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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  March 29, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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julian glover. >> today's storm ranks a level two on the exclusive abc seven news storm impact scale, and that makes it a moderate storm. >> so let's get you a look at current conditions around the bay area. we are giving you a snapshot with six a half dozen. that's right. views from our network of live tower cameras all over the bay area. you can check out the golden gate bridge , santa cruz, several spots in between looking similar. cloudy, wet and this massive oak tree fell into a senior center in sebastopol this afternoon, punching holes in the roof. there were several seniors and staff inside when the tree hit. nobody was hurt. crews put tarps over the holes today, but there are a lot of repairs to do. the sebastopol area senior center will be closed at least through the weekend, and we continue the tour across the bay. >> umbrellas, raincoats all out along the embarcadero in san francisco today. the rain made for some gray skies at times and some slick roads as drivers had to deal with those wet weather conditions out there. pretty much true. all across the city, traffic was heavy. along park
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presidio boulevard and lake street. rain fell at times throughout the afternoon, and it was that way in the south bay as well. >> a steady, downfall soaked backyards and pitter patter off roofs. here you can see it scattering over a yard in san jose. and the same story on the peninsula. the wet roads and traffic made driving quite a challenge, especially in downtown areas, and folks out and about were making good use of their umbrellas and raincoats. abc seven news meteorologist andy patel is busy tracking weather all around the bay area. >> anthony. we saw some yellow, even spots of orange on doppler seven. where's the strongest part of the storm right now? >> right now in the south bay? julian and kristen. so your friday getaway, your holiday weekend off to a wet and windy start. let me get you in to street level radar where we are seeing some downpours right now around gilroy, san martin, monterey boulevard. as we press in a little bit closer here, some of the rainfall rates in this area, just over an inch per hour. you can see why there would be some minor flooding on the roadways around the
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peninsula, from half moon bay into belmont, portola valley street level radar. you will notice burlingame skyline boulevard getting some light to moderate showers, and it's the same story in parts of the north bay, as well as some parts of san francisco. as we take you back in time, some severe thunderstorms developed off the monterey bay coastline, and there has been a warning from the weather service that if those storms form water spouts are not out of the question. we certainly have a flood advisory down for parts of the monterey bay until 8 p.m. tonight, as flooding is a concern. so if you are traveling down there, keep that in mind. gusts to 37 in oakland earlier it was 61 mile an hour gusts at the oakland airport wind advisory until 5 a.m. tomorrow, 45 to 50 plus mile an hour winds could cause some outages and knock down trees. it's a level two on our storm impact scale. that low spinning off the coast is going to continue to bring in some moisture as it feeds it in tonight. look out for scattered showers. potential for thunderstorms as well. and this continues into your saturday. so it's a two moderate strength storm with the downpours at
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times strong gusty winds, chance of thunder and hail, minor flooding on the roadways. it's a high likelihood trees down, power outages, moderate risk and a lightning risk is going to be in that moderate to high category. i'll be back with a full look at your holiday weekend, which includes easter in just a few minutes. kristen. >> serious stuff sandhya thank you. now to the north bay. and that's where we find abc7 news reporter cornell bernard live with details on the storm impact in marin county. cornell >> hey, kristen, you know, i was just getting ready to retire my parka for the season. glad i didn't because certainly needed it today. it may be spring, but it feels a lot like winter. today's storm was pretty wild. it got the attention of a lot of us, and it's also likely delaying the start of fire season. >> the rain is good, but it's too much of rain. >> a deema from novato is ready for spring, but she's feeling winter vibes instead. wet and cold. >> yeah, i was thinking it
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wasn't going to be raining all day. other days we have been having a beautiful days, but today it's a rainy day and it's a nonstop rain in san rafael. >> this tree crew is busy removing a tall cypress, the oh so delicate job made even more challenging by the storm. >> yes, it's more difficult. it just required us. requires us to be more safe. we. so we have to take it a little bit slower. >> by midday, winds were gusting in santa rosa and driving required caution and slow speeds. the fire department expects trees to topple before the storm is out of here. >> with the rains are coming, the potential for strong, gusty winds as well as thunderstorms uh- a little unusual to have something of this magnitude this late in the season, but it's good for our reservoir, sonoma water says lake sonoma and lake mendocino reservoirs are both nearing capacity after winter rains, but there's still enough room to handle rainfall from this storm. >> both reservoirs have plenty of space for this next storm to come through, and what's really
