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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  April 4, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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would never do cup of noodles. >> he loves to cook. friend, i want to give this to you. what's this? this is a follow up on a story that we had. because, you know, you like to cook. >> you got me the dolly parton pan. it's here. look at. >> this is so great. oh, >> robin: good morning america. a major spring storm slamming the northeast. overnight the powerful nor'easter causing chaos, flooding, drowning neighborhoods, parks, submerging cars. more than 1,000 flights cancelled during the busy spring break season. our team tracking it all. >> michael: urgent search and rescue. first responders rushing to free people trapped in the rubble after the powerful earthquake in taiwan felt across the island.
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>> george: backlash over the deadly strikes that killed seven aid workers in gaza. >> they were targeted. >> george: the reaction, as president biden is set to speak with prime minister netanyahu for the first time since the strike. >> robin: high speed crash. chiefs star rashee rice breaking his silence about the six car crash that shut down a major highway. what he's now saying about his role. >> george: safari tragedy. >> hey hey hey! >> george: an american woman killed and another person seriously injured when a bull elephant charged their van. what happened in the moments leading up to the deadly encounter? >> michael: less than two weeks until tax day. rebecca has the scam alerts. the red flags to watch out for. our exclusive with the head of the irs. >> george: high stakes hearing. the suspect in the idaho college murders case expected in court as his lawyers argue he can't get a fair trial in the county where the killings happened. dan abrams here with how unusual their approach is.
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>> michael: does the sequence you eat your food in affect your health? and should you hold the carbs? reality check this morning. >> robin: angel reese is going pro. what she told "vogue." yes, "vogue." ♪ come on vogue ♪ and how the double double queen was inspired by serena williams. and speaking of double, the stars sending final four ticket prices soaring strike a pose. >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> michael: good morning america. you can do it. strike a pose. that's right. good morning. strike a pose on this thursday morning. thank you for joining us on "good morning america." >> george: we have a lot coming up including incredible story about a kidney transplant patient who is making history. >> robin: we're going to begin with the powerful spring storm bringing torrential rain, dangerous winds and snow. it is also creating a travel
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nightmare on the roads and in the sky, with more than 1,000 flights cancelled. our transportation correspondent gio benitez starts us off and has the latest. good morning, gio. >> gio: hey, robin. good morning. yeah, it was a messy day for travel wednesday. more than 1,000 flight cancellations, like you said. 7,500 delays. la guardia getting the worst of it. it was felt in so much of the country. overnight a powerful nor easter slamming the east coast creating a dangerous morning commute for millions. torrential rains wreaking havoc on roads across new york and new jersey. farther north, snow creating treacherous conditions from maine to massachusetts. the storm turning deadly in pennsylvania. an 81-year-old woman killed after strong winds toppled a tree onto her car. >> it was devastating. it was a big tree. it fell right across her car. >> gio: the massive downpour flooding the state. this park submerged by water. more than 100,000 customers
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without power, winds 65 miles per hour knocking down trees and power lines in places like connecticut. >> i'm riding home to about two, three feet of water. >> gio: and new york. >> the wires were in the streets. >> gio: in delaware, one woman and four children rescued from this car submerged in high water. parts of the midwest still reeling from that same system. floodwaters swallowing this park in indiana. and these streets in ohio. the storm crippling travel on the roads and in the skies. more than 1,000 flights cancelled across the country including to and from florida. currently a hot spot destination for millions of spring breakers. this orlando bound southwest flight tracked by flight aware flying right into the storm making an emergency landing in tampa after experiencing severe turbulence. >> the plane just dropped and then it was just jolting up and down. >> people were basically on the
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ceiling, bouncing up and down, things were flying everywhere. this was my little girl's first time to fly so it was pretty traumatic for them. >> gio: and if you're traveling today, you really may feel some of that impact because we're already seeing about 300 cancellations today. that's mostly in the northeast. remember, all those people who couldn't get on flights yesterday will try to rebook today. there's a flight today that's taking off at 9 a.m. that was supposed to take off yesterday at 4:30 p.m. robin? >> robin: hopefully, they'll finally get to their destination. gio, thank you. the storm bringing heavy snow to parts of new england. morgan norwood is in maine for us. good morning to you, morgan. >> reporter: hey, good morning. we're coming to you from westbrook maine. about 50 miles west of portland. many people across the state are waking up to scenes like this, thick blanket of snow. when you pick it up, it's that wet snow that when you compact it together has a little bit of weight to it. that's what's going to bring down your power lines. we've already seen that this
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morning. and across the state. thousands in the dark. north of portland up to half foot of snow has already fallen and it is still coming down. the wind isn't making it any better, at times wind gusts just blowing all of the snow in your face, making visibility difficult. that is the warning from maine dot. they want folks off of the roads because they've got work to do. they've got 400 plow truck, 600 crew member, salt, sand. they're throwing everything they can at this massive winter storm. michael? >> michael: stay home if you can, morgan. thank you for that. let's bring in ginger with the snow, wind, flood alerts that are happening now. good morning, ginger. >> ginger: we saw how those trees came down. we saw gusts 50-65 from boston to new york. this morning boston still in a high wind warning for gusts upwards of 60 miles per hour. with that snow and rain still twisting around the low pressure system, we will see bands of rain and snow moving through parts of the northeast. and then here's the thing. this storm is really persistent. it is in a blocking pattern.
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it's not gonna go anywhere for the next 24-36 hours. it will add up in the way of feet of snow for the white mountain, from new hampshire right into maine. for us, it is just going to be this perpetual raw, ugly through the start of the weekend. you're welcome. [ laughter ] >> george: welcome back, ginger. now to the deadly earthquake in taiwan. crews are searching for people still trapped in buildings after the strongest quake to hit the island in 25 years. marcus moore is tracking that. good morning. good morning, marcus. >> reporter: george, good morning. we are getting a clearer picture of what rescuers are up against in taiwan. in addition to the threat of after shocks there have reportedly been 300. they're also having to make their way through roads that have either been destroyed or are now blocked by massive debris. this morning urgent search and rescues across taiwan after that deadly earthquake. the strongest to hit the island in nearly 25 years. helicopters air lifting six workers to safety who were stuck in an open quarry near the epi center.
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first responders digging through the rubble of collapsed buildings, looking for more than 100 trapped. nearly 40 remain unaccount ted for. overnight, demolition beginning on teetering buildings deemed a safety risk, many sleeping in tents outdoors, the walls of their homes cracked. this man saying they don't dare to go home. the emergency response center there saying more than 900 people have been evacuated. the 7.4 magnitude tremors felt across the island, buildings collapsing on their foundation. watch as nurses cling to newborn babies as the clinic begins to shake. morning commuters holding onto what they could. the quake rocked this elevated train car, and dash camera video circulating online showing large boulders going down the road, a boulder crushing one car. the violent shaking sending things flying off the shelves. officials saying at least ten people have died, more than 1,000 injured. intense search and rescue operations launched immediately.
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one man holding a red flag out his window to signal for help. rescue workers and cherry pickers getting people to safety however they can, climbing tilted stairs, holding onto walls, walking down slanted hallways and partially collapsed builds. first responders scaling giant piles of rubble, carrying a stretcher to rescue this man and his truck blocked on the highway. and the success rescuers have had overnight in accounting for some of the missing is encouraging but the work is not over yet. the challenges persist. in the next couple of days, rain is expected. robin, that could impact the rescue effort. >> robin: it certainly could, marcus. thank you very much. now we have the fallout after the deadly israeli air strike that killed seven aid workers in gaza. the incident is threatening to make the humanitarian crisis there even worse. britt clennett is on the scene in jerusalem. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, robin. yeah, pressure is mounting on israel ahead of president biden's expected call with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu.
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it's their first direct contact since the air strike that killed seven aid workers including a dual u.s. citizen. this morning renowned chef jose andres speaking out after seven of his staffers bringing aid into gaza were killed by an israeli air strike. >> they were targeted. we were in an area controlled by idf. >> reporter: andres claiming the idf targeted car by car humanitarian vehicles. >> this was over 1.5, 1.8 kilometers with a very defined humanitarian convoy that had signs. we had signs. >> reporter: prime minister netanyahu said israel deeply regrets the incident. the vehicles were clearly marked. these were three cars in a row travelling in a convoy that were targeted. what do you say to that? >> that's absurd. the last thing we would want in the world is to endanger civilian lives. this war is a complex war. the incident happened in the
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middle of the night. it's a complex situation. it should not have happened. >> reporter: this satellite shows the vehicles on the road stretching a mile and a half apart. >> if we were targeted, i need to understand that this was not by somebody that decided just to kill us because, i don't know? maybe because i made a tweet that was very strong against president netanyahu. i don't know. >> reporter: among those killed, a palestinian, three british citizens, an australian, a polish national and a dual u.s. can dadian citizen jacob flickinger. now, biden's call with netanyahu is coming as tensions in the region flair up. israel on high alert after iran vowed revenge after an attack that killed one of its top commanders. the idf now pausing all of its combat units amid the possible escalation. george? >> george: let's get more on the president's call with mary bruce. good morning, mary.
