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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  March 14, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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my french toast sticks are back starting at $2.50. now with a sweet new twist - cinnamon sugar churro. dunk, bite and savor them any time of day. or all day! it's totally up to you. only for a limited time. welcome to jack in the box! and regulation makes it too easy to kick the can down the road, and we have no time to waste. >> concern over the proposed water conservation regulations for california. urban areas. environmentalists say another drought is around the corner and
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we can't be complacent. just because we've had two wet years. good evening. thank you for joining us. >> i'm dan ashley and i'm ama daetz. state water officials recently unveiled the new proposals, which they hope will bolster our water supply and make it more resilient to climate change. >> but as abc seven news south bay reporter dustin dorsey explains, some activists and environmentalists don't like what they're seeing. >> making water conservation a way of life has been a mantra in california for many years. that's why the state water resources control board has approved new regulations for the agencies that provide water to people and cities for things like toilets, showers, landscaping and car washing. the rules aim to combat climate change in the hotter, drier weather it brings, but environmentalists believe they'll actually do more harm than good. >> the updated regulation makes it too easy to kick the can down the road, and we have no time to waste. our next drought is right around the corner. we need strong water efficiency standards now, not in 2040. >> after being criticized for
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asking cities and water agencies to cut back too much, too fast, water regulators have relaxed their proposed standards. now, any cuts to those agencies would spread out until 2040 and wouldn't begin until 2027. in the bay area, no initial reduction would be needed for water agencies. under the proposed rules, most only face cutbacks of less than 5% by 2040. heather cooley with the pacific institute, says this will lead to far less water savings than the previous plan. >> the water savings from the revised regulations are just 180,000 acre feet uh- in 2030. that's nearly 400,000 acre feet less than the august proposal, and far short of the 500,000 acre feet goal in the governor's water supply strategy. >> the association of california water agencies represents more than 450 public agencies. in a statement, regulatory relations manager chelsey haynes says the occ is still reviewing the regulations, but she applauds the more reasonable and
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attainable new draft, saying it appears to address our primary concerns and is moving in the right direction toward a regulation that is feasible, cost effective and avoids unintended impacts while establishing an ambitious framework for advancing long terme water use efficiency in california, nothing is set in stone yet the water board will hear public comment and vote on the updated plan in july. if approved, it will go into effect next year. dustin dawsey, abc seven news. >> california has some of the most ambitious climate change goals in the country, but a new analysis says we won't meet them without major changes. the report, out today from environmental group nextgen, found that california's planet warming emissions aren't dropping fast enough. researchers say we need to triple emissions cuts each year to meet our goals. for 2030, we've only pulled off cuts on this scale twice in the last 20 years, during the recession and during covid. stay at home orders. the study points to rising pollution from transportation despite more electric vehicles on the roads.
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>> let's talk about the weather for a moment. we're dealing with powerful winds across the bay area today. as you know. this is in san jose. wind blown flags and trees there. the bay area is under a gale warning wind advisory, meaning winds between 39 to 54mph are expected. and it's going to get worse. bart service is back to normal in the east bay after today's windy conditions caused a power outage and delays between oakland and orinda. the outage also affected some traffic signals in orinda, and left more than 2000 homes and businesses in that area without power, bart says a separate outage shut down trains between dublin and daly city for more than an hour this morning. >> look carefully at this live picture of the golden gate bridge the wind is whipping out there. there's a flag you can sort of see right hand side of your screen. you can see it flapping around there. let's get the latest on the conditions from abc seven news meteorologist sandhya patel sandhya. yeah
