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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  March 31, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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weep. >> you can enjoy live music, food and curated marketplace at treasure fest last month, the festival got off to a rough start when it reopened after a five year hiatus. today, organizers made sure though, there was a team in place to direct traffic and extra food trucks. the festival runs the last weekend of each month through the rest of the year. glad to see good weather tonight, several developing stories as we come on the air. flood watches and winter weather alerts in the west. multiple states from the south to the mid-atlantic now bracing for severe storms possibly tornadoes. a mass shooting in indiana, seven victims, the youngest just 12 years old. and what you need to know about the serious at&t data breach. first, the storm in the west, more than 20 million under flood watches. cars spinning out. part of a major coastal highway washed away. more than a foot of snow falling in the mountains.
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and the nation's heartland now faces a severe weather threat to start the week. our weather team times it all out. also tonight, seven children shot outside a mall in indianapolis. the victims ranging in age from 12 to 17. >> i need four medics right now. >> police plead with parents to keep their kids out of trouble. as they search for a suspect. benjamin netanyahu faces surgery at a critical moment. his government facing mounting protests with more than 100 israeli hostages still held in gaza. a key member of the super bowl champions wanted to police his possible connection to this serious chain reaction crash. a deadly plane crash in northern california. the plane going down while attempting to land. what we're learning about the victims. two successful tech entrepreneurs. cranes and crews begin the painstaking work of removing the wreckage from the key bridge. transportation secretary pete buttigieg with the timeline for reopening the baltimore harbor. the at&t breach. 73 million accounts impacted.
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the equivalent of 1 in 5 americans. some account information now turning up on the dark web. the implications and why you might need to change your password now. countdown to the eclipse. eight days until the once in a generation phenomenon as the sun appears to vanish behind the moon. visitors flocking to 13 states that will see a total eclipse. hotel rooms already selling out. and easter around the world. the faithful joining in prayer. a sunrise celebration in the nation's capital, and pope francis and his plea for peace at the vatican. >> announcer: from abc news world headquarters in new york, this is "world news tonight." >> linsey: good evening, everyone. thanks for joining us on this easter sunday. we do begin tonight with a dangerous storm system on the move. more than 20 million on alert for flooding in southern california. heavy rain washing out this highway in montecito, leaving a long line of stranded drivers.
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rain causing spin-outs and crashes on a drenched highway in the san fernando valley. this highway near big sur was forced to close after a section of it fell into the ocean. in long beach, this tree fell on a house, but the mother and son inside the home are safe tonight. this comes as millions prepare to head home after a long holiday weekend. our weather team is tracking it all. dani beckstrom from wabc leads us off. >> reporter: tonight, more than 20 million people in southern california remain under flood watches. >> we're seeing strong cells moving through this morning. >> reporter: in northern los angeles, heavy rain on highway 101 causing this sedan to spin out. moments later, a second car colliding into it. no major injuries reported. in montecito, cars flooded on this part of highway 101, after heavy rains turned the roads to a river. in long beach, the rain and gusting winds causing this eucalyptus tree to collapse on a house with a mother and son inside.
