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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  April 3, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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just wasn't of his right mind. >> a call to 911 for a medical emergency turns violent. that is the claim from a marin county man who is now suing police. good evening. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. >> thanks for joining us. the man was having an epileptic seizure when police tased him and then tried to cover it up, according to the lawsuit. >> abc seven news reporter luz pena spoke to the man's attorney. she joins us live from the newsroom with more luz. >> that's right. the attorney provided us with the body cam video of the incident where you can see at least one officer arresting the man who was clearly struggling. we have to warn you, the video you're about to see could be disturbing for some. in the middle of the night on august 29th of 2022, alice frenkel woke up to her husband having a seizure. she called 911 for help, the first to respond was a central marin police authority officer who was knocked unconscious. >> he's fighting in the body cam
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video, bruce frankel can be seen disoriented and struggling to communicate in the background. >> his then fiance, now wife yells to police trying to explain that bruce was not able to comprehend and needed help. >> he's unconscious. >> two minutes or so into the struggle, the officer threatens bruce, stop fighting! >> you're gonna get tased. do you want to get tased, man? your stomach. >> put your hands behind your back. >> a minute later, bruce was tased. so you're gonna get. >> you're gonna get tased. >> oh my gosh. the officer accuses bruce of playing with him. >> help, help, help! they're trying to get him in cuffs. yeah he's been playing with me. >> get on your stomach. >> today, the couple is filing a lawsuit against the central marin police authority. and the officers accused of assaulting bruce. >> instead of getting help. they got what turned out to be a police caused catastrophe. they
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say led with force. instead of coming in and trying to do some fact finding to figure out what was going on after emts and other officers arrived. >> body cam video captured the first officer acknowledging that bruce was having a medical episode. >> it's kind of just like control him enough because it seemed like a medical aid more. yeah, he's got something going due to just outside the home. >> officers agreed. yeah >> i mean, what do you think it is just medical only. and we do a report and. yeah. anyway. yeah there's nothing criminal here, right? 148 no, he's like not i don't think he's competent, not commit a crime. >> but minutes later alice was given a different story. >> as of now, my plan is to issue him a citation for battery on a police officer as opposed to taking the jail. >> but, i mean, she is not conscious. i mean, why is this citation being in lieu of taking him to jail? >> now, the couple's attorneys accusing police of a cover up. >> so they accused him of
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violence towards his wife, which never happened. they accused him of resisting arrest, which didn't happen because you have to have a particular mental state in order to even engage in that. >> in a statement, the central marin police authority said in part, the authority will vigorously defend itself against this meritless and factually inaccurate litigation, which has not even been served upon the authority as of yet. now, according to his attorneys, bruce had to get surgery after suffering a shoulder injury from the incident. he also had an injured elbow, nerve damage in his wrist and facial scarring. the lawsuit seeks unspecified damages from the central marin police authority in the newsroom . luz pena, abc seven news. all right, we'll stay on that loose. >> thank you very much. well, now to the city of antioch, where privacy concerns are being raised over the police department's use of drones. it's all part of the recent effort to crack down on a spike in sideshows throughout the city. abc seven news reporter anser
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hassan. >> if the antioch police didn't catch all the drivers from sunday's sideshow, the mayor says their drones will. >> the drone technology captures license plate information and captures people's faces at. the cameras are very good, but we usually find them and then we go and tow their impound, their car and cite them. >> mayor lamar hernandez thorpe says antioch has had drone technology for the past three years, but last year's texting scandal decimated the police department. that led to an increase in sideshows because there were fewer officers to respond and at sunday morning, sideshow, the mayor says police were able to shut it all down within 30 minutes. he says that's because antioch has started rebuilding its police force. >> we've hired more officers. we have six at the academy currently 12 that will be entering the academy in may, and we have 40 patrol officers, which is an increase of what we've had in the past. >> there are more officers to operate drones and to monitor
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plans for sideshows on social media. >> and then the cops came in groups. so it was really good. they shut it down immediately. >> antioch resident sequoia thomson lives near the intersection and saw the sideshow. she supports police using drones. >> i think with the drones and the new technology, it can really help the police capture, you know, the violence and things like that that's happening. >> but the use of drones are raising privacy concerns. community organizer tanisha garrett with ace supports police using tech. her concerns are with how the data collected will be used. the laws that are on the books, i'm sure, say certain things, and we know them to sometimes go above and beyond, we want to make sure that they're doing their job, their jobs, and not letting the drones do it all for them. >> the mayor also has concerns, but still supports using drones. >> in this instance. we're using them to capture individuals who have broken the law, and disturb the peace. and so we're using that technology to find people
