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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  March 22, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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five, now at six, the state's largest insurance provider will not be renewing tens of thousands of policies. why state farm says it can't afford many of those plans. >> then more plane problems under investigation and american airlines flight lands without the brakes. >> and we are bringing in the weekend with puppies. these adorable and adoptable pets will be in our studio all morning long. this is really one of the best days of the year here at the station. >> we're going to get the camera trained. more on the puppies. >> yeah, hopefully just see the little tail wagging. there it is a tease. stay around, stick
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around. okay. >> the consultants just put the tail in. >> just the tail. you see it's happy to draw the audience in. good morning. >> on this friday, march 22nd. >> yes. we're going to show you the puppies in just a moment. we want to start with a check of our forecast with lisa. >> all right. spring showers headed our way later on this afternoon for most of us. late morning in the north bay system offshore will bring in a couple of pieces of energy today and then tomorrow. the colder air, breezy winds ahead of the system level one system today and tomorrow. light to moderate showers, slippery roads, breezy winds and a chance of thunderstorms in that unstable air mass. as we look at the timeline, notice the 11 1:00 timeline. this would be for the north bay, and then as we get towards three, four, five, and 6 p.m, it spreads to the south and across the east bay and then finally into san jose. it will last through the evening hours. so we are looking at the cloudy skies to start out in the 50s, milder with the cloud cover, then breezy into the north bay throughout the middle of the day and by the afternoon we're still
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mild in the south bay awaiting the rain uh. but the commute will be messy this afternoon. but dry this morning. gloria. >> all right, well, so far the commute is looking pretty good on this friday morning. traffic volume a lot lighter today. this is our live look at our bay bridge toll plaza camera metering lights are on, but you could see the traffic is still pretty light out there. so you will not have a bad drive if you're on the bay bridge toll plaza. it will be nice and light for you this morning. and look at your mass transit for this morning. so far, bart, caltrain, and ace are on time. no delays, so you won't have any issues there. reggie. >> gloria. thank you. developing news this morning. state farm says it will not renew tens of thousands of insurance policies here in california. abc seven news reporter lena howland is in studio now with the latest on that. reggie >> affected customers will be notified starting in july. state farm is blaming the impacts of wildfires and other issues. as far as we know now, this will be impacting around 72,000 policies, 30,000 of those are homeowner and rental insurance
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policies, and the other 42,000 are commercial apartment policies. state farm is california's largest home insurer. the company cited rising costs, risk and outdated regulations in its decision. this comes after it reported $6.3 billion in losses last year. also last year, the company stopped writing new homeowners policies in california due to wildfire risk. and it's a story familiar because you've heard it before. a number of other insurance companies have also made similar decisions to pull out of california. this includes all state the hartford financial services group, merritt star insurance company, unitrin auto and home insurance company, unitrin direct property and casualty company, and kemper independence insurance company, all of which have said they will not be renewing homeowners policies here in california this year. and the state department of insurance said state farm will have to answer questions from regulators about its decision to discontinue
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coverage. but it's still unclear whether the department would launch an investigation. suzanne phan live in studio lena howland, abc seven news thank you, lena. >> new developments on a tragic crash that killed an entire family. 78 year-old driver who hit them at a san francisco bus stop last weekend, is now out of the hospital. that crash killed this family of four. we learned the organs from the baby. a three month old named chloe were donated. his older brother, joaquin, was two years old. the father, diego cardoza de la de oliviera, worked at apple and his wife and the mother of the boys, matilda ramos pinto, worked at rsa films. a statement from their extended families reads in part quote diego matilda were warm and loving parents who had a deep love for their beautiful children and enjoyed nothing more than spending time with their two little boys. the family was at a bus stop near west portal avenue saturday afternoon, waiting to go to the zoo when a speeding
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vehicle hit them. the driver is not in police custody and has not been formally charged. because of those factors, we are not naming her at this time. >> an update from the abc7 news i-team, an unhoused sex offender who caused quite the ruckus last year in north san francisco elementary school with a sign offering free fentanyl for new users is out of jail. and back in the neighborhood, the i-team's dan noyes found 46 year old joseph adam more a few blocks from the school near argonne playground yesterday, moore said he left the playground after parents complained late last year. he was convicted for creating a public nuisance near stella maris academy with his signs. he says he got out of jail earlier this month. >> a former san francisco city manager is accused of stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars in public money for the second time. the district attorney says stanley ellicott stole $627,000 from a workers compensation
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fund, while he worked in the city's human resources department from 2019 to january of this year. the 38 year old is facing more than 60 felony charges, including grand theft and misappropriation of public money. he was charged with eight felonies in a separate case back in january. in that case, he's accused of he's accused of misappropriating grant money. the house is expected to vote on whether it will pass a $1.2 trillion spending package ahead of shutdown deadline tonight, if the house passes this legislation, the senate must then reach an agreement to approve it. a single senator could slow the bill's passage, and clerks would still need time to prepare it before it heads to the president's desk. some lawmakers believe it will be passed a day or two late. >> it'll probably end up. they're going to try to push it to saturday or sunday, and they'll work a deal. >> passage on the weekend would
