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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  April 2, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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>> i'm dionne lim and i'm dan ashley. that breaking news is a 7.4 magnitude earthquake that struck taiwan just a short time ago. >> sandyha patel joins us now with what we know about this quake. sandhya. >> yeah. so, diane and dan, let's take a look at the earthquake. it was just south of shanghai. it occurred shortly before 5 p.m. there have been multiple reports of earthquakes, but 4:58 p.m. our time preliminary magnitude 7.5. the depth was about seven miles. this once again hitting just south of shanghai, taiwan. multiple reports, five reports, to be precise. the maximum magnitude was 7.5 and this was south southwest of hualien city, taiwan. so i do want to show you the earthquake magnitudes when you get into that seven. that is a major earthquake. buildings can be damaged. there are about 18 per year, and that is the equivalent of 1 billion pounds of explosives. right now, the tsunami danger is being
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evaluated to the west coast. the tsunami center is saying the threat is being evaluated. so stay tuned. dan and dion okay. >> thank you very much, sandy. we'll stay on top of that of course. but let's move on. you know when they say every vote counts, this congressional race is exactly why they say that former san jose mayor sam liccardo will be in the november general election, but his opponent is to be determined. >> joe simitian holds a five vote lead on evan lowe, abc seven news reporter zach fuentes is live at the registrar's office in san jose. >> and zach, this is an important day, really and potentially settling this race. >> that is absolutely right. today at 5:00 was the deadline for people who had ballots that needed to be fixed to come in and correct them. now that that deadline is past, after these weeks of fluctuating votes, all of the votes in ballots that can be counted are in leading us. that much closer to final election results. the primary elections happened march fifth. but in the race to replace retiring congresswoman anna eshoo, the results have been far
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from final. march 12th was the last day county election offices received ballots sent by election day. now, april 2nd at 5 p.m. was the next important deadline. >> the last day to cure any ballots that were out there that weren't they weren't signed or the signatures didn't match. >> election officials say voters have had weeks to fix or cure their ballots. >> we send them multiple letters, emails, texts. however, we can get a hold of the voters so we could tell them, like why their ballot isn't counted yet and they can come in and cure it. that's what the ballot process is, where they can come fix it or sign something saying, yes, this is my signature. >> in santa clara county. many people have taken officials up on the offer, and total, they were nearly 1500 challenge ballots that needed to be fixed by deadline. there were around 500. san mateo county reported just over 400 before deadline. each number significant as they could be the final votes that decide the close race for second in the california congressional district, 16 race candidate and former san jose mayor sam liccardo is in first place by a long shot, but who is opponent will be is unclear. santa clara
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county supervisor joe simitian and state assembly member evan lowe have been back and forth in the second place spot at one point, the two were separated by as few as two votes, but until the april 2nd deadline, numbers were still changing as challenge ballots were being cured and processed. simitian sent us a statement tuesday that said, in part, the election offices in both counties have been verifying voter signatures over the past few weeks to make sure that every vote that can be counted will be counted. right now, we're waiting to hear from them. lowe's team said they will make a statement after the county certify the election. the counties will issue those final results on april fourth. after that, the secretary of state will then certify the results on april 12th. now, in the final stretch of counting, officials say this race serves as an important reminder. >> we like to say every single vote counts, right? we want to make sure that every voter knows they make a difference in every election. >> so in its last report, san mateo county did say that they had about a dozen less challenged ballots. so people did come in and cure ballots there. here in santa clara county, they waited until that 5
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p.m. deadline to see if more people would cure their ballots. they did not see that. so their most recent results, which they posted at five, they say might likely not change moving forward. again, though, we still have to get to those certification dates. and then after the certifications, the candidates do have the option to ask for a recount. right now. live in san jose, zach fuentes, abc seven news. >> still a long way to go, zach. thanks well, two people are under arrest in connection with a shooting that injured three people outside a safeway gas station in american canyon. police say two people from vallejo are being held without bail. one is a teen, the other 18 years old. the shooting happened yesterday afternoon on american canyon road, just off highway 29, where three people were shot. their condition is unknown. a witness in the nearby safeway says she heard about 16 to 20 shots. we've all seen the headlines. >> the united states is dealing with a massive surge of immigrants, many from latin america. now, some of those migrants are ending up in the bay area, but there hasn't been good data to track just how many
