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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  March 31, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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what would you do? -- captions by vitac -- it's raining a lot. maybe they're just going to slide across, but never like, oh, maybe the freeway can drop away. so it's just crazy. >> one of the most picturesque sections of california coastline suddenly gives way to a highway collapse. right now, tourists are stuck in place at a time when many families are on spring break, and the drive out is about as white knuckled as it gets. with that, we say, good evening and thanks for joining us, i'm dionne lim. tonight, state crews are racing to stabilize that crumbling chunk of highway one. storms took a bite out of the road just south of the rocky creek bridge, between big sur and carmel. abc
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seven news reporter j.r. stone talked to one traveler who drove over that stretch of highway less than an hour before it collapsed. he joins us now in studio j.r. >> diane. according to chp, at one point this weekend, between 1600 and 2000 people were stuck in big sur after this slide. it happened on a day when i'm told the rain was really coming down. this video comes from highway one near the rocky creek bridge in monterey county. you can see a section of the southbound lane going into big sur is now missing after it slid down the cliff saturday afternoon. no one was hurt, but caltrans immediately closed the highway, meaning no one in and no one out. >> i'm like, oh my gosh, like, are we going to be stuck here for weeks? like, what is happening? this was not planned. >> linda molinari was with her boyfriend saturday. they made a last minute decision to go have lunch in big sur, and ended up having to stay in their camper saturday night. they estimate that this slide happened just 30
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minutes after they drove along this lane. so that's just crazy to even think about. >> so many people are messaging me like, why don't you just go south and go around this road that goes over the hill, like, because one is closed south? also like that part slid away months ago. so there's literally no road that goes through the mountain to get over to 101 or anything. that's the only way caltrans says while they do monitor all of highway one, they hadn't been specifically eyeing this area. >> as for what's next, we'll try to immediately try and stabilize that outside edge and design a repair to make a structural fix at that location. caltrans will allow organized caravans of essential workers and residents to go through at 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. over the next few days. they're asking tourists to stay home. >> big sur is not the place to go right now. >> we are also encouraging people to stay away from the area. >> linda and her boyfriend were one of nearly 300 vehicles that
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made it out midday sunday, when the highway reopened from the first caltrans caravan. they took this video showing the long lines, then the damaged roadway. she's happy to be home, grateful they had their camper, but saddened to spend easter like they did. >> it was really hard when the firefighters said like, oh, you get to sleep here tonight. sorry it's not going to open like all of the normal, like big family gathering that happens like grandparents, you know, like it's easter tomorrow. what do you mean we can't go home? like we can't go to the hole. missed the whole family celebration. so amazing to get home. but still that bittersweet. like you missed a holiday. i'm just trying to go to lunch on the random day is certainly good news that linda eventually made it back to her home in hollister. >> the cause of this slide is under investigation, but it was really raining hard at the time of day when this happened. also, we've learned that all state parks and big sur will be closed until further notice. jr stone
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abc, seven news. >> all right, a story. we will continue to follow jr. thank you. further down southern california is being battered by heavy downpours. we have a full report on the flash flooding and severe weather impacts there. coming up in our next half hour. well, it is the perfect time to bring in abc seven news weather anchor spencer christian. all right. spencer walk us through the start of our workweek. we are pretty lucky to get some sun. >> we are indeed, diane. especially after the turbulent weather we had yesterday, which is now down in southern california. >> so for tomorrow, it's going to be a sunny day all day. and as we look at the day planner, you can see 7 a.m. temperatures in the mid 40s inland, upper 40s near the bay and about 50 on the coast. we get to noon. it will be warming up a bit to upper 60s inland. mid 60s around the bay. low 60s on the coast, 72 degrees inland by 4 p.m. 70 around the bay. low 60s on the coast once again. again skies are still sunny and then at 7 p.m, still clear skies bright and breezy outside. mid 60s at the coast i'm sorry. mid 60s at the bay and inland. low 60s at the
