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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  March 13, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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of san francisco international airport for more than three hours this morning. part of the off ramp to the international terminal was impacted, along with two security checkpoints. abc seven news reporter suzanne vaughan has a look at what happened. they sang, they clapped, they drummed of protesters shut down part of the international terminal at san francisco airport to get their message across. today here's how things looked from sky seven. we cannot stand idly anymore. demonstrators say it was part of a global day of action to demand a permanent ceasefire in gaza and an end to u.s. financial support for israel military travelers, flight crews, people coming and going through the area got a taste of detours and delays, and they blocked the roads. >> so we stuck there for almost 25 minutes. >> i think it's just a noise. people i understand the issue, but i don't think it's the right way to do it. >> demonstrators say the airport protest was about forcing people
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to take notice. >> we know that there's people that were inconvenienced. we want to make sure that we have our message be heard loudly and clearly. >> airport officials say passengers were rerouted from the international terminal to other terminals. a large number of uniformed officers were also on standby. >> we also took advantage of our airtrain light rail system. we set up a remote drop off area for passengers that might normally be coming to the international terminal. >> some travelers say the minor inconveniences they faced are worth it for the greater cause. >> this should be happening. we need some sort of reform, so i think this is a good thing to protest. >> according to law enforcement, there were 100 demonstrators at each one of the gangee a and there were a bunch more demonstrators just outside international terminal. at the end of the day, airport officials say things ended peacefully. no one was arrested and no flights were delayed at san francisco airport. suzanne vaughn abc seven news a scare earlier today at willow glen
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high school in san jose, a report that a student brought a weapon on campus led to a lockdown. police responded to the scene and during their investigation, detained a student and recovered a b-b gun. the lockdown was lifted just after 2 p.m, and parents were allowed to take their students home. >> all right, turning now to last week's primary election and some races are still too close to call. >> yes, second place in the 16th district congressional race is now at a razor thin margin. sam liccardo is in the lead. he'll be one of the two candidates in november's general election. >> now for second place, joe simitian is ahead of evan low. but by only 162 votes. abc7 news south bay reporter zach fuentes tracking the race for us. hi, zach. >> hey, guys. yeah, all of the eligible mail in ballots have been received, and the count is underway. and in this race, for second place, every vote is definitely going to matter. i got to hear from some of the candidates and a political expert about what happens next. sam liccardo, evan low and joe simitian have been leaders in
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the race for the district 16 congressional seat. the spot is opening up for the first time in more than 30 years, as representative anna eshoo retires with liccardo leading low in simitian by a relatively wide margin. the associated press already called the election in his favor, but the battle for second place is far from over. whoever wins will advance to november's runoff to run against liccardo. liccardo says he's grateful to be in the lead and says the tight race for second place shows the importance of voter turnout. >> the reality is decisions are going to be made for you if you're not making the decisions, so i encourage everybody to get out there and vote in november because as we're sitting here from this march election, this is going to be decided by a very small number of votes, whoever my opponent is. >> simitian was confident on election night, we are clearly in the top two, but now it's not so clear. >> what we're seeing now is a little bit of the votes that come in later. those those last minute procrastinators who who get their ballots in, you know, at the last minute, more likely
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to be younger voters, less engaged voters. and that seems to be trending toward evan low. >> in a statement released tuesday, simitian said every vote counts and every vote has to be counted. that's the nature of our process and that's as it should be. having said that, we were in the top two on election night and have been every day since, so i'm confident and optimistic, but we'll wait for the results. evan low also issued a statement that said in part to me, no matter the ultimate outcome, the closeness of this race shows that your vote truly matters. your vote can have a real impact on who represents your community. depending on how close the votes end up being between the two candidates, professor of political science melinda jackson said one of them could request a recount that they would have to pay for if it goes in their favor, then they get paid back. >> we don't have an automatic recount process in california where when it's within a certain margin, it's automatically triggered for a recount. so i think it depends how close it is at the end of the day, whether either these candidates will choose to do that.
