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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  April 3, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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now at six, a devastating earthquake in taiwan, leaving at least nine people dead. hundreds of other people are hurt building is now leaning or collapsing as the island grapples with the most powerful quake in a quarter century. >> then the a is taking their stadium talks to sacramento. the state's capital city may get its
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turn to host big league baseball as talks with oakland remain in flux and sfo getting more international recognition for its amenities. >> as we take a live look at the airport right now. it's on a new top ten list of airports to eat in the entire world, and there are a lot of local restaurants in there, so i love that. good morning. on this wednesday april 3rd. >> yes we're going to start the check of our forecast. yeah. >> so we have cooler windier weather arriving today before showers are back in the forecast tomorrow. temperatures right now we're sitting in the mid 40s to the low 50s under a lot of cloud cover this morning. so a lot of us beginning with mostly cloudy conditions. just a nice looking sky out there this morning. we'll have brighter conditions as we walk through the afternoon, but the winds will pick up about 20 to 35mph and with a cold front moving through, it will drag in some cooler air. so no longer any 70s for daytime highs. we'll stay in the 50s and 60s today, only 59 in the city, today, 62 in
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oakland, 67 in san jose, 65 in napa. those showers are back in the forecast tomorrow, reggie. we'll show you that coming up in six minutes. >> drew. thank you. developing news. taiwan's strongest earthquake in 25 years has killed more than a half dozen people. those are obviously preliminary numbers. and it's left hundreds of people hurt. amanda crews are now racing to save people who are trapped in the rubble. >> now, reggie, this really is an urgent effort to find survivors. many are trapped inside buildings that have collapsed. reported injuries have gone up to more than 900 since we saw you last. and here's what we know right now. the preliminary magnitude was 7.4, and it was felt across the entire island. this was followed by several strong aftershocks, including a 6.5. at least nine people are dead. more than 930 others are injured. another 56 people were believed to have been trapped under rubble, down from the 127, authorities had said were missing hours earlier. the quake struck during the
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morning commute just before 8 a.m. local time, and left some buildings leaning out of 45 degree angle. others collapsed with motorcycles under awnings. the entire first floor leveled. vivian shaw is a reporter based in taipei, more than six hours away from the epicenter. >> i was in the office at that time and people were holding on to the doors because everything was falling off and we wanted to get to the doorways in case something collapsed. we have already experienced a lot of aftershocks, within like 1.5 hours after the initial earthquake, there were 39 aftershocks recorded. >> at least two dozen buildings have collapsed, according to the fire department. and this child you see here was pulled out from under the rubble and then carried away. the us geological survey registered its initial aftershock at magnitude 6.5. tsunami advisory. these were triggered in nearby japan, then later lifted some small tsunamis
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hit islands in southern japan. none caused any damage. it's after 9 p.m. in taiwan right now, and emergency crews are carrying out rescue operations at the scene of a partially collapsed building at the epicenter of taiwan's earthquake zone. back to you at the desk. >> thank you. amanda. well, some people who felt the earthquake in taiwan are about to land here in the bay area. abc seven news reporter lena howland live at sfo. where they'll be arriving in. well, i guess pretty soon now. right, lena? >> yeah, that's right. kumasi we know that, though these flights were slightly delayed, there are two different flights coming in from taiwan this morning. expected to land here at sfo really within the next hour, both carrying passengers who felt this intense earthquake. a youtuber in taiwan captured the quake on this video inside of his apartment, roughly 80 miles south of the epicenter in taichung city. at sfo last night, we talked to passengers who were actually up in the air
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when it happened. one couple from taipei was receiving messages from his friends and family. >> yeah, they're all fine, but just like, have to clean out. like the whole household got really messy. wow >> yeah, yeah, it's very scary. >> we have some broken bottles here and there at home. yeah, but the good thing is that none get hurt. you know what i heard on the messenger app? you know, that looks like the most of my friends are okay. >> now, we also talked to one man out of fremont who you just heard from. he said his parents felt the quake 150 miles from the epicenter. he is relieved to hear his loved ones are okay now , we do know there are two flights arriving here. here at sfo from taiwan, one landing at 620 and the next landing at 630. that's when we are hoping to hear from passengers who felt this earthquake live at sfo. lena howland abc seven news. >> thank you, lena, and stay with abc seven news for updates