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coast. a nice mild day. i'll have the remainder of the seven day forecast a little bit later. diane. >> all right. sounds good. spencer. thanks. well, tonight it is a gut punch to treasure island's only grocery store. it's dealing with the damage after thieves ransacked the place for the third time this year, the owner of the island, cove market, says he heard the alarm early saturday morning and checked the security video. there. he saw three men drive up in a hummer. he says they broke the windows with crowbars and used cables to pull out the doors and security gate. the atm was also tied to a cable and hauled out of the store. >> is really, really frustrating to see this happen. i don't know what else to do. i had a scissor gate, i have bollards that was very costly to put up and i don't know what else to put in there to stop this. >> the owner is still processing the damage despite the robberies. he wants to find a way to stay in the treasure island community. well, time now for tonight's abc seven news advancer at 11, where we help you get ahead on some of the
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headlines you'll be seeing more of in the coming days. and to our first, that has to do with your fast food tomorrow, the workers whipping up big macs and frappuccino will get a raise. california's new law kicks in to bump the minimum wage for fast food chains to $20 an hour. it's a 25% increase from the statewide minimum wage. the law applies to large fast food chains with at least 60 locations nationwide that covers more than half a million workers. it is meant to bring more financial security to a traditionally low paying profession. emily swease say the raise is a relief, but restaurant owners say they may have to raise prices. as a result, everyone one is not going to be able to afford even the measured and carefully thought out price changes that we are going to be implementing. earlier this year, a major pizza hut franchise owner cited the wage hike as they laid off more than 1000 delivery drivers. researchers at uc berkeley say
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california's passed minimum wage increases did not, though, lead to major job cuts. our next abc seven news at dancer at 11 is the upcoming fight outside of uber and lyft's headquarters in san francisco. tomorrow, rideshare drivers of the two companies say they will be staging a series of rallies called drivers are no fools. they say they are noticing declining earnings due to high company fees and sudden ride cancellations. drivers also want to fight against a shift toward autonomous vehicles. lyft responded to abc seven news tonight, saying in part, quote, we are constantly working to improve the driver experience, which is why we released a series of new offers and commitments aimed at increasing driver pay and transparency. end quote. we reached out to uber as well and have yet to hear back. tonight there is a political fight over the true meaning of this sunday. this year, easter coincides with transgender day of visibility, and now
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conservative leaders are clashing with the biden white house over the president's annual proclamation. abc seven news reporter tara campbell shows you how the lgbtq plus community in san francisco is responding. tonight >> celebration sunday at san francisco's dolores park. the day marking transgender day of visibility and by chance, this year, also coinciding with easter. >> what a beautiful opportunity to cross-pollinate the worlds between religious experiences and so many queer people. having really traumatizing religious experiences. >> transgender day of visibility started in 2009 and has been celebrated on march 31st since without this day, it can make people feel invisible and we just don't, you know, we don't want that uh- trans lives matter. >> they need to be seen. they need to be celebrated. >> but backlash sunday after president joe biden officially proclaimed the day as he's done every year since taking office this year, several republicans taking aim at the president,
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including house speaker mike johnson, going on social media to say the biden administration had betrayed the central tenet of easter, while donald trump's presidential campaign said in a statement it's appalling and insulting that joe biden's white house formally proclaimed sunday as trans day of visibility when you see something like today, what's your sort of, like immediate thought that it that it unleashes the hate, that it makes it okay to hate a group of people for who they are? suzanne ford is the executive director of sf pride and says she's not going to let the hate bring the day down. >> we celebrate who we are. we're not ashamed, we want you to see that we are authentic people and we love and live and have value, have valuable lives. >> and the white house isn't backing down either, responding by saying, in part, president biden stands for bringing people together and upholding the dignity and freedoms of every american and transgender activist xavier davenport says
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the community needs more of this. >> support more people that are willing to get their hands dirty and get into the danger with us. >> and he says the most powerful support is people going to the polls and actually vote for the people that are actually going to make a difference, and make the changes that we want to see. >> tara campbell, abc seven news. >> now, if you're looking to become an ally for the lgbtq plus community, you can get started by going to abc7 action. we've got local resources to help you get started. still ahead tonight at 11, an easter appearance by king charles and a check in on the royal family's condition. plus piecing together that terrible plane crash that killed a husband and wife in truckee. hear about their life in the bay area as tech entrepreneurs from one of the people who knew them best. and an easter encore from bruce and the e street band. we go inside cse cter tonight to hear how springsteen
