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tv   Nightline  ABC  April 3, 2024 12:37am-1:07am PDT

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♪ this is "nightline." >> juju: tonight, the post-roe generation. >> to tell a 12-year-old girl she must have the baby of her stepfather, who raped her, is unthinkable. >> juju: political ads like this highlighting the voices of young people on both sides of the abortion debate. >> this is the greatest human rights atrocity to ever occur that we are allowing the slaughter of millions of
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children in the womb. >> juju: mobilizing in this election year. >> what you need to do with your medical choices is not my business, and it's not the next person's business. >> juju: the impact gen-z could have in november. >> we could see some young voters making the decisions that ultimately put someone in the white house. >> juju: plus villa drama. set in the gorgeous countryside of southern france -- >> i don't think anybody's quite ever seen the aesthetics that they're going to see in this show. >> juju: it's "vanderpump villa." >> apologize. say sorry. apologize. >> i did not work this hard to have these little whippersnappers screw it up. >> juju: a little different than the original fan favorite, "vanderpump rules." >> not only living together, working together. there's no escaping. >> juju: je nais se quoi, it all translates to drama. and -- ♪ the club taylor swift just joined. it's the stuff of her wildest
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at cache creek casino resort. now with hulu on disney+, your favorites are in one place. -let's take a roll call. meredith? -here. -officer grant? -copy that. -rookie? -officer john nolan reporting. -my aunt loves you. -i'm big with aunts. hulu on disney+. available with disney bundle. ♪ >> juju: thanks for joining us. tonight, young voters mobilizing around one issue that could decide the presidency, abortion. as several states close out their primaries, abortion rights are increasingly front and center, especially for gen-z, who have never voted in a post-roe presidential election.
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and with razor-thin margins expected in november, the stakes could not be higher. here's abc's senior white house correspondent selina wang. >> it's hard to convince people that i'm doing good work and it's worth the controversy. >> reporter: morgan reece is a 22-year-old college senior in bowling green, ohio. 300 miles away in central kentucky, 22-year-old hadley duvall is a senior at midway university. at first glance, both hadley and morgan are typical college students. but these young women are fighting on opposite sides of one of the country's most deeply polarizing and personal issues, abortion. but their positions might surprise you, given where they are. >> we can grow on the fund-raiser -- >> my favorite thing to say is i'm pro minding your business. >> reporter: hadley is pro aboergs rights on a conservative christian campus. >> what you need to do with your medical choices is not my
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business, and it's not the next person's business. >> reporter: morgan is anti-abortion on a mostly liberal one. >> this is the greatest human rights atrocity to ever occur, that we are allowing the slaughter of millions of children in the womb. >> reporter: hadley and morgan find themselves in a post-roe and deeply divided america. >> when abortion rights are under attack, what do we do? >> fight back! >> reporter: in an election year when abortion is a key issue expected to drive young voters like them to the polls -- their generation's votes could be critical in this year's election. generation z expected to make up over 40 million potential voters. almost 17% of the american electorate. and voters who say abortion is the most important issue for them are disproportionately made up of the youngest voters. >> there is the capacity for young voters to have a real big impact in terms of who wins in these battleground states. we could see young voters making the decisions that ultimately
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put someone in the white house. >> reporter: you wouldn't know it if you met morgan today, but she says she was pro-abortion rights until a social media post changed that. >> i used to be pro-choice. i thought that was the normal stance to have. i came across a graphic photo of an aborted baby that just broke my heart. >> reporter: since then, the ohio native has devoted herself to the anti-abortion movement. volunteering at pregnancy resource centers -- >> we're on the abortion is not right tour. >> reporter: serving as president of her president's anti-abortion group, working with students for life, a nonprofit anti-abortion organization. organizing events on her campus where many students disagree. >> your religion shouldn't tell me what to do. everyone can make their own decisions. >> how has your activism in the anti-abortion movement impacted your life as a college student? >> one woman i don't even know, she sent me a death threat saying she was going to run me over with her car. it reinforces the position that
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i have. >> reporter: permission in some ways an uphill bag. >> abortion access is the law of the land in ohio! >> reporter: we visited morgan shortly after the majority of voters in ohio voted to enshrine abortion rights into state's constitution. how much of a blow was that to the anti-abortion movement? >> so it was a letdown for sure. but much like all of our other loss, it's not the end all, be all. we did impact people through canvassing. >> reporter: morgan is not a loan. anti-abortion groups have gone laying the groundwork for decades. led by activists like kristin hawkins, president of students for life. >> the bottom line is abortion is a bloody business. it's absolutely abhorrent what we do to these children. >> 12-year-old girl gets raped, how do you feel about that, those sort of things? >> i'm against abortion in all cases. abortion is a discriminatory stance against another member of our species. >> at the end of my talk i'm going to go, "for we are."