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luckily, no one was injured. parts of highway 1 forced to close after this ten-foot section collapsed into the ocean near the rocky creek bridge, prompting officials to rescue stranded passengers. southern california has been inundated with relentless rounds of rain this year. downtown los angeles received a foot of rain in february, making it the wettest month the city has experienced in 26 years. in the san bernardino mountains, intense snowfall and high winds bringing low visibility and treacherous driving conditions. stranded cars and vehicles along the roads. drivers trying to dig out over a foot of snow since friday night. >> linsey: a mixed bag on this april eve. dani is back with us. the storm system is now making its way across the country, now threatening the heartland. time this all out for us. >> reporter: heavy rain and mountain snow impacting the west coast all weekend long and it's not over yet. flooding concerns continue in southern california this evening with alerts in effect across several states, including winter weather hazards for much of the rockies. tomorrow, our attention turns to
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the middle of the country cities like dallas, tulsa, and st. louis on alert for potential severe weather outbreak. with damaging wind, large hail, and possible tornadoes. and enhanced risk, that's 3 of 5, for severe storms for much of oklahoma, missouri, and illinois after dark on monday. tuesday, the threat shifts east again, with parts of the south and mid-atlantic facing the potential for strong wind and large hail. also a big rain maker in the northeast, after new york city saw the fourth wettest march in recorded history. it's going to be a rough start to the work week for so many. >> linsey: dani, thank you. now to that mass shooting in indianapolis. at least seven children shot near a mall. police say all of the victims are between the ages of 12 and 17. tonight, the urgent search for the shooter. this is just the latest outbreak of violence in recent weeks. here's morgan norwood with the new details coming in tonight. >> reporter: tonight authorities in indianapolis investigating a mass shooting outside a shopping mall that injured seven children, the youngest just 12
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years old. >> i need four medics, right now. >> it is extremely concerning to us that so many of our young people have been victims of gun violence this evening. >> reporter: police say they were already on patrol saturday night when they heard gunfire. they found a large group of kids and say six of them had been shot. >> i have a juvenile male shot twice in the leg, tourniquet being applied. >> reporter: officers frantically calling for medics as they started aid on their own. police say another injured child showed up at the hospital that same night. >> this was 11:30 at night, the evening right before sunday, easter. so if you don't know where your 12-year-old is, i think that should be a priority. >> reporter: this shooting just the latest in indianapolis in the past two weeks. last weekend, police say they fatally shot a suspect who himself shot five people outside a bar. and the weekend before? police say an argument also at a bar led to a shooting that killed one person and injured five others.
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>> conflict should not lead to somebody pulling out a gun and trying to resolve it. the consequences are eternal. >> reporter: and linsey, police believe this latest incident stemmed from some sort of argument. they believe there was more than one gun involved and they're combing through surveillance video to track down the suspect. linsey. >> linsey: certainly a top priority there. morgan, thank you. overseas to pope francis, overcoming concerns about his health to deliver the traditional easter sunday message. more than 60,000 gatherings st. peter's basilica square. the 87-year-old pontiff appeared in good form after a busy holy week. he skipped an event on friday to preserve his health. more now from abc's ines de la cuetara. >> reporter: on this easter sunday, pope francis delivering a message of hope and peace before the more than 60,000 faithful who packed st. peter's square. the pontiff calling for an immediate ceasefire in gaza. for more aid to be allowed in. and for the release of israeli
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hostages held by hamas. as well as a russia/ukraine prisoner swap. the pope highlighting the plight of children in conflict zones who he said have "forgotten how to smile." adding, “peace is never made with weapons, but with outstretched hands and open hearts.” the 87-year-old, who suffers from mobility and respiratory issues, mostly sitting during the service, later smiling as he shook hands with cardinals. and he appeared to be in good spirits as he waved to the crowds from his popemobile. this after the pope limited his appearance at several events leading up to easter sunday, raising new concerns about his health. the vatican saying it was to preserve his health for the weekend ceremonies. >> linsey: and ines joins us now. there was another notable appearance on this easter holiday at windsor castle. >> reporter: that's right. king charles and queen camilla attended services at windsor castle. it was a rare public appearance for the king since his cancer
