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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM Repeat  ABC  April 3, 2024 1:06am-1:42am PDT

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♪ finally, taylor swift's net worth now with a few more zeros. taylor swift now at the wildest dreams level, billionaire. swift making "forbes" list of billionaires after her "eras" tour sold out and outsold all others last year, nearly breaking the internet with ticket demand. taylor racking up good karma by gifting her truck drivers $100,000 tour end bonuses. swift notably becomes the first music artist to make "forbes" billionaire list solely on revenue from her songs and performances. and that's "nightline."
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devastation in taiwan tonight from a threat the bay area knows all too well. taiwan's strongest earthquake in 25 years. rocks the island. and tonight we're getting our first look at the damage. good evening. thank you for joining us. i'm dan ashley. so far, at least four people are dead. dozens more hurt. the magnitude 7.4 quake hit just before 8 a.m. there the epicenter was right on taiwan's east coast. officials in japan reported tsunami waves after the quake, but there is no tsunami threat to california tonight. the shaking sent lights swinging
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in offices where workers were just showing up to start their day. as you can see here, the city of hualien seems to have some of the worst damage with a number of collapsed buildings. one ended up at a 45 degree angle. landslides hit highways and tunnels outside the city. trains are still stopped tonight. abc seven news reporter lauren martinez talked with travelers arriving at sfo from taiwan, who found out about the quake while they were in the air . >> video captures the moment a powerful and deadly earthquake struck the island of taiwan. the 7.4 magnitude quake hit the east coast during the wednesday morning commute. don't fall over to the west of the epicenter. a man living in taichung city captured this video inside his apartment. >> this one was by far the biggest one, the most violent one. >> the quake is the strongest reported in 25 years. >> it's still kind of happening.
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like my apartment shakes from the aftershock every 20 minutes or so. >> paparazzi is a youtuber who's lived in taiwan for the past six years. >> seeing how the locals react to it made me feel a lot more comfortable. a lot of people just sort of walked out of their buildings and checked on their neighbors and made sure everyone was okay, and that kind of made me feel a lot more calm. but definitely as it was happening, i was like, oh man. >> at san francisco international airport, we spoke with passengers who were in the air as the quake struck. a couple from taipei was receiving messages from friends and family. >> yeah, they're all fine, but just like have to clean out. like the whole household got really messy. wow. >> yeah, yeah, it's very scary. >> they said earthquakes are common, so most people are prepared. >> it's in the zone, but most people get used to the smaller one. the bigger ones. of course, it's scary. >> we spoke with one man who lives in fremont. he said his parents felt the quake 150 miles from the epicenter. he's relieved to hear his loved ones are okay. >> so we have some broken bottles here and there at home.
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but the good thing is that don't get hurt. yeah. what i heard on the messenger app, you know, that looks like the most of my friends are okay at sfo. >> lauren martinez, abc seven news. >> obviously this is a fast moving and developing situation to stay up to date on this or any other breaking news, download our abc seven news app or head to abc seven new exclusive details. tonight we're hearing from the hiker who was plucked to safety from a cliff in the north bay. first responders from the southern marin fire district used a helicopter to rescue cody kristen sze from the side of a cliff in marin county sunday night. in an interview with abc news, cody says he was just minutes away from losing his grip and falling into the ocean. >> the further i got up, the more rocks started crumbling or falling off and my feet started slipping. and at that point i realized, you know, i was stuck and i needed help. and so, like,
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i turned and like, shook my head no towards my girlfriend. and then she knew that i needed help . >> it was really terrifying. the rescue took about a half an hour , and first responders had to use night vision in order to locate cody. you can hear more from cody about the rescue and how he's recovering from his injuries. tomorrow on good morning america right here on abc seven, starting at 7 a.m. in the east bay. one city is changing how people can protest, but only in a certain spot. by unanimous vote of the city council, people will no longer be allowed to use sound amplifiers like megaphones outside the walnut creek. planned parenthood. abc seven news reporter tim johns on the fight over whether this is silencing or just quieting protesters in good conscience, i must stand up and support these women. >> we don't leave at the end of the day and forget the moms we serve. passionate public comment. >> at tuesday's city council meeting in walnut creek, the council passing an ordinance that bans the use of sound
