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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  March 21, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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it's one of 16 states to team up with the feds in a sweeping lawsuit accusing the cupertino based tech giant of building an illegal smartphone monopoly that stifles competition. in the press conference announcing the suit thursday morning, u.s. attorney general merrick garland described some ways. he said apple is breaking antitrust laws. >> for example, if an iphone user messages a non-iphone user in apple messages, the text appears not only as a green bubble but incorporates limited functionality. the conversation is not encrypted. videos are pixelated and grainy, and users cannot edit messages or see typing indicators as a result, iphone users perceive rival smartphones as being lower quality because the experience of messaging friends and family who do not own iphones is worse. >> in a statement, apple pushed back against the lawsuit, saying in part it would also set a dangerous precedent empowering government to take a heavy hand
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in designing people's technology. we believe this lawsuit is wrong on the facts and the law, and we will vigorously defend against it, bay area tech expert ahmed ben arfa points out. this is not the first lawsuit apple has faced. he noted that the federal government has also come after other tech giants, and they're trying to make sure that the first of all, the consumers are not charged a lot and they have options. >> number three is the smaller companies that that the startups that trying to, you know, live on making making the some of the features or some of the hardware or some of the, some of the apps available for the users of the iphone. we're talking about 2 billion iphones in the world, but, apple is not making it easy. >> california attorney general rob bonta says the lawsuit has a long road ahead, estimating it could take three years. but garland is confident in how the case will go. >> the united states normally wins the cases that it brings. >> in a statement. this morning, the white house said that it would not comment on the justice department's lawsuit. but the president did say that he, quote, strongly supports fair
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and robust enforcement of the antitrust laws, right now. live in san jose. zach fuentes, abc seven news. >> all right, zach, thank you so much. shades of the past on wall street today as a san francisco social media company had its initial public offering want to hug him. don't you? so cute that was the reddit mascot with the new york stock exchange opening bell, the social network opened at $47 a share after setting its ipo at $34, it closed at $50. reddit is the first social media company to go public since pinterest five years ago. >> the 78 year old driver, who hit and killed a family of four at a san francisco bus stop, is now out of the hospital. that woman was also released from police custody yesterday. days after the crash in the west portal neighborhood. meanwhile, the family of the victims, which include a couple and their two young children, is thanking the public for their support in a
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statement, the family said diego and matilda were what one would call real life enhancers, the kind of people everyone loved to be around. >> governor newsom is calling the passage of proposition one a historic step for california. the ballot measure officially passed today, more than two weeks after the election. it aims to restructure the state's mental health system with a $6.4 billion bond. today, governor newsom hailed the bill's passage , saying prop one will streamline how local and state governments deal with the crisis it requires. >> now, for the first time in state's history, that counties have one single plan, one single plan to address this issue and it's not just a plan, it's with real oversight that the bond money will fund treatment and housing for unhoused people suffering from mental illnesses and addiction. >> the latest election count for the 16th congressional seat doesn't show any change from last night's tally. assemblyman evan low maintains his three vote lead over santa clara county supervisor joe simitian. they're battling it out to see who will take on former san jose
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mayor sam liccardo to replace retiring congresswoman anna eshoo. >> all right. turning now to the weather. do not put the umbrellas away just yet. storm watch returns. >> spencer, it's back. it's. yes. that's right. stormy. spencer stormy. spencer. exactly. hard to believe a storm is bearing down on us right now with the blue sky we've had all day. but here's the picture on satellite radar image. you see the storm approaching the coastline. it's a level one storm on the exclusive abc seven storm impact scale. so for tomorrow and saturday, we expect a periods of light. tomorrow. showers, a slippery, slippery roadways. it will be breezy, even gusty at times and a chance of a thunderstorm on saturday into sunday. here's the forecast animation starting at 7 a.m. tomorrow. by midday, we'll see that line of showers moving onshore first in the north bay, then sweeping eastward and southward as our storms often do. a little bit of a break late tomorrow night, but then saturday morning, overnight into the midday hours on saturday, more showers swing in and then another line of steadier, heavier rain coming in late saturday into sunday. so we've
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got some some wet weather coming our way. some pretty stormy weather, as a matter of fact, with rainfall estimates by 11 p.m. saturday, anywhere from about a half inch to over an inch up in the north bay. a closer look at the seven days ahead. a little bit later, larry and i'm thank you, spencer. >> as the cost of living goes up, residents who have called san jose home for generations are being forced out. >> but a new policy up for a city council vote may offer them a chance to stay. abc7 news south bay reporter dustin dorsey explains how the move could keep communities together. >> the mayfair community in east san jose is rich in culture and history, but it's the future that has many residents here so worried. >> we have witnessed our families, our friends, our neighbors having to make the very difficult decision to uproot their families and move away from a place they have called home for generations. all because they are they no
