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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  April 2, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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three. cha cha cha. other questions. >> building a better bay area. the new affordable housing project. just for teachers in san francisco. how people can start to apply today. positas
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and the future of the a's playing in oakland over the next few years is on the line today. the terms the city wants met for the team to temporarily stay in the coliseum. >> good morning everyone. it's tuesday, april 2nd. >> yes, we're going to start the check of our forecast with drew. >> yes. we have another gorgeous day on the way this morning though we have a little bit of fog to deal with. you can't see it from the exploratorium camera right now. here's a live look outside looking gorgeous here, but we'll flip it over to visibility mode on live doppler seven. just parts of the north bay this morning. dealing with a little bit of fog out there. santa rosa, petaluma. we're watching this area very closely. you can see that visibility down to about a quarter of a mile. so certainly some thick fog on 101 in this region. just be aware of that elsewhere. we're doing just fine temperatures this morning a few degrees warmer than yesterday. we're basically in the upper 40s to the lower 50s. a little bit of cloud cover out there this morning gives way to
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sunshine pretty quickly later on today. and just like yesterday, will feel mild away from the coast into the 70s, we go once again a little bit cooler along the coast with an onshore flow kicking in today. so 60 and half moon bay hits 75 in concord. look at this san jose 78 degrees, sunny skies, 74 in santa rosa, ukiah hitting a high of 80 degrees. that's a look at the forecast today. let's say we're doing on the road this morning gloria. good morning. >> good morning drew. good morning everyone. yeah so far looking quiet out there on the roads this morning again i think with the spring break holiday a lot of people are off this week because not as much activity as we normally see. you can see right here a live look at our san jose camera. and right now from highway 85 to highway 101, it'll just take you eight minutes and you can see our walnut creek camera. no congestion right now on 680, so you will get through there very quickly as well. and looking at our drive times for this morning, you can see everything in the green from albany to the maze. four minutes fremont to san jose, 14 minutes and 101 at
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cupertino, ten minutes. so no issues on the road this morning, guys. >> thank you. gloria a terrifying trip to the grocery store in napa county. three people are in the hospital this morning after an apparent gun battle in a safeway gas station parking lot in american canyon. so the store and the gas station next to it is on american canyon road. it's just off of highway 29. two cars are now riddled with bullet holes. police say there were at least two shooters, witnesses or at least one witness in the nearby safeway store says he heard about. she heard about 16 to 20 shots, and she says it was a hard experience to go through. >> but i do know it was not like a boom boom. it was like a bada bada for about five to 10s was a little shook up. i'm just now starting to relax and calm down. but it's just awful
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>> the three shooting victims were rushed to the hospital. their condition is unknown. two others were detained and are being questioned. >> part of building a better bay area is finding solutions to our region's housing crisis. today, one of those solutions takes a big step forward. applications open for a new affordable housing complex made specifically for teachers to qualify teachers household income must be between 42,000 and $160,000 a year. the 135 unit building is currently under construction in san francisco's sunset district. it's a project that's been a decade in the making. the city blamed delays on the pandemic and school district budget cuts. sfusd hopes this housing will help the district retain more teachers. >> we've been struggling with staffing and recruiting and retaining, and so it means so much to be able to have our educators have an option in the city where they can be close to our schools and focus on what's happening at school, rather than
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worrying about affordable housing. >> the apartments are set to open in the fall. san francisco unified wants to develop two more properties for educator housing. >> happening today, a major meeting to try and keep the a's in oakland a bit longer. the city is set to meet with the team to talk about extending the team's lease at the coliseum. abc seven news reporter lena howland here. with what we know about this potential deal. >> lena kumasi, good morning to you. the a's new ballpark in las vegas won't be ready for at least another three years. so they're looking for a place to play until it's ready. their current lease at the oakland coliseum expires at the end of this season. the team has been exploring a temporary home in sacramento or salt lake city, but oakland is trying to get them to stay. abc seven news is learning the city will offer to extend the team's lease for up to five years. it would cost them an average of 19.4 million per year, with an opt out in year three. the team would also need to sell half of the coliseum property and offer she