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plane crashed near tahoe. lee ron and naomi petrucci crashed as they were coming in for a landing last night at the truckee airport. the couple was from israel and had homes in hillsborough and incline village. palo alto, based up west, is one of the many companies they had a hand in tonight i spoke with the venture capital firm's founder, gil ben-artzi, and he told me lee, ron and naomi never sought the limelight, but they had a huge impact on the businesses they backed. >> they were quiet leaders. they weren't up front and center. you won't read about them. you know, in business or investment publications. but if you talk to
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every single founder that they invested in, they would always say that they were the first call. >> gil says the pair wanted to give back to the israeli tech world through investments and philanthropy. he says they were mentors to many, generous with their time and their big hearts. >> they were truly inseparable as a couple and they are leaving behind an amazing legacy, and truly, we are all, devastated by this. >> now, there are still so many questions tonight about the crash that killed them. gil says. lee ron was an experienced pilot. the ntsb is investigating that crash. the patricias leave behind three grown sons. today, during easter mass, pope francis called for a cease fire between israel and hamas during his traditional message at the vatican. the conflicts in middle east and europe, condemning war as an
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absurdity. the pope has been forced to skip recent events or limit his speaking due to poor health. but on this easter sunday, the most important day in the christian calendar, he delivered his full easter blessing and appeared in good spirits. england's king charles made his most significant appearance on easter today. ever since being diagnosed with cancer. he attended the traditional easter matins church service in windsor this morning. charles appeared to be in good spirits as well. he was accompanied by his wife, queen camilla. that appearance comes as the british royal family also grapples with princess kate's cancer diagnosis. prince william, kate and the children were absent. now, here in the bay area, we saw local easter celebrations take on a resilient tone, especially at one san francisco church. it suffered fire damage in a possible arson on friday. abc seven news reporter cornell bernard shows us how good overcame evil this easter saturday, sunday
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of pr songs of praise at saint john the evangelist church in san francisco's mission district, where investigators say suspected arson is the possible cause of a fire on good friday. >> a million times the church is not a building. we are the church together. >> easter services went forward despite fire damage at the historic church. a blue tarp covering a window while investigators searched for a possible suspect, the pastor believes the fire is creating a new narrative for the holiday. >> it felt like an invitation for our community more deeply into this story where death becomes life. cause destruction become things that cause unity and community. so it it was a obvious for us to gather together today, and we're so grateful that it's safe to do so in our building, this hope that i have. >> come on, sing with us. >> across town, a standing room only crowd was on their feet
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celebrating easter like only glide memorial church camp. >> because i know that, you know, if there's going to be a resurrection, if people are going to come back to life, it's going to happen here at glide memorial church, because that is all we want to see happen. >> for glide volunteer blake riggs, easter means renewal and second chances, and we've seen since the pandemic, churches take a big blow. >> the community was hurting, and as we've come back from that, this is resurrection. this is resurrection of church, the resurrection of glide across the bay. >> there was easter pancakes during this community celebration in oakland's chinatown. this is the 66th pancake breakfast for seniors and families, hosted by wasson community service club at hundreds lined up to grab a plate. cornell, bernard. seven news. >> all right, moving on. the boss is back in the bay area tonight. bruce springsteen and the e street band are playing their second show at chase
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center tonight. we got to listen in to the beginning of the set. springsteen had to postpone last year's planned tour due to an ulcer. he says was so painful he couldn't even sing. but tonight, the rock and roll hall of famer looks to be in great shape with a powerful performance in front of a thrilled crowd. fans say it was worth the wait. >> he's, you know, been a big part of our family and just a lot of great memories from high school and above. >> i just like everything he does, what he stands for, his music, the band, just the whole vibe around him. >> yeah. now bruce springsteen and the e street band will head down to los angeles later this week. he looks phenomenal. >> he does the boss is still the boss. yeah. >> and as you said, you're right as he's aged, his voice has gotten a little raspier. >> it has? yeah he sounds a lot like huey lewis. you remember with the raspy voice.