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>> and ama and dan, as we take a look at those live pictures from our tower cameras, you will certainly see crystal clear skies with the offshore winds. so take a look from vollmer to golden gate to santa cruz to roof. but certainly we're seeing that roof camera and the golden gate showing you the flag and the trees blowing around. gusts to 36 at oakland right now, 23 at concord. not nearly as strong as earlier. now, oakland airport did have 44 mile an hour wind gusts. as we take a look at the hilltops. mount diablo 43 wind advisory remains up until 11 a.m. tomorrow. those gusts 45 to 55 over the higher terrain. we are looking at 60 mile an hour winds. the winds will continue to drop off this evening. second burst of winds coming in overnight. you can see that spike in the winds. and here's a look at the peak gusts so far 72 miles an hour. mount diablo this morning 62. healdsburg hills 51 at rose peak. big rock 4870. mount eminem temperatures have soared today with the offshore winds low 70s from san jose to
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hayward. right now look at santa rosa and mill valley 70 degrees. it's going to be even warmer tomorrow. i'll be back with a full look at the forecast coming up. ama. >> all right, we'll check back. thank you. sandhya. the city of san francisco is facing a federal lawsuit from residents and businesses in the tenderloin . the group claims the city has been too tolerant of open air drug use and homeless encampments, and has done little to protect its own residents. the litigation accuses san francisco of failing to respond to the city's most serious problems, and many in the tenderloin are fed up. >> just yesterday, someone pulled a knife on me while i was walking home from work for no apparent reason. at all. i just pulled the mask down from over my face because i wear a mask at work. and i said, brother, what's what's your problem? and then he looked at me and he like he came to and he was like, oh, i'm sorry, i'm sorry. >> wow. the plaintiffs aren't seeking monetary damages, but court orders requiring the city of san francisco to make sure public spaces are clean, safe and accessible. >> some concern tonight from south bay parents and advocates
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over a proposal to replace playground surfaces at some schools with artificial turf. they claim heat and chemicals from the turf could be harmful, not just to the kids, but also the environment. abc seven news south bay reporter zach fuentes shows you what some in that community would like to see instead. big concerns from many parents with students in the sunnyvale school district. >> my kids and all kids deserve to play on surfaces that are safe and natural and healthy. >> the district is proposing changes to playground surfaces at six elementary schools as part of overall site improvements. the district board of trustees is looking into replacing floor mats at playgrounds with synthetic turf. courtney jansen has one child in the district and another set to start there in the fall. community group mothers out front silicon valley has mobilized parents like her who have been concerned. >> when i actually was first approached about this nine months ago, i didn't care and i'm just gonna admit it, i didn't care. and i did a little bit of research, she said. >> that research led her to find out things about synthetic turf. she found unsettling. she said
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that included the high heat it can produce that could be uncomfortable for kids, and also environmental concerns. parents and advocates are also worried about the risk for chemicals known as pfas, which are often found in artificial turf. the epa says that pfas may be linked to harmful health effects in humans and animals. >> my kids are young, their systems are developing, their bodies are developing, and they're going to be extra susceptible to the effects of these chemicals. >> community groups who have worked with the parents say there's also the threat of broken turf blades causing plastic pollution, how they'll get blown or washed down the storm drains, and wind up in the creeks and then in the bay. one alternative, the groups are pointing towards is engineered wood fibers, which are actually are great and easy to take care of and inexpensive. we reached out to the sunnyvale school district, which said in part, we understand our community's concerns regarding using synthetic turf for our playground surfaces and why they are recommending wood chips as an alternative. we have reviewed both synthetic turf and wood chips and are recommending fat-free synthetic turf based on our analysis. but the group say that even the turf that claims
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to be free of pfas still contains similar chemicals that aren't widely tested and may be harmful because we don't know it should should be rejected until we know it's safe, especially for our young children. the sunnyvale school district board of trustees will be discussing bids for the project at their thursday night meeting in sunnyvale. zach fuentes, abc seven news. >> new hope for a north bay community. >> next, the 11th hour deal in the works to save a beloved child care center from closing. good. when you've got type 2 diabetes like me, you have up to 4 times greater risk of stroke, heart attack or worse death. even when meeting your a1c goal. discomfort can help you act. i'm not trying to scare you. i'm empowering you... to get real with your health care provider. talk to them about lowering your risk of stroke, heart attack or death.
