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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  April 2, 2024 11:35pm-12:38am PDT

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stone. all of us. i'm dan ashley. we appreciate your time right now on jimmy kimmel james corden and kim fields. have a good night. we'll see you tomorrow. >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight, james corden, kim fields, and music from the defiant. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: very nice. listen, thank you. i'm jimmy, i'm the host. i thank you for watching. i thank you for coming. i'm glad you're here. i'm glad any of us are here. [ cheers and applause ] all right, well, now it's -- now it seems fake, okay? [ laughter ] thanks, everybody. hey, listen. i don't want to start with a negative thing, but i don't know -- how late did you go to bed last night? >> guillermo: 10:00. >> jimmy: you missed this. late last night/early this morning, i don't know how this happens, 1:30 a.m., a series of mysterious lights flashed across the sky over l.a. >> is that a shooting star? do you think it's a shooting star? make a wish. >> i don't think that's a shooting star.
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it's one of those meteors? >> oh my god, double rainbow moment. oh my god, that's beautiful. >> [ bleep ], [ bleep ]. >> oh my! >> oh my god. >> where'd it go, where'd it go? oh my god! >> jimmy: yeah. oh my god is right, because no one seems to have any information on what that was. there was a spacex launch, but that was six hours before those lights were seen. 15 hours later, we still have no word from the faa, from norad, the jet propulsion laboratory. all we have is videos on tiktok. [ laughter ] i feel like this is how an attack from north korea is going to go. we'll be outside going, "oh my good, look at that!" then boom, we're dead. how do we not know what this was? [ cheers and applause ] it could be aliens, could be missiles, could be kanye in a jetpack. [ laughter ] we don't know! and we should know.
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did we learn nothing from the beginning of "independence day"? am i right on this, guillermo? >> guillermo: right, jimmy. yes, jimmy. >> lou: let's spend half the energy we spend hunting kate middleton on getting to the bottom of this, lasers shooting across our -- yep. [ cheers and applause ] meanwhile, the aftershocks of easter are still being felt by an unhappy pet owner in oklahoma. >> did you get a mouse? oh, good boy, what is it? what is that? is that a [ bleep ]? bunny rabbit! come back! jackson, no! no! come here! jacks! you mother [ bleep ], come here! give me the bunny rabbit! [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: i don't know, are you sure you really want the bunny rabbit? i don't know. personally, i'd rather eat a
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rabbit than a mouse. but that's just me. [ laughter ] donald trump pulled a rabbit out of his maga hat. he managed to post that $175 million bond he couldn't get. he got one courtesy of the knight specialty insurance company, which i'm guess diagnose not google the phrase "who is donald trump?" [ laughter ] somewhere there's a loan officer just got called into his boss' office. "you loaned $175 million to who?" [ laughter ] this is the man with the good sense to loan a lot of money to donald trump. there he is, the next owner of mar-a-lago. billionaire don hankey. also known as "the king of the subprime car loans." hankey sells loans to people with less-than-exceptional credit. "forbes" said his company repossesses about 250 cars a day. our former president got a loan from a rep poe man. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] and not just any run-of-the-mill repo man. this company is known for faking
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their caller id so it looks like they're calling from a local pizza place. and then they pounce. i would love to be there to see trump waiting at the door for a meat lovers supreme -- [ laughter ] only to find out his tower has been repossessed next door. [ laughter ] trump posted bond and then posted on truth social. this is one of the dozens of crazy things he wrote today. "please remember, all of these lawsuits, charges, and indictments that have been brought against me have been orchestrated and coordinated by crooked joe biden." which i find particularly upsetting because "crooked" was his nickname for hillary. all right? [ laughter ] crooked hillary. you can't just re-assign a nickname. you can't have a magic johnson and a magic larry bird. it doesn't work like that. [ laughter ] this is just lazy donald trumping. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] i know he's not ashamed of anything, but he should at least be ashamed of this. he also called the charges in his latest new york fraud case
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"a fabricated election interference con job." which i think is interesting. i don't know if you remember. this was also his clue on "jeopardy!." >> fabricated election interference con job. >> who is donald trump? >> that is correct. >> jimmy: the category was "cheatiest golfers." yesterday the judge in trump's trial, no not that one, the other one. no not that one, the other trial. [ laughter ] no, not that trial, the other one. that one, okay, there it is. [ laughter ] that is the judge in the stormy-d hush money case. last night, he expanded the gag order he put in place to ban trump from attacking relatives of courtroom staff or the prosecution. he signed him up for the friends and family ban. [ laughter ] trump has been going after the judge's daughter. which is nuts. so the judge ordered him to stop, and he declined. this morning, he did it again. he wrote a whole diatribe on truth social and guess what happened? nothing. nothing happened.