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>> reporter: good morning. in just a few hours president biden will be speaking with prime minister netanyahu in what is expected and likely to be a very tense call. look, president biden we know is outraged. he says he is heart broken by these killings. in his strongest rebuke yet, he accused israel of simply not doing enough to protect civilians. we are told he is expected to take that message directly to netanyahu in this phone call. but so far the prime minister has largely ignored the u.s.' warning. president biden's sharp condemnation has not been met by any change in u.s. policy. he's been resisting calls to put limits or conditions on the weapons that the u.s. sends to israel to fight this war, something critics say is contradictory and hypocritical. the big question now, will the president change course? will these deadly strikes be a breaking point? michael? >> michael: thank you for that, mary. now the latest on the car crash involving kansas city chiefs wide receiver rashee rice. rice issuing a statement,
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apologizing and accepting responsibility for his role in the accident. mireya villarreal has details. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, michael. dallas police confirm they have spoken with the super bowl champion rashee rice. he has admitted, sources tell me, that he was driving the lombourghini that was involved in that major accident. but as of right now, there are still a lot of questions about what happened that day. new this morning, rising nfl star rashee rice breaking his silence with questions swirling about his involvement in that six-car crash that shut a major highway down. the kansas city chiefs wide receiver posting on instagram, i take full responsibility for my part in this matter and will continue to cooperate with the necessary authorities. i sincerely apologize to everyone impacted in saturday's accident. that accident captured by another driver's dash cam. a corvette and lambourghini
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speeding down a busy highway before losing control. several drivers struggling to regain control of their own vehicles including kayla quinn, who had her 4-year-old son in the back seat. >> the impact was crazy. we could have flew out. >> reporter: authorities say the occupants of the vehicles then ran from the scene without stopping to determine if anyone needed medical help or providing their information. the investigation is ongoing. an attorney for classic lifestyle, the company that leased the car to rice tells abc news the 23-year-old was the only allowed driver under their rental agreement and that rice allegedly contacted the company after the incident. >> first thing they said to my client, is i'm going to take care of it. i'm sorry. these are vehicles anywhere between $250,000 and pushing $1 million.
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>> reporter: dallas police now conducting multiple interviews with witnesses, victims and others possibly involved in saturday's crash as they try to determine exactly what happened, who was involved and how. sources tell me right now police are focusing on the injuries of the other drivers involved. that will determine what, if any, charges rice might face in this situation. robin? >> robin: you're staying on top of it for us. thank you. now the message of hope, as remarkable patient wakes up in his own bed this morning. erielle reshef is here with more on the first human to receive a pig kidney. everyone is so excited about this. >> they are, for good reason. remarkable is the perfect word, robin. the patient is out of the hospital. he has a long road of recovery, rehabilitation and monitoring ahead, but his operation was historic and his progress in the days since unprecedented. this morning rick slayman is waking up in his own bed after
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receiving the world's first successful transplant of a pig kidney into a human. the 62-year-old discharged from massachusetts general hospital saying his recovery is progressing smoothly, just 18 days after the ground breaking operation. >> it was a high wire act in the o.r. >> reporter: at the time, doctors hailing the four hour long surgery as a success, and their patient a hero. slayman was fighting end stage kidney disease, under going dialysis for seven years before receiving his first transplanted kidney from a human donor which failed last year. doctors emotional as they reflected on the achieve achievement. >> my deepest gratitude goes to our agh team. >> reporter: more than 90,000 people are on the wait list for a kidney in the u.s., but less
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than 16,000 are transplanted annually. on average, 13 patients die every day while they wait. >> the opportunity for future transplantation could save a lot of lives. two things will be monitoring for complications related to immuno suppression. his supressed immune system, for rejection. but we have to watch for complications, which are really infections and malignancies post transplant. >> reporter: slayman saying today marks a new beginning not just for me but for them as well. clinical research trials will be needed to determine if this surgery is a safe and effective model. with many patients waiting for years for a transplant, doctors say the prospect of using this type of transplant procedure more widely could provide hope to millions. slayman saying he has been waiting his entire life for this moment. now it is one of the best moments of his life. >> robin: you see the emotions
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from the doctors there. >> michael: thank you very much, erielle. coming up, we have the new warning about tax scams in our exclusive with the head of the irs. >> george: plus deadly elephant attack. an american tourist killed on safari. we'll tell you what we know this morning. >> robin: and the idaho suspect murder trial. will the suspects lawyers get the case moved? dan abrams is gonna weigh in on that. but first ginger. >> ginger: the east coast is not alone. the west coast has got their very own storms and plenty of alerts. it's making its way down the coast. the high wind alerts are what smothers them. nevada, parts of arizona, utah, could see gusts of 50 plus miles per hour. we will get some snow in the sierra nevada which is at a great place. they've had a good year for that. and then this storm moves east. if you're traveling for the eclipse, especially through the plains, down to dallas, know this. through the weekend you could have some storms. monday evening after the eclipse could see severe weather. we'll be tracking that. local weather in 30 seconds.
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>> michael: coming up something we can all use. the secrets to spring cleaning
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fully reopen. amanda kumasi, we're going to start with that. >> sigalert in san carlos. this is northbound 101 before holly street. uh- box truck is blocking two lanes there. there's no estimated time of opening. we know that traffic is backed up from marsh road. you can either use 280 or el camino in order to get around. and then the bay bridge toll plaza. the metering lights are on. there is a two car crash before the metering lights. you should kn
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as this low pressure spins around us. cold showers, snow on our highest peaks in the chance of a thunderstorm. dress in layers today. the winter coat on top and the umbrella. it's just unsettled all day today. temperatures only in the low to mid 50s for daytime. highs quite chilly kumasi. >> thank you drew. if you're streaming with us on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven is next. for everyone else, it is gma. >> when a car knocks you off your bike, our our team will get you back on your feet. justice takes more than a fighter. you need a champion walk a personal injury law call 866. walk up law at precision garage door. >> spring brakes are one of our most common calls. we get all of our trucks are stocked with a large inventory of garage door, springs and all of the parts that fix your garage door. fast precision door service a name you can trust sometimes all you need to get the party started is a little help from your friends. >> everyone's invited to pixar
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goodbye, complicated. act now and get 25% off the easy to use jitterbug smart with plans as low as 19.99 a month. >> crunchy. ooh, tasty. sweet or savory? always satisfying. give savory? always satisfying. give me blue diamonds ♪ always satisfying ♪ ♪ gimme-- ♪ blue diamond almonds. ♪ walk this way talk this way walk this way talk this way ♪ >> robin: back here on gma. a little throw back to get you moving on this thursday morning. as you get your day going, we've got something that might leave you to switch up your work station. that's in our next hour. >> george: we are following a lot of headlines including the powerful storms causing travel chaos. more than 1,000 flights cancelled. ginger and our team are tracking that. new cross country storm that's coming just in time for the eclipse. also right now, with bird flu outbreaks the
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largest producer of fresh eggs said they halted production at their texas facility. they detected the virus there. experts are not expecting a major impact on prices like we saw two years ago. >> michael: law enforcement in los angeles is investigating a cash heist that took place on easter sunday. thieves took tens of millions of dollars from a storage facility by breaking in undetected from the roof. l.a.p.d. and fbi are working on the case. and billion dollar dreams are still alive. there was no big winner last night's power ball lottery. the jackpot jumped to $1.23 billion. next chance to win is saturday night. who's feeling lucky? >> robin: i'm hearing there's a little lottery fatigue, that ticket sales are down. >> michael: no one else buy a ticket. i'll buy them. [ laughter ] >> robin: this is your chance, michael. >> michael: we have a lot more ahead, including the countdown to the eclipse and how you can see it wherever you are on monday. that's all coming up. now a deadly elephant attack
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caught on camera. an american tourist was killed while on safari in zambia when an elephant approached the van carrying the group. foreign correspondent james longman has details. good morning, james. >> reporter: good morning, michael. this was a really scary attack. in the video, you can hear voices of people in the truck as they realize the elephant is charging towards them through the brush. very sadly all this resulted in the death of an american woman. >> hey! hey! >> reporter: it's a terrifying moment a safari turned fatal. abc news confirming a 79-year-old was killed and anothered injured when a bull elephant charged their tour bus, lifting the vehicle then overturning it. >> oh my goodness. >> reporter: authorities are now investigating this video. watch as the elephant begins to trail safari goers through the park. it's matching the truck's speed. then seemingly coming to a stop.
