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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  March 16, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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ps user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. when i have pain from arthritis i grab biofreeze. unlike voltaren, biofreeze provides fast-acting relief i can apply it to more areas of my body. and it's nsaid-free. cool the pain so i can get back on the court. now abc seven mornings live. >> now at six interstate 780, in solano county is back open after
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being shut down all night. suspects fired multiple shots at officers during an attempted traffic stop. >> did somebody fail to close something which would have been a human factors uh- that it was a d or uh? do we have a situation here that was somehow in maintenance, those questions will all have to be answered. >> and another mishap for united airlines, a boeing plane flying into oregon from sfo loses a panel. experts weigh in about the safety of flying following weeks of troubling incidents. good morning. it's saturday, march 16th. i'm stephanie sierra. we'll have more on that story in just a moment. but first, the sun will be out again. >> yes, it's going to be a nice day. maybe not as warm as yesterday because we're going to see a return to some breezy onshore winds, but high pressuse deflecting the storm track to the north. we don't have any rain to talk about yet. we do have cooler temperatures. here's a look at napa 43 degrees with a wind just at two miles an hour over into the east bay. oakland at 48, a light north wind, and then finally san francisco
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looking at 56 degrees, still a northeast wind and the mildest reading there. elsewhere, we are in the mid 40s in livermore, 40 santa rosa with upper 40s in palo alto. so that is much, much cooler compared to yesterday. so it's going to take a little while to warm up. and then with our wind shift, temperatures today will be just cooler at the coast. half moon bay, pacifica, stinson, montara. elsewhere, we'll be in the low to mid 70s from hayward to livermore and santa rosa today. stephanie. >> lisa. thank you. right now, 780 in benicia is back open this morning after a shooting closed a portion of the highway overnight at benicia. police say they tried to pull a car over when they received an alert from their automated license plate readers. it happened after nine last night. that's when officers say two suspects started shooting and police fired back. the two suspects are now in custody. chp says the military west on and off ramps are still closed. a person who was walking on highway two, 80, in san jose,
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died after being hit by a car. it happened between byrd avenue and vine street, right near the highway 87 junction, when officers arrived, they reportedly saw the victim on the ground and the driver stayed on scene. the southbound on and off ramps are back open this morning. to developing news now. a plane that took off from sfo reportedly lost an exterior panel. it is the sixth incident involving a united flight since monday of last week. no one noticed the panel was missing until after the plane had landed. it took off from san francisco with nearly 150 people on board, and it made it to medford, oregon without any issues. but nonetheless, this is alarming. abc seven news reporter tara campbell has intel from an aviation expert friday. >> another problem for a united airlines flight involving a boeing plane, this time a flight from sfo losing an external panel. >> well, heavy things fall off. jetliners is not our favorite methodology. it is in any way,
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form or fashion, rare and troublesome. >> john nance is an abc news aviation analyst and he's referring to united flight 433, the plane taking off just before 1030 this morning, landing in medford, oregon, just before noon. it's there where crews discovered the missing panel. >> did somebody fail to close something uh, which would have been a human factors uh- that it was a fatigue, or do we have a situation here that was somehow in maintenance? those questions will all have to be answered in a statement. >> united says it will thoroughly examine the plane and perform repairs and conduct an investigation to know how the damage occurred. boeing saying in an email it's deferring comment to united about the carrier's fleet operation, also including some information about the boeing 737 800, which has been in operation for 25 years. >> you know, one of the questions i've been asked so many times over the years is how long can a jetliner stay in service? indefinitely? we've got
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b-52s now that are older literally than any aircraft commander flying them in the air force. >> as for the 139 passengers and six crew members on board, they likely weren't at any risk. >> i don't think we had any real danger here in the air. we had danger of anybody who something might fall on. they came off an aircraft that's always a big concern. it's a big concern for the faa as well as all of us. >> the incident comes on the heels of a handful of mishaps with united flights in the last few weeks, including a wheel falling off a flight departing from sfo. but the experts say would be passengers shouldn't be worried. >> it's not only safe to fly, it's so much safer than even driving to and from the airport. and that's not just statistically true. it really is true. >> tara campbell, abc seven news. >> happening now, a large stretch of interstate 680 is shut down for the weekend. caltrans has closed the southbound lanes of 680 from the 580 junction down to koopmann road. that's about nine miles of roadway. caltrans is repaving
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and says the work should be done before the monday morning commute. take a look at this. a massive redwood tree fell on top of a house in forestville. it happened on friday afternoon when it was really windy in sonoma county. the house is on river road, right near scenic drive and thankfully no one was home at the time. the owner took it all in stride. >> at first we got an alert that the power was out and then uh- got a phone call from our son saying that he had some bad news, and he came over and to the house and told us that the tree had fallen on the cabin. and i'm like, yeah, we've been waiting for this for years. so as you can see, the house sustained major damage, forcing the city's building inspector to red tag it and deem the structure uninhabitable. >> drivers in the santa cruz mountains are still having problems getting to a critical road. major storms led to a partial closure of mountain charley road two weeks ago, residents tell abc seven news the slide is now affecting the whole neighborhood.