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on the earthquake in taiwan. you can get breaking news alerts as they happen by downloading the abc seven news app. >> no deal yet to extend the a's time in oakland at the coliseum. now, the team heads to sacramento to see if a deal is possible there, according to the chronicle. today's meeting will include vivek ranadivé. he owns the sacramento kings and the triple a baseball team, the sacramento river cats. if the a's end up in sacramento, they'll play at sutter health park. that's where the river cats play. but that isn't a sure thing. you see, sutter health park would need some significant upgrades to meet mlb standards. the a's lease at the coliseum ends at the end of the season. their las vegas ballpark isn't expected to be done until 2028. >> as for the discussion in oakland, the a's say the organization, the city and the county are far apart on the terms needed to agree on a possible extension. it would allow the team to play at the coliseum after this season is done. the deal included a five
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year extension with an opt out clause. after three years. they also discussed how the team would share the coliseum with the soccer teams, the roots and soul, the city reportedly asked the a's to pay for the field conversion costs. >> as we look live from oakland international airport, there's new developments in the controversy surrounding its proposed name change. the metropolitan oakland international airport wants to change its formal name to the san francisco bay oakland international airport. we've learned that san francisco's board of supervisors plans to introduce a resolution opposing the proposed name change. sfo officials sent a letter asking that the proposal be scrapped because it could cause potential confusion for travelers. however several east bay business groups say they support the name change . visit oakland released a statement that in part reads this change will increase online search visibility for okay and in turn bring more visitors to oakland port commissioners will vote on the proposed name
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modification april 11th when they say every vote counts. >> the race to replace anna eshoo in district 16 is why former san jose mayor sam liccardo is moving to the november general election, but his opponent still to be determined more than four weeks after the march primary. just one vote separates evan low and joe simitian. whoever wins will move on to the november general election to face to face sam liccardo. results have fluctuated for weeks as election officials work to verify ballots, but yesterday a critical deadline passed for voters to fix issues. >> we send them multiple letters, emails, texts. however, we can get a hold of the voters so we could tell them, like why their ballot isn't counted yet and they can come in and cure it. that's what the ballot process is, where they can come fix it or sign something saying, yes, this is my signature. >> final results expected to be released tomorrow. the secretary of state certifies the results
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on april 12th. still ahead. oakland trying to crack down on crime around the harbor. police say they've just busted people who are living on stolen boats. >> and widespread devastation across parts of the central and eastern u.s. powerful winds knocking down trees, crushing cars and flattening buildings. >> looking at the forecast region by region today, get ready for cooler, windier weather today 50s and 60s for daytime highs with winds gusting over 20mph. and then here comes our next storm moving in here tomorrow and friday with rain, snow, even a chance of thunde next. stop. we got it? no. keep going. again... [ gasps ] next. if you don't pick one, i... am i keeping you from your job? next. stop! do we finally have it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron.
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we're going to be together! ♪ we belong ♪ ♪ we belong together ♪ ♪ we belong ♪ hulu on disney+. available with disney bundle. plans starting at $9.99 a month. after leaving a path of destruction from wisconsin to kentucky. people in kentucky,
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now homeless because tornadoes ripped through their homes and other buildings. authorities in multiple states are urging drivers to be aware of downed trees, power lines and debris. at least one storm related death was reported in oklahoma. the northeast is now expecting heavy snow, while southern states are also under tornado watches. >> kumasi 611. this morning we're looking at live doppler seven along with satellite. this cold front moves through later on this afternoon. it will kick up our winds and drag in some cooler air today. here's future tracker wind speed showing you by about 4 or 5 p.m. you see that onshore flow gusting anywhere from 20 to 35mph. so it's a blustery afternoon and we do have some colder air moving in here. look at highs today about 5 to 10 degrees cooler compared to yesterday in the 50s. and 60s. and then tomorrow and friday we have a level one late storm that will bring a mix of rain and snow, even the chance of a thunderstorm. and those temperatures are cold. only in the 50s. so a closer
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look at the details on the storm impact scale scattered showers, snow very likely on our highest peaks and it could be several inches of snow. we're tracking kumasi. we'll show you that snow map coming up in about seven minutes. >> thank you. drew. coming up, the fate of people's park hanging in the balance as the state supreme court discusses the future of the berkeley landmark. and then if you don't have a special pair of glasses to view the eclipse, it's all right. some of the alternatives you can use. so you for my copd, i had bad days. [cough] flare-ups that could permanently damage my lungs. with breztri, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing. starting within 5 minutes, i noticed my lung function improved. it helped improve my symptoms, and breztri was even proven to reduce flare-ups, including those that could send me to the hospital. so now i look forward to more good days. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma.