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impact federal employees who work weekends and in departments that are not funded. most essential employees would have to work without pay. if there is still no decision after that, there will be a greater effect on federal workers access to services and the economy. >> this morning, new safety concerns surrounding a plane, a so-called breaking anomaly, is now under investigation as airline executives demand a meeting with boeing's board of directors at the live desk. now, with this new info, good morning reggie. >> american airlines is under scrutiny after investigators say the brakes failed on a plane in dallas last month. the pilots realized that they had no brakes after landing the american airlines plane, forcing them to use thrust reversers to slow down. and that caused a boeing 737 to roll off the runway. investigators say the plane's brakes were replaced for days earlier. they say images show a maintenance worker apparently swapped the electric lines and hydraulic lines. >> normally when you have an
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airplane that comes out of maintenance uh, you want to be extra careful. and that's why we run a lot of checklists and the maintenance folks run a lot of checklists. but these are human beings. and somebody got something wrong here. >> this is the latest in a string of incidents involving boeing planes. most notably, a door panel blew out of a boeing 737 max nine jet mid-flight because of missing bolts. and that prompted the faa to ground that model. for weeks now, top airline executives are reportedly demanding a meeting with boeing's board of directors. the associated press reports. that meeting could happen as soon as next week. reggie kumasi. >> thank you, gloria. still to come, the high stakes meeting today between the israeli prime minister and the american secretary of state as tensions rise over gaza. >> then if you're out and about in oakland, you may see these new digital kiosks, how they're being used to boost business in the area. >> let's check it out. we have a cold front. well to the north of us, skies are cloudy.
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temperatures in the upper 40s to mid 50s. rain on the way today and for a portion of your weekend, stay tuned. i business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. see why comcast business powers more small businesses than anyone else.
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two waves of rain headed our way, the first coming in with the cold front today and the second with an upper level trough tomorrow. that could bring a possibility of some thunderstorms, much more unsettled air headed our way. here's a look at the winds. you'll notice they're ramping up right out throughout the middle of the afternoon, and that's for the entire bay area. so this is delayed the front a little bit. this highest resolution model shows that through about 1:00. the front still in the north bay, the bulk of the day in the evening hours wet out there. and this is the weekend rain. in
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total, anywhere from three quarters of an inch to maybe an inch of rain out there where if you get a heavier downpour. so as for the mountains, yes, a winter weather advisory and a winter storm warning for the west slopes. 1 to 2ft of snow and it's going to get colder here as we go through the weekend. here's a look at the highs today. it's milder today in the mid 60s to near 70 in san jose, kumasi thank you lisa. >> still to come our favorite day of the year is here. puppies. here's the abc seven studio. this is a live look right now at some of them. and we're going to show you the ones who are looking for forever homes. and as we head to break, let's take a live look ou that feeling you get when you can... du more with less asthma. it starts with dupixent. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. and can help improve lung function for better breathing in as little as two weeks.
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(box thuds) (water boils) (packet tears) (tea bag clanks) (water pours) - listening to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family, because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do hi, guys! - hi! - hey! - so what are you guys drinking? - constant comment. - when i'm drinking bigelow tea, it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. - that's what a cup of tea is. - it is. - a moment for you, someone you love. - aw! (customer sighs) - it tastes really great. - yes! it was always bigelow tea - wow! that's what my family hopes for. cheers. - cheers. (bright upbeat music) 614 and one of our favorite days
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of the year is here. national puppy day is officially tomorrow , but since we're not going to be here, we're celebrating one day early. reggie is live at our puppy day playpen talking to the sfsp. okay. hi, friend. >> hello, this is colleen. hello and this is colleen and colleen. who are your friends here today? we have tolley, the dark brown, one on the ground there playing, and zeus and buster, who's a pitbull shepherd mix. >> you see that little. you can see a little bit of that in his face. they're very rowdy. this morning. having a very fun time. >> you know, i adopted both of my dogs from humane societies. one of them is one of the humane societies. is going to be here later today, marin humane society. so i'm a huge proponent of people, especially adopting mutts, because, you know, i love a good mutt. mutts are great, aren't they? >> they are. people say in a lot of ways their behaviors are evened out and they're really great dogs to adopt. >> they tend to be also really healthy dogs, really healthy. >> that's right. >> something that i love about
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your humane society is that you provide a lot of after services, and one of them is you have a hotline that people can call. we do have a hotline. >> we can give out the number if you like. it's people can call 24 over seven, leave a message. and one of our trained behavior staff will get back to them and leave tips for any kind of issue that comes up with your you know, puppy or adult dog whatever. i think that's amazing because not a lot of places offer that service. no, it's really good. it's, it's 6503407022183 extension for english and then spanish. 186. >> that's great. and anyone can use that. >> yeah, we like to support people and their, you know, pets to so they stay together. you know i love that. >> what is the situation right now at the humane society. are you pretty full. >> we have a lot of dogs. go go to our website and you see a dog for everybody. we have puppies. we have adult dogs, we take in. we're an open door shelter. we don't discriminate against any breed or age or size. 365 days a year. you know, we take animals,