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>> now remember, this congressional district spans multiple communities, different counties. and in santa clara county alone, the registrar tells me they still have 17,000 vote by mail ballots to count to process in both santa clara county and san mateo counties have until april 4th to finalize some of those official results. the california secretary of state is going to certify the election results april 12th, so a lot of things still coming in as they determine who is going to be in second place right now, live in san jose. zach fuentes, abc seven news. >> all right. they've got a ways to go then. thank you. zach. the only statewide measure on the ballot is also too close to call right now. proposition one would use billions in bonds to provide housing for the homeless and the mentally ill. currently, it is at 50.1. yes. the number of yes votes outnumbers no votes by about 10,000 at this point. wow >> san jose mayor matt mehan has revealed his march budget message. it includes a lot of time, money and resources aimed
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at addressing homelessness. the budget for the next fiscal year includes a $52 million shortfall. mayor mehan says it's going to cost about $25 million for storm water permit requirements, which tied directly to homelessness. the city has to move all citizens who are currently living in encampment along waterways because of pollution risks or face steep fines from the epa. >> frankly, what it means is trade offs. it means getting much more pragmatic with your tax dollars so that we don't simply move people out of our creeks and onto your streets, mehan says. >> besides addressing homelessness, the biggest budget priorities are rebuilding the police department, cleaning up the city and making it easier to bring jobs and housing to san jose. the march budget proposal will be voted on at next week's city council meeting, citing safety concerns and a lack of dialog. >> a san mateo county supervisor is slamming the state for allowing waymo to operate in the county. earlier this month, the california public utilities commission, which oversees those
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driverless pilot programs, allowed waymo to expand on the peninsula. supervisor david canepa says. this week, the county sent a letter to the cpuc challenging that decision. he cites safety concerns. he says the county has not had the opportunity to discuss with waymo. canopus says the cpuc had up to four months to make a decision on the expansion, but the review process took only 11 days. >> turning now to the weather. i think i like what i'm seeing, except i don't know about what i'm feeling because it's going to be kind of windy. >> windy, but more i mean, this is it's beautiful. based on what we've had the past few weeks. sandhya, i know the warm up is coming, but first the wind. >> yeah, you know what? we're going to have to deal with the wind. >> larry and kristen, let me show you the current temperatures. we're already pushing close to 70 degrees in napa, fairfield, brentwood. so it's just a beautiful day. it is certainly warmer. and that warming trend is going to continue. as we look at a live picture from our emeryville
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camera. notice that shaky view looking back towards the golden gate bridge over the higher terrain, we are seeing those gusty winds 30 miles an hour. mount diablo 22 east foothills at the lower elevations. it's breezy in spots that wind advisory starts at 5:00 tonight. it runs until 11 a.m. friday, but for the valleys, it begins at 10 p.m. tonight, and it is in effect until 5 p.m. tomorrow. all right, so here's what you need to know. north northeasterly winds gusting 45 to 55 miles an hour. and that is concerning as obviously we could see a few outages or possibly tree limbs going down as we go. hour by hour. you will notice the increase in the winds, a little bit of a drop off and then picking right back up going towards tomorrow morning and into the afternoon. they're going to be close to 40 miles an hour at the lower elevations, higher elevations even stronger. i'll let you know when those winds are going to back off and the warmth sticks around. coming right up. kristen. larry. >> all right, sandy, see you in a few minutes with a seven day forecast. now to southern california. at least three homes
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were damaged by a landslide. and you can see just how big that slide was, leaving a gaping crack in the earth. >> several families were told to evacuate overnight, and one home has been redtagged reporter rob hayes from our sister station in los angeles has the details. >> the call came in just before three this morning. a report of a fallen tree. when firefighters got here, though, they found much more than that. three homes on ventura canyon avenue, victims of a landslide. this one the hardest hit. >> it was completely destroyed. flattened by the by the landslide. and that was a red tag. >> fortunately, that house was under construction and no one was home. this house right next door also struck by the slide it to redtagged. above the two damaged houses sits the property firefighters say gave way, carving out a 30 foot deep chasm, a swimming pool left hanging in the balance. >> we ended up draining that pool that was to relieve, alleviate some of the weight in there and take off some of the stress of the soil up there.
