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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  March 23, 2024 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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>> janai: good morning, america. it's our second hour. the horrific scene out of a moscow concert hall. gunmen armed with automatic rifles opening fire. at least 100 people killed. more than 140 others injured. the very latest this morning. >> whit: catherine, princess of wales, revealing her cancer diagnosis, updating the world months after her abdominal surgery. >> the surgery was successful, however, tests after the operation found cancer had been present. >> whit: why the royal kept it
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secret until now. plus, what to know about preventative chemotherapy, the treatment kate is undergoing. we're breaking it all down. >> will: also this morning, it is a spring breakaway from the new zero proof travel trend that's heating up to savvy solutions for solo travelers. ♪ you're a natural ♪ >> whit: and will it or won't it? will ganss is hopping along, trying out the latest and greatest in easter prep as we say, good morning, america. ♪ yeah, you're a natural ♪ >> janai: this music is a yes, saturday, good morning, america. yeah. thank you for starting your weekend with us. will reeve is in for our boy gio on this busy saturday morning. thanks for being here, will. >> will: glad to be here. >> janai: and this as the world reacts to princess catherine's stunning cancer diagnosis. >> will: the princess of wales sharing a video message that she
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is undergoing chemotherapy. our report from london coming up in just moments. >> whit: but we start this half hour with the terrorist attack in a packed russian concert hall. at least 115 people killed. the u.s. sharing their intelligence information with moscow about the potential for such an attack weeks ago. let's go back to abc's patrick reevell with the latest news of arrests from overnight. patrick, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, whit. yeah, this is already the deadliest terror attack to hit moscow in two decades, and russian authorities this morning are saying they have now detained all four of the suspected attackers as well as seven possible accomplices, and u.s. officials are saying that they did share intelligence that suggested isis was planning such an attack. this morning, video showing the horror inside moscow's crocus city concert hall as gunmen stormed it firing indiscriminately into the crowd. this verified video circulating online shows three of the gunmen armed with assault rifles as they rush into the venue.
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inside, fans were waiting for a concert by a russian rock band and panic breaking out as sustained volleys of shots sound. hundreds sheltering behind seats and fleeing for the exits. the building then engulfed in a huge fire. helicopters dropping water as first responders arrive en masse. authorities saying the death toll now stands at 115, but it's now up to 133 and it's expected still to rise with many dozens injured. the islamic terror group isis issued a statement taking responsibility for attacking, quote, a large gathering of christians and causing great destruction. u.s. officials have told abc news, they provided intelligence to moscow of the isis threat before the attack. two weeks ago the u.s. state department also issuing this unusual alert warning of an imminent risk of extremist attacks on concerts in moscow. russian officials this morning telling state media the information was only general.
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russia's security services claim that they detained the alleged attackers as they were headed for the border with ukraine. ukrainian officials have already vehemently denied any involvement in the attack, and they're warning that moscow will try to drum up more support by exploiting this attack for its war in ukraine. janai? >> janai: so many factors at play there. patrick, thank you. now to the other international story this morning. the princess of wales ending weeks of speculation over her health. princess catherine revealing that she's undergoing cancer treatment. abc's lama hasan joins us from outside buckingham palace with the latest. good morning, again, lama. >> reporter: yeah, good morning to you, janai. well, as you can imagine, this morning princess catherine's shocking announcement is on the front page of every newspaper here, and this was princess catherine like we've never seen her before. normally she's quite private. she sounded emotional making a deeply personal and powerful statement speaking directly to the public. >> it has been an incredibly tough couple of months for our entire family. >> reporter: a stoic catherine, princess of wales, in her own
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words sharing a very personal message about her health. >> in january i underwent major abdominal surgery in london, and at the time it was thought that my condition was noncancerous. the surgery was successful, however, tests after the operation found cancer had been present. my medical team, therefore, advised that i should undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy, and i'm now in the early stages of that treatment. >> reporter: the two-minute video filmed on wednesday at their home. >> this, of course, came as a huge shock, and william and i have been doing everything we can to process and manage this privately for the sake of our young family. >> reporter: the cancer diagnosis putting an end to weeks of speculation about her well-being. >> as you can imagine, this has taken time. it has taken me time to recover from major surgery in order to start my treatment, but, most importantly, it has taken us time to explain everything to