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again. are laws real? because i've stupidly been following them my whole life. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] it doesn't seem to matter. trump thinks a gag order is what melania does when she sees him get out of the hot tub. [ laughter ] the former president spent the whole day ranting and raving. that's how he spends most of his days now. ranting, raving, spray tan, and golf. but he did make a trip to grand rapids, michigan, where even in times staff rife he did his best to cheer everyone up. >> if we don't win i think our country's going to cease to exist. i think it's going to be the last election we ever have. that's where our country's going. >> jimmy: no, we will still have elections, it's you that won't hatch them anymore. [ cheers and applause ] you won't be able to run or vote.
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meanwhile, while daddy's busy selling lies and bibles, the fraudigal son is doing a show for no one. [ laughter ] the red hats are very upset about the fact that the transgender day of visibility happened to fall on easter this year. and don jr. believes it might be affecting the weather. >> after this weekend's blasphemy, we may have gotten a sign from god himself. thunder and lightning delayed the start of the white house's annual easter egg roll. i don't know, guys. maybe, maybe that's what it is. like, flood it again. meteor 2025. if joe biden magically wins this one again, by cheating obviously, but maybe at that point we just deserve it. >> jimmy: maybe, maybe joe biden -- when did he start talking like the host of a small market "morning zoo"? [ laughter ] >> this month we'll have international asexuality day. that's a big one, don't forget that one, folks.
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that's basically like christmas, easter, thanksgiving, all wrapped up into one radi radical, insane democratic party. >> jimmy: maybe so, folks. and if anyone knows "speshical" it's djtj. [ laughter ] speaking of offspring who are a little off, the rogue kennedy, robert f., could do a lot of damage if he attracts democrats who see the name kennedy and assume he isn't a nut. which he is. this is causing particular consternation from his own family. last night on cnn, erin burnett sat robert down to get his thoughts on videos of his sister denouncing him, then his cousin jack schlossberg, who is jfk's only grandson, strongly speaking out gains his candidacy. >> he's trading in on camelot, celebrity, conspiracy theories for personal game reserve gain and fame. i've listened to him. i know him. i have no idea why anyone thinks
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he should be president. what i do know is, his candidacy is an embarrassment. [ laughter ] >> that's your family. >> yeah, i have a big family. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: sure. a couple of my family members don't hate my guts. these are the kind of crazies rfk helped to create with this anti-vax nonsense. over the last few months, lawmakers in tennessee have been working very hard to keep vaccines out of their lettuce. >> thank you, mr. speaker. house bill 1894 merely would require any food that contains a vaccine or vaccine material would have to be classified as a drug and labeled as such. >> so does the representative know of any instances of there being food offered in the state of tennessee that contains vaccines in some kind of a retail or public forum? >> thank you, mr. speaker, no, i
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do not know specific examples, but certainly they are developing this process. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: well, who needs examples when you can make stuff up? vaccines are not transmittable through lettuce. [ laughter ] they tried to make edible vaccines and failed, but state senator frank nicely is so concerned that they might start slipping moderna in his mashed potatoes, he helped put a bill on the governor's desk. >> the lettuce is what they're talking about first. they can raise this stuff so cheap. they're actually talking about other vegetables that they're trying to put this in. and my question is, would this have to be sold in a drugstore? would you still buy it in a grocery store? why don't we just outlaw this stuff completely? i mean, this stuff is like a science fiction movie. i mean, it's ridiculous. it changes your dna. mrna changes your dna. if you have your dna tested now and you eat a bunch of this lettuce, take mrna vaccines, you
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get your dna tested again, it's going to be a little [ laughter ] >> jimmy: now, hold on. i know the idea that eating lettuce can change your dna sounds crazy, but before frank started eating vaccinated lettuce, he looked like this. [ laughter ] follow the science is all i'm saying. fortunately, there are no other problems that need solving in tennessee. we are not too bright, this country of ours. it's important to stay informed. it's not easy. that's why we asked our newly titled youth ambassador guillermo to help bridge the gap. [ cheers and applause ] guillermo is the parent of a 12-year-old. and to keep us up to date on what's going on with the young folk, we give you the first-ever installment of "guillermo's teen corner." ♪ about. >> guillermo: hi, teen friends, what's cooking? >> hi, guillermo. >> hi, guillermo. >> guillermo: i'm doing something on the skateboard and listening to music. >> what music? >> guillermo: uh -- madonna.