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in istanbul nightclub that was undergoing repairs. officials say the flames trapped workers inside. they were believed to be people doing the renovation work. several people, including managers of the club, have been
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detained to be questioned, and the cause of that fire is now under investigation. time now is 615 today. uc berkeley's plan to build housing on people's park goes before the california supreme court. the case hinges on the environmental impact report and noise that would be created by student housing on the site. the park has been closed since january. shipping containers are blocking it, and surveillance cameras surround the park. people's park will stay closed until a ruling comes . it is day two of a strike for some nurses in santa clara county. they are demanding raises, better workplace conditions and more staffing. since you say contract nursing, nursing. the strike affects three santa clara valley healthcare operated hospitals. that includes santa clara valley medical center and o'connor hospital in san jose, and saint louis regional hospital in gilroy. nearly 1000 nurses have
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been brought in to cover shifts, and that's costing the county $20 million. >> that's money that we then don't have as a system. we're facing a $250 million structural deficit as the county organization. and in a matter of weeks, i'll be bringing forward a recommended budget to the board of supervisors. it's going to reflect cuts across our county organization. >> the strike is set to last three days, but at last check, a contract deal is not close. there's been no negotiations since the registered nurses professional association rejected a mediator proposal. >> three people now face charges for burglaries around the oakland estuary. it's part of the city's increased focus to crack down on crime around the harbor. oakland police say the people arrested were living on boats in the middle of the water. they say they stole from nearby businesses. permanent anchoring in the estuary is not allowed, but as you can see, there are still people doing it. abc seven news spoke with the
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former harbor master. >> what's most important going forward is that the city of oakland and the new police chief , floyd mitchell, understands that the estuary is worth protecting. >> crime has plagued the oakland estuary. last year, the coast guard was brought in to stop pirates who were stealing from boats and sinking them. some of those sunken boats are still there. >> we are just five days and counting until the first total solar eclipse in north america in seven years. >> and as you can see here, that line is totality. so that's when it'll be totally dark. they're covered up. we're going to get about 30. but people as you can see from texas, all the way to maine, are going to have that view of totality. our partial view here in the bay area will be between 10 and 1145 in the morning. and if you want to take in the eclipse, you don't have the special glasses. usf astronomy professor andrew fraknoi is offering an interesting alternative.
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>> here's what you do. stand with your back to the sun. bring a household calendar and hold it over your shoulder so that the holes in it are pointing toward the sun, but you're not looking at the sun and look at the shadow that the calendar makes on the sidewalk in that shadow. each hole in the calendar will act like a pinhole projector, and you'll see lots of images of the eclipsed sun in the shadow. >> now for a list of eclipse events. there are viewing parties that you can check out, and we have you covered. go to our website abc seven a link is on our home page and if you can't watch it in person, of course you can watch it here with us on abc seven news. we're going to show you the eclipse live on air and on our stream, starting on monday. eclipse across america. and if you're going to do it, do it in style. >> what can you see right now? i was i didn't understand that
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even with all these really bright lights, i still can't see them. >> you can't see a thing i cannot see. >> and that's good for your eyes. yeah i can see this one. >> light. barely. >> it looks like the sun. it does. >> will you be making time, reggie? >> no. >> oh, okay. well you'll get it next time. you'll get it next. good. yeah, you'll get it next time. here's a live look at our highs today. we'll have a cooler , windier day out there. temperatures only in the 50s in the city with that wind picking up, gusting over 30mph. at times you can see we're no longer tracking any 70s for daytime highs. that warm weather from the past couple of days is out of here, low and mid 60s, and some of our warmest spots under partly sunny skies. now tonight we'll find a cold night on the way. 30s and 40s, in the wake of a cold front. and rain will arrive here after midnight with a level one light storm on the abc seven storm impact scale. here's future weather. we'll track that initial band of light rain tomorrow morning. this is 630 on future weather, and then we're just in and out of the showers all day. we're watching areas like mount hamilton, even
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the santa cruz mountains, where we will likely see some snow and some of that snow could pile up a couple of inches. very possible around mount hamilton, out of the storm system. it's just a cold friday as cold showers continue into the afternoon, we see this final push of light rain and then by about 4 or 5 p.m. on friday, we're done with this storm system. rainfall totals. we're looking at anywhere from a 2:45 quarters of an inch of rain in most cities between tomorrow and friday. let's talk about that high elevation snow areas like the santa cruz mountains, highway 17 could be impacted by some light snow. certainly, mount hamilton, you could see anywhere from 4 to 6in of snow, even a light dusting on some of our highest peaks in the north bay. just indicative of how cold this air is. that's arriving with the storm tomorrow and friday. a winter weather advisory for the west slope of the sierra starts late tonight. 6 to 12in of snow, likely with up to 18in on our highest peaks through friday. here's the accuweather seven day forecast the next seven days for you. it's windy and cooler today. there's that rain, snow mix and
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the chance of a thunderstorm. thursday and friday we dry out, brighten up our skies for the weekend and then warmer weather arrives here early next week. amanda. >> yeah, drew a commuter alert for bart riders who rely on service between antioch and pittsburg bay point station in all directions. service has stopped and this is because of a wayside equipment problem. bart is telling you to seek alternative transportation. and then a look at drive times. not very many issues on our roads right now, which is the good news. and then a live look at our san rafael camera 101 in and out of the north bay. not too many problems. let's send it back to the desk. >> thanks, amanda. good morning. america is coming up at seven right here on abc seven. >> and sam champion has a look at what's ahead on good morning america. >> coming up. we're following the dangerous weather that is moving quick across the country for the last 48 hours, at least 20 tornadoes were reported in at least nine states. we've got feet of snow, inches of rain, high wind warnings, tornado watches, all in effect. there's plenty to talk about as this
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storm moves east and we're tracking all of it. plus, with the cost of college soaring topping more than $90,000 a year at some schools, we told you that story. now, what families should know about navigating financial aid. also this morning, an exclusive with a man who was rescued from the side of a cliff using our brand new grocery outlet app. it's been really fun seeing what everyone's doing with the extra money they save. nice shirt. just got back from vacation. a butler? super nice guy. i got to start using the app.
