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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  April 3, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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in san jose. it's the sad reality. but tonight the city claims it has a couple of ideas up its sleeve. >> tie goes to the november ballot. the bay area race for u.s. house that is just too close to call. >> serious cooking skills are found in oakland. you know that. and tonight we hear from the chef who has a prestigious new nomination to prove it. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good evening. thanks for joining us. >> i'm dan ashley and i'm ama daetz. we begin with what is our main focus tonight. and it's had incoming storm heading our way. >> yeah it is measuring as a one in our exclusive abc seven storm impact scale. the chilly wind and rain will be something to keep an eye on through the rest of the workweek. and that's not
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all. there is a chance of snow. >> yeah. let's get to abc seven news meteorologist sandhya patel , who is timing all of this out for us, sandhya. >> yeah, and ama and dan, just when you thought it was spring only, we're taking you back to winter. let me show you this cold storm that is coming our way. it's a level one already. triggering thunderstorms in the eastern portion of california. seeing the mixed precipitation up to our north and to our east. as you will notice, the trough is just off the northern california coast. and early tomorrow morning, showers will begin at 5 a.m. they'll be very spotty by 9 a.m. spreading across the region. snow showing up on mount hamilton and those showers will continue to pivot in as that trough approaches. continuing with the snow showers . so it's a wintry mix for our higher elevations. santa cruz mountains, mount hamilton, also around the northern california northern portion of our viewing area, we're going to be seeing accumulating snow the next couple of days. we do have the possibility of thunderstorms as not just tomorrow, but the following day as well. it's a one on our storm impact scale for tomorrow and friday. cold
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showers, breezy conditions, snow on our higher peaks, a chance of thunder and hail. and speaking of peaks, this is from mount tam seeing a beautiful view of the city by the bay, but it has been bouncing around winds right now, gusting to 32 miles an hour. i'll be back with a full look at the timeline of how long this wintry weather is going to last. stan. >> okay, sandy, thanks a lot. now happening now. caltrans is rushing to come up with a repair plan before more rain hits highway one. there are fears the wet weather could cause even more slip outs along the road that gave out over the weekend, and evacuation warning is in effect for areas in and around big sur. monterey county is also temporarily stopping the traffic convoys that were transporting people past the damage through friday. >> if we're only looking at a two day suspension, basic residential life is fairly it's inconvenient, but it's pretty manageable for most residents. >> tonight, caltrans says it's likely the slip out was caused by saturated ground from recent
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storms. that seems logical. they've been able to add some width to the unaffected northbound lane, but there's still no official timeline on the repairs. >> in the south bay tonight, the city of san jose is urging drivers to put down their phones and keep their eyes on the road. it's the latest attempt at solving a problem that's been plaguing the city for years. as abc seven news south bay reporter lauren martinez explains, the new message couldn't come in a more poignant time for loved ones, and neighbors are dropping off flowers at the scene of a deadly hit and run in san jose. >> police say. around four in the morning on wednesday, a driver failed to stop at this intersection at daniel maloney drive and nieman boulevard. that driver struck and killed a man behind the wheel of a pickup truck. police say this loss marked the 12th traffic death of this year. on sunday evening, police responded to a deadly pedestrian collision off saratoga avenue. >> these people, coming from their. and it's dark. they don't they don't. >> they don't think it's
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something here. >> you know, a neighbor who lives off of daniel maloney in neiman says with not enough light and signage, the intersection is prone to crashes. >> it's very sad. we need a traffic light. >> the city of san jose does have a plan to make this four way stop safer. installing a roundabout is in the works. a roundabout actually could have potentially prevented the crash that happened this morning. >> they're designed so that vehicles are all driving in the same direction in a circle, which almost entirely prevents head on collisions and significantly reduces the potential for t-bone collisions. >> the city says they're in the design process for the roundabout now, and they expect construction and to finish the project in 2025 to promote safe habits. during distracted driving awareness month, the city is pushing out electronic messaging signs on some of the high crash or high injury corridors in san jose. they strongly urge drivers to mute