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amplifiers during protests at the city's planned parenthood facility. walnut creek city attorney steve mattis says it builds on another ordinance passed several years ago that created a protest buffer zone around planned parenthood. >> it doesn't apply in any other areas of walnut creek. under the law, we try to narrowly tailor any restrictions as much as we can. at tuesday's meeting, several planned parenthood volunteers came to express their support of the new rule. >> sandy fink is one of those volunteers, she tells us the protesters are often so loud you can clearly hear them inside the building. >> they overcome the street noise and everything else. they they affect the people who are going in for treatment. they affect us, the volunteers and the businesses and the people who live in that area. sandy is not the will of god that you stand out in front of this place and usher women in to take the life of their innocent children. >> fink showed us videos she took on her cell phone of some of the protests that have happened. she says protesters oftentimes heckle both those working at the clinic as well as
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patients, that they're going to hell and their babies going to be torn apart and all those things. >> they also incite the men who are accompanying the women. >> anti-abortion advocates say given planned parenthood's location near a freeway using sound amplifiers is key to making sure their voices are heard, sound amplification is important so that people can hear our voice, so we're just saying, you know, mama, can you come and talk with us? >> we have help and hope that we want to offer you. >> sophia martin works with an organization called love life. she says for her, the issue goes beyond just the use of sound amplifiers. martin tells us she feels like the ordinance is too targeted and that it ultimately comes down to freedom of speech. >> if our voice cannot be heard, then we will not be able to exercise our first amendment right in walnut creek. >> tim johns abc seven news. new details tonight. >> in oakland's effort to clear homeless encampments, the city is so overwhelmed it's bringing in the state to help. today, we
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saw that partnership in action. caltrans crews helped clear an rv encampment along leet drive that's right by the oakland airport just off hegenberger road. see it on the map here. the regional water board is concerned about garbage from the encampment polluting the water nearby. officials say the garbage isn't just coming from the encampment, though. the site is a magnet for illegal dumping crews used tractors and tow trucks to haul out the junk. social workers help people living there connect with resources that may be able to help. repairs are underway on highway one. after a portion of the road collapsed over the weekend. caltrans notified people today that convoy passages through the repair site will be canceled thursday and friday because of unexpected or the expected rather rain. a saturday's collapse happened between carmel and big sur south of the rocky creek bridge. caltrans crews have been helping to safely transport people through this mess. nearby schools remain open as of now, despite the convoys being canceled. but we'll keep tabs on
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that and see if anything changes. i mentioned the rain that is coming. let's bring in abc seven news meteorologist sandhya patel. looking ahead at your 24 hour accuweather forecast. sandy. >> yeah. dan tomorrow you're going to notice a difference in the air as temperatures drop. i want to show you a live picture from our exploratorium camera in san francisco. and you will notice the top of salesforce tower a little blurred as the marine layer is regrouping along the coastline. it's already starting to impact visibility down to six miles in half moon bay. so tomorrow morning, watch out. it is going to be gray and drizzly in spots. temperatures in the 40s at noontime, partly cloudy and it is a cooler afternoon. certainly breezy too compared to today with mostly cloudy skies by the evening. i'll be back to let you know when that rain is going to get in here. and it's not just rain that's coming our way. dan, you're going to notice a big change in the air. i'll be back with that in a minute. >> just when we were getting into spring i know. thanks. thank you very much. all right. now to your voice, your vote and
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the race to represent santa clara and san mateo counties. a 5:00 today was the last chance voters could correct ballots that need fixing. that means after weeks of fluctuating results back and forth, all of the ballots that can be counted will be counted, leading to the final tally expected this week. former san jose mayor sam liccardo will be in the november general election for that congressional seat, but his opponent is yet to be determined. tonight, evan low holds a single vote lead one vote over joe simitian, abc seven news reporter zach fuentes looks at what's next the last day to cure any ballots that were out there that weren't they weren't signed or the signatures didn't match. >> election officials say voters have had weeks to fix or cure their ballots. >> we send them multiple letters, emails, texts, how ever we can get a hold of the voters. so we could tell them, like, why their ballot isn't counted yet and they can come in and cure it. that's what the ballot process is, where they can come fix it or sign something saying, yes, this is my signature. >> in santa clara county, many