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>> hey hey hey! >> reporter: the guide on board yelling, trying to scare off the five ton animal. with six people on board, soon face to face with the giant creature. using his tusks to flip the vehicle, and those inside, appearing to flip it once more. the after math of the attack seen in this photograph. gail dying at the scene. this photo taken earlier that day. her friends telling our affiliate the trip was supposed to be her last big adventure. >> she was going to be 80 and she felt like she would start slowing down. to be honest, i don't know if she slowed down. she wouldn't be traveling as far probably. >> reporter: safari company, wilderness, said our guys are all extremely trained and experienced but, sadly, the terrain and vegetation was such that the guide's route became blocked and he could not move the vehicle out of harms way quickly enough. >> resorted to the next best thing, which is yell, try to
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stand up to the elephant. unfortunately, i think that elephant had reached a point in its rage that that was no longer going to be effective. >> reporter: this came within weeks of another scare in south africa. a bull elephant lifting this safari vehicle several feet in the air twice, dropping the truck and those inside both times. the tour operator telling abc news, some tourists came too close to the elephant irritating the creature, who then became aggressive. still studies suggest fatal safaris are generally rare and can happen when tourists are not following the rules. >> the problems we have today, tourists will try to get their guides to get closer than they should be. try to get that picture. don't do that. respect wild life from a distance. >> reporter: now gail madson was going to turn 80 this year. photographs from her on the trip show she was having so much fun.
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her friends say this was meant to be her last big adventure. attacks like these are super rare even if, as on this occasion, they end tragically. guys? >> george: thank you very much. we are going to turn to the idaho college murders case. a hearing today as defense attorneys argue bryan kohberger cannot get a fair trial in the county where the murders happened. we're going to talk to dan abrams after this report from eva pilgrim. good morning, eva. >> reporter: a critical moment in the university of idaho murder case. a hearing that would help determine where the trial will happen. his lawyer arguing it's impossible to find an unbiased jury locally, asking a judge to move the trial to a different county. that lawyer hiring a consultant who surveyed some 400 potential jurors in the area, saying the findings showed they would not be fair and impartial. the prosecution saying this case has gotten even international attention and moving the trial wouldn't make a difference. kohberger is charged with murdering four students at their off campus house. the judge entered a not guilty plea on his behalf.
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he is expected in court today. as for the trial, no word on when it will take place. guys? >> george: eva, thanks. let's bring in our chief legal analyst dan abrams. just explain what's going on here. >> this is really an interesting question. right? the defense has been calling prospective jurors. this is not jury selection. we're not there yet, right? this is just reaching out to people in the community. they're trying to prove that the community has been so hopelessly biased that they need to move the case. they've been calling people to find out, what do you think, etc? prosecutors are saying there's a gag order in place. you're not allowed to do this. you're disseminating information in violation of the gag order. the defense says, no, we're not. this is just stuff that's out there publicly already. we're just trying to get as much information as we can to try to support our argument to move the case. >> michael: do they fear that could taint the jury pool? >> right. exactly. that's what the prosecutors are arguing, right?
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prosecutors are arguing this, is a, a violation of the gag order and, b, could potentially taint the jury. and by the way, the expert concedes some of the information he's been providing isn't true. literally, making calls to people saying, this was said in the media. did you hear that this was said in the media? and it wasn't true. right? they're trying to assess how much false information as well. we haven't had access to the exact information. you can tell from the court filings the sorts of questions that were being asked. >> robin: the bigger issue here, change of venue. >> i think there ought to be a change of venue. you're talking about a small community with a case that is enormous, that everyone in the community has opinions about already. the prosecutors' argument is, come on. when are you going to move this case to nearby where people aren't going to have heard about the case? but if there's a case for a change of venue, this is probably it. i don't know that this survey is going to make or break that fundamental question. >> george: murders were a year and a half ago. why is this taking so long?
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>> look, death penalty case. right to a speedy trial belongs to the defendant. if the defendant decides we want to take some more time here, i'm okay staying behind bars if we have more time to prepare our case. that would typically be allowed in a death penalty case. so not surprising that the case is taking a long time. >> robin: that's been the case here. >> absolutely. well over a year and a half. i wouldn't be surprised if we continued for faw months. >> robin: as always, dan, appreciate your insight. we do. coming up we have a new warning about buying used cars online. and coming up next, with tax day less than two weeks away, scammers are ramping up their attempts to trick you. rebecca has what you need to know when we come back. back. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. oh tina!
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wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are looking up, i've got symptom relief. ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪
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feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. and the majority of people experienced long-lasting remission at one year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. ♪ now's the time to ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. ♪ behr behr behr behrrr behr behr behr ♪ ♪ behrrr behr behr behr behr ♪ ♪ behr behr behr behr behrrrrr ♪ whether you're doing it yourself or hiring a pro, ♪ behr behr behr behrrrrr ♪ today let's paint. ♪ behr behr behr behrrrr ♪ no, no. exclusively at the home depot.
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hi guys! bill, you look great! now that i have inspire, i'm free from struggling with the mask and the hose. inspire? inspire is a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body with a click of this button. where are you going? i'm going to get inspire. learn more and view important safety information at [customer service rep] discover customer service, this is maya. jennifer: oh, hi maya. you robots are sounding more human every day! [customer service rep] at discover, everyone can talk to a human representative. jennifer: alright, prove it. [customer service rep] wait, are you a robot? 24/7 u.s.-based customer service. jennifer: how would i prove that i'm not? mmm...rainbow sprinkles, jammy filling and frosting?! friends, pop-tarts, pastrymates! lend me your ears! —oh boy. we're going off the crust again. wait till i get warmed up. pop-tarts! crazy good.
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>> robin: back now on gma. with tax day approaching rebecca jarvis spoke with the irs commissioner on what to look out for as scammers ramp up their ef forts. good morning to you, rebecca. >> rebecca: yeah. this is the time of year because tax day is a little over a week away. the scam artists are out. here is how you can protect yourself and spot the con artists. it may look official from the irs, but this e-mail is 100% fake. irs commissioner danny wuerfel taking us through the red flags pointed by point. >> first give away talked about the third round of economic impact payments being available. that is a program that ended in
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2021. >> rebecca: it says dear taxpayer, we hope this message finds you well. we are writing to inform you about an important matter regarding your recent tax return filing. >> second red flag. second red flag. >> rebecca: already we're at a red flag. what is it? >> this is written as this is our first time reaching out to you. we don't send e-mails when we initiate contact. we send a letter to your home or business. >> rebecca: he all points to the cut off logo, the date and sender in the wrong spot and directions to click a link. >> whenever you see you need to click on something, red flags, alarm bells should be going off, sirens. these links are gateways for these bad actors to steal information from you. >> rebecca: scammers may also target consumers through phone calls and text messages. >> the vast majority of my clients have been approached on these irs scams. i have gotten numerous calls from hysterical clients where
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it's taken me 10, 15 minutes to calm them down to tell them, no, the irs does not do that. >> rebecca: the irs tells us it will not contact you by telephone, text message or initiate contact by e-mail. >> filing season is when scam artists come out of the woodwork and are most aggressive. you should be conscious that there is a likelihood that someone may e-mail, text or call you pretending to be the irs. >> rebecca: the irs commissioner told me the odds of the irs even reaching out you at all are very low and they will never send urgent language. if you think you've been targeted by a scam, report it to the irs at >> robin: what's your bottom line here? >> rebecca: you're not going to hear from the irs except potentially in mail. the old fashioned way. and just ignore it, ignore the calls, ignore the e-mails and
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send them to that address if you get them. >> michael: coming up the potential danger of using money during video games and our eclipse countdown play of the day. day. eclipse counted down an play of the day. ktu, a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, and the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding you're so ready for your close-up. or finding you don't have to hide your skin just your background. once-daily sotyktu was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides,
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or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. there's only one sotyktu, so ask for it by name. so clearly you. sotyktu. ♪ “don't let go” ♪ by terrace martin, mr talkbox, pj morton ♪ don't let me go ♪ ♪ no ♪ ♪ don't let me go ♪ ♪ no ♪ ♪ don't let me go ♪ ♪ no, no, no don't let me go ♪ ♪ don't let me go ♪ ♪ no don't you ever let me go ♪ ♪ don't you ever let me go ♪ ♪ don't you ever let me go ♪ ♪ target circle week is almost here, ♪ with thousands of deals ♪ join target circle for free... and get automatic savings on the things that make you... you! target circle week...
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coming april 7th to the 13th. it's a big deal! next! ♪ smiling first can help -next! someone find the courage to do the same. (♪) is this normal? yeah. i mean, he does look happy. when you've got questions, chewy's got answers. too happy? ask the chewy vet team. how much is too much catnip? chat with our vet team for free. [thud] [purring] if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis.