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diagnosis earlier this year. as expected, prince william and princess kate were not in attendance. but the king seemed to be in good spirits, thanking members of the congregation and members of the public who were there. linsey. >> linsey: ines, thank you. next tonight, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is undergoing surgery to fix a hernia. this as he faces protests at home. and international criticism over the war with hamas. cease-fire talks are set to resume this week. let's bring in britt clennett who is in israel for us. this is clearly a critical moment for netanyahu. >> reporter: tonight, linsey, israeli prime minister netanyahu is under going surgery for a hernia as anger mounts for his failure to bring home hostages still held in gaza. tens of thousands gathered in the largest demonstration held in jerusalem since the war began. hours ago, speaking ahead of the surgery, netanyahu said he will return to work very quickly, reiterating there is no victory without going into rafah. it comes amid a widening rift
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with biden. netanyahu again saying pressure from the u.s. won't stop them from destroying the hamas battalions there. despite that, the biden administration green lighting another round of weapons for israel. worth billions of dollars. some democrats criticizing the decision, saying israel has a responsibility to limit civilian casualties and allow more aid into gaza amid a worsening humanitarian crisis. linsey. >> linsey: britt, thank you. back here at home, police in dallas are reportedly looking for nfl star rashee rice. our dallas affiliate cites sources reporting the wide receiver for the super bowl champion kansas city chiefs is sought in connection with a major multi-vehicle accident saturday evening. police say a lamborghini and corvette were speeding when they lost control and crashed. everyone in those two cars ran off. four people in other cars suffered minor injuries in a chain reaction crash. >> linsey: next tonight, the investigation into a deadly plane crash in northern california. two people died after a single
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engine plane crashed while trying to land at the truckee tahoe airport. the ntsb and faa are now on the scene. what we're learning about the victims. here's abc's jaclyn lee. >> reporter: tonight, the ntsb and faa launching an urgent investigation into what caused a single-engine aircraft to crash into this wooded area in northern california, killing two. >> aircraft fully engulfed, pilot possibly ejected, we're trying to walk around look for him. >> reporter: authorities say the incident took place shortly before 7:00 p.m. local time saturday. the plane crashing while attempting to land at truckee tahoe airport. light snow falling in the area at the time. crews racing to the scene. parts of the aircraft coming down on railroad tracks near the airport. >> it looks like one of those tracks is completely unusable. >> reporter: late today, upwest saying in a statement their senior adviser and his wife naomi, both well-known tech entrepreneurs, lost their lives in the crash, saying we are all heartbroken by this loss and
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will forever hold them in our hearts. linsey, tracking data shows the plane originated from centennial airport in colorado before it crashed. according to the ntsb, the couple were the only two on board. >> linsey: jacyln, thank you. now to the massive recovery efforts under way after the deadly bridge collapse in maryland. the first of several carnival cruise ships rerouted from norfolk to baltimore arrived in port today. the coast guard released this video of crews cutting the top portion of the bridge. let's bring in ike in baltimore for us. what are you learning about the timeline for reopening this vital port? >> reporter: transportation secretary pete buttigieg says the army corps of engineers do not want to speculate on a timeline given the complexity of this operation. nevertheless, crews are already removing large sections of the bridge. earlier today, a 200-ton piece of the span was removed from a portion of the wreckage, but it's not all about just clearing the debris. engineers are constantly checking to make sure no other