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are coming here. until now. abc seven news. luz pena explains she's live in the newsroom. that data is coming really loose from an unexpected place. we're talking about the schools. >> that's right, dan, san francisco is a sanctuary city, and one of the first things that many immigrant families do when they arrive here is enroll their kids in school and even though sfusd does not ask a family's immigration status, their data may now help other san francisco agencies deal with this ongoing crisis. >> pagina es para la nacion. >> it's been a long journey, but finally, the avila's brothers were reunited with their mom in san francisco, alejo's. my kids got here last week, 16 year old eric and his 12 year old brother freddie fled guatemala hoping for a better future. today, their mom is enrolling them in school. undermined there's no more fear for safety, but the simple question will i make new
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friends? >> nervous? >> i'm nervous. just like the avila's. there are hundreds of families coming into the san francisco unified school district offices every month. >> more immigrant migrant families coming into our office, often our families are coming and they are arriving sometimes just the day before. and this is the first stop. >> the school district's enrollment office has now turned into a resource center. for many. >> you could say we're going a little beyond what the enrollment center office is. so we're going to get two backpacks. >> every student who's enrolled here gets new supplies, but many need more than just notebooks. >> we've had families living in cars and sleeping on the streets, before they're able to, to access some kind of shelter service through the city. a decade ago, sfusd created rice, a safe to help asylum seekers. >> and lately, they noticed the need has increased. >> we're seeing about, i would say, an average of 150 newly enrolled students every single
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month since about, december of 2023. and every month somewhere between like 5 to 15 of those families report being unhoused. >> as of ucsd's, working with the city's civic engagement and immigrant affairs office, who noticed the uptick 18 months ago. and not all are coming from latin america. >> there are some families that are coming from ukraine, for example, where we know a why? because of the war. we also have seen, an influx of chinese immigrants coming through the southern border, and i, we know that, many of them make a stop in south america and then come up through central america and through mexico before they reach the us border. >> sfusd workers are truly going above and beyond. so now, why is this data important? well, recently, san francisco reported the refugee migration is putting pressure on the city's system of care, especially its family shelter system. and this led to a proposal by two san francisco supervisors for the city to increase capacity in family
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shelters in the newsroom. luz pena, abc seven news. all right, luce, thanks. >> well, some good news and a warning about california's sierra snowpack. the all important april snow survey shows the snowpack is at 113. that's at phillips station in el dorado county. now, statewide, the snowpack is at 110% of average, a 28% jump from january 1st. the focus is now on the spring runoff. the dry start to the year, and ash from wildfires may accelerate the snow melt. >> the snowpack in california has traditionally been about two thirds of our overall storage. so what it means into the future is we need to continue to invest in how we store this water when we know dry conditions return. >> and governor newsom appeared at the survey to unveil an updated state water plan. newsom says california needs to upgrade its aging infrastructure and expand how it captures storm water. >> the city of oakland met today with the a's over extending the
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team's lease at the coliseum for potentially another five years. the current lease expires at the end of the season, but the team has yet to secure a home going forward. and while the a's have the green light to move to las vegas, a new ballpark won't be ready for at least three years. and that's if the team can secure the necessary funding. under oakland's proposal, the team would be able to exercise an option to leave after three years time. an offer sheet obtained by abc seven news shows the city is now no longer asking the a's to change its name when they leave oakland or guarantee the city get a major league baseball expansion team in the future, the a's said. the two sides remain far apart, while mayor shengtao says the city made a fair offer and will continue talks if necessary. so it goes on. in the meantime, the potential future home of the a's in las vegas, mark the end of an era. today, the tropicana hotel and casino closed its doors after 67 years. it was once the
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most expensive property on the strip when it opened in 1957. the tropicana was known for its lavish shows. it was famously a favorite of the rat pack greats like frank sinatra, sammy davis jr, and was home to elvis viva las vegas in 1964. >> the tropicana was always a classic hotel. it was a tiffany of the strip. everybody wanted to come work at the tropicana. >> bally's corporation, which owns the tropicana, plans to start demolition in october. the new a's stadium is expected to be built on the 35 acre site, with a projected opening in 2028. >> the largest muslim civil rights organization in the united states has released a new report that shows the largest spike in anti-muslim hate in 30 years. in some instances, reports of violence toward muslims are even higher here in the bay area. here's abc seven news reporter anser hassan