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so our website is constantly refreshed as dash and just go look at those dogs. we've got cats, we've got snakes, we've got puppies. >> oh, and these puppies are they're into it i get it. you know what? i get it. you know, you take a tree from me, i'm also going to let you know firmly, assertively that that's not how we're going to do it today. that's right. >> that's right. tolley. that was tolley. so is tolley. >> is this one. yes i like tolley 12 weeks old. >> oh my god she adorable. she she's been getting socialized with other dogs adult dogs and has been really friendly with them and very energetic as you can see. >> and people obviously we're talking about puppies and people love puppies because they're so adorable and soft and cute. but it doesn't have to be a puppy. >> it doesn't have to be a puppy. >> you can get a dog that has, you know, that just needs a second chance. >> that's right. and we, have a
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hope program, a huge majority of our adoptions go through our donor funded hope program, where animals that we take in that need special surgeries or medical care, or maybe specialized behavior training from the behaviorists we have on staff, anything to get them ready for adoption. and people tell us all the time they're so impressed when they go to their vets later with the records we have and the extensive care they've gotten. so yeah, adult dogs are great to adopt people. >> yeah, i'm a proponent of that as well. thank you so much for being here. thank you for being you're bringing your friends. >> this is the best thing you guys do. we love oh, i love it. >> and hopefully we can find some homes for these puppies and also all the other animals that you have at the shelter. yeah. kumasi i think you're going to be up next. i hope you're ready for this. >> wait to talk to muttville. i mean, do you see them in there? >> where is muttville? oh, muttville is over there, i do. oh my gosh, muttville is ready for you. >> i cannot wait and as you know, muttville, these are these are senior dogs. >> and this little dog right
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here in this blue harness is, is , is has my heart this morning. so i'm going to go over and say hi to him before i leave. >> okay. friend yes, we love it. >> we'll see you up here in just a couple of minutes. >> awesome. all right. thank you reggie. >> oh, having all the fun this morning i know. so all right good morning everybody. hey, if you want to get the dog out it's this morning. or run or bike ride by the afternoon. the middle of the day, we'll be getting our heads wet. this front a little bit. delayed. two waves of it. the cold front today, an area of low pressure with the unstable air for your saturday bringing in a soggy first weekend of spring. a little sunday does look better. there's a look at your friday, the first half anyway, and then the second half. we've got the downpours right on through the afternoon evening commute and then some on and off showers as we get into your saturday, a line of rain setting up for the middle of the day and with the sunshine, some heating of that unstable air, we could have some thunderstorms and then a final
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wave saturday night into sunday. looks like sunday will salvage some sun, but the winds are going to be brisk. it's going to be much cooler into your saturday and sunday. today. we're still holding on to those 60s to near 70. this is a two day rainfall total where we'll see this.kind o ramping up a bit. so anywhere from three quarters of an inch to an inch of rain. and it's been a while since we've seen rain. so this will be beneficial. rain maybe if the storm drains are clogged, if you get a heavier downpour in a certain particular area, you could have a little bit of flooding, but overall it's not going to shouldn't be too impactful. but we do have wind to accompany it. anywhere from 25 to 30 miles an hour at the coast. this arrives throughout the middle of the day, lasting throughout the entire day, and then we get the colder air. so today is the milder day with the clouds and the onset of the rain. 69 in concord, 63 in napa, cooler in the north bay as the rain arrives here first and we'll get into the southern half of the bay later on in the evening. level one system today, tomorrow ending on sunday a
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break. monday, tuesday. more rain wednesday, gloria. all right, well, you know what? >> so far, it's been a really nice morning on the roads today. no major incidents to report, which is always what we like. a nice, safe commute and looking live at our walnut creek camera, you can see no congestion here on 680. so it will be a nice ride between concord and danville and looking live at our camera in san jose on two 8017. you can see very light traffic here on this friday, and both going both sides of the freeway here. they are moving at the limit. so no issues here as well. kumasi. all right. >> thank you gloria. now we're checking in with ginger zee who is live with what's coming up on gma. good morning ginger. >> kumasi great to be with you this morning. so right here we are following the major spring storms. i know you've got some new warnings up in the sierra nevada, so we'll get into that one. but if you're traveling east, especially on saturday, it's going to be rough washout. and then in northern new england, a lot of snow. even though it's much needed, i'll track all of that. and then the
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government is suing apple, accusing it of having a smartphone monopoly. what it means for iphone users. and it's not too late to save on spring break travel. we're going to tell you how to land some big savings for your trip. also, lori, be bringing you the travel essentials that you're going to need for your next getaway. and it was a slam dunk start to march madness. so who's in? who's out? the big upsets. the biggest moments. and how's your bracket. do you do that? kumasi girl no, no my bracket is probably would already busted. >> okay. so what is it like one in some 4 trillion of getting it right? some ridiculous number. so yeah, just hop on board toward the end. >> good. >> right toward the end. like, yeah, i'll pick one of four. >> yes. >> like i'm successful. no well still fun. so friend is upstairs because we're celebrating national puppy day today. now this is a day, ginger, that you need to be in studio with us. not when we're having all kinds of storms. no kidding. craziness. this is the day for
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you. >> all right, well, next time i'm coming. come on, my love to all. >> well, we will see you at seven. have a good day and have a good
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but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga, like: hazy or blurred vision, so it's hard to see fine details, colors that appear dull or washed out, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you think you have ga, don't wait. treatments are available. ask a retina specialist about fda-approved treatments for ga and go to ( ♪ ♪ ) ♪ (just one kiss) ♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) with reynolds wrap, cooking becomes so easy you can feel like the chef of your kitchen.