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♪ far-xi-ga ♪ name an ingredient you can see in... ...this kind bar to win. almonds.. i see almonds right there! yep, almonds! it's almost like the universe was talking to you. ohh! [man laughing] here's your prize. nice! ingredients you can see and pronounce. ♪ >> michael: we are back now with our play of the day. the solar eclipse is just four days away.
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check out the path of totality. yep, there it is. if that map isn't pointing at your home town you'll have a chance to see it. whit johnson is here. whit, you will be on that path. >> yes, i will. >> michael: you will be in cleveland. will this be better viewing than 2017? >> i think so. now, the skies have to be clear. this one could be bigger, it could be brighter. it could be even more dynamic than before. the solar eclipse has a wider path of totality than in 2017 and will last 60% longer. that means depending on where you are, up to 4:30 of totality depending on where you are. get your glasses ready. we got them all ready here at the desk. here's why. nearly everyone in the continental u.s. will be able to see at least a partial eclipse where the moon blocks out some percentage of the sun. have a look at this. we have a map, graphics. in atlanta 82% of totality. new york 89%. in the west, los angeles 49%.
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as you can see in this map here, the stripes show the percentages. nothing compares to 100% totality, but nearly everyone gets to see something special. nasa breaks this all down. go to our website to find out how much you will see in your area. we were talking about this before. i got to experience it with my family. more than 30 members in oregon in 2017. it was incredible. i am now obsessed. can't wait to do it again. all depends on the weather. there's the family right there. the whole crew. >> rebecca: i hope you get to see that again. >> i do, too. weather. weather. >> michael: yes, it is. >> ginger: i don't remember last time. >> michael: how's monday looking? >> ginger: that's the thing. last time was in august. we had a lot of clear skies. this is not the case this time. it is looking -- again, clouds are fluid. right? they're actually water. one of the more difficult things to forecast this far out.
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right now it's looking cloudy on that path on the southern end, arkansas, dallas, etc. and better in the northeast which is not correct. there you go. even my kids in new york could see it better than i will. [ laughter ] >> robin: no matter the percentage you should wear the glasses? >> ginger: absolutely. >> robin: okay. okay. coverage starts at 2 p.m. anchored by david muir and linsey davis. right here on abc. all our streaming platforms. coming up how about time for spring cleaning? streaming platforms. streaming platforms. how about some spring cleaning? and unvaccinated, 'e it could still be you. i'm too old if you're under 45, you're not. for most people, hpv clears on its own. but for those who don't clear the virus, it can cause certain cancers. wow... gardasil 9 is a vaccine given to adults through age 45 that can help protect against certain hpv-related cervical,
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vaginal, vulvar, anal, and certain head and neck cancers, such as throat and back of mouth cancers, and genital warts. gardasil 9 doesn't protect everyone and doesn't treat cancer or hpv infection. these diseases may have many causes. your doctor may recommend screening for certain hpv-related cancers. routine cervical cancer screenings are still needed. you shouldn't get gardasil 9 if you're allergic to the vaccine, its ingredients, or yeast. tell your doctor if you have a weakened immune system, are pregnant, or plan to be. the most common side effects include injection site reactions, headache, fever, nausea, dizziness, tiredness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and sore throat. fainting can also happen. help protect yourself against certain hpv-related cancers. talk to a doctor or pharmacist today.
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(ethan) i remember seeing the menthol cigarette ads talking about how they were fresh and soothing. here's my tip. smoking any type of cigarette can cause a stroke. and there's nothing soothing about that. (announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. ♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪
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♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪ we all need fiber for our digestive health, but less than 10% of us get enough each day. good thing metamucil gummies are an easy way to get prebiotic, plant-based fiber. with the same amount of fiber as 2 cups of broccoli. metamucil gummies the easy way to get your daily fiber. as a teenager i struggled with acne and i still struggle with post-acne marks. bright reveal niacinamide serum by l'oréal. visibly fades post-acne marks by up to 40%. bright reveal niacinamide serum by l'oréal paris. >> ginger: coming up deals and steals for your garden. plus try before you fly.
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call russ brown motorcycle attorneys. >> are you ready? get ultra reliable, ultra fast, award winning internet starting at $20 a month and add unlimited mobile for free. be astounded. switch today. >> come to the san francisco bay flower and garden show at the alameda county fairgrounds. enjoy four stages filled with experts. stroll the beautiful show gardens, shop for plants, garden items and art. the kids will have fun to the san
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francisco bay flower and garden show april 4th through seventh at the alameda county fairgrounds. >> doctor bailey, shall we begin? >> arizona returns. >> a few months ago, i started clinical trial. we operate on the baby's brain before delivery. so who wants to make history? >> an all new gray's anatomy always live. abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. going to checking out the amanda for a look at traffic. hi kumasi. >> we're taking you to northbound 101. this is before holly street in san carlos. a sigalert crash involving a box truck is blocking two lanes there. no estimated time of opening, and traffic is backed up from marsh road. but you can either use 280 or el camino to get around that. and then southbound 880 before broadway, a box truck crash is blocking all lanes there. the chp is heading to the scene in oakland. >> hey, amanda, we'll go outside to our san mateo bridge camera. it is wet out there this morning. we have showers moving
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through live doppler seven showing you our storm moving from west to east. you can see those downpours indicated in the yellows and reds, and also the snow that's falling in our higher elevations. part of lake and mendocino county and around mount hamilton this morning. it's a level one today and tomorrow. cold showers, snow on our highest peaks, the chance of a thunderstorm. we're in the 30s and 40s right now, only into the low and mid 50s for daytime highs. >> kumasi thank you, drew. if you're streaming with us on the abc seven bay area app. abc seven at seven continues next hour. everyone else gma. >> and precision garage door. we are the bay area's garage door specialists. we have large warehouses full of parts and fully stocked trucks to repair your door over 98% of the time, we're able to fix your garage door with one visit. >> precision door service a name you can trust. >> morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. not a good spot for comcast. >> business man into the vending area. oh, not the fries. >> where's the ball?
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>> anybody see it? oh, wait. there it is. >> back into play and oh no it's in the water. >> wait a minute, alligator. >> are you kidding me? you gotta be kidding me. rolling towards the cup and it's in the hole. >> what an impossible shot. brought to you by comcast business. when we tell people it took 138 iterations to refine the tig1 chassis, they say, oh, cool. >> but when we tell them it also took our engineers 189 pizzas, 22 birthdays, 4005 miles commuted through 13 thunderstorms, 16 neglected haircuts, 52 all nighters and 19 nightmares about chassis. they usually go, oh wow. the meticulous, refined tig1 hop in. it's a vw. get 0% apr financing or a $2,000 customer bonus on a new 2024 tig one. during the volkswagen 75th anniversary sales event, she got that dress with the extra money she saved using her brand new grocery outlet app. >> it's been really fun seeing what everyone's doing with the extra money that's saved. nice shirt. >> just got back from vacation.
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a butler super nice. >> guys. >> i gotta start using the jaguar savings. >> download our app grocery outlet bargain market >> you got a friend in me you've got a friend in me. you just remember what your old pal said. boy, you got a friend in me. >> it's a celebration of friendship and beyond. from the new parade to together forever, a new nighttime spectacular fireworks show. pixar fest at the disneyland resort for a limited time starting april 26th. >> you made a cow? >> actually, it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. >> how about a more solid way to save? >> i'm listening. >> well, bmo helps get your
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savings habit into shape with a cash reward. every month. you save cash reward and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. >> anything you can't do. >> mugs bmo california's case >> michael: good morning case america. it's 8 a.m. powerful nor'easter causing chaos. flooding, submerging cars. more than 1,000 flights cancelled during the busy spring break season. our team is tracking it all. >> robin: new warning about used car scams online. a first look at the report from the better business bureau and what you need to know so you don't get taken for a ride. >> george: first look at a new report on video games. >> we want to make sure it is not a haven for frauds.
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>> george: how using virtual currencies could put real money at risk, and how players can protect themselves. >> michael: why it could be better to eat your vegetables before you eat your carbs. dr. ashton is here with the reality check. >> george: princess diana secret spare wedding dress. the designer reveals there was a backup gown for the royal wedding. >> diana never knew we were making this spare. >> george: why she made it and where the dress is now. ♪ >> robin: and the new rules of spring cleaning. the secrets to get your home sparkling. >> our houses are going to be spotless. >> robin: as we say good morning america. >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> michael: good morning america. even if it doesn't feel like spring, we are springing into cleaning mode with sara mcallister who has millions of followers.