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this morning. we're starting out with partly to mostly cloudy skies out there. your morning commute. there's really no issue. you'll just find a lot of cloud cover, temperatures gradually climbing into the 50s. it's just a breezy and cooler day out there today, so highs today will go into the 50s and 60s. then tomorrow and friday it's a level one light storm for a rain snow mix here locally, even the chance of a thunderstorm. look at our daytime highs. it is cold low to mid 50s. that's about it reggie drew thank you. >> good news and a warning about california's sierra snowpack. the all important april snow
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survey shows the snowpack is at 113. that's at phillips station in el dorado county. statewide, the snowpack is at 110% of average, a 28% jump from january 1st. the focus is now on the spring runoff. the dry start to the year, and ash from wildfires may accelerate the snow melt. >> the snowpack in california has traditionally been about two thirds of our overall storage. so what it means into the future is we need to continue to invest in how we store this water. when we know dry conditions return. >> governor gavin newsom appeared at the survey to unveil an updated state water plan. newsom says california needs to upgrade its aging infrastructure and expand how it captures storm water. a proposed chick fil a restaurant in walnut creek is raising concerns for some residents. the city's planning commission already approved the new location in the walnut creek shopping centeon ignacio valley road. the restaurant would not have a dri thru,
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only dine in and takeout options. however the east bay times times reports that neighbors are appealing the city's decision, saying it will bring too much traffic to an already congested intersection and attract more crime. sfo makes the top ten list for best airports for food and drinks. food and wine magazine released a list with the help of food and travel experts. the winner is jewel changi airport in singapore. runner up tokyo narita international airport, number three dubai international airport, the fourth favorite is heathrow airport in london. the list goes on, with sfo ranking as number nine. not too shabby. next to 630, it's not you. college is actually getting much more expensive. the technical glitches preventing millions of students from learning how much aid they will get. and welcome to flavortown, the northern california city getting ready to honor guy fieri this week
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our abc seven mornings live now at 630. >> search for survivors. a powerful earthquake leaving the island of taiwan devastated overnight. at least nine people confirmed dead. >> then walnut creek banning amplifiers during protests. some say they are just too loud an impact. workers in nearby residents. others say this infringes on free speech and imagine surge pricing, but make it your baggage. >> jetblue rolling out dynamic pricing, meaning your bags could cost you more depending on when you fly. all right, guess they're going to try spin it as cost you less. isn't that what it always is? yeah. somehow >> somehow. somehow. >> well good morning everybody. it's wednesday, april 3rd. >> this is free. welcome to your forecast high drew. it is free.
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>> i don't know if you're going to love it though, because we're saying goodbye to all that warm sunshine and welcoming, windier, cooler weather out there. here's a live look at temperatures right now. we're in the low and mid 50s for the most part. as we head outside, you'll notice from the exploratorium camera, we are just seeing a lot of overcast conditions, so we'll have that cloud cover first thing this morning heading into the afternoon. we do find brighter skies, but the winds pick up gusting about 20 to 35mph as a cold front moves through us, and that will bring cooler weather. daytime highs going below average into the 50s and 60s. only 59 in the city, 62 in oakland, 67 in san jose. showers are back here tomorrow. detail that coming up in just a few minutes, guys. >> thanks, drew. developing news in taiwan. the usgs says more than 100 aftershocks have struck the island following that deadly earthquake. abc seven news reporter amanda delcastillo live at the is at the live desk, with the latest on the 7.4 magnitude quake. amanda. yeah reggie. >> the usgs says at least 13 of
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those aftershock measured above a five magnitude. and here's what you need to know right now. the preliminary magnitude was 7.4. and it was felt across the entire island. this was followed by a strong 6.5 aftershock. at least nine people are dead. more than 930 others are injured. another 56 people were believed to have been trapped under the rubble, down from 127, authorities had said were missing hours earlier. the quake struck during the morning commute just before 8 a.m. local time, and left some buildings leaning at a 45 degree angle. others collapsed with motorcycles under awnings. the entire first floor leveled. it's just after 9:30 p.m. in taiwan right now, and we are seeing new nighttime video of emergency crews. they are carrying out rescue operations at the scene of a partially collapsed building at the epicenter of taiwan's earthquake zone in hualien city. this was the strongest earthquake to hit taiwan in a quarter century. tsunami advisories were