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trial, a jury found james crumbley guilty of involuntary manslaughter for his role in his son's shooting in 2021, four classmates of ethan crumbley were killed in the attack. prosecutors say james bought the gun for his son and failed to secure it. his wife, jennifer,
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was convicted on the same charges last month. she became the first parent in the u.s. to be convicted for their child's school shooting. >> back here at home, the owner of a popular west oakland restaurant gutted by fire, says he won't be reopening. matt horne says after deep reflection and prayer with his family, he's made the difficult decision not to reopen horne barbecue on mandela parkway. he says the decision comes from a number of challenges beyond last november's fire, including vandalism and what he calls continuous theft and crime in the area. the decision comes as oakland police announced an increase in smash and grab robberies of people sitting in their cars. here's abc seven news reporter anser hassan. >> oakland police are warning of a rise in smash and grabs, but now it's happening as people sit in their cars at this incident from february. oh my god, oh my god. opd says in several recent cases, victims were either sitting in their vehicles or stopped while driving. the suspect breaks the passenger side window and grabs the
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driver's belongings. >> what i've noticed is there will be a driver, there will be a passenger, and then the guy in the back seat are kind of hop out, smash the window. they use like a little tool, and then they just grab whatever. >> lamar works security in oakland. he's seen these types of smash and grabs. many times. >> people are getting desperate. so i mean, unfortunately with no police chief, they take advantage of the opportunity of no police being out there. and yeah, unfortunately, you know, we got to live in terror. >> oakland police weren't available for comment, but in a statement, they write that they are actively investigating and tracking this current trend and that commanders have begun deploying additional officers to areas of the city that have experienced the surge in armed robberies. robberies over the past 12 months are up 27% compared to the annual average over the last three years. the city averaged 74 robberies a week over the last 12 months. so far this year, there have been 715 robberies. >> unfortunately, i have seen it
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quite a bit and, it's a scary feeling to know that you're not safe even just sitting in your car. >> opd suggests ways to reduce your risk by keeping your valuables in the trunk or under the seat. if you think you're being followed, drive to a safe place and call 911 and if attacked, remain calm and do not resist an whose a lifelong oakland resident says oakland is dealing with a lot right now. but she's not giving up on her city. she does, however, think more police presence would help. >> you're sitting in your car eating lunch or, you know, reading a book, and it's just really unfortunate and i hope, hopefully our leaders get a chance to turn this around and make oakland what it should be and what it can be in oakland, anser hassan abc7 news. >> the future of major league baseball in oakland beyond this year remains up in the air today. the a's and city officials met for the second time in a month, trying to work out a lease extension at the coliseum. the team's deal expires at the end of this season. at this point, the a's have no place to play until
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their planned move to las vegas in 2028, and there are still plenty of questions about that. the two sides described today's meeting as productive without giving any specifics. they will meet again next month. in the north bay, a deal is in the works to save a beloved child care center from closing the fairfax, san anselmo children's center, a lifeline for low income families, received an eviction notice earlier this year. but as abc7 news reporter cornell bernard explains, a new purchase plan could allow families and teachers to stay. >> reporter it's feeling more hopeful. it's feeling more positive. >> teacher mariana giordano is ready to exhale, following news that the fairfax san anselmo children's center may not be closing its doors after all. i think there's a light at the end of the tunnel. >> it's really, really exciting to hear that we are moving towards the steps of being able to stay here, skin that you snuggle up, cuddle up and lay in. >> the nonprofit center opened in 1973 that offers low income families, subsidized child care.
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the property is owned by the ross valley school district, but last january, the board moved to evict the child care center because the building needed too many repairs. >> you are required to remove from the premises. >> cut to this month, where a new nonprofit, the siderman legacy children's fund, is offering to buy the property from the district for $2 million and lease it back to the children's center. >> we will be able to remain at the property as long terme tenants, and that deal also says that the property will have to remain as a child care center in perpetuity, and so that will allow us to stay, which is very exciting. >> yard sign supporting the sale of the children's center are popping up across town. nearly 100 families depend on this facility most every day, and it's super, super important to keep us here. >> we serve a great purpose in our community, especially being one of the or the only low income child care in the ross valley. >> renovating the children's center will not be cheap. it could cost $8 million, but marin
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county officials are hoping that federal funds will help with the bill. in a statement, a spokesperson says the county's request for a 2.5 million federal fiscal year 25 earmark would contribute to those needed property and building improvements, in addition to a $2.5 million loan pledged by marin community foundation. the center is also applying for other local and state grants. the ross valley school superintendent says after a year's work invested, the district has laid the foundation for a successful transition. a school board vote on the sale is scheduled for march 27th. >> that this is just the first step that we've been hoping for a long time in fairfax. >> cornell, bernard, abc seven news. >> you know, it's expensive, but up next, new numbers on the cost of high speed rail between l.a. and san francisco. it is a big
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he says it will cost an additional $100 billion to fund the san francisco to los angeles line that voters approved in 2008. officials hope money from the federal infrastructure bill and the private sector can help offset the costs for the whole project, now estimated at between 88 billion billion. and of course, every year, the price just keeps going up. >> yes. every day. our temperature seems to go up for now. so bad. yeah. >> i was driving in today, sandy. i thought, what? how fortunate are we to live here? what a lovely, spectacular, sparkling day. >> yeah. no, you're not kidding there. i mean, we have a mild mediterranean climate, dan and ana, and it was absolutely beautiful outside. so let's go outside. let me show you a live picture right now from our east bay hills. camera downsloping winds offshore, winds. still a little breezy outside. not nearly as strong as they were earlier. i want to show you some other peak wind gusts so far, 44 miles an hour. oakland airport, napa livermore 40, san jose 31,
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half moon bay 38. and a little less than that at sfo. here are your highs so far. santa rosa hitting 72, san jose 71. upper 60s from san francisco to concord, redwood city and even oakland. so a beautiful one. our official temperatures will be coming down in a few minutes, and we'll have those hopefully at 6:00. we still have pretty mild to warm weather, 60s and 70s out there. here's what brought us the offshore winds, the gusty winds and the warmth. it's this area of high pressure that built in behind this area of low pressure that is actually retrograding towards southern california. the two getting too close together, the winds just funneling right through our region. we're just sandwiched in between the two pressure gradients there. the pressure difference. so santa cruz camera, you can see the choppy waters there. headlines through tomorrow morning. gusty winds will continue. your friday forecast. sunny and springlike again. and for the weekend weather mild to warm bay and inland. but the coast will cool as the fog comes back into the picture. wind advisory once again remains up until 11 a.m.