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>> both of our cars are on the other side of the slide. we've already had a couple vehicles get stuck, trying trying to make it up there. >> we have to walk a good quarter mile, you know, carrying, you know, dog food and groceries. >> yeah. there's only one way in and one way out. internet and water lines are threatened by the slide, and propane is still in limited supply. santa cruz county officials say there's no repair date in sight, and they would need state and federal funds to pay for it. in the east bay now, alameda rescue workers have recovered the body of a man who was last seen struggling in the water. this was over by molina bay. the alameda fire department's divers attempted to rescue the man but were unable to get to him before he went under. the accomplice in the fatal shooting of a federal building security guard will spend the rest of his life in prison. a judge sentenced robert justice to life without the possibility of parole. justice
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droved codefendant stephen carrillo to oakland during protests over george floyd's murder. both were followers of an anti-government group. carrillo opened fire on two guards, killing one as justice drove off. the killing set off a week long search that ended with carrillo killing a santa cruz county deputy. carrillo pleaded guilty to two years ago, that is, and serves a 41 year prison sentence. new developments within the federal women's prison in dublin. a judge is taking an unprecedented step in bringing in outside oversight. fbi agents raided the place this week. a special master will now oversee the facility as part of a lawsuit over ongoing claims of sexual abuse. the bureau of prisons has never faced this level of scrutiny before. the prison is at the center of a years long investigation into sexual abuse and misconduct by staff at least eight employees have been charged with abusing inmates. the fbi would not share details about monday's search. they did say, however, they were
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conducting court authorized activity on the peninsula farm workers are taking matters into their own hands this weekend. we've reported extensively on the poor conditions they often live in, and that's something they'll address at a convention in san mateo county. here's abc seven news reporter lauren martinez. >> hola somos el comité de plantation de la convencion de campesinos. >> these organizers are spreading the word about a first of its kind farm worker convention. >> the event was planned by farm workers for farm workers, levantar la voz. rogelio martinez, a farm worker in pescadero, says the convention this sunday is to make the workforce known and to raise their voices. the host organizations, puente and coastside hope, are expecting hundreds of farm workers from half moon bay, pescadero down to watsonville to attend. >> so it's really the union of an entire region coming together to learn, but also to share about their stories and their
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lives. >> there is pride in the farming community and problems. primero es martinez listed decent housing for farm workers as the number one problem. farmers living in shipping containers surfaced during the half moon bay mass shooting in january of 2023. last september. this property in pah'-ha-row in monterey county was cited several times by code enforcement. lack of heating, roach infestation, lack of ventilation, missing smoke and monoxide alarms are just some of the violations reasons we were able to see both the very gross gross neglect. raymond cancino was the ceo of community bridges, a multi-service agency. he says the 17 unit converted apartment complex housed farm workers and their families. many, if not all, were undocumented, and one unit was redtagged days later, cancino says the property owner decided to evict everyone around thanksgiving and christmas. >> it completely undermines and
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destroys people's kind of sense of groundedness, cancino says. >> some of those tenants are seeking civil litigation against the landlord. >> until we have legislation at the statewide level that mandates a certain percentage of agricultural, farm worker housing be created on farm worker land, i don't see a solve for this. and so i hope that more of these gatherings across sectors, across people of color, are uplifted, are created. and, and i hope that we improve the well-being of those around us in the south bay. >> lauren martinez abc seven news. >> to weather. now let's check in with lisa. how's it looking out there? >> well, you know, it's cool out there. the winds have, reduced to calm. it's been reduced to calm in santa rosa. so we're only 40 degrees there while we're in the mid 50s here in san francisco. but we'll rebound nicely to the 60s and 70s today. but some low 60s arriving at the shoreline. breezy west winds with us. i'll have your full accuweather seven day forecast in just a few minutes lisa.
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>> thank you. also ahead, a security guard suspended over what two young men call racial profiling that incident caught on camera and an abc seven news i-team exclusive. and a reminder the warriors face the lakers tonight. it's a big game and steph is expected to play tip off is at 530. you can w my name is david. i've been a pharmacist for 44 years. when i have customers come in and ask for something for memory, i recommend prevagen. number one, because it's safe and effective.
