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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  April 1, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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phan spoke with those on both sides of the issue. more than half a million fast food workers in the golden state will see a big bump in their hourly pay for many of them, the new $20 an hour minimum wage will be a 25% increase on their paychecks. angelica hernandez, a mcdonald's worker, has been in the fast food industry for the past 19 years. >> even though we are the engine of $1 billion industry, too many of us struggle to keep up with rent, our bills, and the rising cost of living. >> the law affects fast food chains. with at least 60 locations nationwide. labor experts say fast food corporations can afford to pay more. >> the fast food corporations have earned extraordinary profits in recent years. largest fast food companies in the world had stock buybacks of over $6 billion in 2023. they have the funds to cover these wage increases. >> but some fast food companies say they'll have to make some
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changes. many fast food chains like jack in the box, mcdonald's, starbucks, they all plan on increasing prices because of the new minimum wage law in california. and some franchise owners say they will feel the squeeze. >> when i started this business seven years ago, it was $10 an hour, and now we're going to 20. >> brian hom is a franchise owner of vitality bowls in san jose. >> we're going to have to increase prices, which will affect our customers trying to cover for the wage increase, you know, and we're going to have to look at cutting hours, possibly, you know, laying off staff. >> labor experts say this wage bump is long overdue. >> this new law in california is both raising the wages for fast food workers, but also creating this fast food council where workers will have input into over other conditions that affect them. at work. >> customers realize they could pay higher prices for fast food, but they say better wages for fast food workers are a must. >> i think it's the least we can do for the people that are providing us so much service. they work very hard for their
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and they all have families as well, right? >> so i think it's a good thing it's about time in the bay area. >> suzanne vaughn, abc seven news. >> rideshare drivers are pushing back against things that are affecting their earnings and job security. dozens of drivers held a series of so-called no fools rallies today on april 1st, april fools day. this is in front of uber and lyft headquarters in san francisco. they address critical issues they say are impacting their livelihoods. drivers say they've noticed a decline in pay due to high company fees, delayed stipends and sudden ride cancellations. they're also fighting for better methods to appeal. deactivations and protect drivers against false claims from riders. >> there is no process in place by these companies to fast track drivers and put them back on the platform, uber tells abc seven news. >> they've made significant improvements, allowing drivers to appeal those false allegations. lyft also responded, saying its drivers will always make at least 70% of weekly rider fares. that is, after fees.
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>> if you enjoy cruising through the carpool lane with your a clean air vehicle sticker, those days may soon be ending. without federal and state intervention, those stickers won't be renewed come 2025. abc seven news reporter leslie brinkley explains the repercussions september 30th, 2025. >> that's when the california clean air vehicle program is set to expire for everyone. so all owners of electric plug in or natural gas vehicles with a rainbow of stickers on their car, allowing them access to the carpool lane, would no longer have access. >> really, a whole generation of drivers have come up uh- with carpool access as an incentive for buying a clean air vehicle, and that access uh- in relatively short order will be disappearing. >> the problem is, first, the federal government has to allow states to extend their programs for clean air vehicles. then california would be able to
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extend carpool access. but that scenario seems highly unlikely given the stalemate in congress. >> to the best of my knowledge, there's there isn't even a bill introduced yet uh- on this. and so time is running out there are over 400,000 drivers in california who currently have decals. >> many of them bought their clean air vehicles to speed up their commute. so losing that privilege is a big deal. >> it's frustrating because, you know, like i said, the main reason for the transition is driving in the bay area traffic. >> there's another side to this. it could greatly benefit, even incentivize, casual car pooling, greatly decreasing the number of cars passing through that carpool lane at rush hour. mtc says there are many possible outcomes, but the clock is ticking. it's unknown how that 2025 expiration date for decals could affect the sales of new clean air vehicles in california in the east bay. i'm leslie
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brinkly. abc seven news. >> a portion of highway one in monterey county remains closed after collapsing during saturday's storm, stranding hundreds of residents and visitors alike. caltrans crews are working to stabilize the crumbling portion of highway one that collapsed between carmel and big sur. this is just south of the rocky creek bridge, and they're still trying to design a permanent repair. until then, concrete barriers are being installed along the center line of the roadway to safely funnel traffic away from the collapse. caltrans is also organizing convoys for essential workers and others to get through there over the next few days. but tourists are asked to please stay home. all state parks and big sur will be closed until further notice. now, highway one in that area has closed several times over the past five years because of mudslides, and that includes last march, when the highway was closed for months. the closure at paul slide is still in effect, with the highway. they're scheduled to reopen in late spring. crews even had to suspend repair work along highway one because of other slides costing millions in
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damage. >> new data reveals big improvements in one of san francisco's busiest biking neighborhoods. three months of data show that roughly 85% of drivers are now traveling 6 to 8 miles slower along arguello boulevard between the arguella gate and washington boulevard in the presidio. this improvement is part of the city's efforts to establish better safety measures for cyclists. these improvements were incorporated after cycling champion ethan boys was hit by a vehicle and killed on arguello at washington boulevard last year in san francisco. >> crews are working to repair a water main break in the excelsior district. residents on athens street say water was gushing down the street this morning, but it has slowed down. the public utilities commission says water service may be affected with low to no water pressure. that pipe that broke is over 70 years old. installed back in 1950. the puc says many of the city's water mains are old and nearing the end of their working life in the north bay.
