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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  April 1, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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lim. in just the past hour, a second convoy was led through the repair site. this is a photo of a similar group passing northbound on highway one at the slip out just south of the rocky creek bridge yesterday. >> this is the area we're talking about in monterey county between carmel and big sur, and you can see just how much of the road has just fallen down the cliff. >> now for the latest on the partial road collapse and its impact it's having, let's get to abc seven news reporter zach fuentes, who joins us live from our south bay bureau. zach >> yeah, and those impacts are being felt hardest, of course, by the tourists, many of whom have since now been able to leave. but of course, the locals and the businesses, now the businesses i've spoken with tell me they are focused on helping the people who are trapped but still admit this is happening at what is normally the start of one of their busiest seasons. for stunning images continue to come from monterey county. caltrans calls it a slip out. this portion is on highway one, just south of the rocky creek bridge, the southbound lane that takes people into big sur slid down a cliff saturday afternoon.
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no one was hurt, but at one point, more than 1600 tourists and locals were trapped. but help wasn't far away. >> it was a holiday weekend. we had a lot of day trippers that were stuck and isolated. >> collin to haig and ben perlmutter run big sur river inn no strangers to natural disasters in the area. the business was one of many that worked to help those impacted, opening their restaurant rooms and providing wi-fi in the area that has limited cell service as a community. >> the businesses together were able to take care of everyone that was down here. >> while people were initially stranded, convoys supervised by engineers took visitors through the closure one convoy in the morning and one in the afternoon have gotten residents and essential workers back and forth since then. still, monterey county said the regularity of that isn't guaranteed and forecasts are a little bit uncertain right now, so the weather could have an impact on our ability to convoy people out the road. >> slip out is led to the closure of all state parks in the big sur area until further notice. and this closure is just another hit to the big sur community. work is still being done on slides that have also closed part of highway one
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further south. the closures now on both sides have crushed the hopes of local businesses. >> we felt the inklings of a promising summer season in front of us, and rather than have that promising summer season, what it looks like now is we might have a very quiet summer. typically, summer is our opportunity to make back the losses that we experienced throughout every single winter. >> right now, they are hopeful that engineers can determine that the northbound lane is stable enough to allow one way traffic in with a temporary traffic light. >> if that becomes a reality and becomes a possibility, all of the businesses down here will probably will want to do everything we can to not discourage people from visiting, but to encourage folks to come to big sur to help support our community and all of our all of our people, in this community that depend on the hospitality businesses for their livelihood. >> now, right now, the cause of the slip out is still not determined. but caltrans says they are working on next steps to stabilize the edge of the
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roadway and design a permanent repair. right now, live in the south bay bureau. zach fuentes abc seven news. >> all ■right, a story we will continue to follow. zach. thank you. now to san francisco where starting tomorrow, school district employees will be able to apply for the city's first affordable housing development, built specifically for teachers. abc seven news reporter luz pena spoke to the school district superintendent on what this means for the city. the day has come. >> applications for the first affordable housing building that will prioritize sfusd employees and teachers is set to open on tuesday. >> we're thrilled that this is coming. we've been struggling with staffing and recruiting and retaining, and so it means so much to be able to have our educators have an option in the city. >> san francisco unified school district superintendent doctor matt wayne is hoping affordable housing will help the district retain and attract more educators. >> there's a big need. about half of our employees live outside the city, and we'd love to have as many as possible in
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the city. and we know one of the major barriers is affordable housing. >> the site is still under construction, but once finalized, the 135 unit building will house san francisco unified school district employees and teachers. to qualify, their household income needs to be between 42,000 to 160 k, according to the latest school district data, 15% of teachers in san francisco spend more than 50% of their income on rent. malcolm x academy teacher kareem isom is hoping he will be selected. >> for myself and my family, it just means a lot, because i do have kids, i am a single father, and so just for them to have more space. >> the building is located in the sunset district and will have 24 studios as well as 43 one bedroom apartments, 58 two bedroom apartments, and nine three bedrooms. the site will also have amenities that will allow teachers to collaborate, a space where teachers can go and study or plan. the process has taken almost a decade. in 2015, the board of supervisors and the