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does not require a prescription. and i've been taking it quite a while myself and i know it works. and i love it when the customers come back in and tell me, "david, that really works so good for me." makes my day. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription.
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benchmark. the cdc has now confirmed 58 cases across 17 states. this year. that's as many as there were all of last year. so to put it in perspective, however, there were 121 cases back in 2022. in 2019, there were more than 1200 cases, and that was the biggest spike since 1992. a security guard at san francisco's embarcadero center shopping plaza has been suspended because of an incident
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that was caught on camera. it happened on wednesday. the guard told two young men not to go into a store because he supposedly knew they were going to steal. i-team reporter dan noyes has been digging into this incident and has some exclusive information. >> 24 year old nicholas kincade and 22 year old amir ali work at a high fashion boutique near the embarcadero center. during a break, nicholas wanted to pick up some supplies from the sephora there. >> we just wanted to you know, i wanted to get a scalp scrubber for myself. we were talking about beauty products all day, pretty much just discussing like what we needed. >> they first tried the inside door. it was blocked, so they walked around to the street side entrance where a security guard told them not to enter thest >> this is private property. okay, okay. >> and what have i done so far? do you want to let me know? what have i done? you? you're going to go in and steal? how do you know that, how do you know that? i've been around a long time. you have no answer. you have no answer at all. >> i've been around a long time. >> i spoke to the two of them
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today. the first time he says, don't go in there because i know you're going to steal what goes through your mind. >> i know what time it is. i know what's going on. i mean, we've heard about the civilian times, so i immediately just start firing back and trying to get anything out of him to prove that he has something to stand on. because i know my heart of hearts is absolutely nothing there, they tell me. >> they questioned whether the guard even worked at the embarcadero. they thought he might be a vigilante. do you even work at this? >> pardon me. do you work at this property? yeah. >> can i see, like security? >> can i see like, any documentation that you work here? i see, like, any documentation that you work here. >> well, i can show you, i can show you this while it's just off camera. >> you can see the guard lift his jacket a bit. the two shoppers say he revealed his sidearm that is visible a few seconds later, and then he lifts his shirt and shows me a glock, and i'm like, well, that doesn't really. >> yeah, that doesn't really help the situation right now. i don't need to see a weapon now. i just feel threatened. >> i can show you this. >> my id and the guard briefly
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showed a badge. a retired lieutenant inspector shield from the san francisco district attorney's office. starting there, i called law enforcement sources who identified the guard as 72 year old mike koppel. he worked for the marin county sheriff's department and then retired from the san francisco da's office in 2007. her staff says. district attorney brooke jenkins would not comment on the incident because this matter is under investigation by the special prosecutions unit of our office. the person seen in this video is not a current employee. the owner of the embarcadero complex, boston properties, emailed me that they are working with the third party security partner to conduct a full investigation into the incident. in the meantime, the security officer has been removed from our property pending the results of the investigation. koppel did not return my calls, texts and emails for comment. ali and kincade tell me they went shopping in sephora anyway. >> okay, so we're going to go inside now because you have no reason to stop us. >> all right. you go in, you steal. >> and they came out to find an
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sfpd officer waiting at the door, but they just walked by and returned to work. both say they never saw mike koppel before that altercation. i spoke with several people in law enforcement and security guard training, and they said what happened could be a real problem for mike koppel. we'll tell you when the investigation is over and what it concludes for the i-team. dan noyes, abc seven news in the north bay. >> new video captures the chaos as a man fired on deputies in santa rosa. the shootout ended with deputies hurt and the suspect dead. a warning the video is graphic and may be disturbing to watch over me. i'm going for my rifle. body cameras show the nonstop gunfire back on march 4th. sonoma county sheriff's deputies stopped jose luis villasenor cervantes after they say he showed a weapon outside a nightclub. the sheriff's office says cervantes shot at one deputy, then appeared to leave when other deputies showed up. cervantes started shooting again. several deputies ended up hurt.