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you need to chant it. >> reporter: "nightline" has followed hawkins' quest for almost a decade. >> we are the pro-life generation, we will abolish abortion! >> reporter: an army of thousands of young anti-abortion activists with more than 1,400 chapters on college campuses across the country. many of them showed up for this year's march for life. we're at the march for life rally in washington, d.c., a cold and snowy day. that has not stopped thousands of people from coming here. they say there's a lot of the momentum for the anti-abortion movement. many young people traveling from all over the nation to remind the country of their political power. >> i'm definitely going to vote for people who are pro-life. because i do not believe that a life should just be aborted because it's simply unwanted. >> reporter: is this country where you wanted it to be? >> no. our vision of an abortion-free
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america has not been actualized yet. >> reporter: since the supreme court voted to overturn roe v. wade in 2022, voters have overwhelmingly voted to protect abortion across the country, including in some of the most conservative states in the nation. nonpartisan polls have also consistently shown that a majority of americans, 62% of them, say abortion should be legal in all or most cases. that number is even higher for younger americans. almost 73% of those ages 18 to 29 say abortion should be legal. does it ever give you pause that your movement is pushing for something that the majority of americans say they don't want? >> so when we're having conversations with young people, we're starting there. what sort of restrictions on abortion do they want? and why? >> reporter: while polls show there's broad support for some gestational limit, the reality is that 93% of all abortions occur in the first trimester.
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abc news reporting on a post-roe america repeatedly shows that the new restrictions on abortion have endangered the lives pregnant women in their second and third trimesters. >> no one in the pro-life movement advocates if a mother's life is at risk and her child has died within her is no longer living, is no beating heart, that she must also perish as well, that doesn't make sense. >> reporter: the law says one thing. in reality, it looks like something else. is there something wrong right now with the status? >> i say we have a challenge where we have ob-gyns in this country who are abortion advocates. they're putting their politics over safety and priority. >> reporter: while there's no evidence of that, there is data showing that most ob-gyns say the overturning of roe has worsened their ability to manage pregnancy-related emergencies. a majority of them say they're very or somewhat concerned about their own legal risk when making decisions about patient care and
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whether or not an abortion is necessary. it seems that there are challenges in the way the law is being interpreted? >> i would say if a woman's life is at risk, and her child has died, and that doctor is -- you know, doesn't act for fear of losing his medical license? i think we have a problem there. >> reporter: it's not just women being impacted by abortion restrictions. >> i was a little girl who got a lot taken from her for a long time. so nobody can take my v >> reporter: hadley die vaul was sexually abused by her stepfather over a decade. at age 12 she realized she'd missed periods. >> we had came from middle school, checked me out of language arts class. i remember it look it was yesterday. we went and got a pregnancy test from walgreens. i took it right there in my bathroom. it was positive. >> reporter: she says her stepfather had made plans for her to get an abortion, but then she ended up having a miscarriage.
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>> i knew what i would have chosen r. i would have definitely chosen to get an abortion. but at that time, i didn't know what that meant. >> reporter: she never imagined sharing this story with the entire country. but that all changed when roe fell. she was featured in an ad for governor andy beshear. >> to tell a 12-year-old girl she must have the baby of her stepfather who raped her is unthinkable. i'm speaking out because women and girls need to have options. >> reporter: the ad was largely credited for helping the democrat win re-election in kentucky. why do you think your story resonated so deeply with the people in kentucky? >> i think that my face gives the all american girl. you know, you look at my background, i come from a small town, a close-knit community. i have a good family, i come from good people. i'm doing all the things that society says is right. >> reporter: since the fall of roe, kentucky put in place a near-total ban on abortions, which concurrently ononly be performed to save the life of
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the mother or prevent disabling injury with no exceptions for rape or incest. hadley is on a mission to change that. >> it took me awhile to find my voice. now that i have, i intend to keep using it to speak out for other girls and women who need it. >> reporter: earlier this year, state democrats introduced a bill named in her honor, "hadley's law." >> under this current law, i would have had no choice. >> reporter: if passed, it would add exceptions for rape, incest, and pregnancies that are no longer viable and expand the current law to protect the health of the mother, not just her life. >> i feel like it helps to give a little bit of hope. it's not where we want to be. it's just a small glimmer of hope that we can stick together as women. >> reporter: as a devout christian, hadley says her stance on abortion is not at odds with her fate. >> i want them to remember that their religion also says only god judges. and that they don't have to be the judge. >> reporter: social media has historically been one of the biggest battlegrounds for the youth vote, with organizations