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obtained by abc. seven shows the city is now no longer asking the a's to change their name when they leave oakland, or guarantee the city get an mlb expansion team in the future. in a statement to our sister network, espn, oakland mayor shang tao said the terms we have proposed for a lease extension at the coliseum are clear, reasonable and achievable. having major league baseball in oakland is what is best for the owners. the league, the players and most importantly, the fans. today's meeting between oakland a's officials and the city is only the third formal meeting between the two sides, since the a's got the green light from major league owners to move the franchise to las vegas. live in studio lena howland, abc seven news. >> thank you lena. the end of an era this morning in las vegas to make way for that new ace stadium, the famed tropicana resort closed its gaming floor overnight, and the hotel will close later this morning when the last guests check out performers gathered over the
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weekend for a final farewell. the tropicana has been on the strip since the 1950s. bally's corporation, which owns the resort, says demolition is expected to start in october. the new ballpark is set to open in 2028. >> new developments in former president trump's civil fraud trial. he posted a $175 million bond, successfully avoiding. >> good morning, amanda los angeles based night specialty insurance company served as the underwriter for trump's bond billionaire don hankey owns a company and told abc news it is more of a business decision, but i happen to be a supporter also. now a judge had found that trump and his adult sons deceived lenders and insurance companies by inflating their net worth on social media. trump spoke against that judge, claiming the case is election interference without any evidence. trump had originally been ordered to post $464 million, but last week the amount was reduced. while he
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appealed the ruling. if the appeal fails, trump will have to secure the original amount or authorities could start seizing his new york properties. new york attorney general letitia james previously told abc news she is prepared to do so. >> we will seek a, you know, judgment enforcement mechanisms in court and we will ask the judge to seize his assets. >> trump's bond pauses any actions against his properties until at least september, when the state appeals court is scheduled to hear arguments. also yesterday, in a separate ruling, the judge in trump's criminal hush money case expanded a gag order to include his family members. it came after trump publicly publicly criticized criticized the judge's daughter, kumasi. >> thank you, gloria. today marks exactly four weeks since california voters went to the polls. we're still waiting for the final results on a key race. the candidate who will challenge former san jose mayor sam liccardo for the 16th
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congressional district seat. it's still too close to call now. the latest numbers show santa clara county supervisor joe simitian, leading assemblyman evan low by just five votes. now, it's important to note here there are hundreds of ballots that have been challenged because most of the time, a signature is because a signature doesn't match what is on file. voters have until the end of the workday today to resolve challenge ballots, and the election will be certified a week from friday, 509 this morning. >> sutro tower showing you we have great visibility from this view, but along the coast we are seeing some patchy cloud cover and a little bit of fog in parts of the north bay around petaluma and santa rosa right now for the morning commute. no issues. we're dry again today. it's a mix of sun and clouds early on, giving way to full sunshine later on in the day. we're starting out with temperatures in the 40s and 50s right now, but just like yesterday will feel very nice later on this afternoon. back into the 60s and
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70s, we go feeling a bit warmer than yesterday. here's the reason why live doppler seven, along with satellite. it is really quiet across california. you can clearly see that clockwise flow high pressure is very much in control right now, supplying us with that sunshine throughout the day today. here's your day planner. early on we have those coastal clouds. your sunrise this morning at 653. we'll get rid of the cloud cover. it's nothing but sunshine. we'll see widespread 70s away from the coast, but along the coast we'll have an onshore flow kicking in this afternoon, so it's a bit breezy today with temperatures in the upper 50s to the lower 60s. coast side. now, looking at the three day forecast cooler tomorrow. clouds roll back in and then on thursday it is significantly cooler with rain coming back into the forecast. amanda will go hour by hour in future weather. show you that storm system coming up in about seven minutes. >> all right. thank you so much, joe. now though, the best of the best today, some of the bay area's youngest basketball stars will be playing in the most prestigious high school hoops game in the country.
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>> and a celebration of the best of san francisco's food, the return of restaurant week and the boost for some of the city's most beloved restaurants. >> pilot's license revoked the unorthodox service one man offered to some of his most daring customers
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of san francisco's busiest biking neighborhoods is celebrating a victory when it comes to safety. new data from the presidio trust shows changes made along arguello avenue in the presidio are working. 85% of cars are driving slower than before between arguello, gates and washington boulevard. residents asked for improvements after champion cyclist ethan boyce was hit and killed in that area a year ago. this week changes include new speed cushions and rumble strips, as well as a bigger buffer between cycles and cars. san francisco restaurant week returns this friday. restaurants across the city will be serving up gourmet meals at set prices. foodies have ten days to dine on the
