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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  March 17, 2024 7:00am-8:01am PDT

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>> gio: good morning, america. urgent manhunt. >> jaremy smith, we are coming
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for you. >> gio: police nationwide searching for the man accused of killing a new mexico police officer. the suspect also sought for the murder of a woman in south carolina just days earlier. law enforcement now warning the public that if they see him, to be prepared to fight for their lives. >> janai: tornado recovery. picking up the pieces after those deadly twisters in the heartland. >> i don't know. i don't even know where to begin with my cleanup. >> janai: neighbors helping neighbors re-group and restart. we're live on the scene. >> whit: concert controversy. grammy winner bad bunny -- ♪ -- now in a legal battle with a man who posted bootlegged videos from his concert. meanwhile, megastars like taylor swift and beyonce embracing fan videos. what the lawsuit could mean for concertgoers. >> gio: is self-checkout checking out? the big change today at one of the nation's biggest chain re-think having the customers do stores as many retailers
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re-think having the customers do the cashier's work. what it could mean for your next shopping excursion. ♪ shut up and dance with me ♪ >> janai: and it's time to dance. march madness mania ramping up into high gear. make-or-break games going to the last second. >> and the lancers hold on. >> janai: the near misses, the shoo-ins and the sleepers. it all comes down to selection sunday. >> four seconds, three seconds. jones fires. no good. wisconsin wins. >> janai: so who's feeling lucky on this st. patrick's day? ♪ >> whit: were our microphones hot at that point? >> janai: i don't know. >> whit: oh, man, the harmony on the ooh part. feeling it. good morning, america. happy st. patrick's day. hope you have your green on.
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gio, i would say that's borderline. >> gio: come on. this is green enough. >> janai: no. leprechauns, we need you to weigh in because that's looking like a light teal. >> whit: the patron saint of ireland would be disappointed. we'll give you partial credit. good morning. we have a lot to cover. including the fate of tiktok. the senate this week could move forward with a bill that could end up banning the social media platform in the u.s. >> gio: and breaking overnight, a massive volcano eruption in iceland -- look at that -- spewing smoke and orange lava into the sky. evacuations now under way, and that blue lagoon -- that famous blue lagoon has been temporarily closed. >> janai: incredible images there, but we begin at home with that urgent nationwide manhunt this morning for a suspect in the shooting death of a state police officer in new mexico. investigators calling that same suspect a person of interest in a murder in south carolina. abc's melissa adan joins us with the latest on the search and how authorities are linking those crimes. good morning, melissa. >> reporter: janai, good morning.
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local police in new mexico with a chilling warning to communities telling people to be on the lookout and be prepared to fight as though your life depends on it, all while the search for the suspected killer considered armed and dangerous is under way. >> jaremy smith, we are coming for you. i implore you to turn yourself in. >> reporter: this morning, law enforcement on a cross-country manhunt looking for 33-year-old jaremy smith who they say killed one of their own in cold blood. >> the last words officer hare uttered on this earth was to offer help to a man who was about to kill him. >> reporter: law enforcement say smith is also a person of interest in the death of 52-year-old phonesia machado-fore, in dylan county, south carolina, a paramedic who was reported missing on thursday and then found dead friday. >> we have reason to believe that they knew each other. >> reporter: police say smith
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stole machado-fore's white bmw and drove 1,500 miles across the country to quay county, new mexico, where we got a flat tire early friday on this interstate. justin hare was dispatched to help and after a short conversation about repairing his tire and offering a ride back to town, things took a deadly turn. the suspect seen here on officer hare's dashcam video. >> without warning, the suspect pulled out a firearm and shot officer hare. smith then walked to the driver's side and shot officer hare again. >> reporter: officials say officer hare's radio duress signal went off. another officer dispatch saw hare's patrol car speeding, ultimately finding it empty on the side of the road. hare found injured nearby. >> officer hare died serving his state and his community. on a cold, dark, and windy morning, he offered help to a person he thought was in need. that person killed him in cold blood. >> reporter: officer hare was a five-year veteran of the new mexico state police. he leaves behind two children and a girlfriend. the new mexico police chief says