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george, charlotte, and louis in a way that's appropriate for them and to reassure that i'm going to be okay. as i've said to them, i am well and getting stronger every day. >> reporter: emphasizing the focus for her and prince william is on their three children. >> we hope that you'll understand that as a family we now need some time, space, and privacy while i complete my treatment. >> reporter: reaction to princess catherine's cancer diagnosis was immediate, buckingham palace saying the king is so proud of catherine for her courage in speaking as she did, adding, his majesty has remained in the closest of contact with his beloved daughter-in-law. president biden releasing a statement saying, jill and i join millions around the world in praying for your full recovery, princess kate. catherine ending her statement by reaching out to others facing a similar diagnosis. >> to everyone facing this disease in whatever form, please do not lose faith or hope. you are not alone. >> reporter: now, the priority for princess catherine right now
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is to take a step back during the easter holidays, which are now under way, and spend time with the family. janai? >> janai: understandably so. lama, thank you for that. and coming up this half hour, dr. darien sutton is here to break down what to know about the treatment that kate is currently undergoing. will? >> will: all right, now, a heartbreaking story. a tragedy on the road as an accident in central texas killed at least two people including a young child. police say a school bus filled with preschoolers crashed while returning from a field trip to the zoo friday afternoon. authorities saying the bus was struck by a concrete truck and another passenger vehicle on highway 21 just outside austin. multiple helicopters and ambulances responding to the scene. officials say there were 44 children and 11 adults on the school bus when it crashed. >> whit: coming up here in our "gma morning menu," princess catherine's preventative
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chemotherapy, what the treatment means, and is it something the average person would undergo? >> janai: also ahead, more travelers raising a glass to sober vacations. we take a look at the new travel trend. plus, tory johnson is here with dynamic deals to make life go -- make life on the go a little bit easier. >> will: and it is a ruff assignment on this national puppy day, but someone's got to do it. will ganss is the man for the job, and he has a new four-legged friend. they are ready to celebrate. more "gma" is coming your way.
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>> whit: we're back with our "gma" cover story now. we've been talking about this. princess catherine revealing her cancer diagnosis telling the public that she is undergoing preventative chemotherapy, so joining us now with more on the diagnosis and the treatment is abc news medical correspondent dr. darien sutton. dr. darien, always great to have you here.
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obviously princess catherine saying in the video message that she sent out to everyone that she had -- this came after the abdominal surgery, and then they discovered this cancer. how common is that? >> well, you know, it's not. when you talk about this, it depends on, number one, what the type of cancer is. we won't know given that we're respecting her privacy, and we don't need to know, but it's important to understand that when you're diagnosing a cancer, it involves a collaborative effort between different physicians within the hospital, the radiologists who are finding suspicious things on imaging, the surgeons who are investigating operatively, the pathologists who are reviewing the pathology or the tissue samples to rule out the signs of cancer and then the oncologists who help to coordinate. so that is that collaborative effort that is so important, but what's most important, support to the patient during that diagnosis so they can go through that. >> janai: dr. sutton, how might preventative chemotherapy help in this case? are there different options depending on the type of cancer?
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>> well, preventative chemotherapy means something different for each patient. sometimes clinically you might hear the word "adjuvant," for example, and they mean similar things. the main purpose of preventative chemotherapy or adjuvant chemotherapy is to prevent the cancer from coming back in the future, and also if you're removing a cancer, there's sometimes residual cells or cancer cells you might not be able to see, and so the point of chemotherapy is to increase your odds of having a successful removal of that cancer as much as you can. >> will: the princess is young, she's 42 years old, and anecdotally there seem to be more stories of young people getting cancer. what do we need to know? >> it's not just anecdotally. you know, we're seeing rising rates. if you look, for example, at the uk for women ages 40 to 44, the most recent statistics were from the year 2021. that was a 7% increase that we saw from the years prior, and also here in the united states, we're seeing rising rates, for example, of colon cancer in people under the age of 50.