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>> sonoma could become the first us county to ban some controversial animal feeding operations. the board of supervisors is considering a ballot measure that could end factory farming, also known as concentrated animal feeding operations. critics say those kinds of farms exceed animal pollution limits and contribute dramatically to pollution and other health and safety concerns. it's estimated there are approximately 24 factory farms in sonoma county. >> it's a very small fraction compared to the total number of farms in the county. and yet across these two dozen facilities, there are approximately 2.9 million animals confined. >> the county board of supervisors will decide when the initiative will go to a vote. it could be on the november ballot. the sonoma county farm bureau is fighting the ordinance. the organization says it would have catastrophic impacts on our local economy and set a dangerous precedent for other
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animal agriculture producers. >> a dramatic rescue in the north bay to share with you. a man fell more than 100ft down a cliff and was just minutes away from losing his grip and falling into the ocean. you see, he's left desperately clinging back here onto the side of the cliff. abc seven news reporter ryan curry has a closer look at how different rescue teams teamed up to save a life. hey, don't let go, man. >> don't let go. okay >> clinging to life. if this man lets go, it could be devastating. why is your left hand in here, brother? >> unfortunately, we lose probably 1 to 2 people per year falling off these cliffs. >> rescuers coming from a helicopter, lifting this man to safety. battalion chief jason golden says his crew at the southern marin fire department got a call around 745 sunday night about a man who had fallen off a cliff near the battery alexander trail. southern marin fire called the sonoma county sheriff's department, asking them to bring their helicopter when they found the man, he was 120ft down the cliff, clinging to the side. >> the victim was about 40ft off
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the water line. the tide was coming in and was stuck on the cliff. >> it was dark and they had to use night vision to locate him. once the straps were secured, they were able to lift him out. i got you brother. a rescue that took over a half hour. >> the rescuer afterwards, speaking with him, said that that was one of the most precarious rescues because of how how the victim was grabbing on and how quickly they were to let him go. >> this trail is full of steep cliffs with far drops leading directly to the ocean. the fire department knew there was no way they could rescue this man without using a helicopter. >> it was just a much, much faster operation to use the helicopter and the individual was starting to lose their grip. >> luckily, golden says the man is doing okay. they took him to the hospital after the rescue, but says when they got off the cliff, he only had a few scrapes and bruises. golden says these trails are popular when the weather gets nice as they offer gorgeous views of the ocean. but he wants people to know these cliffs can be dangerous. please please be very careful when you get to the cliffs, don't go up
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close to the edge. and please don't try and climb up in the north bay. >> ryan curry, abc seven news in an abc news exclusive, ftx founder sam bankman-fried talks from prison about his fraud conviction. >> what he says haunts him every single day. health care is getting personal. we get a first look inside a new lab in the bay area that's on the forefront of testing to come up with the right treatment for each individual patient and destination. china. the mayor of san francisco's latest mission to help build diplomatic and cultural relations when you have moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin.