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>> yeah, i like it, though. it's more character. >> i'm glad you do. i'll adopt it. >> please don't do the whole weather forecast like that. >> you'll be hurting. let's take a look at what's happening with the weather with a normal voice. or at least my normal voice. you can see the remnants of yesterday's storm moving away from the bay area. they were out on the periphery today, causing some some brief heavy downpours, even some thunderstorms over near the central valley. but right now we've got clearing skies and that will be the pattern overnight going into tomorrow, which will become which will be a sunny day. wind is relatively calm right now. most locations have wind speeds at the surface under ten miles per hour. let's take a look at current temperature readings. low to mid 50s san francisco, oakland, hayward, san jose, san mateo and 50 at half moon bay. looking northward and eastward are the temperature readings right now. santa rosa checks in at 49 degrees and mid to upper 40s at petaluma, napa, fairfield , concord, and livermore at 5051 degrees. and on we go to our forecast headlines. during the overnight hours, a mostly clear and breezy conditions. the next two days will be sunny and warmer than this weekend has
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been, but by the end of this week we expect rain to return, so be prepared for temperatures dropping along with the rain drops overnight under clear skies, low temperatures will be mainly in the mid to upper 40s. highs tomorrow on the mild side, mainly low to mid 60s on the coast, mid to upper 60s from san francisco over to oakland and low 70s just about everywhere else. here's the accuweather seven day forecast tuesday. a real winner with high temperatures moving to the mid to upper 70s inland. low 70s around the bay shoreline. low 60s on the coast. but look at the sharp drop in temperatures on thursday and friday, barely reaching 60 degrees inland and around the bay. and late thursday night into friday, we expect another system to develop that will produce perhaps some showers late thursday and some steadier rain on friday, so enjoy the sunny weather. it's not going to last long. >> that is mother nature's april fools joke, isn't it? >> certainly is just teasing us just a little bit. >> just kidding. all right, now we are just a week away and it is proving to be big business.
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we are talking about the historic total solar eclipse. >> i don't know if there are words to describe the level of excitement i have. >> we booked our room back in the fall, maybe october november, more on the millions of eclipse chasers and the booming economy of four minutes of
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in the us this year, 31 million americans across 13 states will be in the path of totality. the moon will completely block the face of the sun for about four minutes, with a temperature drop of ten degrees fahrenheit. there won't be one like this in the lower 48 states again for another 20 years. >> many communities are also going to see tourists, unlike the numbers that they've ever seen before. >> well, get ready for the airport rush this week. the faa expects there to be more than
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50,000 flights this thursday alone. well, the warriors finished up their road trip in san antonio tonight. chris alvarez joining us now with a preview of sports. hi, chris. >> hi, dion. coming up in sports the nba regular season ends in two weeks. time is winding down. and it was a strong finish in san antonio. the warriors led by steph curry and draymond green finding a way to win sports is next the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better!
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get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. casino warriors were closing out their five game road trip tonight in san antonio, looking for a four and one trip. now entering the night, golden state held just a one game lead over houston for the 10th and final playoff spot in the west. now, the rockets have won an nba best 11 in a row. we'll have their highlight in a moment. but first, the coyote taking over easter body duties there in san antonio steve kerr arguing got teed up. this is a must win game for golden state zach collins fighting down low for the spurs. and hey there he is. spurs are up eight at the break. hoop and the foul. third quarter though warriors. something happened with that halftime speech. draymond green speeding in for the score. and then a little later warriors are down two steph finds draymond who hits
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the corner three 6160. warriors lead 11 of his 21 points. came in the third. 90s later stephen going to work putting cedi osman on skates. three pointer. warriors up seven. warriors end defense offense great hands from draymond. and this is going to be real easy for gp. two warriors led by eight after three. green had a double double . he had 11 assists as well. fourth quarter victor wembanyama a little revenge on trace jackson davis for that dunk on him. and san antonio a couple of weeks ago. he gets them back. team high 32 for wemby. fourth quarter dubs up five. stephon step back splash. it's an eight point warrior lead. curry hit seven from downtown. he scored a game high 33. his 27th 30 point game of the year. but under 90s spurs down seven osman corner three. oh. four point game under a minute to go. warriors up two. curry the miss draymond big offensive rebound. get it out to klay. dagger three from thompson. he had 13. warriors