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>> anyone who is willing to fire upon deputies or police officers is willing to fire and shoot and kill anyone. >> police say cervantes led deputies on a chase, crashing into a sheriff's car and then through a fence. they think cervantes died in the crash. a deputy is still in the hospital after another deputy accidentally ran him over. p-g-and-e's is donating over ten acres of land in novato to build one of the largest affordable housing projects in california. the land is located on redwood boulevard near the days inn hotel at the base of mount burdell preserve. p-g-and-e's has been trying to sell this land since 2018 without any buyers. it decided to donate it. the project will include 82, three and four bedroom homes. the 13 acre housing complex will have trails connecting residents to parks and open space in novato. now to the severe weather aftermath in the midwest , three people are dead after tornadoes tore through multiple
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states on thursday. more than a half dozen tornadoes were reported across seven states in indiana and ohio. the national weather service says there were two ef three tornadoes, one of the hardest hit areas was logan county, ohio, just outside of columbus. more than two dozen people are being treated for broken bones and other injuries. back here at home, though, we do get a break from the rain this weekend. lisa i'm looking forward to the sun. we've been talking about this for weeks now. >> yes we have. it's been pretty rainy 2024 on the weekends. we have a nice dry one, but can't promise you anything. for next weekend we're going to show you some rainfall totals that actually start the accumulation of rain on thursday. so enjoy the next several days because it's been really nice, hasn't it? although the allergies, the pollen count way up there and it's just going to continue to climb with all the rain and now the sun out there, high pressure in control today, tomorrow into next week. current numbers are chilly due to the lack of wind
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out there. 42 in fairfield it is 40. santa rosa, good morning to you. 41 in sonoma with 55. in san mateo. you were 75 degrees yesterday in redwood city. it was 76. in hayward. the warmer locations in the mid 70s. and we even had 70 two half moon bay. but today, cooler conditions at the coast with a return to those breezy westerly winds. so sunshine for everyone though. and then into your sunday we'll start out with low clouds and fog. so the marine layer comes back but mild for the bay and our inland communities once again with more 70s. tuesday the spring equinox arrives and we'll be looking at that equal hour of daylight and darkness thereabouts. and we're pretty much there right now anyway, as we look at our southerly winds today, they'll switch out to the west later on, and that's going to allow for the winds to pick up 15 to 20 miles an hour, perhaps, but nothing like yesterday. this is your typical sea breeze. and then the low clouds and fog will follow this evening. so the leprechaun is
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here. that means it's saint patrick's day and 10:00 in the city. upper 50s. a light south wind. 2:00. we're in the mid 60s with that wind shift. and then by 6:00, dropping to about 60 degrees. it's a cool evening at 55 degrees. but beautiful day out there. not quite as warm as yesterday. certainly the coast will be cooling off as we look at your monday temperatures bouncing back into the 70s inland and even pretty mild in san francisco. but by tuesday, everyone is cooling off. it's still sunny, it's still above average, and then by wednesday we'll get back to near average temperatures and then on thursday, just a little rain looks on this model wants to come our way, bringing us about a couple hundredths to a 10th to 2/10 by thursday night. but if we continue into friday night, looks like we're going to see a pretty rainy day on friday. and this is a long ways away. but you get the idea that we're going to see more rain into the end of the workweek. so if your plants need a little more by the
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way, everybody is below. yesterday last year's averages in terms of rainfall. so although we're doing near average last year, we're certainly the banner year 72 in fremont, 69 in san rafael, mid 60s in san francisco and the accuweather seven day forecast sunny skies, fog at the coast late tonight, a sea breeze this afternoon. more fog for your sunday and looking at the temperatures climbing just a little bit on monday, spring arrives on tuesday and then increasing clouds with some rain perhaps by thursday day. we'll be back business.