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>> today's slide catching the neighborhood by surprise. residents stunned to see such a big chunk of the hills coming down here and worried what could come next. >> i'm concerned about the mudslides and my retaining wall and the house above me. so just in case, i mean, i'm just taking out my valuables at the house. >> officials blaming the slide on all the rain we've seen this winter. the last few days have been dry, but the hillsides, they say, are still saturated. the soil is like a sponge. >> it sucks up all that rain and it takes a long time for that to dissipate and dry out. so we always advise people in the canyons and in the hills to use caution. rob hayes, abc seven news. >> coming up on abc seven news at four. is it really the end of tiktok? one step closer now to a possible ban here in the us, preventing overdoses? the bay area agency highlighted by the biden administration and a celebration in the east bay after the decision to return
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ get exclusive offers on select new volvo models. contact your volvo retailer to learn more. the biden administration is launching a new initiative called the white house challenge to save lives from overdose groups in cities nationwide are being asked to commit to more training for deployment of the life saving drug narcan. >> the administration is
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highlighting bart as an example of what can be done to save lives. >> abc7 news reporter gloria rodriguez has the details. reporter while they carry out their daily duties, all of the bart police department's frontline employees are carrying narcan in case they need to reverse an opioid overdose. >> san francisco the city of and the greater bay area was, was truly one of the epicenters nationwide when the opioid epidemic really began and bart was very forward thinking, and we began our deployment in may of 2019. and so we've we've had about five years of deployment, and they've saved more than 400 lives using a lock zone at stations like this one and on trains. >> the biden-harris administration recognized other organizations such as insomniac events and end overdose, which has had a booth at a bay area festival in the past. they provide naloxone access and training at music festivals and events nationwide, and according to the cdc, more than 100,000
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people died from an overdose in 2023. nationwide, it was the deadliest year ever for overdoses in san francisco, with 811 deaths. bart has seen their use of naloxone increase. >> we started in 2020 with about 29 deployments of naloxone to 2023 188, which is more than quadrupled from that initial 2020 number. and this year alone , uh- through the end of february, we've had 20 deployments of naloxone in the field. this year, as a bart writer, every day you see a lot of people in trouble. >> and so if that helps and the training helps, i'm all for it. >> the biden-harris administration says bart is already stepping up and is asking other organizations across the country to also make a commitment in orinda. gloria rodriguez, abc seven news. the biden administration has announced $3.3 billion in grant awards to help cities across the
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u.s. improve highways, add new transit routes, sidewalks and bridges. the alameda county transportation commission, the city of san rafael, and the san francisco county transportation authority will all receive grants for current infrastructure projects in berkeley today, a celebration for what the city calls the largest urban land give back to indigenous people in california state history. >> that moment was marked by tribal dance and ceremony. abc7 news reporter anser hassan looks at the decision that comes after years of litigation between the city and the landowner >> it was a ceremony to mark renewal and rematriation the restoring of a sacred relationship between the ohlone people and the earth. >> we acknowledge and honor the original inhabitants of berkeley. the documented 5000 year history of a vibrant community at the west berkeley, shellmound, and the ohlone people who continue to reside here in the east bay. >> in a unanimous vote on tuesday night, the city of
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berkeley announced a settlement to purchase the city block, which is currently a parking lot serving the fourth street promenade. >> this is the largest urban land get back in the state of california to an to an indigenous tribe. >> the two acre site is believed to be part of the first human settlement in the bay area. the shellmound was a human made mound of earth and a place of sacred ceremonies. >> we are celebrating today the return of native lands to native hands. >> the land will be handed over to the security land trust. they plan on converting it back to a place of gathering and ceremony, and including an educational facility and museum about the ohlone people. >> we want to restore the native landscape, daylight, the creek that flows through this area. we want. yes, we want to plant native medicines, native foods to honor the native people that were standing on right here. >> and that's the sad part that people do not even know know
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that we're here. >> efforts to develop the site goes back several years. a housing development was planned and then blocked by the city, which designated the land as a historical landmark after a years long battle with the property owner, berkeley agreed to buy the land for $27 million. >> we wish them well. we wish the trust well and excited to see what's going to happen at the site. >> tribal leaders say this is just the first step. it can take years before work on a new project will begin in berkeley, anser hassan. abc seven news. >> all right, that's big. yes indeed. >> all right. we got the sunshine, which is lovely, but you kind of have to watch out for those winds coming. yeah. >> for sure. here's sandyha patel with a look at the forecast. >> yeah, absolutely. definitely be aware of your surroundings because as those winds get stronger later on tonight larry and kristen we are going to notice there's potential for things getting blown around, possible outages and isolated tree limbs going down. let me show you the 24 hour temperature change. it does feel good to be outside when you're ten degrees