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colon cancer being now the number one cause of death for men and the number two cause of death for women second to breast cancer. so, it's a stark reminder we pay attention to our symptoms and talk to our physicians about our risk factors so that we can get that appropriate screening. >> whit: quick follow-up on that. now, is this because more people are actually getting cancer or because we're getting better at diagnosing it? >> that's a great question, whit. that's what everyone in terms of science are trying to understand. could it be our environment or something that we're exposed to, more awareness, or just simply more access? we still don't know the answer to that. >> whit: dr. darien, thank you so much. we always appreciate it. >> of course. >> janai: so great to have you providing that context. let's switch gears now to the new travel trend that's heating up this spring break, sober vacations. morgan norwood has that story. good morning, again, morgan. >> hey, good morning to you, janai. so, yes, we've heard of dry january, but sober is taking over with spring break getaways happening now. more travelers are raising a
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glass to dry tripping. ♪ things are getting out of hand ♪ >> reporter: when you think of spring break -- >> thank you, spring break. thank you. >> all right. >> reporter: -- you think of parties like mtv on the beach, but there's a new vacation trend that's heating up. >> we saw dry january. we saw sober october, and now we're seeing what we're calling dry tripping. >> reporter: according to, more than 40% of travelers are likely to book a detox trip in 2024. >> 74% of gen-zers say they are looking for sober options when they travel. >> i'm looking for other places that i can be active, whether going for walks, hikes. will this place be able to fit my lifestyle goals? >> reporter: experts say it's important to consider excursions in your overall comfort level with alcohol before booking. >> if i could do things over, i probably wouldn't go to an all-inclusive resort again. >> we leave tomorrow on a cruise. my husband bought the drink package. i did not. >> reporter: the consensus among these sober travelers, dry
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vacations are worth the extra planning. >> one of the biggest perks out of being sober on vacation was definitely the time that i spent with my teenagers. >> when i was in cabo, i got up super early before everybody else and was walking around and was able to see just this amazing sunrise over the beach. it was stunning. >> reporter: so, raise your mocktails, and cheers to the new and improved r&r. okay, so, listen up, if you're interested in dry tripping, one suggestion is to find the destinations that don't focus on drinking and are more likely to have outdoor activities. plus, we're learning that more airlines and hotels are offering mocktail menus. so, cheers to that. i was fully expecting us to have mocktails. >> whit: instead we gave you an empty glass. >> janai: yeah. >> it's half full. >> whit: budget cuts. >> will: there's no alcohol in it. >> exactly, so that counts. >> whit: exactly. >> janai: that is great, and as you get older there's no need for a hangover. >> whit: absolutely. >> janai: oh, my gosh.
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thank you so much, morgan. now over to somara. it looks like spring has sprung there. >> somara: yeah, somewhere it's sprung. here we are in olney, maryland, the cherry blossoms. the drone footage, thank you for supplying us with this, tim. beautiful scene there. now you head down to the tidal basin, and you can see it's not as nice there where the cherry blossoms bloomed, because we have seen heavy rain with this storm system. not only is it bringing rain to the northeast but snow, looking so picturesque there, but roads will be something to contend with as we head through the afternoon. timing this out, this is focused throughout this saturday on the i-95 corridor. snow further north in new hampshire, vermont, and maine. that will lead to a high flood threat along the i-95 corridor. we could see loamly amounts, like 5 inches of rain, so be careful on the roads,
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>> will: time now for "deals & steals," and we are on the go. tory johnson is here. she's got everything you need to make life easier. tory, thank you, as always, for being here. we've got some great stuff. >> yeah. >> will: what are we standing behind here >> we're starting with rovr. we want to bring the good vibes outside as hopefully the weather starts to improve, but, quite frankly, even if it doesn't, this is year-round goodness. coolers that just make life a little bit easier. we've got soft, as well as hard.
