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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  April 3, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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tonight, breaking news as we come on the air. the harrowing images coming in after the largest earthquake in taiwan in nearly 25 years. the search right now for so many who are trapped. here in the u.s. tonight, the dangerous and deadly storms, tonight turning into a nor'easter. new york city, philadelphia, boston. and the american tourist and the deadly elephant attack tonight. first, those dramatic images after the deadly earthquake in taiwan. the magnitude 7.4 quake. several dead, more than 1,000 injured. and now, the search for the missing, including 71 miners trapped belowquarries.
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here in the u.s. tonight, a nor'easter slamming the east coast. flood watches from philadelphia to new york. damaging winds, up through boston. trees down in new york city. an 81-year-old woman killed by a falling tree in her car near philadelphia. a passenger jet making an emergency landing because of turbulence. rob marciano timing this out tonight. the dramatic scene in israel. the families of hostages still being held captive in gaza storming israeli parliament. and president biden condemning prime minister netanyahu for the israeli air strike killing seven aid workers, including an american citizen in a clearly marked convoy. the american woman killed while on safari. the disturbing images tonight showing an elephant ramming a vehicle with six tourists and their guide inside, flipping it onto its side. tonight, the concern here in the u.s. over bird flu. the cdc tracking an outbreak, including a confirmed rare human case of bird flu involving a, whoer believed to have
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contracted bird flu from an infected cow. tonight, the country's largestest supplier forced to destroy nearly 2 million birds. tonight, special counsel jack smith signaling his frustration with the florida judge in donald trump's classified documents case. smith calling a key decision by the judge, quote, fundamentally flawed. and what is the delay in this case? pierre thomas reporting. tonight, after those dramatic images, the cars speeding through dallas, kansas city chiefs star arashee rice apologizing. those cars hitting several vehicles, including one with a mother and her 4-year-old inside. tonight, jetblue and new baggage fees depending on when you fly. costco now selling those popular weight loss drugs including ozempic. and abc news and national geographic getting ready to cover the solar eclipse over america. right here, the one thing you'll need for it, made in america.
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good evening and it's great to have you with us here on a wednesday night. we are tracking this deadly storm system moving into the northeast as a nor'easter at this hour. philadelphia to new york city to boston. rob is standing by to time this out. but we do begin tonight with the horrific images coming in after a powerful and deadly earthquake in taiwan. multiple people dead. more than 1,000 injured. and the urgent race tonight to find survivors, including 71 miners trapped below in rock quarries. the 7.4 magnitude quake bringing down this building near the epicenter. people jumping out of vehicles, running for their lives. a high rise apartment building now tilting dangerously on its side. a young child rescued from a damaged building and carried away to safety. the desperate search tonight for survivors who may be buried under the debris, including those trapped in their vehicles when a landslide sent rocks and boulders crashing don't on this road below.
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the earthquake shaking every part of that island nation, and triggers tsunami warnings in japan. abc's marcus moore leading us off tonight. >> reporter: tonight, the race to free survivors after this deadly earthquake rocked taiwan -- the strongest to hit the island in nearly 25 years. searchers looking for more than a hundred now trapped in the rubble, including at least 71 miners in two rock quarries. the magnitude 7.4 quake striking during the morning rush hour, rattling these terrified commuters on an elevated train car. the coastal city of hualien, southeast of the capital of taipei. some buildings toppling to one side. families escaping through windows, first responders helping them down ladders. rescuers working to remove the debris, trying not to lose their footing in the tilted hallways. this woman who escaped saying, "all the things fell off and everything is damaged." at least nine killed, more than 1,000 injured. and fire crews facing a grim task. removing a body from the site of
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one of the collapsed buildings. tremors felt across taiwan. this home surveillance video capturing the violent shaking. bottles crashing in this restaurant. dangerous landslides blocking highways and railways. this injured driver pulled from a truck and taken to the hospital. the quake also triggering a tsunami alert in nearby japan, forcing children to evacuate their schools and sending hundreds to flee to higher ground. and david, we are learning that close to 50 employees are trapped at a hotel in the quake zone. they are safe. rescuers say they've managed to make contact with them. but right now, crews are working to clear the roads to be able to reach them. david? >> david: marcus, thank you. back in the u.s. tonight, and to this nor'easter slamming the east coast at this hour. all part of a deadly storm system. severe storms, tornadoes, at least two dead because of these storms. and turbulence on a passenger jet forcing an emergency landing. at this hour, flood watches now