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warmer in napa, up six degrees in concord. here's a view from our south beach camera where you're seeing plenty of sun. it is 59 in the city, low to mid 60s from oakland to san jose. currently 57 degrees in half moon bay. from our mount tam cam, you can see some high, thin, wispy clouds. 69, in santa rosa and napa, you're in the upper 60s in fairfield, concord, livermore in the mid 60s, looking at live doppler seven, we had a few high clouds come through here earlier today, and we still have a few wispy clouds, but it is a dry pattern. we're in for a high pressure in command of our weather. it's really sending the storm track well to our north, but because high pressure is building in behind the departing low, we're getting squeezed in the middle. and that's why we're expecting those winds to increase. it is a little breezy out there in napa, gusting to 2422 in half moon bay. walnut creek camera is showing you plenty of sun tonight through friday morning. gusty offshore winds, sunny and much warmer the next few days. and as we head into the weekend,
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we have warmth coming your way. with the winds easing. still springlike nice enough to hit the beach. let me show you your hour by hour forecast 5:00 tonight, 25 to almost 30 mile an hour. winds along the coastline. the higher terrain, of course, stronger winds. this is low elevation winds. at 11 p.m. you will notice 20 to almost 30 miles an hour. and then tomorrow morning, those winds increase. it's getting gustier as we head into the morning hours. and then into the afternoon. still 3036 miles an hour friday morning. we continue to see that northeasterly dry downsloping wind and it really sort of peaks around 11, 12:00, 40 miles an hour there in calistoga. and then it backs off quickly. so as those winds ease, it will certainly be better as we head into the weekend. but here's a look at the hourly forecast this evening. 50s and 60s. still nice to get outside. 730 you will notice temperatures are coming down, but it's not terribly cold tomorrow morning. we start out with clear conditions. tomorrow afternoon. by noontime you're already seeing those 60s in many areas. and for the afternoon,
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upper 60s to low 70s. i'll show you where they'll ultimately end up in just a moment. tomorrow morning, most of you will be in the 40s and 50s. watch out for the winds tomorrow afternoon. a nice day, but once again, gusty winds with us 70, in santa rosa, fremont, san jose, 68 in the city, 69 in oakland and livermore and fairfield. here's a look at the accuweather seven day forecast. we're going to go with a windy one tomorrow, but certainly sunny and warmer. and that warming continues on friday mid 70s and the warmest locations. springlike warmth sticking around for the weekend for saint patrick's day included, but not quite as windy now. monday is when we'll notice those temperatures actually reaching their peak, and then tuesday. spring starts in the evening and slowly it cools off as we go into tuesday and wednesday, kristin and larry, it's still 70s. wowie i know, nice, right? we don't have a storm impact scale on any of those days. >> excellent news >> we do need the rain, but you
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know. >> yeah, we'll take 70 and sunny. >> that's okay. thanks. >> all right. one of tv's most exciting shows. 9-1-1 is moving to abc. the new season premieres tomorrow night, and we've got a preview from an all star cast. that's right. >> here's reporter george pennacchio from our sister station in los angeles. >> it's one of the most heart pounding shows on television. >> you hear that? >> and now 9-1-1 is back for season seven on its new network, abc. >> it's edge of your seat is bigger than anything done. of course, the cruise ship and just and mayhem. >> it's insane, per usual for 9-1-1. it's exciting, it has love. it has romance, it has, scary moments. and it's, you know, it's 9-1-1 it's good. it's very exciting. it's been a really fun season so far. >> and what's the secret to the show being a fan favorite for so long? >> it's because it's pure entertainment most of the time. you know, we make disaster films
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on this show, which is the first three episodes of this season. we do romantic comedies, we do thrillers, we do horror, we do comedy, drama, everything. i'm looking for my wife. >> where is she? saving the ship. george pennacchio for abc news and 9-1-1 premieres tomorrow night at 8:00 right here on abc seven. >> coming up. welcome home for the conference title winning gaels of saint mary's and the bay area will soon be saying, welcome to wrexham afc. >> the team made popular by the hit show is now
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i'm franklin graham. i'm in jerusalem, israel, and i'm standing in front of what they call the garden tomb. an empty tomb, and many people believe that's where the body of jesus christ lay after he was crucified for our sins. but on the third day, god raised his son to life. that's our hope in this troubled world in which we live. our hope is in christ, a risen savior. have you ever trusted him as your savior? have you ever invited him into your heart? have you ever surrendered your life to him? if you haven't done it, do that right now. just pray this prayer. say, "god, i'm a sinner. "i'm sorry. forgive me. "i believe jesus, your son. "i want to invite him into my heart, "and trust him as my savior, and follow him as my lord "from this day forward. amen." if you prayed that prayer we've got some people that would like to talk to you, pray with you.