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kind of like this they call like a modern-day picnic basket because it's functional, looks good, but also gets the job done in terms of keeping things cooler longer. this one right here, the roller 60, this will hold 60 cans. it's so sleek on the inside. they kind of think of it as -- it's got the utility of a chef's kitchen with the vibe of an adult ice cream truck. they've really thought of everything. it's very rugged. durable wheels, as well. can't go wrong with any of these. all 50% off. huge assortment of all kinds of colors that you'll find online. so, this is just like a mini assortment here. >> will: okay, and these look like tumblers to me. there's more than meets the eye. >> they are, but there's a little extra piece to them. so this is vibe. so, if you want tunes with your favorite beverage, this is awesome, because right in the bottom here is a bluetooth speaker built right in. you'll get eight hours of play time, and obviously you get to keep your drink cool. what's great about this, you know, wherever you go, whether on the court, at the beach, taking a walk in the park, you kind of get two in one with these.
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they're really fun, 50% off today. >> will: bring it on your dry trip, everyone out there. >> yes. >> will: when you're on the go, you need to charge your phone. >> got to stay powered up anywhere on the go. this is limitless innovations. what's great about these, it's kind of the ultimate power bank and includes everything. so it's got the ac plug right there that will go right in. it's got a flashlight on top. it's got an l.e.d. light to tell you how much power is left in this bank. then it comes with the cords built right in, plus three different ports on the side. so, you can charge multiple devices at once, so this makes it really great for travel. if you've got either multiple devices for yourself or multiple people who need to charge, no one is fighting for the outlet. you can all do it with this. 63% off today. they're $40. obviously lots of colors. >> will: 63%. i was going to say, if one goes missing, you'll know who took it, but for 63% off, i'll go to and grab it. >> there you go. >> will: we need some shoes, tory. >> these are amazing shoes. comfort that you feel in every
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step with or without socks, which is really fabulous. we've got options for men and women both. look at these, golf shoes for men. pretty fabulous golf shoes. >> will: not my size. >> not your size, sorry. i'll be better prepared next time. rubber outsole that has great traction and durability. we've got slip-ons and lace-ups for men and women, as well. these are just light, flexible. so, they feel good, look good, they're really engineered for comfort and stability. all 50% off today from ecco footwear. >> will: 50% off. >> okay, this is lock laces. it's the easiest way to turn any kind of lace-up shoe into a slip-on shoe, because it does the laces for you. so it's great for kids. it's great for adults. people with mobility challenges where either it's difficult for their hands to tie their laces or difficult to bend over to tie their laces. super smart, they're also secure
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and stay in place. so, if you want to have that no-tie option for your lace-up shoes, no matter the shoe, even boots, we've got options. the sets today for pairs, $10, plus free shipping from lock laces. >> will: we love free shipping at "gma." we also love carrying documents around. what do we have? >> this is malibu skye. we've got two different crossbody bags, so it's a teeny bag like this with a strap, or you could take the strap off, and you have a little clutch. what's fabulous about these, so many compartments, so if you're somebody who likes to have everything all in one and not have lots of clutter, this is for you. these today, $20 and free shipping. >> will: we love free shipping, and we love tory johnson because she brings us all the best "deals & steals." we've partnered with these companies on every deal here. you can find them on our website, and coming up, the easter trends taking over social media. are they worth the effort? we'll find out in a moment. ♪ ial media. are they worth the effort?
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we'll find out in a moment. ♪
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24/7 u.s.-based customer service. jennifer: how would i prove that i'm not?