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and hold them accountable in antioch, anser hassan abc seven news. >> a familiar face is shaping up the race for san francisco mayor. supervisor aaron peskin confirmed to abc seven news he plans to run for mayor. he will hold an event this saturday at portsmouth square to formally launch his campaign. peskin is critical of the mayor and more conservative candidates who blame progressive policies for the city's problems. >> i want to repudiate the politics of blaming other people. we've blamed the judges. we've blamed everybody. we've blamed, you know, the nonprofits, let's start being accountable. let's start working with one another in a mature fashion. >> peskin has been a supervisor on and off for 24 years. recently, he led a veto override of a proposal by mayor london breed to build higher density units in some neighborhoods. >> it's a tie. we're following the close call. district 16 race to replace anna eshoo in congress. former san jose mayor sam liccardo has the lead now to
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move on to the november election, but his opponent is still to be determined. it's neck and neck between evan low and joe simitian votes have fluctuated for weeks ever since the primary election, and as of today, they are both at exactly 30,249 votes. if you can believe it, final results are expected to be released tomorrow, but this has been a nail biter happening now. >> after several days of sunshine, the clouds are back. this is a live look outside at those conditions. abc seven news meteorologist sandhya patel is tracking the changes and joins us with more. sandhya yeah. and amna you can feel the difference in the air this afternoon and evening. >> let me show you a live view right now from our kgo roof camera. the flags and the trees are blowing around in the wind gusting to 33 right now in oakland novato 35 miles an hour. that onshore breeze really driving temperatures down. look at the drop down. 13 down in san carlos. livermore is 16 degrees cooler compared to yesterday. we do have a cold front coming in.
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it's a dry front, but it's certainly increased the cloud cover and brought in the cooler air, along with the winds. right now we are seeing thunderstorms in the northern portion of the state in association with this level. one storm. the trough will get here tomorrow, and that's when we'll begin to notice some showers moving in 4 a.m. tomorrow. very spotty. we start to notice some moderate rain moving in at 8 a.m, and some snow over our higher peaks by 10:00 in the morning. those scattered showers are going to continue through late night and really continuing over into friday as well. we are expecting snow over our higher peaks, not just the santa cruz mountains, mount hamilton. you will notice a few inches and up in the northern part of our viewing area expecting accumulating snow. i'll be back with the giants forecast to let you know exactly what you can expect with this storm coming right up. >> dan. okay, sandy, thanks a lot. we'll touch base again in just a moment. in monterey county, there is concern that the upcoming rain that sandy is talking about could cause more slip outs along highway one, and that's why the caltrans led
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convoys across the crumbled portion of the highway near big sur are now being suspended for the next few days. abc seven news reporter zach fuentes has more on the growing impact of the landslide. >> big sur roads that normally see a steady stream of traffic are now empty, all because of this collapse on highway one just south of the rocky creek bridge. saturday it led to many tourists being stranded overnight, eventually being let out by convoys. since then, locals have been relying on those convoys two times a day to get in and out. but now even that lifeline will be severed. >> there will not be convoys the next two days due to the weather, because of the weather and halted convoys. >> the monterey county sheriff's office has issued an evacuation warning for areas of the big sur community south of the slip out and impact not just to residents but also businesses. >> if we're only looking at a two day suspension, basic residential life is fairly it's inconvenient, but it's pretty manageable for most residents. >> the bulk of the long tum impacts, according to the big sur chamber of commerce, will be
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to businesses and their workforce. probably 75 to 80% of our workforce is going to be on very reduced, if not eliminated hours. >> and the economic damages will are likely to be in excess of $1 million a day with each and every day that this closure continues. >> in a briefing wednesday, caltrans said it's likely that the slip out was caused by saturated ground from recent storms. they've been able to add some width to the unaffected northbound lane, but right now, there's still no official timeline on repairs. caltrans said they're working on managing the risk while also working on a temporary and long tum stabilization of the area. as for work to prevent future similar issues along highway one, caltrans said all they can do is keep a close eye on the road, respond to events as they happen. >> so we're not, necessary going out and looking to fortify the entire stretch of the, big sur coast. >> though grateful for the repair efforts the business community is entering, what is normally a busy season, holding on tightly to any hope that they