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triggered in nearby japan, then later lifted. some small tsunamis hit islands in southern japan. none caused any damage. back to you at the desk. >> thank you. amanda well, some people who were in taiwan when that earthquake happened just landed in the bay area minutes ago. abc seven news reporter lena howland joining us live at sfo with more on that. lena >> well, only about ten minutes ago, a plane full of passengers who were on the ground in taiwan when that earthquake happened just landed here at sfo on a flight from taipei. now, video captures the moment a powerful and deadly earthquake struck the island of taiwan. this was shot by a youtuber known as proxy inside of his apartment in taichung city, which is about 80 miles south of the epicenter. the >> this one was by far the biggest one, the most violent one. it's still kind of happening. like my apartment shakes from the aftershock every
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20 minutes or so. seeing how the locals react to it made me feel a lot more comfortable. a lot of people just sort of walked out of their buildings and checked on their neighbors and made sure everyone was okay, and that kind of made me feel a lot more calm. but definitely as it was happening, i was like, oh man in the zone. >> but most people get used to the smaller one, the bigger ones. of course, it's scary. >> passengers arriving on a flight from taiwan at sfo last night were in the air when the earthquake happened, receiving messages from friends and family, though they said earthquakes are common out there, so they thought most people were prepared. now we do know of two flights arriving in the 6:00 hour. one landed uh- about ten minutes ago, and there is a third flight arriving from taiwan in the 8:00 hour as well. that's when we're hoping to hear from some more passengers who experienced this earthquake firsthand. live at sfo. lena howland abc seven news thank you, lena, and stay with abc seven news for updates on the
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earthquake in taiwan. >> you can get breaking news alerts as they happen by downloading the abc seven news app. well, now is a great opportunity to check in on your own earthquake plan. we have what you need to know to get a kit, make your plan and be informed. just go to abc seven slash. prepare for norcal. >> protesters will no longer be allowed to use sound amplifiers like megaphones when protesting outside of the walnut creek planned parenthood, the city council unanimously voted in favor of that ban last night. community members have voiced concerns about anti-abortion demonstrations in the area, saying protesters harass people trying to get into the facility. they say the noise is disruptive and affects people who are going in for treatment. protesters say their voices need to be heard. >> sound amplification is important so that people can hear our voice. so we're just saying, you know, mama, can you come and talk with us? we have help and hope that we want to offer you. >> anti-abortion advocates argue
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sound amplifiers help them exercise their first amendment rights. >> four suspects accused in at least three storage locker burglaries in san jose are now in custody. police arrested the four ages 19 to 45, last week at a home in milpitas. they say they retrieved more than $400,000 in stolen property, including collectibles and musical instruments. investigators say they also discovered a loaded semi-automatic pistol, a high capacity magazine, 2000 rounds of ammunition and illegal narcotics. >> we are asking any folks that feel like they have been a victim of storage unit burglaries, have had any burglaries that involved collectibles and storage units to please come forward to detectives so that we can try to put these puzzle pieces together . >> the suspects will be facing multiple felony charges, including burglary, grand theft, vandalism, and possession of stolen property. >> new details this morning about that dramatic rescue in the north bay over the weekend.
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we first showed you this video on monday. first responders from sonoma county were called in to help rescue cody carattini from the side of a cliff in marin county. sunday evening, in an interview with abc news, cody says he was minutes away from losing his grip. he would have fell into the ocean. >> the further i got up, the more rocks started crumbling or falling off and my feet started slipping. and at that point i realized, you know, i was stuck and i needed help. and so, like, i turned and like, shook my head no towards my girlfriend. and then she knew that i needed help . >> the rescue took about a half hour, and first responders had to use night vision to find him. you can hear more from cody about the rescue and how he's recovering on good morning america. that's right after right? that's right after us here on abc seven, we have all seen the headlines about the surge of migrants coming to america, and some people are ending up here in the bay area. >> but there hasn't been a good way to track how many until now, data about migrant families is
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now being tracked by san francisco unified immigration status is not a barrier to getting kids in school, so enrolling students is one of the first things many families do when they arrive in san francisco. sfusd does not ask a family's immigration status because san francisco is a sanctuary city. >> we're seeing about, i would say, an average of 150 newly enrolled students every single month since about december of 2023, and every month somewhere between one like 5 to 15 of those families report being unhoused. >> an example of why the data is important. just last month, san francisco reported refugee migration is putting pressure on the city's system of care, especially its family shelter system. so this led to supervisors melgar and ronen proposing for the city to increase capacity and family shelters. >> the largest muslim civil rights organization in the u.s. has released a new report that shows the largest spike in anti-muslim hate in 30 years.