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the suspect has an extensive criminal history. much of it traced to south carolina going back at least a decade, gio. >> gio: and we are thinking of the officer's family. melissa, thank you so much. now to the aftermath of those deadly tornadoes in the heartland. the storms killed three, injured dozens, and just shattered communities in seven states. alex presha is in lakeview, ohio, this morning. alex, good morning. >> reporter: hey, gio, look at this. this is a piece of a chimney that came careening off the side of that house during this storm. the unfortunate reality is that so many of the houses here are now uninhabitable. the other issue is the power is out to some 3,900 home here in logan county and right now there's no timetable for when it will be restored. this morning, the sound of
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chainsaws, and trash removal echiing throughout lakeview, ohio. hundreds of families here and in surrounding logan county are trying to get back on their feet, in the wake of a tornado that killed three. travis gause survived the storm huddled with his family in the center of their home. now like many, he's trying to salvage what's left. >> i don't know. i don't even know where to begin with my cleanup. i see people picking up out of their yards, but with mine -- >> where do you start? >> yeah. >> reporter: the cleanup effort well under way, but for so many along this street it's a total loss. across town, this high school gym now serving as a donation center, giving out food, clothing, and supplies to anyone in need. that's where we met ashley devore. she tells us she's never experienced destruction like this. >> i lost everything in my house. all my food. i have my house so that's a good thing. i have been here since i was 17. i've never seen a tornado come through here. >> reporter: among the dead, a 70-year-old grandmother, darla williams. her family telling abc news that she was a true friend to all that knew her. at least 15 tornadoes rampaged across seven states on thursday
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leaving trails of destruction in their wake. other parts of the country also experiencing severe weather with the heavy hailstorm in texas forcing people to run for cover. in needville, fist-sized chunks of hail punching holes in windows and garbage cans. >> i was worried that it was going to come through the roof, that's how loud it was. >> reporter: now, this community has received an outpouring of donations, but with the power still out, biggest needs going forward, gas l.e.d. lights and then also heaters because it's in the 30s this morning. whit? >> whit: alex presha for us, thank you. flooding a major threat for some parts of the country today. let's get to somara theodore here with more on that. somara, good morning. >> somara: good morning, whit. that's what i want to talk about. we're starting to see the significant threat for storms diminish a bit, but the flooding threat is up. here we are in houston, texas. you can see lots of rain on the radar, but this is the view from
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the ground. slick road conditions as cars travel to-and-fro. some rain drops on the camera there. a lot of the heavier rain will be making its way farther east as we head through this afternoon. 12:00 p.m. central time. look who's in the bull's-eye, new orleans, flash flooding possible, and we could see an isolated severe storm, but it's not as widespread as last night. then this evening, that switches to the -- shifts to the florida panhandle. a lot of our spring breakers out there will be dealing with heavy rain by the overnight hours. that then makes its way to the carolina coastline. as far as rain totals go, 2 to 3 inches generally along the louisiana coast, but we could see some areas locally higher hitting 4 inches of rain and that could lead to flash flooding. janai. >> janai: watching the southeast carefully. somara, thank you. boeing is under increasing scrutiny from the justice department after multiple recent mishaps with their planes. surely you've heard of them. the department of justice now expanding its criminal investigation into the door plug that blew off an alaska airlines boeing plane back in january. "the new york times" reporting the doj has issued subpoenas and convened a grand jury.