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from philadelphia to new york city. winds in the northeast gusting more than 60 miles per hour, right up through boston. and more than a foot of snow possible in parts of upstate new york and across new england. near jeffersonville, indiana, tonight, a multivehicle accident on interstate 265. homes surrounded by water. this is allegheny county, pennsylvania, near pittsburgh. and winds bringing down a massive tree on new york's upper west side. rob marciano timing this out tonight, and abc's trevor ault with the images from these dangerous storms coming in. >> reporter: tonight, that system that brought a tornado outbreak to the heartland now tracking up the east coast as a powerful spring nor'easter. high winds knocking down huge trees in new york city. in collegeville, pennsylvania, outside philadelphia, an 81-year-old woman killed when a tree crushed her car. >> fire department had the jaws of life and they were trying to cut the driver out of the car. >> reporter: a passenger and a
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flight attendant on a southwest flight from new orleans to orlando injured in severe turbulence over the gulf of mexico. pilots radioing to air traffic control. >> was the crew member in the cockpit or in the back? >> a flight attendant. >> the flight attendant was in the back, you said? >> yes. >> reporter: outside atlanta -- >> we've got to seek some shelter, man. >> reporter: an ef-2 tornado with 115-mile-an-hour winds tearing through conyers, georgia, early this morning. this home nearly split in half. overnight, a rain-wrapped tornado causing chaos on interstate 265 outside louisville, flipping this tractor trailer. and not far from there, we found perry snowden cleaning up after those 100-mile-an-hour winds. so, this is part of the neighbor's roof, inside your parent's house? >> right, yeah, the top of the roof blew in and took out the dining room and the upstairs room. >> reporter: kentucky's governor confirming at least one death in the state. and david, this weather causing
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some serious problems for travel. more than 6,000 flight delays today, and a lot of planes are experiencing severe turbulence, including our flight back from kentucky, david. >> david: never fun to fly through the storm systems. trevor, thank you. let's get right to rob marciano, timing it all out ahead. hey, rob. >> hi, david. this is a two-headed beast now. the parent low still spinning over chicago. now the coastal low over del mar. that's the nor'easter. that's pushing the precip up into the northeast. four inches of rain in pennsylvania. flood watches extend into new york city. those wind warnings and that winter storm warning. look at the winds so far. 60-plus in norwalk. the winds peak overnight tonight. new york, hartford, boston, to 60, up over the overnight period. the sleet turning to snow over i-90. accumulating snows, especially in the hills of maine and new hampshire. you could see one to two feet of snows before things wind down.
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tonight, everybody that lives in the northeast should be prepared for the potential of receiving the power go out. david? >> david: these spring storms are always something. rob marciano, thank you. we turn now to the dramatic scene overseas tonight, in the israeli parliament. the families of hostages still being held by hamas in gaza, storming israeli parliament, demanding help in getting their loved ones home. tonight, president biden saying he is, quote, outraged and heartbroken by the killing of seven aid workers, including a u.s. citizen, in an israeli air strike on a clearly marked convoy, bringing food into gaza. abc's britt clennett in israel with the images of those heartbroken and desperate families. >> reporter: tonight, dramatic images of families with loved ones still held in gaza storming israel's parliament, heckling lawmakers below, smearing paint on the glass. the pressure facing benjamin netanyahu inside israel matched by the fierce reaction from president biden, now condemning the israeli prime minister for idf forces
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targeting three clearly marked aid vehicles delivering humanitarian supplies in gaza. the president saying he's "outraged" and "heartbroken" that seven members of the world central kitchen were killed. just today, six of the seven victims transferred out of gaza. >> we need to understand that this was not somebody that was above law and order that decided just to kill us because. >> reporter: tonight, we're learning more about the path that convoy took after leaving their warehouse. the workers say they coordinated their movements with the israeli military. those vehicles were clearly marked. >> this war can a complex war. the incident happened in the middle of the night. it should not have happened. >> reporter: david, we understand that amid heightened tensions, president biden is expected to speak with netanyahu tomorrow for the first time since that deadly strike on those aid workers. david? >> david: britt clennett, thank you. we turn now to the american tourist killed by an elephant while on safari. she was with five other tourists
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and their guide. here's abc's james longman. >> reporter: tonight, the terrifying moment a safari turned fatal for an american tourist. >> hey! hey! hey! >> reporter: an 80-year-old woman killed -- another woman seriously injured -- when a bull elephant charged this vehicle in zambia saturday. the victims' identities have not been made public. local authorities now investigating the video. you can see the elephant beginning to trail the six safari-goers and guide in kafue national park. then, it attacks, yursing its tusks to flip the vehicle and those inside. this latest incident just weeks after another scare in south africa. a bull elephant lifting this safari vehicle several feet in the air twice, dropping the truck and those inside. that tour operate or the telling abc news that some tourists came too close to the elephant trying to take pictures, irritating the creature. >> scared for the people that was inside the truck, because i knew that there's nothing that anyone can do right now to help them.