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city's finest at a discount. it goes through april 14th. >> san francisco mayor london breed is going to china in two weeks. she'll travel to the country to promote tourism, according to our media partners at the sf standard, breed wants to strengthen relations with shanghai and hopes to return with good news about pandas potentially coming to the san francisco zoo. chinese tourists spent more than $1 billion a year here pre-pandemic. this will be mayor breed's second trip to china. >> oakland mayor shang tao wants to change the process of selecting a police chief. tao wants to block the volunteer led police commission from participating in any future search. this would leave the decision solely to the mayor and the city administrator. she claims the process to choose the new chief, floyd mitchell, was not effective because of the oversight groups involvement. we reached out to the police commission and the mayor's office for comment, but have not heard back. >> and a live look this morning out at oakland airport. right
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now, there's a battle brewing over what to rename the airport. officials want to add san francisco bay to the airport's name. the plan announced last week is getting a lot of pushback, though abc7 news reporter tim johns looks at why sfo says this name change won't fly by. >> one of the bay area's major airports could soon be getting a rebrand. last week, officials with the port of oakland unveiling a plan to rename the city's airport to become san francisco bay oakland international airport. >> studies have shown that over half of international travelers and nearly a third of domestic travelers do not know where oakland lies in the san francisco bay area. >> oakland officials say they believe the potential name change would help would be travelers clearly identify the airport with the bay area, but the proposal has gotten swift pushback from many on the other side of the bay in san francisco and at sfo airport. >> our concern, especially for international travelers, is that somebody may book a flight thinking that they're going to one location, and only when they
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land do they realize they're going to a completely different airport. >> sfo says while they understand oakland's desire to attract more travelers through its airport piggybacks on its name is not the way to do it. concerns also raised by travel industry analyst henry harteveldt. i'm not surprised because i think it does risk creating confusion in the marketplace, harteveldt says. for years, more and more airlines have been cutting flights in and out of oakland. >> if they incorporate san francisco into the name they believe it will help attract more customers and aid. oakland believes that will help attract more airlines. >> while the name change isn't yet official, there's also questions over whether travelers would fly into the east bay city, even if they knew where it was. here at sfo, we talked to several international travelers who tell us they'd be skeptical to fly into oakland airport. that includes mohammed jalal, who was visiting from libya. mohammed tells us if he ever comes back, he'd still choose to
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fly into sfo, saying with more options and easier access to the city, it remains his preferred choice. >> the best option when i booked the ticket, they tell me you can use sfo in san francisco airport. >> the port of oakland commissioners are set to consider the name change at their meeting on april 11th at sfo airport. tim johns abc seven news. >> united airlines is offering voluntary, unpaid leave to its pilots next month, all in an effort to cut overstaffing due to delays in boeing's aircraft delivery. the move follows united's announcement about a pilot hiring freeze in may and june. the voluntary leave option is only for may at least for now. pilots are expecting to receive similar offers later this year. >> a pilot known for doing wing walking flights just had his pilot's license revoked by the faa. take a look at that. michael mason offered classes and flights in california and washington state for many years. oh my goodness. for about
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$1,300, people could climb out of the cockpit, as you see here, onto the wings, as mason did acrobatic maneuvers. he'd take off from a strip of grass in his backyard, and participants did not wear parachutes. they were only attached by a small cable. the faa called his actions rec less. i feel like you can call this a few things reckless will stick with that. >> so many things dangerous. this man's backyard. we're gonna take off from here. >> no parachute. just tether yourself, i'm not going to be giving somebody money to risk my life, right? >> right. although, i will say i have jumped out of a plane, but i had a parachute on, and it was while he does acrobatic maneuvers. >> so he's not just. >> he's nice for somebody. >> oh my goodness. but the footage is incredible though. just to see that like that is some incredible footage. >> some things you just don't need to film. >> no you don't. yeah. you're exactly right. >> now you're in trouble. >> exactly right. yeah let's go
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outside this morning, a look at this sutro tower capturing the fog that's rolling in this morning across the western half of the city. right now, we have some thick fog in the north bay as well. so a little bit of a marine layer this morning gives way to sunshine pretty quickly over the next couple of hours. believe it or not, it's a warmer afternoon today compared to yesterday. then things are going to change. showers are back here on thursday, with some of those lingering into friday. the weekend outlook. we're dry. we're partly cloudy, but it will be a chilly weekend. temperatures in the upper 50s to the lower 60s, so certainly not feeling like april futuretrack wind gusts showing you we will have some onshore winds developing later on this afternoon between 10 and 20mph. that will keep the coast side on the cooler side, but we'll still attain 60s and 70s in our warmest spots. so today, 75 in concord, 78 in san jose go to 72 in napa, 70 in oakland, 65 in the city. a little bit of cloud cover this morning in half moon bay and afternoon high of 60 degrees overnight tonight, our