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portions will shift in the ongoing removal process. experts say pieces of metal are under a lot of compression and tension. they could behave like a spring if not expertly managed. crews did a grounding survey which is an effort to determine how hard the ground around the dali is. giving insight for the best strategy on pulling a piece of metal off. no word on when the bridge will be up and running. meanwhile, the work on reopening a restricted channel continues to allow smaller vessels to get around the wreckage. linsey. >> linsey: really important lifeline there, ike, thank you. we turn to the at&t data breach that dumped millions of customers' personal information on the dark web. let's bring in maryalice parks who is in washington. what's the latest on the investigation? >> reporter: at&t admitting even social security numbers were compromised, ending up on the dark web, and just the size of this data breach was staggering. over 70 million account holders. that's the equivalent of 1 in 5 americans. now, at&t says that 90% are
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former accounts. the data appears to be from 2019 or earlier. they're reaching out to those former customers, resetting the pass codes for current account holders and working with cybersecurity experts. the company says they have not identified the source yet and that personal call history and financial information was not included. but linsey, of course, in february, service was impacted for many hours for many at&t customers after a software update went wrong. the company blamed that on a technical coding error. linsey. >> linsey: our thanks to you. next tonight, the countdown to the total solar eclipse, now just eight days away. this rare event expected to generate record breaking travel and spending. millions of americans are hitting the roads to secure the best views with major cities prepping for a much needed economic boost. here's abc's reena roy. >> reporter: tonight, the countdown is on, with just eight days until that once in a generation total solar eclipse. >> i don't know if there are
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words to describe the level of excitement i have. >> reporter: from texas to maine, 31 million americans across 13 states in the path of totality, where the moon will completely block the sun, creating sudden darkness for about four minutes, and a temperature drop of roughly ten degrees fahrenheit. millions of eclipse chasers expected to travel for a front row seat. the phenomenon projected as the year's largest mass travel event in the u.s. the faa expects this to be the busiest week of spring, forecasting more than 50,000 flights on thursday alone and warning of potential delays. >> i think many communities are going to see tourists unlike the numbers they have ever seen before. >> reporter: towns and cities in the eclipse's path bracing for an influx of visitors. >> there's approximately 10,000 rooms available. to best of our knowledge, most of those are sold out. >> reporter: the myers family driving 1500 miles from florida to dallas, texas. >> we booked our room back in
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the fall, maybe october, november. >> reporter: hundreds of schools closing or dismissing early for the day. local officials expecting heavy traffic. >> these are going to be small roads that don't normally see tens of thousands of people that could potentially be seeing tens of thousands of vehicles. >> reporter: and linsey, it's really no surprise that sky watchers are flocking from all around the country for this. here, in the lower 48 states, we won't be seeing another total eclipse for another 20 years. linsey? >> linsey: a monumental moment. reena, thank you. you can see the eclipse on monday, april 8th, with coverage starting on "gma." you can follow it live on eclipse across america beginning at 2:00 p.m. eastern on abc and all of disney's family of networks and social platforms. there's still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this sunday. we're getting close to another billion dollar lottery jackpot. and march madness, two tickets to the women's final four, and a rematch for the ages. i've always been prone to hair thinning. i'm genetically predisposed.
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women still need routine cervical cancer screenings. you shouldn't get gardasil 9 if you've had an allergic reaction to the vaccine, its ingredients, or are allergic to yeast. tell your doctor if you have a weakened immune system, are pregnant, or plan to be. the most common side effects include injection site reactions, headache, fever, nausea, dizziness, tiredness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and sore throat. fainting can also happen. help protect what counts. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about gardasil 9. you see, i get discounts for my safe driving talk to your doctor with snapshot from progressive. i even got a discount for signing up. [ alarm ringing ] great. can we go now? while i'm holding my phone? [ laughs ] no, sirree. we can hit the road as soon as i see some seatbelts. [ sirens wailing ] -we're going to jail. eggs make all our family moments better. especially when they're eggland's best. taste so fresh and amazing. deliciously superior nutrition, too. for us, it's eggs any style. as long as they're the best. eggland's best. i was born to live in the limelight. but psoriasis kept me in the shadows.
