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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  April 1, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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area. see you back tonight, breaking news as we come on the air. a driver ramming into the fbi office in atlanta. and severe storms sweeping east, tornado watches up right now. multiple states. and in the east, bracing for heavy rain and snow. first tonight, the images coming in. a driver crashing through the entrance gate of the fbi field office in atlanta. the driver in custody at this hour, and what we know. steve osunsami at the scene. severe storms, tornado watches up as we come on tonight
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in several states, from texas north, then heavy rain and snow up and down the east coast. washington, d.c. to new york city to boston. and where they're could be several inches of snow. rob marciano timing it out. tonight, breaking news involving abortion rights in this country. soon front and center in the presidential election in florida. the state's highest court there allowing florida's six-week abortion ban to now take effect. but tonight, the court saying voters there will have the final say. so, will abortion rights be on the ballot in florida this november, and how could it effect the biden/trump rematch? rachel scott reporting. removing the bridge. tonight, the first major step, you will see how crews are carving up that baltimore br bridge, piece by piece, and what they have now done tonight to create a temporary channel. tonight, the search in dallas for a super bowl star. kansas city chiefs player rasheed rice reportedly wanted by police for questioning. police say dash cam video appears to show his corvette speeding with a lamborghini,
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hitting several other vehicles. tmz obtaining images appearing to show rice and several others walking away from the scene. overseas tonight, israel accused of launching a strike on the iranian consulate in syria. iran saying they will respond. don't, donald trump's made ya company losing $2 billion in value after it was revealed how much the company lost last year, and the warning now about his future. tonight, the urgent search for two missing mothers, vanishing on the way to pick up one of the mother's children. their car found on the side of the road. tonight, the 35-year-old former nfl star found dead in his home in florida. what we're now learning. also tonight, remembering a famous actress from "payton place" to "all my children." and dolly parton tonight, and what she's saying about beyonce's "joe lean."
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good evening and it's great to be back with all of you at home. we begin tonight with several breaking headlines. the storms sweeping east. tornado watches up right now, heavy rain, several inches of snow in some places. but we start with the alarming scene in atlanta today. a driver smashing into the gate at atlanta's fbi field office. the incident, of course, raising alarm amid heightened vigilance for possible threats nationwide against the fbi and law enforce enforcement. authorities say the vehicle approached and refused to stop. security unleashing that physical barrier to block the vehicle. agents and bomb technicians arresting the driver. abc's steve osunsami leading us off from the scene outside atlanta. >> reporter: the driver of this orange suv is in a world of trouble tonight, after trying to follow a vehicle into the gates of atlanta's fbi main office, north of the city. it was just after noon, and authorities say the driver with south carolina plates would not stop, and security had to use a pop-up physical barrier to block
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the suv, smashing the vehicle. guards say the driver got out of the car and was quickly arrested without incident. he was transported to a hospital downtown. >> several of our special agents, who were passing by, apprehended him. this time, we're looking at both state and federal charges. >> reporter: authorities at this point don't think that this was terrorism, but the investigation is early and they're still digging. the fbi has been particularly concerned about possible threats to the agency in the last few years. >> so it sort of opens the door as to, what is this, really? is this an attempt to harm the fbi or someone at the fbi? is this a person who has mental health challenges? perhaps has substance abuse issues? got disoriented? we'll have to see how this sorts out. >> reporter: they say the agents, with their robot -- who are seen here looking through the vehicle, and a trunk that was inside the suv -- did so as a precaution, and found no weapons and no explosives. they say no one was hurt.