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now. good morning, i'm stephanie sierra. the oakland police department finally has a new leader, mayor shane tao announced her pick for police chief, ending a year of uncertainty over the high profile post. floyd mitchell comes to oakland from lubbock, texas, and he served 25 years in kansas city. before that. mitchell will likely start work with oakland in may. a soggy start to the day. let's check in with lisa. how's it looking right now? >> hey. good morning. it sure is. we have a few breaks out there, but taking you to the north bay and parts of the peninsula and east bay, you can see the smattering of showers down through san mateo. two 8-80 the south bay has a break, but it's a level one system. could bring us a thunderstorm today. gusty winds, much cooler. only in the 50s today and tomorrow. a little bit of a break tomorrow afternoon. >> lisa, thank you. and thank you all for joining us. the news
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>> janai: >> janai: we are back now on "gma," and spring's most colorful celebration, holi, the hindu festival of color. the main event is kicking off this weekend, and we're getting the party started. >> whit: you're eating early. >> janai: stop it. stop it. coming up, we're taking a bite out of some delicious dishes. >> whit: exactly, and she'll be finished chewing by then. but first let's take a look at the other big headlines we're following this saturday morning. the princess of wales ending weeks of speculation about her health with a stunning revelation. catherine releasing a video saying she is undergoing cancer
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treatment. she calls the diagnosis a huge shock to both her and prince william. the princess revealing it took time for her kids -- for her to come forward so that she could explain everything to her three children and let them know that she is going to be okay. >> janai: and now to that looming deadline for donald trump to come up with the $464 million to satisfy the civil fraud judgment against him in new york. while his lawyers have said that securing a bond for that amount by monday is a practical impossibility, trump saying on friday he has close to half a billion dollars available to him, but he'd rather spend it on his presidential run. the new york attorney general said she will move to seize trump's properties if he doesn't secure the money. >> will: and allergy season is hitting hard and early this year. research showing climate change is to blame for longer and more intense allergy seasons. recent numbers show some 81 million americans have been diagnosed with seasonal allergies.
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>> whit: that time of year. all right, it is now time for our saturday series, "will it or won't it." and this morning, we're pretty hoppy about it. will ganss trying out the hottest trends in easter decor, and he's here with some egg-cellent suggestions. our producer adam really had fun with the wording this morning. >> i'm a little disappointed we moved to a smaller screen for my face. >> whit: like the bigger will ganss. >> was the other one just too much? >> whit: never enough. let's kick things off. this is a new spin on a classic tradition with easter eggs. >> yeah, i'm really excited about this. spring has sprung, and the garden isn't the only thing popping off. social media is abloom with new ideas for easter decor and sweet treats. this is an egg-cellent idea we spotted on tiktok. it's from kelly oster. instead of the traditional dye job, this hack, which has racked up nearly 5 million views on tiktok involves using a muffin tin to keep tidy, baking soda, water, and food
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coloring as paint, and then you use vinegar to give your eggs a tie-dye effect. look, i made these myself. pass them around, class. >> janai: these are cool. >> this is for any swiftie who might be in their "lover" era, you guys. >> will: don't bring eggs to a taylor swift concert. >> so, it's baking soda and food coloring and water, that's your paint, and then you pour vinegar over the top of it. it kind of gives it -- >> whit: i like it. in your opinion will it or won't it? >> it will, and i think this is actually a really good one for families whose kids might be a little bit older like your, whit, because that vinegar and baking soda reaction reminds me of the volcano experiment. >> whit: yeah, yeah. >> so it's a lot like that. it's a good one. >> whit: love it. >> will: what's next? a diy springtime wreath of sorts. >> yes. let's not zoom in too close to that wreath. that was on instagram from kelsey savage where she's teaching her nearly quarter million followers and myself to make a wreath with a wire hanger, a pool noodle and fake
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flowers. you undo the top of the hanger, shape it into a circle then reattach the hanger, and pop your greenery and florals into the foam and, voila, a very beautiful handmade wreath, and now i'm the talk of the ninth floor in my building. >> will: i bet you already were. [ laughter ] >> whit: there he goes again. >> will: so, what's the verdict? >> for me it won't. the time it took to source all that stuff and put it together, i'm not as crafty as kelsey is. it's great for anyone creative and super crafty, but i think maybe better left to the professionals. >> whit: i'm looking closely. >> if you look too closely -- >> whit: from a distance it looks good, but up close -- >> will: the styrofoam in the back. >> janai: shade. >> that's a me thing. that's not a hack thing. for some it's great. >> janai: we'll end on a sweet note, because we're asking will it or won't it about the homemade version of a fan favorite, a personal favorite,
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the reese's eggs. >> y'all know about reese's eggs. this is a copycat version that we're whipping up. courtesy of the squeaky mixer on tiktok. the mixture consists of butter, confectioners' sugar and peanut butter. after forming that into egg shapes, you put them in the freezer for a couple hours so they hold their form better. dip them in your choice of chocolate. i used dark chocolate. that's my favorite, and put them back in the fridge, and then that's what you have there. >> whit: i like it. >> janai: now that the dark chocolate makes sense that that is your favorite. yes. >> yeah, so will -- >> janai: it's all about the ratio for me. >> exactly. >> janai: will it or won't it? >> for me it will. i think i might tweak the recipe a little bit, less sugar, more peanut butter on my next round but, yeah, i mean -- >> whit: i'm a fan. >> thank you. >> whit: thank you, will. >> thank you. >> janai: ratio is bomb. thank you so much, will. coming up, going solo with the must have items to pack before traveling on your own.