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she's going to help get our houses in shape. spring cleaning. we all need it. >> robin: she has some hacks for spring cleaning. clean smarter not harder. also the benefits of walking while you work. >> george: first we start with the powerful spring storm bringing rain, wind, heavy snow. ginger is tracking it all. good morning, ginger. >> ginger: more than 1,000 cancelled flights yesterday. gio said this morning already more than 300 flights. this storm still hanging out in new england. this is what it did. new york city, a tree into a car. they had gusts over 64 miles an hour. two people were killed by trees into cars in pennsylvania. in delaware they took on rain. five people had to be rescued out of that vehicle. all the way back to pittsburgh you've got flooding this morning. then the snowy part of it. brunswick maine showing a plow. parts of maine have seen half foot. it is not done. it is going to slowly move today. that's why we still see the winter storm warnings. we still have the high wind alerts. boston over 50 miles an hour still to rutland vermont. we're going to see these band
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for the next 24-36 hours. it's going to feel long especially as it takes its sweet time hanging out in the ocean. could end up with one to two feet additional. from new hampshire up through maine. we just really won't see this clear out or feel better for about 36 hours. sorry. >> robin: all right. thanks so much, ginger. we have an exclusive first look at a new report from the better business bureau warning about the rise in online used car scams. reena roy is here with what you need to look out for and how to protect yourself. good morning. >> hey, good morning, robin. that's right. we all love a good deal, right? often used cars can seem like a bang for your buck. the better business bureau is sounding the alarm about the risks of buying them online. the bbb says more and more scammers are turning to new tactics to trick shoppers, specifically people who are looking to buy classic cars. online vehicle scam reports up last year compared to the year
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before. and they are using things like fake websites with madeup vehicle reports to steal personal information and money. and they're targeting shoppers earlier than usual in the buying process so officials are warning customers to be cautious from the get go. they're also using social media sites more often to target people, posting fake pictures and elaborate stories to explain cheap prices. so what can you do? experts say verify the seller independently, if you can. use a credit card for online purchases. of course, be weary of any prices that seem too good to be true. good reminder here if you're falling victim to a scam, make sure to report it so you can hopefully prevent it from happening to someone else. michael? >> michael: too good to be true, it probably is. thank you for that. now a new study on the benefits of walking while working. researchers have found that from sitting to a standing work
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station can be good for the body and mind. will reeve is walking around our studio this morning with more. good morning, will. >> reporter: good morning, michael. many reasons i'm lucky to have this particular job, high up there is always being on the go, moving around. office workers spend nearly 90% of their time at work sitting. that has been linked to increased risk of cardiovascular disease, back pain, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, even certain cancers. why am i walking into the studio? to give the message of getting active. a study at the mayo clinic shows an active work station linked to short term memory and concentration. you don't have to be walking around the office. it does help. but so does just standing, the study showed. if you can get up, you should. the study was small. hello, everybody.
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back inside now. only 44 participants, all around 35 and healthy. so more data is necessary before we can make sweeping generalizations about the benefits of activating your work station. but experts say generally moving is better than not moving so if you can, move around. >> george: that was a lot harder than it looks, will. [ laughter ] you are winded. >> i am. i'm going to do the stairs at the studio. 33 steps. i watched you do it so then i decided i'm going to do what george does. >> george: i have been doing the walking thing for awhile. it works for me. >> michael: the walking and talking was tough? >> it is tough. there was a cable i had to step over. [ laughter ] i had to come sit in the chair. i was juggling. did you not notice that? >> george: giving us all kinds of information. >> michael: george, i choose love. [ laughter ] i'm choosing love. coming up in our gma morning menu, an exclusive first look at
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a new report on the potential risks of playing some video games. how using virtual currencies could put real money at risk. >> george: also ahead how you eat your food can affect your health. dr. ashton is here to break down a new study. >> robin: plus expert advice on real estate for engaged couples. what you may want to consider before you buy a home together. and lara, you're up there with tory. >> lara: we have a gardening party happening this morning. tory has deals and steals to help you and your garden look great. it's all coming up on good morning america. get that green thumb ready. we're shopping today. .
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we're all creatures of habit. we've always had our bran flakes with plump juicy raisins and we probably alw- ooh, frosting. new kellogg's frosted bran. more delicious ways to bran. if you're taking an antidepressant, but you're still masking your depression, you could be experiencing a partial response to your antidepressant. partial response happens when your antidepressant alone isn't enough. let's try adding rexulti. when added to an antidepressant, rexulti significantly reduced depression symptoms more than an antidepressant alone. so you can build on your progress. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. antidepressants may increase suicidal thoughts and actions and worsen depression in children and young adults.
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report new or sudden changes in mood, behavior, thoughts, or feelings, or if you develop suicidal thoughts or actions. report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion which can be life threatening or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar which can lead to coma or death; weight gain; increased cholesterol; low white blood cells; unusual urges; dizziness on standing; falls; seizures; trouble swallowing, or sleepiness may occur. ask your doctor about rexulti. (nicole) welcome to blue buffalo's one taste is all it takes. (jeremy)ouble swallowing, she won't eat anything that she doesn't want to eat. there's no faking it with her. (nicole) we sent you blue tastefuls dry food... (jeremy) she loved it. (nicole) what's for dinner tonight? (jeremy) it's tastefuls from blue buffalo for this little girl. (vo) pick up blue tastefuls today. no, my denture's uncomfortable! dracula, let's fight back against discomfort. with new poligrip power max hold & comfort. it has superior hold plus keeps us comfy all day with it's pressure absording layer. time for a bite! if your mouth could talk it would ask for... poligrip. [street noise] [car door shuts] [paparazzi taking pictures] introducing,
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ned's plaque psoriasis. ned, ned, who are you wearing? he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. ned? otezla can help you get clearer skin, and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for nearly a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. with clearer skin movie night, is a groovy night (♪) live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. (christina) with verizon business unlimited, i get 5g, truly unlimited data, and unlimited hotspot data.
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so, no matter what, i'm running this kitchen. (vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. [ ♪ "baby, i'm a star" by prince ♪ ] ♪ hey, look me over ♪ yes! ♪ tell me, do you like what you see ♪ ♪ baby, i'm a star ♪ ♪ yeah. oh ♪
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>> michael: welcome back, everybody. with our gma cover story, an exclusive first look at a report about video games, finding that some may leave players vulnerable to theft. elizabeth schulze is here with details. good morning, elizabeth. >> good morning, michael. more than 200 million americans regularly play video games including three of four kids under 18. this report is sounding the alarm about how gamers don't always have the same protections on their money in the virtual world as they would in the real world. this morning a new warning for americans who spent $57 billion every year in the virtual world of video games. >> we want to make sure it's not a haven for fraud, scams and abuse. >> reporter: the head of the cfpd, the government agency charged with safe guarding american finances. he gave gma an exclusive first look at a report highlighting how using virtual currencies to buy coveted items such as vehicle, weapons or characters
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could put real money at risk. >> what's pretty obvious is that their financial incentives are for players to spend as much as possible. i think sometimes it's confusing as to what's real money and what's fake money. >> reporter: it's a lesson michael and jennifer's 8-year-old son joey learned when he unintentionally racked up $4,000 in charges on his parents credit card. what was it like looking at that statement and seeing all of those charges? >> i mean, i lost my mind. >> reporter: after months of trying, they finally got a full refund. but the new report warns gaming accounts often lack the security and protection of traditional bank accounts, leaving them open to hacking, account theft, scams and unauthorized transactions. >> when we have a fraudulent charge on our credit card, we can fight it. many times you see on these gaming platforms there's really just finger pointing or not really taking accountability.
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>> reporter: the entertainment software association which represents the video game industry tells us, we are committed to providing players and parents with transparent information and tools to make appropriate choices for themselves and their families, including the ability to manage in-game purchases, limit or block communications with other players and manage when and for how long their children can play. what would you say to critics who say it's not really the cfpd's role to be looking at the video game industry? >> i think we should look at this as traditional video game. it's an immersive world, where there is its own economy. we want to make sure that it's not just a way to side step existing rules. >> reporter: okay. keep in mind there are options to turn on those parental controls. you can block or restrict the money your kids spend while playing video games. also consider linking your child's account to a prepaid gift card instead of to your credit or debit card, guys. >> george: thank you.
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turning to the dietary trend known as nutrient sequencing that's getting attention online. also in the new york times. chief medical correspondent dr. jen ashton to break down the science behind it. good morning, jen. i have not heard of this before. >> to put it into perspective, we've heard that what you eat's important. we've heard when you eat's important. obviously how much you eat. nutrient sequencing takes that to a macro nutrient level really looking at the three components of fat, proteins and carbs, fiber. there is data that suggests that if you preload your meal and start with the fiber, which could be raw vegetables, then move to the lean protein and healthy fat and then at the end go to the carbs that we all love so much like bread or pasta. that it can stimulate that glp1 hormone that is all the rage with ozempic. delay your stomach emptying, make you feel full longer.
