was a lot of disbelief, like when we saw the plans of like the shipping container walls. we were like, no, that's that's going to be a psych out. this has to be a fake plan. like there's no way this is really what's going to be happening in january. >> chp, berkeley police and university police came in full riot gear to stop protesters and close off the park. a
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confrontation led to a few protesters being arrested. >> there was just vans driving up to white and then, like full gear riot cops, crossbody rifles jump out and start sprinting into the park. >> uc berkeley says these shipping containers, as well as the amount of police that night, was necessary because the last time they tried to fence off this park, they were met with heavy protests. in the summer of 2022. >> all of that was made necessary because when we tried to close the park in august of 22, there was an outbreak of violence and vandalism. >> now, questions are being raised over if the university has a developer to build this project. the university says they are the developers of the student housing building, but they're looking for one to build the affordable housing complex. >> we don't have a developer for that yet because we want to settle the legal issues first and then absolutely, we're going to find a developer. there's a lot of interest out there. meanwhile the students and alumni say they want the university to look elsewhere. >> you have no developer, and that's really not what we want. we've told you like what we want
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and you're not listening. >> in berkeley, ryan curry, abc seven news, new at six. >> why some of you may get a rebate on your trash service here in the bay area. then tiktok could be coming to downtown san francisco. >> the compa then we are looking for you. we are the peace corps. with volunteers in more than 60 countries. living together. working together. transforming lives. together. join us.
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