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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  April 4, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪ show off to the world. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent. it really is a black eye for major league baseball. >> a black eye for baseball. a broken heart for local a's fans. the team today announcing its latest move as it awaits a new home in las vegas. good evening. thank you for joining us. i'm dan ashley and i am ama daetz. >> a's fans in the bay area are calling foul tonight. the team today announced that after this season and 55 years of baseball in oakland, it will play the next few seasons in sacramento.
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>> abc seven news sports reporter casey pratt has been on the a's beat for years, and reported about the rumblings of the team's departure on tuesday. >> yeah, he's live now in in sacramento with details on the move. casey a tough day for fans hoping to keep the a's in town. >> yeah, a very tough day, dan and ama. and it didn't really come as a surprise to me. i reported this was going to happen on tuesday when team employees told me that they had heard that they were going to sac. now a massive thunderclap just happened a moment ago. the rain is falling and it perfectly captures the mood here in sacramento today. a rainy, windy press conference to introduce that sacramento has, in a sense, taken the a's from oakland, a deal that oakland stood firm on. they didn't want to do anything unless they were guaranteed some chance at expansion in sacramento. they went ahead and did it anyways without any assurances that major league baseball will stay here. they just helped them get to las
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vegas, undercutting the city of oakland in the process. >> i mean, we were just too far apart like it just it was not a competitive offer. and unfortunately, that we couldn't get close enough to really put it in the consideration set. and we had a really viable and robust offer here from the kings. >> we can prove that there's a market here, we can make the team successful. i think we're in pole position to get the new franchise pole positions. >> nice. but is there any assurances at all or is this just something he said he would be willing to entertain? >> yeah, i know there's no guarantee. you know, we have to show what we can do. and i have complete confidence that if we set our mind to something, this is an incredible city. we have the best fans in the world. and at the end of the day, the best fans in the world will make it happen. >> so you heard kings owner vivek ranadivé say he believes
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they're in pole position to keep major league baseball of something falls through in vegas or maybe get an expansion team, but he got no such assurances. and the problem now, you guys is they're going to have a team playing here for three years with the lowest payroll in baseball. all their biggest stars traded away and the worst team in baseball. they're telling the people of sacramento come show up and watch our absolute worst project or we will not consider you a major league market. it's a tough sell and a tough ask to prove you're a major league town under these circumstances. >> boy, it sure is. casey, thanks very much. casey stayed on this from the very beginning and he will continue to do so. here's a look now at how the a's stadium saga developed and what a saga it has been. in 2004, the a's first looked into building a new stadium in the coliseum's north parking lot. well, that didn't pan out a decade later, in 2014, the team renewed its lease to play at the coliseum for another ten years. then in 2018, the a's announced a 34,000 seat stadium for howard terminal
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in oakland, which also fell through. and in 2023 last year, the a's reached their newest deal to play in las vegas. and one big question after this announcement what's next for the oakland coliseum? abc seven news reporter ryan curry has a look at the possibilities. >> if you talk to a's fans frustration is the first word that comes to mind. >> you would think that they would understand our fight to try and keep the a's in oakland and now they're facilitating and making it easier for the a's to move out of oakland. >> with the a's saying goodbye to the coliseum after this year, what does the city plan to do with land that used to be home to the raiders, warriors and a's? >> hopefully with major league baseball and the nfl to reach out and see if there's, an opportunity to reestablish, a professional team here in oakland. once again, that's the hope. >> but the future of the site is complicated. and a's owner, john fisher, owns half the land of the coliseum. the city owns the
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other half, and they control what can be developed there. but fisher already blocked the oakland ballers from playing at the coliseum. with the a's leaving, city officials want him out of the way entirely, mayor shang tao saying in a statement oakland offered a deal that was fair to the a's and was fiscally responsible for our city. he wished the a is the best and will continue our conversations with them on facilitating the sale of their share of the coliseum site. a potential buyer, the african american sports and entertainment group. >> we see it as the most developable site in the country. >> ray bobbitt, one of the group's partners, says the site has enormous potential for housing new stadiums, restaurants. all are possibilities for this land, sitting right by bart and right by the freeway. but bobbitt says the best way to make that happen is to negotiate a fair deal with fisher. >> well, our plan is to just continue to negotiate until we can come to terms and complete an acquisition. we're really excited about that because it's important for us to move the development forward. >> it's a deal he says can take a while, and any future development can take years. one