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nice is that they are above the water supply pool. definitely holding some extra water. so as we get an end to the rainy season and into these dry, warm summer months when water use tends to tick up, we've got plenty of water. >> too early to talk about the 2024 fire season. firefighters say right now fire danger is low and could remain that way into april and may, thanks to all the moisture will help fully help push back some of the fire risk that we typically see. >> uh- late spring early summer >> yeah, firefighters say all this rain. certainly good news for the fire season, whenever that will start, because moisture levels and grasses and brush will remain high really for the next couple of months. for now, it is still raining a bit and roads are slick. so be careful out there. live in san rafael, cornell, bernard, abc seven news. >> all right, cornell, thanks. you can track the rain anytime with the abc seven bay area app. you can access the same live
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doppler seven radar that our weather team uses. just search abc seven bay area in your device's app store and download it now, down to the new efforts to build a better bay area road. >> surveillance cameras that are good enough to read the bumper sticker off of a car are coming to areas dealing with crime in the east bay, including oakland. abc seven news reporter anser hassan has more on those new security camera. this network of cameras, and why some are concerned about the deployment of those cameras. >> fighting crime is going high tech by installing 480 cameras in oakland and along east bay freeways, which will aid and support the efforts of law enforcement to focus on stolen vehicles. >> this is proven technology. >> governor gavin newsom made the announcement friday morning. he says the camera network will allow opd and the chp to get real time alerts for vehicles linked to crime, or investigate after the fact. >> more and more cities are seeing that crime is one of those problems. that's incredibly hard to solve. and what they're missing is evidence. josh thomas is with
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flock safety, which is installing the cameras. >> likely by the summer. 290 cameras in oakland, 190 along the highways in the east bay. he says on average, each camera will cost about $3,500 to operate annually. >> the nice part about it is the city of hercules. you come into the city and as you go out, your license plate is being read. >> hercules mayor dan romero says the city has been using flock license plate readers for more than five years. he says it has proven to be an effective tool for law enforcement. >> we're looking basically for felons. we're not looking for outdated registrations. we're looking for another agency. might be looking for somebody with an outstanding warrant or bail, or they never showed up to court. >> but these new cameras will get a snapshot of the entire back of the vehicle that's raising privacy concerns. thomas says state law provides safeguards against how the data is used. >> this is not data that's being collected into a big database someplace. it is permanently deleted every 30 days on a
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rolling basis. moreover, there's no biometrics. >> we've seen no data from newsom or anyone else that suggests that putting these cameras on our highway are going to reduce the rates of violence in our city. the primary problem people are facing here in the city of oakland is the homicide rate. >> james birch is with the anti-police terror project. among his concerns that his surveillance system is being built, one that will likely target communities of color. >> we're creating a very dangerous and concerning surveillance infrastructure here without any thought about the potential consequences in oakland, anser hassan abc seven news. >> bart is reporting new arrest numbers, a 60% increase last year compared to 2022. they're linking it to more uniformed officers riding trains with passengers. but as abc seven news reporter lena howland found out, crime numbers are still on the rise. >> just about a year ago, bart police made a major change to their policing strategy, shifting more of their uniformed
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officers to patrolling on trains rather than cars. >> so i've been with the department for approximately 17 years, and this is the largest deployment change we i've ever seen in my policing career with the bart police department. but it is the singular most important change we've made, to address the concerns of our passengers and our employees. with bart ridership still down compared to pre-pandemic levels, a survey done by the bay area council last may found 45% of people are choosing not to ride bart because they don't think it's safe. >> i usually drive because honestly, i don't feel sometimes i don't feel safe in bart. >> but with the bart police department's new strategy, deputy chief christopher vogan says arrests are up by more than 62% compared to last year. he says part of what's worked has been shortening train cars. >> we have more officers patrolling those trains, so they're not having to walk through empty train cars. they're getting through cars where people are pointing out problems and they're addressing
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them still, bart board director of district one deborah allen says these numbers don't tell the full story. >> what you get is the crime is going up. >> still, according to last year's chief of police report, violent crime was up by 13% and property crime, including burglary, larceny and auto theft was up by 59. >> i certainly don't agree with sending the message to riders that, hey, everything's okay now, go take a nap on the train. no you shouldn't do that. you still have to be really, really aware of the people around you. >> i haven't noticed more officers. i've noticed more like bart ambassadors on the platforms and on the trains. but not uniformed officers. >> although some riders say things are still better than they were before the pandemic. >> i'd say i feel safer. i think it's just a product of there being fewer people around. so it's there's less to keep track of. >> in orinda, lena howland, abc seven news and bart is slowly getting back to pre-pandemic ridership levels.