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are able to afford to live here. >> it's a painful cycle that this community hopes to disrupt in this neighborhood. cesar chavez first began to fight for civil rights, and now residents are following in his footsteps, demanding change for more affordable housing opportunities. >> it is time that we take action and pass instrumental policy that address the root cause of displacement, such as the tenant preference policy. >> next week, the city council will consider the tenant preferences program to keep communities intact. if passed, 20% of new affordable housing like this one on alum rock avenue will be reserved for low income applicants facing displacement. this can be modified for existing projects as well. an additional 15% of units will be saved for applicants who live in the same district as the new housing. >> it's only fair that when we ask a community to tax itself to build affordable housing, when we ask a neighborhood to say yes to projects like the one you see across the street, it's only right that the people in that community benefit from it. and that it helps them stay here and
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stay connected. and that's what this policy is all abou >> a council approval of the tenant preferences program will put the policy into effect immediately. the hope is to keep communities connected and make home feel like home once again. >> this is more than just a neighborhood or a district. we need to preserve that heritage for the next generation of leaders here in mayfair, the vote that aims to make san jose more affordable will be on tuesday, march 26th, in the mayfair neighborhood of east san jose. >> dustin dawsey, abc seven news some bad news for california property owners. >> this is a real concern. the state's largest home insurer, state farm, will not renew 72,000 policies. 30,000 of those are homeowner and rental insurance policies. the other 42,000 are commercial apartment policies affected customers will be notified between july 3rd and august 20th. now, this comes after state farm reported $6.3 billion in losses last year. also last year, the company stopped writing new homeowners
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policies in california due to wildfire risk. >> oakland's mayor says citizens can expect the increased law enforcement presence in one of the city's most troubled areas to continue. earlier this week, city leaders celebrated the progress made in a crime crackdown near the airport along the hegenberger avenue corridor. mayor shengtao attributes the improvements to an increase in chp officers and other law enforcement patrolling the area today, she spoke with abc seven news about extending the surge. >> the surge was only for four days, but we're going to continue to actually have chp help in this corridor. the east bay corridor, not specifically here in oakland, but it will include the city of oakland. >> the mayor says another priority is reducing the number of vehicles left abandoned on oakland's streets. city council has passed a measure to hire a team of 15 new employees to sweep oakland and clear dumped vehicles. the city will use vacant caltrans lots beneath freeway overpasses to store those abandoned cars. private and public efforts are moving ahead to help boost the
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transition to electric vehicles. >> this week, the biden administration enacted new emission rules, while san francisco announced a new pilot program to expand ev charging. >> and as reporter michael yoshida explains, a leading oil company is also making a move to boost its ev infrastructure. >> shell says it will sell around 500 gas stations, including joint ventures in 2024 and another 520 25. the move comes as the company tries to grow its ev charging business. >> this only amounts to about 2% of shell's gas stations, so gas stations aren't going away overnight. you know, it is an indication that oil companies see this as a growing market. >> here in the u.s, ev sales hit a record last year, topping 1 million for the first time. but a gap between sales expectations and reality is emerging, industry experts say. price confusing tax credits and a lack of public charging stations are holding consumers back from making the leap to ev, but moves like shell's and recent federal financial incentives to build
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out a national charging network, as well as tax credit to cover a percentage of the installation process, may help boost consumer confidence. >> i think more and more companies are starting to see that there is a gap, and there's an opportunity to make money by filling it retail stores to offer a potential solution. we found that, you know, retailers that do install charging c see a significant increase in foot traffic and revenue. >> but according to new data from consumer reports, only about 1% of the roughly 270,000 retail locations reviewed currently offer ev charging. >> we're kind of at an odd chicken versus egg, you know, like what do we need more ev drivers to drive demand? or do we need more money to build stations, and i think it's kind of an all hands on deck effort. >> and the us department of energy has estimated that around 182,000 public fast chargers will be needed here in the us to meet the ev demand by 2030. right now, the estimate from the
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department is that there are fewer than 40,000 of those chargers available in washington. i'm michael yoshida reporting coming up on abc seven news at four, a santa rosa grandmother tricked into handing over thousands of dollars to thieves will have the warning from seven on your side. >> a bay area seashore starting to fill with trash. the broken troc and red tape behind this problem, and there is some good news. if you're worried about business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition.