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with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin. some even achieved long—lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪ show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪
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♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪
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ruling also allows a six week ban signed into law by governor ron desantis, to take effect 30 days from now. in a separate ruling. today, the florida supreme court decided to allow a november ballot initiative on abortion, which could undo today's actions. in response, california governor gavin newsom is offering pregnant people in florida resources to come to california to receive care. we're getting an exclusive look at the ftc's crackdown on so-called impersonation scams. there are new tools to help victims get their money back. abc news chief business, technology and economics correspondent rebecca jarvis has the details. >> ken de la cruz says in
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january he received this text message from a number claiming to be his bank, asking, did you attempt a zelle transfer for the amount of $500? >> all i did was text no. and then a few minutes later i get a call from my bank saying that there's some fraudulent activities on my, bank account. they wanted to help me stop it, but the call was instead scam ers pretending to be his bank. they even had like a holding music to make it sound like it was from an official bank. >> ken says he provided personal information that he believed was part of a routine process to stop the fraud. scammers managed to transfer $1,500 out of ken's account and obtain an online for thousand dollar personal loan. ken's bank, the navy federal credit union, tells abc news as we take all necessary precautions to best protect our members financial security, navy federal does not solicit
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personal and or account information over the phone or through email. >> the ftc is working hard to get the word out to consumers about these scams. they have gotten more sophisticated. >> starting today, the ftc is adding new rules to stem these scams. >> so it gives us the ability when we sue companies to get money back, that we can then return to consumers. and also to bring civil penalties that we hope will deter fraudsters. >> experts want consumers to be on high alert for this type of scam, even if it appears to be very legitimate. >> don't trust messages that you receive always contact the company or the agency at a number that you know is real. >> and that was rebecca jarvis. if you or someone you know is a victim of an impersonation scam, you can report it by going to report fraud. dot ftc dot gov. >> abc news has an exclusive conversation with ftx founder and bay area native sam
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bankman-fried tried answering questions from prison. the former crypto entrepreneur and stanford resident was sentenced to 25 years in prison for fraud last week. all this is in connection with the implosion of ftx, his global crypto currency exchange, which resulted in an $8 billion loss for customers. bankman-fried said he's haunted every day by what was lost. he said, quote, i never thought that what i was doing was illegal, but i tried to hold myself to a high standard and i certainly didn't meet that standard. he also said he does not believe he received a fair trial, writing a one sided media frenzy and the defense's inability to get in critical evidence infected the whole process. bankman fried plans to appeal his conviction. >> on this day in 1976, steve jobs, steve wozniak and ronald wayne founded apple computer, inc. jobs and wozniak wanted to make user friendly computers small enough for people to have in their homes or offices. they built the apple one in jobs garage. apple two revolutionized
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the computer industry with the first ever color graphics sales hit $117 million in 1980, the year apple went public. >> it kind of all worked out for him in the south bay. a new state of the art genomics lab is now open at kaiser permanente san jose. genomics is the study of human genes and how they interact with each other and their environment. the new lab will expand diagnostic testing capabilities and provide early screening for patients. this space will allow for the processing of about twice as many tests each year. it's also highly automated, which kaiser officials say will help reduce the workload for the hospital's lab technicians. >> i soak it up the sun is so nice out there. >> it's beautiful. in the 70s. i know there's rain coming. i also know spring is really coming, spencer, because i can't breathe. >> yeah, i understand larry. in fact, anyone suffering from allergies probably has noticed the increase in pollen. so let me go right to the air quality right now the air quality is good, but the tree pollen is
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high as allergy sufferers have probably noticed the main the top allergens right now oak, sycamore and pine. but once again we have good air quality now. we also have very nice weather, very pleasant as you see on the satellite radar. composite image. big area of high pressure. the dominant feature in our weather right now that will keep our skies sunny for another day or so. and the temperatures in the mild range before we get a midweek cool down. and right now we're looking at breezy, but not gusty conditions. wind speeds near the bay and the coast are generally about 12 to 18mph, which is typical for this time of the day around the bay area. and we've had quite a warm up since yesterday. the 24 hour temperature change shows it's 10 to 11 degrees warmer over much of the north bay than at this time yesterday, eight degrees warmer here in san francisco. and as you go over to the east bay, you'll see it's about 6 to 9 degrees warmer. so on we go to a look at current temperature readings here in the city is 6567. in oakland we've got low 70s at hayward and san jose and mid to upper 60s at san jose, san mateo and half moon bay.
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other temperature readings looking at blue sky over the golden gate up in santa rosa. 76 a little cooler at petaluma, only 68 there, and we have low 70s at napa, fairfield, concord and livermore. let's check out our forecast headlines. during the overnight hours and going into tomorrow, skies will be clear. sunny and mild to warm again tomorrow. wednesday, still dry, still mainly sunny, but some minor cooling will take place on wednesday and then there'll be further cooling. sharply cooler pattern developing on thursday and going into friday, and some rain will return to the forecast picture as well. but overnight tonight it will be dry and mainly clear, with a few thin, low clouds pushing out over the bay overnight. low temperatures, mainly in the upper 40s tonight and then tomorrow. look for just a beautiful day. golden sunshine, high temperatures up to about 6062 on the coast. mid 60s here in the city, right around the bay shoreline. we'll see low to mid 70s and mainly mid or even mid to upper 70s in our inland areas tomorrow. now let's skip ahead to later in the week when we have some pretty big changes coming our way.