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easy prep. easy cook. easy clean. reynolds wrap. several kiosks like this one can be found on some city sidewalks with suggestions on where to eat, shop or find shelter. the vice president of business development with ik smart city explains how the kiosks give different results than your smartphone. >> every individual kiosk organizes based on proximity, and so each kiosk is highlighting a different local business. and so the impact is that you're small and local businesses get a lift without paying anything for any sort of search engine optimization.
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>> ik will pay for the projects and generate revenue based on ads that revenue is expected to share. to share about $1 million with the city every year. a total of 50 kiosks will be installed over the next two years. this morning, the russian river brewing company will release its coveted pliny the younger bill every year. thousands of people line up to get a glass. it's one of the world's highest rated beers this year marks the 20th annual release. it will be available at russian river's pubs in santa rosa and windsor through april 4th. the sotheby's auction house is hoping to fetch big bucks in its sports week. items worn by michael jordan, kobe bryant, lebron james and the bay area's own steph curry are up for the bidding. you can bid on the jerseys curry wore during the three point competition last month. curry's jersey is expected to sell for up to $500,000. the auction starts on thursday and runs through april 12th. next at 630. former president trump has just a few days to come up with nearly half
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a billion bucks in his civil fraud case settlement. what happens if he can't pay up? and the proposed mexican museum in downtown san francisco may not open any time soon. the new allegations about the misuse of funds that could spell its downfall. and as we head to break a live look outside,
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now at 630, taking a bite out of apple. california among the states suing apple in a major antitrust suit. the justice department saying the company is building an illegal smartphone monopoly, then price gouging accusations against major grocery stores accused of hiking prices during covid to make money. and another half hour means more puppies. we're celebrating national puppy day
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the best way we know how, by showing off some adorable and adoptable dogs. >> it's my turn in 15 minutes. >> i was just checking out the dogs that you're going to be showcasing in just a few minutes. yeah, one of them is brand new to the shelter. oh, wonderful. that's that little beagle mix who reminds me of my woodstock. woodstock may he rest. good morning. on this friday, march 22nd. >> we can't wait to share the puppies with you. first, we're going to start the check of our. forecast with lisa. >> well, that'll bring up the energy and the mood for sure. all right. good morning. we're looking at some rain returning to the bay area. we had such a lovely week, didn't we? with all the sun, the mild temperatures, still squeezing out a portion of that for the south bay today, because the cold front is going to move through the north bay first. the first half of the day still offshore, we have two pieces of energy that will visit us today and tomorrow. level one system. slippery roads, breezy south winds, chance of a thunderstorm for your saturday and temratures in the 50s with the clouds right now and then the rain arriving this morning
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in the north bay. but look at the afternoon commute there. 5:00, some heavier downpours and then right on through the evening. we still have the rainy, windy conditions, so it's going to be a mess out there this morning though things are quiet and on the roadways. hopefully to. good morning gloria. >> yeah, you're absolutely right lisa. so far this morning no major issues out there. we're not dealing with rain any of that yet. so we love that nice and easy out there. if you're driving this morning, here's a look at your drive times for today from tracy to dublin. 45 minutes a little bit of a slow down. of course, it's always the case there, but it's actually still lighter than we see most mornings from san rafael to san francisco. 16 minutes antioch to concord 20 minutes. and looking live right now at our san rafael camera. so far 101 looking good there. driving should be a breeze if you're heading to nevada or sausalito, so have a nice drive this morning if you're hitting the roads. kumasi >> thank you gloria. it might be a little more challenging to get insurance here in california. state farm is now saying it's
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planning to drop more than 70,000 existing policies. abc seven news reporter lena howland here to explain why and how soon this might happen. >> lena kumasi this will start happening on a rolling basis as early as july. state farm is citing rising costs, wildfire risk and outdated regulations in its decision. state farm says this accounts for a little more than 2% of their total policy count statewide. they did not say where the policyholders are based out of, or what criteria was used to determine which were nonrenewable, 30,000 of those not being renewed are homeowner and rental insurance policies and the other 42,000 are commercial apartment policies. this comes only nine months after the company stopped writing new homeowner's policies across the state due to wildfire risk. the company reported $6.3 billion in losses just last year. in a statement, they said state farm general takes seriously our responsibility to maintain adequate claims, paying capacity for our customers and
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to comply with applicable financial solvency laws. it is necessary to take these actions now. the california department of insurance said state farm will have to answer questions from regulators about its decision to discontinue coverage live in studio. lena howland, abc seven news. lena thank you. >> developing this morning, the nation's top prosecutors are taking on apple and their development of iphones. the us department of justice is suing the company, accusing it of building an illegal smartphone monopoly. california is one of 16 states to team up with the feds, claiming apple's business model stifles competition. us attorney general merrick garland gave this example >> if an iphone user messages a non iphone user in apple messages, the text appears not only as a green bubble but incorporates limited functionality. the conversation is not encrypted. videos are