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national park. for several weeks now, there's been no trash pickup at the point reyes national seashore. and so the garbage is really starting to pile up. abc seven news reporter cornell bernard explains why this is happening and the unusual request rangers are now asking of park visitors. >> what are you doing out here today? hiking. >> julie dodd and friend linda maul are doing what they love at the point reyes national seashore, but they likely didn't expect to see or smell so much garbage. most every dumpster across the 71,000 acre gem is full of trash. >> really, the biggest concern was, you know, we get some wind out here, and the concern was if the lids fly open, then trash can blow around. >> some dumpsters have signs posted. leave no trash, no collection services available. trash is piling up here because they have no way to get rid of
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it. national park service has only one trash truck for the entire seashore, and it broke down weeks ago. >> that is very surprising that they only have one trash truck. absolutely. rangers say some of the trash has been transported off site, but most of it is sitting in stinking in this lot, waiting to be hauled away. >> preparing the trash truck could take a while. and why is it taking so long to fix the truck, well, the repairs are pretty extensive. and, because, you know, we're using federal dollars to, repair this this truck, we have to go through a specific process. >> hervey says. in the meantime, the national seashore is asking something unusual from every visitor. take your trash home. >> it would help us a lot if visitors could kind of, you know, share the burden with us. by. by. by taking home whatever they bring to the seashore that request is posted on the park's
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website. >> hikers and campers say they are happy to oblige. >> i would never leave my trash on the trails, and it will probably come back with me and go back into my car and then head back to berkeley. >> by the way, rangers say the trash truck could take about two weeks to repair. >> yeah, let's not trash the park like always, regardless of the condition of our garbage truck at point reyes. >> cornell. bernard abc seven news. >> if you're a pliny the younger beer fan, tomorrow is a very big day. the russian river brewing company will release its coveted pliny the younger beer that's happening tomorrow morning. this year marks the 20th annual release of that popular beverage. it will be available at russian river's pubs in santa rosa and windsor through april 4th. >> the long terme weather forecast is in for the spring, and it's good news for california. >> most of the east and california are expected to remain drought free this spring. >> yeah, that's great news. the national oceanic and atmospheric administration put out its spring outlook today. it
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predicts a warmer than average spring. but thanks to all the rain and snow we got, the wildfire risk is low for now. water reserves are in good shape in california after a second straight year of near to above average snowfall, forecasters, however, are keeping an eye on ocean temperatures. conditions indicate a cooler la nina may develop at some point this summer, and that could affect the weather for the second half of the year. >> those water reserves are likely to get another boost. >> yes, yes, spencer christian is here with that. spencer. okay. >> and larry, things are looking pretty good for us going into the weekend. we had blue sky this afternoon. comfortable. nice day of spring. what's this? a third day of spring. but things are about to change as we go into the weekend. let's take a look at what's coming our way on live doppler seven and the satellite. you can see clouds beginning to push up against the coastline and some rain will follow those clouds. but this is not a dramatic change in our weather. this is just something that happens sometimes in the spring. so the approaching storm is a level one storm on the exclusive abc seven storm impact scale for tomorrow and saturday, look for light to moderate
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showers. there may be an occasional downpour. brief one slippery roadways. it will be breezy to gusty at times, and there's a slight chance of an isolated thunderstorm on saturday as our atmosphere becomes unstable. forecast animation going into tomorrow afternoon, we'll see a line of showers pushing into the north bay first and then sweeping eastward and southward to other parts of the bay area, so it'll be a bit wet going into the evening commute tomorrow. a little bit of a break late tomorrow night before more showers start to move in overnight saturday into saturday. overnight friday, i should say into saturday morning and throughout most of the day. saturday we'll see chances of showers here and there. chance of a thunderstorm as i mentioned, isolated one. then saturday evening a more organized system brings us some heavier, steadier rain that will continue overnight saturday night into sunday morning. so the entire weekend is going to be a weekend with chances of rain. rainfall totals by saturday night 11:00, anywhere from just under a half inch to over a half inch. over an inch, in fact, up in the wettest portions of the north bay. in the sierra there will be snow winter weather advisory in