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we've got a storm that will be pushing in on thursday. initially it looked like it would be just some sprinkles. on thursday instead of your rain on friday, but right now looks like we might get some measurable rain on thursday as well. and it's going to bring this storm will bring sharply cooler weather to the bay area with high temperatures during the day reaching only into the upper 50s. so here's the accuweather seven day forecast. lovely day tomorrow. as i mentioned, with high temperatures in the mid to upper 70s and the warmest inland areas, minor cooling on wednesday, but still dry and mainly sunny. highs reaching only up to about 70 degrees inland. then on thursday, more than just a slight chance of afternoon showers. looks like we might get some steady rain going into the afternoon and evening hours on thursday, so we might bump that up to a level one as well. certainly level one early friday as showers are likely and look at the temperature readings. the temperature forecast for thursday and friday highs only in the upper 50s. it's going to be cold. rain compared with what we have right now, but it will warm up again as we get into the weekend.
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>> so we're talking about like a 20 degree drop off in just a matter of days. >> that's about right. >> yeah, spring is funny like that. >> yes. >> spring is fickle. yes, yes. >> thank you. >> spencer okay. >> for bay area high school basketball players are getting their shot in the national spotlight. we hear about the prestigious opportunity they have to show off their skills. >> and $1 billion could be yours. i mean, it probably won't be. i'm almost certain it won't be, actually. but it's not an april fool's joke stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya.
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stage for the annual mcdonald's all-american game. it airs on our sister network espn. abc seven news south bay reporter dustin dorsey introduces us to the bay area athletes set to tip off tomorrow night. >> for more than 40 years, the mcdonald's all-american game showcases some of the best high school ballers in the country from michael jordan, candace parker, kobe bryant and maya moore. this year, four bay area athletes were selected to play in the prestigious game morgan kelly from archbishop mitty high school in san jose and zoom diallo, aidan carroll and darian reid from prolific prep of napa christian. >> the experience has been great. just the opportunity to get better and playing around competition that's as good as you and some even better hear these young players get to showcase what will make them stars at the collegiate level
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and beyond. >> the scrimmages, practices, and game are all under the brightest of lights. >> i love competing, especially against the top guys. is it's been great, like we've been going at it and i'm looking forward to like winning that game for sure. >> but even more than just winning every year, these athletes also get the opportunity to give back. this week, the teams visited the ronald mcdonald house to meet children and families of the houston area. it's one of the special opportunities getting invited to the game offers, but it's not easy to get here. >> you don't get to get these opportunities without the work. so i would tell, you know, young athletes, you know, continue to stay in the gym, continue to grind because, you know, the work is just only going to show itself. >> work, no doubt. middy's morgan kelly put in to get here. playing in this game is special, but it's only been possible for girls since 2002. with more eyes than ever on women's basketball, thanks to stars like caitlin clark and juju watkins, kelly looks forward to being part of the rise of the growing women's game. >> i think we're definitely getting more opportunities now. and it's really nice to see,
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like more coverage on women's sports. and i mean, it's growing so much right now exponentially. and so, it's super exciting and i love that. we're like, women's sports is getting the credit that it's deserved. >> it all goes down on april 2nd when kelly and the girls tip off at 330 on espn two, followed by the prolific prep stars and the boys at 6 p.m. on espn. dustin dorsey, abc seven news. >> the powerball growing after no one hit all the winning numbers saturday night. tonight's jackpot is estimated at $1 billion, with payments spread out over 29 years. or you can take the lump sum, which is 483.8 million. the drawing is tonight, just before 8 p.m, we found a couple of people buying tickets earlier today at the big box in san leandro. bev box has the distinction of being the lucky lottery retailer due to past winners. it's been three months since anyone hit all the numbers to win the powerball jackpot. hence it is so large. >> tempted i am tempted. we're
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going to send you out there and get us tickets for everybody here. yeah sure. >> way to ruin it. >> we need somebody with good luck. >> i know, to do the office pool. >> maybe send spencer instead. uh. all right. san francisco's mayor gearing up for a diplomatic mission. what's expected to be on the agenda during her upcoming trip to china? and who's picking up the tab for this? >> plus, what's in a name? oakland airport wants a name change, but sfo wants to ground the idea good. when you've got type 2 diabetes like me, you have up to 4 times greater risk of stroke, heart attack or worse death. even when meeting your a1c goal. discomfort can help you act.