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notifications when on the road, as well as turning off notifications on apple carplay. >> cars are increasingly becoming the distraction themselves, and so we want to help people know how to turn off those pings and buzzes and flashing screens so they can focus on driving the message boards that display eyes up. >> phones down will have different locations during the month of april in san jose, lauren martinez, abc seven news. >> now to your voice and your vote. and after nearly a month of votes have been tallied in the race for california's 16th congressional district in the house, and tonight it appears we have a tie. former san jose mayor sam liccardo has already sealed his spot in the november general election, but it looks to be a true split race for the second spot between joe simitian and evan lowe. you can see the vote counts as of tonight. both lowe and simitian remain at exactly 30,249 votes, just remarkable. final results are expected to be released tomorrow
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. if this tie holds, both lowe and simitian would move to on the november election, making for a three way race. >> we know it's one of california's most complex issues, but tonight it's a key deadline. it is a key deadline in the battle over how cities can manage and solve homelessness. the us supreme court is set to review a decision later this month that's been preventing cities from sweeping encampments. and as abc seven news reporter tara campbell reports, everyone from the governor to homeless advocates want their say. >> the big question for the us supreme court is can you criminalize poverty and homelessness? >> legal analyst stephen clark is talking about the heart of a case being taken up by the supreme court stemming from litigation in oregon, where two homeless people challenged an ordinance in the city of grants pass banning people camping in public spaces, an appellate court siding with the duo, saying it violates the constitution's limit on cruel and unusual punishment, adding you can't stop people from sleeping in public space if you
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don't provide an alternative. >> the big question will be if there's not a place for someone to go, such as a homeless shelter, how can you then put them in jail or give them a fine and turn their poverty into a criminal act? >> the high court announcing in january that it would take up grants pass v johnson and the amicus briefs came flooding in. >> we, along with the state of california, along with most major cities in the west coast, are asking the supreme court to really correct this legal error in the grants pass case and allow our cities to effectively combat our homelessness crisis. >> david chiu is san francisco's city attorney and says the lower courts decision has been handcuffing the city's efforts to get people off the streets. >> we want to be able to give the option to folks who are unhoused on the streets to avail themselves of the services and shelter beds and housing opportunities that our city is offering. but if you choose to not accept that, we need to keep
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we need to clear our streets. >> we're deeply concerned that if this law is overturned, local governments will be able to legally cite and arrest unhoused people who have no other choice but to sleep outdoors. >> the supreme court is set to hear the case on april 22nd, and a ruling is expected this summer. tara campbell, abc seven news. >> happening tomorrow governor newsom will highlight the strengths of california's new sustainable water and power plan. the idea is to turn sun drenched canals into solar power producers, panels are designed to act as canopies protecting collected water from evaporation . iron grids will generate renewable energy along one of the state's primary aqueducts, project partners say. it's the first of its kind in the country, and they hope it won't be the last. governor newsom will highlight one area in merced county during a news event tomorrow at 4:00. >> the mission of building a better bay area is always what we are after here at abc7 and
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throughout the day. we love finding and sharing the breakthroughs happening across our neighborhoods. >> we do. and tonight, we're finding one breakthrough that has to do with our food. abc seven news reporter joe stone is in oakland, where the city's already delicious culinary scene is now proudly serving up another james beard nominated chef. >> watch out, fried chicken coming through in the front and chef jeff davis busy at work in the back at his restaurant called burdell in oakland. >> soul food, but kind of modernized a little bit with like a little bit of a california twist to it. it sure does look good, even though it's sometimes hard to keep up with chef davis. >> i mean, just look, he moves quick. i guess it makes sense because seven months after this restaurant opened and chef davis is now one of five finalists for the james beard award for best chef in california. it's said to be like the oscars of cooking awards. >> definitely really humbled by it. it's super exciting to get recognized for what we do here
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every day. >> yes, chef davis is modest, but those we spoke with like brian so did not hold back. so is a big fan. on his first night at the restaurant. >> my favorite today is the bbq shrimp and the bbq sauce is not like any bbq sauce out there. it's >> and you enjoyed that. you love that. >> yes yes yes very very nice. >> not all the stories have been positive in oakland lately, but that doesn't matter to chef jeff, who says it was important to him to open up here in the town. >> it's a very community driven place and, you know, has a little chip on his shoulder compared to san francisco. but it's kind of a good thing. you know, we we're hustlers, like, we are people that really are driven to make uh- our little corner of the world a little bit better. >> jeff will now travel to chicago in june for the award ceremony. a couple of months away. yes, but you can see he'll probably be pretty busy until then.