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effect for the eastern slopes. that includes the lake tahoe area from 2 p.m. tomorrow to 11 a.m. saturday, 8 to 18in of snow above 7000ft, and a winter weather winter storm warning for the western slopes, which could see anywhere from 2 to 4ft of snow in some locations. right now here in the bay area, we're looking at temperatures in the low to mid 60s, from san francisco to oakland to hayward, 70 degrees in san jose, 59 at half moon bay. looking at westward towards the golden gate, we see clouds building offshore. other temperature readings right now, generally mid or mid to upper 60s from santa rosa to petaluma, napa, fairfield, concord and livermore. and these are our forecast headlines. rainy pattern begins tomorrow saturday and sunday. wet gusty, much cooler than the weather we've had the last few days. and then early next week it will remain unsettled and unsprung like so for tonight as clouds increase, look for low temperatures mainly in the upper 40s to around 50 degrees. highs tomorrow as the rain starts to sweep through, generally in the mid to upper 60s. it'll be pretty mild even as the rain arrives. and here is
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the accuweather seven day forecast again. level one storm activity tomorrow and saturday and sunday morning when we expect showers to linger a bit and it will be gusty on sunday as well. a mix of sun and clouds, but dry conditions on monday, little change on tuesday and rain returns on wednesday. another level one system sunshine returns next thursday, so it's kind of off and on. >> yeah, mark it on your calendars. >> yeah. thanks, spencer. okay, all right. >> warriors fans probably not talking about the weather unless it involved the splash brothers as they got a chance to sit down today with warriors head coach steve kerr. team hosted a coffee with a coach event today at pete's on eighth street in san francisco. fans got to pick coach kerr's brain on a variety of topics. also got to meet ex warriors center festus ezeli, who handed out some goodies to waiting fans. for its part, pete's made a $15,000 donation to the warriors community foundation. >> national puppy day is this weekend, but we are celebrating
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tomorrow here on abc seven. watch us tomorrow morning for lots of adorable and adoptable puppies from shelters across the bay area. we'll have live coverage from 6 a.m. until noon, so watch w you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save.
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kelly has two choices... a honey baked ham that's been slow smoked, hand glazed, and spiral sliced. or, a kelly baked ham. nobody wants a kelly baked meal, not even kelly. every bite is a celebration with the honey baked ham company. has been fired after allegations
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that he stole millions of dollars to pay off illegal gambling debts. abc news reporter zohreen shah with the latest number 17 shohei ohtani >> baseball's biggest earner los angeles dodgers shohei ohtani at bat today in south korea. >> musgrove and he rips one into right. >> but taking a major financial hit off the field. his interpreter and longtime friend ippei mizuhara fired after being accused of stealing at least $4.5 million from ohtani's bank account and wiring it to a bookmaking operation. accused of using it to pay off gambling debts. espn reporting that bank information reveals ohtani's name on two separate half million dollar payments made last year. >> he said that ohtani had no knowledge of his gaming debts and had not paid the money through the wire transfers. >> mizuhara is alleged to have placed bets with a sports book in california, although sports betting is illegal in the state,
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he denies he ever bet on baseball and says ohtani did not know about his debts or the transfers. ohtani spokesperson saying he has been the victim of a massive theft. and we are turning the matter over to the authorities. >> do you have to look into what is he placing bets for ohtani, and how did he get access to ohtani's millions? >> just a few hours before mizuhara was fired yesterday, he could be seen here speaking to ohtani during the dodgers season opening game in south korea, where ohtani celebrated his first hit with two rips, one, and he gets on top of his manager dave roberts, focusing on the game today, not mentioning the controversy. >> tsay shohei is ready, i know that, he's preparing in a hitters meeting right now and ready to go for tonight's game. >> meanwhile, the dodgers calling up a new interpreter, will urton, who has translated for the team in the past, will now serve as a translator for both ohtani and new pitcher yoshinobu yamamoto. mizuhara says he did not know that his bets were illegal. there was also a major political push in
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california to make that kind of betting legal just a few years ago, but it did not pass. zohreen shah, abc news, los angeles. there is a major investigation coming with this whole shohei ohtani business, and it's going to take a long time, most likely. >> okay. >> well, a north bay grandma caught up in a scam. >> this feeling of being sick at what i did and how i did it. >> so now she's out thousands of dollars. what happened? and the warning for others? the seven on
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jack in the box haters. yeah, they exist. they have no idea they're about to try my new smashed jack. this is good. it's very fresh. i like the sauce. i'm a saucy woman. probably not the best. not the best... she came in a white sedan. tow it. almost like a flavor bomb. i don't think it's a fast food hamburger. this is more like homemade. -it's me! -ahahaha! oh shoot, jack! if this is your new burger... yeah? -i'm going to you. say hello to the best-rated burger in fast food. welcome to jack in the box!
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through a car window to a man she didn't even know.