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>> the average weekday is now at 40% of what it once was. weekends are much better. 63% for saturday and 66% of old figures for sunday. that is better than last month compared to february's trips. march has seen higher ridership by a few percentage points across all days of the week. >> good news there. coming up next, pomp and circumstance and also some protest to both dignitaries and antiwar activists were there as a u.s. navy ship named for an iconic san francisco leader came to the bay. >> and still to come, how your power bill could be changing will flat fee end up cutting
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slightly. it looks like we might finally be getting a temporary break from the rain. >> yeah, still a lot of rain though. let's check in with sandy. yeah, and julian and kristen. don't be fooled by those sun breaks, because that's exactly what's going to help to destabilize our atmosphere, bringing the threat of thunder. so let me show you some live views right now from emeryville to pier 39. gray skies, some raindrops on the lens from santa cruz camera to tahoe where it is snowing all right, let's look at live doppler seven. i'm going to take you into the south bay because they have been getting drenched from morgan hill to san martin, church avenue across highway 101, heading into gilroy. watch out the santa cruz area. felton scotts valley, ben lomond, you're beginning to pick up that rain as well. you've had quite the soaker this earlier today in the south bay. as we look at the peninsula and the north bay, you can see light to
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moderate showers. we're going to press in a little bit tighter here right around brisbane, san bruno, south city, also in the north bay. you will notice mill valley kentfield san rafael getting some showers. as we widen the picture here. this area of low pressure is still off the coastline in. it has triggered thunderstorms offshore, but not over land yet, so keep this in mind. this area is going to continue to spin here as it heads towards southern california. and all this cold, unstable air back here will be moving towards the coast as it moves down towards southern california so it could see some hail and thunder. mount diablo wind gusts out of the southeast south 34 miles an hour. we've seen 45 to 60 plus mile an hour wind gusts so far. 40s and 50 on your temperature is. the highs well below average anywhere from the upper 40s to the low 60s today. and from our emeryville camera, you can certainly see gray skies. here's a look at the rainfall so far. three quarters of an inch in santa rosa. just under a half an inch. san francisco and redwood city. oakland 3400. concord 2900. look at san jose. forget
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about rain shadow. you've had your share 3000/800 of an inch and it is raining in santa cruz right now. tonight gusty wet thunder chance tomorrow. showers possible thunderstorms. easter is going to be a nice one, son and clouds, but isolated chance of showers will linger. it is a two on our storm impact scale through tonight. downpours at times strong gusty winds. potential is there for some hail and thunder. looking at the wind gusts by the hour you will notice it's still gusty through the wee hours of the morning and then turning breezy for tomorrow. not as windy tomorrow. so tonight 9:00. be prepared for some areas of downpours, especially in the southern part of our viewing area, but could see those scattered downpours anywhere for a m tomorrow morning. still going to continue in that scattered shower mode for 6:00 saturday evening, 9 p.m. and then, while most of the activity and the action is in southern california, the computer models keep bringing in an isolated shower or two sunday morning. not going to ruin any of those egg hunts. and then
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sunday afternoon evening. still, the potential is there for a shower or two popping up additional rainfall. we're looking at anywhere from about 2/10 of an inch to just over an inch for most areas, but some parts will pick up less than that, especially in the inland east bay. winter storm warning until 5 p.m. sunday for the sierra nevada west slope up to two feet for the peaks. gusts to 50 miles an hour. chain controls right now on many of the roads leading up there, so make sure you have that. and i would hold off on travel if i were you, 40s and 50s. tomorrow morning could see some thunderstorms developing. same thing for the afternoon, but you'll see sun breaks as well. highs will be in the 50s and 60s, so a little warmer than today. the accuweather seven day forecast. it's a one for tomorrow. isolated shower chance lingering into easter sunday. but i would not call that a bad thing at all because it's going to be overall, just partly cloudy. nice weather for the bunny and for the kids. sunny and warmer start of april. it's going to be even warmer tuesday wednesday in the 70s. yes. yeah so kristin and julian, we're going to
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change it up and bring on spring warmth and sunshine next week. >> like the way you think. yeah 76 on tuesday i know. >> can you believe that for the warmest spot. yeah love it. >> although i was told by a weather person a long time ago there's no such thing as bad weather, only bad gear that doesn't suit the weather. okay, that's a good point, right? right. yeah. that's not prepared. yeah, it could be really miserable. that's why we listen to you. we're prepared. >> thank you. thank you. >> it's still a razor thin race for california 16 congressional district. the race that just keeps on going in. santa clara county supervisor joe simitian, lead has just dwindled. he's now just four votes ahead of assemblyman evan low. yesterday it was eight votes. they are competing for that second place finish to face former san jose mayor sam liccardo in november's general election. the 16 congressional district falls within san mateo and santa clara counties. the seat is opening up for the first time in more than 30 years, as representative anna eschew retires. >> house speaker emeritus nancy pelosi and san francisco mayor london breed today welcomed the usns harvey milk. it's in san