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marine layer grows even more. so we turn mostly cloudy and numbers in the 30s and in the 40s. future weather showing you tomorrow. it's a mix of sun and clouds. we are dry. however, that changes on thursday. we'll begin to see some showers arrive here in the late morning and in the early afternoon, and there will be some cold air associated with this storm, so areas like mount hamilton will likely see some snow showers while the rest of us see light to moderate rain. here's the accuweather seven day forecast next seven days for you. sunny and warmer today. cloudier and cooler tomorrow. those showers are here thursday. they linger into friday before exiting friday evening. the weekend looking nice but below average for monday, which is the eclipse. we'll have sunshine. we'll see about a third of the eclipse happen with temperatures warming into the 60s and 70s. gloria. >> very cool. thank you. drew. well, if you are taking mass transit today, good news, you don't have any delays. everything is running on time right now. you can see bart, caltrain and ace all on time right now. and if we're taking a
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live look right now, you can see our oakland camera here. it's a smooth ride on the nimitz and traffic is passing by the coliseum with ease. no issues there. also in san rafael, you can see our 101 camera northbound and southbound moving at the limit. no issues here. you will get through here nicely. traffic is moving smoothly, guys. thank you. gloria. >> coming up, the seven things to know this morning and brock purdy is cashing in big time. >> the nfl program providing the 40
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ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. to know this morning. number one, the oakland a's may be staying in oakland a bit longer. abc seven news has learned the city will present an offer today to extend the team's lease at the coliseum for up to five years. the a's still are planning to move to vegas, but the new ballpark there won't be ready for at least three years. >> number two, thousands of santa clara county nurses are expected to walk off the job today, the union is starting a three day strike over issues of pay, workplace conditions and staffing. >> number three, donald trump has secured a $175 million bond in his new new york civil fraud case. in his criminal hush money
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case, the judge has expanded a gag order declaring his family off limits from trump's social media attacks. >> number four free rides on the north bay smart train fares are being waived for people over 65 and under 18 through june 30th. it's an effort to get more people in those age groups to ride the train. >> and number five another day of sunshine. warm temperatures this morning, though, we are dealing with a little bit of cloud cover along the coast. some patchy, dense fog in parts of the north bay, but sunshine prevails this afternoon. those temperatures above average again in the 60s and 70s. >> and number six, here's a look at your drive times for this morning from tracy to castro valley, 57 minutes. highway 85 to the san jose airport, 11 minutes. and highway one in san francisco, just nine minutes. >> number seven no winners in last night's powerball drawing. >> so that means the jackpot grows to at least 1.09 billion for tomorrow's drawing. a big pay bump for forty-niners rising
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star quarterback brock purdy. purdy got a performance based bonus from the nfl for taking the niners to the super bowl and making the pro bowl. mr. irrelevant. they said he made $985,000 last season and got more than 739,000 in bonus pay, so that works out to be about 75% of his salary. purdy is not eligible for a big salary increase until after next season . >> happening today, some of the best high school athletes will take center stage for the annual mcdonald's all american game. it airs on our sister network espn, abc, seven news. south bay reporter dustin dorsey introduces us to the bay area athletes involved. >> for more than 40 years. the mcdonald's all-american game showcases some of the best high school ballers in the country. from michael jordan, candace parker, kobe bryant and maya moore. this year for bay area athletes were selected to play in the prestigious game. morgan kelly from archbishop mitty high school in san jose and zoom
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diallo, aidan carroll and darian reid from prolific prep of napa christian. >> the experience has been great, just the opportunity to get better and playing around competition that's as good as you and some even better here. >> these young players get to showcase what will make them stars at the collegiate level and beyond. the scrimmages, practices and game are all under the brightest of lights. >> i love competing, especially against the top guys. it's been great, like we've been going at it and i'm looking forward like winning that game for sure. >> but even more than just winning every year, these athletes also get the opportunity to give back. this week, the teams visited the ronald mcdonald house to meet children and families of the houston area. it's one of the special opportunities getting invited to the game offers, but it's not easy to get here. >> you don't get to get these opportunities without the work. so i would tell, you know, young athletes, you know, continue to stay in the gym, continue to grind because, you know, the work is just only going to show itself.