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>> now, a nearly identical scam has struck here in the bay area. a santa rosa grandmother realized too late she had willingly handed $20,000 in cash to a complete stranger. >> abc7 news reporter stephanie sierra has the story from seven on your side. >> no, i can't, i can't, and it's haunting me. >> judy g tried to make sense of what just happened. >> like this feeling of being sick at what i did and how i did it. >> she just handed a box full of money to a total stranger. >> i walked out to the road and handed this guy a box with $20,000 in it. her ordeal began one morning at home on her ranch. i was doing my wordle puzzle, and all of a sudden this. it froze. >> a message flashed on her ipad . she'd been hacked. call this number. so she did. >> they said that someone had used my computer to access a site, and that $55,000 was spent on child. of course, i knew it wasn't true, and i said it
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wasn't true. >> a man claiming to be apple support said he'd connect her directly to wells fargo bank. >> what came up was, was that wells fargo recording that you hear when you call customer service. another man picked up saying he was working with the ftc to investigate the child case. >> he emailed her this letter as proof, and they kept saying, we don't want to scare you, but this is a very serious issue. he said judy needed to put $20,000 into an escrow account to stop the hackers from spending her money on child, so judy drove to the bank. >> so after i took the money out of the bank, he he's on the phone with me the whole time, and i checked back with him and say, okay, i have the money now, what do i do? and then he said that he was pretty sure that he could get an agent to come to my house and pick up the money. >> the man told judy not to speak with anyone. mobster were watching. everyone was under surveillance. i did get the phone call from my daughter. >> i said, i can't talk to you right now. i was afraid to say a word to anybody. my own daughter. >> the man told her she had to
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seal the cash in a box and wait. >> so i went out around the house and i found an old shirt box left over from christmas. and i put it in this box and taped it. >> the man stayed on the phone until a courier arrived at her locked gate down a private road, and he was dressed the way i was told he would be dressed in dark pants and a light colored i said jacket. >> it was actually a hoodie. he had a covid mask on and he just gave me that password. i took the box and i handed it over to him. >> judy felt relief, exhaustion. the ordeal had lasted for hours. i went to bed that night, somehow got through until five in the morning, at which point in time i woke up and realized what i did. it was like waking from a trance. >> i can't explain it doesn't make sense that i went to the bank and took that money out, and i handed it over, is what i did when nobody was holding a gun to my head. >> i wanted to tell this story because there really is no stereotypical scam victim. >> new york magazine financial columnist charlotte coles had
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fallen victim last year to a nearly identical scam, this one claiming her identity was used to open amazon accounts and linked to a crime ring. he knew where i lived. >> they knew the last four digits of my social security number. they knew about my son, and it was terrifying. >> she handed $50,000 in cash to a stranger. >> i was in an altered state. almost. >> judy thought she'd never fall for a scam until now. >> i had no idea how your brain could be manipulated. and so quickly. just as if they had a gun to your head. but they don't. >> for seven on your side, stephanie sierra, abc seven news. >> it's a really elaborate scheme right there. americans lost $10 billion to scams last year. that's the highest number. and it's mostly imposter scams. so if you get a phone call or you get a message on your computer claiming that you're in trouble and they say, just just hang up, check for yourself, get your own phone number, look it up, and then contact the authorities. if you've got a
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story for seven on your side, let us know. might be able to help. go to abc seven on your side. >> just days after a southern california police department showed off its new mugshot policy could be coming to an end. the murrieta police department has been posting photos of suspects with lego heads on its social media pages. they use the legos to follow a new state law, which prevents police from sharing mugshots on social media. except in specific circumstances. >> a little fun gets some attention, you know, game the social media algorithms generate some attraction. it likes follows stuff like that. i definitely believe strongly in the value of transparency with our community and letting them know what their police department is doing out there at the same time, making sure we're remaining compliant with state law and respecting the suspect's rights as well. >> lego has asked that the police department stop using the trademarked images. the murrieta police department now plans on doing something different going forward. >> what toys next? i know it's
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not exactly the greatest identification tool ever devised, but, you know, they gave it a shot. all right, coming up. first entertainment, then fast food. now airlines are looking into the membership model