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board of education passed a resolution supporting the building of educator housing in san francisco. the city says the project was delayed due to covid 19 and sfusd budget cuts. >> we anticipate there will be a lot of demand. what's really interesting about this project is that it utilized, land that is currently owned by the school district. >> the site is set to open in the fall of this year, and the school district is already planning to expand it starting next month. >> we're going to put out proposals to try to develop two more properties in san francisco luz pena, abc seven news fast food workers in california went from earning at least $16 an hour yesterday to making $20 an hour today. >> it's all because of a new state law for employees of fast food restaurants that are part of a national chain, with at least 60 locations nationwide, and that offer limited or no table service. abc seven news reporter suzanne fawn spoke with those on both sides of this
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issue and is in the newsroom with the story. suzanne. >> so, dan, i can tell you that the franchise owners are saying that this new minimum wage will add thousands of dollars to their monthly expenses, but supporters say this is a step towards fair compensation for low wage workers. more than half a million fast food workers in the golden state will see a big bump in their hourly pay. for many of them, the new $20 an hour minimum wage will be a 25% increase on their paychecks. angelica hernandez, a mcdonald's worker, has been in the fast food industry for the past 19 years. >> pero even though we are the engine of $1 billion industry, too many of us struggle to keep up with rent, our bills and the rising cost of living. >> the law affects fast food chains with at least 60 locations nationwide, labor experts say fast food corporations can afford to pay more. >> the fast food corporations have earned extraordinary profits in recent years. >> largest fast food companies in the world had stock buybacks
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of over $6 billion in 2023. they have the funds to cover these wage increases. >> but some fast food companies say they'll have to make some changes. many fast food chains like jack in the box, mcdonald's, starbucks, they all plan on increasing prices because of the new minimum wage law in california. and some franchise owners say they will feel the squeeze. >> when i started this business seven years ago, it was $10 an hour, and now we're going to 20. >> brian hom is a franchise owner of vitality bowls in san jose. >> we're going to have to increase prices, which will affect our customers trying to cover for the wage increase, you know, and we're going to have to look at cutting hours, possibly, you know, laying off staff. >> labor experts say this wage bump is long overdue. >> this new law in california is both raising the wages for fast food workers, but also creating this fast food council, where workers will have input into over other conditions that affect them. at work. >> customers realize they could pay higher prices for fast food,
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but they say better wages for fast food workers are a must. >> i think it's the least we can do for the people that are providing us so much service. >> they work very hard for their and they all have families as well, right? so i think it's a good thing it's about time. >> smaller franchise owners tell me they're already struggling to make much of a profit. and that they could be forced to close locations or even move out of california. meanwhile, backers of this new $20 an hour minimum wage say they could pave the way for similar changes in other states and other industries. live in the newsroom. suzanne fawn, abc seven news. >> all right. suzanne, thank you. happening tomorrow, the city of oakland is scheduled to meet with the a's to discuss a lease extension at the coliseum. abc seven news has learned the city will offer to extend the team's lease for up to five years. currently, the a's lease at the coliseum expires at the end of the season, but a new stadium in las vegas won't be ready for another three years. the team is also exploring a temporary home in sacramento, or possibly salt lake city. an
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offer sheet obtained by abc seven shows the city is no longer asking the a's to change their name when they leave oakland, or guarantee the city an mlb expansion team in the future. >> in the meantime, oakland mayor xiang tao wants to change the process of selecting a police chief. mayor tao wants to block the volunteer led police commission from participating in any future search. this would leave the decision solely up to the mayor and the city administrator. she claims the process to choose the new chief, floyd mitchell, which we told you about last week, was not effective because of the oversight group's involvement. we reached out to the police commission and the mayor's office for comment, but we have not yet heard back. >> coming up, sfo officials are slamming a proposal to rename the oakland airport. why they say calling it the san francisco bay, oakland international airport is a bad idea. >> plus, crews in baltimore work to open a temporary channel near the collapsed francis scott key bridge. the latest on the effort
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to get the port back up and running