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you may eat less. it can stablize your blood sugar. >> george: no more bread basket first? >> save that for dessert. [ laughter ] >> michael: who can benefit from this? >> the data is more compelling for people with type 2 diabetes. but certainly people who have had their stomach made smaller can benefit from this. also just people trying to eat more mindfully. i think -- exactly. that potentially could be everyone. again, it has to work for you. >> robin: is there anything that can go against this? >> i'm going to tell you, you have to go back to the anatomy and physiology. i have something to show you for this. when you eat, we have to remember, in your stomach it all gets mixed together. it's nice to say, you know, have the good fiber then go to the protein, like some turkey, and then finish up with bread. but your stomach is not come partmentalized like this. your stomach is compartmentalized like this. right?
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so we don't want to make this into a science experiment. eating should be enjoyable, fun. there is some science behind it, but it takes about two to four hours for an average person's stomach to empty. when it's all in there together -- >> george: i'm not hungry at all now. [ laughter ] >> there you go, george. >> michael: wow. what a visual, doc. [ laughter ] >> you'll never think of your stomach the same way again. >> george: thank you, i think. [ laughter ] >> robin: good information. how about some pop news? >> lara: all right. march madness. it has been off the charts fun to watch this year. this morning we have just learned we will lose two of its huge stars. we already knew caitlin clark is heading to the draft. now, just this morning we have
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learned lsu star angel reese will forego her senior year of college ball and turn her talents towards the wnba. the dynamic power forward confirming to "vogue" she will enter this month's draft where she is expected to be a first round pick. reese was inspired by serena williams to break the news in a nontraditional way. telling "vogue" she has accomplished everything she set out to do in college ball including leading the tigers to their first national championship last year. her goal now is to be one of the greatest players in the wnba. she will have an impact on the game, bringing new fans to the sport with her 6 million followers on social media. just to give you an idea of how hot women's basketball is becoming thanks to players like angel and caitlin. ticket for women's final four, which goes down friday night, are selling on the resale market for twice as much as tickets for the men's final four. you can watch it all from the comfort of your home friday starting at 7:00 p.m. on espn.
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>> robin: going back to angel reese. good for her, for how she's done it her own way. not surprised at all that she's in "vogue" magazine. that's angel. >> lara: that is her. that is her. >> robin: the bayou barbie, as they call her. >> lara: yes. i love it. i agree, robin. also this morning, you teased it earlier. hard to imagine princess diana wearing anything other than that wedding gown with the massive 25 foot long train. guys, it turns out there was a plan b dress. it was totally different. the designer revealing for the first time there was a backup. it was white not that cream silk. this backup dress was white, pure white silk. it had sleek long sleeves and ruffle cuffs. here's what she tells "people" magazine in a recent interview. >> diana never knew we were making this spare. i didn't want to worry her so we never showed it to her. we never talked about it.
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it was a complete secret. i was a bit neurotic at the time of the making of the royal wedding dress. i thought, what happens if somebody breaks in and steals the dress, or something spills or there's a fire or it gets stolen? i wanted to be prepared for any emergency. we set about making this other dress not exactly like the royal wedding dress. >> lara: it wasn't. she goes on to say the backup dress doesn't even exist. they ended up not finishing it up in time and the silk used for the dress was broken up and used in other dresses that she made. she completely recreated that secret design as part of an exhibit for the virtual princess diana museum. she revealed she is working on creating a modern sequel to diana's actual wedding dress, saying that she wouldn't change a thing about the dress that she made in 1981. she does want to give it an updated twist on how she sees wedding designs today. that's really interesting. i thought that was a fun fact this morning.
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there was that secret dress. >> michael: i like the secret dress. it's pretty. >> lara: i agree. i love the crisp white and the sleek sleeve. it would have been fun to see both. finally though. kristin wieg plays a stylish palm beach would be socialite in a new show. she can rock a red target smock like nobody else. she is reprising her snl target lady character for a new ad campaign for the company. it's about time! she likes to say, or as she likes to say on the clock and ready to rock! check it out. >> i can't believe i get to work at target! i hope she knows she's getting deals automatically. i'd kill her if it wasn't a dream. what's that? oh, no, i don't want to wake up, there's too many deals! >> you are awake. the deals are real. >> how do you explain abe lincoln by the chips? [ laughter ] >> lara: you guys can enjoy 12 of those commercials coming up for target. that's pop news, everyone.
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>> george: let's go to ginger. >> ginger: this storm we're dealing with is new video. also has coastal flood alerts up. you can see why. this is north of boston. we'll be pushing that water to the coast with the nor easter. look at this. we also have had excessive rainfall. providence rhode island more than a foot above average for this year already. let's get a check closer to home. >> robin: now to deals and
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steals. gardening for spring. tory johnson is here with that. we got to look the part to begin with. >> we do. we're starting with grandpas. this right here will save your back and knees when you're weeding. it was developed in 1913. still stood the test of time over 100 years. instead of bending, kneeling, pulling. just press it into the ground. you tilt. see down there it pulls that weed right out for you. it is genius, as is their apron, which has the big kangaroo pocket. you fill your bounty, then take it where you want to go. let it out and you're covered. all 50% off. >> robin: love that. now you have to put everything somewhere. >> this is a dura sack. this is incredible. whether you are doing yard work, collecting leaves or you want to store toys, sports equipment. feel this right here, robin. folds up easily, weighs less than two pounds. super lightweight. when it opens up, this holds up
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to 1,000 pounds right here. what's most important is that it's unbelievably durable so you don't have to worry about bags tipping over. it's self-standing, super durable. tear resistant. very, very smart. 50% off. you get two today for $18. really smart. >> robin: we don't have to get our hands dirty. >> that's right. you can look pretty with these gloves. huge variety. all durable, depending on your specific needs in the garden. got jersey, water proof. all purpose. even the long sleeve one. they are pretty, smart, functional. they come in singles and sets. $5 to $9. >> robin: that's it? >> yep. for some of them you get 12 in your pack. >> robin: oh, wow. >> you need some nice garden claws. you want to look good. we've got garden clogs and ankle boots. >> robin: cute. >> they are really pretty, too. so when you need to run a quick errand, you're still looking good going straight from your garden out. premium rubber on the outside,
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cushioned insole. then on the bottom, no slip soles. very very smart and well made. got the easy tab in the back for ankle boots so easy off. starts at $35. >> robin: good deal. >> this is pops birding. they realized that after hummingbirds eat they like to relax within the trees so they tree, and then you get to enjoy the hummingbirds as well. we also have from them. this is like one of their most popular products, this seed mix that will attract the pollinators to your garden. super easy to use, as are all of the products from pops. plus they're up to more than 50% off starting today. 250 to 1350 i love a good one today. yeah this is a shovel. so this is an automatic handheld shovel that's cordless. so it's easy to
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move. oh someone's taped it down because they didn't want me to pick up the they didn't want me to pick up the heavy tools here. there you go. there you go. so you see, what's great is it's cordless so you can use it anywhere you need to in the garden. it's going to dig a hole three times faster than a garden spade. it digs and clears in one motion. plus it's got a safety shut off. so if you hit a rock or a root, it's going to shut off automatically. so that's built in and then we have two options with one battery or with two batteries depending on how much yard work you're going to be doing $60 and free shipping. >> free shipping. all right. we got to end on free shipping. okay. thank you. tory. we've partnered with these companies. thank you very much on these great deals. you can get them at our website. coming up, secrets to spring cleaning for every room in your home. come on back i. >> what would you do if you saw this? can you seem very uptight? >> if you're asking me to go to your hotel room. >> a young woman being harassed by her manager. >> do you know how the music
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industry works? >> would you step in to help? what would you do sunday night? all new abc, saturday 9-1-1 is on abc tonight and stream on hulu monday afternoon. >> all eyes to the sky for a total solar eclipse. a breathtaking celestial event eclipse across america streaming on abc news live. national geographic channel, nat geo wild, disney, hulu always live, abc seven news starts right now >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. here's a look at traffic. it is getting wet out there. >> yeah. so take it slowly and we have some good news that sigalert crash in san carlos. it has cleared, but the bad news is there are going to be some residual delays. this is northbound 101 before holly street. then to san leandro, southbound 880 before marina boulevard. know that there is a solo crash blocking two lanes. there heavy traffic is backed up from 98th avenue reggie aqui. thanks, amanda. >> a warning it is cold and wet.