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francisco bay for the first time. pro-palestinian protesters . they were also there calling on the federal government to stop sending aid to israel. abc seven news reporter ryan curry has our story. >> 800ft long and full of state of the art equipment, this ship plays a vital role for the navy. it's a replenishment oiler capable of delivering fuel, water and food to other navy vessels around the world. and it's named after a san francisco icon and gay rights pioneer. you see this big ship that says harvey milk on it. >> speaker emeritus nancy pelosi joined mayor london breed and high ranking naval officers to welcome the ship to san francisco for the first time, she says these ships are usually named after civil rights icons like milk, who served in the navy. >> what the us navy ship harvey milk is, is that we celebrate this community that we did not use to celebrate before. >> it's built to last for the next 40 years, given its name, mayor breed said it almost feels like the ship is coming home. it
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also represents some of the most important values san francisco prides itself on inclusion, diversity and representation. >> now, outside the gates, a demonstration by protesters concerned this ship may be heading to deliver supplies to israel. >> the bay area says enough is enough. our elected officials need to stand on the right side of history. they need to stand with their constituents. >> police arrested more than a dozen of them for storming through the gates and locking themselves to the stairs of the ship. speaker emeritus pelosi says this ship is not headed for the middle east at this time. do you know if this ship is on its way to the middle east? and what is your message to those protesters who don't want that to happen? no, it's not a it's not up to us to set the son of ships. >> but that's not what is happening right now. >> right now it's on its way to norfolk, virginia. >> the protesters claim the government is not pushing hard enough for a ceasefire or doing enough to help starving people in gaza. pelosi says the
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decision to send aid is stuck along party lines. >> the president is trying very hard in the congress to get the humanitarian assistance for the for the people in gaza, and that is being held up by the other side of the aisle, she says. >> the ship will convey a message of equality around the world in san francisco. ryan curry, abc seven news eichler's eichler in atherton up for sale for the first time in almost 60 years,
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in ceylon. it was not only designed by architect joseph eichler, it's where he lived, and it's on the market for the first time since 1965. >> abc seven news reporter zach fuentes gives you a peek inside this treasured home. >> eichler homes are iconic for their clean lines, and light filled spaces encapsulate mid-century design, and they're not hard to find in the bay area. in the 60s, developer joseph eichler built affordable homes only $9,400 each across the region. but before that, in 1951, he designed his own five bedroom home in atherton. >> it's eichler. eichler >> darcy richards, with the compass real estate team, took us on a tour of the historic home tucked away in atherton's linden wood neighborhood. this was going to be their family
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home, he lived here for over ten years, which was one of the longest places he had ever lived. the family who bought the home from eichler is now selling it with few changes to the home's unique design. they definitely just believed that it was perfect the way that it was. so whereas most people will buy houses and start remodeling and something like this would normally be remodeled 12 times over the years, you know, this one is second owner and they hardly did anything to it. so it's basically like a museum to this, to this era. >> one of the first things you'll notice about the home, which sits on an acre of land, is that nothing is a square. eichler only used triangles and parallelograms in his design. it's one of the reasons why eichler developed custom built in furniture to fit just right into the places he wanted it, like this 22 seat couch equipped with a spot for a record player with vinyl storage below. or even these drafting drawers found in many of the bedrooms. and this office, along with the custom built in furniture, each bedroom has a bathroom, a rare concept. in 1951. still rare today is this jack and jill