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>> work no doubt. mittie's morgan kelly put in to get here. playing in this game is special, but it's only been possible for girls since 2002. with more eyes than ever on women's basketball, thanks to stars like caitlin clark and juju watkins, kelly looks forward to being part of the rise of the growing women's game. >> i think we're definitely getting more opportunities now, and it's really nice to see like more coverage on women's sports. and i mean, it's growing so much right now exponentially. and so, it's super exciting. and i love that we're like, women's sports is getting the credit that it's deserved. >> it all goes down on april 2nd when kelly and the girls tip off at 330 on espn two, followed by the prolific prep stars and the boys at 6 p.m. on espn. dustin dorsey, abc seven news. >> tourists stuck in big sur are getting help by businesses there, while the road out of town is under repair. coming up at 530, the fear those same businesses have for the weeks and months to come. >> a disturbing development in the application of artificial intelligence. >> the investigation in southern california into school children using
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now abc seven mornings live. >> the strictest abortion ban in the country could soon be law in florida. now, at 530, the decision clearing the way for a six week ban and how voters in the state could have the last say this november. nurses in the south bay on the picket line this morning, kicking off a three day strike, the impact it could have on patients and the demands the nurses are making through their union. caught on camera, a dramatic rescue along a north bay cliffside. what we're now learning about the intense mission to save a man desperately clinging on to the side of the cliff. >> good morning everybody. it is tuesday, april 2nd. >> let's begin with a check of the weather with meteorologist drew tuma. >> drew. hey, good morning. yesterday was gorgeous. we'll do it again today. the only difference right now is that we are dealing with a little bit of cloud cover along the coast and
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some patchy, dense fog in the north bay. live look from our abc seven oakland airport camera. we're looking clear here, but we'll flip it on over to visibility mode. and in the north bay, this is where we're having the thick fog developing between santa rosa and petaluma right now. reduced visibility down to a quarter of a mile. just be aware of that. it's likely tough to see on parts of 101. this morning in sonoma county. temperatures right now we're starting out in the mid 40s to the low 50s. the jacket needed. but then again this afternoon you can get rid of it because it is nice and warm. we'll take a live look which was sutro tower a second ago. we'll have coastal clouds early on, giving way to total sunshine throughout the afternoon. it's warm today in the 60s and 70s but not used to it. we have cooler weather coming back and some showers too in the forecast. we'll show you that coming up in a few minutes. let's check in with gloria and see how the commute is going. >> good morning drew. good morning everyone. it is starting to get a little bit busier out there this morning. you can see our bay bridge camera here. traffic is a little bit sluggish right now from the toll plaza to
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san francisco. it'll take you about eight minutes. however, it's still not too bad out there and there is a little bit of a stall before treasure island that is blocking a lane, so keep that in mind. you may have some minor delays there because of that. and looking live at our golden gate camera right now, it is clear getting into the city from the north bay. so it's a pretty easy ride right now on the golden gate. and looking at your drive times for this morning from tracy to dublin, it's about 48 minutes right now. dublin to mission boulevard south 15 minutes and 101 to cupertino 16 minutes. right now. >> thank you gloria. happening today in the south bay. thousands of santa clara county nurses are walking off the job. it is day one of a three day strike over wages and working conditions. abc seven news reporter lena howland live. now with how patients could be impacted, lena kumasi we're told the strike may impact primary care and clinics, resulting in postponed. >> but the county will still spend $20 million to keep essential services running with temporary staff. during the strike, nurses from the registered nurses professional
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association are holding a three day strike starting today over issues of pay, workplace conditions and staffing. it's the first strike in the union's history. tentative agreements have been made on key terms, including workplace safety. but a sticking point is money. the problem is the county faces a $250 million structural deficit. vice president, maybelline cue says they're asking for the bare minimum. >> we're asking to be able to live in the community that we serve. we're asking to be able to have safe staffing for our nurses and our patients, and for asking for the county to not do things that undermine patient safety. >> the union is asking for a 15% wage increase through october of 2025. it rejected the latest county proposal of a 13% increase. county executive james williams says, quote, we are taking all necessary steps to safeguard patients, employees and visitors from the impacts of any possible strike activity.
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the strike. the strike starts at 459 this morning and is expected to run through thursday. live in studio lena howland, abc seven news. thank you so much, lena. >> in the east bay, anti-abortion activists could soon face new restrictions. the walnut creek city council is holding a public hearing tonight on the use of sound amplified ears during protests. community members have voiced concerns about the level of noise. they say anti-abortion protests use bullhorns and megaphones to harass people trying to go into planned parenthood. the city council will discuss restricting those items within 100ft of the property line. the community says the noise is disruptive to patients and the services provided in the facility. the first over-the-counter birth control pills are now available at some stores. cvs says opal is available on its website and will be coming to store shelves later this month. you don't need a prescription for a pill, and there are no age restrictions. it costs $20 a month. there are
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discounts if you buy multiple month's doses at once. opal is the first oral contraceptive approved by the fda for over-the-counter use. >> the florida supreme court has cleared the way for the state's new six week abortion ban to go. in effect, it will be one of the strictest abortion laws in the country, but it may face a big challenge come november, gloria. the court also signaled voters will have the final say in this. >> good morning, kumasi. the court ruled yesterday that the florida constitution does not protect abortion rights. now, that allows a trigger law banning abortions at six weeks to take effect in 30 days. banning the procedure before most women know they are pregnant. there are exceptions for race. excuse me? rape, incest and the life of the mother. now, governor ron desantis approved the ban last year. florida is a key point of access for abortion services in the region. when the ban takes effect, nearly all abortions will cease in the southeastern united states. the biden campaign is responding in.