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thing is clear he and the city of oakland are ready to move on from the a's. >> we're excited about a new beginning for oakland, and oakland is a resilient city and it always bounces back, and so we feel like we're very blessed to be in the middle of that. >> he hopes this opens a door to new possibilities for the city in oakland. ryan curry, abc seven news now, moments after word broke about the a's move, the abc seven news bay area app notified people with a push alert. >> get immediate news updates sent to your mobile device by downloading the app and enabling those alerts. >> we are on storm watch today with the rain really slowing things down for the morning commute, our live doppler seven radar there is tracking the rain as we get a few views live outside abc's seven news meteorologist sandhya patel has a forecast update for us. sandhya >> yeah, and ama, it doesn't feel like april. it feels more like february. out there. let me show you live doppler seven and you will notice that it's not just showers we're tracking. we're also tracking thunderstorms and snow over our higher peaks. this one is just
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south of discovery bay. it is moving away from discovery bay, but watch out! could see some downpours. is right across highway four in the next few minutes or so in the santa cruz mountains. the purple that you're seeing there is actually snow falling. rain is coming down pretty good around highway nine. it's going to make it difficult to travel mount hamilton seeing the snow. we've seen reports of hail san francisco down the peninsula into san mateo. it's steady rain , and in the north bay we have been seeing not only rain, but also snow lake and mendocino counties picking up snow over the higher terrain above 2000ft. this is a level one storm. it is a cold system for this time of year and intense for this time of year as well. so as we go hour by hour, getting another push of moisture for the 8:00 hour as we'll go into 11 p.m. more snow falling, it is definitely chilly out there. scattered showers continuing for your friday. not just the morning, but the afternoon and the evening. but you'll be noticing the activity winding down by late evening. additional snow. santa cruz mountains,
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mount hamilton up to our north. mount tam, mount diablo definitely have seen some snow and could be a possibility still today and tomorrow. cold showers , gusty winds, snow on our peaks, thunderstorms and hail right now. gusts to 35. spring valley 31. in the oakland hills. here's the view from mount tam. keep those umbrellas handy and a snowy one from the tahoe area right now where they have chain controls in effect. i'll let you know how the weekend is shaping up. plus, a look at the giants home opener forecast coming up ama. >> all right thank you sandhya. that stormy weather brought the east bay rain, frigid temperatures, snow and hail that you see in the oakland hills. abc seven news reporter anser hassan spoke to some people who rushed to catch a glimpse of the first snow of the year. >> this isn't the weather most people expect in the bay area in april. snow. it's not a lot, but it is something, especially when you compare it to the rest of the bay area that looks like that. it's not the spring break. the santo family was expecting.
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>> my dad said that there might be snow up here and i really wanted to go up here. >> snow on mount diablo in april. you grew up in pennsylvania, so this is nothing for you. >> yeah, this isn't much, but for my kids who don't get to see snow very often, it's a big deal. >> dion santo brought his daughters up for a hike to see the flurries. >> snow was really cool. >> they didn't get to the summit. it was closed because of the slick roads. >> i just saw a little bits of snow and i said, hey, i'll be down pretty quick. i'll take a picture and start snowing. really quickly. and yeah, no, i got stuck. >> this man who didn't want to give his name did make it to the summit before the roads closed. he shared videos that he took, but on the way down his car started to skid on the icy roads. park rangers had to help him down. >> it was absolutely beautiful. but again, definitely obey the signs and follow what the state park says. but yeah, it was it was incredibly beautiful. just the wind is the fastest wind that i've ever seen. and, a lifetime memory.
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>> russell de soto says his dog has never seen snow, and he doesn't remember a time that it ever snowed in the bay area in april. so he decided to make a quick trip out from antioch. you guys are going to just go for a hike or a walk. >> i think this is about it. then heading out down before we can't leave, you know, get snowed in. >> park rangers say they know this type of weather will bring out a lot of crowds. people who want to come play in the snow, but they want to remind people whether conditions can change very quickly and to be prepared. at mount diablo anser hassan, abc seven news. >> well, that sprinkling of snow made some areas tricky today. take a look at highway 35 this morning in the santa cruz mountains. the chp shared these photos on social media. the national weather service says the snow level reached 2600ft. a captain with cal fire enjoyed the rare spring snow as flurries fell at the saratoga summit in los gatos in february of last year. higher elevations of los gatos saw at least one foot of snow, but today they got this? >> well, it's not exactly spring