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so, call that number that's on the screen. do that right now. god bless you! thank you! ( ♪ ) feel the power of osteo bi-flex®. taken every day, it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days, with significant improvement over time. ( ♪ )
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team returned as winners of the west coast conference men's basketball title. the gaels defeating powerhouse gonzaga last night, 6960, ending the bulldogs four year monopoly on the wcc championship title. parents and students cheered as the gaels bus arrived back on campus from the tournament in las vegas, the team taking in the love in moraga. >> you know, this is hometown love. you know, being from here and everything. it's great to see all the support we're getting. and, you know, we hope to continue that and get a couple more bus rides back with people here. so we're looking forward to the to the next step in our journey. >> the next step is the ncaa tournament. saint mary's last won the wcc tournament in 2019. the gaels and the bulldogs, the only two teams to win the last
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15 conference tournament titles. >> complete domination two popular british soccer clubs will face off this summer here in the bay area. tickets went on sale today for chelsea fc versus wrexham afc. the match is set for july 24th at levi stadium. wrexham has become one of the most popular soccer teams in the us and uk. the club is owned by actors ryan reynolds and rob mcelhenney. tickets start at 50 bucks. that's about double the price of the cheapest tickets to see the clubs in the uk. i imagine tickets will go very quickly given the popularity of the show, i'm sure. >> yeah. all right. security risk or is it just a fun app? lawmakers take another step toward possibly banning tiktok in the u.s. what that means and why some say the plan just goes too far. >> and later, the summer of love in pictures and the photographer who shared it
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message that we're standing up to china, that potential us ban on tiktok is now one step closer. >> the concern is about tiktok's ties to the chinese government today, lawmakers passed a bill that could potentially ban the social media site in the us. >> here's abc news reporter perry russom. >> the rules are suspended. the bill is passed today. >> one step closer to a tiktok shutdown. >> tiktok is a threat to our national security. >> this morning, the house overwhelmingly passing a bill that would ban tiktok if its parent company, bytedance, does not sell the app in the next six months. >> this is not an attempt to ban tiktok. it's an attempt to make tiktok better. tik tac toe a winner the app has about 170 million users in the united
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states. >> that's more than half the american population. >> i use tiktok a lot. i kind of just like, keeps me informed. >> it helps me be aware of more activism as well as like issues going on in the community. >> lawmakers on capitol hill say their issue is not with tiktok. they say they're concerned about bytedance, a company in china, and its ties to the chinese government. lawmakers say bytedance could share user data with the chinese government, and china could control what americans see and do not see on their phones. >> tiktok is owned by bytedance, bytedance is in china, and when you're in china, you have to do whatever the chinese communist party says you have to do. a tiktok spokesperson says they have never shared user information with the chinese government. >> this is a pandora's box. what's to stop congress or the united states government in the future? from forcing the sale of another social media company, claiming that it's protecting americans data from foreign adversaries? >> the bill now goes to the senate. if it passes there, it
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heads to the president to sign into law. >> if they pass it, i'll sign it. >> senate majority leader chuck schumer says he will review the bill he has not committed to putting up for a vote just yet. top senate intelligence leaders are pushing for a vote, citing the national security threats. perry russom, abc news, washington. >> and south bay congressman ro khanna says he believes the potential ban goes too far. >> this is blatantly unconstitutional and i don't think the courts would uphold it. and the reason is if the sale didn't happen, it goes to a ban. the supreme court has said it has to be the least restrictive alternative. when you look at a free speech, which 170 million americans free speech is at impact, and we could have said that there should have been financial penalties if there isn't a divestiture. we should have said that we need a strong data privacy bill, but to ban it, i, i don't think survives. i think it would be struck down 9 to 0 by the supreme court. i believe that china's ccp poses a threat. let's focus on what they can do
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to invade taiwan and make sure that we have naval superiority. let's focus on making sure our steel and our manufacturing is brought back home and not have a trade deficit, but this is not the top concern when you look at the chinese communist party, and it's going to affect the lives of many americans, there were 50 folks, influencers and creators in my office. they're not 20 and 30 year olds. these were 40, 50 year olds. biden supporters, trump supporters are using this as small business, and i think there are going to be a lot of people very upset. >> well, the bill goes to the senate now for a vote, a milestone today for the presidential election. >> president joe biden and former president donald trump have officially secured enough delegates to be considered the presumptive nominees. the designation allows the candidates to coordinate directly with the national democratic and republican parties. they aren't considered official nominees until the summer convention, as a judge in georgia has dismissed some of