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a deal where we showcase some of america's most beloved products. sam champion and danny backstrom have rounded up the best sleep week finds to make your bed a little comfier. >> hi, i'm sam champion teaming up with my pal in shop nirvana, if you will. danny backstrom. we're on a mission to bring you the hottest deals in our segment. it's a big deal. all nicely done. we didn't practice
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this week. danny is sleep week, so we're going to bring you everything you need for a great night's sleep, whether it's a weighted eye mask or a nice cooling pillow. >> remember when you were a kid and you could just zonk out anywhere? now i have a whole 12 step program and this is step number one. this is the casper hybrid snow pillow. it is ideal for hot sleepers. >> i sleep hot, yes, i really do. and so you don't have to flip the pillow anymore. you have to just enjoy this because it's already cool to the touch. >> yep. soft and supportive of both. >> this is 20% off for $125. >> and that's why it's a big deal because good pillows are expensive. that's a great deal. let's go to the yummy sleep weighted eye mask. this also a big deal. yeah, a lavender scented which will really help you to relax. it alleviates tension and promotes relaxation. we were talking earlier. you can actually open up the pouch there. see that little area right there? >> just pull that open. pull that out. >> you can pop it in the microwave, warm it up. and that really helps kick start the relaxation or put it in the fridge. >> keep it cool. takes that
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puffiness out of your eyes. >> enjoy the whole thing. eye strain, sinus pressure. and can you believe that deal 47% off 15.99. that's a big deal. really big deal. >> all right, sheets, everybody needs good sheets. you can't have good sleep without it. yes >> brooklinen luxe sheets. these come in ten different colors from twin to california. king 480 thread count for ultimate comfort. >> thread count is important. >> yeah, and so is a wide color range. i think you can really match. these are 20% off $127. that is a great deal for quality sheets all season sheets too. >> you can sleep in them winter and summer. so this is my favorite item on the table because one of us, when the alarm goes off, not mentioning names doesn't wake up well, right, i don't. >> i feel like it the happiest is a slap across your face. you are immediately insulted. the second you wake up. so this is what i need. >> so it's designed to improve your moods in the morning because it mimics that sunrise, that natural sunrise. plus they're 20 brightness settings. it has your choice of wake up sounds. danny, this is going to meet. you're going to be singing with the birds in the morning. >> listen, if i get this, it's actually a present for you because you won't have to deal
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with grumpy danny anymore. this is 17% off for $90. that is a great deal to help your coworkers tolerate you a little bit more. finally, we have the solo star wars throw. this doubles is home decor, but this is really soft, really comfortable oversize hand knit throw. and you might think, what's this? i was wondering, what's the star wars hand knit pattern was actually inspired by leia's braids, and once you see it, you can see it. beautiful >> it's beautiful. it really is. it's going to look good anywhere in the house, but it's going to be cozy to sleep. >> very cozy. all these incredible sleep essentials are on sale for a limited time only, so don't miss out. scan the qr code to get shopping. >> so until next time on, it's a big deal where we've got more unbeatable deals and top rated products that we are loving. happy shopping! >> i will say that cooling pillow works wonders. now we've made it easy for you to find these deals. over on our website, you can just check out abc seven still to come on abc seven mornings. bay area cities mark three years since the atlanta spa shootings. how residents are now planning to come together today to hon
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just happening in the cases against former president trump, how they will impact trials against him in multiple states. good morning. thank you for joining us this half hour. before we get to that story, lisa is here with more on the sun that we get to see today. yes it is going to be beautiful again. >> in fact, less wind making for a gorgeous day out there. nice and dark out. and we will start with our current numbers where they are milder upper 50s san francisco 48, in oakland with 50 in hayward. good morning to you, san jose and half moon bay yesterday. do you remember we were well into the 60s with all that wind, but we have dropped off into the upper 30s in petaluma, 40 santa rosa, 42 by the delta. so we are certainly
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cool this morning. cooler than we were yesterday. anywhere from about ten degrees cooler in oakland to 22 in santa rosa. so looking at the next couple of hours we'll warm up with full sunshine, upper 50s to upper 60s. by the time we get to noon. but notice along the coast some patchy fog returns will be in the low to mid 60s, with the marine layer coming back into play overnight tonight. stephanie >> developing news now in separate cases involving former president donald trump, a georgia judge ruled the district attorney can stay on his election interference case if one condition is met. and in new york, a major update in trump's hush money trial. abc news reporter johny fernandez has more. >> the lead prosecutor in the georgia election interference case against former president trump resigned friday. nathan wade's resignation came hours after judge scott mcafee's ruling. mcafee ruled that fulton county district attorney fani willis can stay on the case if her or wade step aside. the
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ruling, due to a significant appearance of impropriety stemming from a romantic relationship between willis and wade mcafee, stating the defendants failed to meet their burden of proving that the district attorney acquired an actual conflict of interest in georgia law does not permit the finding of an actual conflict for simply making bad choices, even repeatedly, willis keeping her case against the former president. but judge mcafee admonished her lapse in judgment and her credibility on the witness stand, stating an odor of mendacity remains as these people are on trial for trying to steal an election in 2020. >> i'm not on trial. no matter how hard you try to put me on trial. >> separately, a judge in new york overseeing former president trump's hush money case, delaying the start of the trial from its original march 25th start date. the judge allowing the defense more time to review thousands of pages of potential evidence recently disclosed by the justice department. johny fernandez, abc news, new york.