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>> in 2022, kerry saw a significant drop in complaints, and we were hopeful all that hope was. brought to a heartbreaking end in october 2023. >> zahra billoo is the executive director of the bay area chapter of the council on american islamic relations or care. she says the israel-hamas war set off a huge spike in anti-muslim and anti-palestinian sentiment and hate crimes across the u.s. the bay area was no different. >> our data in the san francisco bay area is consistent with the national trends and unfortunate in certain instances, even worse, we've seen a number of violent crimes in the san francisco bay area on tuesday, the national office of care issued their 2024 annual hate crime report titled fatal the resurgence of anti-muslim hate in 2023. >> care reported a increase, reporting 607
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complaints of hate crimes or hate incidents. >> care reports it received over 8000 complaints, the highest ever in its 30 year history, even more than after the 2017 muslim travel ban and during the wars in iraq and afghanistan post nine over 11. >> unfortunately, it's american tradition that when we are at war, including proxy war, for example, here where we are funding israeli military actions that whichever our communities or countries are being attacked abroad, are also dehumanized right here in the united states. >> the report documents employment discrimination targeting a pro-palestinian activists and suppressing free speech, even students being bullied not just by other students, but in some instances by teachers as well. >> both the rhetoric has become more hateful and that that rhetoric has translated into violence. >> another big concern is that the data suggests that 85% of the muslim community does not report hate incidents or
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discrimination, possibly due to fear of retaliation, losing their job, or mistrust of law enforcement. billoo believes despite this new report, the real numbers are likely even higher. >> part of our work includes continually encouraging them to come forward, even if they don't want to take action, even if they don't want to go public. we can't tell our community stories without data. >> in san francisco, anser hassan abc seven news. >> coming up here. crime on the water. the recent arrests made in the bay area and the works that still needs to be done. >> plus hundreds of thousands of dollars of personal belongings where police say it was stolen from and the possibility of more victims. >> and now available at costco. ozempic why members will soon be able to pick up the popular weight loss drug there. st
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estuary. those arrests are part of an increased focus by the city to crack down on crime around the harbor. but as abc seven news reporter ryan curry found out, he spoke with people at the estuary who say there is still more work to be done. >> any kind of permanent anchoring in the estuary is simply not allowed, but there are still some who are doing exactly that with their boats. >> a couple small vessels are still in the middle of the water at the oakland estuary. oakland police say they've arrested a few people living there claiming they stole from nearby businesses. >> they're trying to accuse somebody of something that's not doing nothing. this woman says her husband and her friend were two of the people arrested.
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>> she asked us not to show her face, but she lives on one of the boats. oakland police say they found stolen items when they searched the boats. but this woman says those items belong to her and her husband and friend are innocent. >> the evidence when they came for the search warrant, they took my personal stuff. stuff that i bought and have receipts for opd told us they have surveillance video of the suspects and say they recognize them as the ones who live on the boats. >> crime has plagued the oakland estuary. last year, the coast guard was brought in to stop pirates who were stealing from boats and sinking them. some of those sunken boats are still there, and this is an example. >> that's a 72 foot ex-navy boat that sunk here by this public fishing pier. >> former harbor master brock delap says the estuary looks better now than it did a few months ago. in december, oakland police removed many boats anchored in the water, but delap says there is still work to be done at this point, with the exception of a few anchor out boats were left with just dealing with these sunken boats. it's illegal to anchor your boat
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on the water. you have to park it at a marina like this one. the problem? according to the old harbor master, it could take a while to get a permit that allows you to live on a boat at the marina and it's hard also for a harbor master to keep track of it. the woman knows what she is doing is illegal, but says she can't afford to get a permit, and says the coast guard is letting her stay. >> the coast guard specifically told me that it's okay for you to park here, delap says opd needs to constantly monitor the estuary. >> he fears if they don't, crime could rise again. >> what's most important going forward is that the city of oakland and the new police chief, floyd mitchell, understands that the estuary is worth protecting. >> in oakland. ryan curry abc seven news. >> four people accused in at least three storage locker burglaries in san jose are now in custody. police arrested the four ages 19 to 45 last wednesday at a home in milpitas,