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like students for life and planned parenthood vying for young voters' attention. deja fox is a social media influencer and abortion rights activist who called upon followers to organize when roe fell. >> it's the summer of rage, babe, it's time to start baking me in the comments and get out there yourself. >> reporter: she now finds herself taking the fight to the streets. >> how many petitions did we get signed? 11, whoo! that means hundreds of individual signatures. >> reporter: going door to door at her home state of arizona to get enough signatures for ballot initiative that would ps inscribe abortion rights into the state constitution. >> there's a path forward after roe. there's work to be done. this fight is coming home. this fight is up to us. >> it's no secret our generation is getting [ bleep ]ed. >> reporter: documenting that fight online. >> every time abortion has been on the ballot, since the overturn of roe, we've won. >> what we know about young
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voters, gen-z voters, they are particularly engaged when it comes to social justice issues. that could be a galvanizing factor to get these folks to the polls. >> reporter: how much do you think abortion is going to mobilize and motivate young people to vote? >> it's the number one issue on gen-z's mind. >> reporter: what do you think young people to think about in november? >> i want them to look at who they were as a child. how that's changed to who they are now. and all the youth that's coming up next. anything that's in this election. it might not be you, it could be somebody you love. you have to put that into consideration whenever you're voting. >> juju: our thanks to selina. it's the beauty of southern france with all the drama of home. lisa vanderpump spills the tea on "vanderpump villa." ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪
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>> juju: welcome back. "vanderpump rules" is the unscripted docudrama so heavy on the drama, it coined a proprietary term, "sandoval." when they decided to move to an idyllic setting in the south of france, plenty of naughty behavior came along for the holiday. here's abc's lama hasan. >> enjoying is beautiful view? >> yes, thank you very much. this is my tea? thank you very much. i could get used to this. at first glance, this is a classic 19th century chateau in the picturesque south of france. >> we're shaking. >> flex more muscle. >> reporter: this hotel is no ordinary getaway. >> apologize. say sorry.
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apologize. >> i did not work this hard to have these little whipper snappers screw it up. >> reporter: it's the latest hospitality venture of reality tv queen lisa vanderpump. >> i don't think anybody's quite ever seen the aesthetics they're going to see in this show. >> reporter: you clearly have a knack, the made call touch. how do you know what works and what doesn't? >> well, this is definitely a unique show. but i think authenticity is key. we cannot fabricate anything. and i think if you can really get that, then it's always an interesting story to tell. >> reporter: the business mogul who got her stars on "the real housewives of beverly hills." >> i shall return. >> reporter: creating worldly successful spinoffs like "vanderpump rules." >> i don't give a [ bleep ] about raquel! >> reporter: now lisa is giving abc news a first look at her newest adventure. >> welcome to "vanderpump
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villa." >> reporter: how would you describe your new show? >> decadent. naughty. >> reporter: naughty? we'll take that. >> and poignant. that's just three words, but i have a few more. >> reporter: the unscripted dock ow drama follows the staff who live and work alongside guests at the getaway of a lifetime. >> my intention is that it goes perfectly. it doesn't always. >> what a tattletale. i know he told. >> do you know how hard i work to make this all perfect for my guests? >> reporter: what does it take to get your stamp of approval? >> professionalism. understanding what it takes to really give the good service. >> reporter: the 12 chateau staff were hand picked by lisa. you look for magic? >> i do. there's a certain je nais se quoi, as they say in france, of how they can connect and whether i can connect with them. that was a huge factor.
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so i would actually interview them on my own and really see if i could connect and understand who they were. >> as long as you can assure me your relationship does not affect my business -- >> cristiano is kissing a guest. >> what's going on in the chateau? >> there's going to be a lot of emotions. >> not only living together, but working together. you know, there's no escaping. >> i'm the one that people spill the truth to. i have the serum. >> reporter: like any reality show, there's bound to be chaos. >> there's drama. a lot back of house. and sometimes things spill over to the front of house. that's my nightmare. >> shut up! no one's talking to you! >> stop. >> what, what, what? >> reporter: are we going to see a different side to lisa on the show "vanderpump villa"? >> i think it's more immersive. it's a situation where the staff
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don't go home. they end up with me all the time. it's a very different show to "vanderpump rules." >> reporter: the office behind are yo behind you. >> we've had a few moments in there. people, they open up to me. i think it's because i listen. and i try and guide them. and we've seen huge growth in a few of them since they've been here. >> juju: our thanks to lama. watch "vanderpump villa" new on hulu. when we return, taylor swift is bejewelled and then and. the new club she's in. ♪ when i meet the fans they ask do you have a man ♪ ♪ i can still say i don't remember ♪ ♪ familiarity breeds contempt ♪ ♪ don't put me in the basement when i was the penthouse of your heart ♪
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♪ finally, taylor swift's net worth now with a few more zeros. taylor swift now at the wildest dreams level, billionaire. swift making "forbes" list of billionaires after her "eras" tour sold out and outsold all others last year, nearly breaking the internet with ticket demand. taylor racking up good karma by gifting her truck drivers $100,000 tour end bonuses. swift notably becomes the first music artist to make "forbes" billionaire list solely on revenue from her songs and performances. and that's "nightline."


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