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the election interference charges against former president trump. three of the 41 charges against mr. trump were dropped, and three more against other defendants in the case were dropped as well. those dropped charges all involve soliciting elected officials to violate their oaths of office. the order does not mention the ethics allegations against fulton county da fani willis ruling on that is expected by the end of the week. >> state leaders are considering several suggestions that could give financially strapped news organizations across california a cash infusion. the senate committee on revenue and taxation is looking at adding an ad sales tax and also considering providing tax credits to some of those news operations. the committee held a hearing today to look at some of the factors that have led to what many call a journalism crisis. >> increasingly, communities have no independent source of local news. now, that has created a vacuum, and that
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vacuum has been filled by those who seek to use misinformation and in some cases, conspiracy theories, to confuse and manipulate our residents. >> one expert at today's hearing estimates there's been a 68% drop in the number of journalists in california since 2005, and 160 newspapers have closed in that time. >> coming up fast changes coming to fast food restaurants and why dog brain could be a compliment, i'm not sure for whom, but
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fast food restaurants that are closing their dining rooms out of crime concerns. but the question now is, is there a bigger shift that's happening here? chick fil a has announced two new concepts. they're testing a pickup only restaurant in new york and a drive thru only in atlanta. mcdonald's, wingstop, taco bell, even ihop are testing similar ideas. i'm not sure how you do the drive thru with the pancakes at ihop, but it's a little messy. yeah, it can be, dan, you think this is mostly about safety or just making it easier for people to get in and out? you know, i think it's probably both. >> just take a guess at it. safety. certainly. we saw what's happened in oakland where they're concerned about customers and employees in areas
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where there have been some significant crime. but it's also an interesting experiment because think about it, you need less square footage. if you don't have a dining room, you need fewer employees. if you don't have a dining room. so it may be a more efficient, cost effective way to do business. although not everybody wants to take it in their car and eat in their car or go to their destination. so i think you might lose as much as you gain in some respects. >> yeah. sandy, what do you think? >> yeah, i mean, i agree with dan, it is a cost cutting move. but if some people like to just go out and sit down and have a nice meal, you know, it's going to be tougher, that's for sure. they might not go there anymore. yeah. >> i've seen this recently with some starbucks locations as well. and that's too bad because i think there can be a sense of community there when you have like a coffee place culture, so we'll see. >> and i want to see anybody eating pancakes, driving, trying to cut their. >> i have done that with one of my kids, believe it or not. >> well, wait a second. oh hold on officer. yeah they're getting cold. >> i wasn't driving and feeding her when they were younger. we
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were on a road trip and she wanted pancakes, so i had to figure out something clever to put the pancakes in her lap so she can cut them and eat them. and she was clean. excellent. yeah. >> macgyver. patel. all right, now, to some wedding etiquette. a woman was asked to be a bridesmaid, and after saying yes, learned that it was going to be $8,000 for her to go to that destination wedding. on getting answers today, we asked etiquette expert nick layton for his assessment. >> and i think so often we work backwards. we start with the destination some far north boreal circle scandinavian destination that we forget. oh, who can we cram in there rather then? who are my friends, who i really want there on that special day? and what kind of event can they actually afford to attend? >> see, that is such a good idea. and nick added, the planning process should start with the guest list and then go from there. it's like if you know the people you all love and want to be there, can't afford this stuff. why are you like saying hey? oh, by the way, $8,000. >> yeah, that's a little bit of
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a bait and switch. you know? hey, i'm a romantic, but i'm not a big fan of the destination wedding, you know, save that for your honeymoon. go the destination. it's a lot to ask people. not only the expense, but traveling to parts unknown, taking the time off and getting there. it's a little inconvenient. i think for a lot of people, it gets really expensive. >> also, to celebrate somebody else's wedding. i mean, unless you could turn it into your own vacation, but still it gets really pricey, playing with puppies might help you relax. turns out that spending time with dogs can help strengthen brainwaves associated with reducing stress. a small study by researchers in south korea asked people to engage with dogs, interact with them. participants were then asked about their emotional state. the result heightened attention, concentration and relaxation. we need some dogs in the newsroom, man. that's that's that's we do. >> i saw a quote recently. >> i don't know that this is true, but it said people don't