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>> gio: overseas now to the israel/hamas war and another effort at cease-fire negotiations, this as we get a firsthand look at the dramatic medical evacuations. ines de la cuetara is in dubai with this story. good morning, ines. >> reporter: good morning, gio, and a six-week cease-fire back on the table. hamas demanding the release of up to 1,000 palestinian prisoners in exchange for 40 hostages. the israeli prime minister calling that absurd, but still sending a delegation. overnight thousands taking to the streets in israel, protesting the israeli government, calling for early elections, and demanding a hostage deal. negotiations appearing set to resume on monday in doha according to an israeli source. even as the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu approves plans to attack the city of rafah, promising to evacuate the more than 1.4 million people seeking shelter to enclaves, but palestinians telling us nowhere in gaza is
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safe. i was at the sea, she says. it was meant to be a safe area. we got hit with four rockets. i got injured and my grandma was martyred. this 13-year-old after undergoing surgery. we met her aboard a flying hospital evacuating about 100 wounded palestinians to the uae for additional care. it's also here we meet this 9-year-old hit with shrapnel. this 5-year-old lost his right leg, the other one broken. both of his parents and two of his siblings were killed in a strike. his three other siblings are traveling with him, all were injured. even as some aid trickles in by land, air, and sea, this morning, the main u.n. agency operating in gaza warning 1 in 3 children under the age of 2 in northern gaza is acutely malnourished. >> malnutrition, is that something you're seeing? >> yes. they didn't have the right food, the right drinks, and the right medication. >> reporter: and the u.s. is not
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attending this round of talks in doha, but the white house says that should not be taken as a sign this isn't a positive step in the right direction. whit? >> whit: all right, ines de la cuetara, thank you. we turn now to the growing humanitarian crisis in haiti. aid groups warning that roughly a million people are at risk of starvation amid political chaos and violence by armed groups and this morning, the u.s. state department says it's making evacuation plans for american citizens. abc's matt rivers is just across the border in the dominican republic. matt, good morning. >> reporter: yeah, good morning, whit. a relatively calm weekend this weekend in port-au-prince after weeks of violence, but the tension remains extremely high as we await any potential political solution to this ongoing crisis. it has been weeks and weeks of violence now with powerful gangs unifying in an unprecedented way to attack the sitting government of acting prime minister ariel henry. it has turned port-au-prince into a war zone, completely cut off from the outside world as
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the airport there has shut down, and it has stranded hundreds, if not thousands of americans on the island. keep in mind that not all of them want to leave, but for those that do, it is just about impossible. the u.s. state department announcing that it will organize charter flights for american citizens from the northern city where things are calmer, but it's just about impossible to get there. there is one single highway that runs there between port-au-prince and the northern city. i have been on it before. it is entirely gang-controlled. make no mistake. you will risk your life, no question going from one city to the other right now. many people are still trying to make that trip, janai, which means that it's so bad there they're forced to do that. 1 million people roughly according to the world food programme now at risk of famine or starvation -- and starvation rather because of what's going on in haiti. janai? >> janai: so many innocent people caught up in it, and matt, the way you described that one road out to safety, but you'll risk your life taking it. thank you, matt. now to the fate of tiktok. as washington moves to force its chinese owner to sell the
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popular social media platform or face a ban in the u.s. the house voting in favor of the bill. maryalice parks joins us live on capitol hill as this week, it could be the senate's turn to weigh in. good morning, maryalice. >> reporter: janai, good morning. the bill now heads here to the senate where there clearly is some early bipartisan support. both the democrat and republican chairs of the select committee on intelligence say that they are strongly in favor of this bill and working to get it passed. others we've talked to say they want to hear more from the intelligence committee, dig into possible freedom of speech issues before deciding. now as written, the bill would give bytedance, the parent company of tiktok, six months to sell its u.s. operations to a company outside of china. otherwise, the u.s. government would force u.s. tech companies like apple and google to stop offering tiktok in its app stores. now those in favor of the bill say that the chinese government can use tiktok to harvest users'
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data and push its own propaganda and that's too much of a security risk. tiktok has been pushing back against that criticism. its ceo has been up here on capitol hill lobbying hard against the bill saying if it passes, it will effectively be a ban on the app in the u.s., but if it does pass in the senate, president biden has said that he would sign it, but gio, you can imagine it would definitely be litigate in the courts. >> gio: let's dig into that now with martha raddatz who's hosting abc's "this week" later this morning. martha, my friend, good to see you this morning. let's stay on tiktok here. where does this tiktok bill stand in the senate right now? >> martha: i think it might have a very tough time in the senate. in fact, it might give joe biden some cover there. in fact, the president as we know, is on tiktok himself, but there are those national security concerns, very serious national security concerns, and we're going to ask mike turner today, representative mike turner who heads the house intelligence committee what he can tell us about those concerns. they have had a lot of classified briefings.
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they know something -- there was some urgency to this. we want to know exactly what americans should know about this and be worried about, gio. >> gio: so many watching this there. they're also watching the israel/hamas war. israeli prime minister netanyahu has approved a plan for an operation in rafah. that's in southern gaza with cease-fire negotiations looming. what does that tell us? >> martha: first of all, we know that the administration did not really want netanyahu to go into rafah down there on the border with egypt. they're very, very worried about the starvation, about the death, about israel trying to change plans if they can to save more civilian lives, and it doesn't seem like president biden is getting very far on that, and of course, we heard chuck schumer say that he believes there should be new leadership in israel, that netanyahu is part of the problem. he doesn't want a new election in the middle of the war, but he said when the war winds down,
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they should really look at that. we've heard the president not exactly support what chuck schumer said, but he said it was a good speech that schumer made. gio? >> gio: martha raddatz, thank you so much for joining us, and tune into abc's "this week" later. martha speaks exclusively with republican house intelligence committee chair mike turner, and democratic representative ro khanna about national security concerns over tiktok. plus, martha speaks with white house national security spokesperson john kirby on the latest in gaza. janai? >> janai: back overseas now to iceland where a volcano has erupted near the country's capital city of reykjavik. now residents are being evacuated as that lava, incredible images of it just spewing out. morgan norwood is here with the latest. good morning, morgan. >> reporter: those images coming in overnight. that volcano erupting for the fourth time since december, and overnight again, forcing evacuations as lava spewed into the night sky. you got to see this, bright red lava.