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break weather as we've mentioned, but families are still trying to make the most of it. abc seven news south bay reporter dustin dorsey brings us the sights and sounds from a wintry mount hamilton. >> yeah, look, the perfect south bay spring break trip. no, not a drive over the mountain to the beach. we took a drive up mount hamilton to the snow and we weren't alone. >> this beautiful snow. there's a san jose. it's a it's a nice. so my kids like it. >> we found wilmer hernandez and his sons enjoying the snow. it's a rare sight for many in san jose, and they made the most of it. >> it was really, really fun. this is my third time, and this is my little brother's second time. we were throwing snowballs on each other on our drive up to the lick observatory. >> we pass by many others who took in the snowy april views. when it comes to snow in the south bay, this is the spot i've been snowed on on memorial day up here. >> so well, we get snow pretty regular. >> when we made it to the observatory visitor center, we
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were shocked with what we saw. no one was there. while we were surprised, lick observatory chief mechanic dan espinoza had a different reaction. >> imagine ten parking spaces and a thousand cars. that's not an exaggeration. i've had people backed up single file for turns down, but not today. >> and we later learned why, just after we made the trek up, chp closed the road due to driving safety concerns, meaning aaron and his family were luckier than they even know. >> you had fun, though, right? >> yeah. >> how much fun? like 100% fun. >> and that's what it's all about in san jose. dustin dawsey, abc seven news. >> you can track the weather any time. live with the abc seven bay area app. find it in your device's app store to download it. all right. >> from doom and gloom to growth and hope. just ahead. signs that some say are indications that downtown san francisco is making a comeback and a housing tour. >> today in san jose, a big expansion is planned for a
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housing development created for some of the most vulnerable of the community. >> coming up tonight, the deadly storms, a tree falling on a propane tank leading to a deadly home explosion in new york city. >> authorities say a southwest flight came dangerously close to the control tower, told to go around, and the deadly crane
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after years of businesses leaving economic hardships and talk of a so-called doom loop, there may be signs of recovery. at least that's according to some city and business leaders. abc seven news reporter tim johns spoke with some of them. >> downtown san francisco in 2024 is not what it was prior to the pandemic. shuttered storefronts, empty streets and an office vacancy rate hitting an all time high of over 35. however in the midst of all
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that, there are signs that things may have finally bottomed out. >> i think we may be beginning to reach an inflection point. we're seeing, for example, an increase in tenant demand, which is the, you know, the starting point for leases being signed. >> ted egan is the chief economist for the city. he tells me in the past few months, several large companies have expanded their footprint downtown. crypto company ripple recently moved their headquarters to a new space on battery street, and on wednesday, tech company rippling, also signing a new 123,000 square foot lease down the road on california street. local leaders say despite the challenges, san francisco has faced in the past, the city still has unique qualities that make its success difficult to copy. rodney fong is the president of the san francisco chamber of commerce. >> it's largely the intellectual capacity that is here in san francisco. a lot of smart people able to do this great, innovative work in san francisco yet again, is on the cutting edge of so many things that affect the world. >> downtown does still have its problems, though. robert salmons is a commercial real estate
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expert with cushman wakefield, who says the pandemic altered the market with hybrid work. he predicts the city's core will eventually bounce back from the downturn, even if it takes some time. >> after downturn, it took almost ten years to get back to where we were previous because with so much venture capital and new industries like artificial intelligence expanding in the city. >> egan says san francisco is still the place of the future. >> we're hearing venture capitalists and wanting to be in san francisco saying, you have to be in san francisco to be part of this action. we're starting to see the talent saying, i need to be in the office more, and i need to move back to the bay area because it's starting to happen again in san francisco. >> tim johns, abc7 news. >> temporary a temporary housing shelter is about to undergo a big expansion in san jose. one of the latest efforts to build a better bay area mayor matt mehan toured the rue ferrari interim housing site with congressman jimmy panetta. panetta secured $1 million to more than double
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capacity at the shelter. currently, it has 124 individual rooms and beds. the funds will allow san jose to add an additional 134 beds. >> it gives our vulnerable neighbors shelter services, security and the time that's needed to get them into permanent housing. >> san jose's mayor says interim housing sites have served 1500 people over the past three years. 70% of them remain in stable housing. >> a crane conversation at the port of oakland that some members of congress had to see for themselves today. >> next, the sry bind the new clean energy hubs and how
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oakland will soon run on hydrogen. today, senator alex padilla and congressmember barbara lee visited the site for a firsthand look at how it would work. the two helped secure up to $1.2 billion in federal funding to create hydrogen hubs.