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where they say they retrieved more than $400,000 in stolen property, including collectibles and several musical instruments. they say they also discovered a loaded semi-automatic pistol, a high capacity magazine, 2000 rounds of ammunition and illegal narcotics. >> we are asking any folks that feel like they have been a victim of storage unit burglaries, have had any burglaries that involved collectibles and storage units to please come forward to detectives so that we can try to put these puzzle pieces together. >> the suspects will face several felony charges, including burglary, grand theft, vandalism, and possession of stolen property. >> all right, moving on to the weather situation. first. we do want to talk about that. breaking news of the earthquake in taiwan. >> we started with with the newscast at the top with that and meteorologist sandhya patel is tracking what we're hearing out of taiwan regarding this. really good sized quake. yeah. >> dan and diane, it's a 7.5 preliminary magnitude. it was a major earthquake just south of shanghai. it struck our time shortly before 5 p.m. and i do
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want to relay to you that there have been multiple aftershocks, 16 reported so far, but the maximum magnitude so far has been 7.5. the national tsunami warning center just relaying a tsunami is not expected in california, oregon, washington, british columbia or alaska. taking a look at a live picture right now from our sutro tower camera, you can see just how bright and sunny it is today. now, temperatures along the coast did come down, even in places like santa rosa, but it was still pretty warm a few degrees above average 77 in livermore, 76 degrees for you in san jose. napa got up to 65 in the city, 68 in oakland, half moon bay, 63 degrees. did you see ukiah? that was not a typo. it was 81 degrees there, almost summerlike. that's all changing. high pressure brought the warmth, but it is backing away. this system is going to be moving in. the deal with this storm is it's a cold storm. so you're really going to notice a difference. but it's limited in
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moisture. so as we look at live doppler seven, fog is sitting right near the coast and it's going to be advancing. the sea breeze has picked up right now 26 miles an hour in san francisco. and as that breeze continues to pick up those numbers going in one direction, you're already seeing that down seven degrees in santa rosa right now, five degrees cooler in half moon bay. here is our marine layer from mount tam, 59 degrees in the city. it is 60. in oakland, 72 still mild in san jose. emeryville camera showing you that fog layer as well. and you can see a shaky camera there. 63 in santa rosa, 59 in petaluma. you're getting quite the breeze there. 70 from fairfield to concord to livermore, a live view from san jose. plenty of sun out there tomorrow. cooler and breezier. a lot more cloud cover. you're going to notice that thursday. mixed precipitation. we're talking a chance of thunder and friday showers will linger mainly in the morning hours. so as we time this all out for you this evening, if you want to step out and just enjoy some sun before it goes down at 7:00. temperatures will be in the 60s
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inland, so still comfortable there along the coast on the cool side. in the 50s. as we head towards later on this evening, those temperatures begin to fall. the marine layer expands tomorrow morning, many of you will be waking up to gray skies with some spotty drizzle and then by the afternoon, we're talking about a cooler day. more cloud cover, 50s and 60s. i'll show you where the ultimate highs end up. 40s and 50s. first thing tomorrow morning it will start out partly to mostly cloudy, and then tomorrow afternoon you're looking at high temperatures anywhere from the upper 50s to the upper 60s. it will be a breezy one. now we're going to fast forward to that storm that's coming our way on thursday. it starts in the morning first as just some showers, and then we start to notice some snow showers by 9 a.m. over mount hamilton. the snow levels will be lowering between 2000 and 3500ft. so depending on where you are, may see snow showers in the santa cruz mountains as well. this is friday morning. those showers continuing snow over the mountains. friday morning. and this carries over into 11 a.m. so here's a look at rainfall projections. anywhere from about
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1000/500 of an inch to just over an inch in the wettest locations. accuweather seven day forecast. breezy and cooler. tomorrow it's a one thursday and friday and then drying out a bit. saturday. a chance of showers sunday, but don't you worry because diane and dan, we're going to clear it out in time for that eclipse filling on monday. right? we need some clear skies for that. >> we see about 44. >> 44% is what we're going to see here locally. >> sandy. well, just ahead nurses have gone on strike in the south bay. >> what they