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near lake tahoe. truckee police say ron and naomi patricia crashed as they were coming in for a landing. it all happened saturday night at the truckee airport. the couple was from israel and had homes in hillsborough and incline village . they also invested in a palo alto based business called up west. the ntsb is investigating that crash. the couple leaves behind three adult sons. >> in maryland, a temporary channel is now open as the effort continues to clear. the collapsed francis scott key bridge and reopen the very important port of baltimore. president biden is scheduled to visit the site on friday. here's abc news reporter perry russom today, the first sign of the port of baltimore slowly reopening a small ship passing
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through a new temporary channel. >> first meant for boats working on the cleanup, later for commercially essential ships. >> we have to move fast, but we cannot be careless. >> it's still not clear when this complex, delicate cleanup will be finished. >> we're going to do everything that we can to get the port open as soon as possible. obviously, to build that bridge as as soon as possible. the timeline, it's going to be complicated. >> over the weekend. blowtorches slicing through steel workers, removing a piece of the bridge weighing 200 tons. yeah, yeah, the coast guard dropping channel markers in the water, marking the path of that temporary channel that will ease the backup of ships stuck in port, adding to the cleanup complexity , a natural gas pipeline runs underneath the crash site. pressure in the pipeline has been reduced as crews work above. >> it's not just that you have to remove the wreckage, it's that you have to do it in a way that doesn't cause portions of the bridge that are that are there across the water to shift. they've been under a lot of
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compression and tension. they could behave almost like a spring if they are not expertly managed. >> both cargo and passenger ships are being rerouted to other ports, including this carnival cruise ship. >> carnival was simply looking for a safe port of harbor scheduled to dock in baltimore. >> the ship was diverted to norfolk, virginia. passengers put on busses for a four hour ride north. >> thanks for the good folks at norfolk for getting us home. >> president biden will be in baltimore on friday to visit the site. the white house still says the federal government will pay to rebuild the bridge. still not clear what that funding will look like. perry russom, abc news, washington. >> coming up, it may come as no surprise, but the pilot who taught people how to do this walk on the wing of his plane while doing
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in an effort to cut overstaffing due to delays in boeing's
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aircraft delivery. the move follows united's announcement about a pilot hiring freeze in may and june. the voluntary leave option is only for may, at least for the time being. pilots are expecting to receive similar offers later this year. >> new details san francisco international airport worries metropolitan oakland international airport's proposed name change could confuse travelers. the east bay airport may drop the word metropolitan from its formal name and change it to san francisco bay oakland international airport. oakland airport officials say the name change would sustain passenger traffic and reaffirm the airport's proximity to san francisco. however, sfo officials think the new name could cause some confusion. they say oakland airport should consider a different name. >> our concern, especially for international travelers, is that somebody may book a flight thinking that they're going to one location, and only when they land do they realize they're going to a completely different airport.
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>> the port of oakland's commissioners will vote on the name change proposal april 11th. the airport code and visual brand, those would stay the same. >> a pilot known for doing wing walking flights just had his pilot's license revoked by the faa. michael mason offering offered classes and flights in washington and california for years now. for about 1300 bucks, people could climb out of the cockpit onto the wings as mason did acrobatic maneuvers while he take off from a strip of grass in his backyard, and participants did not wear parachutes. they were only attached by a small cable. the faa calls his actions reckless i'd pay him 1300 bucks not to go. >> you no kidding? i get nervous watching. >> it. almost looks like a green screen. >> real scary. >> all right, let's talk about the weather. just feels like spring now. >> yeah, i don't know, lisa. >> it's like a mother nature played an april fools joke. it's so warm out there. >> she's not done with us yet. she isn't. in fact, when you see
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the forecast for the end of the workweek, that's the joke. we are certainly above average today, as much as ten to even 14 degrees above average. and that trend continues tomorrow. but boy, we've got some of the coldest air we have seen in a while. i know you don't want to hear that by the end of the week. live doppler seven and high pressure in control. just a gorgeous day out there. i hope you got a chance to enjoy it. check it out. our sutro tower camera. just beautiful temperatures cooler in the city due to that sea breeze. 60 three half moon bay. it is 64, in san francisco, 66 in oakland, 72 in san jose. average high 6765. right now in santa cruz. and looking at temperatures still in the 70s for santa rosa, concord, livermore earlier we had 77, in san rafael at about 2:00. so the high temperatures come in at 5 p.m. and we'll see how warm we were in just a few moments. 71 in napa and the sea breeze, it is right along the coast. not too bad, but this will play a key role in tomorrow's forecast. with the low clouds, the fog and