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for $5 per month. so what do you get? well, subscribers will be notified the night before a sale is announced, and they can book the deals before they're shared publicly. the subscription will also get you a $5 monthly voucher to use for on board wi-fi, so if you fly, basically it costs you nothing. if you want to use the wi-fi. spencer, what do you think? you're constantly flying. >> i do fly a lot back and forth between coasts. i guess it's a pretty good deal because, you know, if you wait until if you don't know, until the deals are publicly announced and you, you can get other people can beat you to the punch. so you know, it's not a big subscription fee, right? what is it, five bucks. five bucks. yeah. that's so bad. >> and now every other airline will do the exact same thing, right. everybody's. yeah. it's. you can book a day before everybody else knows. except now everybody else knows. exactly. >> yeah. i mean, are you in for it? yeah. for five bucks a month, especially if wi-fi is covered. the only thing is, i would check to make sure. does
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alaska airlines fly to the places that i go frequently, maybe to visit family or vacation spots that i like? because that's the only reason that you would do it, right? yeah, but for five bucks a month, again, that's one less coffee that you have that month. yeah, yeah. and one more subscription, right? that's true. who's counting? >> march madness is causing some work. madness millions are expected to watch the college basketball tournament. it's a well known fact. it's no secret worker productivity goes down during the tournament. but if your boss is more strict, there's a feature on the live stream called the boss button. it allows you to switch your screen to a pretend air video, but here's the thing. does it even look like your own air video? or are you working out like pizza hut and mcdonald's shows up like i don't know what's happening with that. >> it's worth a shot. i i mean, of course we would never do such a thing. what's happening in the sports office? not not even in the sports office? no, we're all
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about the air videos all the time. right, spencer? well well, some some of the bosses here are in the march madness, too. >> so they might be watching as well. >> that's true. that's a good point. that's a good point. but the whole i mean, i'm sure you've seen this a million times where, you know, people are working on something that is not their work, and then the boss is over. whoops. okay let's click on that now. oh yeah, i'm looking at the rundown for the show. i'm all in now. >> we know larry. >> yes. yeah, you can now supersize your baseball watching experience at the miami marlins ballpark. the team unveiled a new all you can eat. oh, my gosh, ticket package for the season. spencer, stand by. no. $71. you get an unlimited supply of hot dogs, nachos, cheeseburgers, popcorn and soda beer. sadly, extra you can only get four items per trip, so you can't just like load up your arms with 17 items, right? you also get cut off in the seventh inning. a similar seat without the food option costs only $25, so unlimited with restrictions.
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yeah but let's see. i'm doing the math here. so it costs you 46 more dollars to get all that stuff. yeah. >> if that stuff adds up, right. add up. yeah. you just get nachos and a hot dog alone. it's like 20 some bucks, so why not? i think this is a good deal. >> also, how are they going to know if i, if i took the nachos and i took the hot dog? maybe i'm giving the hot dog to. you know who whomever. >> you're selling that hot dog for like five bucks. yeah. >> yes. >> so one of us goes and gets stuff for the other four. that's the way this will work, right? >> well, it sounds like a pretty good deal for the typical baseball fan who wants to, you know, enjoy baseball park food, there was nothing on in that grouping that i saw that i would want to eat. >> of course. >> well, there was no red wine, no mets. >> but will you eat cheese, spencer, well, i eat cheese, the kind you like. the cheese that you serve with a wine tasting, but like cheese burgers and
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stuff. cheese on food, no. >> not really. >> okay, well, then this might be for you, spencer. because for the cheese lovers out there, it's a perfect weekend. the california artisan cheese festival. see, i knew this would that i will eat. yes. is this weekend in santa rosa. the goal of the festival is to teach people about artisan cheeses and support the cheese making community in california. >> and joining us right now is alyssa gilbert, the owner of graze and gather. so let's start with what we're sampling today because we have several different cheeses. and i'll just hold them up here. i don't know if this was the spoon is a cheese. i assume it is, but i haven't tried it yet. >> absolutely. hi, everyone. hi yeah, we have three great cheeses. we're trying today. and a good word of advice for trying cheese is we want to go mild to strong. so we're going to keep that blue till the end. we'll start with our little cup here which is some fresh ricotta from bellwether farms. this is fantastic. it's creamy and smooth. i love it on toast with
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peaches and honey and a little bit of flake salt. nice and light. oh, that would be good. yeah i skipped ahead and i started with this one. >> this is so. >> isn't that so good? >> what is this one? >> to stay in order. phenomenal >> yeah. >> what's happening here? >> sorry, chaos. >> this is one of our top sellers at the shop. for sure. this is a sheep's milk gouda from central coast creamery. it is just, creamy and sweet and a little bit salty, fantastic. all around. yeah, that's a good one. >> and lastly, lastly, yes, we have a, raw milk blue cheese from valley forge creamery. >> it's called grazing girl. it's a gorgonzola style, so it's going to be on the sweeter side. it's nice and salty. it's creamy. it's not too, too crumbly, really fantastic for those who aren't super fancy, talk about what artisan cheese is. >> yeah, absolutely. artisan cheese is just cheese made by real people who really care about what they're doing. you