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pixelated and grainy, and users cannot edit messages or see typing indicators. as a result, iphone users perceive rival smartphones as being lower quality because the experience of messaging friends and family who do not own iphones is worse. >> apple pushed back against that lawsuit, saying in part it would also set a dangerous precedent empowering government to take a heavy hand in designing people's technology. we believe this lawsuit is wrong on the facts and the law, and we will vigorously defend against it. >> in the south bay, a group of residents say they are tired of seeing people forced out of their san jose homes because it's just too expensive to stay there. the mayfair community in east san jose is asking city council to pass the tenant preferences program. if it's passed, 20% of new affordable housing will be reserved for low income applicants facing displacement. an additional 15% of units will be saved for applicants who live in the same district as the new housing.
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advocates say they want communities to remain connected for generations to come. >> this is more than just a neighborhood or a district. we need to preserve that heritage for the next generation of leaders here in mayfair. >> city council is expected to take up the vote on tuesday, march 26th. >> new this morning, secretary of state antony blinken met with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu today. it's part of a push to reach an immediate ceasefire in gaza. netanyahu has vowed to carry out an israeli military incursion into rafah. blinken said yesterday that a major military operation there would be a mistake and something the us does not support. after that discussion, blinken met with the israeli war cabinet. former president trump has until monday to pay nearly half $1 billion in his civil fraud case. glory is at the live desk with more on the new financial option. he may have. >> good morning reggie. donald trump could soon see a cash windfall. today, shareholders of
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a large shell company could vote on whether to merge with trump's media company and that merger could put the media company, which includes trump's social media platform, truth social, on the stock market. trump's stake could be worth billions of dollars, he would not immediately be able to convert that stock into cash, but he could potentially take out loans against it. meanwhile new york attorney general letitia james has filed documents that could lead to the seizure of trump's golf course and also his estate in westchester county. that's if trump fails to post his $464 million bond by monday. he says james is trying to force him to sell his real estate a fire sale prices. and if and when i win the appeal, they would be gone. >> if trump does not post his bond by monday, state officials aren't going to close these buildings down, but they could move to file liens to start to claim ownership, and that might give us a window into what some
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of trump's assets are actually worth. >> trump's lawyers say he faces insurmountable difficulties getting a bond. the timing of that potential merger is still being worked out. kumasi thank you gloria. >> another week has gone by. still no final result in the race for the 16th congressional district. santa clara county supervisor joe simitian has moved ahead of assemblyman evan low, but it's just by one vote. they are battling for second place to see who will face former san jose mayor sam liccardo in the general election in november, with this race being so close, a lot of people are wondering if there might be a recount. paul mitchell, vice president of politica political data incorporated, shed some light on how this might work. >> there's not an automatic recount process in this state, but if one of the campaigns say, a losing campaign wants to start a recount, they can do that. they can call for that, but they have to pay for it. so they
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might set aside $100,000 and say, okay, county, start, you know, counting, you know, redoing a recount in a certain area and see if they get to where they're actually changing the outcome of the election. if they do change the outcome of their election, the election, they get their money back. but if they go two days and there's no significant change, they can continue to pay. once they stop paying, the recount stops. >> of course, we will continue to watch this race as the results continue to be tallied. >> developing news the mexican museum that is supposed to go here in downtown san francisco is off to a troubling start. an audit by the city shows the museum is sure the $49 million needed to convert the space. that's according to the chronicle. the museum also allegedly misused some of its public funds and missed an important deadline, which could lead to it losing the space altogether. it has a new space on mission street, but construction hasn't even started. >> a group of volunteers in san
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francisco's castro district is one of 50 organizations that will be recognized in washington, d.c. next month. the fbi is honoring castro community on patrol for their work in keeping the public safe. the group will receive the fbi community leadership award. it's around the training they started doing after the shootings at the q club in colorado springs in 2022, to be able to harden up the security and work on preparedness in case someone should elect to make a target of us inspirational for all the work that they have been doing, to create awareness of how to react and really dangerous situations. >> san francisco mayor london breed sheriff paul miyamoto and other leaders honored the volunteers earlier this week. they'll be heading to d.c. next month for a special presentation . today is the start of fremont's restaurant week. this morning we are hearing from one
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owner whose restaurant was recently broken into, but she is not letting that ruin the big event. priscilla bravo posted this video on social media saying her restaurant, skillets cafe was broken into for the first time in ten years. thieves took checks, the cash register and other items so bravo helped to organize a community barbecue to kick off restaurant week. despite the adversity, i was a little depressed in the morning, but i had to, like, wipe down the tears and hurry up because life goes on. >> you know, there's bigger issues in this world. and look around. people are having fun. that's what it's all about. >> skillets cafe back open and still participating in restaurant week. so it's frederico's grill, which is down niles boulevard. we spoke with some customers who say the italian restaurant is one of their favorites. >> this is so fremont to me. >> to my heart, you see the mountains in the back. i love to sit out here. >> 45 restaurants are participating in this year's