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shower. >> if you walk in to the bathroom and you walk into the shower, you can walk out into the other bathroom, into the other bedroom, richard says. >> the children of the current owner believe their parents paid $80,000 for the home when they bought it in the 60s. it was put on the market earlier this month and more than a thousand people have come to open houses, though many are interested. a buyer who wants to keep eichler's vision will face challenges. >> the glass pieces are very not standard, and all of the beams have triangle pieces to them. it's going to be a nightmare for someone to restore it, but we're just hoping someone will take it on as a labor of love and do it still, there are hopes that that buyer exists. this is not a protected property, so if someone wanted to come in and buy it and rip it to the ground, they absolutely could. so we're looking for that perfect unicorn of a buyer who loves the eichler idea. >> if it's a property and a challenge you're willing to take on, the listing price is $6,385,000 in atherton. zach fuentes, abc seven news. >> i mean, surprisingly, i
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thought it was going to be more than that for eichler's house. oh, for the low, low price of more than 6 million. >> got it. >> all right. the next open house is tomorrow from 130 to 4:30 p.m, and the house's address is 19 irving avenue in atherton. maybe even just go check it out in the area, right? >> yeah. coming up next, how a 19th century maritime law from the days of moby dick could come into play surrounding the baltimore disaster. plus see what it'll take to reopen the port of baltimore after this week's bridge collapse. >> one t
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the baltimore next week to see in person the bridge that collapsed after that cargo ship hit it early tuesday morning. as you know, the crash and collapse killed six people. we're learning they were construction workers who were the only ones on the bridge at the time of impact. >> the largest crane on the eastern seaboard is now in baltimore. to help clear the wreckage, abc news reporter christiane cordero has the latest. >> the devastation from the collapse of the francis scott key bridge has closed the port of baltimore for days at the crash site, crews starting the painstaking work to reopen the
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waterway. >> step one of that is we're going to clear the debris from the channel. step two is we're going to remove the vessel, the navy dispatching four giant cranes to the scene, hoping to refloat the cargo ship dolly officials say it's a complex task. >> we have to get that section of bridge that is resting on the front of that vessel off of the vessel. >> that section weighs more than 9 million pounds and will need to be cut into pieces before it's lifted off the ship, according to the army corps of engineers, which escorted abc news around the wreckage. sonar equipment helps them see underneath it, inspecting the damaged bridge and looking for debris. efforts to find the four construction workers, whose remains are still unaccounted for, are complicated today by hazardous materials, according to the coast guard. the chemicals are believed to be soaps and perfumes, not an environmental threat, but because of sheen found on the waterway. dive operations and vehicle recovery are on pause. maryland governor westmore, giving an update this afternoon on this good friday to go out there and to see it up close,
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you realize just how daunting a task this is. >> and every time you take action to move a piece of wreckage, you understand that that requires you to reassess the situation. >> one of the massive cranes that's here right now is the chesapeake 1000, which can lift more than 2 million pounds at a time. it will be a round the clock, expensive and time consuming effort to clear this wreckage and reopen this crucial port. christiane cordero, abc news, baltimore. >> while it's difficult to predict all of the impending lawsuits from the baltimore disaster, lawyers say they have an idea of what's to come. and amazingly enough, regulations dating back to when most commercial ships were still powered by sails could come into play. >> and she sits over in aquatic park right now. >> attorney john hillsman has spent a legal lifetime learning about ships, boats and nearly anything that floats, and he's seen his fair share of disasters , including representing bay area fishermen in the cosco busan oil spill on san francisco bay. but he says charting a
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legal course often begins with untangling an obscure maritime law that stretches back more than a century. >> the ship owners limitation liability act literally dates from gothic medieval concept, but it was enacted in the united states in 1851, the same month that moby dick was first published. >> that's right, that moby dick and like the famous novel, it is a twisted tale. hilsman says the law was originally intended to encourage investment in american clipper ships, shielding owners from maritime disasters. in most cases, it limits liability to the value of the vessel and its freight. for the payout, the owners are allowed to wrap all of the claims against them into a single case, and ship it to a special maritime court where it's heard by a judge, but no jury. >> where the court says you claimants have until they'll pick a date july 1st, 2024, to file any claims you may have against the owners of the dolly. this vessel in my courtroom, if
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you don't file, if you don't make that deadline, you can potentially lose your claim forever. >> in the infamous sinking of the titanic, all that was left were the lifeboats, and even after negotiations, the reported settlement averaged just $430 for each of the 1500 victims. and while the recent disasters like the deadly conception fire off santa barbara have sparked calls to rework that law, it still shapes many maritime cases today. but hilsman says there are other strategies left in incidents like the baltimore disaster. >> the plaintiffs in that situation will be looking for other people to sue. they'll probably try to go after the coast guard for certifying the vessel as safe. they may well go after the state seeking defects in the bridge design. >> and like the massive exxon valdez oil spill, lawyers might try to prove the owners knew about the problems with their ship or its crew members ahead of time. but with deaths involved, hilsman believes many companies and their insurers