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so we're going to talk to drew right after this. >> after my car accident, i wondered what my case was worth. so i called the barnes firm. >> when that car hit my motorcycle, insurance wasn't fair, so i called the barnes firm. it was the best call i could have made at the barnes firm. >> our injury attorneys work hard to get you the best result possible. call us now and find out what your case could be worth. you might be surprised. the barnes burn injury attorneys call one 808,000,001. >> oh! >> oh, my god, we're gonna be together. >> i see your face everywhere. >> to the light we belong. la la la la la la. my god, we belong we belong together. we >> hulu on disney. available
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with disney bundle plans starting at 9.99 a month. >> hi, this is daniel john baez. bay area houses. got a home that's eating up your time and cash. thinking about moving all your renters stuff to manage inherited a home and not sure what to do with it. john baez bay area houses offers the fastest way to sell your home as is, with no fees, no commissions and no hassle. just call us today for a free cash offer at 510707 6000. that's 510707 6000. john baez >> sell your house the easy way. >> look at this. our tam cam. it is snowing right now. it's like a winter wonderland in our hills. winter weather is back. it is cold out there. here's live doppler seven. we have rain and snow moving through the region, even some thunderstorms. here we go. we're looking in the santa cruz mountains. you have thunder and lightning right now. it's just going to be a pretty active day. it's a level one system we have here for thunderstorms. we have snow
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falling on our peaks. it is cold out there. we are in the 30s and in the 40s. so it's a rain snow mix all day today. you want several layers. have that winter coat the umbrella. daytime highs low to mid 50s. reggie drew thank you. >> another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. youays catch us can always catch usws app and abc seven right now t >> announcer: welcome back to gma live from times square. >> robin: it's that time of year when you look around your home and think, do you know what? i need to clean. joining us is a social media sensation. more than 3 million followers. ceo and found'er of go clean co, sarah mcallister. good to have you with us. >> michael: sarah has secrets to spring cleaning this morning and all the products we're using are shopable on good morning
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sarah, we're gonna start -- many people, i started spring cleaning but stopped. i'll get back to it in another week or two. i don't know why i do that. do you suggest people just clean more consistently? >> i actually suggest cleaning one room at a time and working your way in a circle through your entire house so you don't get overwhelmed. just one room at a time. finish it, close the door. don't let anyone else back in there and you're good. then move to the next room. easier that way. >> robin: let's start in the kitchen. okay. this pot. can sometimes you let things sit there. what are your suggestions here? >> a great product for cooked on greasy stuff is dawn power wash. what you do, you spray it on to the gunky -- this has been sitting overnight and you forgot to wash it. spray it, let it sit. then wipe it and rinse it. it works really good because it has solvents in it.
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see how it doesn't just run off right away? this is not the same as dish soap. it's not. dish soap and water would just run off of it. then just watch how fast we're going to wipe it to get rid of stuff. >> michael: oh wow. >> even a quick cloth at the end. we're not going to get the entire thing cleaned. look. okay. >> yeah! woo! >> robin: i have seen this advertised. >> works great. >> michael: what about those places that you cannot reach? can't forget about the hard spots. top of the cabinet. what about those areas? >> robin: not hard for you. >> michael: how you reach those? >> top of the cabinet, the ones that don't go to the top of the ceiling. lot of dirt and grease will get stuck up there. dirt and grease are two totally different things so you need to have two different cleaners. an all purpose cleaner won't cut the grease. we need a degreaser to clean the top of the cup boards. something like this.
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spray it down. mr. clean, clean freak. it will spray. you can spray it down. give it time and patience to work. let it sit for a moment. okay? before you wipe it off. >> michael: she wanted to say something. you said clean freak and she was like, uh-huh. okay. i read your mind, robin. >> robin: let's move on to the bathroom. everybody, come on. it gets little gunk on the mirror. >> haze. this is a very hazy mirror. you can get toothpaste gunk on it. one of the easiest ways to clean this is a little bit of actual dish soap in water. >> robin: really? >> uh-oh. little dish soap. then you're going to use a cloth. get it wet, wring it out really, really well. like you're actually using this wet cloth to clean it. okay?
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that's gonna take this off right away. and you can use -- >> robin: that's nice. >> it works so good. there's a polish cloth that you can use, too. this is such a good hack for inside of your car windshield. do you know that haze when you're driving the work and you can see through the sun? this will take it off in a heart beat. >> robin: i cannot believe that. >> amazing. >> michael: i have been struggling, sarah. you should have come on a long time ago. there are a lot of cleaning myths, especially involving the toilet bowl. >> oh, yeah. okay. so toilet bowl cleaner has become a social media sensation. people say it can clean absolutely everything. it actually can't. it's corrosive. you don't want to use it on your counter. it will eat off the finish. toilet bowl cleaner is only for toilets. i preach this all the time on social media. do not spray it all over the place. don't do that. it wrecks everything.
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>> robin: that's why it's on the label toilet bowl cleaner. >> only. yes. >> robin: now we move to the living room and the base board. the base boards and other areas of the wall. what are your suggestions there? >> i always say the mark of a clean home is clean base boards. [ laughter ] one of my favorite cleaners, this is an all-purpose cleaner. tide laundry deterrent. one teaspoon in a little water. you would be surprised how economical and cheap this is. one box will last you years. you'll dissolve it into water and use the cloth that works on walls, counters. then we're just going to wipe. it just comes off. >> robin: wow. >> look it. just this little bit. look how much is in a box. that will last you forever. >> michael: that's a good project to give the kids on the weekend. >> absolutely. >> michael: i'm just saying. if you're home, why not thank you. >> thanks for having me. >> michael: thank you very much.
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you can shop these cleaning products on good morning coming up try before you fly. becky worley checks out travel pillows. you can see the store's inventory. so you guys really have mangoes in stock? yup. what about frozen pizza? here they are. fresh salmon. too easy. coffee? yup.
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next. next. stop. we got it? no. keep going. again... [ gasps ] next. if you don't pick one, i... am i keeping you from your job? next. stop! do we finally have it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer.
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>> george: we are back with try before you buy. with so many people traveling, becky worley is looking at neck pillows. good morning, becky. >> good morning. is there anything worse than a red eye flight? while neck pillows promise
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better rest, there are a lot of new designs and types. so in this shopable segment, we try before you fly. leaning up against the window, folded over the tray table or, worst of all, the head nod. trying to sleep on a plane is the worst. it can do a number on your body. >> my patients tell me when they forget their neck pillows, they get to the other end and have a sore neck. all the nerves that elevate your arm and chest come out of your neck. can mean that you have radiating pain down your arms or numbness and tingling. >> i purchased three popular neck pillows all with different designs and price points. the neck evolution for $50. the double support neck pillow by bcozzy for $45. and the travel pillow by trtl
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for $65. i'm going to try all three on a red eye flight to see my in-laws. we start with the trtl. basically a piece of plastic that acts as a neck brace sewn into a soft velcro wrap. putting it on is a little confusing. what's it say? wrap. come on. you definitely have to pick a side. picking a side is a must. this is surprisingly comfortable. next the bcozzy. the next support was lower than i liked. and finally this memory foam pillow attaches to the seat's headrest. strap yourself in. line up the velcro better. it does hold my head up. despite crunching up your face. i try out all three on a nine hour flight to see which allows
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for the best sleep. in the end it was the trtl that worked best for me. on such a long flight, it's been the one i travel with. it doesn't mandate a window seat for leaning against anything. it's compact. it did provide the best rest. now, i do see this as a matter of personal preference. hard to believe this could be so comfortable, but it really worked best for me. this is the trtl. i did notice though that a lot of tall men on planes use the cabo. i don't know if it's bigger or because it hooks on the back of the seat. conversely, i saw a lot of petite women using this bcozzy wrap. it's just a little bit too small for my neck. all of these products are linked on our website, guys. i can tell you that after this assignment, i am grateful to gma
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because now i will actually be able to rack out in a middle seat on a plane. >> george: you took it for the team. nine hours. >> lara: that's awesome that you can get that relief. that's awesome. thank you. >> robin: where did you go? >> i went to england to see my mother-in-law. the whole family went. that was a trip we decided to use for the assignment. >> robin: great. and a writeoff! no, just kidding. just kidding. >> i'll send you the bill. >> george: ginger? >> ginger: thank you. northern florida had quite a few storms yesterday. now the front's passing through. lauderdale by the sea just a little cooler. they'll keep getting cooler. record heat yesterday. some numbers were 93 for ft. lauderdale. vero beach was 91. we'll see them lower closer to average, dryer, too, as that high pressure system moves in. let's get a check closer to home.
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>> lara: time for the finale of our series before you take the leap. this morning we're focusing on real estate, breaking down the conversations couples should have before moving in together and tips to navigate the market. joining us is founder of serhant real estate. ryan, so nice to see you in person. big fan of you on tv. you have great advice for us. let's start with some really simple advice for any couple, whether married or not, before you decide to take the leap. >> sure. i would say the first thing, hopefully, that's the right person you're getting married to before you buy a home. right? remember, too, you're not purchasing the purchase price. everyone focuses on that big purchase price. $500,000, $800,000. that's a lot. you don't live in the purchase price. you live in that monthly payment.