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restaurant week. i'm excited to check that one out. i went and checked out oakland's restaurant week, which goes until the 24th. on sunday i went to mama good delicious italian michelin bib gourmand, but makes you feel like you're in like your mama's kitchen and your mama's house. i like it and 45 for like three courses. all great. >> 45 american dollars for three courses, american dollars. >> and they added in bread and meatballs. >> you can't get a better deal. >> you really can't. >> and it's so good through this weekend, through this weekend. go head to mama. it's just mama. mama not mama is like we like to put s's. >> we like to add s to everything. >> mama. still to come, a big mess at point reyes. mama garbage is piling up. and now rangers have an unusual request for visitors. >> and let's take a live look right now at the big board at the new york stock exchange. we're down about two points right now. another update on the markets next. >> and the abc seven puppy cam is up and running. we're going
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to go back upstairs. we're going to check in as kumasi runs up there to meet the dogs from muttville. and stay with us on the abc seven bay area streaming app at seven for abc seven at seven. we are live every weekday from 7 to 8 a.m. you can download the app wherever you stream. >> see the pause on that little guy. all right. good morning everybody. we're looking at a cold front that is going to push through the bay area later on today. and another system tomorrow. an upper level low that may initiate some thunderstorms. possibility of some small hail. there and as we look outside, the sun coming up and temperatures are milder in the low to mid 50s with the cloud cover. no rain yet. it is delayed a bit in the mountains. 1 to 2ft of snow with a winter weather advisory for the sierra nevada and a winter storm watch for the west slopes. here's a look at our latest model that wants to delay the onset of the rain until really the middle of the afternoon for most of us, and it's going to take us right through the afternoon and evening commute. so it's going to be windy, it's going to be
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wet and weekend rainfall will total a little bit more than what we were thinking, upwards of maybe an inch in san francisco. that could be overdone in san jose, but over a half inch perhaps in the east bay. this is friday. saturday. rainfall totals and up to two feet of snow at kirkwood. so winter's coming back today, though still mild in the south bay because you'll have enough heating and the delay of the rain that you'll reach the upper 60s. fremont to near 70 in the south bay. but tomorrow we get the colder, unstable air. so looking at a soggy start to the weekend, some sunnier days, though after the weekend and
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for several weeks. there's been no trash pickup at the point raised national seashore, and the garbage is beginning to pile up. rangers say nearly every dumpster across the park, 71,000 acres, is full of trash. that's because they have no way to get rid of it. the national park
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service has just one trash truck for the entire seashore, and it broke down weeks ago. >> the repairs are pretty extensive and, because, you know, we're using federal dollars to, repair this this truck, we have to go through a specific process. >> rangers say repairing the trash truck could take about two weeks. in the meantime, they're asking visitors to take home their trash. some dumpsters even have a sign that says leave no trash, no collection services available. now, it's your morning money report. the ftc says grocery chains are guilty of price gouging during the pandemic, a new report finds. grocery giants exploited product shortages by raising prices more than needed to cover the added costs, the report also finds in 2021, revenue increased to more than 6% above the total cost. the previous peak was 5.6% in 2015. the food marketing institute, which represents
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large food chains, has not commented on the report. it says it needs more time to review the findings. now we take a live look at the new york stock exchange. just trading gets underway. we're down about 60 points. we are celebrating national puppy day here at abc seven. kumasi is now taking her turn with the adorable pooches up for adoption. she is joined by the people of muttville, which is located in the mission district in san francisco, kumasi. who are you holding there? >> look at squiggy how cute. i see what you're saying, reggie. like, how can you not love squiggy? so i'm here with sheena and leanne from muttville. we got squiggy. we got theodore who's taking a little break over here. he's chilling out and we got debo over here who's getting loved up on. i mean, you have so many beautiful dogs here looking for forever homes. tell us about muttville and tell us about the dogs here. >> okay, well, muttville was founded in 2007, and we're a senior dog rescue. we rescue all
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dogs seven years old or older, and we just want to find them forever homes, because we know that they have so much love. yet to give. we're also the first cage free facility in the nation. so if you come to our hq, all the dogs live in this, or at least 20 of the dogs live in this beautiful lofted area with beds and couches and just a ton of people to love on them all the time. >> and that's what they deserve. and i love this. so some people might say, okay, don't want a puppy? do i want a senior dog? how do you know if a senior dog is for you? and why adopt a senior dog? >> well, would you like a big potato that just hangs out with you like this all day? because that's what you're going to get with a lot of our dogs. they just want to be with their people and they don't have as much energy a lot of the time, except now debo is very interested in things. but, it's, it's a very rewarding experience because, you know that these dogs know what it's like sometimes if they have been strays, to not have a lot of that love. so they're incredibly thankful.