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want to avoid the lasting stigma of a court fight and will choose to negotiate with victims families instead. >> then i think very quickly there'll be negotiations with the families to get them out of the picture as quickly as possible. >> but the broader damages are expected to be massive and with estimates being floated in the billions, there's a chance that a century and a half of maritime legal history could once again repeat itself. critics also point to one other political irony while the liability act was meant to boost american shipping, just a small percentage of modern commercial vessels are actually u.s. owned, meaning the protections would more often benefit foreign companies. >> lower electric bills could soon be coming for thousands of p-g-and-e's customers, it's all thanks to a new proposal put forward by the california public utilities commission that would create a flat fee for utilities. customers would still pay for the electricity they use, but the rates would change. abc seven news reporter tim johns has been looking into the proposal for us, and tells us how it might impact your wallet
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at the historic orinda theater. >> the past few weeks have been anything but business as usual, owner derek zemrak tells me. he made the decision to close the theater on mondays and tuesdays after receiving a p-g-and-e's bill for nearly $6,300, almost double what he normally pays. >> i was shocked, i mean, i knew, you know, p-g-and-e's had raised, you know, rates, you know, for commercial properties. i just didn't realize that it was going to be that high. the skyrocketing bills aren't just hitting zemrak to tackle the issue. >> the california public utilities commission is proposing a new $24 fixed charge on monthly electric bills. the utility reform network, or turn, says it's a move that would likely reduce the rates customers pay for power by anywhere from 5 to $0.07 per kilowatt hour. it's going to make utility bills more affordable for low income households that will reduce the volatility of month to month bills, and it will promote electrification. several people in orinda told us they would support the proposal, some pointing to the record profits. p-g-and-e's made last year. >> we went from something in the
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order of 300 to 450 an and i'm living with a low income person right now and it's, really difficult. >> the proposed flat rate wouldn't have an impact on businesses like the orinda theater, but zemrak says he hopes something can be done to help him and others like him. right now, we feel like the monday and tuesday might be something to see how it goes, but yeah, they would have to be some adjustments. >> you can't be, you know, self-funding it forever. >> when we reached out to p-g-and-e's for a response, they referred us to a statement by the predictable power coalition, a group that includes the state's three biggest utilities. that statement says the group views the proposed decision as a step in the right direction, and that they look forward to continuing the conversation on a welcome response for people at turn who say regulators have a lot more work to do to make bills more affordable, p-g-and-e's is simply spending too much money collecting too much in profits, and not being held accountable for its mismanagement of the system. in
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orinda, tim john's abc seven news. >> bay area women's soccer team will be making history tomorrow, and they'll do it in front of a so
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the ross valley school board approved the sale of fairfax san anselmo children's center, a nonprofit called the siderman legacy children's fund now owns the property and plans to lease it back to the child care center. the $2 million deal comes after the district voted to evict the center, due to it needing too many costly repairs. the center has been open since 1973, offering families subsidized child care. >> tomorrow is an exciting day for women's professional soccer. it officially kicks off in the bay area when bay fc plays their first ever home game. the match is sold out, but there are still some tickets available on the resale website. abc seven news south bay reporter dustin dorsey has more on the growing excitement of the club and the fans to get set play final underway for bay fc ahead of their third game of the season against the houston dash, but this is no normal match saturday
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night in front of a sold out crowd of 18,000. >> bay fc will play in front of their home fans for the first time in team history. >> there's not many opportunities where you get to make history, so tomorrow we get to make history, which is really exciting. obviously, we've already had two matches, but this is the moment that we've been waiting for. for i mean, nine months now. >> and as excited as the players are, so are the fans. bay fc supporters lined up in the rain on a workday just to get their hands on team merch. saturday can't come soon enough. >> i think it's about time the bay area has a sports team that can sell out a stadium like this, and being an earthquake season ticket member, it was kind of a no brainer that i wanted to be involved in the women's team as well. i think this is just the start for what women's teams can do for the bay area. >> that love and support is felt by the team. despite the first two games being on the road, fans still packed local watch parties when forward tess bodie moved to the bay area, she was told sports fans in the bay were different. she's now seeing it