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i'm not trying to scare you. i'm empowering you... to get real with your health care provider. talk to them about lowering your risk of stroke, heart attack or death. if you have heart failure, entrust your heart to entresto. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb.
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the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. novartis may help you save on your prescription. breed will travel to the country on the 13th of this month to promote tourism, according to our media partner, the san
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francisco standard. breed wants to strengthen relations with shanghai and hopes to return with good news about pandas potentially coming to the san francisco zoo. chinese tourists spent more than $1 billion a year here pre-pandemic, that is. this will be mayor breed's second trip to china and abc7 news insider phil matier is here now to talk more about mayor breed's upcoming trip. uh- boy getting a panda. that would be such good headlines at a time when san francisco and mayor breed needs one, wouldn't it? >> yes, it would. soft, cuddly panda. highly photogenic coming to san francisco. put a bow on it and say, you know, welcome back to the city that knows how. at least that's the hope the mayor is going to be taking with her when she goes to china later in the month, on april 14th for about a week. stay. now, look, let's be honest about it. every mayor i've known since dianne feinstein has gone to china during their their first trip. they just go, it's just a sister city thing. you just do it. you cover it and say, okay, we're
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going to bring more tourism here, right? you're going to you're going to maybe she also wants to bring some interest in maybe a university downtown or extension of chinese universities in the downtown area. investment and the pandas. because, larry, no matter what you think, people out there like soft and cuddly. okay well, i know that's politics. that's it explains my popularity. >> but no, but but seriously, this whole panda thing. kristen's been trying to educate me as to the importance, the relative importance of the pandas. san diego is going to get the pandas initially right, and then we may get them here in san francisco and let me just get right to the to the chase here. does this really matter? i mean, i love pandas, but there's so many other problems in the city. >> first of all, let's let's get a couple of things right. you're right. is this homeless a cure for homelessness? no is it a cure for the drugs on the streets? no. is it what politicians like to do? yes. there wasn't a baby available to kiss you. get a panda.
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>> well, that's pretty good. >> the other part of it is that it is a way to bring the tourism up here. it is a way to. and it's not being done on the public dime. i thought you might want to know that. who's paying? they have this, like, sister city type committee that raises money for the mayor's travels. and they go and of course, the mayor wants to go to china, because when you're in china or you do these trips to paris or wherever they go, they're treated with the great, great deference. they have great tables, they have banquets. everybody's smiling and happy to see them. you think london breed gets that reception walking down market street all right, fair enough. >> and she's been working on this deal for a long time. >> it really came together. >> sfo tarmac right president because this came together after during and after the apec conference here. >> yeah okay. yeah >> all right. before we let you go, some people are really mad about the hov sticker program or the fact that it's they're phasing it out. >> yes. a lot of people are angry about that, especially the
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ones that have the stickers that say, i am special and i can go in the diamond lanes. but i've got to tell you that ever since its inception, what was it back in 1999 or so? there's been controversy about it among people within the transit planning and saying that basically we the these extra lanes, these carpool lanes are for carpoolers. it's to try to get 3 or 4 people in a car, not to have one person in an electric car go whizzing by. but they said, no, it's for the climate that we're encouraging people. well, the fact of the matter is people are either buying or they're not buying electric vehicles. they've gotten incentives, they've gotten price breaks, and there's a little bit of a pushback saying, hey, why do you get everything while we're stuck in traffic? so it's going to be a mixed thing to see how this thing goes forward. but the feds, yeah, at this point are saying they're not going to renew it, but maybe a biden administration would be more empathetic because they're more empathetic towards electric cars. >> how many cars are we actually talking about? >> about 433,000. and i don't have one. do you have one? an electric car? no. a sticker? >> no, i don't have a sticker. i
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have an electric car. but you know, when i we got the car, we weren't eligible. they had already cut, you know, cut people off. they had closed it off. so. so this is really people who are grandfathered in from their initial ev purchases, right? >> because they decided not they're not extending things like they used to. so we will see where that goes. until then you're just going to be you and the pandas guy. yeah >> how much time do we have you guys to chat with? phil got more time. >> endless. >> oh, do we have more time? okay, what is it we do then i want to. can i come back to the pandas just because everybody, can you talk about the fact that the mayor is in a tough reelection right now? absolutely right. and this is something she can do that her competitors cannot do. >> right? exactly. when anytime you can display your ability as the office holder to do something, you're going to do it. and the whether it's this or planting a tree, that's what elections and such are about. would you like to do it on an election year? yes. is she doing it on election year? yes will it swing the election? no. okay. but it doesn't hurt. and that's,