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reports, the transit agency is going to have a $26 million operating deficit in 2026, but that is nothing compared to 2027, when it could face a projected deficit of nearly $350 million. bart has depended on funding from the state and federal government to keep things running. ridership has plummeted because of the pandemic. it's at about 45% of what it was in 2019. it is possible a funding measure could land on the 2026 ballot. >> it's been a long day for some nurses in santa clara county. they've been on the picket line since 5:00 this morning. it's day one of their planned three day strike, and they're demanding raises. better working conditions and more staffing. the strike affects three
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hospitals operated by santa clara valley healthcare, santa clara valley medical center in san jose, o'connor hospital in san jose and saint louise regional hospital, which is in gilroy. but as abc seven news south bay reporter dustin dorsey explains, a deal is still a long way away. when you say contract nurses, you're losing. >> only one thing is on everyone's mind. at santa clara valley medical center, a contract for the registered nurses professional association of santa clara county. >> the county hasn't come to the table to actually listen to what we're saying, and they're continuing to push their agenda and not really coming in considering what we are asking for. and so the nurses felt the need to make this bold stand to get the county to actually listen to us. >> nurses voices were heard on this day, packing every street corner. last friday, many nurses from the trauma center staged a sick out as well. it led to a temporary closure of the level one trauma center. >> the nurses only do things like that because they're driven to the point where they feel
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like they're not being heard to make a point. they're doing it because they care about the patients and the patients safety. and that's why they stood up that day. >> the county wants to make sure that never happens again. while some scheduled surgeries were postponed, nearly 1000 nurses have been brought in to cover shifts to keep all essential care operating during the strike. >> we remain open for the community because we know that the services that are provided through the county health system are life saving, essential services, and we are prioritizing ensuring that those life saving essential services remain fully available. >> the strike is only three days, but a contract deal is not close. there's been no negotiating since rmpa rejected a mediator proposal. wages and protections against moving nurses to other units in case of shortages are still major issues. county executive james williams hopes to reach a deal soon. the strike has cost the county 20 million to replace the picketing nurses, and that's money that we then don't have as a system. >> we're facing a $250 million structural deficit as the county organization, and in a matter of
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weeks, i'll be bringing forward a recommended budget to the board of supervisors. it's going to reflect cuts across our county organization. >> ensuring a fair and sustainable deal is a must for the county to prevent more cuts going forward. in san jose, dustin dawsey abc seven news. it's called captel and can help those who have trouble hearing with their hearing. >> answer a phone call seven on your side's going to show you how a scammer used it to take advantage of an elderly woman. >> plus, a big change is coming to one of disneyland's most popular rides. what's going to happen to
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talk by phone, but they also can be a direct line for phone scammers to reach the hearing impaired. they can and as a bay area family found out, captioning operators are required by law to type out every single word a caller says, even if it's a scammer swindling someone with disability. abc seven news reporter stephanie sierra has their story. >> without captel, she never would have been able to hear the
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caller. she never would have understood them and she never would have been scammed. >> donna badgett is still trying to understand why a telephone captioning service meant to help her mom also helped somebody scam her. >> i mean, i feel horrible because her hearing has been bad, so i bought it for her for a christmas gift, thinking i was doing her a favor. >> her 83 year old mother, judith, got the call one morning on her cell phone. her grandson was in jail. was she posting bail? judith had heard about grandma's scams, but words on the screen made it seem real. >> she wouldn't have been frauded without it. >> the caller claimed to be a lawyer trying to get dui charges reduced. the captel operator silently typed every word the scammer said, if you can post bail quickly, i can make sure it's a misdemeanor and not a felony. >> but you need to act quickly. can you get to your money today? what bank do you go to? he looked it up and he's like, oh, they open at 10:00. >> judith asked about her grandson. the operator typed the reply. he's a bit embarrassed
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and wants to keep this between you guys. he did suffer minor injuries. the airbag broke his nose. they gave him five stitches. the captel operator typed out every word of the scammers instructions. >> are you back from the bank? did you get the cash? did you get the envelopes? >> the scammer said, get a nine by 12 manila envelope. you're going to put the envelope from the bank in the middle of two magazines, and then you're going to place it in the manila envelope like you're making a sandwich. a courier would pick up the money and quote, the driver doesn't know anything about the case. he's like an uber driver. leave me on the line and head outside. ask his name. give him the package. >> my mom put the phone down, went outside, delivered the money, and then he called back like an hour and a half later. oh, i have bad news. the woman that was in the car with him was pregnant. she lost the baby. >> the scammer wanted more money from judith, supposedly for the woman's medical expenses. >> you need to go get more envelopes. go back to the bank, get the cash after the fact. >> the family got the call log