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>> i hope they do well and we will be back. >> is it important to win, no. i'm happy to be here. happy just to be there. yeah. so there'll be a bonus. >> jr stone, abc seven news. >> fantastic. yeah. >> and an interesting note. davis named the restaurant burdell after his grandmother. >> that is an interesting note. and in case you're wondering, a few other bay area chefs are also included in the final list of nominees. >> that's right, chef rogelio garcia of arrow in calistoga. laura to maynard yara of couillaud in la tara. mansard of anna mae in san diego, and billy noe of crew in sacramento. the winners will be named on june 10th. all right. >> well, new challenger is rumored to be entering the ring for san francisco mayor. and it may be london breed's toughest opponent yet. plus a man with a pig's kidney is now heading home . >> an update on this remarkable operation and what it means for the future of the medical world.
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>> and it's our pick for the best thing you'll see today. the new voices coming over the bart speaker system. and they're sharing a very proud message. >> first, a look at what's coming up tonight on jimmy kimmel live! right after abc seven news at 11. jimmy >> thank you, dan and ama, watch the show tonight. it's good for your gums. >> why aren't you in the suit game? i mean, it's so obvious that you got to get in it. guys, this episode was brought to you by johnny carson. suits you got it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. ♪ ♪
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everyone needs a place to recharge. how we get there matters. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. he's just days away from launching his campaign for mayor. officially, peskin has been critical of mayor london breeds tough approach on
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homelessness and mental health issues. >> i want to repudiate the politics of blaming other people. we've blamed the judges. we've blamed, you know, the nonprofits. uh. let's start being accountable. >> peskin has been supervisor on and off for 24 years. he's currently board president. earlier, we asked abc7 news insider phil matier about the response from mayor breed's camp tonight. >> what i'm hearing from city hall is that this is the start of the mayor's race, as we have covered many times before, past mayoral races in san francisco. there's always been politics, there's always been policy, but there's also been an entertainment factor to it, like, you know, personality. if you want to call it that. in this case, she calls aaron peskin the terminator. he's been the thorn in the side of mayors going back all the way to willie brown. he is mr. know in san francisco city hall, but he is also mr. known because he knows how things are done. >> as of now the candidates in the running for november are here in alphabetical order by
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last name. mayor london breed. mark farrell, daniel lurie, aaron peskin and asha safai. >> in the east bay, uc berkeley's controversial dorm construction at people's park is likely to get a go ahead from the courts. today's state supreme court hearing made it pretty clear the $312 million student housing project will get the approval it needs. it would accommodate about 1100 students and more than 100 unhoused people who had been camping at the park. a final ruling from the court is due by july second. >> a historic kidney transplant using one from a pig has become perhaps a huge game changer for those who need a donor. the recipient of the world's first pig kidney, a 62 year old man, was released from the hospital today. doctors at massachusetts general successfully performed the four hour operation last month. the man has the genetically modified organ after years of living with kidney disease and type two diabetes. health experts say the breakthrough could eventually make dialysis irrelevant. more
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than 100,000 people are currently on a federal transplant waiting list. >> alameda county is trying a less intimidating and more adorable way to test for covid 19. two yellow labs named riso and scarlet are trained to detect the virus and can test approximately 300 people in just 30 minutes. the dogs demonstrated their skills today at park bridge rehabilitation and wellness in alameda to detect covid 19. the dogs are trained to sniff out the virus near a person's feet, ankles or lower leg area. it's a fast way to test a lot of people, and it's also less invasive than the typical nose swab. >> and if you can imagine doing nasal swab testing over the course of the last four going on five years, this is a way for us to move the needle in a new direction of testing residents. >> health officials say the canines have a 94% accuracy rate when detecting covid 19. >> it's pretty good. and no swab. yeah big selling point. april is autism acceptance month and bart is showing support for