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♪ >> will: back now with our gma "buzz pick."
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it's "in a not so perfect world," and here's the author to tell us about it. >> good morning, america. i'm neely tubati alexander here with my newest novel "in a not so perfect world." it follows video game designer sloan on a escapade with her hot neighbor, charlie. the catch? he's using her to make his ex jealous. she's using him for the opportunity to land her dream job. this one has all my favorite tropes including one bed, fake dating and, of course, the tension of a slow burn. >> will: tension of a slow burn. all right. "in a not so perfect world" is available now, and you can keep reading along with us over on instagram @gmabookclub. janai, sending it over to you. >> janai: i'll take it, will. thank you. now, to the travel trends that are really taking off for solo travelers. lale arikoglu is the host of conde nast's traveler's award-winning podcast "women who travel." she joins us now with must have tips for your next adventure.
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thanks, lale, for being with us. so, let's kick things off with what can people do to prepare for better stays in a new city before their trip. >> so, it's really about doing your research. i love to get to know a place before i get there, and part of it is for safety. you know, as a woman traveling alone, and this is different for me. it's different for me as it might be for someone else who identifies as a woman, but you want to feel safe, and it's looking into the neighborhoods, the public transport to take, the airbnbs. where do you feel comfortable? find online communities of women in that city or that destination who can really give you a gut check about where it's safe for you to stay and where you'll feel good and enjoy yourself. >> janai: that makes a lot of sense. you say there are ways to travel on your own but not alone. >> yes, it might sound a little contradictory, right? but it can be intimidating to travel alone for the first time. ease yourself into it. there's lots of great group trip options where you can sort of have the company of other women or other people and get to be
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social and meet new friends, but also you can, like, go off on your own and explore and do things on your own terms. >> janai: yeah, still get some time by yourself. let's take a look inside your must have travel bag, starting with the bag itself. >> this is by a brand which we love. sustainable bags, they're durable and also really lightweight and ergonomic, which i think for a woman's frame is good. i went hiking in patagonia recently. it's kind of wild. not a normal trip, and having a bag like that was great because you can also -- it has so many compartments. you can really organize what you're bringing with you, and if you have -- if you're on a multi-stop trip, you can split between city, outdoors, put your hiking boots in, a pair of heels, whatever you need. >> janai: yeah. what is everything else?