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>> yeah. squiggy is just being so chill here. you're so precious. and i think it's so interesting. you have so many ways to be involved, whether you are ready to adopt or maybe you want to foster, which you have done, tell us like you have really done the thing. >> i've done it, squiggy is my 45th foster dog to date, he is part of a vast network of our foster program at muttville. we have about 80 to 90 dogs on our roster at any given time, and only about 20 to 30 actually stay in our current facility. so that means that fostering is essential to what we do at muttville. and we make it really easy to be a foster. i'm a big advocate and mentor for people fostering senior dogs, especially me, we have a ton of support. anyone can do it. we have a vet team on staff. we have. the best part is pet sitters. we have built in pet sitters for all of our fosters. they can go to headquarters in
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the mission district at any time. if i have to go out for the evening, they can go to slumber parties and then i just pick them up. so on average i have about dogs, about three weeks at a time is the turnaround time. you might say, for muttville. so yeah, it's like a new puppy every couple of weeks when i want one. >> i love this so, so many different ways to get involved. >> whether you want to take squizzy home and make him a part of your family, or maybe you want to just foster for a bit, you got a lot of options. muttville of course, tell people how they can get involved. yeah, volunteering. >> and it's something i do, which has been insurmountably just rewarding. there's so many ways you can get involved. you can be a part of our hq staff that comes in to help clean the facilities and walk the dogs and simply just cuddle with them, which is always fantastic. you can also get involved with our marketing pr there's always of course, like we said, fostering. another thing. like i get involved with a lot, which is great, is outreach. so it's a lot bringing the dogs to different events just to spread
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the word. and we always honestly, if you have a skill set, sorry about that. any skill set, we can find a place for you . we couldn't do it without all of our volunteers. >> so many ways to get involved. thank you for really just the work that you're doing supporting our senior lovely dogs here, and i'll send it back to you. i want to bring squiggy to the studio. >> can you please bring i squiggy might be my star of the day because i think squiggy is such a sweet animal. honestly and it's been so. >> first, it starts with the outfit. it does start with the outfit. it. he just let me. he he let me pick him up and we're just chilling. so cute. >> and a squiggy knows it's not what you wear, it's how you wear it, right? >> right. >> and we know this sweetie looks good with you. okay, i'll ask him if he wants to leave. bring squiggy down. i know, thank you. >> kumasi. we'll be checking in throughout the morning, including on our streaming show at seven. if you want to check out more of these dogs. >> what he is content there?