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>> madonna. >> guillermo: hold on, let me sit. all right. what's going on? >> not much, you? >> guillermo: anything cool? >> yeah. >> guillermo: teach me how to talk. i want to talk to my son. "we're cool." you know, like that. >> be like, "hey, what's up, bro?" >> guillermo: what's up, bro? what's up bro? what are some other words? >> you want to talk to a girl, you've got to have rizz. >> guillermo: rizz? rizz mean, like, cool? >> like skin in game. talking to a girl, how to get her number. >> guillermo: how you talk to a girl? my days you say, "you want to go to the party, a.m./p.m.?" >> you invite your girlfriend to a gas station? >> guillermo: you didn't take a date to the gas station? >> i've never been there. >> guillermo: i used to take my give to a.m./p.m. yes. for $1 you can get a hot dog.
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>> personally, that's an ick for me. >> guillermo: that's what? >> ick. >> guillermo: ick. that was my date. we used to sit in the parking lot and everything. >> did you have a car you would sit in the parking lot or sit on the blacktop? >> guillermo: sitting, yes, sitting on the floor. >> oh my gosh. >> oh, oh. >> guillermo. >> that's a rizz. >> guillermo: then i bought a car. >> what was your first car? >> guillermo: my first car was a toyota celica, 1977, guess how much i paid for my car? >> $2,500. >> guillermo: no, i paid 50 bucks. what? >> that's crazy. >> guillermo: back in the day, the car didn't have any ac -- >> yeah, that makes sense. >> guillermo: i'm talking about 1986. listen, you have a car in high school, you are the coolest guy. how do you guys do a romantic -- you know -- >> say you've got a yacht. >> a yacht?
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>> guillermo: what? >> gyatt. >> guillermo: what was that? what do you say? >> she's got a lot of cake in the trunk. >> be like, gyatt! >> guillermo: i say like, gyatt? >> just like that. >> pretty much. >> guillermo: if it couldn't have no yatt? >> level zero. >> guillermo: i tell her, "hey, you're level zero"? >> no cap. >> guillermo: no cap. >> all cap, yeah. >> guillermo: cap. >> say your friend said he's rizzing up a girl, you don't believe him, he's lying, that's cap. >> no, that's cap. >> guillermo: cap? >> then no cap is like, he's not lying. >> guillermo: cap? >> like a baseball cap. >> guillermo: i can say, you're a cap? >> you're capping. >> guillermo: you're capping? that's when i'm lying? >> yeah. >> guillermo: in my days, you know what we used to say? "stop the bull [ bleep ]."
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well, that's it from "guillermo's teens corner." stay cool, all right, if you want to be a "w," right? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you, guillermo. very educational. [ cheers and applause ] we've got a fun show for you tonight. kim fields is here. we have music from the defiant. and we'll be right back with james corden. so stick around!