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people have taken officials up on the offer, and total they were nearly 1500 challenge ballots that needed to be fixed by deadline. there were around 500. san mateo county reported just over 400 before the deadline. each number significant as they could be the final votes that decide the close race for second in the california congressional district 16 race candidate and former san jose mayor sam liccardo is in first place by a long shot, but who is opponent will be is unclear. santa clara county supervisor joe simitian and state assembly member evan low have been back and forth in the second place spot. simitian sent us a statement tuesday that said, in part, the election offices in both counties have been verifying voter signatures over the past few weeks to make sure that every vote that can be counted will be counted right now, we're waiting to hear from them. lowe's team said they will make a statement after the county certify the election. the counties will issue those final results on april 4th. after that, the secretary of state will then certify the results on april 12th. now, in the final stretch of counting, officials say this race serves as an important reminder. >> we like to say every single vote counts, right? we want to make sure that every voter knows
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they make a difference in every election. >> zach fuentes, abc seven news a bill that could put some strict rules in place for artificial intelligence here in california has cleared an early hurdle. >> the proposal would require safety regulations by tech companies before larger ai models are released. if passed, it passed in a unanimous vote by the california senate judiciary committee today. the bill is authored by state senator scott wiener and could create some of the nation's most stringent rules so far for ai. >> there's just so many opportunities with ai, but there are also risks, and we want to make sure that we are anticipating those risks and that we're doing everything we can to reduce the risks. >> the legislation also calls for a new office in the california department of technology that would be responsible for ai regulation and enforcement. some tech companies and trade groups have concerns about this legislation.
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as you might imagine. they say it could hamper innovation. new developments as we look live from oakland international airport, there's been a lot of controversy surrounding its proposed name change. we've been talking about that this week. the metropolitan oakland international airport wants to change its formal name to san francisco bay oakland international airport. sfo officials say this is going to cause confusion among travelers. however, several east bay business group representatives are saying tonight that they support this name change. visit oakland released a statement in part that says, quote, this change will increase online search visibility for oakland and in turn bring more visitors to oakland port commissioners will vote on the proposed name modification on april 11th. all right. still to come, california isn't taking our wet winter for granted. we're diving into the new vision for our water future. also, private browsing that wasn't so private. google is now
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deleting data by the billions because a lawsuit claims the company never should have saved it. we'll have that story. and taylor swift makes history again. why the pop superstar is again. why the pop superstar is in the company mr. clean magic eraser powers through tough messes. so it makes it look like i spent hours cleaning, and you know i didn't. it makes my running shoe look like new! it's amazing. it's so good. it makes it look like i have magical powers. magic eraser and sheets make cleaning look easy. (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. ♪3, 4♪ flonase ♪ll good. ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ we're going to be together! ♪ we belong ♪
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♪ we belong together ♪ ♪ we belong ♪ hulu on disney+. available with disney bundle. plans starting at $9.99 a month. wanna know a secret? more than just my armpits stink. that's why i use secret whole body deodorant... everywhere. 4 out of 5 gynecologists would recommend whole body deodorant, which gives you 72 hour odor protection from your pits to your- (sfx: deoderant being sprayed) secret whole body deodorant. sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep... he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand. and wakes up feeling like himself. get the rest to be your best with non-habit forming zzzquil. ♪ ♪ here lies. i'll have what you're having, and she's going to share something so delicious and so easy to make. i love you. >> valerie. leon. good morning, america.