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>> it's very gadgety, isn't it, and i'm not very tech friendly, but -- >> janai: what's your other must have? >> these are some of my must haves. one is a battery power pack, and it sounds obvious, but, you know, you can't charge your phone everywhere, and it's a real peace of mind to be able to have something with you if you don't have an outlet or don't have an adapter, or you're in the middle of nowhere and can keep your phone charged so you can always be in communication with some family or friends or wherever you need to be wherever your next destination is. >> janai: what's your favorite place that you've traveled to alone? >> that's a big question. i think patagonia was really quite transformative for me, but i also love doing city trips by myself. i went to scandinavia last summer and hopped between oslo and stockholm and walked around, ate a lot of great food, and got to just like be by myself. the really good thing about solo travel, you can do things on your own terms. >> janai: yeah, that is incredible. thank you so much for being with us. >> thank you so much. >> janai: and you can shop all these products using the qr code by heading to
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now back over to somara for another check of the weather. >> somara: hey, janai. minneapolis, minnesota, has picked up about 17 inches of snow this season so far. their normal is 46. they've been dealing with their warmest winter on record in minnesota, but, but, but, but we do have winter storm watches in effect now. the northern plains, midwest, get ready. now through tuesday we'll see a nice hefty dumping of snow. one to two feet is possible in some cities, elsewhere anywhere from three to six. now, this storm continues its trajectory eastward, and look what happens in the lower tier. the threat for severe weather from wichita down to oklahoma city. your sunday could be -- you could be dealing with damaging winds, large hail, a few tornadoes, and then that threat shifts farther east into places like shreveport, jackson, and new orleans on monday. that's a look at the forecast across the country. let's see what's going on in your
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>> whit: and now to national puppy day. and i knew we were going to celebrate today. we have best friends animal society here to help us out. new york city executive director marlon roberts is joining us now with some very special guests. we have rapunzel right here, and this is all part of the same crew, right? >> yeah, they're a whole litter. >> whit: ah, beautiful. so, our viewers know that i'm a big fan of dogs here. we have 18 foster puppies that we've had over the years. our most recent, mario, we have a picture, got adopted by a "gma" viewer. just came to pick him up and take him to his forever home, and we're very excited about that. why is this a good time to adopt a puppy if you're thinking about it? >> that's a great question. last year 4.76 million dogs and cats entered our shelters last year, and of that almost 400,000 of them were killed simply because they didn't have a place
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to go home -- call home. so, we're asking for folks to stand with us this national puppy day, go through the adoption route. there's plenty of puppies like these four in your local shelters. save them. if you can't adopt, foster, rescue. help us save them all in 2025. >> whit: i mean, rapunzel is literally like crying for you. come on. look at these beautiful faces. so, sometimes it can be a little intimidating for some people when they think about taking home a puppy and the commitment that it comes with. what are some tips you have for people who are considering it? >> so, if you're considering to adopt and be a first-time puppy parent, some very important tips is socialization. make sure you expose them to people positively, sounds, scents, textures. you want to expose them to all that. in addition to that, watch how those interactions go. are they negative? we don't want to force negative interactions on those puppies, and then, lastly, make sure they
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get alone time. take them out, get exercise and allow them time alone to decompress. >> whit: yes. one thing i found too with a lot of the puppies we've fostered, like babies they need their rest time. they need their nap time. they need a quiet space alone where they can get that rest. >> and it's good for them. >> whit: exactly. marlon, thanks so much, and thanks to the puppies here. you can always come help out. adopt, don't shop. find a home for these gorgeous little things. and coming up here, we are also celebrating holi, the hindu festival of colors, and we'll be right back with more after this. say hello, rapunzel. [ serene music playing ] welcome to the wayborhood. the wayfair vibe at our place is western. my thing, darling? shine. gardening. some of us go for the dramatic. how didn't i know wayfair had vanities in tile? [ gasps ] this. wow! do you have any ottomans without legs. sure. you'll flip for the poof cart.