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you know what she's going for. if she can get him here, it's like bringing a big art show or something here. people will be out there at the zoo. people will feel better about it. or a winning team. i don't think the giants are necessarily going to do that for her this year. >> yeah, maybe not the giants. >> so maybe the pandas. >> okay. all right. on a scale of 1 to 10, ten being most important, how big are the pandas in this? >> okay. you know it's interesting i would say it's about a five or a six. okay and the reason is this what people forget is that in addition to being a city, san francisco is also an amusement park. and a tourist attraction, destination city, destination city, and this is one more reason to come here. >> people are so happy. we're just showing close ups of the panda. i'm not sure they're listening to anything we're saying, actually. yeah, which may be better for them. they have that effect on people every time they come to the united states. >> it is big. >> yeah. i mean, i think we had him for three months, you know, back in the 80s or something. and it was a big hoopla and
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everybody was excited. so we'll see. then they'll have to raise money to house the pandas. if we do get them, they'll take care of that, believe me, because everybody wants a panda every. >> you're right. >> there's no shortage of donors for pandas. can we sponsor abc7 panda? >> oh my god, talk to the guys in the front. i'm sure you will wind up doing something like, somebody's going to wind up doing it. >> yeah. abc7, the official parks had to station. all right, phil, thank you. thanks. all right, the city of oakland is set to meet with the a's tomorrow to talk about a lease extension at the coliseum. abc seven news has learned that the city will offer to extend the team's lease for up to five years. the a's lease at the coliseum expires at the end of this season. now, they could get out earlier, from the five year commitment to get out three the new stadium in las vegas. if it's built ever at all, won't be ready for at least three years. the a's also exploring a temporary home in sacramento. also, salt lake city, an offer sheet obtained by abc seven shows the city is no longer asking the a's to change their name if and when they leave
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oakland, or guarantee the city a major league expansion team in the future. and speaking of the a's and their new stadium, las vegas famed tropicana resort is closing this week to make way for a possible new ballpark there. over the weekend, past performers gathered for a final farewell, a former las vegas showgirl says it's really hard to imagine the strip without the tropicana. it's been there since the 1950s. >> it was breathtaking. obviously. now i'm getting a little bit teary eyed, but yeah, it was, it was the best being on stage was one of the best feelings, because you got to see the audience and their smiling faces and also, i remember the day that my mom came to see the show and for her, it was just, you know, beautiful because she had also done the same thing. >> the bally's corporation says demolition is expected to start in october to make way for, as i said, a possible new baseball stadium. it's expected that the
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a's would be there in 2028. >> new details as we take a live look at oakland international airport for you, san francisco international airport is concerned about the east bay airport's proposal to change its name. metropolitan oakland international airport could soon dropped the word metropolitan and change its name to san francisco bay. oakland international airport. the port of oakland's commissioners will vote on the name change proposal april 11th. sfo says oakland airport should consider a different name to avoid confusion for travelers. sfo officials think that name change could really be confusing. some politicians are already saying no. come on oakland, keep your name oakland. don't use san francisco. >> well, this is like, you know, the los angeles angels of anaheim. i mean, you know, two cities that really are have nothing to do with one another. >> but how about just like san francisco, 40 niners playing in santa clara? >> that's a whole other thing. that's a whole other thing. >> but speaking of whole other things, we have a lot to talk
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about on the 404. >> absolutely. sleeping beauty may have been on to something. we have another reason to hit that snooze button. >> and then eclipse excitement. a solar eclipse is coming. we discover what you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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the first time since 1999. carpool lanes in california will likely soon be reserved just for carpoolers. the stickers are set to expire in september 2025. the question is, what impact do you think it would have on mass transit, if at all? traffic and the sale of ev and other low emission cars, larry, you were saying like they no longer get those stickers, right? it's just the grandfather people. so it shouldn't affect the sale of ev cars. >> yeah. i mean, i wouldn't put the two together that closely. i think if you're inclined to, to buy an electric vehicle or even a hybrid, which, you know, may be moving up in terms of popularity, then you're going to do it and whether you get the carpool or you don't get the carpool sticker, it probably is not going to be the deciding factor. dan, what do you think? >> well, i agree with you, larry, but i would also say i have known people that find that a real plus that have said, hey, i also get to use those hov lanes. so, you know, i think it's a value added. i don't know that it'll affect the sale too