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these are locations across california that will produce clean, renewable hydrogen power. >> we'll be able to reduce the emissions and decarbonize our economy, including heavy industry, a sector of the economy that has been a challenge for other types of clean technologies. >> the hydrogen hub is just one of several clean energy projects happening at the port. the funding comes from the bipartisan infrastructure law, which provided up to $7 billion to build regional hydrogen hubs throughout the nation. >> all right little rain, little snow in spots. chilly today. how much more of this should we expect? yeah well, sandhya patel has that answer for us. >> sandhya. yeah. another day of this. >> dan and anna, i want to show you a live picture from our santa cruz camera where the raindrops are falling and you can see it's not exactly a beach day. as dan mentioned, it is chilly out there looking at live doppler seven, we're going to track where we are seeing some showers right now. very light to moderate right around novato, belmar and keyes boulevard. we are also seeing that some
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thunderstorms have rolled through parts of the east bay. you can see taking you back in time. so watch out for downpours. it's steady rain from the marina district down to brisbane and around the peninsula. burlingame highway 82 el camino area getting some moderate rain falling right now as we take you back in time. it has been snowing over our local peaks from the santa cruz mountains to mount hamilton to mount diablo, even mount tam and this snow will continue to fall. santa cruz mountains. right now it is steady rain and it is coming down so. some heavier rain falling right now. the low is just off the coast and we are seeing the sierra picking up that snow as well. compared to 24 hours ago, the chill is in the air at 13 degrees cooler in concord and in santa rosa down nine in san jose. look at these current temperatures. i mean, most of you are in the 40s and 50s. clear lake is 38 degrees. the wind is gusty as well in some parts. sfo 25 miles an hour. a
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live view from our oakland airport camera where the clouds are stacked up. showers and snow through tomorrow. thunderstorms with brief downpours and hail continues as well, and for the weekend weather, it's dry and it's sunnier for saturday. i'll explain what's ahead for sunday. it's a level one for today and tomorrow it's a light system, cold showers, gusty winds, snow on our peaks, thunderstorms and hail is what you can expect. 6:00 tonight. still seeing that wintry mix that goes on at 8 p.m. with the snow over the higher elevations. 10:00 santa cruz mountains, mount hamilton, the mountains to our north also will be picking up the snow showers and then tomorrow morning commute time. we do have a few showers around. i stopped the clock at 130 just before the giants home opener, and i will say that you may just actually be very fortunate that the showers will be a little bit more to the east. the showers will come back around though by evening as you will notice 7:00. so rainfall estimates anywhere from a few hundreds to about an inch, almost of rain in the mountains. it is snow. here's where we're expecting
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accumulating snow. santa cruz mountains, mount hamilton, mount hamilton's picked up quite a bit. don't be surprised if you see some more flurries. snow level has been dropping as snow has been reported as low as 1500ft. and as you will notice, up around the northern part of our viewing area, lake mendocino counties until 11 p.m. tonight. winter weather advisory above 2000ft, 2 to 5in of additional snow. it's a winter weather advisory in the sierra until 11 p.m. tomorrow. snow levels at thousand to 3000ft. so difficult travel conditions, chain controls right now on roads leading to tahoe 30s, 40s. chill in the air. it almost feels like winter tomorrow afternoon. high temperatures will moderate a bit. numbers will be in the 50s. and here's a look at that opening day for the giants as they take on the padres 54 degrees and isolated shower chance at 135. but by the ninth inning, breezy and partly cloudy. the accuweather seven day forecast. it's a one tomorrow with a showers and snow on our peaks. the thunder chance chill is with us saturday. a slight possibility of a few
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sprinkles sunday, but we're going to warm it up. clear it out just in time for our solar eclipse on monday. and look at those 80s by thursday. it's going to be more like summer ama and dan by then. all right. >> thanks, sandhya. >> all right, a celebration today for a spot that makes san francisco such a special place. next. stop. we got it? no. keep going. again... [ gasps ] next. if you don't pick one, i... am i keeping you from your job? next. stop! do we finally have it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer.
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reversing to do you >> sounds beautiful. this afternoon, park visitors found themselves in the middle of a birthday party. today marks 154 years since the park first opened. >> city officials, as well as dozens of other guests, braved the rain to be a part of the celebration, which included a rock climbing wall, several activities for kids and, of course, birthday cake. >> well, we still have much more news ahead. here's a look at the stories coming up at 530 on abc seven bay area streaming tv. california became a national leader when it became the first state in the nation to come up with a plan to address reparations for slavery and decades of discriminatory policies. what is the plan? why is it needed and where do we go from here? we explore those questions ahead and a tie in the congressional race to represent the south bay. so what happens
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next? join us for those stories and more at 530 on abc seven. bay area streaming tv. all right, join me in just two minutes. you can download the app or join us online. >> i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. if you're watching us here on tv world news tonight with david muir is next for sandhya patel all of us. we appreciate your time. sit on two minu ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪
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salonpas, it's good medicine. tonight, breaking news. >> david: tonight, breaking news. the deadly storms in the northeast. trees down on homes. one crashing into a propane tank, leading to a deadly home explosion. and in new york city, the close call. authorities say a southwest flight came dangerously close to the control tower. you will hear what air traffic controllers start saying. first tonight, that powerful and deadly nor'easter slamming the northeast, blinding rain, dangerous winds. and in some places tonight, more than a foot of snow. a tree falling on that propane tank, then the explosion. the home destroyed. lightning striking the statue of liberty. more than a half million without power tonight. rob marciano tracking this, and


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