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yes. so adorable. and guys, i can't wait to get down there. i'll be there at 715. we're going to have extended coverage on our website, abc seven, plus the puppy cam. so tune in for that. but right now we do want to get to traffic because we are tracking a crash over in fairfield. this is on westbound 80 before 680. this is a two car crash. and we're told that this is blocking one lane right now. so traffic is backed up at this time. and speeds are down to 14mph in that area. so you're going to have some delays if you are driving there. now let's go to your drive times for this morning. pretty light traffic today from highway four to walnut creek. just six minutes. walnut creek to 580. only 12 minutes. tracy to dublin. that's always a backup 45 minutes, but it's actually lighter than it normally is. lisa. all right, you're ready for the rain. >> we have a cold front on the way, and then a system behind that level one system arriving. this afternoon. a look outside where it's pretty and dry with cloudy skies. 54 in hayward 55,
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san francisco 50 half moon bay. look at our sutro tower camera. lots of low clouds and fog temperatures in the 50s for most of us. upper 40s in livermore, and the timeline of the rain holding off until the late morning to early afternoon in the north bay. this is friday night. it is a messy commute there. late afternoon and evening, some downpours. then we get a break into your saturday. the possibility of thunderstorms. level one system today and tomorrow we could see some hail and embedded thunderstorms here. and then that final push of rain saturday night into early sunday. it's cooler tomorrow and on sunday this is a rainfall estimate for right on through sunday morning. we could see anywhere from three quarters of an inch for most of us, and spots where we have the heavier downpours could push us up to about an inch of rain. so with the gusty winds out there, be careful. it's going to be a messy friday afternoon and evening winter storm warnings going up for the west slopes of the sierra nevada lake tahoe, about 8 to 15in. and here at the
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resorts, maybe two feet at kirkwood. kirkwood, a foot at tahoe city. so today, out ahead of the system, it's breezy, low to mid 60s in the north bay. rain by about noontime here, the south bay looking at about 70 with the cloudy skies and the rain towards the later afternoon. accuweather seven day forecast level one system today, tomorrow and then looking at it all ending early sunday, we get a break monday and tuesday. and another system, a vigorous one looks to visit us next week, which will take us through the end of the month. >> yeah. you know, this time of the year, we always like to get you ready for tahoe because we know a lot of you like to go get to that toyota tahoe report. if you're heading dn there today, you will not need chains. if you're going from the city to palisades tahoe, it will take you three hours, 11 minutes. north star, california three ho ne minutes to heavenly three hours, 15 minutes. and if you're headed over to sar bowl resort, two hours, 49 minutes to sierra tahoe, two hours, 54 minutes. and if you're going to kirkwood, that will take you
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three hours and 31 minutes. so have a wonderful time in tahoe, a siamang at the oakland zoo is celebrating his 28th birthday, and of course they had a party. >> he was treated to some of his favorite things and everything was fine until sid showed up. sid stole several snacks and gifts from the birthday boy. ooh, they got into it. the birthday boy's name is hanuman. the oakland zoo shared this video of the pair chasing each other. things eventually did settle down and the two shared the treats. by the way, siamangs are part of the gibbon family. they are apes. coming up next, the seven things you need to know today a reminder you can watch all of our newscasts live and on demand through the abc seven bay area connected tv app. it's available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv, and roku. download the app now and you can start streaming as we head to break here is a live look out
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a honey baked ham that's been slow smoked, hand glazed, and spiral sliced. or, a kelly baked ham. nobody wants a kelly baked meal, not even kelly. every bite is a celebration with the honey baked ham company.
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we are celebrating national puppy day. i'm going to tell you the seven things you need to know, though this morning. >> number one. new details in the deadly crash that killed a family of four at a san francisco bus stop saturday, family members say the organs of the youngest victim, a three month old child, baby, were donated. the 78 year-old driver who hit them is out of the hospital. >> number two new problems involving a plane this time, the brakes failed on an american airlines plane that landed in dallas. this happened last month. investigators say images show a worker swap the electric and hydraulic lines during maintenance. >> number three, another blow to california's insurance market. state farm is discontinuing 72,000 home policies here in california. the company cited soaring costs, the increasing risk of catastrophes like wildfires and outdated regulations. >> number four harvey milk plaza getting a new pride flag today. the old one is going to be donated to an exhibition at the american bookbinding museum.
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>> and number five, or six, i think our numbers are mixed up there. but we have a crash that we're tracking here in san francisco. this is on northbound 280 to northbound 101. this is a solo crash right now it is blocking one lane. there is heavy traffic and speeds are down to 14mph at this time. >> all right, number six, we're expecting a level one system today with some light showers, some heavier downpours later on this afternoon, gusty winds. and then tomorrow our level one system could bring some thunderstorms. look at number seven. >> it is national puppy day. this is our puppy cam upstairs because we're celebrating a day early. but you can check out the puppy cam anytime. time until noon on abc and you can find information on how to adopt a puppy. >> maybe you did a senior puppy. yeah, like squiggy from muttville. >> i went up there to do the interview and i said, come with me back to the studio. yeah. and he said, okay, so just just
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chilling out. >> squiggy is doing great. >> yeah. >> squiggy you're on camera five, baby. >> oh, okay. you're close up is here. >> yeah, we can say there's a lot going on down here, but i got you, baby. we are right here. >> so relax though. no give these dogs a chance. oh, he's a good cuddle dog. oh, well, it's a little chilly >> michael: good morning america for our viewers in the west. two major storms on the move right now and a rainy washout on the way for millions. snow long spring. the winter weather alerts as we head into the weekend, with heavy snow, hail and flooding across the country. ginger has the track and timing. >> george: caught on camera. migrants storm across the southern border overwhelming texas guards. what we know and the reaction this morning. >> rebecca: taking a bite out of apple. should the company be broken up?


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