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can start welcoming visitors again soon. >> it's just absolutely essential that that single lane be made open to the public at the earliest opportunity, so the businesses can reopen and employees can be back at work. >> zach fuentes, abc seven news on the peninsula, one of the bay area's wealthiest communities, is now facing punishment for not being in compliance with housing standards despite an initial plan being approved. >> the state says. steps to implement portola valley's housing plan were not happening fast enough. abc seven news reporter dustin dorsey explains. >> every eight years, cities and towns across the state submit plans to address the housing needs of their community. it's known as the housing element. they either get into compliance with california's housing and community development department regulations or face consequences . portola valley's plan was originally cleared, but hcd said not enough work has been done to put those plans into effect. as a result, the town's housing element is now decertified. the almanacs portola valley beat reporter jennifer is following
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the story closely, seeing that it got decertified was pretty surprising to me, especially since they've been working on this for almost three years and it was pretty significant for them to finally get their housing element approved in january. to be in compliance, portola valley had to have zoning for more than just single family homes. the mayor has expressed a lot of disappointment and frustration, as have the residents. >> she said that they required the zoning to be completed within two days after their certification, which was just very unattainable for the town to complete. >> here's what it means for portola valley and its residents. consequences escalate over time, starting with builders remedy. this is a state law that allows developers to get housing projects approved in cities that do not have a compliant housing element. the town may also face loss of state funding for housing and infrastructure. says leaders are confident they'll regain compliance and meeting state needs won't change the town's character. >> there isn't going to be many
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changes to their area, i think, the town of portola valley really wants to maintain the rural community and their characteristics of the town. >> portola valley's planning commission meets tonight as the town aims to get back into compliance before the consequences become any worse in portola valley. dustin dorsey, abc seven news. >> the california supreme court heard arguments today over uc berkeley's development plan at people's park. the case hinges on the environmental impact report, in particular, possible noise pollution from the student housing planned for the site. the park has been closed since early january. shipping containers are blocking it and surveillance cameras surround the park. people's park will stay closed until a ruling comes. >> the a's ongoing quest to find a temporary home until they are hopeful. move to las vegas took team officials to sacramento today. parties for both sides discussed what it would take to get the a's to play in sutter health park, the current home of the giants top minor league
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team. the team's lease at the oakland coliseum expires at the end of this season, and their proposed ballpark in vegas won't open until at least 2028. yesterday oakland city officials presented their offer to keep the a's in town. during that time frame, abc seven sports anchor casey pratt says the a's will hold an internal meeting tomorrow. no word when a decision is going to be made. we'll keep tabs on it. but for the
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taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ magnitude earthquake and about 30 aftershocks. crews are doing their best to reach people trapped in the rubble. at least nine people have been killed, several by falling rocks. look at that video. upwards of 900 others were hurt. the area is prone to earthquakes, but this was the most powerful quake to hit the nation in decades. the worst of the damage is at the epicenter in the mountains of hulan county, on the island's
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east coast. many buildings were damaged and destroyed in the county of over 300,000 people. officials believe dozens are trapped inside highway tunnels. just remarkable video coming out of taiwan. >> all right, let's come back home. talk a little bit more about the rain that we just mentioned. >> that's right. meteorologist sandhya patel has the timing for us. sandhya. yeah. ama and dan. >> let's take a look at live doppler seven, and we'll talk about the timing of when this all begins. as we look at our radar here, we are watching this cold trough that is developing just off the pacific northwest coast, already starting to see thunderstorms in the northern portion of the state where they're already picking up the precipitation. this cold front that comes through our area is just going to be the cloud cover that we're seeing right now. and the winds temperatures are in the 50s and the 60s. here's a live view from emeryville camera. and it is certainly a cloudier view than what we saw just last couple of days. tonight, gusty winds tomorrow cold storm arrives. there is a chance of thunder and winter like weather with snow on her peaks over the next couple of