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the backdrop of the night sky. this video showing fountains of molten rock pouring from the ground in that area there. according to iceland's meteorological office, the eruption opened a fissure in the earth -- get this -- almost two miles long, and nearby towns forced to leave their homes and the blue lagoon, a popular geothermal spa and tourist destination immediately closing just as it did with previous eruptions, with hundreds there evacuating. authorities have been saying for weeks that an eruption was imminent, and this morning, we know that choppers are now heading to survey the extent of the damage. now the previous eruption back on february 8th, that did result in a river of lava, engulfing a pipeline which then cut off heat and hot water to thousands of people in that region. officials think this is the largest of those eruptions so far, but incredible image, guys. >> whit: absolutely, and they've just been going through this over and over again. morgan, thank you so much. we do want to turn now, and get a check of the weather once again. somara theodore is here, and spring's supposed to be just a few days away, but it doesn't feel like that. >> somara: i know.
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i know, but we are -- actually it's going to feel worse, whit, here. >> whit: really? okay, all right. you were building up to the bad news. >> somara: looking for the silver lining, but where is it? where is it? nope. it's getting colder. here we are, rocky mountain national park, colorado. look at them blowing through the snow there, up to 60 inches of snow, and we are looking at the cold air returning for much of the southeast and the northeast. so here we are. we have freeze alerts going into place for huntsville, alabama. this is from monday night into tuesday morning. little rock, montgomery, charlotte, atlanta not so hotlanta there, and then we have temperatures that will be taking a dive. so in the northeast, in the midwest, we're coming off a very mild, serene conditions, and you can see waking up and going to work tuesday morning, chicago, 32 degrees. boston, upper 20s there. minneapolis, tuesday morning into the teens even as far south as memphis, pretty chilly monday morning with temperatures starting off below freezing. that's a look at the forecast across the country. let's see what's going on a little closer to home.
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>> somara: that's look at your local forecast, and we have some rain for our friends down in new orleans who will be doing their st. paddy's day parade. >> janai: tell us what you tried to sell us on this. >> somara: is it green or is it sea moss? >> whit: okay. >> somara: it's irish sea moss, in fact, that's a thing. >> janai: i wish you would have tried better and put on green. good try, guys. >> whit: we are making up colors this morning for this st. patrick's day.
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>> janai: and staying with st. patrick's day, to a st. patrick's day tradition in the uk. princess kate absent from the festivities. buckingham palace still insists that she's recovering from abdominal surgery. lama hasan joins us. >> reporter: yeah, good morning to you, janai. this morning, kate's absence will be felt. she is honorary colonel for the first time. since 2016, the princess will not be handing out shamrocks at the st. patrick's day parade. they will cheer her as she continues her recovery from abdominal surgery. now, the palace is still dealing with the fallout from that photo that was released last weekend. the photo was meant to reassure the public that kate was okay, but it actually had the opposite effect after it was pulled from photo agencies because it had been tampered with. kate later apologizing for editing it. "the sunday times" reporting today that she was devastated by the whole affair. the paper also reporting that she may be more open about her surgery.
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a royal source is quoted as saying, i see a world in which the princess might discuss her recovery out on engagements. now, in terms of when we expect to see her return to public duty, no word from the palace yet. only that we expect to see her after easter. as for prince william, her husband, he's still working and he has an event this coming tuesday and he'll be out and about in northern england. despite being asked about his wife's health, he has never publicly commented on it. guys? >> whit: okay. lama hasan for us, thank you so much. we appreciate it. still ahead here on "gma," bad bunny in a legal fight with a fan who posted video of the star's show. what the outcome could mean for all concertgoers. >> gio: and is self-checkout checking out? target is placing a ten-item limit -- i don't know why you're laughing. >> janai: you nailed it. >> gio: why it's happening now. we'll be right back. >> janai: don't check out.