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tomorrow. watch out for those gusty winds that next burst will come in late tonight. so really 9:00. it's a little gusty out there, but not terribly strong. it's 3 a.m. the winds start to ramp back up again. 36 miles an hour and half moon bay getting stronger as we head towards that noontime hour. calistoga 43. but the rest of you starting to drop off and then by tomorrow evening , lighter winds taking you into the weekend to your morning temperatures with clear skies, windy conditions, especially over the higher terrain where the strongest winds will be 40s and 50s. so it's not going to cool off much as the atmosphere remain mixed up. south bay temperatures 73 degrees in gilroy, 69 in santa cruz, 75 in san jose. get out and enjoy the sun. 73 in redwood city, 68 half moon bay, downtown san francisco, south san francisco 71 degrees north bay 72, san rafael. these temperatures above average 74. in santa rosa heading into the east bay. oakland, union city, fremont 73, inland area 72, concord and
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livermore 74 degrees for you in fairfield. so here's a look at the accuweather seven day forecast. it almost feels like spring a little early spring starts next tuesday. but before that we're getting a taste of it. gusty and warm tomorrow at least for the early part of the morning. you're going to notice the winds. lighter winds still spring like on saturday, but the temperatures at the coast already start dropping with the fog rolling back in the parade. saint patrick's day parade is saturday here in the city. the weather looks great, sunday is going to be nice and monday will see those temperatures come up a little bit more. but then it's a reality check wednesday and thursday, mid 60s for the warmest spots, upper 60s on monday, and we could be even talking about some rain chances by thursday. >> okay, this is nice though. >> thanks, cindy. >> well, tomorrow seven on your side is hosting a tax chat exactly one month before taxes are due. united way bay area sponsoring this opportunity. you can get your questions answered by text professionals by sending them in. now go to abc7 click seven on your side and you'll find the form
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right there. then watch on friday here on abc seven. tune in for that. >> but when we come back, the six sisters trying to set are living in the moment
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tv app. all you have to do is search abc seven bay area and download it. all right. >> finally, for now, six sisters living in the midwest believe they are now world record holders. >> i am 88 years, 240 days young. i am 90 years, 238 days young. i am 93. i years old, 101 years and 30 days young. >> all right. these ladies with the numbered t shirts are the overall sisters. five live in missouri, one in ohio. >> okay, i wasn't doing the math, but somebody else did. they are a combined 570 years and 43 days old. they just sent a video to the guinness book of world records to see if they are the world's longest living six siblings. they are excited about
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the prospect, but only one thing would make it sweeter. >> we only wish our only brother , stanley. overall junior was still with us. >> stanley would have been 102. the sisters say even if they don't make history, they feel very blessed and they certainly are. talk about a great gene pool. yes. for them. yeah >> what a sweet story. okay, we still have much more news ahead. >> we do. let's go to abc seven news anchor karina nova for a look at what's coming up at 530. >> karina thanks dan and ama today. autonomous vehicle company waymo is expanding to two more cities los angeles and austin. we're going to take a deeper look at waymo's growth. the challenges they face, and what we can expect moving forward. plus, a new abc seven news originals video, struck by justice looks at how the kidnaping and murder of polly klaas brought about an era of tough on crime policies, mass incarceration and eventually, criminal justice reform. we're going to hear more about it.
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join us for those stories and more at 530 on abc seven bay area streaming tv. dan amna, we'll do. >> karina, thank you very much. >> and don't forget you can download the abc seven app or just go to abc seven and you can join karina in two minutes. >> and if you're watching us here on tv stay tuned because world news tonight with david muir is coming up next for sandhya patel. all of us we appreciate your time. i'm dan ashley i'm ama daetz. >> we will see you again at six.
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>> david: tonight, the dangerous winter storm slamming several states. parts of i-70 in denver shut down for a time. the accidents, the images coming in. the major headline from the florida judge in the donald trump classified documents case. and breaking news right now in new york city. word of a horrific shooting in a subway station


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