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know, not mass produced, hands in the vat, things like that. >> what can people expect at the festival? >> yeah, absolutely. so the marketplace is on sunday. it's from 12 to 4, and there is a vip early entrance option. there's going to be over 100 artisan makers. over 20 of those are cheese makers. and it's a really great time to try cheeses from those california cheese makers. it's super special because you get to actually talk to the people who make the cheese. you can ask them all the questions and try all the cheeses that you wouldn't normally try on your average day. >> and i'm guessing tickets are still available. >> they are. yes, they will be available for the sunday marketplace until they sell out, so i would get them as soon as we can. >> will anyone be pouring wine there or do i, do i bring my own? >> you got to wash it down. bring my own? >> absolutely. yes. no, there will be plenty of wine makers, plenty of brewers, we'll be able to sample all the beer. all the wine. okay. you'll also be able to purchase wine by the bottle if you'd like, but there will be
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no shortage of wine to accompany your cheese. >> see you. there could be first in line. >> so what does it cost? and i'm assuming that if people want more information, they can go to artisan cheese >> that's right. so yeah, if you head to artisan cheese it'll have the ticket option there. the vip is just a little bit more, but it does get you in an hour early, which is a really good way to beat the crowds and get to the wine first. >> wow, i love the map. i just opened this. i don't know if everybody can see that. yeah, cool. >> there's a lot of locations here, a bunch. >> do you have a favorite hour or is that an impossible question? >> a possible thing to answer for you, you know, it's kind of similar to asking, what your favorite child is. i don't know if i can really answer that, but, i am partial to, like, the creamier, saltier cheeses if possible. >> and what about your store in particular? graze and gather? >> yeah, we are located in downtown oakland, here right now. actually we specialize in artisan domestic cheese, so we exclusively sell american made
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artisan cheese, a lot of local cheeses, but a lot of great cheeses from small creameries across the country, everything else we sell in the shop is also domestic and artisan. we make cups, we make boards, we make plates, all kinds of things for parties as well. grazing tables, we do all of that. >> i found that people love that. when you go and pick out a local cheese to bring over to a party or something like that, and you could kind of tell the story of it. i got it at a local cheese shop. it's made here. i feel like people appreciate that. don't you? >> i do, and i think that is probably my favorite part about what i do is being able to talk to people who come in and they're not totally sure what they like, but we can just go ahead and start opening cheeses and trying them and sampling them and finding something that really sits well with them, so if you find a local cheese shop, i'm confident that they will be happy to let you sample anything you want, and that's a great way to buy new juices, too. >> sure, your food looks like
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works of art. yeah. fantastic job. >> thank you. >> thanks so much for joining us. graze and gather. go get your cheese, everybody. you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile.
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edited pig kidney into a human. >> experts say this major milestone could potentially make more organs available for transplants. abc news reporter reena roy has more. >> it's being called a modern
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medical miracle. >> my deepest gratitude. uh- goes to our mdh team. >> for the first time ever, surgeons say they transplanted a genetically edited pig kidney into a living human at massachusetts general hospital. >> hope became a reality for our patient, rick sleiman, who underwent the world's first successful transplant of a genetically edited porcine kidney during a four hour procedure last week. >> the pig kidneys surgically connected to 62 year old rick sleiman, who was living with end stage kidney disease after years of hypertension and type two diabetes. specific pig genes removed and replaced by human genes to improve its compatibility with solomon's body. >> i'm pleased to report that mr. sleiman is feeling well and recovering nicely. >> sleiman, thanking the team of doctors for his new lease on life, saying in a statement i saw it not only as a way to help me, but a way to provide hope
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for the thousands of people who need a transplant to survive. currently, more than 100,000 people are on a federal transplant waiting list. someone is added to that list every eight minutes, and 17 people die each day waiting for a new organ. >> picture a different narrative, one where healthy young kidneys are readily available for transplantation. in individuals with advanced kidney disease. today, we are offering a glimmer of hope to many of these patients. >> this could be a game changer, but it's unclear if genetically edited animal organs are safe, long terme and there are also ethical questions about raising animals for human organs. reena roy, abc news, new york. >> it's interesting, though. >> fascinating. it can even be done. yeah. >> all right, let's get to our weather. >> yeah. spencer, rain is on the way. it is on the way? >> yes. a level one storm and the exclusive abc seven storm impact scale for tomorrow and saturday. we expect periods of