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a second year starting today, riders will hear the voices of bay area young people on the spectrum over the pa system. they had been invited to bart headquarters to record special messages for the public. these announcements will play every 30 minutes across various stations until the end of the month. here are some examples from last year. >> hey buddy, my name is brandon and i am celebrating autism awareness month with bart. >> hey everybody! my name is cameron and i love trains and bart isn't that great? >> it's part of the autism transit project which is recording these announcements for agencies. all around the nation. >> new at 11. looks like we all still have to go to work tomorrow. no one hit the lucky powerball jackpot tonight with $1.09 billion. it means saturday night's drawing will be for about 1.25 billion. all right, here are the winning numbers to see if you won a smaller prize. the last time someone hit it was
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on new year's day, 40 straight drawings with no one matching all six. this new jackpot is now the eighth largest in u.s. lottery history. let me give you the numbers. so. 1138 41 6265 powerball 15 reminder you have won a 1 in 292,000,000 chance of winning, which is only slightly better than your chances if you don't have a ticket. >> exactly. >> but you can't win if you don't play. >> no, that is true. >> all right, let's turn our attention back to the weather forecast and the rain. >> yes, sandhya patel has that for us. sandhya. >> yeah, we're going to see just about everything you can imagine a potpourri of weather dan and amna. let's take a look at your accuweather alert. we are talking about a wintry mix tomorrow. showers chill snowy peaks possible thunder. and this continues through friday. so watch out for slick roads. if that hail actually materializes you're going to be seeing some hazards on the roadways and reduced visibility. as you will notice just off the northern california oregon border is an area of low pressure that's
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spinning. it's bringing in cold air, certainly triggering thunderstorms to our east right now here locally, we do have just a few clouds gathering, but that's all going to change come tomorrow. already seeing changes in the air this evening. ten degrees cooler in ukiah. down eight degrees in fairfield. it was a cooler afternoon and a windier one. as you all know, temperatures right now from the 30s to the 50s. as we take a look at a live picture from our emeryville camera. it is a little breezy out there overnight tonight into tomorrow morning, gusty with cold showers arriving tomorrow. we are looking at a chance of thunderstorms and winter like weather with snow on our peaks. believe it or not, it's a level one a light system for both tomorrow and friday. cold showers, breezy conditions, snow on the higher peaks between 2000 and 3000ft and that possibility of thunder and hail exists as the cold, unstable air moves in. so the winds are going to pick back up again. i know there's still gusty out there tonight, but tomorrow morning, 25 to 27 miles an hour and then ramping up over 30 miles an hour in the
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afternoon. and this continues really through the evening hours. so we're going to time this out tomorrow morning at 4 a.m. just a couple of showers around. but by 7:00 you notice it's pretty rainy across the region. brief downpours turning over to snow over mount hamilton , the hills up to our north. so this trend is going to continue with those scattered showers through the evening hours. friday morning. you see the snow showers and the showers friday afternoon as well. and this really translates into the friday evening before everything winds down. rainfall estimates anywhere from a 10th to three quarters of an inch, but in places like clear lake, you're going to pick up over an inch of rain. we are talking about snow over our higher peaks. santa cruz mountains, mount hamilton, mount tam, possibly, and then the hills around mendocino and lake counties looking at a couple of inches there. winter weather advisory until 11 p.m. friday. it is up now 18 to 24in for the peaks. gusts to 45 miles an hour. it is going to be difficult to get up there. chill
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in the air. you need your coats. you need your rain gear for tomorrow morning. 30s to 40s. it is going to feel like winter and tomorrow afternoon it's a chilly one with record low maximum temperatures possible. breezy conditions only 40s and 50s. so for the niners home opener against the padres on friday, there is a chance of showers 52 degrees by the four 30 hour. we're talking 54. breezy and cool. here's a look at the accuweather seven day forecast. it's a one for tomorrow. that mixed precip thunder chance, cold and unsettled on friday. still a one and that will brighten it up just in time for your weekend plans. there's a slight chance of a few showers sunday, but clearing out for the solar eclipse? it's a partial eclipse here and even warmer weather with tuesday and wednesday going up into t mid and upper 70s. a
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no. amy gutierrez, aka amy g, is a beloved part of the team's broadcasts, and in just in time for friday's home opener, she's out with a new children's book, smarty. marty takes the field, as amy's fourth book starring the lovable character. yes, the fourth adventure is about smarty marty stepping up her game and managing a local little league team for the first time. >> amy joined us on our 3 p.m.