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or a similar type of treatment, ask your retina specialist about eylea hd today, for the potential for fewer injections. ♪ >> janai: welcome back. look at the studio. this is so cool. the hindu festival of colors known as holi is happening, and michelin star chef vikas khanna who is opening his new restaurant, bungalow, here in new york city tonight. he has brought us dishes right off the menu. thank you so much for being with
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us. we're so excited. we are starting with purple and green purple, purple sweet potato and mango sauce, so you dress it with chickpea droplets. >> yeah, this goes on top for a garnish and crunch, so what this is, it is inspired by new delhi where the winter is getting into spring. this smokiness of the sweet potatoes, but we're using the purpose sweet potatoes. this is the time when the green mangoes flood the market, so i made a sauce out of that. it's called -- [ speaking non-english ] it is a unique weet/sour sauce, and that's ashwagandha, a healing, amazing indian spice. >> janai: it's beautiful to look at. >> yes, thank you. >> whit: then over here we've got -- this is interesting, a kebab, but there's no meat. >> i like that you can guess. >> whit: this looks different. tell us about it. >> this is a kebab which is made out of yogurt. i had this in a city in india so
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famous for street foods, and i was amazed that it goes through a process of making this kebab, but that's just a yogurt filling inside, and we roll it with a purple cabbage, which has been pickled then pureed, and that's a spicy mango sauce on the edges. >> whit: so, these are the sauces. the spicy mango is on the outside. i'll give this a go. i'm supposed to use a fork. >> it's up to you. i love using hands. >> whit: all right. i'm diving in. all right. gorgeous. >> will: we'll let whit eat down there. come to this side of the table, and it's dessert time. seasonal spring dessert with -- i don't know what they are, but i want to have them. what are they? >> in my restaurant, this is a seasonal dessert for holi. in my restaurant, we have a dessert called -- [ speaking non-english ] it's india's answer to panna cotta. our answer to panna cotta, and this is -- has like the flavors of holi, which is a drink with
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almonds and nuts and saffron and cardamom and black pepper and turned it into a celebration of holi, and that's pistachio mousse, and that's hibiscus flower powder, and that's our little dessert for holi, and that's -- i love that. that's a sesame little brittle which goes with it. >> will: a sesame brittle. >> yeah. >> janai: your presentation of everything is so beautiful. >> thank you. >> janai: will, are you going to take a bite? >> will: if i may? permission? >> we open tonight, bungalow, and are excited about it and we have a museum. i own a big museum back home in india, and i've got some artifacts which are unique and amazing. >> janai: today must be such a busy day for you opening your restaurant. >> whit: congratulations. >> janai: thank you so much for coming to be with us. >> whit: it doesn't just look good on tv. >> janai: beautiful and delicious. thank
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>> whit: will is criticizing me for having two forks. i'm trying to keep it clean, you know, one fork for each dish. >> will: just eat one at a time. >> whit: that's right. >> janai: you didn't wash your hands after touching that dog. >> whit: oh, that's right. that's right. it's all part of the experience here on "gma." have a great saturday. we'll see you tomorrow. experience here on "gma." have a great saturday. we'll see you tomorrow. good morning. i'm stephanie sierra. united airlines is facing new scrutiny after
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several reported problems in three weeks. a memo to united employees says the faa will now be paying closer attention to the airline. earlier this month, a united flight lost a wheel over an sfo parking lot smashing cars this week, a flight from sfo to japan had to turn back because of engine issues. united says the faa will be reviewing the airline's policies and facilities over the next few weeks. today, oakland's in-n-out will be serving customers for the last time. in-n-out says the location at hegenberger road off interstate 880 is profitable, but car break-ins, armed robberies and theft make it not safe enough to stay in business. city leaders say crime is dropping in the area, with more law enforcement patrols and security at certain shopping centers. doors closed for good tomorrow at 1 a.m. it's soggy out there. let's check in with lisa. >> all right. good morning to you. level one system. some pretty good downpours out there. san rafael up in marin county
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right now, up through penngrove, inverness. and we take you to the east bay. even heavier rain here in between san leandro and san ramon. here just south of moraga. so all over we're looking at the light to moderate rain. fremont, 8-80. and you can see from the peninsula san francisco south towards highway one and into the santa cruz mountains. more rain. it's going to rotate in throughout the day. not a whole lot, but with some sunshine out there we could see some thunderstorm and some heavier downpours. so anywhere from a couple hundredths to maybe a quarter of an inch is what we're expecting today. level one system today and tomorrow. stephanie. >> lisa, thank you. up next, the body of a missing hiker has been found in the big sur area with what authorities are now believing may have happened moments
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live now at nine a long anticipate decision made. oakland has a new police chief. what we're learning about the man on the job, as the community hopes for reduced crime across the city. and it may not look like it right now at zephyr cove, but we are tracking some rain and snow in the forecast. good morning. it's saturday, march 23rd. i'm stephanie sierra. lisa is here. and another kind of gloomy day out there. >> yeah. you know, i felt it yesterday with that cold front coming through the winds. and now we're behind that cold front. it's chilly and we've got another wave of moistu h


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