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and could see every word the scammer said. >> i read a couple the first time. i mean, it's just so disheartening. >> donna was furious. the cattle operators did not try to stop the scam, and, she says, effectively assisted in a crime. >> i mean, they are transcribing fraudulent calls. they enabled her to get scammed, but the cattle company hamilton relay services says federal law makes it illegal for transcribers to intervene in any call. >> even if it's a scam. the operators must serve as, quote, invisible conduits without censoring, altering or interfering in any way with personal and private communications. fcc rules and the americans with disabilities act require that captioning services provide the same rights of privacy afforded to hearing phone users who expect no one is listening in on their calls. >> i said, can't you even say, you know? please note we think this is a scam. >> donna can't believe it was illegal for the company to notify her that her mom was being swindled, or even to stop
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typing the scammers instructions. >> i think things have to change . the fcc has to make these changes like have an emergency contact on the account, or alert the local police on line forms among caption operators show some disagreement about their role should they have discretion to intervene in troubling calls, where would they draw the line? >> what if a caller was threatening physical violence? right now, the law says they may not step out of their invisible role if you have served as a transcriber for the hearing impaired, we'd like to hear from you. for seven on your side, i'm stephanie sierra, abc seven news. >> and as stephanie says, we would like to hear from you. if you have a consumer issue, seven on your side would love for you to get in touch. send us your stories online at abc seven just click seven on your side. >> all right. we do want to get you an update. now on that breaking news we've been following coming out of taiwan. truly dramatic video here. we are beginning to see the effects of this major 7.4 earthquake
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that shook the entire island this evening. we know this video is from a home in new taipei city. you can see they're just bookshelves, things flying off the walls, just shaking back and forth, things falling to the ground. a tsunami has been detected in japan. the pacific tsunami warning center said there was no tsunami threat, though, to the us west coast or hawaii, but certainly a situation we will be keeping an eye on and bring you more information on as soon as it develops as well. moving on now, new details on the baltimore bridge collapse today. a second temporary channel was opened to allow ships to get past the wreckage of the francis scott key bridge. these channels are being used by vessels involved in the cleanup effort. crews are working on a third channel that will allow larger ships to get through, that will further restore commercial activity. meanwhile, divers are still looking for the bodies of four construction workers killed in the bridge collapse. >> say goodbye to the gas cars at disneyland autopia.
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tomorrowland, which is supposed to be futuristic, of course, is going to convert the cars from gas to electric over the next few years. autopia is one of the most popular attractions at the park, since kids get to go behind the wheel of a car themselves. what's not clear is whether this means the vehicles will be fully electric or hybrids. autopia has been at the park since it opened in 1955, and has gone through changes over the years. the most recent was 2016, when honda became the sponsor. >> well, coming up next, a journey of sound reaches its destination today, with the help of an implant. >> you're going to see what happens when an infant's was turned on for the ohhhhh. oh my god. we're going to be together! ♪ i see your face everywhere ♪ ♪ we belong to the light ♪ ♪ we belong to the thunder ♪ ♪ we belong ♪ —oh my god
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world for an infant who might not have been able to hear it. yeah it's called a cochlear implant. >> and denise dador with our sister station in los angeles was there as it was turned on for the very first time. >> this is the beginning of seven month old zahra ahmed's journey with sound. all right. >> are you ready? >> a week ago, doctors at providence, saint john's pacific neuroscience institute surgically embedded cochlear
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implants. >> it's not like lasik eye surgery where you just see the first day with a cochlear implant. we're replacing the sensory system with electrode array. >> doctor rebecca lewis is about to turn them on. zahra >> pop pop. pop pop. >> zahra is hearing static beeps and robotic sounds that will eventually take shape. children have so much neuroplasticity in their brain, they're able to adapt it and learn what they're hearing really, really well. >> your emotions are running high and just i couldn't i couldn't think of anything to say or do. i was frozen. >> when zahra was born, she didn't pass her newborn hearing test. it would take three audiologists to figure out what was going on. >> they concluded that she has profound sensory neuron hearing loss after hearing aids. >> didn't work. zahra's mom mursal found doctor courtney volger and doctor lewis. >> i came across a youtube video that was posted of doctor volker and doctor lewis doing the same day like activation for i think