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>> reporter: the animal eventually losing interest. no one was injured in that incident. david, experts say elephant attacks like these are very rare. the safari company where that american tourist was killed says their guides are very well-trained. on this occasion, they just couldn't get that vehicle out in time. david? >> david: all right, james longman, thank you. back in this country tonight, and to the concern over bird flu right here in the u.s. tonight, the cdc tracking an outbreak, including a confirmed very rare human case involving a worker, believed to have contracted bird flu from an infected cow. and tonight, the country's largest egg supplier now forced to destroy nearly 2 million birds. abc's mireya villarreal from texas. >> reporter: tonight, the cdc is closely tracking bird flu across the country, after a confirmed case in a texas dairy farm worker. 11 dairy farms across four states have detected bird flu in cows. officials believe the texas man was infected after coming in contact with a cow. it's believed to be the first
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global case of transmission from mammal to human. >> what folks should know is we've never seen a transmission of human to human of avian flu. but we're watching closely, as we've learned from covid, viruses change, and we want to make sure we're staying ahead of it. >> reporter: it comes as the country's largest supplier of eggs was forced to destroy nearly 2 million birds after the virus was detected in chickens. cal-maine foods, behind major brands like farmhouse eggs, eggland's best, and land o'lakes halting production at its texas plant. the cdc says the risk to the public is low. bird flu doesn't spread through cooked meats or eggs or pasteurized milk. and david, this case of human bird flu coming from a cow, it's believed to be the first of its kind, so, health officials are watching it very closely. experts are also watching how this could potentially impact our wallets, but right now, they do not believe it will have a
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major impact on the price of eggs. david? >> david: very rare, this human case, but worth watching very closely. mireya, thank you for that. we turn now to donald trump tonight, and special counsel jack smith signaling his frustration with the florida judge overseeing the classified documents case. smith calling a key decision by the judge, quote, fundamentally flawed. here's pierre thomas. >> reporter: tonight, in an extraordinary filing, special counsel jack smith increasingly frustrated with the florida judge's handling of the classified documents case, urging her to move the trial along. smith bluntly telling judge aileen cannon -- who was appointed by donald trump -- that her decision to even consider trump's claim that he could just declare classified documents to be his personal papers was "fundamentally flawed." smith's unusually critical language came in response to judge cannon's suggestion that she might instruct the jury to take into account trump's claims that the classified documents were his personal property. smith writing that such a "legal premise is wrong" and "would distort the trial."
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and he's urging judge cannon to explain her position as soon as possible, making it clear he is ready to appeal to a higher court. critics of the judge wonder if she's delaying on purpose to help donald trump. and example of just how long some of these decisions are taking -- there was a hearing 34 days ago to discuss when the trial should begin. david, judge cannon still has not announced a decision. >> david: you'll continue to follow it for sure. pierre, thank you. one note on the economy tonight, and it involved our parent company disney. disney shareholders have rejected efforts by activist investor nelson peltz to try to win seats on its boardover directors. all company-backed board members have been elected, include, ceo bob iger. the results of the vote were made public at disney's meeting of shareholders today. disney saying the current board, according to preliminary vote tabulations, were elected by a substantial margin. tonight, wiger saying, i want t thank our shareholders for their
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trust in our board and management, with the distracting proxy contest behind us, we're eager to focus 100% on our most important priorities. growth for shareholders and creative excellence for our consumers. when we come back here tonight, the kansas city chiefs star now apologizing this evening after those cars, one a lamborghini, speeding through dallas, hitting several vehicles, including one with a mother and her 4-year-old. also, getting ready for the solar eclipse across america. tonight, the one thing you'll need for this, made in america. made my life a lot harder. but the picture started changing when i started on vyvgart. ♪ vyvgart is for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis who are anti-achr antibody positive. in a clinical trial, vyvgart significantly improved most participants' ability to do daily activities when added to their current gmg treatment. ♪ most participants taking vyvgart also had less muscle weakness. and your vyvgart treatment schedule
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3:49 pm
tonight, kansas city chiefs star rashee rice is apologizing after meeting with police following that high speed crash in dallas. rice saying he takes full responsibility. police say a lamborghini was speeding with a corvette when both lost control, hitting several vehicles, including one with a mother and 4-year-old. no word if he'll face charges. when we come back tonight, costco is now selling those popular weight loss drugs, including ozempic. the one step before you buy it. game on. i've been practicing. what the cello? you want me to lower the hoop? foul! what? you going to tell on me again? foul yah? foul bro! here take a free shot go ahead knock yourself out. your about to get served. seriously? get allstate, save money, and be better protected from mayhem, like me. love you mom! wait till your father gets home. oooh! this is our night! shingles doesn't care.