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cair's 2024 hate crime report shows that the organization tracked the number of anti-muslim complaints they had over the years, and now they say there are 8000. that's more than after the 2017 muslim travel ban or during the wars in iraq and afghanistan following nine over 11. >> unfortunately, it's american tradition ■that when we are at war, including proxy war, for example, here where we are funding israeli military actions that whichever our communities or countries are being attacked abroad, are also dehumanized right here in the united states. >> the report documents employment discrimination targeting of pro-palestinian activists and suppressing free speech. also incidents of students being bullied not just by other students, but in some cases by teachers. the data suggests 85% of the muslim community does not report hate incidents or discrimination. that is possibly because of fear of retaliation, losing their jobs, or mistrust of law
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enforcement. >> president biden says he is outraged and heartbroken over the deaths of seven aid workers in gaza. we first told you about this yesterday morning, an israeli defense forces strike in gaza killed workers with the nonprofit world central kitchen and one of the aid workers, 33 year old jacob flickinger, had dual citizenship in the u.s. and canada. the six other workers were palestinian, australian from the u.k. and poland. secretary of state antony blinken says the u.s. has spoken directly to the israeli government, urging them to conduct a swift investigation into what happened. >> impressed upon the israelis, the absolute imperative of doing more to protect innocent civilian lives, be they palestinian children, women and men, or be they aid workers. >> video of the aftermath shows the vehicle clearly marked with the world central kitchen logo on the sides, and the roof of the van. in a statement yesterday, president biden
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sharply criticized israel for the attack, saying israel has not done enough to protect civilians. biden says israel's investigation must be swift, and its findings must be made public. >> president biden spoke with chinese president xi jinping for the first time since their meeting here in the bay area during apec. the conversation yesterday lasted nearly two hours and covered the war in ukraine. the situation in gaza and north korea's nuclear capabilities. the president also brought up concerns about technology, including tiktok. the phone call comes ahead of treasury secretary janet yellen's planned visit to china this week for economic talks. coming up. san francisco set to make nearly 200 intersections. no turn on red zones where you could see them, and a live look right now at the big board. >> new york stock exchange up about 15 points. we'll say another update on the markets next. >> then the massive fire overnight at a hotel resort tower under construction. and stick with us on the abc seven bay area streaming app at seven for abc seven at seven. we are
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live weekday for weekdays from 7 to 8 a.m. download the app now wherever you stream. >> 641 this morning we're looking at your morning drive and it will be rather quiet out there. we have a lot of cloud cover this morning, temperatures slowly climbing through the 50s. the next couple of hours under a mix of sun and clouds. today, here's live doppler seven along with satellite. this cold front here is going to cross through this afternoon, and it will kick up our winds and drag in some cooler air later on today. here's future tracker windspeed showing you by 4 or 5 p.m. that onshore flow gusting 20 to 35mph. so it will be a blustery afternoon and it will feel cooler compared to the past couple of days. look at the three day forecast. we're cooler and we're windier today. then tomorrow and friday it's a level one light storm on the abc seven. storm impacts as low pressure moves through california. look at our daytime highs only the low to mid 50s. so a closer look at the storm impact scale. we're tracking cold air bringing scattered showers even the chance of a thunderstorm. and we're talking
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about snow on our highest peaks. we'll take a closer look at this storm, show you where those snow chances lie, and how much rain ta-da! hulu on disney+ is now available. i think we just found our new home. your favorites, together like never before. this is a destination spot. for disney bundle subscribers, hulu on disney+ is here.
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mexico has gone up in flames. look at this video. the tower was still under construction. it took nearly three dozen firefighters about two hours to put it out. two men had to be taken to the hospital for smoke inhalation. >> soon drivers will not be able to make a right turn on a red light at 200 intersections in san francisco. the city's traffic engineer approved the project, so the changes will be happening in all of downtown, including soma d the financial district. check out this map so you can see how widespread it is so drivers already cannot turn rightn red in the tenderloin. the goal i to keep pedestrians safe. construction is set to start this month and go through
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august of 2025. >> caltrans has made it official tomorrow and friday. they will not have convoys escorting people along highway one past the portion of the road that collapsed over the weekend. that's because of the rain that is now moving in. saturday's collapse happened between carmel and big sur, leaving a big hole in one of the lanes. crews have been working all week to make sure the remaining lane is safe to reopen. for one way traffic, they don't have a timeline to finish that work. caltrans will resume the convoys during the daylight once the rain passes, as the situation along highway one is really hurting businesses that rely on tourists who drive along that iconic stretch of the roadway, some owners have decided to close their shops until the road is fixed and tourists come back. >> others are staying open for locals. the president of the big sur chamber of commerce and the owner of nepenthe restaurant, says it's a statewide issue. >> every day that continues with the road closed, we're probably
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going to see economic damages for the state as a whole, not just big sur, but the state in excess of $1 million a day. >> this is one of the most popular restaurants in big sur, and it is going to be closed until further notice. visit california estimates a half $1 billion in economic losses when big sur was isolated in 2017 because of a different slide. >> your checked bag fees will now vary based on your departure date. if you're flying jetblue, you'll pay more during peak travel days, which encompasses about half of the year. okay, isn't that wild peak is one half of the year half the year? so that includes, of course, the summer and every holiday. a first check bag now costs about 35 to $50, depending on when you go. the first check bag will still be free on transatlantic flights, unless you're on the cheapest fare, which they call blue basic. why do they have to always call us basic? >> that's rude for those customers, it will cost between
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60 to $70. ooh, well, if you're a parent, you already know this college is getting more expensive every year. and now there is an additional challenge when it comes to getting financial aid. some private colleges and universities are charging nearly $100,000 a year for tuition, housing, meals, other expenses, and this year, technical glitches with the fafsa form left millions of students waiting to hear how much aid they will receive. >> the fafsa form was not available in october, as promised. instead, end of december and at the end of december, it didn't work particularly well. there were a number of occurrences of crashing, and it needed to be revised for january. >> in response, some colleges are now pushing deadlines for acceptance and enrollment deposits. it's not clear when the processing backlog will ease up.