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your favorites are in one place. let's take a roll call. the bear? -hello. -so sorry, that's confusing. i meant the other the bear. -yes, chef. -yes, chef. -yes, chef. hulu on disney+. available with disney bundle.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hello, and welcome back. tonight, she's been on our tvs since she was in pigtails. you can see her now on "the upshaws." the artist formerly known as "tootie", kim fields is with us. [ cheers and applause ] then later, a band comprised of members from the offspring, smashmouth, street dogs, the briggs, and our old pal and former announcer dicky barrett from the mighty mighty bosstones. their album is called "if we're really being honest." music from the defiant. [ cheers and applause ] you can see the defiant live on tour starting april 12th at the house of blues in chicago. tomorrow night, dax shepard and cailey spaeny will join us with music from kim gordon. 341 days ago, our first guest
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left his late-night talk show and moved back to england to drive on the wrong side of the road. [ laughter ] he has a new podcast on siriusxm called "this life of mine." please welcome james corden. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: good to see you. >> how are you? >> jimmy: i'm good. i was telling the audience, i knew you were going to come crawling back, i knew it all along. >> i know, i know. >> jimmy: miss this at all? anything about it that you miss? >> well -- yes. it's an adjustment. >> jimmy: yeah? >> because, i mean, you -- we talked about this a lot. how long are you going to -- i feel like when the day comes when you say, you know, i'm going to stop hosting this show,
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i really feel like i'm ready to help you or any other host -- >> jimmy: oh, really, that would be nice. >> yeah. >> jimmy: help me make the transition, like when you get out of prison? [ laughter ] >> that is exactly right. that is exactly right. because you don't understand -- you know -- you don't understand how institutionalized you are. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: interesting. >> it's not -- you're institutionalized in a world where you get a standing ovation at the end of every day. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. >> that is what i've realized, it's really bad for you. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: is it really bad for you? >> it's really, really bad for you. >> jimmy: why is it bad for you? >> every day. >> jimmy: yeah? >> to just walk out -- >> jimmy: weekdays. >> weekdays. it's -- honestly, it takes a lot of -- >> jimmy: you're telling me you don't get that anymore? [ laughter ] >> i go so far as to say, i get the opposite. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what about the kids? you don't demand that they stand and applaud when you come in? >> nothing. i get eyerolls.
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i get -- my youngest daughter is 6. she's an american. >> jimmy: yeah? >> and she, for some reason, taught -- it's holding on to her american accent. my other daughters and max, their transition started easier. she is talking like samantha from "sex and the city." [ laughter ] i'm not joking. "oh my god!" i'll come home, and no, i don't get a standing ovation. >> jimmy: okay. >> all i get is charlotte going, "it's raining. again." >> jimmy: oh. >> like that. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: going back to london, are they like, welcome back! do they reclaim you warmly? >> yeah, i mean, people are very nice. >> jimmy: yeah? >> but no one believes that i wasn't fired. [ laughter ] i'll be in a pub. i'll be in a pub or something. people will be like, "yeah, no,
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why did you come back?" "well, because max finished sixth grade, we really wanted him to have a relationship with his grandparents, we really thought --" people are honestly like, "you don't have to give me that [ bleep ], it's fine, mate." [ laughter ] "you got fired." because nobody thinks you would ever leave what is, let's be honest, a cushy existence. >> jimmy: can you get a letter from cbs saying that you've been -- you were not fired, that you left of your own free will? >> i will except they don't know what cbs is. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh. >> so they'll go, that's not a real thing. then i have to tell them what the show was. then they'll go, "hang on, it was 12:30 at night, that's a ridiculous time to put a tv show on." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it sounds like you should just come back. you know, what you left and they don't accept you anymore, that's that. [ laughter ] but this play that you're doing. >> i am, i'm doing a play. >> jimmy: now in front of a live
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audience again. >> it's quite the pay cut, jimmy, let me tell you that. [ laughter ] quite the pay cut. >> jimmy: you get that applause, you get that standing ovation, hopefully, at the end? >> i don't know. i'm doing a very -- it's a play -- i'm very excited about it. but it's very serious. i've never done a serious play before why you haven't? so this is drama? >> oh, yeah. it's actually quite dark. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. so the play's called "the constit constituents" written by a brilliant playwright who wrote one of my favorite plays called "blue orange." the play is political, about a very timely -- things happening to a lot of members of parliament in the uk, and perhaps how we're treating them, is there room for empathy and compassion in the world of politics anymore? and yeah, no, if anyone's coming expecting a big comedy, they're going to be really perplexed. >> jimmy: you know, i think i might have told you this one time. i was in london years ago, before you started doing the show here. >> you have told me this.