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for herself. >> i get it now. the first time i landed in the city, i saw someone wearing our gear, just a random person walking around in the airport and i was like, we only have 11 signed players. like, that's nuts. so i think that this is going to be a surreal moment tomorrow. we're just excited to like, really have that in-person engagement with them. >> and of course, it would be a lot better if the historic night ends with a victory. head coach albertine montoya obviously wants a win, but if the team enjoys the game and the moment he thinks everything will work itself out, yes, the pressure is you're playing in front of uh- >> as i keep going back to this 18,000 at your home stadium, but i think the fans are behind us and that energy is going to affect us in a really positive way. and i think they're going to go out and perform uh- and uh- and put on a show. >> the show starts saturday night at paypal park at 7 p.m. in san jose. dustin dawsey, abc seven news. >> so exciting. >> all right. rain today. more rain this weekend. see, san
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hey. nice to meet you. (♪) you're so amazing. (♪)
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louis gossett junior had a 70 year career that spanned theater, television and, of course, movies, too. gossett was in the original broadway production of a raisin in the
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sun. he won an emmy for the 1977 tv mini series that changed so much. routes. a few years later, he won an oscar and a golden globe for his work in an officer and a gentleman. gossett often faced racism early in his career. later, he founded a nonprofit focused on erasing racism. gossett was 87 years old . >> a big anniversary tomorrow. you probably know it, but you might not recognize it. >> these three people will compete for cash prizes today on jeopardy! >> wait, that's not the music we all know. what is jeopardy! tomorrow, the game show celebrates 60 years since it debuted on march 30th, 1964. in that time, it's won a record 39 daytime emmys and a peabody award. jeopardy! was actually created by san mateo native and university of san francisco alum merv griffin, who also created
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wheel of fortune, jeopardy! and wheel of fortune air. right after abc seven news at six, just amazing the staying power after all of these years and it never gets old. yeah, the rain is getting old, though. >> it is. we see these big drops on the camera behind us and you know what? >> julian and kristen, we need this water. so obviously to hold off on our fire season and all that stuff. and we need the snow depend on it. this is the view from tahoe where the snow is coming down, chain controls up in the mountains right now. exploratorium cameras showing you the raindrops at this hour. and really, as we show you the view from san jose cameras, some sun breaks there, you might be thinking we're done. not quite. here's a look at the low pressure system off the california coast. we've already seen severe thunderstorms off the monterey bay coast, lightning off of the cloverdale coast, and still not out of the question. sierra is seeing that snow right now. we're seeing the rain as we get you into street level radars. some pockets of moderate rain in the north bay marinwood lucas valley road in the east bay from emeryville to
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oakland. we are seeing some steady rain and same thing from san francisco heading into daly city, the santa cruz mountains picking up some activity. the south bay and the santa cruz mountains have been getting some heavy rain. today it is a level two storm, moderate strength storm on our storm impact scale and as we go hour by hour tonight, make sure you have the rain gear with you. 11 p.m. you're still looking at pockets of downpours and this continues scattered in nature tomorrow with some sun breaks and the potential is still there for some thunderstorms. so it's a two through tonight. downpours at times strong gusty winds, chance of thunder and hail. we'll drop it to a level one tomorrow. and speaking of tomorrow, it's going to be a little bit milder in terms of temperatures 50s and 60s, but don't let your guards down. still a one for the day. we have those scattered showers in the forecast. sunday is going to be nice for easter. a mix of sun and clouds, isolated shower chance. and then as we head into april, we're going to bring on sunshine. warmer weather, at least for the first half of the week. before we go cooler and a chance of rain returns by friday
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of next week. so kristen and julian, we're not quite done yet. >> yes, for some nice days ahead. >> yes, absolutely. >> thanks, andrea. >> checking in now with larry for look at for you know who else is not quite done yet. >> who's that. >> the golden state warrior. there we go. >> let's keep it alive. >> still alive steph curry. he always enjoys going back home to charlotte a warriors win would be even more enjoyable. steph's homecoming comes without a a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine. when you need to prepare for unpredictable adventures... (gasp) you need weathertech.