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the cooler conditions at the shoreline. sunny, mild to warm again tomorrow. get out and enjoy it by wednesday we're dry, but it is going to be cooler. in fact, in some places much cooler. and by the end of the week we're looking at rain and it's going to be a cold rain. in fact, mount diablo mount hamilton could see a little bit of rain snow mix. here's a look at that sea breeze tomorrow that keeps the coast comfortable. but it will be warm again away from the shoreline. a look at the low clouds and fog reaching the north bay, the delta into your tuesday. that's also going to play a role in bringing down the temperatures a bit along the coast. but look what happens on wednesday. low clouds, high clouds. and then as we get into overnight wednesday and thursday, here comes the rain showers. you can see 11:00 thursday morning. this will be a level one system. not a whole lot of moisture associated with that because it is so cold. here we are for tomorrow. 75 in concord, 68 in oakland. look what happens on thursday. the colors change. the temperatures drop in some places. ten
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degrees. and we'll see those upper 50s. and in fact struggling to make it out of the 50s on thursday. so certainly chilly. that's when the rain arrives. giants opener on friday. i think we can get a dry day, but boy it is going to be cool out there. highs tomorrow ranging from the 60s in san francisco, 74 in fremont, a gorgeous tuesday. enjoy it. the accuweather seven day forecast. so sunny and warm again tomorrow. we should be just holding it there, right? but then by wednesday, partly cloudy cooling. in fact, it'll be quite dramatic along the shoreline. and then by thursday, level one system. morning showers on friday, sunny and cool on saturday. and then we're below average and chilly into the weekend. so you know that's the way it's going to go. >> there you go. you know i'm telling you, i just i wish we could just keep it this way, but it's staying, you know winter like. >> yeah. all right. thanks very much lisa. >> well, a little rain was not enough to stop what's become an opportunity to educate at the
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white house. first lady jill biden hosted the annual easter egg roll today. educational events were scattered across the south lawn, which was set up to look like an outdoor school. thunder and lightning did delay the start, but the event eventually rolled ahead with a crowd that included many kids wearing. as you can see, colorful ponchos and rain gear. >> so sweet. all right, this will put a few eggs in your basket. >> still ahead. it's not a $1 billion jackpot, and the drawing is in just a few hours. but what are your chances, really, of winning if you play tonight's powerball? well, we'll have that answer coming up next. >> this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. yeah >> you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. >> here we are, we are, we are, we are, we are, we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area
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billion dollars. yeah, that is eye watering, isn't it? but the
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odds of winning the jackpot are 1 in 290 2.2 million. that is according to powerball. so we've got a chance. just a little. >> rob hayes from our sister station in los angeles talked with people crunching the numbers ■to try and improve ther chances. >> it's a jackpot. so big. even the powerball signs can't handle it. coming up, one digit short of the $1 billion payout. that's a lot of money. yes it is. if you win. and that seems to be the tricky part in these drawings. the odds of picking all six numbers, 1 in 290 2.2 million or as mathematicians call it, lousy. >> all i know is, is there's a lot of money and i want to buy a house, and i want to buy a mercedes benz. so that's why i'm here. >> when the jackpot hits the billion dollar mark, it tends to bring even more people in. this is the fifth largest prize in powerball history. and that has many people altering their strategies. actually putting some work into their numbers. >> before, it used to be a lot of quick picks, but now everybody's like, i have
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birthdays or i have lucky numbers. >> sarah, with no age knows firsthand she's the one selling all the powerball tickets at alameda liquors, and she's watched as the jackpot creeps up. so does the amount of cash people drop on tickets. >> that first it was two, four, $6, right. and but now it's like 100, 200 to 60. last week someone dropped almost 300. it's the first. >> so i had to pay rent. so this is all i have left. so god, please let me win. >> god wants you to be. >> god wants me to be rich. >> marty townsend, though, is more practical with her $2 powerball investment, a product of either wisdom or confidence. >> this is my day to win. you know, everyone says that that's right. but i'm telling the truth . >> rob hayes, abc seven news. >> we still have much more news ahead at 530, including taking a deep dive into what may really be behind the proposal to change the name of oakland's airport. more on sfo's strong reaction
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against it from abc seven news insider phil matier. also, we'll take a look at how bay area researchers are trying to save a species of endangered starfish and how that actually may be a signal of a larger global warming crisis for all of us. well, join us for those stories and much more on abc seven news. bay area streaming tv at 530. >> and if you're watching us here on tv world news tonight with david muir is next for lisa argen, all ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪
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