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layer. you can see it's scattering out there from emeryville this morning. it's cooler in san francisco at 50 degrees, as well as oakland and half moon bay. 49, san jose. there's the fog. san francisco in the low 60s today, mid 40s in the north bay. so we will see temperatures rebound to the low 70s inland. >> lisa, thank you. and thank you all for joining us. gma is next. >> here's what's happening around the bay area showing you where we have those showers. >> they are light in nature. and of this front already moving through the north bay. it's about to move into the city. >> and the east bay was wet. the roads are wet, traffic is sluggish. so just be careful. >> watch abc seven mornings. >> the tiktok band passes in the house. so what's next? plus, biden and trump clinched the nominations, leaving many voters frustrated. this morning on abc's this week. >> join us for this week this morning starting at eight right here on abc. >> it's time to stop worrying about mattress shopping because of the living spaces sleep center. we treat you to an easy, no stress experience. our team
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been? it's always been that way. >> i think it still does surprise me that people get a little distraught about, like, women being competitive and getting into little arguments on the court or having a little trash talk, and that's how it should be. i think more than anything, it's surprising you guys didn't know this is how women's sports are played. like, come on. >> janai: welcome back to "gma" on this sunday morning. we all love a little trash talk. >> whit: especially you. >> janai: i do. i do. yes, caitlin clark, robin's great interview with her. caitlin clark has been the story in college basketball this year making history when she became the ncaa's all-time leading scorer for women and men. you can see robin's full special with caitlin streaming on hulu and you'll see caitlin playing in march madness, her last march madness too, but the fact that when you think about college basketball this season, it's caitlin clark. >> whit: yeah. absolutely. >> gio: yeah. >> janai: not just women's college basketball. caitlin clark. >> whit: we'll talk about that coming up later in the show.
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first, though, a look at the other big stories we're following on this sunday morning. happening right now, the 26-year-old suspect accused of killing three members of his own family including his 13-year-old sister in a philadelphia suburb is now in custody. police say 26-year-old andre gordon jr. carjacked someone and then drove that car to trenton, new jersey. police then swarmed a home there for hours, but gordon was later arrested while walking several blocks away. >> janai: also right now, russian voters are heading to the polling booths for the last day of their three-day presidential election. vladimir putin is expected to win another six years in office after facing no significant opposition. several people were detained during the three-day election for vandalism including pouring green dye into ballot boxes and setting fires. >> gio: and it is st. patrick's day. cities across the country are getting into the spirit this weekend. new york held its big annual parade on saturday, and in chicago, that famous green
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river. members of the plumbers union saying that they used a dye that's friendly toward the environment. it's the same dye actually that's usually used to check pipes for leaks. so happy st. patrick's day to all, especially our whit johnson. >> whit: oh, thank you very much. remember when people used to get pinched for -- >> janai: our favorite leprechaun. >> whit: yes, that's right. pinched for not wearing green? i feel like that got shut down by hr departments across the country. >> janai: that's true. you know what's new though? leprechaun traps. kids, you make them. >> whit: yes, yeah. >> janai: that's the thing. that was not a thing when i grew up. >> gio: that's cute. all right. and we are going to start this half hour here with bad bunny now battling a fan who posted videos he shot at a recent concert. the grammy-winning reggaeton star demanding the videos be taken down, but the fan is fighting back. reena roy is here with that. hey, reena. >> reporter: hey, gio, good morning to you. look, taking a video of a concert and posting it online is nothing new. most of us do it, but bad bunny says this creator crossed the line, and some are wondering, how far is too far when going to
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see live performances? ♪ >> reporter: this morning, superstar bad bunny is fighting back in a rare move suing a content creator for sharing multiple videos online from a recent performance. the defendant accused of posting ten full songs on youtube from the launch of the rapper's "most wanted" tour in salt lake city, showing live performances of his megahits. ♪ in a federal lawsuit, bad bunny's attorneys calling the clips bootlegs arguing they lure viewers and advertisers away from bad bunny's authorized videos. >> this is the rainiest rain show. >> reporter: the legal battle comes right after clips like these took over the internet. millions posting videos from beyonce and taylor swift concerts. >> most artists have no problem with these small snippets of their performances and music being shared. it's when you take a huge