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i think about it a lot. >> jimmy: i heard about this play. what was it called? "one man, two governors." everybody said, it's so great this guy james corden so is great. my wife and i went, bought tickets, sat way in the back. and we're waiting for you to come out. and your understudy was on. >> i know, yeah. i've always felt bad about that. >> jimmy: yeah, would you mind doing that play for us right now? [ cheers and applause ] >> i might. >> jimmy: is that too much to ask? >> no, i do -- we do talk a lot about perhaps doing that play again. well that play, "one man, two governors," that play was a big, riotous comedy. >> jimmy: yeah. >> like a romp, really. and i was very forpt in the character i played would talk a lot with the audience and actually, every night i would get to bring people from the audience up on stage. because there was a part in the play where i had to get him to move some scenery for me.
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and that -- i used to have great fun with that. when we wouldn't to new york -- so the play, you know, at the national theater, it went to the west end, it went to new york. every night we did that play in new york there would always be quite amazing people on the show. like, your, like gene wilder came to see it. >> jimmy: wow. that's great. >> tom hanks. like, you know, amazing people would come. you can't really bring them up on stage use it's -- could be seen as disrespectful. >> jimmy: yeah. >> one night it was raining. you remember -- you know when it rains in new york, the raindrops are like quarters. it's like everyone is drenched. and ollie, who was in the play, said," you know who's in tonight?" this is 2012. he said, "donald trump's here." and he said, "he's the only person you could ever bring up on stage." because half the audience don't really like him anyway. so you'll either win with the whole audience, or you'll win with half.
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i was like, oh, we'll see how the audience are doing in the first ten minutes. if it feels like they're not really getting into it as much as we'd like, maybe i'll do it. sure enough, the show starts, it's kind of okay, it's lukewarm. the response. and i just thought, i'll do it. so i went out. he was deep in the auditorium. i'd normally take someone from the first row. i went out and i grabbed his arm and i said, "you're coming up with me." and he was like -- and he loved it. and i got him up. and i said, "this is manual labor, this is something you've never done before." [ laughter ] you know, i fired him at one point. it was when "the apprentice" was really big. >> jimmy: how did his hair look with all the big, wet drops on it? >> he doesn't walk in the rain. >> jimmy: yeah. >> he doesn't walk in the rain. like watching "succession." there's no raindrop. i'll never forget, we drot him up on stage, did all this stuff. and then what we do when we bring people up, send them into
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the wings. you're stage manager would say, "wait here, you did great." people would be a bit shell shocked, they've just been on a broadway stage. "james is going to shout for you to come back, i'll open the door, we'll get you back to your seat." i said to the stage manager in 2012, "what was he like in the wings?" he said, "oh, man, it was like he thought he was president of the united states." [ moans ] i promise that's true. he said he went to the crew. he did that thing, shaking their hands. not in a genuine grateful way. in a way to be like, this is a big deal for you. >> jimmy: you know what's weird? he still thinks he's president of the united states. [ laughter and applause ] james corden is here. his podcast is called, "this life of mine." we'll be right back. >> lou: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by allstate. save money and protect yourself from mayhem with allstate. and my dignity. get out of the way! as if watching my team lose
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: james corden is with us. his podcast on sirius xm is called," this life of mine." what does that mean? >> each week the guests choose a place, a person, a possession, a piece of music, a movie, and a memory which is significant in their life. >> jimmy: a lot of homework you give the guests. they have to come with all this? >> that's true. each week, we will then talk about the guest's life. and we'll go really back to where they grew up and what