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>> we're now going to have a ballot initiative where people are going to be able to fight back against this sort of extremism that continues to play out because of what he did in appointing the justices who overturned roe v wade. >> the fight over this law is not over yet. voters will have the opportunity in november to enshrine abortion into florida's state constitution. 60% of people need to approve that ballot measure to other red states that have put abortion on the ballot have voted to support abortion rights, and that includes kansas, kentucky and ohio. amanda. >> all right. thank you so much, gloria. we're learning more this morning about this dramatic rescue in the north bay. we told you about this yesterday. a man fell down a cliff over the weekend near the battery alexander trail in the marin headlands. he was minutes away from falling into the ocean. the southern marin fire department got a call sunday night about the man they requested a helicopter from the sonoma county sheriff's department. rescue crews used night vision equipment to find him and then
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lifted him to safety. >> the rescuer afterwards speaking with him, said that that was one of the most precarious rescues because of how how the victim was grabbing on and how quickly they were to let him go. >> the man was taken to the hospital with minor injuries and is said to be okay near big sur. >> caltrans is warning rain later this week could impact their ability to repair a portion of highway one that slipped away over the weekend. this slip has forced the closure of an iconic stretch of the highway until further notice. it's basically cut off the big sur area to tourists, which is a huge concern for local businesses, crushing their hopes for a busy summer travel season. if that becomes a reality and becomes a possibility, all of the businesses down here will probably will want to do everything we can to not discourage people from visiting, but to encourage folks to come to big sur. the cause of that slip is still being determined. caltrans says crews are working on steps to stabilize the edge
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of the roadway and design a permanent repair plan. artificial intelligence getting more advanced every day. up next, the goal one major ai company is now working towards and get your powerball tickets asap. >> the jackpot now sitting at the fourth largest in powerball history, but first, let's get a check on the weather with meteorologist drew tuma. hey, good morning. >> if you're traveling today across many of our hubs, we are tracking rain in the midwest and the northeast. new york and chicago getting in on that wet weather. it's also chilly there with temperatures only in the upper 40s elsewhere. la looking beautiful. sunshine, low 70s. denver. honolulu. no issues there with really quiet weather across california, it's going to be a quiet, sunny, mild day. high pressure in control. you can see that clockwise flow around that high supplying us with those really warm temperatures like yesterday will do it again today . so enjoy the afternoon this morning. we do have some coastal cloud cover out there. some
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areas of dense fog in the north bay. it's a mix of sun and clouds early on. once that sun gets up here shortly before 7 a.m, but temperatures warm really nicely already into the 60s before lunchtime as we go. hour by hour in future weather, that cloud cover breaks down, pulls back to the coastline. as we head throughout the afternoon, we'll see a bit of an onshore flow developing, so the coast, the immediate coastline stays in the upper 50s to the lower 60s, but away from the coast it is warm sunshine back into the 70s. we go, so enjoy these above average temperatures. one more day 70 in oakland, 74 in santa rosa, 65 in the city, 78 in san jose, 72. looking lovely in san mateo now. tomorrow cooler weather arrives along with some cloud cover, but by thursday it is chilly. stuck in the 50s and rain is back in the forecast. we'll take a closer look at
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the emerging pros and cons of artificial intelligence this morning. another example of what is one of the most damaging effects. another high school in southern california is investigating the creation and sharing of nude photos of students generated by ai reporter david gonzalez with our sister station in los angeles is looking into it. >> high school is hard enough, you know, and to have to deal with something like this is just like it's like soul crushing. >> laguna beach high school has launched an investigation into the creation of inappropriate or nude photos of several students using artificial intelligence. the ai generated photos may have been shared among students through text messages. >> there's so much ai and it's very prevalent out there, and kids are very smart. they're very tech savvy, much more than we are. and but their decision making capabilities are not the
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best. >> to me, it's not shocking because i think the teens are super tech savvy. so this is just one other arm of that. >> right now, the school has not identified who may be behind the alleged generated photos or the number of possible victims. last month, beverly hills unified school district expelled five eighth graders for their involvement in using ai to generate nude photos of classmates and sharing them with others. >> it's like evolving so fast, but yeah, i think my reaction is obviously concerned just because, you know, you see things like this happen to big stars like taylor swift. so if taylor swift can even be protected from things like this, then what about our kids? in a statement, laguna beach unified school district says we are required by law to keep student discipline matters confidential to protect the privacy and well-being of our students in any situation that arises, the safety and security of our students is always our top priority. >> i support the discipline, children need to have consequences. and even though it's a tough lesson to learn, i is, only going to be