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portion and you use it for commercial purposes like appears to be the case with this lawsuit that it becomes incorrect and infringement. >> reporter: according to court documents, bad bunny's team saying they were forced to take legal action after the owner of the account, eric garrone refused to remove the videos even after the rapper's reps filed a takedown notice with youtube. garrone arguing legitimate use of the content saying, the show was carefully captured without alterations or post-production. ♪ and telling abc in a statement there was never intention to harm anyone claiming he obtained no financial gain. in the end, his account taken down by youtube after multiple third-party claims of copyright infringement. >> an artist went to enforce his rights. this happens all the time, and the difference here is that the user actually refused to comply, refused to take the music down and pushed for a lawsuit. that's what makes it rare. i don't think it's going to turn
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into this big ordeal where now you can't film anything because you have to remember that a lot of the small clips that are spread all over social media are actually great marketing for the artist. >> reporter: and look. this isn't the first time bad bunny has pushed back in defense of his music. last year he spoke out against a song that went viral on tiktok that sounded just like him, but it was actually a fake using artificial intelligence, and guys, the lawyer we spoke with describing this time as the wild, wild west when it comes to protecting intellectual property. >> janai: all right. interesting. thank you so much, reena. it is time now for the weather, and somara theodore, look at chicago there with the green river. >> somara: yes. we have this really cool video of the time lapse for chicago as they turn the river green. >> janai: it's not green yet. >> somara: not yet. watch this. i'm not even -- take a look. that's green green, okay?
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that looks like the stuff they used to throw the slime. remember the slime from nickelodeon back in the day? that's safe for the water there, so no worries. all the folks getting ready for the st. paddy's day parade. let's visit a few irish cities here in america. we are looking at temperatures pretty cold starting off monday morning in the low 30s. boston in the low 30s. washington, d.c., wednesday morning in the low 30s as well. so the chill is moving in. if you have any plans on headed to the st. paddy's parade in new orleans, we're looking at a bit of a soaker. >> somara: and that is >> somara: and that is a look at your local forecast, and happy st. paddy's day to everyone. especially you. you have some very deep irish heritage. we talked about it this morning. >> whit: that's correct. we don't reveal the dna,
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23andme here, but yes. my ancestors. >> gio: it's, like, 80%. >> whit: they come from ireland, yes. thank you. >> janai: happy st. patrick's day, whit. still coming up here on "good morning america," an expert guide to selection sunday. >> gio: and next here, a target putting new restrictions on its self-checkout lines as other retailers phase them out. what's driving the change? stick around. you're watching "gma." nge? stick around. you're watching "gma." change? stick around. you're watching "gma." copd hasn't been pretty. it's tough to breathe and tough to keep wondering if this is as good as it gets. but trelegy has shown me that there's still beauty and breath to be had. because with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open and prevents future flare-ups. and with one dose a day, trelegy improves lung function so i can breathe more freely all day and night.
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when you bundle home and auto with us. (jeremy) ruka likes food that tastes good. she won't eat anything that she doesn't want to eat. she's a headstrong little lady. there's no faking it with her. (nicole) we sent you blue tastefuls dry food, and... (jeremy) she loved it. i was super surprised. i want food that's healthy, nutritious, and something she'll love. (nicole) what's for dinner tonight? (jeremy) it's tastefuls from blue buffalo for this little girl. (vo) pick up blue tastefuls and find out why one taste is all it takes. available in dry, wet, and singles.
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>> janai: back now with the big question. is self-checkout checking out? target shaking it up. it is now putting ten items or less -- >> whit: gio said it better. >> janai: you did. you did. ten items or less restricitions on those self-service lines while some other popular retailers are phasing self-checkout out altogether. will ganss has looked into the whys of it all. is it checking out? will, i do not sound good when i ask. >> reporter: let's give her the pulitzer right now. that was beautiful poetry, janai. the self-checkout switch-up goes into effect today at target stores across the country. expect some changes to your superstore shopping trip and with a return to staffed checkout lanes, it's an excuse to talk about one of my all-time favorite "snl" characters.