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days. so it is a level one storm for tomorrow and friday. cold showers, breezy conditions, snow over our highest peaks between 2000 and 3000ft, and there is a possibility of thunderstorms and hail. so we're going to first talk about the winds. 6:00 it is still blustery out there as we head towards 8 p.m. over 30 mile an hour winds along the coastline. the winds ease a bit at 11 p.m, but tomorrow they'll pick right back up again. those onshore winds really going to bring us that colder air with that cold trough coming through. could see some of the coldest air of the season so far. certainly very low snow levels expected. so we go hour by hour early in the morning around 4:00. you see spotty showers by 7 a.m. light to moderate showers are moving. in 10 a.m. you'll notice the snow over mount hamilton, northern portion of our viewing area. snow showers expected even into tomorrow night over our higher terrain. santa cruz mountains is included in this. mount tam could see some scattered showers continue friday morning and snow showers. as you will notice around 10 a.m. this really goes on into
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the afternoon before this system is done by 7 p.m. rainfall estimates anywhere from about 1500 of an inch to just over an inch in ben lomond. this does turn to snow over our higher peaks, about an inch in ben lomond. looking at a couple of inches over mount hamilton and parts of lake and mendocino counties in the hills. by friday night we do have a winter weather advisory 11 p.m. tonight in the sierra until 11 p.m. friday, 18 to 24in over the peaks. those snow levels. we're talking 3500ft. so 5 to 12in, low snow levels, gusty winds may make for difficult travel. it is going to be chilly in the morning, 30s and 40s. definitely grab the umbrellas and your coats and be prepared with the heavy winter coats, because tomorrow afternoon we could see record low maximum temperatures. i mean, we're looking at 40s and 50s. 40s for your highs. all right. now here comes the opening day forecast for the giants against the padres on friday. it is going to be chilly 52 degrees. there is a chance of
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showers. and then later on at night, breezy and cool. mid 50s. i don't think it's going to be a washout, but be prepared with a raincoat. the accuweather seven day forecast. it's mixed precip tomorrow, level one with the thunderstorm possibility one for friday. it's still unsettled and cold, especially in the morning hours. and then saturday we're going to go with a dry forecast. sunday there's a slight chance of showers but dan and anna by monday we're talking clear and warmer weather for the solar eclipse. and we'll continue to warm it up through midweek. >> nice. yeah, yeah. thanks, andy. well still ahead, forget about those swab sticks. >> you stick up your nose in the east bay, there's a new way to detect covid. here's a hint you can pet it. we'll have the story next. >> this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. >> you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. we
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are, we are, we are, we are, we are, we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area streaming app. join us and
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or method of detecting covid 19. take a look at some yellow labs that are trained to sniff out the virus, and can test approximately 300 people in just 30 minutes. alameda health system brought the dogs to park bridge rehabilitation and wellness in alameda today. the dogs are trained to sniff near a person's feet, ankles or lower legs to detect covid 19. in addition to working quickly, health officials say the dogs offer much less invasive covid detection than the typical nose swab. >> this is a way for us to move the needle in a new direction of testing residents. the canines are 94% accurate, accurate with the detection. >> it's fascinating. covid detection dogs were deployed to california schools in 2021, and are now being used in skilled nursing facilities statewide. >> that is so much better than the swamp. oh yeah. all right. six northern california restaurants have been nominated
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for this year's james beard awards. shinwari of carmel by the sea is nominated for best new restaurant for the outstanding wine and other beverage programs category. the morris in san francisco is on the list. also, another san francisco bar, pacific cocktail haven, was nominated for outstanding bar. three chefs out of oakland, calistoga and sacramento were also nominated for best chef. california congratulations. one and all that is. yeah. >> all right. we still have much more news ahead. >> let's go to abc7 news anchor dion lim for a look at what's coming up at 530 dion yeah. >> hey there guys. lots to talk about. we are taking a deep dive into the continuing a saga. sports director larry beil joins me with insight on the team's meeting in sacramento today. also, a viral posting on x, allegedly with instructions for employees at the team store. plus, when a hearing impaired woman was scammed out of tens of thousands of dollars, her family reached out to seven on your side. tonight, we go beyond the story and learn what else could have been done to prevent this
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from happening. all those stories and more at 530 on abc7 bay area streaming. back to you guys. >> okay, diane, thank you. >> and you can download the abc seven app or head to abc7 and join diane in two minutes. >> and if you're watching us right here on tv world news tonight with david muir is next for sandhya patel all of us, we appreciate your time. i'm dan and i'm
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>> david: tonight, breaking news as we come on the air. the harrowing images coming in after the largest earthquake in taiwan in nearly 25 years. the search right now for so many who are trapped. here in the u.s. tonight, the dangerous and deadly storms tonight turning into a nor'easter. new york city, philadelphia, boston. and the american tourist and the deadly elephant attack tonight. first, those dramatic images after the deadly earthquake in taiwan. the magnitude 7.4 quake. several dead, more than 1,000 injured. and now, the search for the missing, including 71 miners trapped below in rock quarries. dangerous landslides blocking highways.


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