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so you want to make sure you can afford that monthly payment. can you afford that debt to income? is this a good long term decision or not? big questions you want to answer before you make any leap into homeownership. >> george: lot of questions for engaged couple. here's one from ben and belle. >> hi. we're getting married in june and haven't merged our finances yet. is there something we should be doing now to better prepare us for buying a home in the future? >> great question. i get that a lot from people. kind of going back to the way i first answered. i would say the number one thing you want to focus on, one, do you want to buy a home or not? you want to be focused on that interest rate. not what your monthly payment is. you want to get preapproved. there's so many people that work in mortgages, so many great lending officers. get preapproved and understand how much you can afford. that's what you're going to live in every single day. understand, too, that location is important. if you're going to buy a home
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today and you're newly engaged, where are you going to move in the next couple years? is your job going to take you somewhere? is life going to change? i meet a lot of newly wed couples and they say, i just met my spouse a year ago and we want to buy our first home. sometimes it's okay to maybe take things slower, you know? or be fast, too, make a decision because the market is very tight. >> lara: where do you stand on that whole five year thing, where you should own it for five years? >> i think you should own a home for as long as the home serves you. most people do own a home for around five years. that's kind of like a national average. we see people buying a home and then their life changes in three years. >> lara: don't get married, no pun intended, to that five year rule. we should only buy if we're going to stay there five years. >> sure. you can always move. there's always flexibility. the housing market, especially now, is very very tight. there's not much inventory out there. less homes sold in 2023 than in the last 30 years, so there is a lot of demand. if you stay there ten years,
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that's okay. if you stay two years and are able to sell, maybe an investment property, that's another way you can bill wealth. >> lara: let's look at another question. >> we would like to know, now that we're an engaged couple, what conversations should we have about purchasing a home? thank you. >> big questions. i would say the biggest question i get -- >> lara: it's more about buying over renting, right? isn't that what you want -- >> buying over renting. also, how do i combine our finances? should i set up a joint checking account or should we keep finances separate? people ask me that all the time. you'd think most newly wed couples set up joint checking accounts. honestly, less than 40% of americans who get married set up joint checking accounts. you want to combine finances to understand how much you can afford, and then understand, whether buying or renting, you're paying a mortgage.
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you're ire paying your own or somebody else's. if you want to build up credit and equity or do you want to keep that flexibility in case life takes you elsewhere. you want to move cities, move town, bounce around, experience things more than ever. >> george: thanks for coming in. >> lara: thanks. coming up lady a is with us performing live on "good morning america." with us
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♪ we belong ♪ ♪ we belong together ♪ ♪ we belong ♪ hulu on disney+. available with disney bundle. plans starting at $9.99 a month. >> robin: this is truly a thankful thursday. back on gma, the concert series. we are thrilled to welcome back multi platinum country a, who have -- they've racked up number ones -- 11 number one hits and nearly 5 billion digital streams. they're going to perform their latest single. but first can we just please give it up for lady a! [ applause ]
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just so happy to have you back here. your new one, it is kind of -- it is kind of like, it's a classic lady a sound. is that the reaction you're getting? >> absolutely. fans have been vocal about the way we can tell two sides of the story in a duet with the harmonies. i think we've all had that experience where we realize, okay, continuing to just think about all these memories. they're not giving me what the person really did. it's how do you move forward from that? very relatable message. love singing it. >> robin: we love hearing it. i wish we had more time to chat. but we want to hear you sing. >> thank you. >> robin: so right now here's lady a performing their latest single "love you back." we do love you back.
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♪ i'm in love with the thought of you when you were 22 my pair of boots and your converse shoes kicked off by the front door sipping cheap tequila on the front porch ♪ ♪ i'm in love with the history of you and me how we used to be the king an queen of this small town running wild ♪ ♪ when memory ain't enough 'cause i can look but i can't touch ♪ ♪ a memory can't kiss you outside of your mama's house midnight rain on a chevy hood ♪ ♪ a memory can't hold you in a sarasota sun rise even though you wrb wish it would ♪
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♪ you can love a memory but a memory can't love you back ♪ new it comes out of the blue it kills my vice and kills the mood ♪ ♪ those two years are long gone i should be moving on ♪ ♪ but oh a memory will make it hard, it's time to realize you don't deserve my heart ♪ ♪ a memory can't kiss you outside of your mama's house midnight rain on a chevy hood ♪ ♪ a memory can't hold you in a sarasota sun rise even though you wish it would ♪
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♪ all it's gonna do is make you lose sleep wake up in the dark ♪ ♪ you can love a memory but a memory can't love you back ♪ you make me feel in the moonlight glow of a shot gun seat ♪ ♪ a memory can't pick out a diamond ring and say i do underan old oak tree ♪ ♪ all it's gonna do is make you lose sleep at night wake up and leave you in the dark ♪ ♪ you can love a memory but a memory can't love you back ♪ [ applause ]
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(box thuds) (water boils) (packet tears) (tea bag clanks) (water pours) - listening to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family, because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do hi, guys! - hi! - hey! - so what are you guys drinking? - constant comment. - when i'm drinking bigelow tea, it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. - that's what a cup of tea is. - it is. - a moment for you, someone you love. - aw! (customer sighs) - it tastes really great. - yes! it was always bigelow tea - wow! that's what my family hopes for. cheers. - cheers. (bright upbeat music)
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it's that quickly? >> no. he comes home happy. he's smiling. >> i could do my job and i could take care of my family. i know what my tomorrows going to be, and it's going to be positive and it's going to be pain free. so if you're happy and you know it, throw your hands up and show it. >> if you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. and if you love the life you're living, go ahead and dive right in and shake it. shake it like you mean it. do a little dance. show me what you got. ohh ohh ohh ohh
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ohh ohh ohh. if you're happy and you know it. clap your hands. >> find your happiness in san diego. >> if your garage is starting to feel more like a cluttered storage room. one 800. got junk is here to help. we'll help you get your space back with garage cleanup startg at just $197. call one 800. got junk? monday afternoon, all eyes to the sky for a total solar eclipse. a breathtaking celestial event. eclipse across america streaming on abc news live, national geographic channel nat geo wild, disney, hulu and live on abc. a memory can't love you back. >> whoa oh, thank you, thank you, lady a for that great performance budget cuts are coming. >> so layoffs are imminent. layoffs requesting full company. >> 19 wiget down. you're a danger to all of us. say it again. i'm trying to save your
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job. >> you made a cow. actually it's a piggy bank. >> my inspiration to start saving. >> how about a more solid way to save? >> i'm listening. >> well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward. every month. you save cash reward, and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow >> anything you can't do. >> mugs bmo, you got a friend me. >> you've got a friend in me. you just remember what your old pal said. boy, you've got a friend in me. >> it's a celebration of friendship and beyond. from the new parade to together forever, a new nighttime spectacular fireworks show, pixar fest at the disneyland resort for a
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limited time, starting april 26th. >> got a large mushroom pizza. >> susan marie pizza again palmer hellofresh has delicious, guilt free recipes you can make in a snap. speaking of cooking, plain chicken really? >> it's healthy. >> it's boring. listen sue's hellofresh makes eating well exciting to the table. >> ooh. >> i know, i know. dessert. >> visit hellofresh .com to learn more. >> car accident at jakobi meyers. when we get justice for you, it can make a big difference in your life. here's what that means. insurance offer $35,000. the jacobian myers result $500,000. insurance offer $0. our result $2 million insurance offer $100,000. our result $4.65 million. that's the difference experience makes jacoby and meyers, because
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everyone deserves justice. >> the breaded and spicy tempura and made with cayenne. but most importantly, they're back. >> they're back. order a 20 piece spicy chicken mcnuggets for just $7. order ahead in the mcd app. >> ba ba ba ba ba. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. pay no attention to that graphic. here's a look at traffic. hi, amanda. >> yeah, reggie. nothing but brake lights on the lower deck of the bay bridge. a big problem there, especially if you're heading east. this is eastbound 80, a three car accident is blocking three lanes just before treasure island. and get this, a spilled load of bricks is in the roadway, and traffic is backed up from 101. and then traffic on 101 is backed up to 280. >> true, amanda, that is a mess. it's also messy when it comes to our weather. winter is back. the tam cam showing you snow is falling on our highest peaks. we
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have this storm moving through some thundershowers have developed near santa cruz this morning. there's that snow falling in santa cruz mountains and also on mount hamilton to level one. today it's just cold out there with showers. it's a rain snow mix. temperatures only in the low to mid 50s for highs kumasi. >> it's me. i'm kumasi aaron today, superstar, scarlett johansson. and the amazing actress, gabrielle union. plus we've got grooming tips and a studio full of adorable puppies. all next on live. ["i'm good (blue)" by david guetta] and now, here are kelly ripa and mark consuelos.


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