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>> i'm ready to rock. >> reporter: paging kristen wiig -- >> welcome to target! >> reporter: -- it's a self-checkout switch-up. target now reserving self-checkout lanes for customers with ten items or less. >> approved! >> reporter: the change going into effect today at 2,000 country-wide locations. after several years of customers relying on self-checkout as a contact-free option during the pandemic. >> this yields quite a few challenges, but one of them is this funny little notion called partial shrink which is when a shopper perhaps either accidentally or intentionally doesn't scan all the items in their order. so some of the stuff goes out the door without having been paid for. >> reporter: after testing this self-checkout swapout, target telling us, quote, we did see a reduction in theft in our test stores, but the program wasn't directed in targeting theft even though we did see it was reduced. and dollar general pulling self-checkout entirely in 300 of
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its highest shrink stores, and implementing a five items or less rule at self-checkout lanes in thousands of others. some of walmart's locations also scaling back their self-checkout options as some frustrated customers call for a cleanup on aisle tiktok. >> you have more than half of your self-checkout lanes closed. >> reporter: the retailer telling us, quote, during these times of limited access, some stores are designating select self-checkout stations for walmart plus customers using our scan and go service, and spark drivers for quicker access and delivery services. >> reporter: and as target self-checkout rules go into effect today, they say it's all about efficiency and customer experience. a reminder, self-checkout isn't going away entirely. you can still use it if you've got ten items or less, you guys. >> janai: who gets ten items or less at target though? >> whit: just a bunch of produce. trying to sort that out. what kind of apple? thank you, will. appreciate it. coming up here, our guide to everything you need to know for march madness.
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tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. the drive, the floater, gets the roll. wisconsin up by one. four seconds, three seconds. jones fires. no good. wisconsin wins. >> whit: yes, the excitement just beginning. we are back now with march madness. that was the last second. overtime win by wisconsin taking down purdue in an upset, and now it is selection sunday when we find out which college basketball teams will compete in the ncaa tournament when we give away all our money to our friends for brackets and whatnot, and espn analyst andraya carter is here to break it all down for us.
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andraya, it's great to have you in the studio this morning. >> thank you for having me. i know it's st. patrick's day, and i know a lot of people love christmas, but this is the most wonderful time of the year for me. this is my season. >> whit: perfect. that's why we scouted out you for today to talk us to. let's start with the women. a lot of these teams have clinched their spots, but who are you watching? >> as far as, like, locks for the women, south carolina's at the top. >> whit: yes. >> south carolina has set themselves apart. they're undefeated. dawn staley is elite when it comes to connecting to her players, getting them to buy into the game plan and getting them to know their roles. they've got a ton of depth. they've got 6'7" on the inside. they've got guards that can score, three-point shooting and there really aren't any holes when you look at south carolina. they are far and wide apart from the rest of the pack. i've also got to go with lsu. you cannot count out lsu. they're the reigning champions. they've got angel reese. they can score, rebound. they've got relentless energy. when i think about those teams in the tournament, lsu and south
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carolina, they're complete teams. post play, guard play, great coaches. these two would be my locks. >> janai: i couldn't have said it better myself. who are the sleeper teams that you think will surprise us? >> sleeper teams, i had to pick a team from the pac-12 because the pac-12 has been crazy. this is the last season that we're going to have the pac-12 because the conference is kind of falling apart. i went with oregon state. they have a lot of length and notre dame. listen. one name you've got to know, hannah hidalgo. hannah hidalgo's a freshman. she is absolutely relentless. she'll dive on the floor. she'll get steals. she has a ton of energy. when i think about other teams facing notre dame, they're not going to be able to prepare for a player like hannah hidalgo. she's going to take them by storm. she's only a freshman. they're a sleeper team and they've got efficient scorers, and their coach ivey is one of my favorite basketball minds in the game. notre dame, we're going to go with oregon state for my sleeper teams.