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show, getting answers today about where her inspiration comes from. since i was a little girl, i've been around baseball. >> it was what we did. my father coached, i played softball, my mom was the team mom at the time. >> amy g's book is now available yet. >> you can also check out amy g. on her new podcast called girl. how did you get that gig? >> that's awesome. all right, by the way, the giants home opener is on friday and it's against the san diego padres. >> but first business to attend to in la. abc seven sports director larry beil is here. larry >> dan. jorge soler hit it absolutely mammoth blast. but the giants need more firepower if they're going to hang with these dodgers trying to
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the giants finished up their opening road trip of the season trying to avoid being swept by the dodgers. shohei ohtani would have something to say about that. get your dodger dogs here, your dodger dogs here. giants down one. nothing in the third patrick bailey here it comes. and there it goes. first homer of the year off tyler glasnow. we're tied at one. and patrick salutes the dugout. this is what i do kyle harrison five innings for the giants gave up four runs
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including this long ball. that ball is crushed out by miguel rojas. dodgers up four one. now the giants would get within a run but shohei ohtani mashing off a taylor rogers his first homer as a dodger. and his teammates celebrate with sunflower seeds in his face. is that tradition five three l.a. that made the difference because jorge soler, with his second blast in as many games, obliterated 452ft. but the giants come up short five four, gets swept home openers friday against the padres. the a's met with officials in sacramento today, reportedly close to finalizing a deal that would have the team move to sutter health park in sacramento for two years before their planned move to vegas. if that ever happens, official announcement could come as soon as tomorrow. a's and red sox wrapping up their series. pick a seat. you got the whole yard to choose from in oakland. nice lay kid. uh- boston. got a run on a sac fly. that's all they needed. he's got three hits in the fifth and still couldn't score. zack eloff double play. mark kotsay thinking we got 162 of these. bottom nine two out tying run a third ryan noda the two two.
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that's your ball. game one nothing final boston a's shut out for the third time in seven games. overall record one. and six. the warriors held off the mavs last night for their fifth straight win with seven to play. draymond green huge block late in the fourth quarter to help seal the deal. dubs three up on the rockets for the final play in spot. we'll visit houston tomorrow and draymond has been doing the math. >> three games behind with seven games left. and you're losing the tiebreaker. so four games behind in a sense with seven to go. my math serves me correctly. tomorrow will be an opportunity to end their season. >> your math is correct. imagine draymond in the nhl. this would be great. the rangers and devils they agree to fight as soon as the puck dropped tonight all ten skaters pairing off. i'm gonna punch you in the face. punch you in the face and you in the face. eight players were ejected, including former sharks barclay goodrow and chris tierney. you want some? rangers won four
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three on a late goal. sports on abc seven, sponsored by river
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he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van.
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into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business.
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area connected tv app available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv and roku download so you can start streaming. thanks for watching. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley for sandyha patel. >> larry biel, all of us. we appreciate your time right now on jimmy >> lou: from hollywood, it's “jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- dax shepard, cailee spaeny and music from kim gordon. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, thank you. thank you. hi, everybody.


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