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tonight, the eclipse across america. abc news and gnat gio getting ready, and the one thing you'll need for it, made in america. o. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only sotyktu, a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, and the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding you're so ready for your close-up. or finding you don't have to hide your skin just your background. once-daily sotyktu was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. there's only one sotyktu, so ask for it by name.
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talk to a doctor or pharmacist today. finally tonight here, the eclipse across america, we'll be live on the air monday with national geographic, 2:00 p.m. esche, live across more than a dozen states. and tonight, one thing you'll need, made in america. tonight, the one thing made in america you'll need for the solar eclipse. the eclipse next monday, a breathtaking sight, from texas, all the way up to maine. millions of americans along the path of totality. more than 2,000 miles long, across 15 states. >> hi, david. >> david: this doctor, an astro physicist and nat geo explorer, on what we'll see. >> a solar eclipse is when the
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moon moves between the sun and the earth and its shadow is cast on us. one thing to keep in mind, if you're going to watch the eclipse, is that it is only safe to look at the sun during full total eclipse, so, please wear your glasses, protect your eyes. happy solar eclipse! >> david: and tonight, in tennessee, just outside memphis, american paper optics making those glasses. 40 new hires, just for this year's eclipse. >> hey, david. >> david: owner jason jarret. >> we're manufactured over 75 million glasses for the upcoming eclipse. nasa, 2.6 million glasses. $100,000 for the indianapolis motor speedway. >> david: the workers cutting out the holes for the filters, folding the finished glasses, ready to ship. >> all of our glasses are made in america! >> david: in los angeles, dad and daugt urdu woe mark and sophie, their company, rainbow symphony. >> hi, david. >> david: reclipss are a family affair. >> we love working together. it's been such a blast to learn
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business from my dad, and i wouldn't have it any other way. >> david: they're ready. >> well, david, this is the last glasses we're packaging for the 2024 total solar eclipse. this has been a great event. >> david: and in missouri tonight, jen winter and day star filters. >> hi, david. >> david: day starting with solar filters and telescopes, now glasses, too. >> it's lots more fun that we're able to help more people witness the eclipse, and do it safely. when you buy something that's made in america, you can trace it back to an actual person and people who are making these for us. >> david: 1,500 orders a day, 50,000 orders for this eclipse alone. hiring 16 new workers to help out. that's will, the glasses right off the line. ten t then testing them out in the sun. all of this with three words in mind. >> made in america! >> david: you know us. we love made in america, and we low this solar eclipse. we'll see you next monday, 2:00 p.m. eastern, partnering with
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national geographic, and i'll see you right back here tomorrow night. good night. streets lined with rubble. a 7.4 magnitude earthquake struck the east coast of taiwan and right now, rescue crews are searching for signs of life amid the ruins . >> good afternoon and thanks for joining us. i'm larry beil and i'm kristen sze. >> let's get right to the latest from the earthquake zone. at least nine people have died following yesterday's earthquake , the strongest in 25 years. there, rescuers are working to free dozens trapped after the quake caused landslides and collapsed structures. some 1000 people were injured. the quake damaged more than 100 buildings. it was followed by a strong aftershocks, including a 6.5 magnitude tremor, multiple aftershocks as strong as magnitude seven are expected in the coming days. abc seven news
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reporter tim johns is live at sfo, where he spoke with travelers arriving from taiwan and has a look at how the disaster is resonating here in the bay area. tim >> yeah. larry. kristin. there were two flights that left sfo this afternoon heading over to taiwan, one on united and another on taiwanese based eva airways. we did speak to some of those passengers on that eva flight. they tell us ahead of their journey, they're still a little bit worried. >> less than a day after the largest earthquake to hit taiwan in 25 years, passengers at sfo traveling to taipei on wednesday told us they were a little nervous there is some concern, you know, i'm with my family and uh- earthquake is no joke. >> i were concerned about, you know, i might get stuck somewhere or or they stop the plane here. >> the massive quake hit the island nation in the early hours of wednesday morning. taiwan time. the impacts collapsing buildings and causing landslides


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