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authorities here are confirming tonight that the arresting officer sent the driver to grady memorial hospital downtown for, quote, an evaluation. david? >> david: all of this amid heightened concerns. steve, thank you. we turn now to that major spring storm on the move at this hour. tornado watches up as we're on tonight across multiple states, and then the northeast bracing for heavy rain and late season snow. tonight, 40 million americans on alert at this hour, from texas to west virginia. the tornado threat. and then, the heavy rain for the mid-atlantic and the northeast. washington, d.c., philadelphia, new york city, all starting tomorrow. potentially several inches of snow further inland. senior meteorologist rob marciano tracking it all for us right here with us on a monday night, hey, rob. >> hi, david. a dangerous 48 hours to come tonight. we have the tornado watches that are posted and flood watches. already baseball-sized hail in texas. and there you see the threat is going to increase as the low level jet gets cranking, this system intense phipps. oklahoma city to kansas city to
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st. louis, in through central illinois tonight. then tomorrow, a northern jet dips down and amplifies everything. it's going to push the rain to the east, going to stretch out the severe weather to the south and it's going to increase the tornado possibilities, right over ohio, strong, long track tornadoes possible, then on wednesday, it becomes a massive cold core system with more rain in the east and snow wrapping around through chicago and in through upstate new york and northern new england. could see one to two feet of snow come friday morning. all eyes on the midwest tonight, hoping for a save 12 to 24 hours to come. david? >> david: tracking it right into the evening hours for us. rob, thank you. we are following breaking inside out of florida, involving abortion rights. that state's highest court in a major ruling late today allowing florida's new six-week abortion ban to go into effect. it will be one of the strictest abortion laws in the nation. but the court also signaling that voters will get the final say on this in november. they'll vote on this issue of abortion rights at the same time they're voting in the presidential election.
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so, let's get right to rachel scott tonight. rachel, florida voters will decide on abortion rights there, and this could have implications in the presidential race. >> reporter: it certainly could, david. these were two separate decisions. the florida state supreme court has cleared the way for one of the strictest abortion bans in the country to go into effect. banning abortion at just six weeks. that is before most women even know that they are pregnant. and then, in a separate decision, that same court allowing this issue to be put on the ballot in november. allowing voters to decide whether they want to protect access to abortion up until viability, which is considered to be around 24 weeks into a woman's pregnancy. either way, this will have major political implications. abortion rights has won in all six states where it's appeared on the ballot, even in conservative states like kansas, ohio, and kentucky, and that raises real questions about whether florida could be in play for president biden, david. >> david: rachel scott, thank you. tonight, meanwhile, donald
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trump's media xoocompany, which just went public last week, has lost $2 billion in value. the stock price plunging after it was revealed how much the company lost last year. the stock down 21% in a single day today, and now the warning about its future. here's aaron katersky. >> reporter: tonight, stock in donald trump's media company tanking after trump's social media platform, truth social, reported losing $58 million last year. the company was valued at nearly $10 billion when it went public last week as trump supporters have rushed to scoop up shares. >> the stock has gone through the roof. and -- and really this is, i think in the true sense, this is really a great sign of where the people in this country are standing. >> reporter: trump's own majority stake then worth close to $6 billion. >> truth social is hot as a pistol pistol, it's doing great. >> reporter: but today, that rude awakening. the revelation of last year's losses sent the stock plunging more than 20%. and the value of trump's own stake losing more than a billion dollars. and tonight, there's a real
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question whether truth social can even survive, david. an auditor is quoted in a regulatory filing, saying the $58 million operating loss raises substantial loss that trump media can be a viable company going forward. david? >> david: aaron katersky, thank you. next tonight, to the search in dallas for a super bowl star, kansas city chiefs player rasheed rice, reportedly wanted by police for questioning after a chain reaction crash caught on police camera. the corvette and lamborghini speeding on a dallas highway. the lamborghini losing control, hitting several other vehicles. one with a mother and a 4-year-old inside. the corvette was registered to rice. the drivers and passengers in both vehicles then leaving the scene. abc's mireya villarreal from dallas tonight. >> reporter: tonight, dash camera video capturing this high-speed crash on a dallas highway. >> we have two subjects that fled from the scene. >> reporter: now, kansas city chiefs wide receiver rasheed rice is being sought in