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win 117 113. great end to the road trip. >> fantastic trip. particularly after losing the first one. in tough fashion for the guys to bounce back when four straight games on the road. it's, it's a sign of their competitive nous and their grit at this time of year. >> you want to be playing? well, you you know, you got to win right now. obviously, we all know what the standards are and all of that stuff. so it was a good trip for us, and now we gotta go back home and try to build on no style points. >> really, for any of it. but, you know, you get out of here with four wins and keep the momentum rolling, you know, the schedule, going home for one, going back to texas for two. like we have a tough task ahead of us. so we needed these. >> all right. mavericks and rockets luka doncic was one of the shots of the season. underhanded scoop shot beat the shot clock. he had a game high
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47. let's show it again. i mean, this is crazy. mavericks win 125 107. warriors have a two game lead for the 10th spot with eight to go. the host dallas on tuesday. abc seven sports is sponsored by river rock casino. dion >> chris thanks much more to come tonight on abc seven news at 11. a warning where you swim. the reason one county in california is shutting down its beaches entirely during the heat of spring break. plus, a helping hand, an up close look at how san francisco is tackling mental health challenges and drug overdoses
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hey. nice to meet you. (♪) you're so amazing. (♪) tonight, there is severe flash flooding in southern california and we are now seeing the effects. more than 20 million people there have been under some kind of flood watch this weekend. some areas like you see here in santa barbara are virtually undrivable from downed trees, flooded roads and complicated travel. this storm isn't letting southern california escape winter just yet, and now, as abc news reporter alison kosik explains, the same system is now making
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its way across the country. heavy rain on highway 101 in southern california made for difficult travel conditions. this car spinning out moments later, a second car crashing into it. thankfully no major injuries were reported in long beach. the rain and gusty winds brought down this eucalyptus tree, collapsing on a home with a mother and her son inside. neither was injured. back in january, hundreds of homes were damaged by flooding in this san diego neighborhood. this weekend's heavy rains have residents worried. >> we're traumatized because when we see this kind of rain, it feels like it's going to happen again in the san bernardino mountains, snow and high winds making for treacherous driving conditions. >> numerous vehicles, stranded drivers trying to dig out that same system is now moving east. on monday, severe thunderstorms possible from texas to ohio, bringing potentially damaging
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wind gusts, large hail and possible tornadoes. >> our attention turns to the middle of the country as the system slides a severe thunderstorm threat to the heartland cities like dallas, tulsa, and saint louis on alert for a potential severe weather outbreak. it's going to be a rough start to the workweek for so many later monday evening and into tuesday morning. >> flash flooding is possible amid heavy rains in parts of the midwest and ohio river valley. flood watch is in effect from indiana to west virginia. alison kosik, abc news, new york now, the heavy rain has beaches in los angeles shut down for days. health leaders are worried all that water washed bad bacteria into the ocean. l.a. county's health department says intense storms like what they saw this weekend can wash tons of bacteria from city streets to the coast. they're worried about people getting sick just from being in ocean waters right now. they hope to reopen the beaches wednesday morning unless it rains once again. turning now to
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the latest in baltimore, where cleanup is finally underway after last week's deadly bridge collapse, crews are clearing the first pieces of the francis scott key bridge, one of the first weighs 200 tons. they are now trying to open up a temporary waterway channel, so more boats can get through to the wreckage. that is a slow and complicated process, though. crews have to clear the bridge one piece at a time, with checks from engineers and divers between each one. >> we have a ship that is nearly the size of the eiffel tower that is now stuck within the channel that has the key bridge sitting on top of it. >> divers are on standby to recover the bodies of four of the remaining six people killed in the collapse. and as of tonight, there is still no timeline for reopening the harbor. closer to home, the peninsula is now set to lose an e.r. for the rest of the year. that closure starts tomorrow. seton medical center coastside will be closed for renovations until december, and that leaves the closest emergency services
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at san mateo medical center's e.r. about 20 minutes away. seven news was in moss beach and reported on the storm damage caused by fallen trees. earlier this month, a seton spokesperson says the building suffered significant water damage. as part of our effort to build a better bay area, we continue to track san francisco's progress as the city responds to the drug and mental health crisis. on our streets. abc seven news reporter lyanne melendez went out with a team of professionals as they reached out to those in need and asked, is the city's strategy working? >> we check for breathing, check for skin color, make sure that there's no overdose happening. >> this is street health care in san francisco, so people experiencing serious mental illness, chronic and severe substance use. kathleen silk is a health department clinician and the program manager of best, which stands for bridge and engagement services team bringing services to the street