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deserve dogs because dogs are so wonderful. but you know, not surprising. that's why dogs are so fantastic. they do have all of those qualities that that just delight us. >> and also, you see on college campuses during finals, they bring in animals and, you know, the kids can just relax for a few minutes. and it just it is. >> yeah. >> sometimes your mind off things. >> other times it's llamas. have you guys seen those. yeah. >> oh yeah. oh yeah. >> they're apparently very comfy . i always would try to get the dog to take the test for me, but that didn't work out. >> oh that explains a lot. >> yeah, yeah it does doesn't it. >> that's very good. and look at where that's gotten you dan i walked right into that. >> yeah. >> now to some video that could be considered both cute and terrifying. the staff at a virginia wildlife center went the extra mile to help an orphaned red fox. uh. they donned a furry fox mask during feeding time. the goal is to help prevent imprinting on a human. they hope to eventually reunite the kit with its mother.
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i mean, okay, this is taking the whole furries concept a little too far. >> yeah, especially for the young kids. i could see how they would be like, oh my god, it's a little scary. >> i mean, i wish we could have asked the kid, hey, are you freaked out by this? but you know, it. it can't really explain to us. well, so you just have to. >> it seems like the baby just wants to eat more. i don't even know if they realize that the fake fox is there or what's going on, but that's. >> it's interesting. i've never seen. >> i would not have thought of that. >> but it's the baby could be thinking they're not trying to pass this off as a real fox, are they? >> you would think they're just a sense of smell, that they would know the difference. but although it's a clever idea. >> yeah. i'm sorry, i was seeing that will make me want to imprint on a human and not a fellow fox. >> get your halloween costume and your
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history month. today we talk to women about their influence on the arts in the bay area. the artistic director of theatreworks silicon valley and the co-founder of san francisco playhouse talked with abc7 news anchor kumasi aaron on our streaming 7 a.m. newscast about the impact of the arts. >> it's a place where people can come and relax and learn stories about other walks of life, and find out that they have more in common than they have different. and that has resonated through the years. so we're just incredibly grateful. >> i think the thing i'm most
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proudest of is how many people, i've been able to uplift and employ through being a director of new works, how many opportunities i've been able to give. and i mean, i feel like i sit in theaters sometimes, like an italian grandma going, i gave them their equity card, or we helped launch that play. and so i think the most important thing we can do is remember that it's a theater community and we're uplifting each other and supporting each other and creating opportunities. speaking of the arts, there's a new exhibit at san francisco's de young museum capturing a glamorous side of photography that may be lost in the in the age of selfies. >> yes, it's the work of a single photographer able to convince everyone from dock workers to celebrities, to members of a famous motorcycle club to sit for portraits. >> abc seven news anchor karina nova takes a look back. >> pen was very sensitive to the
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sort of set up in some ways, walking through the irving penn exhibit is like taking a magazine cover tour of 20th century america, from the glitzy postwar fashion layouts for vogue magazine to the celebrity portraits that helped define his work, everyone from a soulful pablo picasso to a shy, smiling audrey hepburn to an exotic and distant marlena dietrich. >> jeff rosenheim is curator with the metropolitan museum of art, which loaned the penn collection. >> he traveled the world with his camera, but in new york he was able to explore people who were coming through the city. he was in the right place at the right time. he was a master technician. the pictures are amazing. he was a great image maker, but he was a splendid object maker. but in the 1960s, penn turned his lens on san francisco and the summer of love, capturing formal group portraits of bands like the grateful dead with big brother and the holding company, and giving middle america its first look at san francisco's hippies,
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complete with young families. >> i love this portrait such sensitivity, with which penn captures their connections. >> the young curator emma acker says. penn was even able to coax members of the hells angels motorcycle club into his formal backdrop by giving them easy access to a studio in sausalito. >> he actually told them to ride on up the freight elevator of the building on their bikes and immediately begin posing, and he described them as coiled springs ready to fly loose and make trouble. and he said he breathed a huge sigh of relief when their screaming bikes went down the road. but he's really sort of contained them in this space, and there's this wonderful sense of energy and defiance. >> in the end, it's a century of american life, captured with the technical precision and relaxed formality of a portrait photographer whose work reflects its energy across the decades.