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it was like a six month old. >> in 2020, the fda approved cochlear implants for children as young as nine months old. at seven months, zahra is one of a handful of american kids who received it sooner. >> if you meet kids who are implanted young, you wouldn't know that they didn't have hearing when they were born. they do fantastic. >> doctors expect zahra will meet all her language milestones as if it's wanting to hear and speak in that sense, we'll support it. >> if she wants to sign when she gets older, and that's the decision that she wants to go with, we'll support that. >> as far as what i want for her, i just want her to be happy, whatever it is that makes her happy. >> in santa monica, denise dador abc seven news. >> so sweet. well, costco is now offering some members ozempic prescriptions through a weight loss program. that program costs $179 every three months. but medication is not included. costco recently partnered with low cost health care provider sesame. costco says the top search terms since adding health
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services was for weight loss. ozempic has rocketed in popularity for weight loss. although it was originally approved to treat diabetes. >> as you hear so much about it these days, everywhere. well, we got a nice spring like day today. >> yeah, and while the sun may be shining, we are expecting changes later this week. sandia will join us once
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already leading kentucky's governor to declare a state of emergency. here's abc news reporter alex christoforous. >> this is the damage left behind after a confirmed ef one tornado tore through nelson county, kentucky, this morning, ripping the roof off this building and leaving downed trees in its wake. emergency crews racing to clean up before another round of storms comes through. >> it wouldn't surprise me as a few miles long and this is very typical. a lot of roof damage, a lot of tree damage, twisting and turning of the debris after causing damage in the nation's heartland monday, the wild weather now moving east. >> in all, 57 million americans
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facing the threat of severe storms through tonight. in charleston, west virginia, sheets of rain where the national weather service issued a tornado watch. some people ducking into a parking garage as the wind and rain whipped through the city. bricks tumbling from the top of this building onto the street below. in vanderburgh county, indiana, winds topping 80mph, knocking over trees and power lines. this traffic cam in lawrence county, ohio capturing cars crawling to a near stop with visibility extremely limited. storms rolling through williamson county in southern illinois, causing heavy damage to buildings and triggering multiple tornado warnings. video from a drone capturing the extent of the damage. the severe weather threat will shift to the east coast on wednesday. the national weather service predicts strong winds and hail from virginia and the carolinas down to east central florida.
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alexis christoforous, abc news, new york. >> let's talk to my brother today, who's one of my brothers is indiana. as these weather alerts were happening to the university, he was worried he'd have to issue an alert to the students to shelter in place. yeah, i mean, big concern. >> and it's just been a strange weather season, sandhya. really? across the country? yeah. dion. you know what? we've had more extremes, no doubt about it. and dan, let's take a look at a live picture right now from zephyr cove i should say tahoe area. sorry. this is showing you the snow up there. it's piled on nicely. the sierra snowpack right now stands at 111% of average statewide. as you know, we did have the phillips station snowpack survey today. that's at 113% of average. so we're doing good winter storm warning for the sierra 11 p.m. tomorrow at 11 p.m. friday. looking at 5 to 12in of snow with those gusty winds, travel may be a little dicey. now on live doppler seven, we're starting to see that fog creeping back in. it's along the coastline. it will be here overnight tonight. tomorrow
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afternoons a cooler day. cloudier as well. upper 50s to upper 60s and breezy for the giants home openers. home opener against the padres. looking good, actually. 52 degrees and the rain will be out of here. 54 at the ninth inning, but definitely jacket weather. accuweather seven day forecast tomorrow is cooler. it's going to be cloudier level one thursday friday and then we're going to bring in another opportunity for wet weather sunday. but don't you worry, by the time that eclipse viewing happens, dan and diane we're going to clear it out. >> okay, i like that you were extra sure on that to make everyone it's looking good aware. okay, sandhya, we're not going to worry. we're not going to worry. >> j.r. stone is here with all the sports. >> you know, if you're a diehard sports fan. chris, larry, tonight is the night to have off. we've got warriors. giants and a's all in action tonight. but the talk of the country today has been caitlin clark. if you don't know about her, you will wait until you hear how many people tuned in to her iowa college basketball game last