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prevalent. >> i would leave it to the school district. yeah. i don't have that expertise. >> yeah, i would want them to be held accountable because you don't want it to happen again to anybody else at the school, including your own children. >> david gonzalez, abc seven news san francisco based openai has unveiled a new artificial intelligence that can mimic human voices. >> it's called voice engine. the technology only needs a 15 second voice sample to replicate a convincing human voice. it can also use that voice sample to speak other languages. the company says. this might be useful for translations or helpful for people who've lost the ability to speak. openai says it generating its generating voice has a serious risk, which is top of mind. during this election year. >> in today's gma first look, as a tax filing deadline approaches, many people are turning to artificial intelligence to complete their tax return. here's abc news reporter rebecca jarvis in this
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morning's gma first look tax season is here. >> and this year, h&r block and turbotax are rolling out new ai chat bots to assist users preparing their own returns with their new ai tax assist is so awesome. >> it answers my questions if i ever need help. >> the washington post tech reporter geoffrey fowler tried them out and devised a set of 16 hypothetical tax questions to ask the q&a function of the program, like this one, where should your child file taxes? >> if she goes to college out of state, then he says he enlisted the help of tax professionals from epi wealth advisors to check the results. turbotax is. i responded with advice about tax credits and extensions, and h&r block's i implied she had to file taxes in both states, and coming up at 7 a.m, experts weigh in on how the i did with your gma first look. >> i'm rebecca jarvis, abc news, new york. >> if you've been dragging your feet on purchasing a powerball
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ticket, you are once again in luck. there were no jackpot winners in last night's drawing. that jackpot now grows to 1.09 billion. here are the numbers in case you have a lower prize. it's been three months since anyone won the powerball jackpot with no winner tonight or with no winner last night. i should say wednesday's drawing will be one of the biggest of any lottery ever. wow >> i did buy my ticket yesterday. i was at the grocery store and i saw the machine there at safeway, and i said i had to get it because, you see, the big number there called you out. yeah, got to play. >> and i forgot to play. >> me too. >> still got time, i know. right? >> wednesday, gloria will share with us. >> yeah she will, i will share a little bit a little bit this morning. >> let's take you to san jose. it is clear from this vantage point, but we do have cloud cover along the coast and a little bit of fog in parts of the north bay. so here are your accuweather headlines. morning fog to sun. that's the call today. in fact, for a lot of us
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today is even warmer than we were yesterday. yesterday felt so nice out there. we'll do it again this afternoon. but really take in today because everything is going to change starting tomorrow with cloudier, cooler weather. and then showers are back here thursday and they linger into friday morning as well. the weekend outlook. we are dry, we're partly cloudy, but we're going to be chilly. temperatures well below where we should be basically in the 50s if not the low 60s on saturday and sunday. future tracker winds . you'll notice a bit of an onshore breeze kicking in later on today. anywhere from about 10 to 20mph. that's just an indication that later on this afternoon, we'll start to see that pattern change tomorrow for cooler weather arriving. but today we'll get into the 70s away from the coast, a very comfortable 76 in antioch, 78 in san jose, we'll go to 74 in santa rosa, 70 in oakland, a little bit of cloud cover this morning, giving way to sunshine in the city, a high of about 65 degrees. overnight tonight we'll find a marine layer growing even more as that onshore flow helps to bring in a little bit of that fog and temperatures on the chillier side, 30s in our coldest spots, a lot of mid to
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upper 40s around the bay shoreline. future weather tomorrow we'll find partly sunny skies arriving. these clouds ahead of the showers we're tracking on thursday. thursday that rain arrives late in the morning and it will continue into the afternoon and into the evening, and this will bring in some very cold air. you can see areas like mount hamilton likely seeing some snow on our highest peaks. and some of these showers will linger into early friday as well. rainfall totals with this system on the light side, it's a level one will likely end up with less than a half of an inch of rain, but the bigger stories that really brings in some chilly air thursday friday and that lingers into the weekend. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. sunny and warm today. cloudier and cooler tomorrow, though. showers are back thursday, with some of those lingering into friday morning. the weekend is dry, but those temperatures are below average. however, we'll start to warm up early next week as the solar eclipse arrives here right after 11 a.m. here, we'll see about a third of the sun obscured by the
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moon. guys, that's exciting. >> it's coming up. well, if you are driving this morning, starting to get a little bit busier out there on the roads, you can get a live look right now at our bay bridge toll plaza camera. you can see it is a little busy, but again, no major delays, no major congestion. it'll take you about nine minutes to get from the toll plaza to san francisco. so right now and getting a live look outside right now at our san mateo camera, you can see also traffic is moving by pretty smoothly here. no major congestion on this bridge. and looking at your drive times for this morning pretty much in the green here from walnut creek to dublin 14 minutes. santa rosa to san francisco 50 minutes and highway one to los gatos, 22 minutes. amanda kumasi all right . thanks, gloria. >> ahead at six. those clean air vehicle carpool lane stickers will be a thing of the past in california. what it means for the hundreds of thousands of drivers who have them. >> first, though, we're remembering a true american hero , a look back at the life of the last surviving service member aboard the uss arizona at pearl harbor.