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connection with the accident, according to dallas abc station wfaa sources. the 23-year-old recently won the super bowl, and was a second round draft pick last year. two drivers, one in a corvette and one in a lamborghini, seen speeding, hitting the center median and losing control saturday evening. a cascade of hits involving six vehicles, four people treated for minor injuries, including kayla quinn and her 4-year-old son. >> the impact was pretty hard. i got hit on my driver side. my son, he's very scared, he's shaking uncontrollably. >> reporter: authorities say the occupants of the corvette and lamborghini all ran from the scene without stopping to determine if anyone needed medical help. tmz sports sharing this photo as they walked down the busy highway shoulder. sources telling abc news the corvette is registered under rice's name, and some of his nfl gear was allegedly found inside. according to texas law, leaving the scene of an accident
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involving injury could be a crime. >> they all walked off together, which means there was a relationship between the two cars, so, that may also add to the element or seriousness of the charges. >> reporter: david, late today, an attorney for rice said he is working with local authorities to try to address the situation responsibly, and we also know that the chiefs president commented on a local radio station, saying they are gathering information and facts, and they will respond accordingly. david? >> david: mireya, thank you. there is also an urgent search this evening for two mothers who are missing, one of them, a pastor's wife. they vanished on the way to pick up one of the mother's children. the car they were in has been found in oklahoma. here's abc's victor oquendo. >> reporter: tonight, the urgent search along the kansas-oklahoma border for two missing mothers who vanished the day before easter while driving to pick up children. >> they're gone. and nobody knows where exactly they went. >> reporter: 39-year-old jilian kelley, the wife of a pastor at first christian church
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in hugoton, kansas, was traveling with 27-year-old veronica butler. according to butler's church, the two women were on their way to get butler's children for a birthday party, but they never made the pickup. >> it appears that this was not a willing incident on their own to have taken off. it looks to be that there is something more involved. >> reporter: butler's blue kia found abandoned on the side of the road about 40 miles away in rural texas county, oklahoma. >> there is every reason to believe that they could be in danger. >> reporter: at an easter service, prayers for their safe return. >> we're going to wrap our arms around the kelley family, we're going to love them. lord we lift up jilian, we lift up veronica, we pray for their safety. >> reporter: the pastor at butler's church describes the women more as acquaintances as friends. tonight, their community will gather for a vigil. david? >> david: victor, thank you. we turn to baltimore
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tonight, as workers try to carefully remove what's left of that massive bridge that came down. a 200-ton piece of that bridge has been cut away and lifted off. and what they've now done tonight to try to open that waterway. terry moran is on the scene for us. >> reporter: tonight, perched on giant cranes above the collapsed bridge, and using powerful thermal saws, demolition crews cut and removed the first major piece of debris -- more than 200 tons, 440,000 pounds. >> we're talking about something that is almost the size of the statue of liberty. >> reporter: the crews must painstakingly clear the entire span of the destroyed francis scott key bridge piece by piece. but officials are now saying that under those murky waters, divers can't see a foot in front of them. and with the chaotic wreckage -- all the mangled intertwined steel above and below the waterline -- the site is a safety nightmare. >> every time someone goes in the water, they are taking a risk. every time we move a piece of the structure, the situation could become even more dangerous.
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we have to move fast, but we cannot be careless. >> reporter: and that's actually just a small step forward in this monumental operation. another milestone -- workers opened a temporary 11-foot-deep shipping channel, clearing a path for emergency and some small commercial vessels to use the harbor again. officials here made clear today that that work out there is going to be harder, more dangerous, and take longer than even they originally thought. months, probably, before the part of baltimore is fully open, maybe longer. on friday, president biden comes here to see it for himself. david? >> david: that is still an extraordinary scene right there behind you. terry moran still on the scene for us. terry, thank you. overseas tonight, the smoldering debris, with iran now accusing israel of launching a deadly strike on the iranian consulate in syria. iran tonight claiming two generals and multiple soldiers have been killed, and saying they will respond. britt clennett tonight from israel. >> reporter: tonight, iran claiming it was an israeli
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airstrike that reduced its consulate building to rubble in damascus, syria, killing two top iranian military commanders. officials say at least seven people died, as emergency responders sifted through the twisted metal looking for survivors. the multi-story building next to the embassy left in smoking ruins, reportedly hit by six missiles from israeli warplanes. iran vowing to respond tonight, as tensions with israel escalate. this, as israeli leader benjamin netanyahu faces the largest protests since the start of the war. passionate cries from the protesters calling for an election and for netanyahu to step down. the demonstrations at times tense. protesters clashes with officers. some hostage families, like the grandson of ghaim peri, taking part to voice their frustration at netanyahu.