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>> now to your voice, your vote in the race to replace congresswoman anna eshoo, whose district includes the south bay and peninsula. there's another lead change. the top two candidates from last week's primary advance to november's general election. former san jose mayor sam liccardo will definitely be one of those candidates, but check out the battle for second place. santa clara county supervisor joe simitian took the lead back from assemblyman evan low. low edged ahead on wednesday, but now it's simitian ahead by 44 votes, and it's looking more and more likely that prop one will pass. it would use billions of dollars in bonds to provide housing for the homeless and mentally ill. currently, it's got 50.2% support with 23,000 more yes votes than no votes. you can find local race reports, results from california's primary election on abc seven more than 50,000 extra signatures. that's how many the campaign to recall alameda
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county district attorney pamela price submitted to call for a special election. the registrar? s office says it will take time to verify all of those signatures. a group called safe stands for save alameda for everyone, and it's leading the recall effort, saying price is too soft on crime. save tells us they've submitted 123,000 signatures in total. >> if we didn't have at least 90, it would not have passed at all. we wouldn't even got to this step, and with all of the things that have been going on, this is a good thing. >> the attempt to overturn the election of the first black district attorney in the history of alameda county has failed. its first critical benchmark has been shown by the registrar that this is not a cakewalk, and something had to go wrong for them to say they want to manually count them. >> the group, protect the win stands in support of da price. it also suggests a special election could cost taxpayers upwards of $10 million. now to the latest in the war between
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israel and hamas, an israeli strike in central gaza killed 37 people last night. that's according to gaza's hamas run health ministry. sources say that residents only got 15 minutes to evacuate. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu's office says he's approved the plans for action in rafah, but the white house says it has not received those plans. right now, 1.4 million displaced palestinians are currently in rafah. cease fire talks between israel and hamas are expected to restart as soon as tomorrow, a doctor from the south bay is giving is back home this morning. it's after he helped injured civilians in gaza for over a month now. doctor mohammed subhi says life in gaza was like being in an apocalyptic horror movie with mass casualty incidents daily. >> we really worked with very scarce resources to be able to save lives, save limbs. half of the patients that i saw were
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children, many of whom lost their parents. >> family and friends greeted subhi at san francisco international airport. he spent the last five weeks treating injured civilians with minimal supplies and staff. he says the hospital was built to take a few dozen patients a day, but this week they helped nearly 1000 people a day. it's magnitudes more than what i expected, and so. >> so, i'm still trying to process what that means for all of us as, as a global community >> subhi says going to gaza was a no brainer, and he feels guilty about leaving. he hopes to go back and continue his work there today. multiple cities, including san francisco, will honor the victims of the atlanta spa shootings that happened three years ago today. the shooting left eight people dead. six of those were of asian descent. today, asian american communities and allies in new york, l.a. and atlanta will host
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events called stand together remembering 316. it will feature asian american leaders, activists and artists addressing anti-asian hate. the event will happen in japantowns hotel kabuki today from 2 to 5. still ahead on abc seven mornings, mission street and san francisco is now cleaner. the new report coming from officials months after the street vending ban. and here's a live look atop our roof camera looking at the bay bridge this morning. it may be time to see the bigger picture. heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome, shortness of breath,
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and irregular heartbeat could mean something more serious, called attr-cm a rare, underdiagnosed disease that worsens over time. sound like you? call your cardiologist and ask about attr-cm.
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camera looking at the bay bridge this morning with that stunning sunrise. it is 639 to consumer news now. a settlement could bring down the cost of buying and selling homes. the national association of realtors agreed to settle a series of lawsuits over excessive fees. this puts an end to the typical 6%
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commission. most agents charge after being accused of keeping costs artificially high. as per the agreement, they'll pay $418 million in damages and eliminate the commission guidelines. >> the settlement might spur some activity in the market because sellers have been sort of hesitant lately, but now with a little bit of extra money in their pockets, that might be a good thing. >> bay area experts argue not much will change here with a consistently high demand, but some argue that realtor fees could drop by 30, or that this could give rise to online brokers offering discounted realtor services. the federal trade commission is looking into the social news site reddit for its plans to use its users content to train artificial intelligence. the company now says it plans to license user generated content to train ai models before its initial public offering. reddit disclosed the investigation in an sec filing
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on friday. the letter also revealed that 9% of reddit is currently owned by openai ceo sam altman. we have new details about the ongoing battle over street vendors in san francisco's mission district. new data from the city's public works department shows a drop in requests for street cleaning. abc seven news reporter luz pena has been following this story. >> it's been over three months since street vending was banned on mission street, and the first report on cleanliness is out. >> we're seeing that the overall request for street cleaning that comes through the 3-1-1 customer service center is down about 21% overall in the mission district. >> we saw it. sidewalks are clean, and public works inspectors along with san francisco police officers, are patrolling the area. seven days a week until 8 p.m. on weekdays. the city is saying their efforts are also leading to more than just clean sidewalks. >> we've also seen fewer police calls that are coming through for burglaries and assaults.