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playing the hornets. this road trip is really taking its toll on the dubs. no klay thompson tonight. out with knee tendinitis and no jonathan kuminga likewise out with a sore knee. steph arriving in charlotte to face the team his dad played for way back in the day. the hornets. first quarter curry behind the back to draymond green. you got to keep an eye on steph. relocation catch and shoot and splash for the fans who have been yelling get rid of draymond. get rid of him. here's one reason why he's so valuable. the lob to gp2 gary payton the second end of the half. curry has trey man doing jumping jacks over there. and calmly launches the buzzer beater. dubs by only five at the break. third quarter vintage warriors cp three to andrew wiggins knifing in for the reverse layup. wiggins. he's awakened 20 points eight boards
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eight assists. and he's got got to keep it up. warriors blow it open steph a little friday night banking in charlotte had a team high 23 points. one of the foul call did not get it moses moody. he's been in and out of the rotation but stays ready and julian if you stay ready you don't have to get ready okay. three plus the foul moody 15 points off the bench. end of the third. still more great passing cp three gp2. kevon looney who had eight points in ten minutes. and we'll finish it up with trace jackson davis with authority on the oop right there from chris paul. warriors with their 21st road win of the season one 1597. they'll end this road trip sunday in san antonio. some nfl news. the 40 niners they'd like to keep brandon aiyuk and he would like to get paid somewhere in the middle of all this. they have to find a deal that both can live with. he might be a legit number one receiver on some teams. he would like to be paid accordingly. >> i'm trying to get what i
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deserve. i felt like this season , this season playing football, i figured out who i was as a person, as a player, what i bring to the table, what i bring to the locker room, what i bring, just the value i hold when i walk in that building because, people going to follow me because i've done it the right way since i've been in that building from the first day i walked in there to when i was in there earlier this morning, done it the right way, and if they don't see it work than that, that's all that's all it is. that's all it is. it ain't nothing else. it ain't nothing else besides that. but we got professionals working on both sides, so hopefully we can come to a professional agreement and could be 20 to 25 million a year. >> with las vegas looming and rumors swirling around sacramento possibly becoming the temporary home for the a's, oakland fan groups threw their own block party protest in the parking lot last night, and it worked. as fans partied outside, the crowd inside was at historically low for a home opener just over 13,000. if this indeed was the last a's opening day in oakland history, the fans , they went out in style. >> they're fighting for something they believe in. you know? and so at the end of the
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day, you know, as long as they're supporting us, you know, in whatever way that may be, you know, whether it's inside the stadium or watching the game outside, you know, you know, uh- oakland just had such a deep, rich history of baseball. and, you know, you see how much it does mean mean to a lot of people. and so to have them show up for something they believe in, you know, you can't knock them for that. >> it's going to be interesting to see the attendance figures night by night by night. abc seven sports, sponsored by your northern california honda dealers. and it is the end of the road for the stanford women's basketball team, the two seed. they were up ten in the sweet 16 and lost to nc state by 1077 67. so that's it for cameron brink. her next stop is likely a top three pick in the wnba draft. incredible run all around. yeah. >> is it just me or are there more upsets than usual this year? >> yeah. and the women's game. the teams are really good. the play has been elevated. yeah. all right. >> thanks, larry. yeah. tonight on abc seven at eight it's shark tank followed by 2020. then stay with us for abc seven news at 11. so a whole lot of good programing coming your way. and
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that's going to do it for this edition of abc seven news. i'm kristen sze and i'm julian glover for san diego. >> larry, the whole team here have a great night >> this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. yeah >> you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. we are, we are, we are, we are, we are, we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area
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from the alex trebek stage at sony pictures studios, this is the... ♪♪ introducing today's contestants-- a business control specialist originally from florence, south carolina... a grad student from cambridge, massachusetts... and a writer and television personality from pittsburgh, pennsylvania... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!"--ken jennings.
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[cheers and applause] thank you so much, johnny. welcome to "jeopardy!" yesterday we had our second straight come-from-behind win, as sam kavanaugh made a savvy wager in final to secure his spot in the semis with a $1 margin of victory. next up on our jit list, we're welcoming back victoria, dhruv, and ben. nice to see you three. good luck. let's get into the game. here are your categories in the first round of play. first up... then we have... followed by... and finally, some long ones... victoria, what'll you have? i'll have state flags for $800, please. - victoria. - what is new hampshire? - right. - state flags for $1,000.


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