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do you think he'll step down? >> no, of course not. he's clutching the seat, his throne. and that's why we're fighting here. because he's not willing to go down. >> reporter: meanwhile, david, four people, including foreigners, were killed in a car explosion while delivering aid in northern gaza. and we're learning in talks between u.s. and israeli negotiators in a planned invasion of rafah, that israel agreed to take civilian casualties into account. david? >> david: britt, thank you. back in the u.s. tonight, and convicted murderer alec murdaugh, already serving a life sentence for killing his wife and son, today sentenced to 40 years in prison for financial crimes, too. the once prominent attorney pleaded guilty to conspiracy, fraud, and money laundering, stealing money from his clients, including a $4 million insurance payment for the family of his housekeeper. the sentence guarantees he will spend life in prison, even if his murder conviction is overturned. tonight, fast food workers in california have been given a pay raise. a new law raising the minimum
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wage from $16 to $20 an hour. but some small business owners are feeling the pressure to compete and could raise prices to pay those workers more, passing the cost onto consumers. when we come back here this evening, the 35-year-old former nfl star found dead in his home, and what we have now learned tonight. and the tributes pouring in for a famous actress, from "payton place" to "all my children," in a moment. the wayfair vibe at our place is western. my thing, darling? shine. gardening. some of us go for the dramatic. how didn't i know wayfair had vanities in tile? [ gasps ] this. wow! do you have any ottomans without legs. sure. you'll flip for the poof cart. in the wayborhood, there's a place for all of us. ♪ wayfair. every style. every home. ♪ try killing bugs the worry-free way. not the other way. zevo traps use light
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investigating the death of a 35-year-old former nfl star, vontae davis, in his home just outside miami. police say he suffered a medical emergency, possibly. they do not suspect foul play. he played ten seasons, mostly with the dolphins and colts. he retired while playing for the bills in 2018. when we come back here tonight, remembering a beloved actress. and then dolly parton and what she's saying tonight about beyonce's "jolene," and you'll hear it. od sugar, dexcom g7 is one of the easiest ways to take better control of your diabetes. my blood sugar would suddenly spike or really go low out of nowhere. it was really scary. (dr. swamy) this small wearable alerts you 20 minutes before you go too low or when you're high so you can take action in the moment. now we're talking a game changer! i'm back in control! (announcer) dexcom g7 helps protect against highs and lows. call now! ok y'all we got 10 orders coming in... big orders! starting a business is never easy, but starting it 8 months pregnant...
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finally tonight, dolly parton isn't the only one loving beyonce's new album. we are, too. tonight, beyonce's new album "cowboy carter" is more than country. ♪ this ain't texas ♪ ♪ ain't no hold 'em ♪ >> the first black woman to ever top billboard's country music chart. ♪ round round round round ♪ >> david: her first single, "texas hold 'em." ♪ i'm be damned if i cannot dance with you ♪ ♪ it's a real life boogie ♪ >> david: her album and so many songs already hits. ♪ hello girls ♪
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♪ hello beyonce ♪ >> david: performing with black country pioneer linda martell, with willie nelson, with miley cyrus, too. ♪ i'll be your back seat baby ♪ ♪ driving you crazy ♪ ♪ any time you like ♪ >> david: and beyonce fulfilling a wish. it was two years ago, dolly parton said she hoped beyonce would sing "jolene." >> i would love to hear it done in a big way, kind of like whitney did my "i will always love you." that would be a marvelous day in my life if she ever does it. >> david: dolly getting her wish, and she's on the album, too. >> hey, miss honey b. >> david: and then beyonce's take on "joli ♪ i'm warning you ♪ ♪ don't come for my man ♪ >> david: tonight, "jolene" number one on itunes.
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dolly approving, posting on instagram, "wow, i just heard jolene. beyonce is giving that girl some trouble and she deserves it." ♪ jolene ♪ >> david: beyonce and miley sigh nearly half a million workers in california got pay raises today, intended to help provide people with a living wage. >> and will it be a business bust? a look at both sides of the issue. good afternoon. i'm kristen sze. >> i'm larry beil. thanks for joining us. fast food workers in california going to get a significantly bigger paycheck. >> yeah. they went from earning as little as $16 an hour yesterday to at least $20 an hour today under a new state law. >> now, this applies to fast food restaurants that are part of a national chain with at least 60 locations nationwide, and that offer limited or no
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table service. >> abc7 news reporter suzanne phan spoke with those on both sides of the issue. more than half a million fast food workers in the golden state will see a big bump in their hourly pay for many of them, the new $20 an hour minimum wage will be a 25% increase on their paychecks. angelica hernandez, a mcdonald's worker, has been in the fast food industry for the past 19 years. >> even though we are the engine of $1 billion industry, too many of us struggle to keep up with rent, our bills, and the rising cost of living. >> the law affects fast food chains. with at least 60 locations nationwide. labor experts say fast food corporations can afford to pay more. >> the fast food corporations have earned extraordinary profits in recent years. largest fast food companies in the world had stock buybacks of over $6 billion in 2023. they have the funds to cover these wage increases. >> but some fast food companies say they'll have to make some


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