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>> the city implemented this ban to tackle vendors selling stolen items on sidewalks. we ran into a vendor that goes by the name shark. he was carrying several pounds of stolen meat, selling it on foot to avoid it getting confiscated. what do you do this often? >> i probably do it like ten times a day. i have to do that to feed myself. you don't want to be doing this? no, no, i just got fired from my job, though. that was the only thing i had. and i was only making $600 a month. >> he showed us inside his backpack. what do you have in here? >> beef tongue. it's one of these will feed a family for a week, a month. so how much was this meat inside the store? $150. >> susanna rojas is the executive director of cuatro. her group represents street vendors. she agrees streets are cleaner now, but he's asking the city to think about the vendors who are selling merchandise. that was never stolen and have permits. >> there has been a lot of narrative out there to promote a permanent ban for our vendors,
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not only in the mission, but all over the san francisco, and we stand against it. the vendors have never been the issue. >> one of those vendors following the rules is manuel soltero. he is inside the location on 21st and 37 mission street, set up by the city for them. how's business here? >> very bad. >> manuel is glad streets are clean, but said they never contributed to the mess. he wants the city to let them sell outside while the inspectors are out. >> i think why they are not doing like this? we sell and that's the space. they stay eight hours. why not stay eight hours? and we sell over there. we had. we had a permit. legal permit? >> that was luz pena reporting. the ban is not perfect. we're told residents report seeing vendors selling what appears to be stolen items on the sidewalks after inspectors leave at 8 p.m. now, public works says it is aware of that and will continue to gather more data before extending or changing their
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schedule. well, we're catching the start of sunrise, right? right about now. how's it looking, lisa? >> you know, 718 the sunrise and sunset, 12 hours of daylight and darkness and a beautiful view from mount tam. the equinox is on tuesday when spring arrives, but we're enjoying a gorgeous day today. and we'll look at when the clouds and rain return, which are in my seven day outl discover the ozempic® tri-zone.
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low of the sunrise in the distance. it is 646. in sports. the dubs play the lakers today and steph curry is expected to play. you can catch that game tonight right here on abc seven. the lakers face the warriors at home inside arena. tip off is at 530. then stick around for our sports show after the game at eight. here's larry beil with what's expected and
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what's at stake. >> good morning everybody. with 17 games to go, time is really running out for the warriors to try to move up the western conference standings. so the expected return of steph curry against the lakers tonight. it is huge. steph missed three games after spraining his ankle last thursday. rejoined the warriors in los angeles for a workout yesterday. coach steve kerr said steph will likely be a game time decision, but if he feels good in warmups as they expect curry will play against a lakers team that the dubs trail by one game. >> that's the plan. everything goes well with with practice today and rehab tonight and all that. but i'm working hard all week to try to get back as soon as possible. so it's nice to be back with the team for a good energy going on. >> steph, his staff, so we need him. this is a big game tomorrow. obviously they're all big, but particularly the ones against the teams. you know ahead of us and teams that we are on the heels of. so, i'm,
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thrilled to get steph back. and we've got, a whole team tomorrow. hopefully we can stay whole now for the remainder of the season. >> we got the warriors and lakers. hopefully steph versus lebron tonight tip off at 5:30 p.m. followed by after the game around 8:00. giants and a's in arizona with also rain and lightning. bring your cardboard to the yard for those situations . they played only a few innings. have no fear. yaz is here diving and robbing ryan noda. but the game was called in the third with the giants ahead two one. j.d. davis moving across the bay, signed by the a's for $2.5 million. the veteran third baseman, he actually won his arbitration case with the giants for 6.9 mil. then they cut him. that doesn't seem fair at all. and stop me if you've heard this one before. the giants, they are. they're in on blake snell, the cy young winner who's looking for a new team through a simulated game in seattle with giants scouts on hand. supposedly looked good. second round of the players championship scottie scheffler
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world number one had some neck issues. so he's six. back of this man. your leader wyndham clark started on the back nine. the birdie there on the famed 17th green. and then clark with a wedge shot here. this thing almost went slam dunk in the reigning us open champ. shot a 65 leads by four heading to the weekend and to the delight of quarterbacks everywhere, aaron donald is retiring after a decade of dominance. the three time defensive player of the year with the rams, who wrecked game plans forever hangs up his pads at 32 and x niners qb jimmy garoppolo coming back to the nfc west, signing with the rams to back up matthew stafford. that's a wrap on morning sports. don't forget warriors. lakers right here at 530. have a great weekend everybody i'm larry biel. >> thank you larry the bay area's newest professional soccer franchise. bay football club or bay fc will play its inaugural game this weekend. bay fc is the 14th and newest soccer team to join the national women's soccer league. bay fc defender emily menges spoke to