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>> now it's your morning money report. tesla has posted its first annual drop in sales since the pandemic. sales dropped nearly 9. the ev maker's delivery volume was far below expectations. tesla says factory shutdowns and problems getting parts from china to europe are said to be the cause of the issue. they cut prices, but it doesn't seem to be helping their profit margins. shares have dropped yesterday by more than 4. now let's see what it looks like at the new york stock exchange this morning as trading gets underway, you can see that we are in positive territory but just barely up about eight points. >> san francisco giants fans listen up. the $9 beers are expected to stay at oracle park this season, so according to the team's spokesperson, the ballpark's cheapest beer will still be available this season. the price dropped to $9 last year, and you can find them at doggie diner stands throughout the facility. other craft beers and wines can go for double the price. the giants home opener is this friday against the san diego padres first pitch at 135.
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>> the mayor of flavortown is going to be another type of mayor this week. celebrity chef guy fieri will be named an honorary mayor of his northern california hometown, ferndale. the actual mayor of ferndale, which is in humboldt county, says every april 5th will now be guy fieri day. the chef says he is proud and feels ferndale is with him wherever he goes. he started his culinary career there. he opened up a pretzel cart when he was ten years old. he now lives closer to us here in the bay area in santa rosa. >> a little porcupine at the cincinnati zoo is celebrating its eighth birthday. the zoo shared this video of rico, the porcupine who his business, munching on the corn. this is one of his favorite treats, we are told. he also likes celery with peanut butter. that's nice and healthy. the zoo shared a fun fact saying that contrary to popular belief, a porcupine cannot shoot its spines and quills. you all
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thought that they could do that. you thought that because i cartoons? >> yes, i did, i did like, think the bigger fact he likes corn. i know, who knew that? >> how adorable. >> cutie. all right. weather-wise, we're tracking cooler, windier weather. arriving here later today. here's a look at your highs today. not nearly as warm as we have been the past couple of days. 50s and 60s. with that wind this afternoon gusting about 20 to 35mph. so it's a blustery cooler day on the way today. tonight we'll track cold lows in the 30s and low 40s as rain arrives after midnight. let's time out this next round of rain. here's future weather tomorrow morning. this is 630. the initial band of light rain begins to move through. it's a cold storm, meaning look at areas like mount hamilton, this pink and white shading on your screen that is snow falling on our highest peaks. and that could include the santa cruz mountains as well. even the highest peaks in the north bay. we're just in and out of the
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showers friday morning through early friday afternoon for the giants home opener. we do include an isolated sprinkle. it's nothing widespread. the showers are pretty much done after 3 p.m. and will clear out our skies. looking at rainfall totals probably a 2:45 quarters of an inch of rain between tomorrow and friday, so not a lot of rain, but we could be dealing with some snow on our highest peaks. look at areas like the santa cruz mountains, mount hamilton and even parts of the north bay, our highest peaks there. i mean, mount hamilton easily could pick up 4 to 6in of snow, could see a dusting to a few inches in the santa cruz mountains as well. we're tracking a winter weather advisory for the west slope of the sierra that kicks in today at 6 to 12in of snow, with up to a foot and a half on our highest peaks through friday. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. it is windy and cooler today with that storm tomorrow and friday. it's just cold to finish out the week drier for the weekend and warmer early next week. >> amanda. >> hi drew, yeah, we are expecting or at least seeing a typical traffic here at the toll plaza. this is on the richmond-san rafael bridge.