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light to moderate showers, maybe an occasional downpour, slippery roadways, of course, will be breezy. maybe even a thunderstorm on saturday as the as the atmosphere becomes unstable by 1:00 tomorrow, this rain, the first wave of it will have swept through the north bay, will be bearing down on other parts of the bay area a little bit of a break late tomorrow night and more rain follows on saturday and even into sunday, so we've got a wet period of weather coming our way overnight. uh- clouds will increase low temperatures, mainly in the mid to upper 40s. some locations only about 50 degrees for lows. highs tomorrow generally in the mid to upper 60s so it will be mild even as the rain arrives, but it will get much cooler over the weekend . here's the accuweather seven day forecast. you can see level one rain activity on saturday and sunday. a little bit of a break on monday and tuesday with a mix of clouds and sun. another light storm comes in wednesday and finally next thursday we might expect an extended period of dry weather beginning. >> larry. so winters back basically sort of. yeah a little bit. >> it revisits us. >> all right. thanks, spencer. some special visitors stop by castlemont high school in oakland this morning. nearly 30
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students, along with some educators from yokohama, japan, spent the day at the high school. they shadowed students got a taste of the food as well. one castlemont senior noticed their etiquette is a lot different than what they encounter every day here. >> they're very different. they i see that they're very nice, polite. they say thank you. they say hello to everybody, even though they don't know them. they just passing by. they'd be like, hello. so and so that's something that you don't see very much here in the united states. and seeing that it's like it's like a culture shock. >> don't make eye contact, a group from castlemont is going to be making its own trip starting next week. they're going to visit japan, the philippines and taiwan. nice cultural exchange right there. yeah. all right. well it's spring. >> and for sports fans, these baseball just ahead we will shed some light on what's ahead
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gray's anatomy at ten station 19. and then stay with us for abc seven news at 11. as you know, baseball season is here. the giants trying to liven things up at the ballpark, upgrading their lighting system at oracle park so you can get a better view of what's going on with the orange and black if something special happens on the field. abc seven news reporter lena howland went to today's open house to see what else is new in 2020. for the crab. >> sandwiches are prepped, the field has been watered and giants gear is fully stocked. in its 25th season, oracle park is
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now the first baseball field in the country to install spotlights similar to an nba experience, so we'll be able to black out the entire ballpark. >> for example, maybe when camilo duvall is coming in for his closer and then spotlight his entry onto the field, it's going to be really, really exciting. >> but one of the biggest changes fans might notice leading off for san francisco. the voice of longtime announcer renel brooks-moon won't be calling games anymore after 24 years. >> she's an icon. she's been inspirational voice for generations of players. >> giants president and ceo larry baer spoke for nine minutes at the media day press conference before addressing this. he says they'll be rotating through a number of people to fill in, and there is no timeline for hiring her replacement. >> in terms of the new person, it's going to be these big shoes to fill, and we're going to take our time and be, you know, hire somebody that we think, you know, is best for the job. but it's going to take a while to honor her service. >> they say they'll be naming
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the p.a. booth after her. >> the message is it's time. we want to celebrate renel. >> outside of that and a new upgraded sound system, oracle park is now one of four stadiums across the country that will start offering free go ahead entry, similar to going through clear at the airport, go to the ballpark app. >> you upload a selfie and then all you have to do is walk through. you don't have to take out your phone. you don't have to find your ticket. you and everyone in your group can just walk right in. >> and this year, fans can expect to see even more grab and go food sections so that fans can get back to their seats even faster. the giants home opener is april 5th against the san diego padres in san francisco. lena howland, abc seven news. >> make no mistake, the renal decision is going to be extremely unpopular with giants fans. moving on. budweiser getting ready for the start of the season with limited edition beer cans. they've released cans for 15 teams. the giants are one
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of them. can has the team logo, colors, and a ballpark backdrop. we've already found one selling on ebay. naturally, going for a buck 50 with holes on the bottom where the beer was drained out. they thought of everything. all right, that's going to do it for this edition of abc seven news at four. you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening.
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5:00 pm
i got proposition one because you will be proud. that's exactly what this initiative brings. fundamental reforms it requires. now, for the first time in state's history, that counties have one single plan. >> now that california's proposition one has officially passed by the voters, the question is how will it actually be implemented? good evening. thank you for joining us. >> i'm dan ashley and i'm ama daetz. the new law aims to restructure the state's mental health system


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