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reporters about the club's preparations for their very first game. >> for any team, i think the first game of the season is always kind of yeah, kind of just a not a crapshoot. we're more prepared than that. but every every team is not as prepared as they will be later on. but but yeah, we're feeling good. we're we're getting ourselves. like i said, we're ironing out the final details tactically. and, yeah. ready to play angel city. >> the game kicks off tomorrow afternoon against angel city in los angeles bay fc. first home match is on march 30th. now had it been a home game today, it would have been great weather for it. let's check in with lisa. >> all right. good morning to you. looking at a gorgeous start to the day and live doppler seven showing you that the ridge of high pressure still with us to the north. and we've got low pressure that is weakening and eventually moving away. and it will provide a wind shift today allowing for a return to the
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stratus tonight. and those breezy westerly winds throughout the afternoon. it is 58, in san francisco, 48 in oakland. much cooler with the light winds. 50 hayward and san jose looking at 52, in half moon bay, what have you here? the sun just coming up now. 40 santa rosa, 42, in fairfield and 47 in concord. so yesterday, 50s and 60s with all of that crazy wind this morning below five miles an hour and we are much cooler. so today, sunny will get cooler at the coast due to that sea breeze. temperatures will come up primarily into the mid 60s and then drop off into the low 60s later on. and by tomorrow much of the same, we'll see the stratus in the morning downtown, and then it will give way to a sunny day. but mild by the bay and our inland valley. so we're back to the 70s both today and tomorrow, away from the coast. and then spring arrives, the vernal equinox on tuesday, march 19th. so here's a look at the south winds to start out. and then they turn to the west. and that allows for about
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a 15 to 20 mile an hour sea breeze. today it's going to be a gorgeous day out there and along the coast it will feel a little cool, but still certainly nice out there with full sunshine. and that's going to take us into the second half of the weekend as well. we'll skip ahead to monday, where we're going to see more temperatures in the upper 60s from the peninsula and mid 70s. so actually we rebound a few degrees on monday and then drop back off again on tuesday. as a trough sets up to the north, a stronger sea breeze on wednesday. and then the fun begins with the return to some rain, likely on thursday and continuing into friday. so here's a look at the dry start to the week. midweek we're dry and then stopping this on thursday. not only will we see the rain, it looks like it's going to encompass much of california and mountain snow to boot there on friday, lasting into saturday, so we've been watching this for a while now. it's looking more likely that we will see a return to that unsettled weather and bring back our storm impact scale. as for
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today, a beautiful out there we were in the 70s yesterday. half moon bay. so look at the change. 62 today, san francisco was in the low 70s mid 60s. today we're looking at about 72 in fremont. that was 76 yesterday. so a little cooler for you but still beautiful out there with 74 in san jose. the accuweather seven day forecast sunny inland and then fog returns to the coast later on today. a low clouds to start your sunday, then a sunny afternoon for saint patrick's day. the parade looks fantastic today. monday temperatures rebound tuesday spring arrives and then we'll irease the clouds with the chance of rain
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mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ cis, and in january san mateo county became the first in the u.s. to recognize loneliness as a public health emergency. supervisor david canepa
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introduced the resolution that was voted on unanimously. on friday, he announced the launch of the are you lonely campaign and a call for the county to help fund it. >> we're always worried about our physical health, but never our mental health, and i'm hoping i'm hoping that we're able to make some severe changes and to change this paradigm of suffering and silence. >> right now, the campaign has partners in ucsf and some local nonprofits on the peninsula. saint patrick's day is sunday, but san francisco's big celebration is happening today. the 173rd annual saint patrick's day parade and celebration steps off downtown, starting at 1130. the parade starts at market and second and ends at civic center plaza, where there will be live music, food and drinks all afternoon in good weather for it too. >> we have the dancing leprechaun this morning. he's
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excited about it. we'll see temperatures starting out in the upper 50s by about 10:00, and the winds are light. and as we get into the afternoon, mid 60s, then quickly dropping off by the late afternoon with that wind shift and winds at about 12 to 15 miles an hour. so really lovely day. the evening is cool and the accuweather seven day forecast looking pretty nice right through the middle of the week. and then looks like we could see some rain by next thursday. >> and we'll be wearing our green tomorrow. oh you will for the real day. yeah. otherwise i'll pinch you. >> yeah. >> thank you for joining us. i'm stephanie sierra along with lisa argen. abc seven news continues at nine. have a great day >> this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. >> yeah. you're watching abc
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