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drivers re expect delays. uh- up to canal boulevard and then back to bart. we have to tell you about this service interruption. service has stopped. this is between the antioch and pittsburg bay point lines. in all directions. the stations we're talking about, we know that it was an out of service train which experienced a minor derailment. no injuries there, but you should know that tri-delta is providing a bus bridge between the stations. there is also parallel bus service on bus 390. we're keeping our eye on this. back to the desk. >> thanks, amanda. more than $1 billion is on the line in tonight's powerball drawing. it is the ninth largest lottery jackpot in us history. the prize has been rolling over since the last powerball jackpot, which was back on january 1st. the one time cash prize is more than $527 million, and the drawing happens at eight. pre-sale tickets for san francisco's biggest music festival goes on sale in just a few hours. and before you ask me who's playing it outside lands, the answer is
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i don't know. it comes to golden gate park this august and fans can get tickets starting at 10:00 this morning. so yes, you do have to buy them before you know who's playing at this point. three day general admission. eager beaver tickets go on sale for $425. there are other options, including vip and the ultra luxe golden gate club, with tickets starting at a cool $5,000. and if you have that kind of money for this, please call me. the lineup is still not out, as i mentioned, but it's expected to be announced later this month, along with more ticket options including layaway payments. outside lines is scheduled for august 9th through the 11th, and don't judge a layaway. >> i'm not judging. i'm just surprised that it hasn't. i'm not. >> take your time. >> this is not a need. >> it's a want. >> how many things could we do that with, though? you know that's true. pay later. all right. bottlerock did announce its daily lineup for the 11th festival. the first night, big names include stevie nicks, megan thee stallion, saint
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vincent, second night, pearl jam, t-pain, and then ed sheeran, queens of the stone age and norah jones wrapping up the festival. it's three days, single day general admission tickets start at $233, and this is a festival in napa valley that we know happens every memorial day weekend. >> and you know, i've told you this before, i really enjoyed it last year. >> had a time. >> it was my first time there. to me, it feels classy. >> yeah. were you vip though? >> i was not vip. okay. and i still felt like a class act. okay. which i think is tough sometimes at an outdoor festival to feel that way. you know, you had access to a nice bathroom because that's make or break for you. access to. >> well, they are porta potties, but they're upgraded. porta potties elevated. it was elevated okay. >> it felt like they had it together. they did. >> up next is seven things you need to know today. >> you can watch all of our newscasts live and on demand through the abc seven bay area connected tv app. it's available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv and roku. download the app now you can start streaming
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you can see the store's inventory. so you guys really have mangoes in stock? yup. what about frozen pizza? here they are. fresh salmon. too easy. coffee? yup.
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warning number one. it is now nearly 10 p.m. in taiwan, and crews are carrying out rescue operations after a 7.4 magnitude quake killed at least nine people. usgs says more than 100 aftershocks have struck the island. >> number two, the oakland a's plans to meet with leaders from sacramento today about possibly playing there until their new stadium in las vegas is ready. the team met with the city of oakland yesterday about extending their lease at the coliseum, but no deal was made. >> number three, uc berkeley's plan to build housing on people's park is going before the california supreme court today. this case hinges on the environmental impact report and noise that could be potentially created by student housing. on that site. >> number four today, federal reserve chair jerome powell is set to speak about the economy at stanford university. his speech comes as inflation has been cooling and the fed is expected to begin cutting interest rates later this year.
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>> and number five, we are getting ready for a cooler, windier weather today as a cold front passes by this afternoon. and then tomorrow we're tracking winter returning in the form of colder air and a level one light storm of thursday and friday. we'll find scattered showers at times the chance of a thunderstorm. both days, and likely some snow on our highest peaks like mount hamilton in the santa cruz mountains and even the highest peaks in the north bay. >> and number six bart service has stopped between antioch and pittsburg bay point in all directions due to a minor derailment. tri delta is providing a bus bridge between antioch and pittsburg bay point station. there is also parallel bus service on tri delta bus 390 servicing antioch, pittsburg center and pittsburg bay. >> point oh. >> two of my favorite things, krispy kreme donut and an eclipse. so krispy kreme is hoping to cash in on next week's total solar eclipse. so from friday to monday only, they're teaming up with oreo for a total solar eclipse donut. you can see
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it has black chocolate icing, has silver sprinkles, buttercream made with oreo cookie pieces, and it's topped with oreo. that's a lot going on and that's okay, but it's fine and that's okay. >> do you think that's salt or something else? >> it could be salt. be salt, or maybe just a little powder dusting on it, you know, get that sparkle. >> it looks good. a surprise you got amanda. >> don't play with my emoji. >> it's turtles week. >> april fools week >> george: good morning america for our viewers in the west. in the last 48 hours at least 20 tornados reported in nine states. americans waking up to widespread destruction. a powerful spring store tears through, bringing floods and twisters. >> dude, that is a tornado! >> george: severe winds flip semitruck, knocking people off their feet. even reaching 102 miles an hour in kentu


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