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>> gio: let's switch to the men's side. which teams are locks? >> lock teams, i'll give you -- i got one lock team for the men's because there are some teams that broke my heart yesterday. uconn. uconn is similar to south carolina in that they've set themselves apart because they've got balance. you never know whose day it's going to be. it might be, you know, donovan clingan might score 22 points or castle might score 18 points or they've got cam newton who can hit threes and he might pop off for 26 points. you never know who's going to have a great night. you got inside scoring. they're connected on the offensive end. you kick things back and forth. you set him up. you set him up. >> whit: she scores most of the points though. >> you score all the points, naturally. of course. >> janai: carrying them on my back for years. >> that's how uconn's team is. they just set each other up so well. uconn on the men's. i can't tell you another lock on the men's. north carolina lost yesterday. houston lost yesterday. you just saw the purdue highlight. they lost yesterday. there are a lot of top teams that fell. so uconn for me has set themselves apart. the other ones, i can't help
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you. >> whit: not much time yet, but quickly a sleeper pick for the men. >> sleeper pick, florida. they've got elite guards and nc state, they just won five games. >> janai: nc state? >> they just won five games in five days. they had to win five games in five days to get into the tournament. >> whit: it's all about momentum. >> they did it. the last team to do it was uconn in 2011. that uconn team went on to win the national championship. >> whit: andraya, thank you so much. so great to have you. you can see the teams going to the dance tonight. up first, the men's bracket reveal. then head over to espn at 8:00 eastern for the women's selection special, and for you bracket heads, you can download espn's bracket challenge app and get into the game. we'll be right back. my bracket is already busted. before i even filled it out. i already know it. every year. (speaker 1) oh! (speaker 2) blue buffalo, huh? (speaker 1) yeah. purina one... (speaker 2) yeah. (speaker 1) i used to feed purina one, but then i read the ingredients. (speaker 2) oh, yeah? (speaker 1) yeah, it's right there. (speaker 2) chicken, rice flour, corn gluten meal, whole grain corn,
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chicken byproduct meal. what's in blue? (speaker 1) deboned chicken, chicken meal, brown rice, barley, oatmeal. (speaker 2) yeah, but those ingredients cost a lot more. (speaker 1) blue is only about 50 cents more a day. that's not too much for my chester. i have relapsing ms, but i still want to spend my time my way. i chose kesimpta because it works for me and my schedule. kesimpta is a b-cell treatment for rms that had powerful results. a reduced rate of relapses... lesions... ...and slowed disability progression. i take it myself once-a-month, at home, or on the go. when i'm ready, treatment time is less than a minute. so more of my time, is up-to-me time. don't take kesimpta if you have hepatitis b, and tell your doctor if you have had it, as it could come back. kesimpta can cause serious side effects, including fatal infections. while no cases of pml were reported in rms clinical trials, it could happen. tell your doctor if you had or plan to have vaccines, or if you are or plan to become pregnant.
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>> what is that haystack color? man, stop! >> someone send me ice. another backache from carrie and you folks. >> wait. >> the tiktok band passes in the house, so what's next? plus, biden and trump clinched the nominations, leaving many voters frustrated. this morning on a. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning, i'm stephanie sierra. today is expected to be the last day for the north face store here in san francisco's union square. the outdoor retailer traces its origins to san francisco's north beach. it has no other stores here in the city. the company was purchased by the vf corporation in 2000, which owns other brands like timberland and dickies. the company did not specify why this particular store is closing. happening now. the oakland marathon is getting underway this morning, and here's the starting line for the half marathon runners. our very own
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producer, kate eby, is part of the pack, running 13.1 miles this morning. and she tells us the start was delayed by almost half an hour. it was meant to begin at seven, but runners just started a few minutes before 730. we're told there may have been trouble with securing the course and possible technical issues at the start. good luck to kate. certainly not a bad day out to get out for a run. how's it looking, lisa? >> well, comfortably cool. stephanie. with that marine layer in place, you can see from mount tam, richardson bay and the scattering of that stratus. right now it is 50 san francisco and oakland. little cooler for the city, upper 40s in san jose and the golden gate bridge. partly cloudy sky with the low clouds and fog peeling back throughout the day. today 43 in livermore, 45 santa rosa. so it looks like summer. it is going to feel like spring. and then we have kind of a wild seven day outlook, five degrees cooler here in the city and along the peninsula. so that certainly will dictate the weather along the coast with low 60s. so we
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stay dry and sunny. the next couple of days then cooler midweek. so today probably the warmest day out there with some low 70s actually tomorrow we're going to see warmer weather and then rain returns the end of the week. lisa thank you. >> and thank you all for joining us this week with george stephanopoulos is next. >> why do we drive ecological cars for them, for their future but that means they've got to be safe, reliable. well, with range, that won't leave you halfway to the promised land and fuel efficiency that won't rob their college fund. >> honda hybrids, electrified driving you can count on. >> ask anyone who owns a honda. >> see your norcal honda dealer for a great deal on the hybrid. you can trust. >> looking for help with your taxes with united way, various free tax help, you can get saved. quick and accurate tax help for free. get your taxes done by one of our experts and
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