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much, but it is one less thing that might drive someone to make that decision. maybe i agree. >> all right. nice and succinct. >> yes, sir. >> i think we're moving towards those, you know, express toll lanes where they want you to pay for the privilege of driving in that faster lane. >> oh, uh, most of us think tipping is out of control. this according to a new national survey. a wallethub survey says nearly 75% of americans think we've simply gone too far with the tipping. more than 60% of people think a tip is something you should give when you feel like it, versus always tipping. more than a quarter of those surveyed said they tip less when presented with a tip suggestion on the screen, which seems to be everywhere at this point and 50% say they often leave tips because of the social pressure, i don't know when this maybe during the pandemic, it really started to become a thing where wherever you're checking out now, it seems invariably, spencer, there's a little, you know, you want to give 15, 20%
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custom. >> that's true. i know personally, i'm not so bothered by the suggestion that maybe you should tip, as most people seem to be, and i'm certainly not going to refuse to tip just because it bugged me that it was suggested. so i, you know, if i choose to tip on where there isn't any actual service being provided right, i, you know, tip a minor amount. and if i'm at a restaurant where i'm being served by someone, then i tip my usual 20 to 25. yeah, exactly. >> i do the same thing. spencer, what is intriguing is sometimes when even when the service really isn't provided. and you'll see now they often don't give you a 15% option. they give you 20, 22 and 25. that's true. yeah. and, and then you pick 20 and you feel cheap. yeah. >> i find, i don't know, i mean i'm happy to tip where it's warranted, but just the ubiquitous nature of all of this just, you know, everybody wants a tip, whether they did anything or not. >> yeah. by the way, larry, i would appreciate a little the quiet money for the comments. i
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just made a moment ago. >> dan, somebody needs to do a psychology experiment on this. you know what you talked about the pressure of when you start the baseline at 15% or 20, you can only go up from there like you can't be cheap. okay, hey, you guys want to feel younger, get a good night's sleep. two recent studies say not getting enough sleep may cause you to feel 5 to 10 years older than your actual age. one of the studies tracked the sleep of more than 429 people for a month. found that for every night of poor sleep, people reported feeling about a quarter of a year older than their chronological age, how they know what being three months older feels like or whatever. but those who slept well over the month said they felt nearly six years younger on average, than their age. >> yeah. oh, could you even determine? >> i feel three months younger. i feel three months older. i feel six years younger. >> you know, i have a question for spencer and kristen, if you don't mind on this subject, because i have done larry, you've probably done it too. but
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over my career, i've done the morning news for brief periods of time. never, i think once for almost a year, just part, you know, a couple of days a week. you guys, both of you did morning news for a long time and you never seem to get enough sleep. did you did you feel that it aged you or was it tiring to do that shift? >> first of all, it's a great question. and no, i didn't feel that it aged me. you know, i found ways to try to maximize my sleeping time when i was an early morning riser, but usually i felt like i had enough sleep to feel energetic and to and to think clearly and all that. it was very rare that i felt so sleep deprived that, you know, i had low energy. >> or how about you, kristen? because so many people have worked that shift, have told me they're always tired. >> that's right. i wasn't as disciplined as spencer. my bedtime got later and later i got less and less sleep. and yes, it ages. you do, you know. how do you know how old i am? i'm actually 22. but look at me. look at me. >> i was scared to answer the question. to be quite honest. i
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was worried about the ramifications of my response. uh- have you heard beyonce's new album? yes, apparently a lot of people have danced all over it here. just days after its release, her album cowboy carter is already breaking records on streaming platforms. it's also the first time a country album holds the title. this year, amazon music says it's beyonce's biggest album debut on the platform. cowboy carter is also spotify's most streamed album in a single day this year. so dan, you're our our music expert here. are you surprised that she did a country music themed album and you know, what does that mean for the future? >> you know, yes, yes and no. i mean, because you wouldn't have ordinarily seen beyonce having done that, just like steven tyler did a country album a few years back, and it went to number one. after a couple of weeks, some people gave it a hard time, and then it went to number one on the charts, which is actually a very good album. beyonce's album is very good as well. i think they go to that
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because it's a different way to express themselves, something new and different. it's also a huge market and people country music is very, very popular and country music isn't. the country music from 50 years ago. it's a little more rock and roll, a little more bluesy and all of that. so i'm surprised but not surprised at all. but it's a good album. i listen to it actually. yeah i haven't listened yet, but i really am looking forward to it. >> it's good. >> all right. >> i trust the rock musician on this. i not a music aficionado, but beyonce always reinvents herself. >> yes, that's true. that's what this is. >> remains the queen bee. yeah, along with kristin uh. that's my name is david. i've been a pharmacist for 44 years. when i have customers come in and ask for something for memory, i recommend prevagen. number one, because it's safe and effective. does not require a prescription. and i've been taking it quite a while myself and i know it works. and i love it when the customers come back in and tell me, "david, that really works so good for me." makes my day.