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>> california's water supply is facing a future of extremes. wet winters like the one we just had driving up flood risk or drought is drying us out and increasing the risk of wildfires. here at abc seven news at 11, we want to highlight not only the challenges of climate change, but the solutions as well. here's what we learned about the state's long terme plan for our water. governor newsom was at today's snow survey in lake tahoe. very promising results with a snowpack measuring 113% of average, the state isn't taking our back to back wet winters, however, for granted, the water system in california was designed for a world that no longer exists. >> it was designed for a world 50, 60, 70 years ago where there was some normalcy. >> our new water plan calls for improved water storage to make the most of big storms, and repairing aging dams overseas to the continued fallout over the israeli defense forces strike that killed several aid workers
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from world central kitchen, the organization posted a tribute to all of the victims on x, one of the aid workers, 33 year old jacob flickinger, had dual citizenship in the us and canada. the six other workers were from palestine, australia, the uk and poland. secretary of state antony blinken says the u.s. has spoken directly to the israeli government, urging them to conduct a swift investigation into what happened here. >> impressed upon the israelis the absolute imperative of doing more to protect innocent civilian lives, be they palestinian children, women and men, or be they aid workers. >> video of the aftermath shows the vehicle clearly marked with a world central kitchen logo on the sides and the roof of the van. the organization says its workers were killed despite coordinating movements with the idf, so they're now pausing operations immediately in the region. the nation's largest fresh egg producer has stopped production at its texas facility
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because of a bird flu outbreak. cal-maine foods says approximately 1.6 million egg laying hens were infected cows on at least 11 farms were also infected by the avian flu, the centers for disease control says one human was also has also contracted the virus from an infected cow, though officials say the risks of transmission to humans is still quite low. google is deleting billions of records it collected from people who thought they were privately browsing using the chrome web browser. google reached a settlement in the case last year, but the details were revealed in a court filing today. the search giant says the lawsuit was meritless, and the data it's deleting was never tied to individual users. google will also have to stop tracking when people open incognito browsing windows. the settlement still has to be approved by a federal judge in oakland. all right. san francisco's biggest music festival will return to golden gate park this summer,
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but outside lands fans don't have to wait to get their tickets. the presale starts tomorrow morning at 10 a.m. three day general admission. eager beaver tickets go on sale for $425 for all three days. there are other options, including vip and the ultra luxe golden gate club, with tickets starting at a cool five grand for those outside lands is scheduled for august 9th through the 11th. the lineup is expected to be announced later this month. taylor swift can add billionaire to her long list of accomplishments. the pop star landed on forbes world billionaires list for the first time today. her net worth is estimated to be $1.1 billion. swift is the first musician to reach billionaire status solely on earnings from her music and concerts. she hit the milestone back in october during her record shattering eras tour that came through the bay area. other big names added to the forbes list this year nba hall of famer
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magic johnson, chatgpt creator sam altman and fashion designer christian louboutin all on the new additions to the billionaires list. all right, well, we've been rich in weather lately, but that's about to change. meteorologist sandhya patel is here with the forecast rain and cooler, you're saying? >> yeah, and even snow on our higher peaks. dan no kidding. yeah. it's going to feel like winter around here very soon, but not immediately. today was a beautiful day. i want to show you right now a time lapse from our mount tam cam. this is from earlier tonight. and that marine layer just rolling in this evening, allowing for the refreshing air to make its way in. and tomorrow we're on our way to a cooler day. it's going to be noticeable. santa rosa 72 today. tomorrow, 67 degrees oakland. you're going to see a 6 degrees drop. and in san francisco as well. san jose, when you're at 76 today and you come down nine degrees to 67, you're going to notice livermore
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from 77 to 65, a 12 degree drop. so the reason for this is we have a front that is heading in our direction. high pressure is weakening. that provided us the nice spring warmth today and the sunshine fog is starting to close in not only along the coast, but it's starting to advance even further. so your temperatures right now in the 50s, as we look at the 24 hour temperature change, you will notice some parts of the bay area already running a few degrees cooler than where you were yesterday at this time. so golden gate bridge camera showing you the gray skies tomorrow. cooler and breezier thursday. mixed precipitation, a chance of thunderstorms and on friday we're still going to hang on to the chill. showers will continue. so for the giants home opener against the padres at 135. i know earlier the thinking was maybe the showers would be out of here, but now i've got to put in a chance of showers at one 3552 degrees. ninth inning will be gusty and cool mid 50s, so stay tuned as this will change as we get closer. but overnight tonight into tomorrow
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the marine layer expands. we're going to see some spotty drizzle tomorrow morning. and really that dry front coming through will increase the cloud cover. but we're not expecting any rain out of that. it's the next system that's coming in on thursday that will bring us the chill and will bring us the mixed precipitation, 40s, 50s. tomorrow morning, you might want to layer up because tomorrow afternoon we're going to go cooler, upper 50s to upper 60s, breezy and partly to mostly cloudy as we go to thursday. this is when the showers move in . we start to notice very scattered showers in the morning by 9 a.m, snow is falling over mount hamilton and then this just continues this pattern into the afternoon. going into your friday as well. so you will notice the snow showers and the showers. santa cruz mountains could see some as well as we head towards friday afternoon. still some scattered light to moderate showers and the snow over the peaks. can't rule out thunderstorms obviously. friday we still have a few more showers trailing in the evening hours. rainfall totals anywhere from about 1500 of an inch to nearing an inch in the santa cruz
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mountains and in the mountains in the sierra that is. winter weather advisory goes up 11 p.m. tomorrow until 11 p.m. friday, 5 to 12in of snow and gusty winds will make for difficult travel. the accuweather seven day forecast tomorrow is your transition day. breezy and cooler. and then thursday we bring on winter mixed precipitation and a chance of thunder level one. the chill is still with us, keeping it unsettled on friday as well. and then saturday is a brief break. sunday a chance of showers and then as we head towards the big eclipse day, dan clears out beautiful weather. and of course here it will be a partial eclipse 44.