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happened. with those sort of tempo, if you like, informing where the discussion goes. it's less -- it's probably more of a show than it as podcast or what we've come to know podcasts as being. it's a very sort of curated show. >> jimmy: what was dr. dre's possession that he brought? >> dr. dre's possession was his sound board. he didn't bring it, it was his mixing board. he really started opening up and talking about the relationship he's had with his mixing board and the songs that he's made. then he starts talking about particular songs he's done. we asked him for one song that he didn't have anything to do with and one song that he did. and i was so interested to know what his favorite song would be that he had worked on. and it was "in the club," 50 cent. >> jimmy: that was his favorite? >> yeah. i never saw it coming. i said, why? he said, that's the song that they used to
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because it's such a particular bass. the boom boom da da boom. they used that, "needs more of this, more of that," stuff like that. people open up a lot when they're talking about things they love. you really learn a lot about people. i'm really, really enjoying doing it. >> jimmy: how many total have you done so far? >> we've recorded about 25, and i think about nine have gone out. >> jimmy: oh, okay. don't ask me to be on the show. [ laughter ] >> okay. i think we have. >> jimmy: you haven't. >> i think we have. no, i promise you. >> jimmy: you haven't asked me because i would have said no. >> no, you wouldn't -- >> jimmy: now that i know i'm not in the top 25 -- [ laughter ] forget about it. >> you -- no. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: if you can prove that you asked me -- then i will do it. you obviously don't want me to do it. >> you are going to regret this so much. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you made me eat a penis on your
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think i'm going to regret this. >> let's call tracy who books the show. >> jimmy: is there really a tracy or is it your wife? >> my wife is asleep. >> jimmy: is tracy going to get fired now if -- >> no, no, tracy's going to -- let's see. >> jimmy: why is tracy nude on your phone? [ laughter ] >> tracy's not -- she's quite annoying. >> jimmy: a coincidence, you're calling -- >> i promise you. >> jimmy: it's 4:00 in the morning over there. >> no, tracy's here. >> jimmy: what were those lights in the sky last night, james? [ laughter ] >> tracy's here. what were those lights? >> jimmy: as you people say, "we'll sort it out." [ laughter ] >> what were those lights? >> jimmy: i don't know, i want to know. in england work, they allow lights to go over the town without looking into what they are? >> no. >> jimmy: no. [ laughter ] >> but we look at things like this slightly differently. because we don't really -- no one's made, like, a "close encounters" set in reading.
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sunderland. do you know what i mean? we expect this of america. >> jimmy: i know. >> we need bright lights in america. >> jimmy: you guys like laughing at us. >> we don't laugh, we go, "it has to happen in america." we need to it happen in america. that's the best thing about america is the constant optimism in all of it, it's joyous. >> jimmy: i know what we are, we are your flar, that's what we are. [ laughter ] james corden. listen to new episodes of "this life of mine" thursdays on sirius xm. we'll be back with kim fields. to severe ulcerative colitis e or crohn's disease... put it in check with rinvoq... a once—daily pill. when symptoms tried to take control, i got rapid relief... and reduced fatigue with rinvoq. check. when flares kept trying to slow me down... i got lasting steroid—free remission... with rinvoq. check. and when my doctor saw damage,... rinvoq helped visibly reduce damage of the intestinal lining. check. for both uc and crohn's: rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid—free remission... and visibly reduced damage.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hi, there, welcome back. music from the defiant is on the way. our next guest was not born on tv, but close. she stars alongside wanda sykes and mike epps on "the upshaws." new episodes premiere on netflix april 18th. please welcome kim fields! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: how are you? >> i'm great. >> jimmy: it's great to have you here. your dad works here. >> yes. >> jimmy: he's worked here 20 years. >> it was bring your daughter to workday, didn't you know? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: was there a lot of excitement in the -- i guess you guys don't live together probably anymore do you? >> no, we don't live together, but we were together for easter. lots of enthusiasm when dad got the usual sunday night text of who was going to be on the show. and it pops up sunday night after easter dinner. we're all just around the table. "oh, kimmie, you're going to be on "kimmel" this week." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's not how you found out. >> that's not how i found out. still, it was great to hear him say it. >> jimmy: this is your third big-hit sitcom? >> by the gray. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: "the upshaws." this is a little different. it's on netflix. you can use foul language. >> absolutely. >> jimmy: which your dad never
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uses, by the way, never. >> never, no. irv, everyone knows and loves him here, cool and laid-back irv. being on netflix is great. being on the "the upshaws" is amazing. honestly, being here with you is amazing -- >> jimmy: is better? >> i don't know if it's better. [ laughter ] it's wonderful because -- what is that on your desk? >> jimmy: you want to know what that is? this is your album. >> oh, geez. we're going to get to that. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: what year did you make this album? >> yeah. very mid-'80s. >> jimmy: the "b" side of this, it's a big single, "dear michael." >> that was the original. then "he loves me, he loves me not" was the big dance hit. >> jimmy: "dear michael" is about michael jackson? >> yes. >> jimmy: i think we have a clip. ♪ dear michael please dance to this ♪ >> all right, yes, i did.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: did michael ever hear that? >> he did. you know, it was actually a cover. a remake of a song that he recorded about a fan letter that he got. motown and some of the executives who produced him when he was michael jackson and the jackson 5, they thought it would be great to remake the song. and i think i did it by default. i got it by default. i was the only black kid on tv at the time. [ laughter ] so they asked me to do it. >> jimmy: speaking about being a kid on tv at the time. >> yes? >> jimmy: you, when we rebooted "facts of life," when we did that live here on abc -- [ cheers and applause ] you were part of the show. >> yes. >> jimmy: jason bateman, also a child actor washes is part of the show. >> yes. >> jimmy: you guys knew each other. >> we did. >> jimmy: i'm wondering how you knew each other. >> are you wondering that? >> jimmy: yes. >> so jason was on a show called "it's your move" which was a spinoff from a show called
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"silver spoons." and "facts of life," we were all filming wonderful did '80s tv shows together. >> there's the guy. >> jimmy: he's going to love you for that. >> we did game shows together. we did "body language." i had an appearance to perform "dear michael" and the other song at the tropicana. i invited him to come and watch me perform, and he did. and before i went on stage, we were backstage, had this sweet teen kiss. >> jimmy: wow. [ applause ] yeah, that's -- >> yes. >> jimmy: did you guys discuss that? >> no, no. then it was like, that happened. and yeah, then we just went on with our lives and our careers. >> jimmy: wow, what a lovely -- >> utmost respect for one another, and just -- yeah. >> jimmy: hm. [ laughter ] i know your dad's here. i'll get the rest of the story. [ laughter ]
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from jason. >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: no, what i wanted to -- actually, i have a surprise. i think this is kind of a surprise for both of us, weirdly. >> okay. >> jimmy: i was asked to -- i have to read this? the envelope? okay. so i'm supposed to read whatever is in this card. >> okay. >> jimmy: all right. >> all right. >> jimmy: "here to explain more is our brightest and most physically attractive writer devin field." do we have a devin field? >> hi, everyone, hi. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how are you doing? >> thank you for those kind words, jimmy, cane tell they came from the heart. >> jimmy: they came from the envelope, but go ahead. what this is? >> you're going to love it. buckle up because i'm about to blow your mind. >> oh, my. >> now, your name is kim fields, correct? >> correct. wait, why? what you got on me? [ laughter ] >> don't worry. what am i told you that my father's name was kim field? would that just make your head explode?