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in san francisco. karina nova, abc seven news. >> the irving penn retrospective opens this weekend and runs through the middle of july, so you've got some time to catch up. >> can you imagine what the conversation with the hells angels was like? i need you right here. no, i don't know yet. smile >> whatever they say, it works. >> exactly, exactly. you may be smiling about the forecast. santa is here with that. >> yeah. and take a look at a live picture. kristen and larry. just a beautiful one from zephyr cove. you have the snow capped mountains, plenty of sun. statewide snowpack is at 105% of average, but if you're heading up to the mountains just a word of caution. a high wind warning will be going up at 11:00 tonight. it will remain in effect until 5 p.m. friday, and the concern is that it is going to be gusty with those winds really picking up, not just here locally, but those downsloping winds. look at kirkwood 55 to 57 miles an hour tomorrow morning, topping 60 miles an hour at times. and those are going to be damaging winds. so something to keep in mind. could have
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actually shut down some of those ski lifts. so just keep that in mind. live doppler seven showing you a few high clouds passing through tomorrow afternoon. it's warmer than today, but is certainly going to be windier as well. numbers will be in the 60s and 70s, and here's a look at the accuweather seven day forecast. windy and sunny for your thursday. still gusty friday morning, especially over the higher terrain. but then the winds will ease over the weekend and saint patrick's day weekend is looking fantastic. spring starts next tuesday. larry >> all right thank you. sandhya seven on your side is hosting a tax chat this friday. exactly one month before your taxes are due. united way bay area is sponsoring this opportunity. you can get your questions answered by tax professionals. in fact, you could start sending them in right now. go to abc7, then click seven on your side and you'll find the form right there. and then you can watch on friday right here on abc seven. >> the epic mini series shogun is set 400 years in the past, mixing modern movie magic with a lot of history. >> the 32nd generation samurai
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who lent a hand next. >> this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. yeah you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. >> we are, we are, we are, we are, we are, we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area streaming app. join us and start watching
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yet at nine abbott elementary. then judge steve harvey at ten. and stay with us for abc seven news at 11. fx's acclaimed epic series shogun transports viewers back to feudal japan, showcasing the life of samurai warriors. today, hear from the cast and meet a samurai legend whose ancestors advised the real life shoguns who inspired this show. >> yet shogun is an epic saga that takes place in sengoku period japan, which is a year 1600, and it is based on a best selling novel written by james clavell. >> we had to make this story in
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spired by true history. we needed to make authentic as much as possible so we brought in experts from japan who have decades of experience in samurai movies or japanese period movies, and they came and they were on set every day checking every movement to make sure that they are authentic. >> grand master in japanese is okimoto or soke, and it refers to a person who is head of the family and family being a sect or the school that carries this art form, and these masters date all the way back to the time period of shogun, if not much, much earlier. >> i'm kimoto ogasawara, heir to the 32nd head mastership of ogasawara idoni, edo jidai,
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tokugawa jidai. no shogun. no ogasawara. >> summarize a daily life is linked to the battlefield. the technique of archery or the mounted archery, and laiho practices when we are moving, when we encounter it, the person who are the fighters, the senior, are taught how to behave . by kiyomoto ogasawara he's a living legend, so these masters served our shoguns and warlords that inspired shogun >> tokyo.
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>> it is just stunning. visually isn't it? well, you can dive into the world of the samurai in fx's shogun. new episodes drop on tuesdays. you can catch them the next day on hulu and disney. disney of course, is the parent company of hulu and abc seven. abc seven news is streaming 24 over seven. get the abc seven bay area streaming tv app and join us whenever you want. wherever you are. that's it for abc seven news at four. abc seven news at five with dan and ama is coming your way next. is it giving people lots of great food for 6 dollars, and letting them choose between two delicious sandwiches? great idea, devon. run with it! that went well. and you run and get my $6 jack pack. welcome to jack in the box!
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