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just eight regular season games left for the warriors. so far so good tonight. hosting the mavericks and a makeup game that was originally scheduled to be played in dallas. the warriors have won four straight and are two games ahead of houston for the final, 10th and final playoff spot in the west. golden state went four and one on the
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most recent road trip, which finished in san antonio. warriors actually have a worse record at home than they do on the road, a complete reverse from last year when they were great at home but bad away from chase center with a win tonight, they'll match their season long win streak at five and that is the most important part. >> you know we have eight games left and a lot can happen. so our focus is just keep winning. keep winning keep winning keep winning. and that's you know we're we're not just looking at the team below us. we're looking at the teams above us. so we're hoping we can, you know, keep, keep pushing ahead and get the most favorable, most favorable, favorable seed we can. >> my favorite story of the night. last night's elite eight game between iowa and lsu, was the most watched game ever in women's basketball history. more than 12 million people watched our sister network, espn to see superstar caitlin clark score 41 points. not a surprise, though, she is prime time. she is the
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steph curry of college basketball and i would argue that most people would rather watch her play over a men's college team any day of the week. clark tied a women's tournament record with nine threes. the hawkeyes knocked off the defending champs. here's clark after the game. yes we want to win the national title. >> that's probably what 100 other division one basketball teams said when they started their season. and there's only one team of 360 that get to end their season happy. and to me, that's what makes this sport so fun. you know, a lot of people end disappointed and you know, being so close last year i think that's what just drives you. >> it's a womb with steph curry. thank you. she can shoot it better than me. >> see we're all saying it the women steph curry well it's never good hearing this. but according to all reports the oakland a's the city of oakland and alameda county all agree that they are no where close to a deal that would extend the a's time in oakland. the city has offered the team a lease extension that would go past this season. they are talking, which is good news, but no agreement at this time.
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meanwhile, just five games into the regular season and manager mark kotsay is already visibly frustrated, the a's have committed 13 errors this season, the most by the franchise in their first five games in at least 100 years. they had five errors in their first three innings of last night's nine to nothing loss to the red sox. kotsay has no explanation for the miscues. this is what i wish i had an answer for the defense right now. >> i don't, you know, they're going to have to get better. that's just all there is to it. we, these first, you know, five games. if you would have told me we were going to, you know, play as bad defensively as this, i would have said, you're dead wrong. but, you know, we'll see how they respond tomorrow. >> this abc seven sports report is sponsored by your northern california honda dealers. that's crazy. it is. but on a high note , the giants are playing the dodgers. and i know people are going to say, what are you doing wearing that dodger blue? don't worry. i got another tie upstairs. it'll be on for the 11:00 show.
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>> good thinking. jr it's abc all purpose on a night like this. >> looked a little different with the dodger fans there. >> well, coming up tonight on abc seven at 8:00 it's will trent that's followed by the rookie. then at ten it's the good doctor. then of course stay with us for abc seven news at 11. and don't forget abc seven news is streaming 24 over seven. you can get the abc seven bay area app and join us wherever you want, wherever you happen to be. and that's it for this edition of abc seven news. >> i'm diane lim and i'm dan ashley for sandhya patel. j.r. stone. all of us. we appreciate your time. have a great evening and we'll see you again at 11.
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is a little help from your friends. ♪ everyone's invited to pixar fest at the disneyland resort... for a celebration of friendship and beyond you won't want to miss. starting april 26th. from the alex trebek stage at sony pictures studios, this is the... ♪♪ let's meet our first group of semifinalists-- an academic competition director from ridgewood, new jersey... a wine-tasting consultant from dowagiac, michigan... and a writer from oakland, california...
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and now here is the host of "jeopardy!"--ken jennings. [cheers and applause] thank you, johnny gilbert. and welcome, everyone, to the semifinals of the first ever "jeopardy" invitational tournament. just as a reminder, the player who comes out on top in this competition will be invited to participate in "jeopardy!" masters in prime time in may. three spots in the finals await the winners of our next three games. and today we welcome back our first trio of semifinalists-- amy, jennifer, and david. good luck to all three of you. let's dive into the jeopardy! round where these will be your categories. first up, a little... then we move to... we have... and finally... these responses will contain a "j" and then later an "i" and a "t." amy, start us off. fiction for $400.


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