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[ laughter ] okay, well, if you thought that was surprising -- wait until you see who flew here from portland, oregon, to be with us tonight. ♪ here he is! [ cheers and applause ] wow, wow. oh my god. wow. wow. kim fields, meet kim field. >> hi, kim. >> hi. it's like looking in a mirror, hey. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so, is that it? >> yeah. [ laughter ] what do you mean? >> jimmy: is there anything else? >> kim field met kim fields. >> jimmy: i get that. it's cute. will you be honest with me? is this something you concocted just so we would pay to fly your dad out here? [ laughter ] >> no! >> would now be a good time to give jimmy my room service receipts? >> i told you not to bring
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these. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: we got a room for him too? >> just a small room. >> jimmy: okay, i think -- nice to meet you, mr. field. i think we're done with this, devin. we'll talk after the program, okay? >> does that mean jimmy's not going to take us to disneyland? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you forgot your sunglasses. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: pretty exciting, huh? >> yes. >> jimmy: did you ever meet another tootie? not that that is your real name. >> yeah, appreciate that acknowledgement. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yes. >> no, i've met a lot of the people who have said that they either roller skated around the house -- >> jimmy: never another tootie? >> no. >> jimmy: bring in the other tootie! [ laughter ] there are no other tooties. >> okay. i was going to say, come on, dad, you didn't warn me about that. >> jimmy: kim fields, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] not to be confused with kim field. her show is "the upshaws." part five premieres april 18th
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on netflix. we'll be back with the defiant.
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>> jimmy: thanks to james corden and kim fields. apologies to matt damon. "nightline" is next. but first, their album "if we're really being honest" is out now. here with the song "dead
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language," the defiant! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ why go outside and leave this space i've got the ac blasting my face ♪ ♪ and i'd feel awkward and out of place i've got everything i need right here ♪ ♪ at my fingertips literally there's an app for everything ♪ ♪ so why go back to reality it's clearly overrated my dear ♪ ♪ why fall in love love is blind plus who's got that kind of time ♪
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♪ and now we walk like zombies in the land of the lost ♪ ♪ a prefabricated universe our eyes are all crossed ♪ ♪ rest in peace you dead language and the time that you've cost ♪ ♪ thank the lord for opposable thumbs ♪ ♪ asleep at the wheel crawling from the curb to the door ♪ ♪ i've had some deep conversations with my living room floor ♪ ♪ i should've died at 27 like my heroes before ♪ ♪ but i was too busy having fun and now we're too busy getting dumb ♪ ♪ baba baba baba baba ♪ ♪ why fall in love i heard it's blind plus who's got that kind of time ♪ ♪ and i can't dance and i don't drink wine so what the hell is in it for me ♪ ♪ why fall in love love is blind
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plus who's got that kind of time ♪ ♪ and now we walk like zombies in the land of the lost ♪ ♪ a prefabricated universe our eyes are all crossed ♪ ♪ rest in peace you dead language and the time that you've cost ♪ ♪ thank the lord for opposable thumbs ♪ ♪ asleep at the wheel crawling from the curb to the door ♪ ♪ i've had some deep conversations with my living room floor ♪ ♪ i should've died at 27 like my heroes before ♪ ♪ but i was too busy having fun and now we're too busy getting dumb ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ and now we walk like zombies in the land of the lost ♪ ♪ a prefabricated universe our eyes are all crossed ♪ ♪ rest in peace you dead language and the time that you've cost ♪ ♪ thank the lord for opposable thumbs ♪ ♪ asleep at the wheel crawling from the curb to the door ♪ ♪ i've had some deep conversations with my living room floor ♪ ♪ i should've died at 27 like my heroes before ♪ ♪ but i was too busy having fun and now we're too busy getting dumb ♪ ♪ ♪ ba ba ba ba ♪ ♪ we're too busy getting dumb ♪ ♪ we're too busy too busy getting dumb ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ this is "nightline." >> juju: tonight, the post-roe generation. >> to tell a 12-year-old girl she must have the baby of her stepfather, who raped her, is unthinkable. >> juju: political ads like this highlighting the voices of young people on both sides of the abortion debate. >> this is the greatest human rights atrocity to ever occur that we are allowing the slaughter of millions of


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