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swinging back and forth. the wind damaged ten chairs. a staff took him out of service by the time the lift reopened the next day. people who were on the lift and i presume were hanging on for dear life. there were the last skiers making their way to the upper station, the resort said. all the skiers reached their destination safely. thankfully, that's a little scary though. >> all right. that is in stark contrast to look at this calm, gorgeous and warm sunny, 70 and sunny for now. >> spencer christian. >> well, for now, maybe for another day as well. take a look at the weather headlines. we'll have another day tomorrow. much like today. in fact, even warmer than today. i don't think it could get any sunnier, but things start to change around midweek. still dry and mainly sunny on wednesday, but a little
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bit of cooling will begin on wednesday and then sharply cooler weather settles in toward the end of the week and some rain arrives as well. so for tonight, mainly clear skies, overnight lows generally mid to upper 40s. highs tomorrow under sunny skies, low 60s at the coast, low 70s around the bay shoreline, maybe even some mid 70s around the bay and mid to upper 70s inland. it's going to be spectacular. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. i mentioned the minor cooling that will occur on wednesday, but still a lovely day. then a level one storm starts to move in thursday and even into friday. some lingering showers before we get to things. getting back to sort of normal by the weekend. barry and kristen, whatever that means. yeah, whatever that is. >> yeah. all right. thank you. spencer, we have an opportunity next week for a celestial show that won't return for another 20 years. >> yeah. >> next we hear from an eclipse expert to learn exactly what will happen when the moon passes between the sun and the earth. this is abc 724 seven.
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>> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. yeah you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. >> here we are, we are, we are, we are, we are, we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. abc sa streaming app. join us and start watchi if you have heart failure, entrust your heart to entresto, a medicine specifically designed for heart failure. entresto is the #1 heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. heart failure can change the structure of your heart,
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special edition of 2020. then stay with us for abc seven news at 11. we are one week away from a total solar eclipse. we will catch some of it here in the bay area, but texas is expected to get a great view. chief meteorologist travis herzog, from our sister station in houston, talked with the editor of star and telescope magazine, who himself has witnessed 15 total eclipses. to find out exactly what will happen. >> first, there are different types of solar eclipses annular and total for annular eclipses, the moon is a little further from earth, so it doesn't completely cover the sun. that's what we saw in texas last october. monday's eclipse will be a total eclipse when the moon completely blocks the sun from earth's view, the moon's shadow will be 120 miles wide and lasts up to 4.5 minutes long. but your eyes are seeing is that where the sun used to be in the sky?
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>> there's now a black bullet hole surrounded by the corona or the crown, the atmosphere of the sun, which itself is giving off light about as bright as a full moon. pictures don't do it justice. it's really kind of an electric white, feathery uh- amazing structure. and then beyond that, you'll see the brightest stars and planets appear all around. the horizon will be a faint glow of twilight. >> what's the difference between 99% and 100? >> so i don't know what you do in houston for the 4th of july, but we have a big fireworks concert spectacular. >> after explaining houston's spectacular freedom over texas to him beating new houstonians would get this analogy. >> if all you had was one lame little sparkler that you held up. that's a partial eclipse versus going to the big shebang on the on the, you know, the middle of town with the concerts and the fireworks and all that. it is that different. travis, i know you saw it in 2017. as soon as totality is over, right? the first words out of your mouth
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are, when's the next one? >> i'm sure it's going to be amazing to see. nasa says the best time to catch a glimpse of the eclipse in california. remember, it's partial is around 10 a.m. there are spots in the bay area that are holding special viewing events. we have information about them on our website, abc seven right on our home page. and that's it for abc seven news at four. abc seven news at five is coming your way next. you made a cow!
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5:00 pm
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