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is hard, but that is what's needed right now to get people engaged with ongoing care. >> know familiar folks over here . >> outreach is what they do best walking the streets and offering something in exchange for being heard. >> anybody in need of like, a bag right? so. so you guys talk to us before, right? we face challenges around people being skeptical of receiving services. >> they don't trust you. that's right. really being able to get on people's level, speak a common language, show a lot of empathy, resilience, recognition for where they were and where, how far they've come. that seems like so much. how long that must take a long time it does. christopher wallace, a field supervisor, remembers one case in particular. >> we had to go out consistently and spend time with her, get to know her how many times, oh,
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this person, i can say easily 30 times, wow, this is the information on the different programs you can go to today. >> wallace and his team have reached out to this group to offer them information on any kind of health services, like the ones offered at maria x martinez health resources center in the south of market neighborhood. but as we stopped to talk to 22 year old torin relia, it was obvious his drug use was keeping him unhoused. >> a more accessible out here. unfortunately >> what is more accessible, my substance use, the things i participate in are more easy to get out here right now. >> he's not ready to address his addiction. >> i've got to take it day by day and finish this challenge first. >> you yourself say how challenging this is, and it takes a long time. what's your success rate? our success rate is has been pretty huge. we've engaged over 8000 people since launching last march. but just to clarify, engaging someone may
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be as simple as giving them information on services and nothing else. you didn't engage with him because he is right now not engageabl wouldn't be because he just used drugs. that's correct. >> but in terms of your your ability to, your ability to kind of like reach them and, and discuss the services that we can provide to assist you. that's not going to get through that clear at the moment in most cases. >> but in one year, the team says it has helped 175 people access mental health services, 130 substance use treatment and 526 have received medical services and 277 have been placed in shelters. >> i know your kids are proud of you. i know your family's proud of you. everyone, all of us that we get to work with. you are proud of you, man. >> deshawn dixon is one of the success stories. with the help
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of luis doorath, another peer counselor. >> we say bro, like, you know, there's people out here that care about you. there's people out here that that you know, that want to see you succeed. like, don't think that, you know, like the whole world wants to wants to keep you down. there's people that there's people that love you, bro. >> dixon is drug free and in permanent supportive housing. it's a testament to seven news. >> still to come tonight, a new idea to fine you for working extra. the local lawmaker looking to give you the right to tell your boss. do not disturb. >> i'm spencer christian. the week ahead will get off to a clear and dry start, but expect changes later in the week. i'll have your favorites are in one place. let's take a roll call. the bear? -hello. -so sorry, that's confusing. i meant the othee bear. es, chef. -hello. -yes, chef. -yes, chef. hulu on disney+. available with disney bundle. bounced from one doctor to the next. does it have to be like this? at kaiser permanente, we have a different kind of healthcare...
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so, how did you like doctor lum? ...where all of us work together for all that is you.
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morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business.
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riding high on top. glorilla is here. plus the most over-the-top and extravagant bridal and baby showers blowing up social media that's coming up this week at 1 p.m. rightere on abc seven.
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>> this easter sunday, bay area christian church in sunnyvale celebrated with some sensory friendly egg hunts. there were fewer people taking part in the activities with reduced noise. so kids with special needs and sensitivities could join in the egg hunts were open to the public and the easter bunny had fun. as you can see, handing out eggs to the kiddos. it is an easter tradition. one of san francisco's crookedest streets transformed into a racetrack. i love watching this every year. the bring your own big wheel race ran down potrero hill today on vermont and 20th. kids under 13 got to test their skills with adult supervision. the tradition got started on lombard street back in 2000. the event is free, but organizers do welcome donations to pay for city permits. well, between email, texts, slack and phone calls, bosses have a lot of ways to bug
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you when you are off the clock. now, a lawmaker in the bay area wants to ban bosses from calling you after hours. listen to this. assembly member matt haney of san francisco introduced a bill this past week to give employees the legal right to ignore work calls and emails they are not working. this sounds great, doesn't it? >> well, sort of. yeah. >> inspired by the upcoming right to disconnect law in australia, haney's proposal would find bossese first us state with a similar law in the business that we are in. i don't know if this is possible, though. t the right to ignore that call. but at the same time you're thinking, well, maybe i'm missing something really important. yes.