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>> and here at 549, a live look >> and here at 549, a live look outside. we'll be right back when you have moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin. some even achieved long—lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe.
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service. the agency is proposing the killing of roughly half a million invasive barred owls in an effort to protect the native northern spotted owl from extinction. the proposal is to cull the barred owl population by 470,000 from california, washington state and oregon over the course of three decades. but animal rights advocates are pushing back hard, calling the approach unsustainable and unrealistic. >> the last survivor of the uss arizona, the battleship that
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sank during the attack on pearl harbor, has died. luke konter was 102 years old. abc news reporter danny new a look back at his life. lieutenant commander luke konter, a man who spent the past eight decades making sure people never forgot one of the darkest days in american history has passed away . >> my gentleman, lieutenant commander luke hunter, was the last remaining survivor of the uss arizona, the ship that accounted for nearly half of the lives lost during the attacks on pearl harbor in 1941. during that bombing, more than 1100 sailors and marines on the boat died while only 93 who were aboard at the time lived. >> never forget the day, but things were happening so fast, and we were highly trained in those days to do what our job is, and that's what we did. >> and fur hunter doing his job involves staying aboard that sinking ship, as his commanding officer ordered the survivors to help rescue injured soldiers. here is how he described that
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scene to the american veterans center back in 2018. >> he orders the guys were running out of the fire and it was pretty bad. and he said, knock him unconscious if you have to, because they'll if they jump over the side, they'll get burned to death in the fire. so we laid 15 or 16 of them down on the deck there. >> the attack would lead the u.s. to enter world war two as contour, then went to flight school and earned his pilot's license. he flew 200 combat missions in the pacific during those years, and then dozens more during the korean war. but almost every year, contour would make sure to attend memorial services in pearl harbor to honor his shipmates who died that day. >> they're getting better every year, but the first year they were real hard. >> this past december, contour was unable to attend, but his great nephew, marine pilot captain daniel hauer, gave the keynote speech to represent lou. >> it means a lot to me and it means a lot to my family, and i'm proud that i'm able to
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represent him so that his legacy can continue to live on. >> i don't know if you noticed a set of wings on howard's chest, but those were actually his great uncles, which contour received in 1942. now he wears them in his honor. an incredible heirloom right in new york for abc news. i'm danny new and scientists in south korea say they have reached a new world record during a recent nuclear fusion experiment, they used a device called an artificial sun and sustained temperatures of more than 180,000,000°f for 48 seconds. >> it's roughly seven times hotter than the sun's core. scientists say. it's an important step forward for energy technology. the next goal by 2026, they hope to be able to maintain the same temperatures for about five minutes. >> the beginning of april also marks the start of earth month. >> in celebration of this month, the walt disney company and national geographic are launching a new global initiative called our home, spotlighting efforts to protect, restore and celebrate the planet. check it out! >> our world is an amazing, epic
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, fragile, wonder filled place. it's our home and we have the power to love and look after it. this earth day, join national geographic and disney and take action to protect, restore and celebrate our planet. visit disney planet to learn more and join the celebration on disney plus all month long. >> there's a lot to look forward to this earth month, including the eclipse on monday. of course, earth day is monday, april 22nd as we take a look at the forecast today, your weather, wellness, air quality remains good. >> i really wish i could change this, but it's still running high. tree pollen. you probably notice pollen on your car yesterday. we had a lot of it in the air oak, sycamore and pine. still the main offenders. your uv index again. put that sunscreen on to six. it is high
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today. let's go. region by region. break it down for you. along the coast we have some cloud cover giving way to sunshine today. we'll stay in the 50s. coast side. we're on the bay shoreline. lots of sunshine, upper 60s to near 70 degrees and then inland. it is warm mid 70s with lots of sunshine today. so sunny and warmer than yesterday. tomorrow you'll feel that cooler air. you'll see cloud cover return and then on thursday we have showers and cold weather coming back. stuck in the 50s as a level one light storm will bring us some rain late in the morning and throughout the evening on thursday. kumasi. >> thank you drew. new at six, a popular oakland restaurant that's reopened under new ownership. >> and don't worry about the bird flu. the response from health officials after someone caught the disease from a dairy cow in the end of an era in vegas, one of the oldest casinos on the strip closing today to make room for the a's new stadium. a victory that is there for the taking.
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grab it. now that was a great halftime speech. let's go win. [jim valvano] don't give up. don't ever give up®
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five. now, at six scary moments at a north bay safeway. three people in the hospital after more than a dozen shots are fired in the parking lot. what we know right now. then the push to keep the a's in oakland, at least for a few more years. >> the proposal being presented today to extend the team's lease at the coliseum. >> and a bizarre trend of people getting hurt at the gym. why? experts say


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