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town. everybody met today to discuss a possible lease extension that would allow the baseball team to play at the coliseum. after this season. the deal would include a five year extension with an opt out clause after three years. it comes as the team plans to move to las vegas, of course. well, busy night for bay area sports. j.r. stone is here. j.r. >> dan, the giants try to beat la while the golden state warriors regular season is coming down to the wire. and every game counts right now. their thriller tonight against their thriller tonight against dallas was a good one. did you know... 80% of women are struggling with hair damage? just like i was. dryness and frizz could be damaged hair that can't retain moisture. new pantene miracle rescue deep conditioner,
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with first-of-its-kind melting pro-v pearls... locks in moisture to repair 6 months of damage in one wash, without weigh down. guaranteed or your money back! for resilient, healthy-looking hair... if you know, you know it's pantene.
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you can't leave without cuddles. but, you also can't leave covered in hair. with bounce pet, you can cuddle and brush that hair off. bounce, it's the sheet. the warriors had just eight games to go in the regular season and a two game lead for the 10th and final playoff spot in the west. down to the wire tonight, hosting luka doncic and the mavs. steph curry trying to make it a season best five game win streak. warriors took a 13 point lead in the second quarter, gary payton the second with the steal and slam. looking good. then curry a little miss right here. but draymond green gets the rebound. back to steph for the three. yes. curry though only 13 points on the night
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dallas went on a 19 zero run to end the half. third quarter we go luka doncic from deep 30 points in a triple double. you never like to see that. but the warriors respond. andrew wiggins led the way with 23 points, the only warrior to score over 20 points. nice little. yeah, that looked nice. they again take an 11 point lead. 90s to go. warriors up six. draymond green huge block to steal it. he's fired up. vintage green warriors win 104 to 100. and the rockets lose. so the warriors are now three games up for the 10th playoff spot. join in la taking on the dodgers. before the game. they traded catcher joey bart to the pirates for a minor league pitcher. bart was the giants first round draft pick in 2018 and supposed to be the next buster posey, but it never worked out for bart. we wish him the best, blake snell in the dugout. he'll make his giants debut next monday at oracle park . logan webb on the hill tonight gave up five runs, including a
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homer to mookie betts, who's he's just on fire to start the season. he's got five that leads the majors. webb did not get out of the fourth, tied for his shortest ever start against la giants, trying to make a comeback there. big free agent slugger edition jorge soler, with his first long ball of the year and a giants fan, caught it in the stands. that was great. top of the ninth we go two outs, tying run on the base, but matt chapman strikes out to end it. giants lose 5 to 4 and will try to avoid the sweep tomorrow night. happy birthday stomper celebrating in the stands. a's hosting red sox a's with a tough time scoring runs lately but not right here. they had two two run homers tonight. the second by jj bleday gives the a's a 4 to 3 lead. in the third that holds up until the seventh. trevor story singles to right to tie it up this one goes into extra innings. the red sox take the lead in the 11th and the a's cannot respond. sports on abc seven is spon
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