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>> and it's inherent in newsperson. >> exactly. to go be there for what's big. >> yeah, i was in greece once in the station, called me to come back and i did. >> oh my gosh. yeah. well, good for you. so let's talk about our weather overnight, which will be mostly clear and breezy. and then tomorrow sunny and warmer. in fact, the first two days of the week will be sunny and warm of the week for tonight. clearing skies overnight lows mainly mid to upper 40s. highs tomorrow on the mild side under sunny skies. mid 60s in san francisco. low 70s around the bay. low to mid 70s inland. and here's the accuweather seven day forecast. sunny and even warmer on tuesday. a little bit of a drop in temperatures on wednesday, but on thursday friday a sharper drop with high temperatures mainly in the upper 50s to near 60 and a chance of rain by friday. so don't get too used to the sunny and mild spring weather at the beginning of the week. >> okay, don't
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hey. nice to meet you. (♪) you're so amazing. (♪)
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jungwoo lee hit his first career homer yesterday against the padres. afterwards, his teammates celebrated with a beer shower. the giants, looking to celebrate their first series win of the season, had to beat the padres this afternoon. military appreciation sunday in san diego. cal product former oakland a's daulton jefferies making his giants debut on the mound. luis campusano capping a five run inning with this three run shot to right padres, pouring it on in the second. it's a six nothing game, ha-seong kim, there are those that three run shot to the western metal supply building nine nothing. jefferies two innings, five earned runs. ouch. bottom 310 nothing. game two on for manny machado. not a home run, but off the wall in right made it a 12. nothing game. the giants lose 13 four. up next a three game set in la. they'll take on the dodgers beginning tomorrow. a's looking to avoid the four game sweep against cleveland. sure could use those guys on their team. bottom three two nothing lead jj bleday base
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hit to right. estuary. ruiz scores three nothing. a's top nine. we're tied at three. runners on the corners. cleveland going for the safety squeeze. and it doesn't work. shea langoliers back picks bo naylor at third. great heads up defense. the a's got out of the jam. bottom nine bases loaded for oakland and abraham toro. it's a walk off walk and the a's win four three. first win in the season. snaps a six game easter losing streak they'll welcome in boston for a three game set tomorrow. college hoops now half of the men's final four was set yesterday. tonight the other side of the bracket coming into focus. winners all going to phoenix next weekend. the cinderella tournament. number 11 nc state taking on duke south region. final third meeting of the season between these two. second half kyle filipowski working inside hoop and the foul. and after the free throw, duke back up two moments later. next nc state possession dj burns junior spins a fading hook. nc state up for just over seven minutes to go. wolfpack up six. defense to offense and then
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in transition. get it to former stanford man michael o'connell hitting the 39. lead two minutes left. pac up ten. o'connell breaks the press, finds burns for the hoop and the foul, and the wolfpack wins, 7664. back in the final four for the first time since 1983. they're going to take on the winner of this game between number one purdue facing number two tennessee in the midwest region. final seven minutes to go dennis. tennessee's dalton connect connects triple ties the game at 56. but seven foot four purdue center zach edey unstoppable left handed hook shot purdue up two. next vols possession connect will pick and roll game. alley oop to jp estrella for 58 or 58. all that is three and a half to go purdue up one. braden smith finds eddie. that's too easy three point lead moments later smith finds lance jones for three. he got it purdue up six. 40s to go as they have the
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lead. connect it gets blocked by eady a career high 40 points and 16 rebounds as purdue wins 7266. eddie didn't have to need and didn't need the latter. that's crazy. so tall to cut down the net. that is wild. video history. last night down in san jose bay fc in their soccer match. it was great to see the founding for pregame paypal park sold out 18,000 fans, packed the stands for their first home match as they hosted the houston dash. and this is what it's all about. bring your young girls to watch their heroes. maybe that'll be on them on the field one day. plenty of emotion, anticipation heading into the match. 19th minute get the home crowd going. deyna castellanos one. nothing. bay fc first home goal in franchise history houston scored the next two goals, so bay fc in scramble mode and there is a tying goal in stoppage time. tied things at two, but houston would score the game winning goal minutes later and bay fc dropped the home
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opener three two. we knew that women's sports had a place and was valuable and could make a huge impact, and i think what we've shown now is that women's sports is a not just can be beautiful and physical and strong, but it's a it's a viable business and it can make a huge dent. >> and we are planning on being the best business in the sports industry in the world. >> abc seven sports, sponsored by river rock casino. dion. >> the best in the world. all right chris, thanks. now a reminder that you can watch all of our newscasts live and on demand through the abc seven bay area connected tv app. it is available for apple tv along with google tv, amazon fire tv and roku. all you have to do is download the app now and start streaming for free and with that, that is all the time we have for tonight, i'm dionne lim. the news continues tomorrow morning at 5:00 for spencer and
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