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until i got clearer skin with bimzelx. most people got 100% clear skin. some after the first dose. serious side effects, including suicidal thoughts and behavior, infections and lowered ability to fight them, liver problems, and inflammatory bowel disease, have occurred. tell your doctor if these happen or worsen, or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. (♪) start to get yourself back, with bimzelx. ask your dermatologist about bimzelx today. >> linsey: next tonight, the tragic death of a rising star. chance perdomo was killed in a motorcycle accident. according to his representatives. his breakout role came in the "chilling adventures of sabrina." he also starred in prime video's "gen v." chance perdomo was just 27 years old. >> linsey: to march madness. purdue will join uconn and alabama in the final four on the men's side. for the women, you saw it right here on abc, south carolina keeps its perfect season alive after beating oregon state to
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make the final four. north carolina state is also going. they upset texas 76-66. hoping to join them are caitlin clark's iowa and angel reese's lsu. they'll meet tomorrow in a rematch of last year's championship game. when we come back, beyonce proves once again why so many call her the queen. nothing comes close to this place in the morning. i'm so glad i can still come here. you see, i was diagnosed with obstructive hcm. and there were some days i was so short of breath. i thought i'd have to settle for never stepping foot on this trail again. i became great at making excuses. but i have people who count on me so i talked to my cardiologist. i said there must be more we can do for my symptoms. he told me about a medication called camzyos. he said camzyos works by targeting what's causing my obstructive hcm. so he prescribed it and i'm really glad he did. camzyos is used to treat adults with symptomatic obstructive hcm. camzyos may improve your symptoms and your ability to be active.
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heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. put uc and crohn's in check... and keep them there with rinvoq. ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save. to the index. a police chase, but it may not be what you expect. body cam video shows an officer on horseback giving chase to a shoplifting suspect accused of stealing more than $200 worth of merchandise from walgreens. the man yelled, it wasn't me, as he tried to evade the officer. he gave up when two more officers arrived on horses. next, the queen is shattering records again. ♪ beyonce's country inspired album "cowboy carter" debuted friday with more than 76 million streams on spotify. it's the year's biggest one-day debut and the biggest ever by a
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black female artist. her single "texas hold 'em" had already been streamed more than 200 million times. tickets sold in four different states came close to winning the powerball grand prize, matching five numbers, but not the powerball. that means the jackpot has grown to a whopping $975 million for the monday night drawing. the odds of winning are 1 in 292 million. good luck. when we come back, easter celebrations the world over.
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screening for certain hpv-related cancers. women still need routine cervical cancer screenings. you shouldn't get gardasil 9 if you've had an allergic reaction to the vaccine, its ingredients, or are allergic to yeast. tell your doctor if you have a weakened immune system, are pregnant, or plan to be. the most common side effects include injection site reactions, headache, fever, nausea, dizziness, tiredness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and sore throat. fainting can also happen. help protect what counts. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about gardasil 9. finall finally, the joy and promise of easter. throngs of christians worldwide celebrating easter today, the
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culmination of holy week. in washington, d.c., parishioners from the national community church attended a service on the steps of the lincoln memorial. thousands gathered at dawn at the top of stone mountain in georgia, the park there has held a sunrise service to celebrate easter since 1944. in baltimore, worshippers attended easter mass at sacred heart of jesus and st. patrick. in the philippines a celebratory procession at dawn. the age-old practice of hunting for easter eggs in germany, and in sri lanka, women held candles as they offered prayers. at this easter prayer event in nepal, participants adorned bright and bold attire, commemorating the occasion with dance. ceremonies both solemn and celebratory around the globe, marking the most important festival in the christian calendar with processions, prayers, and hopes for peace. thanks for watching. i'm linsey davis. good night.
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us unity and community. >> next on abc seven news, marking a holiday of redemption with forgiveness and community. how this easter is taking on special meaning in the bay area. a couple who died in a small plane crash near tahoe had deep ties to the bay area. their involvement in the tech revolution. >> and it means that we have to raise prices, which we don't want to do. >> some business owners say they
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just can't afford it. a half million employees will get a pay raise tomorrow that we will partially pay for. abc seven news at six starts right now. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> from prayers of praise to fuzzy bunnies and flipping flapjacks in a true display of bay area diversity. easter is celebrated in many ways, all with a message of love. good evening and thanks so much for joining us for abc seven news at six, i'm dionne lim. those local easter celebrations include one at a san francisco church that suffered fire damage in a possible arson on friday. abc seven news reporter cornell bernard shows us how good overcame evil this easter sunday . right now, we are songs of praise at saint john the evangelist church in san francisco's mission district, where investigators say suspected arson is the possible cause of a fire on good friday